West's Annotated Code of Maryland. Consolidated Dog Laws.

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Primary Citation:  MD Code, Local Government, § 13-101 - 134; MD Code, Transportation, § 21-1004.1; MD Code, Natural Resources, § 10-413, 416, 701, 703, and 807; MD Code, Public Safety, § 2-313; MD Code, Health General, § 18-312 - 321; MD Code, General Provisions, § 7-304 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  MD Code, Courts and Judicial Proceedings, § 3-1901; MD Code, Insurance, § 19-206.1; MD Code, Health - General, § 21-304, 304.2 Historical: 

Summary: These statutes comprise Maryland's dog laws. Maryland is unique in that the state law governs the specific licensing and other regulations certain counties may adopt or enforce. Also included are the state rabies provisions and even the law that designates the state dog (the Chesapeake Bay retriever).

West's Annotated Code of Maryland. Local Government. Division III. Counties [Titles 9-15]. Title 13. Other Powers of Counties--Regulatory. Subtitle 1. Regulation of Animals. Part I. In General

§ 13–101. Scope of subtitle

§ 13–102. Regulation and enforcement

§ 13–103. Compensation for tax collectors

§ 13–104. Service dogs

§ 13–105. Aggressive dogs

§ 13–106. Unlicensed or menacing dogs—Contracts for removal, care, and disposition

§ 13–107. Licensed dogs as personal property

§ 13–108. Kennel licenses for breeders

§ 13–109. Penalties

§ 13–110. Reserved

§ 13–111. Reserved

Part II. Local Provisions

§ 13–112. Allegany County

§ 13–113. Anne Arundel County

§ 13–114. Baltimore County

§ 13–115. Calvert County

§ 13–116. Caroline County

§ 13–117. Carroll County

§ 13–118. Cecil County

§ 13–119. Charles County

§ 13–120. Dorchester County

§ 13–121. Frederick County

§ 13–122. Garrett County

§ 13–123. Harford County

§ 13–124. Howard County

§ 13–125. Kent County

§ 13–126. Montgomery County

§ 13–127. Prince George's County

§ 13–128. Queen Anne's County

§ 13–129. St. Mary's County

§ 13–130. Somerset County

§ 13–131. Talbot County

§ 13–132. Washington County

§ 13–133. Wicomico County

§ 13–134. Worcester County

Transportation.   Title 21. Vehicle Laws--Rules of the Road.   Subtitle 10. Stopping, Standing, and Parking.

§ 21-1004.1 . Domestic animals left in vehicle

Natural Resources. Title 10. Wildlife. Subtitle 4. Hunting Restrictions--in General.

§ 10-413 . Dogs and cats

§ 10-416. Deer hunting method restrictions

Natural Resources.   Title 10. Wildlife.   Subtitle 7. Field Trials and Use of Hunting Dogs.

§ 10-701 . Permit requirement

§ 10-702. Shooting during closed hunting season

§ 10-703. Nonresident dogs

Natural Resources.   Title 10. Wildlife.   Subtitle 8. State Wildlife Management Areas and Hunting Grounds.

§ 10-807 . Entry into refuge

Public Safety.   Title 2. Department of State Police.   Subtitle 3. Powers and Duties of Department.

§ 2-313 . Licenses for dogs used for law enforcement

Health—General.   Title 18. Disease Prevention.   Subtitle 3. Specific Diseases.  Part III. Rabies.

§ 18-312 . Public health veterinarian defined

§ 18-313 . Statewide system to control rabies

§ 18-314 . Immunizations for rabies

§ 18-315 . Antirabies clinics

§ 18-316 . Reporting requirements

§ 18-317 . Duty of Department to pay antirabies treatment

§ 18-318 . Vaccination against rabies required

§ 18-319 . Duties of veterinarian in administering vaccine

§ 18-320 . Quarantine of animals

§ 18-321 . Reserved

General Provisions. Title 7. Emblems; Designations; Commemorative Days and Months; Subtitle 3. Additional Emblems; Designations Part I. Animals, Plants, and Wildlife

§ 7-304. Dog

Courts and Judicial Proceedings. Title 3. Courts of General Jurisdiction--Jurisdiction/Special Causes of Action. Subtitle 19. Personal Injury or Death Caused by Dog.

§ 3-1901. Actions against dog owners for personal injury or death caused by dog

Insurance. Title 19. Property and Casualty Insurance. Subtitle 2. Homeowner’s Insurance Policies.

§ 19-206.1. Notice relating to specific breeds or specific mixed breeds of dogs not covered by insurance

Health--General.  Title 21. Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics. Subtitle 3. Food Establishments. Part I. Definitions; General Provisions.

§ 21-304. Rules and regulations

§ 21-304.2. Restaurant patrons with dogs

Links on other pages:

Title 3. Law Enforcement. Subtitle 5. Miscellaneous Provisions.

§ 3-526. Funding for veterinary treatment for retired law enforcement dogs

Title 9. Witnesses. Subtitle 5. Court Dog Program.

§ 9-501. Court Dog Program

Title 10. Crimes Against Public Health, Conduct, and Sensibilities. Subtitle 6. Crimes Relating to Animals.

§ 10-607. Aggravated cruelty to animals--Dogfights

§ 10-611. Killing of dog or cat--Prohibited means

§ 10-613. Sale of puppy or kitten

§ 10-616. Kennel inspection

§ 10-618. Poisoning dog

§ 10-619. Dangerous dog

§ 10-623. Dogs outside, unattended and restrained

§ 10-624. Surgical restrictions relating to dogs 

§ 10-625. Devocalization of cats or dogs

Title 11. Judgments. Subtitle 1. Judgments--Miscellaneous.

§ 11-110. Pet injuries; damages.

Title 19. Miscellaneous State Business Regulation. Subtitle 1. General Provisions.

§ 19-105. Sales or other transfers of dogs or cats at public places

Title 19. Miscellaneous State Business Regulation. Subtitle 7. Retail Pet Stores (Pet Purchaser Protection Act)

MD Code, Business Regulation, § 19–701 to 19–707

Transportation. Title 21. Vehicle Laws--Rules of the Road. Subtitle 11. Miscellaneous Rules.

§ 21-1101. Unattended vehicle requirements

Agriculture. Title 2. Department of Agriculture. Subtitle 17. Animal Shelters

§ 2-1703. Written veterinary care protocol for dogs and cats

Assistance animal/service dog laws



§ 13-101. Scope of subtitle

Except as otherwise provided in this part, this part applies to all counties except Baltimore City.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.

§ 13-102. Regulation and enforcement

Scope of section

(a) This section does not apply in Washington County.

In general

(b)(1) The governing body of a county may adopt rules and regulations for:

(i) sales of dog licenses;

(ii) keeping records of dog licenses; and

(iii) enforcing this subtitle.

(2) Subject to paragraph (3) of this subsection, the governing body may delegate, by written contract, the enforcement and administration of this subtitle to any organization or municipality in the county.

(3)(i) The governing body shall reserve the right to cancel a written contract executed in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection.

(ii) A cancellation under this paragraph:

1. may be without notice or recourse, if the cancellation is for cause; or

2. requires notice at least 30 days before cancellation, if the cancellation is without cause.

