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Brief Summary of State Spay and Neuter Laws Cynthia F. Hodges

A majority of states have enacted laws requiring releasing agencies to sterilize cats and dogs they adopt out in an effort to reduce the number of unwanted animals. Exceptions to the mandatory sterilization laws are often made for owners and for medically unfit animals. Violations are punishable both civilly and criminally.

Brief Summary of Swap Meet Laws Zoe Friedland

Animal swap meets are places where people buy, sell or trade animals in an open-air, flea-market-style setting. Swap meet vendors sell and trade a wide range of animals, from birds, to farm animals, to cats and dogs.

Brief Summary of Texas Animal Cruelty Laws Gianna M. Ravenscroft

High school level summary of Texas animal cruelty laws. The article touches on Texas criminal and civil cruelty laws, the limited scope of the Texas criminal provisions, and the newly enacted laws that deal with dangerous wild animals.

Brief Summary of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Rebecca F. Wisch

This quick summary examines the historical reasons behind the passage of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. It also lists the relevant provisions of the Act, including what actions violate the Act and the potential penalties violators face, as well as what controversies the Act has created. At the bottom of the document are links to more detailed analyses of the Act.

Brief Summary of the Biology and Behavior of the Chicken Veronica Hirsch

A brief description of the biology and behavior of the domestic chicken.

Brief Summary of the Cycle of Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse Emilie B. Ridge

This article provides a short summary of the link between animal abuse and domestic abuse. It discusses the connection between the two and the steps that are being taken to break the cycle.

Brief Summary of the Endangered Species Act Cynthia F. Hodges

The Endangered Species Act ("ESA") prohibits importing, exporting, taking, possessing, selling, and transporting endangered and threatened species (with certain exceptions). ESA also provides for the designation of critical habitat and prohibits the destruction of that habitat. ESA provisions are enforced through the use of citizen suits, imprisonment, fines, and forfeiture.

Brief Summary of the Equine Activity Liability Act Cynthia F. Hodges

Many states have enacted EALA, which limits equine professionals’ liability for injury or death to equestrian participants. EALA only limits liability if the injury or death had been due to an inherent risk involved with interacting with horses. EALA does not limit liability if the injury or death had been caused by a non-inherent risk or caused by the equine professional’s own negligence.

Brief Summary of the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (HMSA) Cynthia Hodges

This article gives a quick summary of the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (HMSA). The Act requires that humane methods of slaughtering and handling livestock in connection with slaughter be used. Livestock animals, such as cattle, calves, horses, mules, sheep, swine, and goats, must be rendered insensible to pain before being shackled, hoisted, thrown, cast, or cut.

Brief Summary of the Initiative and Referendum Process Cynthia Allen

This article gives a quick overview of the initiative and referendum process for states. The general requirements to implement such a ballot proposal as well as the potential concerns are provided.

Brief Summary of the International Trade in Wild-Caught Reptiles James M. Green

This brief summary overviews the problems associated with the international illegal reptile trade.

Brief Summary of the Lacey Act Cynthia F. Hodges

The Lacey Act prohibits international and domestic wildlife trafficking. The Act makes it a separate crime to trade in wildlife, fish, and plants that have been taken in violation of other federal, state, or foreign laws. The Act also prohibits falsifying documents used for wildlife shipments and failing to mark wildlife shipments. Violators are subject to civil and criminal penalties. 

Brief Summary of the Laws Pertaining to Zoos Kali S. Grech

This summary briefly examines the laws pertaining to zoo animals on the state, federal, and international level. Until the laws are improved, and there is stricter control and more enforcement, zoo animals will continue to suffer.

Brief Summary of the Laws Regulating Rescue and Foster Care Programs for Companion Animals Kristen Pariser This summary briefly examines laws relating to foster-care and non-profit rescue organizations. It discusses concerns that arise relating to contractual liability, local ordinances, and tort claims.
Brief Summary of the Legal Protections of the Domestic Chicken in the United States and Europe Veronica Hirsch

A brief summary of the state and federal laws that currently offer protection to the domestic chicken, whether used for food production, as pets or as research animals. The paper examines laws in the United States, Europe and New Zealand.

Brief Summary of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Kristina Rozan

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) was passed in 1918 to combat over-hunting and poaching that supplied the enormous demand for feathers to adorn women’s hats.  State-level hunting laws were not working, and bird populations were being decimated.  At first, the Act was based on a sing

Brief Summary of the Recovery of the Gray Wolf Under the Endangered Species Act Catherine J. Archibald

The gray wolf was almost extinct in the lower 48 states of the United States in the middle of the 1900s. Thanks to the help of the Endangered Species Act the gray wolf is well on its way to recovery. This summary discusses the

Brief Summary of The Rise of Ecoterrorism (Animal Industry Interference Laws) Renada R. Rutmanis

This summary examines the legal issues that arise when animal activist take extreme measures to document animal cruelty. Their actions, ofter termed "ecoterrorism," often involve taking photographs of alleged animal cruelty that can often be admitted at trial. However, many states have begun to enact laws targeting the actions of animal activists.

Brief Summary of the US Animal Welfare Act David Favre

This brief summary provides the main features of the US Animal Welfare Act (AWA) enacted in 1966,

Brief Summary of United Kingdom (UK) Animal Law Alice Collinson This brief summary discusses animal protection legislation in the United Kingdom (UK).
Brief Summary of Veterinary Malpractice Rebecca F. Wisch

This article provides an overview of the elements of a veterinary malpractice case, possible defenses to such an action, and issues related to professional licensing of veterinarians.

Brief Summary of Welfare Standards for Animals Used in Zoos and Exhibition Tala M. DiBenedetto This brief summary explores laws regulating zoos and other animal exhibitions. Zoos, aquariums, and animal sanctuaries are subject to federal, state, and local laws. On the federal level, the Animal Welfare Act and Endangered Species Act protect captive animals at these facilities. However, these statutes only provide minimal welfare requirements and are limited in terms of scope and enforcement. Beyond these federal laws, there are laws that protect specific species and states have adopted their own laws further regulating possession and exhibition of wild animals. In addition to increased regulation, there have been a number of organizations offering accreditation for exhibiting facilities, holding these facilities to a higher standard of animal welfare than the minimum requirements set out by federal laws like the Animal Welfare Act.
Brief Summary of Whaling Tom Krepitch Early in the twentieth century, the technology used in whaling advanced so significantly that the global whale population became threatened. Efforts to decrease the number of whales killed grew after World War II and resulted in a major victory in the 1980s when commercial whaling was banned. However, this ban is still a major source of controversy as Japan continues to kill hundreds of whales each year in the Antarctic under what it calls a scientific whaling exception, but Australia labels as mere cover for a commercial whaling program.
Brief Summary of Wildlife Rehabilitation Laws Angela Nicole Johnson

This article presents a brief summary of the laws affecting wildlife rehabilitators. Wildlife rehabilitators care for orphaned and/or injured wildlife with the goal of returning animals back into their native habitat. Although a rehabilitator’s focus is on the care of wildlife, rehabilitators necessarily spend time complying with local, state, and federal laws, fundraising activities, coordinating volunteers, and educating the public about wildlife.

Brief Summary of Wildlife Services Rachel Pemberton This summary describes the role and function of Wildlife Services within the USDA. It describes management practices, both lethal and non-lethal as well as the concerns that have been raised with respect to WS methods.
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