Table of State Rabies Vaccination Laws for Companion Animals

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Rebecca F. Wisch Publish Year:  Place of Publication:  Michigan State University College of Law Primary Citation:  Animal Legal & Historical Center

This table explores state rabies vaccination laws in the U.S. Rabies is a virus that is transmitted through the saliva of an infected animal. Rabies attacks the brain and central nervous system of infected animal. Once symptoms appear, the virus is almost always fatal. Dogs are the most common animal that spreads the rabies virus to humans. In 1885, a vaccine for rabies was developed for treatment of the disease in humans. Nearly 100 years later, a research laboratory in the Philippines developed and produced a vaccine for dogs that gave a three-year span of immunity. In many countries, vaccination of dogs against rabies has effectively eliminated the dog-maintained rabies virus variant in the U.S.

Most states require rabies vaccinations for dogs, cats, and sometimes ferrets after those animals reach a certain age (typically between three and six months old). This may serve as a prerequisite to obtaining a dog license issued by a city or county. About ten states have no laws or regulations at the state level that require inoculation against the rabies virus.

The table looks at what animals are subject to vaccination requirements, by what age those vaccines must be administered, who can administer the vaccines (usually a licensed veterinarian), what constitutes proof of vaccination, and whether the laws or regulations allow an exemption from vaccine. Not every state provides an avenue for exemption. All in all, a majority of states do require at least dogs to be vaccinated as puppies to protect the health and safety of communities within the state.

Note: this table lists laws for resident animals - those born in and/or already dwelling in the state. Importation of animals from another state may have different rabies requirements.


Age of Vaccination and Frequency

Animal(s) Covered by Law

Who Administers Vaccine

Proof of Vaccination

 Exceptions to Vaccination?



Dog, cat, or ferret must be vaccinated for rabies by 3 months and then frequency established by the State Board of Health.

Ala. Code 1975 § 3-7A-2

Dogs, cats, or ferrets

The rabies officer, his or her authorized representative, or any duly licensed veterinarian.

Ala. Code 1975 § 3-7A-2


Evidence of immunization shall consist of a printed certificate furnished by the Alabama Department of Public Health.

Ala. Code 1975 § 3-7A-2

The State Board of Health by rule may establish procedures and qualifications for an exemption from the requirement for a vaccination for an animal if a rabies vaccination would be injurious to the animal's health.

Ala. Code 1975 § 3-7A-2

With the written consent of an animal's owner, a veterinarian with a valid client/patient relationship (VC/PR) may issue a certificate exempting an animal from the rabies vaccination requirements in § 3-7A-2, Code of Ala. 1975, if he or she determines that it would be medically contraindicated to vaccinate the animal due to an infirmity, other medical condition, or regimen of therapy. The Certificate of Exemption from Rabies Vaccine form in Appendix A to these rules shall be used.

Ala. Admin. Code r. 420-4-4-.08


Rabies vaccination of dogs, cats, and ferrets is required in accordance with schedules in the Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control, 2011. 

Alaska Admin. Code tit. 7, § 27.022

Dogs, cats, and ferrets

A rabies vaccination is valid only when performed by or under the direct supervision of a veterinarian licensed in this state or by a lay vaccinator approved by the department as qualified to administer the vaccine and for whom the department determines, in its discretion, that approval is in the best interests of the state in carrying out the purposes of this section.

Alaska Admin. Code tit. 7, § 27.022

The rabies vaccination certificate developed by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. is adopted as the only valid rabies vaccination certificate.

Alaska Admin. Code tit. 7, § 27.022

 None listed


All animals in Arizona vaccinated against rabies shall be vaccinated as prescribed in the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians' Compendium of Animal Rabies Control, 2016 Part I Section A. This material is incorporated by reference, does not include any later amendments or editions of the incorporated matter, and is on file with the Department and the Office of the Secretary of State.

A.A.C. R3-2-409
Dogs and other animalsVeterinarian


Before a license is issued for any dog, the owner or a veterinarian must present a paper or electronic copy or telefacsimile of the vaccination certificate signed by a veterinarian stating the owner's name and address, and giving the dog's description, date of vaccination, manufacturer and serial number of the vaccine used and date revaccination is due. A duplicate of each rabies vaccination certificate issued shall be transmitted to the county enforcement agent within two weeks of the date the dog was vaccinated. No dog shall be licensed unless it is vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of this article and the regulations promulgated pursuant to this article.

