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Overview of Feral Cat and Wild Bird Controversy Ariahna Sanchez This overview outlines the factors that have contributed to the cat population crisis and resulting feral cat concerns. It discusses the approaches used in different states to manage feral cat populations, and how a recent trend is to view them as "community cats" instead of "feral cats." The controversy surrounding this shift in caring for community cat populations, and the resulting impact on wild bird populations, is also explored.
Overview of Feral Cat Population Control Anthony E. LaCroix

This is an overview of issues regarding feral cats. Concerns about feral cat populations include the spread of disease and predation of endangered or protected species of birds. There is disagreement over how best to deal with cat overpopulation.

Overview of Florida Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate This is a short overview of Florida Great Ape law.
Overview of Fur Animals and Fur Production Lesley A Peterson

This overview discusses laws concerning fur farming and the trapping of fur animals. It details the historical use of fur as well as an examination of the current international fur trade.

Overview of Georgia Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate This is a short overview of Georgia Great Ape law.
Overview of Gray Wolf Legal Challenges from 2005 to the Present Erin Furman

Since 2005, the gray wolf's status on the Endangered Species List has been caught in an ongoing legal battle between environmental groups and the federal government. In some regions of the country, the gray wolf remains listed under the Endangered Species Act as endangered. In other regions, the gray wolf has been downlisted to threatened or completely delisted.

Overview of Great Apes under the Animal Welfare Act Hanna Coate This is a brief overview of the regulation of Great Apes under the Animal Welfare Act.
Overview of Great Apes under the Chimpanzee Health Improvement, Maintenance, and Protection Act Hanna Coate This is a brief overview of the regulation of Great Apes under the CHIMP act.
Overview of Great Apes under the Endangered Species Act Hanna Coate This is a brief overview of the regulation of Great Apes under the Endangered Species Act.
Overview of Hawaii Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate This is a short overview of Hawaii Great Ape law.
Overview of Historical Materials David Favre

This article provides a quick overview of the historical materials available through the Web Center

Overview of Hog Farming in Iowa Leana E. Stormont

This article describes the decline of family hog farming in Iowa and how farming has transitioned to an industrial model of swine production.

Overview of Horse Laws Craig M Smith

This college level paper provides a general overview of horse law. Included is a discussion of anti-slaughtering laws, cruelty laws, and the federal Wild Horse and Burros Act.

Overview of Horse Slaughter for Human Consumption Christen Wiser

This overview focuses on horsemeat for human consumption, with a special look at its status in the U.S. It details the expiration of the federal "ban" on horse slaughter that existed from 2007 to 2011. Recently, federal appropriations omitted the horsemeat inspection defunding provision, allowing the resumption of horse slaughter in the U.S.

Overview of Humane Societies and Enforcement Powers Christopher A Pierce

In many states, humane societies are given police powers to enforce animal cruelty laws. This Article explains the different ways that state legislatures vest police powers to humane societies.

Overview of Idaho Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate This is a short overview of Idaho Great Ape law.
Overview of Illinois Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate This is a short overview of Illinois Great Ape law.
Overview of Indiana Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate This is a short overview of Indiana Great Ape law.
Overview of International Comparative Animal Cruelty Laws Paige M. Tomaselli

Overview of the comparison between US animal cruelty laws and those in Europe. Specifically, laws of the US, EU, Germany, Norway and Switzerland are addressed. The comparison is based around companion animal and confinement farming laws, transportation and slaughter.

Overview of International Whaling Commission Angela Lang

This overview discusses the origin of the International Whaling Commission as a regulatory body to manage the whaling industry. As whale populations decreased in the latter part of the 20th century, the IWC took on the role of conservation, which included the implementation of a moratorium on whaling and the designation of ocean sanctuaries.

Overview of Invasive Species and Animal Welfare Cassandra Burdyshaw

This overview discusses state and federal laws that control the spread of invasive species. It also touches upon the tension between eradication methods and potential animal welfare concerns.

Overview of Iowa Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate This is a short overview of Iowa Great Ape law.
Overview of Kansas Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate This is an overview of Kansas Great Ape law.
Overview of Kentucky Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate This is a short overview of Kentucky Great Ape law.
Overview of Law in Lost Pet Disputes Christopher A. Berry

This summary provides a concise overview of the law governing lost pet disputes that occur when a lost pet is adopted or injured by someone other than the original owner.

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