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Detailed Discussion of Breed Specific Legislation Anna Jones This paper first examines the anatomy of a typical breed ban and outlines which dogs are restricted and what tests are used to identify them. Next, it explores the history of breed bans and their introduction into modern society – focusing in particular on the 1980’s media coverage of fatal dog attacks that spread fear and fueled the passage of BSL. The paper finally considers the current status of breed specific legislation.
Detailed Discussion of California Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate In California, all gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos, and gibbons are classified as “wildlife” that must be restricted by the state for their own health and welfare. According to the legislature, it is necessary to regulate the import, possession, use, and treatment of Great Apes because “many animals die in captivity or transit…some keepers of wild animals lack sufficient knowledge or facilities for the proper care of wild animals … [and] some wild animals are a threat to public health and safety.”The following discussion begins with a general overview of the various state statutes and regulations affecting Great Apes. It then analyzes the applicability of those laws to the possession and use of apes for specific purposes, including their possession as pets, for scientific research, for commercial purposes, and in sanctuaries. The discussion concludes with a compilation of local ordinances which govern the possession and use of apes within geographic subdivisions of the state.
Detailed Discussion of Canada's Anti-Cruelty Laws Jessica Pask This paper summarizes the current state of Canadian animal anti-cruelty laws. It examines the federal, provincial, and municipal laws that govern and enforce penalties against those who commit cruel acts against animals. The paper also examines select cases in Canadian animal cruelty jurisprudence and compares Canadian anti-cruelty laws with their counterparts in the United States.
Detailed Discussion of Cattle Laws David S Turk

Detailed discussion of cattle laws. Discussion touches upon husbandry practices, dairy industry, veal industry, inspection of meat products, product labeling and marketing, grazing, and rodeos.

Detailed Discussion of Chimpanzee Laws in the United States and Abroad Alicia S Ivory

This article summarizes the international and American laws affecting chimpanzees. Each law is described, and the ways in which each law works well and works poorly are discussed. Generally, all laws affecting chimpanzees as they are currently written, do not adequately protect the species from the most salient threats to its survival.

Detailed Discussion of Colorado Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate Since 1994, Colorado’s Pet Animal Care and Facilities Act (PACFA) has banned the import, possession, sale, and transfer of apes. . However, the ban is somewhat limited and there is little state-level regulation of apes beyond that. Generally, it is illegal to import, possess, or sell apes for use as pets; but federally licensed exhibitors (like circuses, zoos, animal acts, and some wildlife sanctuaries), scientific research facilities, and disabled people can freely import, possess, buy, and sell those animals.The following discussion begins with a general overview of the various state statutes and regulations affecting Great Apes. It then analyzes the applicability of those laws to the possession and use of apes for specific purposes, including their possession as pets, for scientific research, for commercial purposes, and in sanctuaries. The discussion concludes with a compilation of local ordinances which govern the possession and use of apes within geographic subdivisions of the state.
Detailed Discussion of Commercial Breeders and Puppy Mills Robyn F. Katz

Enforcement of commercial breeding laws rests within the individual states. It is important that states maintain uniformity, however, to preserve legitimate breeding operations. Without proper enforcement of current laws, and stricter laws introduced, puppy mills will continue to thrive on consumer demand.

Detailed Discussion of Commercial Breeders and Puppy Mills Kimberly Barnes This paper gives an overview of the commercial breeding industry in the United States, beginning with a discussion of the industry’s various market forms, including brick and mortar pet stores, Internet websites, and foreign breeders. The paper then examines the underlying federal law and administrative regulations that provide minimum care standards for certain breeders. What follows is information on various state laws and recent legislation, including an examination of the increasing prevalence of local laws that address the puppy mill industry. The paper then explains the enforcement of puppy mill laws, which is criticized as insufficient to address the problem, and concludes with the observation that local laws and consumer education appear to be the most feasible solutions to combatting the prevalence of commercial breeding.
Detailed Discussion of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Elizabeth Overcash

This discussion of CAFOs and animal welfare measures introduces CAFOs and the agricultural industry. It then examines the animal welfare, environmental, and human health concerns that have arisen with CAFOs. Finally, the article notes the legislation and ballot initiatives that have been enacted to address these concerns.

Detailed Discussion of Connecticut Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate Under Section 26-40a of Connecticut’s Fisheries and Game Law, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans are classified as “potentially dangerous animals” which may not be possessed by the general public. All federally licensed or registered exhibitors and research facilities are exempt from the ban; however, the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) prohibits the importation of potentially dangerous apes by many exhibitors (except zoos, nature centers, and municipal parks).The following discussion begins with a general overview of the various state statutes and regulations affecting Great Apes. It then analyzes the applicability of those laws to the possession and use of apes for specific purposes, including their possession as pets, for scientific research, for commercial purposes, and in sanctuaries.
Detailed Discussion of Cross-Reporting Laws Tarun Bishop

I. Introduction

Envision the following: You have been hired to work as a Child Protective Services (CPS) employee. You receive a tip of suspected child abuse at a house, and you obtain permission to investigate. You knock on the door. A dog barks; you hear someone screaming “NO!!