Enforcement and prosecution

(c)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the sheriff or a deputy authorized by the sheriff:

(i) shall enforce this subtitle; and

(ii) may issue a summons to a person who violates a provision of this subtitle.

(2) In Calvert County and Garrett County:

(i) this subtitle shall be enforced by:

1. the sheriff or any deputy authorized by the sheriff; or

2. an animal control officer appointed by the county commissioners or the county commissioner's designee; and

(ii) the sheriff, a deputy authorized by the sheriff, or an animal control officer may issue a summons to any person violating a provision of this subtitle.

(3) The governing body of a county shall pay the actual expenses in enforcing this subtitle, including paying the salary of a deputy appointed for that purpose.

Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013. Amended by Acts 2018, c. 701, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2018.


§ 13-103. Compensation for tax collectors

Scope of section

(a) This section does not apply in Washington County.


(b) The governing body of a county may pay the county tax collector additional compensation for the duties imposed by this subtitle.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-104. Service dogs

“Service dogs” defined

(a) In this section, “service dog” means a dog that is professionally trained to aid individuals who are:

(1) blind or visually impaired;

(2) deaf or hard of hearing; or

(3) mobility impaired.

Exemption from fees

(b) If an application meets the requirements of subsection (c) of this section and the local licensing agency is satisfied that the dog for which a license is sought is a service dog and is actually in use as a service dog:

(1) the dog owner is not required to pay a fee for issuance of the license; and

(2) the local licensing agency shall inscribe across the face of the license in red ink the words “service dog”.

Affidavit required

(c)(1) An application for a license for a service dog shall be accompanied by an affidavit from the owner stating that:

(i) the dog for which the license is sought has been professionally trained as a service dog; and

(ii) the owner is aware that the owner may be liable, under § 7-705 of the Human Services Article, for damages caused by the service dog to premises or facilities.

(2) The local licensing agency in each county shall make forms available for affidavits required under this subsection.

Additional tag

(d)(1) In addition to any tag issued under Part II of this subtitle, the local licensing agency shall issue a tag for a service dog.

(2) A service dog tag shall:

(i) be orange;

(ii) be labeled “service dog”; and

(iii) indicate that it is issued by the State.

(3) In accordance with § 4-316 of the State Finance and Procurement Article, the Department of General Services shall purchase the service dog tags and make them available to the counties on reimbursement for the cost of the tags.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


⠠§ 13-105. Aggressive dogs

Authority to kill dogs

(a) Regardless of whether the dog bears the proper license tag required under this subtitle, a person may kill a dog that the person sees in the act of:

(1) pursuing, attacking, wounding, or killing poultry or livestock; or

(2) attacking a human being.

Immunity from liability

(b) A person who kills a dog under the circumstances described in subsection (a) of this section is immune from any civil liability or criminal penalty for the killing.

Compensation for animals destroyed or injured

(c)(1)(i) The governing body of a county, by local law or ordinance, may provide for the compensation of a person whose poultry or livestock is destroyed or injured by a dog.

(ii) A local law or ordinance enacted under this section may require the sheriff of the county, a county official, or other person to:

1. appraise the damages sustained by the owner of the poultry or livestock that was destroyed or injured; and

2. report the findings to the governing body of the county.

(2)(i) If the owner of the dog cannot be determined, the governing body may compensate the owner of the poultry or livestock that was destroyed or injured, in accordance with the appraisal, from:

1. the dog license fund established under subsection (d) of this section; or

2. the county general fund.

(ii) A sworn report of the appraiser is prima facie evidence of the fairness of damages in each instance.

(iii) If the governing body determines the amount of the appraisal to be unfair, the governing body may award compensation in an amount that the governing body determines to be fair.

(3)(i) If the owner of the dog is known, the governing body shall direct the owner to euthanize the dog immediately.

(ii) If the owner refuses or neglects to euthanize the dog after being directed to do so by the governing body:

1. the owner is liable for damages to the same extent that the owner would be liable in a case of negligence or malicious destruction of property; and

2. the governing body may direct special officers to euthanize the dog.

(4) If the governing body does not adopt a local law or ordinance under this subsection, the county is not required to compensate a person for poultry or livestock destroyed or injured by a dog.

Dog license fund

(d)(1)(i) The tax collector shall credit dog license fees to:

1. a separate fund; or

2. the county general fund.

(ii) The dog license fees may be used:

1. to pay damages for the injury and killing of poultry or other livestock in the county, in accordance with procedures set forth in a local law or ordinance adopted under subsection (c) of this section; and

2. as otherwise provided in this subtitle.

(2)(i) If the governing body enacts a local law or ordinance under subsection (c) of this section, claims shall be paid in the order in which the claims are filed and proved.

(ii) A person whose claim is not paid in a particular year due to lack of money available to satisfy the claim shall be paid out of the first money that subsequently becomes available.

(iii) A claim that is filed and proved, but remains unpaid, shall have preference over any subsequent claim.

(3) The governing body may spend any funds in excess of $1,000 remaining in a dog license fund after the payment of claims for any public purpose determined by the governing body to be appropriate.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


⤶§ 13-106. Unlicensed or menacing dogs--Contracts for removal, care, and disposition

The governing body of a county may contract with a person for the removal, care, and disposition of unlicensed dogs or licensed dogs that may be a menace to safety, security, and property.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-107. Licensed dogs as personal property

Scope of section

(a) This section does not apply in Somerset County.

In general

(b) A lawfully licensed dog whose ownership can be proved is personal property.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-108. Kennel licenses for breeders

Scope Scope of section

(a) This section applies to all counties, including Baltimore City.

Requirement to obtain license

(b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subtitle, a person shall obtain a kennel license from the local licensing agency if the person:

(1) owns or has custody of 6 or more unspayed female dogs over the age of 6 months kept for the purpose of breeding the dogs and selling their offspring; or

(2) sells dogs from six or more litters in a year.

Record keeping and reporting requirements

(c)(1) Each local licensing agency shall collect and maintain a record of the following information for each kennel license issued in the county:

(i) name of the licensee;

(ii) address of the licensee;

(iii) number of dogs maintained by the licensee; and

(iv) number of puppies sold by the licensee in the preceding year.

(2) On or before January 15 of each year, each local licensing agency shall report to the Maryland Department of Labor the information collected under this subsection for the preceding year.


(d) The governing body of a county may establish additional kennel license fees to cover the cost of collecting, maintaining, and submitting the records and reports required under subsection (c) of this section.

Construction of section

(e) This section may not be construed to prohibit the governing body of a county from enacting more stringent kennel licensing ordinances.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013. Amended by Acts 2014, c. 45, § 1, eff. April 8, 2014; Acts 2017, c. 414, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2017; Acts 2017, c. 415, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2017; Acts 2019, c. 8, § 5.


︀§ 13-109. Penalties

Scope of section

(a) This section does not apply in Garrett County or Washington County.

In general

(b)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle and paragraph (2) of this subsection, a person who violates this subtitle is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 30 days or a fine of not less than $5 and not exceeding $25 or both.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, in Calvert County, a person who violates this subtitle is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 60 days or a fine of $50 or both.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013. Amended by Acts 2013, c. 43, § 5.