A. R. S. § 11-1010

 None listed


All dogs, cats, and other animals shall be vaccinated against rabies as required by the State Board of Health.

A.C.A. § 20-19-305

The owner of every dog or cat 4 months of age or older shall have the animal vaccinated against rabies. Vaccination at a younger age should be in accordance with the labels of USDA licensed rabies vaccines.

Ark. Admin. Code 007.15.1-II

Dogs and cats

In definition for "vaccination against rabies" it states injection must be by a licensed veterinarian, or agent of the Health Department.

Ark. Admin. Code 007.15.1-I

 Not listed None listed


Every dog owner, after his or her dog attains the age of 4 months, shall no less than once every two years secure a license for the dog as provided by ordinance of the responsible city, city and county, or county. 

West's Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 121690

 Dogs Licensed veterinarian Not listed

A licensed veterinarian determines, on an annual basis, that a rabies vaccination would endanger the dog's life due to disease or other considerations that the veterinarian can verify and document.

A request for an exemption developed by the department and shall include a signed statement by the veterinarian explaining the inadvisability of the vaccination and a signed statement by the dog owner affirming that the owner understands the consequences and accepts all liability associated with owning a dog that has not received the canine antirabies vaccine. The request shall be submitted to the local health officer, who may issue an exemption from the canine antirabies vaccine.

West's Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 121690


No statewide law requiring vaccination:

"When it is deemed advisable in the interest of public health and safety, the board of health of an organized health department or a county board of health may order that all dogs, cats, other pet animals, or other mammals in the county or district be vaccinated against rabies, such vaccination to be performed by a licensed veterinarian."

C. R. S. A. § 25-4-607


A veterinarian, with the written consent of an animal's owner, may issue a written waiver pursuant to the rules of the health department, exempting an animal from a rabies vaccination order if the veterinarian, in his or her professional opinion, determines that the rabies inoculation is contraindicated due to the animal's medical condition.

The executive director of the health department shall enact rules allowing for the exemption of an animal from a rabies vaccination due to the medical condition of the animal.

C. R. S. A. § 25-4-607


A dog or cat of the age of 3 months or older shall have such dog or cat vaccinated against rabies.

C. G. S. A. § 22-339b

 Dogs and cats 

Proof of vaccination shall be a certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian.

C. G. S. A. § 22-339b


The State Veterinarian or the Commissioner of Agriculture, or the commissioner's designee, may grant an exemption from vaccination against rabies for a dog or cat if a licensed veterinarian has examined such animal and determined that a rabies vaccination would endanger the animal's life due to disease or other medical considerations. Such exemption may be granted for an individual animal only after the veterinarian has consulted with the State Veterinarian, the Commissioner of Agriculture, or the commissioner's designee, and completed and submitted to the department an application for exemption from rabies vaccination on a form approved by the Department of Agriculture.

C. G. S. A. § 22-339b



Any person owning a dog 6 months of age or older in this State shall have that dog vaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian.

Any person owning a cat 6 months of age or older in this State shall have the cat vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian.

Any person owning a ferret 6 months of age or older in this State shall have the ferret vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian.

3 Del.C. § 8204

Dogs, cats, and ferretsLicensed veterinarian

A rabies vaccination certificate will be promptly issued to the owner of each dog, cat, or ferret vaccinated against rabies.

3 Del.C. § 8204

An exemption from vaccination against rabies may be permitted if a licensed veterinarian has examined the animal and based on the veterinarian's professional judgment has certified in writing that at the time, vaccination would endanger the animal's health because of its infirmity, disability, illness, or other medical considerations and a titer test, in the case of these medical exemptions, may be administered to assist in determining the need for the vaccination.

3 Del.C. § 8204



An owner who has a dog over the age of 4 months shall have the dog vaccinated against rabies and distemper. Pursuant to rules issued by the Mayor, an owner of a cat over the age of 4 months shall have that cat vaccinated against rabies.

DC CODE § 8-1803

 Dogs Not listed Not listed None listed


All dogs, cats, and ferrets 4 months of age or older must be vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian against rabies with a vaccine that is licensed by the United States Department. 

