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  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).
  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).
  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).
  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).
  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).

Judgment 00316-2018-0-1801-SP-CI-01 - Peru

This case regards the use of horses as transportation and control by police. The suit was brought by the Peruvian Institute of Legal Counsel for the Environment and Biodiversity against the Ministry of the Interior to challenge a law relating to the police force and the use of horses. The Institute cites Law 30407, which prescribes the protection of animal welfare, as the horses are put in peril when used in policing matters.

Sentencia 00316-2018-0-1801-SP-CI-01, 2019 - Peru


Este caso se refiere al uso de caballos como medio de transporte y control por parte de la policía. La demanda fue interpuesta por el Instituto Peruano de Asesoría Legal en Medio Ambiente y Biodiversidad contra el Ministerio del Interior para impugnar una ley relativa a la policía y el uso de caballos. El Instituto cita la Ley 30407, que prescribe la protección del bienestar animal, ya que los caballos corren peligro cuando se utilizan en asuntos policiales. El tribunal discutió en su dictamen cuestiones de bienestar animal, constitucionalidad y varios casos precedentes, incluida la interpretación de la palabra "montado", y sostuvo que la demanda era nula de pleno derecho.

Sentencia 07392-2013-PHC/TC - Peru


The plaintiff in this case filed a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of the company Horse Brown against the Lima Park Service to obtain possession of the numerous farm animals that the park owned on its property. The plaintiff alleged a violation of the right to property and that their seizure constituted a violation of the respect for life, dignity, and treatment of animals, as the legal system protects their welfare. The court, in its ruling, analyzed the concepts of habeas corpus, the writ of protection or 'Amparo', and the dignity of animals. The court held that the defendant did not violate the plaintiff's property rights, given that the animals were not in danger of death, and that the plaintiff had abandoned the animals. The court dismissed this issue, which, it stated, should be understood as an application of the right to protection.

Judgment 07392-2013-PHC/TC - Peru


This judgment resolves the dissents of the judges as written in the Serrano v. Horse Brown SAC case. It discusses ideas of the protection of nonhuman animals and the prevalence of positive and negative duties to nature, as well as Peruvian constitutional rights concerning property and overall personal liberty. The judgment resolves that the lawsuit was unfounded and must be understood within the framework of Amparo law.

Chang v. Alzamora, 01936-2017-PHC/TC - Peru


El demandante interpuso una demanda de habeas corpus en su nombre y en el de sus dos hijas pequeñas contra el demandado por violación de sus derechos a la libertad individual y a la tranquilidad familiar. El demandante alegó que los perros del demandado ladraban con tanta frecuencia y tan fuerte que la familia no podía descansar por la noche ni desplazarse por los pasillos por miedo a ser atacada. El tribunal debatió la constitucionalidad de la materia abstracta, la finalidad de una demanda de habeas corpus y el derecho a la integridad personal en relación con la reclamación del demandante. En última instancia, sostuvo que la demanda debía admitirse a trámite en la presente sede constitucional con carácter excepcional.

Chang v. Alzamora, 01936-2017-PHC/TC - Peru

The plaintiff brought a habeas corpus lawsuit on behalf of himself and his two young daughters against the defendant for violating their rights to individual liberty and family tranquility. The plaintiff alleged that the defendant’s dogs barked so frequently and loudly that the family could not rest at night and travel through the halls out of fear of being attacked. The court discussed the abstract subject matter’s constitutionality, the purpose of a habeas corpus lawsuit, and the right to personal integrity regarding the plaintiff’s claim.

Sentencia 01413-2017-PA/TC, 2016 - Peru

El demandante interpuso esta demanda de amparo contra los propietarios del edificio en el que alquilaba su piso por haber prohibido recientemente la entrada de animales de compañía en el edificio y no permitirles utilizar el ascensor. El demandante alega que, con la prohibición de animales de compañía, se han vulnerado varios de sus derechos de propiedad. También planteó cuestiones de salud y seguridad para las mascotas en relación con el hecho de que no se les permitiera coger el ascensor.

Judgment 01413-2017-PA/TC, 2016 - Peru


The plaintiff brought this amparo suit against the owners of the building where he rented his apartment for newly prohibiting pets in the building and not allowing them to take the elevator. The plaintiff claims that, through the prohibition of pets, several of his property rights have been violated. He also raised issues of health and safety for pets with regard to not being allowed to take the elevator. The court declared the claim founded and discussed various regulations that would serve as a compromise between the parties.
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