§ 13-110. Reserved


§ 13-111. Reserved



§ 13-112. Allegany County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) In Allegany County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay a fee of:

(i) $1 for a license for a male or spayed female dog;

(ii) $2 for a license for an unspayed female dog;

(iii) $10 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping 25 or fewer dogs; or

(iv) $20 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping more than 25 dogs.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The County Commissioners of Allegany County shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Allegany County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The County Commissioners of Allegany County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (a) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The county commissioners shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Regulation and enforcement

(c)(1) The County Commissioners of Allegany County may pass rules, regulations, or resolutions to provide for:

(i) issuing dog licenses;

(ii) keeping records of all sales of licenses;

(iii) designating persons authorized to sell licenses; and

(iv) seizing and disposing of dogs found running at large in the county.

(2) Before the county commissioners pass a rule, regulation, or resolution in accordance with this subsection, the proposed rule, regulation, or resolution shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once each week for 4 successive weeks, to provide any person an opportunity to be heard.

(3) The rules, regulations, or resolutions shall include standards and operate uniformly.

(4) Subject to paragraph (5) of this subsection, the county commissioners may delegate, by written contract, the enforcement of the rules, regulations, or resolutions.

(5)(i) The county commissioners shall reserve the right to cancel a written contract executed in accordance with paragraph (4) of this subsection.

(ii) A cancellation under this paragraph:

1. may be without notice or recourse, if the cancellation is for cause; or

2. requires notice at least 30 days before cancellation, if the cancellation is without cause.

Animal control officers

(d)(1) The County Commissioners of Allegany County may appoint animal control officers.

(2) An animal control officer appointed under this subsection:

(i) has all the powers of a peace officer;

(ii) may sell and issue dog licenses; and

(iii) may seize and dispose of stray, injured, or sick dogs in accordance with a rule, regulation, or resolution passed in accordance with subsection (c) of this section.

(3) The county commissioners may provide for the compensation of an animal control officer appointed under this subsection.

Animal shelters

(e)(1) The County Commissioners of Allegany County may contract with an animal welfare society, a humane society, or any other qualified person to:

(i) establish an animal shelter; or

(ii) seize, dispose of, or euthanize stray, injured, or sick dogs.

(2) Notwithstanding § 13-105(d) of this subtitle, the county commissioners may use proceeds from dog license fees to:

(i) establish an animal shelter; or

(ii) collect, dispose of, or euthanize stray, injured, or sick dogs.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-113. Anne Arundel County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) In Anne Arundel County, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay the fee for a dog or kennel license set by the governing body of Anne Arundel County.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The governing body shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires when the rabies vaccination certificate issued to the dog under § 18-319(a)(3) of the Health--General Article expires.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Anne Arundel County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The governing body of Anne Arundel County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (a) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the expiration date of the license;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The general shape of the tags may remain unchanged from year to year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-114. Baltimore County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) In Baltimore County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay a fee of:

(i) $1 for a license for a male or spayed female dog;

(ii) $2 for a license for an unspayed female dog;

(iii) $10 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping 25 or fewer dogs; or

(iv) $20 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping more than 25 dogs.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The governing body of Baltimore County shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Baltimore County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The governing body of Baltimore County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (a) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The governing body shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-115. Calvert County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) The County Commissioners of Calvert County shall set the fees for dog licenses in Calvert County.

(2) Before establishing or altering a license fee, the county commissioners shall advertise the proposed fee for 2 successive weeks in at least two newspapers of general circulation in the county.

(3) A license expires 1, 2, or 3 years after the date of issue, as specified by county law.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Calvert County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The County Commissioners of Calvert County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 2 inches or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The county commissioners shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 50 cents.

Regulation and enforcement

(c)(1) The County Commissioners of Calvert County may adopt rules and regulations for:

(i) issuing dog licenses;

(ii) keeping records of dog licenses;

(iii) enforcing the rules and regulations; and

(iv) any other matter concerning dogs the county commissioners consider necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare.

(2) The county commissioners may:

(i) by ordinance, provide for the regulation, humane treatment, and keeping of domestic animals;

(ii) by resolution, provide for the quarantine of all dogs in the county if the county commissioners determine that quarantine is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare; and

(iii) by ordinance, provide a penalty for a violation of an ordinance enacted under this subsection of imprisonment not exceeding 30 days or a fine not exceeding $1,000 or both.

(3) A fine imposed in accordance with an ordinance enacted under this subsection shall be paid to the Calvert County Treasurer.

Animal Matters Hearing Board

(d)(1) The County Commissioners of Calvert County may create an Animal Matters Hearing Board to resolve disputes and controversies arising under animal control ordinances adopted under subsection (c) of this section.

(2) The county commissioners may authorize an Animal Matters Hearing Board to:

(i) issue a subpoena to compel parties in a dispute to appear before the Board;

(ii) assess a civil penalty not exceeding $1,000 for a violation of an ordinance adopted under subsection (c) of this section; and

(iii) collect a civil penalty imposed under this paragraph.

Animal shelters

(e)(1) The County Commissioners of Calvert County may construct or lease, operate, and maintain an animal shelter in the county.

(2) The county shall pay for the animal shelter and its operation.

(3) The county commissioners may enter into agreements with adjacent counties to establish an animal shelter to serve the counties.

Dogs at large

(f)(1)(i) A dog running at large in Calvert County without the proper license tag attached is a nuisance and is subject to seizure, detention, and euthanasia.

(ii) Whenever possible, the animal control officer or deputy animal control officer shall seize and impound a dog found running at large in the county without the proper license tag attached.

(iii) If an animal control officer or a deputy animal control officer is not able to catch a dog running at large in the county without a proper license tag, the animal control officer or deputy animal control officer may shoot or otherwise kill the dog.

(2)(i) The County Commissioners of Calvert County, by ordinance, may provide that an owner of a dog may not allow the dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to run at large within a platted subdivision or district zoned residential if:

1. a petition requesting the ordinance is submitted to the county commissioners and signed by a majority of the residents of the platted subdivision or district zoned residential, with a designation of the boundary limits of the specific area; and

2. the county commissioners advertise the proposed ordinance and a public hearing on the ordinance for 2 successive weeks in two newspapers of general circulation in the county.

(ii) The county commissioners shall designate the boundary limits of each area affected as part of any ordinance enacted under this paragraph.

(3)(i) A dog impounded under this section shall be held for its owner for 72 hours.

(ii) A dog shall be released to its owner or an agent of the owner during the 72 hours if the owner or agent:

1. provides satisfactory proof of ownership;

2. pays the fee that the county commissioners set to cover the costs of seizing and impounding the dog; and

3. presents a proper license for the dog.

(4)(i) If a dog impounded under this subsection is not redeemed by its owner within 72 hours:

1. the owner forfeits all rights of ownership to the dog;

2. the dog becomes the property of the county; and

3. the dog shall remain impounded for at least an additional 48 hours.

(ii) During the additional 48 hours, any person may obtain ownership of the dog by paying the fee for the costs of seizing and impounding the dog and by purchasing a license for the dog.