West's F. S. A. § 828.30

Dogs, cats, and ferrets

Licensed veterinarian

Upon vaccination against rabies, the licensed veterinarian shall provide the animal's owner and the animal control authority with a rabies vaccination certificate. Each animal control authority and veterinarian shall use the “Rabies Vaccination Certificate” of the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV) or an equivalent form approved by the local government that contains all the information required by the NASPHV Rabies Vaccination Certificate.

West's F. S. A. § 828.30

A dog, cat, or ferret is exempt from vaccination against rabies if a licensed veterinarian has examined the animal and has certified in writing that at the time vaccination would endanger the animal's health because of its age, infirmity, disability, illness, or other medical considerations. An exempt animal must be vaccinated against rabies as soon as its health permits.

West's F. S. A. § 828.30


The county boards of health are empowered and required to adopt and promulgate rules and regulations requiring canines and felines to be inoculated against rabies and to prescribe the intervals and means of inoculation

Ga. Code Ann., § 31-19-5

 Dogs and catsDetermined by county board of health Not listedHouse Bill 1000 (2022) proposes to add health exemptions for canines and felines for rabies vaccine.


No laws or regulations on dogs living in Hawaii.

Per the State of Hawaii, Department of Health: "Hawaii is the only state in the United States that is free of rabies and all dogs and cats entering the state must follow import rabies quarantine requirements. Cases of the disease in Hawaii have all been infected through exposures outside of the state."







No state laws or regulations

Per the Idaho State Department of Agriculture:

Are there any testing or vaccination requirements for rabies?

Idaho requires all dogs and cats 12 weeks of age and older to be vaccinated prior to importing an animal into the state. There is no mandatory vaccination for resident animals, but it is recommended to keep your animals up-to-date on vaccination so as to avoid infection through exposure to infected wildlife.




Every owner of a dog 4 months or more of age shall have each dog inoculated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian. Every dog shall have a second rabies vaccination within one year of the first. Terms of subsequent vaccine administration and duration of immunity must be in compliance with USDA licenses of vaccines used.

510 ILCS 5/8

 DogsLicensed veterinarian 

A veterinarian immunizing a dog, cat, or ferret against rabies shall provide the Administrator of the county in which the dog, cat, or ferret resides with a certificate of immunization. Evidence of such rabies inoculation shall be entered on a certificate the form of which shall be approved by the Board and which shall contain the microchip number of the dog, cat, or ferret if it has one and which shall be signed by the licensed veterinarian administering the vaccine.

510 ILCS 5/8


If a licensed veterinarian determines in writing that a rabies inoculation would compromise an animal's health, then the animal shall be exempt from the rabies inoculation requirement, however, the owner is still responsible for the tag fees.

510 ILCS 5/8


All dogs, cats, and ferrets 3 months of age and older must be vaccinated against rabies

345 IAC 1-5-2

Dogs, cats, and ferrets

Veterinarian: the animal is vaccinated by a veterinarian that is:

(A) licensed to practice veterinary medicine; and

(B) accredited by the United States Department of Agriculture under 9 CFR, Subchapter J.

345 IAC 1-5-1

The veterinarian performing a rabies vaccination of an animal shall complete a vaccination certificate or computerized record, in triplicate, on each animal being vaccinated for rabies.

345 IAC 1-5-1

 None listed


Every owner of a dog shall obtain a rabies vaccination for such animal. It shall be unlawful for any person to own or have a dog in the person's possession, 6 months of age or over, which has not been vaccinated against rabies. 

I. C. A. § 351.33


Licensed veterinarian

The veterinarian shall issue a tag with the certificate of vaccination, and such tag shall at all times be attached to the collar of the dog.

I. C. A. § 351.35

 None listed


 No specific laws or regulations    



Every owner shall have his dog, cat, or ferret initially vaccinated against rabies by the age of 4 months and revaccinated at the expiration of the immunization period as certified by the veterinarian.

KRS 258.015

Dogs, cats, and ferrets Veterinarian 

The veterinarian who vaccinates a dog, cat, or ferret shall issue to the owner a vaccination certificate on a form approved by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. The veterinarian shall also furnish each dog owner with a rabies tag bearing a serial number corresponding to the vaccination certificate with the year of immunization. The tag shall be affixed to a collar or harness furnished by the owner and shall be worn by the dog for which the tag was issued. No one except the owner or his duly authorized agent shall remove the tag.