Detailed Discussion of D.C. Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate Washington D.C. does not have any statutes or regulations that specifically address Great Apes. Instead, the District has a blanket ban on all animals that are not specifically exempt by statute. Because they are not exempt from the ban, it is illegal to import, possess, and sell gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, and gibbons within the municipality. The following discussion begins with a general overview of the various state statutes and regulations affecting Great Apes. It then analyzes the applicability of those laws to the possession and use of apes for specific purposes, including their possession as pets, for scientific research, for commercial purposes, and in sanctuaries.
Detailed Discussion of Damages for Death or Injury of Companion Animals Angie Vega

I. Introduction

This is an overview of how the law compensates pet owners for injury or death of their companion animals caused by the wrongful conduct of another person.

Detailed Discussion of Delaware Great Ape Laws Hanna Coate In Delaware, the importation, possession, and sale of apes are governed by the state’s Endangered Species laws and the Exotic Animal laws. The following discussion begins with a general overview of the various state statutes and regulations affecting Great Apes. It then analyzes the applicability of those laws to the possession and use of apes for specific purposes, including their possession as pets, for scientific research, for commercial purposes, and in sanctuaries.
Detailed Discussion of Divorce and Pets Kelly Olszuk

I. Introduction

The unfortunate reality is that our beloved pets sometimes outlive our relationships. Despite the fact that a couple’s love for each other may come to an end, the love for our pets will not change.

Detailed Discussion of Dog Auctions and Retail Rescue Kayla Venckauskas This paper first describes a typical dog auction. Next, the paper details the factors that have led to dog auctions being fueled by well-intentioned rescue groups, relevant law that applies to dog auctions and what other legislative factors impact this trend. Finally, the paper offers potential solutions to shore up this growing problem.
Detailed Discussion of Dog Bite Laws David S. Favre

This article provides a detailed discussion of dog bite law and liability. It includes an introduction to tort law as well as common torts involving dogs. An examination of strict liability and vicious propensity is also included.

Detailed Discussion of Dog Fighting Hanna Gibson

An in-depth article on the insidious crime of dogfighting, including information for investigators and prosecutors. The discussion focuses on the history, sociology, and and effects on communities due to dogfighting. Further included is a discussion of the relevant legal issues raised in prosecuting dogfighting offenders.

Detailed Discussion of Dolphin Drive Hunts Lauren Tierney

This article discusses the method of dolphin drive hunting, particularly in Japan, and the conventions and agreements that may potentially provide the best protection for dolphins from these hunts. It also discusses the welfare issues surrounding the hunting methods and the Japanese cultural interest in maintaining the hunts.

Detailed Discussion of Dolphins Under the MMPA Jamie M. Woolsey

This discussion analyzes the historical significance and legislative history of the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Act's effectiveness in protecting dolphins. Included in the topics are international efforts in dolphin conservation and more recent concerns of human interaction with dolphins.

Detailed Discussion of Elephants and the Ivory Trade Ann Linder This paper will examine the global ivory trade and its effect of elephant populations. It begins with a historical discussion of ivory demand as well as the relationship between elephants and ivory. The paper then looks at poaching rates over time and the poaching industry generally. Next, the paper considers two competing approaches to elephant conservation and catalogues how they have informed CITES decisions regarding elephants beginning in 1975. In addition, it discusses relevant laws in ivory-producing nations and consuming nations. Finally, the paper examines U.S. laws regarding elephants and ivory, as well as legal challenges to those policies.
Detailed Discussion of Emerging Issues in Municipal Ordinances Jacqueline M. Logan

This paper will discuss those emerging areas that have recently cropped up in many municipalities throughout the United States and how municipalities have addressed these areas through passing of ordinances. Mandatory spay and neutering, feral cat management, declawing, retail sales of pets, breeding licenses, and tethering laws will be discussed, including the strengths and weaknesses of each ordinance. Additionally, suggestions for municipalities for how to construct their own ordinances in each of these areas are included.

Detailed Discussion of European Animal Welfare Laws 2003 to Present: Explaining the Downturn Nicholas K. Pedersen

After a flurry of legislative activity in the 1990s, EU animal welfare initiatives have stagnated of late. This article seeks to explain why, by pointing to factors such as changing EU membership, implementation costs, and fallout from extremist attacks. After providing an overview of recent animal welfare legislation, the paper discusses the slowdown and its causes, and then ventures some educated guesses about what can be expected on the European animal welfare front in coming years.

Detailed Discussion of Exotic Pet Laws Matthew G. Liebman

This paper examines state and local statutes and regulations regarding private possession of captive wildlife, or exotic pets. It also discusses the policy and constitutional issues surrounding these regulations.

Detailed Discussion of Exotic Pet Laws Update Martha Drouet (updated by Asia Siev) First, this paper details the various policy concerns that private exotic animal ownership presents to the public, the animals, and the environment. Next, this paper briefly lays out the few federal laws that apply and the effects they have on private exotic animal ownership. State laws are then analyzed under four regulatory schemes: bans on private wildlife possession, partial bans on certain wild or exotic animals, a licensing scheme for owning exotic or wild animals, and states with miscellaneous or no regulations, including an analysis of states that ban or regulate hybrids of domestic and exotic or wild animals. Then, a few local regulations are discussed, followed by the way these laws and regulations are enforced. Finally, trends over the last decade are discussed along with conclusions and possible recommendations for comprehensive protection.
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