(5) An animal control officer or a deputy animal control officer may euthanize, in the most humane manner possible, a dog impounded under this subsection that is not redeemed within 120 hours from the time of its seizure.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-116. Caroline County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) In Caroline County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay the fee for a dog or kennel license set by the county commissioners.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The County Commissioners of Caroline County shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Caroline County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The County Commissioners of Caroline County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (a) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The county commissioners shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Regulation and enforcement

(c)(1) The County Commissioners of Caroline County may adopt rules and regulations by resolution or ordinance to provide for:

(i) issuing dog licenses;

(ii) keeping records of all sales of licenses;

(iii) designating persons authorized to sell licenses; and

(iv) seizing and disposing of dogs found running at large in the county.

(2) Before the county commissioners adopt a rule or regulation in accordance with this subsection, a summary of the proposed rule or regulation shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once each week for 2 successive weeks, to provide any person an opportunity to be heard.

(3) The rules and regulations shall include standards and operate uniformly.

(4) Subject to paragraph (5) of this subsection, the county commissioners may delegate, by written contract, the enforcement of the rules and regulations.

(5)(i) The county commissioners shall reserve the right to cancel a written contract executed in accordance with paragraph (4) of this subsection.

(ii) A cancellation under this paragraph:

1. may be without notice or recourse, if the cancellation is for cause; or

2. requires notice at least 30 days before cancellation, if the cancellation is without cause.

Animal control officers

(d)(1) The County Commissioners of Caroline County may appoint animal control officers.

(2) An animal control officer appointed under this subsection:

(i) has all the powers of a peace officer;

(ii) may sell and issue dog licenses; and

(iii) may seize and dispose of stray, injured, unlicensed, diseased, or vicious dogs in accordance with rules and regulations of the county commissioners.

(3) The county commissioners may provide for the compensation of an animal control officer appointed under this subsection.

Animal shelters

(e)(1) The County Commissioners of Caroline County may provide animal shelters where dogs seized by an animal control officer may be placed.

(2) The county commissioners may enter into agreements with adjacent counties to establish an animal shelter to serve the counties.

(3) Notwithstanding § 13-105(d) of this subtitle, the county commissioners may use the proceeds from dog license fees to:

(i) establish and maintain an animal shelter; and

(ii) collect, care for, or euthanize dogs.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-117. Carroll County

Comprehensive system for regulation

(a)(1) The County Commissioners of Carroll County, by ordinance, may provide for a comprehensive system for the regulation of domestic animals and wild animals kept in captivity.

(2) The ordinances may provide for:

(i) the licensing and control of domestic animals and wild animals kept in captivity;

(ii) seizing and disposing of unlicensed or dangerous dogs;

(iii) the regulation of persons who own or keep any vicious animal or an animal that disturbs the peace of a neighborhood; and

(iv) reasonable penalties for a violation of an ordinance not exceeding imprisonment for 30 days or a fine of $500 or both.

(3) The county commissioners:

(i) may regulate animals that are hybrids of domestic and wild animals; but

(ii) may not regulate or control wild animals that are not owned or kept by individuals.

Dog licenses and dogs at large

(b)(1) The County Commissioners of Carroll County may pass rules, regulations, or resolutions to provide for:

(i) issuing dog licenses;

(ii) keeping records of all sales of licenses;

(iii) designating persons authorized to sell licenses; and

(iv) seizing and disposing of any dogs found running at large in the county.

(2) Before the county commissioners pass a rule, regulation, or resolution in accordance with this subsection, the proposed rule, regulation, or resolution shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once each week for 4 successive weeks, to provide any person an opportunity to be heard.

(3) The rules, regulations, or resolutions shall include standards and operate uniformly.

(4) Subject to paragraph (5) of this subsection, the county commissioners may delegate, by written contract, the enforcement of the rules, regulations, and resolutions.

(5)(i) The county commissioners shall reserve the right to cancel a written contract executed in accordance with paragraph (4) of this subsection.

(ii) A cancellation under this paragraph:

1. may be without notice or recourse, if the cancellation is for cause; or

2. requires notice at least 30 days before cancellation, if the cancellation is without cause.

Dog and kennel licenses

(c) The County Commissioners of Carroll County shall set the fees, terms, and forms for dog and kennel licenses in accordance with subsection (a) of this section.

Animal control officers

(d)(1) The County Commissioners of Carroll County may appoint animal control officers.

(2) An animal control officer appointed under this subsection:

(i) has all the powers of a peace officer;

(ii) may sell and issue dog licenses; and

(iii) may seize and dispose of stray, injured, or sick dogs in accordance with a rule, regulation, or resolution passed in accordance with subsection (b) of this section.

(3) The county commissioners may provide for the compensation of an animal control officer appointed under this subsection.

Animal shelters

(e)(1) The County Commissioners of Carroll County may contract with an animal welfare society, a humane society, or any other qualified person to:

(i) establish an animal shelter; or

(ii) seize, dispose of, or euthanize stray, injured, or sick dogs.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 13-105(d) of this subtitle, the county commissioners may use proceeds from dog license fees to:

(i) establish an animal shelter; and

(ii) collect and euthanize stray, injured, or sick dogs.

Designation of assistants to county tax collector

(f) The County Commissioners of Carroll County may designate persons to assist the county tax collector to collect license fees and issue licenses and tags under this subtitle.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-118. Cecil County

Comprehensive system for regulation

(a)(1) The governing body of Cecil County, by ordinance or resolution, may provide for a comprehensive system for the regulation of domestic animals and wild animals kept in captivity.

(2) The resolution or ordinance may provide for:

(i) the licensing and control of domestic animals and wild animals kept in captivity;

(ii) the establishment of separate domestic animal control districts with separate resolutions or ordinances applicable within each district;

(iii) seizing and disposing of domestic animals found to be dangerous to persons or property;

(iv) the regulation of persons who own or keep any vicious animal or an animal that disturbs the peace of a neighborhood; and

(v) reasonable penalties for a violation of a local law enacted in accordance with this section not exceeding imprisonment for 30 days or a fine not exceeding $500 or both.

(3) The governing body:

(i) may regulate animals that are hybrids of domestic animals and wild animals; but

(ii) may not regulate or control wild animals that are not owned or kept by individuals.

Dog and kennel licenses

(b) The governing body of Cecil County shall set the fees, terms, and forms for dog and kennel licenses.

Dog tags

(c)(1) In Cecil County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The governing body of Cecil County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The governing body shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Dogs in heat

(d)(1) In Cecil County, the owner or custodian of a female dog that is in heat:

(i) may not knowingly allow the dog to run at large; and

(ii) shall confine the dog.

(2) A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $25.

Disturbances of the peace; vicious dogs

(e)(1) In Cecil County, a person may not own or keep a domestic animal that disturbs the peace of a neighborhood or is vicious and bites any individual.

(2) The barking of hunting dogs in pursuit of game is not a disturbance of the peace for the purpose of this subsection.

(3) A person who violates paragraph (1) of this subsection or a court order issued under paragraph (4) of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $500 for each offense.