KRS 258.015

None listed (note that Section 258.025, "Secretary may exempt dogs from vaccination," was repealed in 2004).


A dog, cat, or ferret over 3 months of age

51 LA ADC Pt III, § 103

Dogs, cats, and ferrets Licensed veterinarianNot listed None listed


An owner or keeper of a cat over 3 months of age must have that cat vaccinated against rabies.

An owner or keeper of a dog, within 30 days after the dog attains the age of 3 months, shall have that dog vaccinated against rabies.

7 M.R.S.A.§ 3916

Dogs and catsA licensed veterinarian or under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian

A licensed veterinarian who vaccinates or supervises the vaccination of a cat or dog shall issue to the owner or keeper a certificate of rabies vaccination approved by the State and shall indicate on the certificate the date by which a booster vaccination is required.

7 M.R.S.A.§ 3916

An owner or keeper of a cat or dog is exempt from the requirements of subsection 1 if a medical reason exists that precludes the vaccination of the cat or dog. To qualify for this exemption, the owner or keeper must have a written statement signed by a licensed veterinarian that includes a description of the cat or dog and the medical reason that precludes the vaccination.

7 M.R.S.A.§ 3916




Each person who owns or keeps a dog, cat, or ferret that is 4 months old or older shall have the dog, cat, or ferret vaccinated adequately against rabies.

MD Code, Health General, § 18-318

Dogs, cats, and ferrets

 Licensed veterinarian

A licensed veterinarian shall issue to the owner of the dog, cat, or ferret a vaccination certificate, on the form that the Department approves.

MD Code, Health General, § 18-319

None listed


Each owner or keeper of a dog, cat or ferret that is 6 months of age or older shall cause such dog, cat or ferret to be vaccinated against rabies.

M.G.L.A. 140 § 145B




Dogs, cats, and ferrets

Licensed veterinarian

It shall be the duty of each veterinarian, at the time of vaccinating a dog, cat or ferret, to complete a certificate of rabies vaccination.

M.G.L.A. 140 § 145B


A licensing authority may grant an exemption from this section for a dog, cat or ferret that:

(i) the local board of health has declared exempt from the rabies vaccination requirement upon presentation of a veterinarian's certificate stating that because of an infirmity, other physical condition or regimen of therapy, such inoculation is considered inadvisable for a specified period of time for such reasons;

(ii) is in transit; or

(iii) was brought into the commonwealth temporarily for the sole purpose of display in a show or for exhibition.

M.G.L.A. 140 § 145B


Ferrets: by 12-weeks of age

M. C. L. A. 287.892

Dogs: presumably by 4 months of age since a valid rabies certificate is required for licensing at this age

M. C. L. A. 287.266


 Dogs and ferrets Accredited veterinarian

The application for a license shall be accompanied by a valid certificate of a current vaccination for rabies, with a vaccine licensed by the United States department of agriculture, signed by an accredited veterinarian. The certificate for vaccination for rabies shall state the month and year of expiration for the rabies vaccination, in the veterinarian's opinion. If the application for a license is submitted electronically, the owner of the dog is not required to provide a valid certificate of a current vaccination for rabies if the dog was licensed the previous year and the dog's current rabies vaccination on record with the treasurer of the county. 

M. C. L. A. 287.266


 None listed


 No laws or regulations    


It shall be the duty of every person in this state so owning or having in his or her possession a dog or cat to have said dog or cat inoculated (vaccinated) immediately after said dog or cat has reached the age of 3 months, and it shall be said person's further duty to have said dog or cat so inoculated (vaccinated) thereafter as required by the state board of health.

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-53-1

Dogs and cats

A licensed veterinarian or other competent person granted a permit to administer virus (vaccine) by the state board of health.

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-53-5

It shall be the duty of the manufacturer or manufacturers contracted with to furnish virus (vaccine) to furnish with each ampoule (dose) of virus (vaccine), a suitable metal tag approved by the state board of health, which may be securely bradded to the collar of the dog inoculated (vaccinated). Each dog owned by or in the possession of any person within the state of Mississippi shall wear at all times a collar or other device which shall have securely bradded on to it the metal tag provided for above.

