Judgment 00316-2018-0-1801-SP-CI-01 - Peru

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Country of Origin:  Peru Court Name:  SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE OF LIMA FIRST CIVIL CHAMBER Primary Citation:  00316-2018-0-1801-SP-CI-01 Date of Decision:  Judge Name:  Paredes Flores Docket Num:  00316-2018-0-1801-SP-CI-01 Documents:  Caso caballos utilizados por la policía para el control del orden_ Expediente 00316-2018-0-1801-SP-CI-01, Resolución 08, Primera Sala Civil de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima, 2019.pdf

This case regards the use of horses as transportation and control by police. The suit was brought by the Peruvian Institute of Legal Counsel for the Environment and Biodiversity against the Ministry of the Interior to challenge a law relating to the police force and the use of horses. The Institute cites Law 30407, which prescribes the protection of animal welfare, as the horses are put in peril when used in policing matters. The court discussed matters of animal welfare, constitutionality, and several precedent cases in its opinion, including the interpretation of the word “mounted,” and held that the claim was overall null and void. 

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