(4)(i) The District Court in Cecil County shall issue a summons to the owner or keeper of a domestic animal to appear before the District Court if a sworn complaint is received from a person alleging that the domestic animal:

1. disturbs the peace of a neighborhood in the county; or

2. is vicious and has bitten an individual.

(ii) After a finding that the domestic animal disturbs the peace of a neighborhood or is vicious and has bitten an individual, the District Court may require the owner or keeper to surrender the domestic animal to be euthanized in the most humane manner possible or remove the domestic animal permanently from the neighborhood.

(iii) If the District Court requires the owner or keeper to surrender the domestic animal to be euthanized or removed in accordance with subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, and the owner or keeper fails to comply, a police officer or an agent of the county shall seize the domestic animal and cause it to be euthanized in the most humane manner possible.

(iv) The District Court may order the domestic animal restrained or issue any other appropriate order.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-119. Charles County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) In Charles County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay the fee for a dog or kennel license set by the County Commissioners of Charles County.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The county commissioners shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Charles County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The County Commissioners of Charles County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (a) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The county commissioners shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Regulation and enforcement

(c)(1) If reasonably applicable, this subsection applies to the regulation and control of:

(i) any domestic animal; and

(ii) a wild animal kept in captivity.

(2) The County Commissioners of Charles County may pass rules, regulations, or resolutions to provide for:

(i) issuing dog licenses;

(ii) keeping records of all sales of licenses;

(iii) designating persons authorized to sell licenses; and

(iv) seizing and disposing of dogs found running at large in the county.

(3) Before the county commissioners pass a rule, regulation, or resolution in accordance with this subsection, the proposed rule, regulation, or resolution shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once each week for 4 successive weeks, to provide any person an opportunity to be heard.

(4) The rules, regulations, or resolutions shall include standards and shall operate uniformly.

(5) Subject to paragraph (6) of this subsection, the county commissioners may delegate, by written contract, the enforcement of the rules, regulations, or resolutions.

(6)(i) The county commissioners shall reserve the right to cancel a written contract executed in accordance with paragraph (5) of this subsection.

(ii) A cancellation under this paragraph:

1. may be without notice or recourse, if the cancellation is for cause; or

2. requires notice at least 30 days before cancellation, if the cancellation is without cause.

(7)(i) The county commissioners may establish penalties for a violation of a rule, regulation, or resolution passed under this subsection.

(ii) The penalty established under this paragraph for each violation may not exceed imprisonment for 1 year or a fine of $1,000 or both.

Animal control officers

(d)(1) The County Commissioners of Charles County may appoint animal control officers.

(2) An animal control officer appointed under this subsection:

(i) has all the powers of a peace officer;

(ii) may sell and issue dog licenses; and

(iii) may seize and dispose of stray, injured, or sick dogs in accordance with a rule, regulation, or resolution passed in accordance with subsection (c) of this section.

(3) The county commissioners may provide for the compensation of an animal control officer appointed under this subsection.

Animal shelters

(e)(1)(i) The County Commissioners of Charles County may establish an animal shelter and hire personnel and provide the equipment necessary for the collection, impoundment, care, handling, and disposal of stray, unlicensed, diseased, or vicious dogs.

(ii) The initial cost for the building and equipment under this paragraph may not exceed $35,000.

(2) The county commissioners shall determine the number and salary of persons to be employed at the animal shelter.

(3) The county commissioners may enter into agreements with adjacent counties to establish an animal shelter to serve the counties.

(4) The county commissioners may contract with an animal welfare society, a humane society, or any other qualified person to:

(i) establish an animal shelter; or

(ii) seize, dispose of, or euthanize stray, injured, or sick dogs.

(5) Notwithstanding § 13-105(d) of this subtitle, the county commissioners may use proceeds from dog license fees to:

(i) establish an animal shelter; or

(ii) collect, dispose of, or euthanize stray, injured, or sick dogs.

Dogs at large

(f)(1) The County Commissioners of Charles County, by rule, regulation, or resolution, may provide that an owner of a dog may not allow the dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to run at large off the premises of the owner.

(2) A rule, regulation, or resolution passed under this subsection may allow the following dogs to run at large when accompanied by the owner or agent of the owner and when kept within sight or calling distance of the owner or agent:

(i) dogs proved to be obedient, in accordance with a regulation or resolution of the county;

(ii) dogs being used or trained for hunting; and

(iii) dogs accompanied by the owner on horseback.

(3) The county commissioners, by rule, regulation, or resolution, may provide for enforcement and investigation of reports of violations of a rule, regulation, or resolution passed under this subsection.

(4) An owner of a dog who fails to comply with a rule, regulation, or resolution passed under this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $25 for each violation.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-120. Dorchester County

Comprehensive system for regulation

(a)(1) The governing body of Dorchester County, by ordinance, may provide for a comprehensive system for the regulation of dogs and cats.

(2) The ordinance may provide for:

(i) the licensing and control of dogs and cats;

(ii) seizing and disposing of unlicensed or dangerous dogs and cats; and

(iii) civil or criminal penalties for a violation of an ordinance enacted in accordance with this section.

(3) The governing body may provide that a violation of an ordinance relating to dogs and cats shall be prosecuted in the same manner as provided for municipal infractions under Title 6 of this article.

Dog and kennel licenses

(b)(1) In Dorchester County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay a fee of:

(i) $1 for a license for a male or spayed female dog;

(ii) $2 for a license for an unspayed female dog;

(iii) $10 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping 25 or fewer dogs; or

(iv) $20 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping more than 25 dogs.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The governing body of Dorchester County shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(c)(1) In Dorchester County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The governing body of Dorchester County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (b) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The governing body shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Dogs in heat

(d)(1) In Dorchester County, the owner or custodian of a female dog that is in heat:

(i) may not knowingly allow the dog to run at large; and

(ii) shall confine the dog.

(2) A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $25.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-121. Frederick County

Comprehensive system for regulation

(a)(1) The governing body of Frederick County, by ordinance, may provide for a comprehensive system for the regulation of domestic animals and wild animals kept in captivity.

(2) The ordinance may provide for:

(i) the licensing and control of domestic animals and wild animals kept in captivity;

(ii) seizing and disposing of unlicensed or dangerous dogs;

(iii) the regulation of persons who own or keep any vicious animal or an animal that disturbs the peace of a neighborhood; and

(iv) reasonable penalties for a violation of an ordinance not exceeding imprisonment for 30 days or a fine of $500 or both.

(3) The governing body:

(i) may regulate animals that are hybrids of domestic and wild animals; but

(ii) may not regulate or control wild animals that are not owned or kept by individuals.

Dog licenses and dogs at large

(b)(1) The governing body of Frederick County may provide for:

(i) issuing dog licenses;

(ii) keeping records of all sales of licenses;

(iii) designating persons authorized to sell licenses; and

(iv) seizing and disposing of any dogs found running at large in the county.

(2) Before the governing body passes an ordinance in accordance with this subsection, the proposed ordinance shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once each week for 4 successive weeks, to provide any person an opportunity to be heard.

(3) The ordinance shall include standards and operate uniformly.

(4) Subject to paragraph (5) of this subsection, the governing body may delegate, by written contract, the enforcement of the ordinance.