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-53-7

All persons administering virus (vaccine) in accordance with this chapter shall furnish the owner of each dog or cat inoculated (vaccinated) a certificate of inoculation (vaccination) for each dog or cat inoculated (vaccinated).

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-53-9

 None listed


No laws or regulations    


 No laws or regulations    


By 3 months of age

173 NAC Ch. 5, § 002

"Young domestic and hybrid animals"
173 NAC Ch. 5, § 002

Domestic animal means any dog of the species Canis familiaris, cat of the species Felis domesticus, or ferret of the species Mustela putorius furo, and cat means a cat which is a household pet.

Neb. Rev. St. § 71-4401 


It shall be the duty of each veterinarian, at the time of vaccinating any domestic or hybrid animal, to complete a certificate of rabies vaccination. Such veterinarian shall issue a tag with the certificate of vaccination.

Neb. Rev. St. § 71-4403

 None listed


An owner of a dog, cat or ferret shall maintain the dog, cat or ferret currently vaccinated against rabies in accordance with the provisions of this section and the recommendations set forth in the Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control, 2008 edition, published by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc., which is hereby adopted by reference. 

Nev. Admin. Code 441A.435

Dogs, cats, and ferrets Veterinarian

A veterinarian who vaccinates an animal against rabies shall complete three copies of a certificate of vaccination against rabies for the animal vaccinated. A veterinarian who vaccinates an animal against rabies shall issue to the owner a metal rabies vaccination tag, serially numbered to match the number on the certificate of vaccination against rabies.

Nev. Admin. Code 441A.440

A licensed veterinarian may exempt a dog, cat or ferret from vaccination for health reasons. The veterinarian shall record the reasons for the exemption and a specific description of the dog, cat or ferret, including the name, age, sex, breed and color on a rabies vaccination certificate which must bear the owner's name and address. The veterinarian shall record whether the reason for the exemption is permanent and, if it is not, the date the exemption expires.

A dog, cat or ferret that is exempted from or is too young for vaccination against rabies must be confined to the premises of the owner or kept under physical restraint by the owner.

Nev. Admin. Code 441A.435

New Hampshire

Vaccination by 3 months of age and older. Unvaccinated dogs, cats, and ferrets acquired or moved into the state shall be vaccinated within 30 days after purchase or arrival, unless under 3 months of age, as specified above.

N.H. Rev. Stat. § 436:100

Dogs, cats, and ferrets Veterinarian

It shall be the duty of each veterinarian, at the time of vaccinating any dog, cat, or ferret, to complete a certificate of rabies vaccination in triplicate. A metal or durable plastic tag, serially numbered, shall be securely attached to the collar or harness of the dog. Whenever the dog is out-of-doors, off the owner's premises, and not under the control of the owner or handler while working the dog, the collar or harness with the vaccination tag shall be worn.

N.H. Rev. Stat. § 436:102

A rabies immunization exemption may be issued, where illness or a veterinary medical condition warrants, by the local rabies control authority upon the written recommendation of a veterinarian licensed under RSA 332-B. The recommendation shall also be signed by an American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine diplomate and the state veterinarian. The exempted animal shall be maintained in strict rabies isolation, under conditions that are at the discretion of the local rabies control authority, until such time as the medical condition has been resolved and the animal can be immunized against rabies. Exempted animals shall not be allowed outdoors without being on a leash and shall be under the direct physical control of an adult owner at all times. In addition, when the animal is outdoors, it shall be muzzled in a manner approved by the local rabies control authority. The exemption shall be valid for no more than one year from the date of the last signature on the written recommendation for exemption.

N.H. Rev. Stat. § 436:100

New Jersey

No municipal clerk or other official designated by the governing body of any municipality to license dogs therein shall grant any such license and official metal registration tag for any dog unless the owner thereof provides evidence that the dog to be licensed and registered has been inoculated with a rabies vaccine of a type approved by and administered in accordance with the recommendations of the United States Department of Agriculture and the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, or has been certified exempt as provided by regulations of the State Department of Health.

N. J. S. A. 4:19-15.2a

“Dog of licensing age” means any dog which has attained the age of 7 months or which possesses a set of permanent teeth.

N. J. S. A. 4:19-15.1

 DogDuly licensed veterinarian.

