Resolucion No. 07, 2023 - Caso Kira - Peru
In this matter, a man repeatedly stabbed his girlfriend’s dog, “Dachi,” after she confessed to having an affair with his friend. The man had been drinking and taking drugs, and in his anger, took violent action against Dachi as revenge against his girlfriend. Dachi survived, but veterinarians were unsure of how long Dachi would live or her quality of life. The man was later found to have psychological instabilities and had committed several other crimes.
This law deems it necessary to promote the breeding of fighting cattle as a national interest.
Esta ley pretende regular y promover el uso de perros guía para discapacitados visuales, incluyendo la atención veterinaria a los perros, la certificación y registro de su condición de perro guía, el adiestramiento y las condiciones de uso.
This law aims to further regulate and promote the use of guide dogs for the visually impaired, including veterinary care for the dogs, certification and registration of their guide dog status, training, and conditions of use.
Esta ley establece una breve lista de lo que podría considerarse "perros potencialmente peligrosos" de conformidad con la Ley 27596.
This law establishes a brief list of what could be considered “potentially dangerous dogs” in accordance with Law No. 27596.