(5)(i) The governing body shall reserve the right to cancel a written contract executed in accordance with paragraph (4) of this subsection.

(ii) A cancellation under this paragraph:

1. may be without notice or recourse, if the cancellation is for cause; or

2. requires notice at least 30 days before cancellation, if the cancellation is without cause.

Regulation of cats

(c) The powers granted to the governing body of Frederick County to regulate dogs are also granted for the regulation of cats.

Dog and kennel licenses

(d)(1) In Frederick County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay the fee for a dog or kennel license set by the county.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The county shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(e)(1) In Frederick County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The county shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (d) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The county shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Animal shelters

(f)(1) Frederick County may contract with an animal welfare society, a humane society, or any other qualified person to:

(i) establish an animal shelter; and

(ii) seize, dispose of, and euthanize stray, injured, or sick dogs.

(2) Notwithstanding § 13-105(d) of this subtitle, the county may use proceeds from dog license fees to:

(i) establish an animal shelter; and

(ii) collect and euthanize stray, injured, or sick dogs.

Dogs in heat

(g)(1) In Frederick County, the owner or custodian of a female dog that is in heat:

(i) may not knowingly allow the dog to run at large; and

(ii) shall confine the dog.

(2) A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $25.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013. Amended by Acts 2014, c. 645, § 1, eff. Dec. 1, 2014.


§ 13-122. Garrett County

Comprehensive system for regulation

(a)(1) The County Commissioners of Garrett County, by ordinance, may provide for a comprehensive system for the regulation of dogs and cats.

(2) The ordinance may provide for:

(i) the licensing and control of dogs and cats;

(ii) seizing and disposing of unlicensed or dangerous dogs and cats; and

(iii) civil or criminal penalties for a violation of an ordinance enacted in accordance with this section.

(3) The county commissioners may provide that a violation of an ordinance relating to dogs and cats shall be prosecuted in the same manner as provided for municipal infractions under Title 6 of this article.

Dog and kennel licenses

(b)(1) In Garrett County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay the fee for a dog or kennel license set by the County Commissioners of Garrett County.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The county commissioners shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(c)(1) In Garrett County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The County Commissioners of Garrett County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (b) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The county commissioners shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Animal control ordinance

(d)(1) The County Commissioners of Garrett County may designate a regular or contract employee to provide animal control services.

(2) The county commissioners may adopt an animal control ordinance for:

(i) licensing dogs, kennels, and pet shops;

(ii) controlling rabid animals; and

(iii) disposing of uncontrolled, vicious, or sick animals.

(3) The county commissioners may adopt an animal control ordinance to designate a private agency or unit of county government to:

(i) enforce the ordinance adopted under paragraph (2) of this subsection;

(ii) maintain records regarding the licensing, impounding, and disposing of animals coming into the custody of the private agency or unit of county government; and

(iii) enter into contracts or agreements to provide for the disposal of animals.

(4) The county commissioners may adopt an animal control ordinance to provide for the designation of animal control shelters in the county.

(5)(i) An animal control officer in Garrett County may issue and deliver a citation to a person believed to be committing a violation of an animal control ordinance.

(ii) 1. The animal control officer shall keep a copy of the citation.

2. The citation shall bear a certification attesting to the truth of the matters set forth in the citation.

(iii) The citation shall contain:

1. the name and address of the person charged;

2. the nature of the violation;

3. the location and time of the violation;

4. the amount of the fine;

5. the manner, location, and time in which the fine may be paid; and

6. a notice of the person's right to elect to stand trial for the violation.

(6)(i) The county commissioners may adopt an animal control ordinance to create a quasi-judicial animal control authority for the county to hold public hearings to decide citations, complaints, and other controversies arising under the animal control ordinance, other than those filed with the District Court.

(ii) Hearings held under this subsection are subject to the right of a party to file a petition for judicial review in the circuit court.

(iii) The county commissioners may adopt rules and regulations to govern hearings held under this subsection.

(7)(i) A person who receives a citation under this section may elect to stand trial for the violation by filing with the animal control officer a notice of intention to stand trial at least 5 days before the date set forth in the citation for the payment of fines.

(ii) After receiving a notice of intention to stand trial, the animal control officer shall forward the notice to the District Court, with a copy of the citation.

(iii) After receiving the citation and notice, the District Court shall schedule the case for trial and notify the defendant of the trial date.

(iv) All fines, penalties, or forfeitures collected by the District Court for violations of an ordinance adopted under this section shall be remitted to Garrett County.

(v) In a proceeding before the District Court, a violation of an ordinance adopted under this section shall be prosecuted in the same manner as a municipal infraction under Title 6 of this article.

(vi) The county commissioners may authorize the County Attorney, the State's Attorney, or another attorney to prosecute a violation of an ordinance adopted under this section.

(vii) If the District Court finds that a person has committed a violation of an ordinance adopted under this section, the person is liable for the costs of the court proceedings.

(8)(i) The county commissioners may adopt an animal control ordinance to provide that each violation of an ordinance adopted under this section is a misdemeanor and on conviction a person is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 30 days or a fine not exceeding $1,000 or both.

(ii) The county commissioners may:

1. establish a schedule of additional fines for each violation; and

2. adopt procedures for the collection of fines.

(iii) 1. If a person who receives a citation under this section for a violation fails to pay the fine by the date of payment set forth on the citation and fails to file a notice of intention to stand trial, a notice of the violation shall be sent to the person's last known address.

2. If the citation is not satisfied within 15 days after the date the notice of violation is mailed, the person is subject to an additional fine not exceeding twice the amount of the original fine.

3. If the person who receives the citation does not pay the citation by the 36th day after the notice of violation is mailed, the animal control officer may request the District Court to adjudicate the violation.

4. After the animal control officer requests adjudication, the District Court shall schedule the case for trial and summon the defendant to appear.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-123. Harford County

Comprehensive system for regulation

(a)(1) The governing body of Harford County, by resolution or ordinance, may provide for a comprehensive system for the regulation of dogs.

(2) The resolution or ordinance may provide for:

(i) the licensing and control of dogs;

(ii) the establishment of separate dog control districts with separate resolutions or ordinances applicable solely within each district;

(iii) seizing and disposing of dogs found to be dangerous to persons and property; and

(iv) reasonable penalties for a violation of a resolution or ordinance enacted in accordance with this section.

Dog and kennel licenses

(b)(1) In Harford County, on or before December 31 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay a fee of:

(i) $1 for a license for a male or spayed female dog;

(ii) $3 for a license for an unspayed female dog;

(iii) $10 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping 25 or fewer dogs; or

(iv) $20 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping more than 25 dogs.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and taxes required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The governing body of Harford County shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on December 31 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(c)(1) In Harford County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The governing body of Harford County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (b) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The governing body shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Disturbances of the peace; vicious dogs

(d)(1) In Harford County, a person may not own or keep a dog that disturbs the peace of a neighborhood or is vicious and bites any individual.

(2) The barking of a hunting dog in pursuit of game is not a disturbance of the peace for the purpose of this subsection.

(3) A person who violates paragraph (1) of this subsection or a court order issued under paragraph (4) of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $25 for each offense.