N.J.A.C. 8:23A–4.1

The veterinarian immunizing the animal shall issue and sign a National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians Form #51, “Rabies Vaccination Certificate."

N.J.A.C. 8:23A–4.1

The State Department of Health shall promulgate regulations providing for the recognized duration of immunity, interval of inoculation, certificate of vaccination, certificate of exemption, and such other matters related to this act.

N. J. S. A. 4:19-15.2a

New Mexico

Dogs and cats over the age of 3 months.

NMSA 1978, § 77-1-3 and NMAC

 Dogs and cats

Administered by or under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian.

NMSA 1978, § 77-1-3 and NMAC

Owners are issued a serially numbered certificate and tag for each such administration.

NMSA 1978, § 77-1-3 and NMAC

 None listed

New York

Every dog, cat and domesticated ferret shall have all initial vaccinations administered no later than 4 months after birth.

McKinney's Public Health Law § 2141

Dogs, cats, and ferrets

Veterinarian immunizing or supervising any person authorized by law to immunize such animal

McKinney's Public Health Law § 2141

Certificate of rabies vaccination

McKinney's Agriculture and Markets Law § 109

In lieu thereof, a statement certified by a licensed veterinarian stating that because of old age or another reason, the life of the dog or dogs would be endangered by the administration of vaccine.

McKinney's Agriculture and Markets Law § 109


North Carolina

Over 4 months of age

N.C.G.S.A. § 130A-185

Dogs, cats, and ferrets

N.C.G.S.A. § 130A-185

(1) A licensed veterinarian.

(2) A registered veterinary technician under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian.

(3) A certified rabies vaccinator.

N.C.G.S.A. § 130A-185

A person who administers a rabies vaccine shall complete a rabies vaccination certificate.

N.C.G.S.A. § 130A-189
 None listed

North Dakota

 No laws or regulations    


No laws or regulations:

"A county auditor has no authority to require proof of vaccination for rabies before issuing a dog registration in the absence of a declaration of quarantine and order of vaccination of all dogs by a director of health."

1964 OAG 825.



By the time the animal is 4 months of age

OAC 310:599-3-9.1
Dogs, cats, or ferrets

A veterinarian who administers or supervises

OAC 310:599-3-9.1

A vaccination certificate must meet the minimum standards set forth in OAC 310:599-3-7. Animal identification including, but not limited to species, gender, age, and predominant breed and coloring must be indicated on the vaccination certificate.

OAC 310:599-3-9.1

 None listed


A dog that has permanent canine teeth or that is 6 months of age or older must be inoculated against rabies.

O. R. S. § 433.365

 Dogs Veterinarian

Every veterinarian inoculating an animal against rabies shall supply to the owner evidence of inoculation which shall consist of a certificate issued and signed by the veterinarian.

O. R. S. § 433.370

The county shall upon receipt of the fee and presentation of the certificate issue to the owner a serial-numbered tag, legibly identifying its expiration date as such date is determined in accordance with rules of the Oregon Health Authority relating to intervals of inoculation. The tag shall be designed for and shall be attached to a collar or harness that must be worn by the dog for which the tag and certificate are issued at all times when off or outside the premises of the owner.

O. R. S. § 433.375

Must be specifically exempted by rule of the Oregon Health Authority or the State Department of Agriculture.

O. R. S. § 433.365


A person owning or keeping a dog or a cat in this Commonwealth shall have the dog or cat vaccinated against rabies within four weeks after the date the dog or cat attains 12 weeks of age

3 P.S. § 455.8

Dogs and cats

Licensed veterinarian (unless a licensed kennel that obtains a limited certificate to vaccinate)

3 P.S. § 455.8

Every licensed veterinarian who vaccinates a dog or cat against rabies shall issue a certificate of vaccination and tag to the owner. 

3 P.S. § 455.8

An exemption from vaccination against rabies for a dog or cat may be granted if a licensed veterinarian examines the dog or cat and determines that it would be medically contraindicated to vaccinate. 

3 P.S. § 455.8

Rhode Island

Not earlier than 3 months of age nor later than 4 months of age and at regular intervals as prescribed by board regulations

Gen. Laws, 1956, § 4-13-31
Dogs, cats, and ferretsRabies vaccine for animals may be administered only by or under the direct and specific supervision of a licensed veterinarian.