(4)(i) The District Court in Harford County shall issue a summons to the owner or keeper of a dog to appear before the District Court if a sworn complaint is received from a person alleging that the dog:

1. disturbs the peace of a neighborhood in the county; or

2. is vicious and has bitten an individual.

(ii) After a finding that the dog disturbs the peace of a neighborhood or is vicious and has bitten an individual, the District Court may require the owner or keeper to surrender the dog to be euthanized in the most humane manner possible or remove the dog permanently from the neighborhood.

(iii) If the District Court requires the owner or keeper to surrender the dog to be euthanized or removed in accordance with subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, and the owner or keeper fails to comply, a police officer or an agent of the county shall seize the dog and cause it to be euthanized in the most humane manner possible.

(iv) The District Court may order the dog restrained or issue any other appropriate order.

Dogs in heat

(e)(1) In Harford County, the owner of a female dog that is in heat may not allow the dog to be outdoors either loose or on a leash.

(2) A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to:

(i) for a first violation, a fine of $25; and

(ii) for each subsequent violation, a fine of not less than $100 and not exceeding $200.

Designation of assistants to county tax collector

(f) The governing body of Harford County may designate persons to assist the county tax collector to collect license fees and issue licenses and tags under this subtitle.


(g) In Harford County, a law enforcement officer who witnesses a violation of a resolution or an ordinance enacted in accordance with this section may issue a citation for that violation and bring the violator before the District Court in Harford County.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-124. Howard County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) In Howard County, the County Executive, with the approval of the county council, sets the fees for dog and kennel licenses.

(2) A dog license expires as specified by local law.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Howard County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The governing body of Howard County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The governing body shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Regulation and enforcement

(c) The County Council of Howard County, by law, shall designate a unit to administer and enforce the laws relating to dog licenses.

Dogs in heat

(d)(1) In Howard County, the owner or custodian of a female dog that is in heat shall:

(i) adequately and securely confine the dog;

(ii) prevent the dog from contacting roaming dogs; and

(iii) protect the dog from other dogs that are attracted to the premises.

(2) A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine of not less than $10 and not exceeding $50.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-125. Kent County

Comprehensive system for regulation

(a)(1) The County Commissioners of Kent County, by resolution, may provide for a comprehensive system for the regulation of dogs.

(2) The resolution may provide for:

(i) the licensing and control of dogs;

(ii) seizing and disposing of unlicensed or dangerous dogs; and

(iii) reasonable penalties for a violation of a resolution enacted in accordance with this section.

Dog and kennel licenses

(b)(1) In Kent County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay the fee for a dog or kennel license set by the County Commissioners of Kent County.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The county commissioners shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(c)(1) In Kent County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the owner pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The County Commissioners of Kent County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (b) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The county commissioners shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-126. Montgomery County

Dog licenses

(a)(1) In Montgomery County, the County Executive shall set the fees for dog licenses.

(2) A license expires when a rabies vaccination certification issued to the dog under § 18-319(a)(3) of the Health--General Article expires.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Montgomery County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The governing body of Montgomery County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The governing body shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-127. Prince George's County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) In Prince George's County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay a fee of:

(i) $1 for a license for a male or spayed female dog;

(ii) $2 for a license for an unspayed female dog;

(iii) $10 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping 25 or fewer dogs; or

(iv) $20 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping more than 25 dogs.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The governing body of Prince George's County shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Prince George's County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The governing body of Prince George's County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (a) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The governing body shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-128. Queen Anne's County

Comprehensive system for regulation

(a) The County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County may adopt and enforce a comprehensive animal control ordinance.

Dog and kennel licenses

(b)(1) In Queen Anne's County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay a fee of:

(i) $1 for a license for a male or spayed female dog;

(ii) $2 for a license for an unspayed female dog;

(iii) $10 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping 25 or fewer dogs; or

(iv) $20 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping more than 25 dogs.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(c)(1) In Queen Anne's County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (b) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The county commissioners shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-129. St. Mary's County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) In St. Mary's County, on or before June 30 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the Animal Control Division of the Department of Emergency Services and Technology for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay the fee for a dog or kennel license set by the County Commissioners of St. Mary's County.

(3)(i) The county commissioners shall appoint agents to collect dog and kennel license fees that are not paid by August 1 of each year.

(ii) A penalty of $1.00 per license shall be assessed against dog owners whose dog or kennel license fees are not paid by August 1 each year.

(4) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section shall be the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(5) The county commissioners shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(6) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(7) A license expires on June 30 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In St. Mary's County, the Animal Control Division of the Department of Emergency Services and Technology shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The County Commissioners of St. Mary's County shall prepare and supply tags to the Animal Control Division of the Department of Emergency Services and Technology each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (a) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The general shape of the tags shall remain unchanged from year to year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The Animal Control Division of the Department of Emergency Services and Technology shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Local laws

(c)(1) The County Commissioners may enact a local law to provide a comprehensive system for the regulation, humane treatment, and keeping of domestic animals and wild animals kept in captivity.

(2) A local law enacted in accordance with this subsection may include a schedule of fines for designated violations.

(3) A violation of a local law enacted in accordance with this subsection is a civil infraction under § 12-804 of this article.

Animal control officers

(d)(1) The County Commissioners of St. Mary's County may employ an animal control officer.

(2) The county shall determine the annual salary of the animal control officer employed under this section.

(3) An animal control officer employed under this section:

(i) has all the powers of a peace officer; and

(ii) shall seize and dispose of unlicensed dogs as prescribed by the county commissioners.

Animal shelters

(e)(1) The County Commissioners of St. Mary's County may provide an animal shelter for the placement of dogs seized by animal control officers.

(2) The county commissioners may enter into agreements with adjacent counties to establish an animal shelter to serve the counties.

(3) The county commissioners may contract with an animal welfare society, a humane society, or any other qualified person to:

(i) establish an animal shelter; or

(ii) seize, dispose of, or euthanize stray, injured, or sick dogs.

(4)(i) The County Commissioners of St. Mary's County may pay any expenses arising from the operation of this subsection.

(ii) Notwithstanding § 13-105(d) of this subtitle, the county commissioners may use proceeds from dog license fees to:

1. establish an animal shelter; or

2. collect, dispose of, or euthanize stray, injured, or sick dogs.

Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013. Amended by Acts 2015, c. 386, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2015; Acts 2017, c. 292, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2017; Acts 2017, c. 293, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2017.


§ 13-130. Somerset County

Comprehensive system for regulation

(a)(1) The County Commissioners of Somerset County, by ordinance, may provide for a comprehensive system for the regulation of dogs and cats.

(2) The ordinance may provide for:

(i) the licensing and control of dogs and cats;

(ii) seizing and disposing of unlicensed or dangerous dogs and cats; and

(iii) civil or criminal penalties for a violation of an ordinance enacted in accordance with this section.

(3) The county commissioners may provide that a violation of an ordinance relating to dogs and cats shall be prosecuted in the same manner as provided for municipal infractions under Title 6 of this article.