Gen. Laws, 1956, § 4-13-31

A veterinarian who vaccinates a dog, cat, or ferret against rabies must issue a rabies vaccination certificate to the animal's owner. This certificate shall meet the minimum standards approved by the board.

Gen. Laws, 1956, § 4-13-31

The licensed veterinarian or person working under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian who administered a rabies vaccination must issue a rabies tag to the owner/keeper of any dog or cat that (s)he vaccinates against rabies. Such tags shall clearly identify the veterinary hospital/clinic at which the animal was vaccinated, the telephone number of that clinic, the year of rabies vaccination, and also contain an identification number unique to that animal.

250 R.I. Admin. Code 40-05-2.6

 None listed

South Carolina

A pet owner must have his pet inoculated against rabies at a frequency to provide continuous protection of the pet from rabies using a vaccine approved by the department and licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture.

Code 1976 § 47-5-60

Pet: “pet” means only domesticated cats, dogs, and ferrets.

Code 1976 § 47-5-20

A licensed veterinarian or someone under a licensed veterinarian's direct supervision. 

Code 1976 § 47-5-60

Evidence of rabies inoculation is a certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian. With the issuance of the certificate, the licensed veterinarian shall furnish a serially numbered metal license tag bearing the same number and year as the certificate with the name and telephone number of the veterinarian, veterinary hospital, or practice. The metal license tag at all times must be attached to a collar or harness worn by the pet for which the certificate and tag have been issued. 

Code 1976 § 47-5-60

 None listed

South Dakota



It shall be the duty of every owner to have his dog or cat vaccinated against rabies after the dog reaches three months of age, the cat 6 months of age.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-14-01-.33

In the law, owners are violating if not vaccinated by 6-months of age.

T. C. A. § 68-8-103

Dogs and cats

All rabies vaccinations of dogs and cats as required by this chapter shall be administered only by or under the supervision of a veterinarian.

T. C. A. § 68-8-103

Evidence of such vaccination shall consist of a certificate with details listed in the law. 

T. C. A. § 68-8-103.

Every dog owner shall attach a metal tag or other evidence of rabies vaccination to a collar, which shall be worn at all times by the dog vaccinated; provided, that the collar may be removed in the case of hunting dogs while in chase or returning from the chase. Nothing in this section shall be construed as permitting the use of an unvaccinated dog for any purpose. Cats may be, but are not required, to be issued a rabies tag.

T. C. A. § 68-8-106

 None listed


Dogs and cats by 4 months of age and at regular intervals thereafter as prescribed by department rule. 

V. T. C. A., Health & Safety Code § 826.021

Dogs and cats Veterinarian

A veterinarian who vaccinates a dog or cat against rabies shall issue to the animal's owner a vaccination certificate in a form that meets the minimum standards approved by the executive commissioner. 

V. T. C. A., Health & Safety Code § 826.021

None other than for a police service animal

V. T. C. A., Health & Safety Code § 826.048


Rabies vaccination is left to local governments:

(a) The most important single factor in preventing human rabies is the maintenance of high levels of immunity in the pet dog, cat, and ferret populations through vaccination. Vaccination requirements include:

(i) any dog, cat, and ferret in Utah should be immunized against rabies by a licensed veterinarian; and

(ii) local governments should establish effective programs to ensure vaccination of any dogs, cats, and ferrets and to remove strays and unwanted animals.

(b) If the Utah Department of Health determines that a rabies outbreak is present in an area of the state, the Utah Department of Health may require that:

(i) any dog, cat, and ferret in that area and adjacent areas be vaccinated or revaccinated against rabies as appropriate for each animal's age;

Utah Admin. R386-702-12

    None listed


All dogs and wolf-hybrids over 3 months of age shall be vaccinated against rabies.

20 V.S.A. § 3581


Dogs and wolf-hybrids

Administered by a licensed veterinarian or under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian.

20 V.S.A. § 3581a

A certificate or a certified copy thereof issued by a duly licensed veterinarian, stating that the dog or wolf-hybrid has received a current preexposure rabies vaccination with a vaccine approved by the Secretary

20 V.S.A. § 3581

Rabies vaccination must be administered to domestic pets and wolf/hybrids prior to the age of 4 months unless in the judgment of the veterinarian the animal's medical condition would prevent the development of adequate immunity to rabies. Animals so exempted must be inoculated against rabies as soon as their medical condition permits.

Vt. Admin. Code 2-4-307


All dogs and cats 4 months of age and older

VA Code Ann. § 3.2-6521

 Dogs and cats

A licensed veterinarian or licensed veterinary technician who is under the immediate and direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian on the premises unless otherwise provided by regulations.

VA Code Ann. § 3.2-6521

Each veterinarian who vaccinates a dog against rabies or directs a veterinary technician in his employ to vaccinate a dog against rabies shall provide the owner a copy of the rabies vaccination certificate. The veterinarian shall forward within 45 days a copy of the rabies vaccination certificate or the relevant information contained in such certificate to the treasurer of the locality where the vaccination occurs.

VA Code Ann. § 3.2-6529

The Board of Health shall, by regulation, provide an exemption to the requirements of subsection A if an animal suffers from an underlying medical condition that is likely to result in a life-threatening condition in response to vaccination and such exemption would not risk public health and safety. For the purposes of § 3.2-6522, such exemption shall mean that the animal is considered not currently vaccinated for rabies. For the purposes of §§ 3.2-5902, 3.2-6526, and 3.2-6527, such exemption shall be considered in place of a current certificate of vaccination.

VA Code Ann. § 3.2-6521

Regulation that details exemption: 12 VAC 5-105-30


An owner of a dog, cat, or ferret shall have it vaccinated and revaccinated against rabies following veterinary and USDA-licensed rabies vaccine manufacturer instructions. This requirement does not apply to animal shelters.

WAC 246-100-197

Dogs, cats, and ferrets Not listed Not listed None listed

West Virginia

By the age of 6 months

W. Va. Code, § 19-20A-2

Dogs and cats

A dog or cat may be vaccinated by any licensed veterinarian or his or her assistant. If there is no licensed veterinarian practicing in the county, a qualified person may be appointed by the county health department to administer vaccinations.

W. Va. Code, § 19-20A-2

Each person vaccinating a dog or cat for rabies shall provide a “certificate of rabies vaccination”

Tags to be furnished by the county commission shall be of a distinctive and easily recognized color, and shall have thereon engraved, or stamped, the year of vaccination and the number indicating the record above described. Such tag shall be securely fastened to the collar worn by the dog and shall be given to the owner by the veterinarian, the doctor of medicine or the person vaccinating the dog or cat at the time of vaccination.

W. Va. Code, § 19-20A-4

 None listed


No later than 5 months of age and revaccinated within one year after the initial vaccination. If the owner obtains the dog or brings the dog into this state after the dog has reached 5 months of age, the owner shall have the dog vaccinated against rabies within 30 days after the dog is obtained or brought into the state unless the dog has been vaccinated as evidenced by a current certificate of rabies vaccination from this state or another state. 

W. S. A. 95.21


Veterinarian or, if a veterinarian is physically present at the location the vaccine is administered, by a veterinary technician.

W. S. A. 95.21

The person who administers the vaccine shall complete and issue to the owner a certificate of rabies vaccination bearing a serial number and in the form approved by the department. After issuing the certificate of rabies vaccination, the person who administers the vaccine shall deliver to the owner a rabies vaccination tag of durable material bearing the same serial number as the certificate.

W. S. A. 95.21

A city, village, or town may exempt the owner of a dog from the requirement to have the dog vaccinated against rabies for a year based on a letter from a veterinarian stating that vaccination is inadvisable because of a reaction to a previous vaccination, a physical condition, or a regimen of therapy that the dog is undergoing. The city, village, or town shall require the owner to provide a new letter for each year in which the owner seeks an exemption under this paragraph.

W. S. A. 95.21


The board of county commissioners may require the registration of all dogs and cats within a rabies control district and may require the owner or person having the right to possession of any dog or cat in the district 3 months of age or older, to present a valid rabies vaccination certificate.

W. S. 1977 § 11-31-213

If county board adopts measure, dogs and catsIf county board adopts measure, licensed veterinarianIf county board adopts measure, the vaccination certificate shall indicate the date of vaccination, the type of vaccine used and the period of immunization. None listed
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