Dog and kennel licenses

(b)(1) In Somerset County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay a fee of:

(i) $1 for a license for a male or spayed female dog;

(ii) $2 for a license for an unspayed female dog;

(iii) $10 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping 25 or fewer dogs; or

(iv) $20 for a kennel license for a person owning or keeping more than 25 dogs.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The County Commissioners of Somerset County shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(c)(1) In Somerset County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The County Commissioners of Somerset County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (b) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The county commissioners shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-131. Talbot County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) The County Council of Talbot County shall set the fees, terms, and forms for dog and kennel licenses.

(2) A dog license expires as specified by county law.

Dog tags

(b) In Talbot County, a dog tag may be a metal tag or a surgically implanted microchip.

Dogs in heat

(c)(1) In Talbot County, the owner or custodian of a female dog that is in heat may not knowingly allow the dog to run at large.

(2) A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $25.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-132. Washington County

“Animal control officer” defined

(a) The County Commissioners of Washington County may designate a regular or contract employee to provide animal control services.

Regulation of animals

(b) The County Commissioners of Washington County may adopt an animal control ordinance for:

(1) licensing dogs, kennels, and pet shops;

(2) controlling rabid animals; and

(3) disposing of uncontrolled, vicious, or sick animals.

Designation of animal control agency

(c) The County Commissioners of Washington County may adopt an animal control ordinance to designate a private agency or unit of county government to:

(1) enforce the ordinance adopted under subsection (b) of this section;

(2) maintain records regarding the licensing, impounding, and disposing of animals coming into the custody of the private agency or unit of county government; and

(3) enter into contracts or agreements to provide for the disposal of animals.

Animal shelters

(d) The County Commissioners of Washington County may adopt an animal control ordinance to provide for the designation of animal control shelters in the county.

Issuance and content of citations

(e)(1) An animal control officer in Washington County may issue and deliver a citation to a person believed to be committing a violation of an animal control ordinance.

(2)(i) The animal control officer shall keep a copy of the citation.

(ii) The citation shall bear a certification attesting to the truth of the matters set forth in the citation.

(3) The citation shall contain:

(i) the name and address of the person charged;

(ii) the nature of the violation;

(iii) the location and time of the violation;

(iv) the amount of the fine;

(v) the manner, location, and time in which the fine may be paid; and

(vi) a notice of the person's right to elect to stand trial for the violation.

Quasi-judicial authority

(f)(1) The County Commissioners of Washington County may adopt an animal control ordinance to create a quasi-judicial animal control authority for the county to hold public hearings to decide citations, complaints, and other controversies arising under the animal control ordinance, other than those filed with the District Court.

(2) Hearings held under this subsection are subject to the right of a party to file a petition for judicial review in the circuit court.

(3) The county commissioners may adopt rules and regulations to govern hearings held under this subsection.


(g)(1) A person who receives a citation under this section may elect to stand trial for the violation by filing with the animal control officer a notice of intention to stand trial at least 5 days before the date set forth in the citation for the payment of fines.

(2) After receiving a notice of intention to stand trial, the animal control officer shall forward the notice to the District Court, with a copy of the citation.

(3) After receiving the citation and notice, the District Court shall schedule the case for trial and notify the defendant of the trial date.

(4) All fines, penalties, or forfeitures collected by the District Court for violations of an ordinance adopted under this section shall be remitted to Washington County.

(5) In a proceeding before the District Court, a violation of an ordinance adopted under this section shall be prosecuted in the same manner as a municipal infraction under Title 6 of this article.

(6) The County Commissioners of Washington County may authorize the County Attorney, the State's Attorney, or another attorney to prosecute a violation of an ordinance adopted under this section.

(7) If the District Court finds that a person has committed a violation of an ordinance adopted under this section, the person is liable for the costs of the court proceedings.


(h)(1) The County Commissioners of Washington County may adopt an animal control ordinance to provide that each violation of an ordinance adopted under this section is a misdemeanor and on conviction a person is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 30 days or a fine not exceeding $1,000 or both.

(2) The county commissioners may:

(i) establish a schedule of additional fines for each violation; and

(ii) adopt procedures for the collection of fines.

(3)(i) If a person who receives a citation under this section for a violation fails to pay the fine by the date of payment set forth on the citation and fails to file a notice of intention to stand trial, a notice of the violation shall be sent to the person's last known address.

(ii) If the citation is not satisfied within 15 days after the date the notice of violation is mailed, the person is subject to an additional fine not exceeding twice the amount of the original fine.

(iii) If the person who receives the citation does not pay the citation by the 36th day after the notice of violation is mailed, the animal control officer may request the District Court to adjudicate the violation.

(iv) After the animal control officer requests adjudication, the District Court shall schedule the case for trial and summon the defendant to appear.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-133. Wicomico County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) In Wicomico County, each year as specified by law, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay the fee for a dog or kennel license set by the governing body of Wicomico County.

(3) Except as provided by § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The governing body shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires as specified by local law.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Wicomico County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the person pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The governing body of Wicomico County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (a) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The governing body shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Designation of assistants to county tax collector

(c) The governing body of Wicomico County may designate persons to assist the county tax collector to collect license fees and issue licenses and tags under this subtitle.

Dogs in heat

(d)(1) In Wicomico County, the owner or custodian of a female dog that is in heat:

(i) may not knowingly allow the dog to run at large; and

(ii) shall confine the dog.

(2) A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $25.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.


§ 13-134. Worcester County

Dog and kennel licenses

(a)(1) In Worcester County, on or before July 1 of each year, a person owning or keeping a dog shall apply to the county tax collector for a license for the dog if the dog is at least 6 months old.

(2) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay the fee for a dog or kennel license set by the County Commissioners of Worcester County.

(3) Except as provided in § 13-108 of this subtitle, the licenses and fees required under this section are the only licenses and fees required for owning or keeping a dog.

(4) The county commissioners shall prepare and supply the form for a license issued under this subsection.

(5) A dog license shall contain the date of issuance, a serial number, and a description of the dog licensed.

(6) A license expires on July 1 of the year after issuance.

Dog tags

(b)(1) In Worcester County, the county tax collector shall issue a tag with each dog license to a person owning or keeping a dog when the owner pays the license fee for the dog.

(2) The County Commissioners of Worcester County shall prepare and supply tags to the county tax collector each year.

(3) The tags shall be:

(i) composed of metal;

(ii) imprinted with a serial number corresponding to the number on the license issued to the owner under subsection (a) of this section;

(iii) imprinted with the calendar year for which the tag is issued;

(iv) 1 inch or less in length; and

(v) equipped with a substantial metal fastener.

(4) The county commissioners shall change the general shape of the tags each year.

(5) Tags supplied to owners of kennels shall contain the word “kennel”.

(6) The person owning or keeping a dog shall attach the tag to a substantial collar and keep the collar and tag on the dog for which the license was issued at all times, except when the dog is:

(i) confined in a kennel; or

(ii) hunting under the charge of an attendant.

(7) The county tax collector shall replace a lost tag on:

(i) application by the person to whom the original license was issued;

(ii) the production of the license; and

(iii) payment of a fee of 25 cents.

Regulation and enforcement

(c)(1) The County Commissioners of Worcester County may adopt rules and regulations, by resolution or ordinance, to provide for:

(i) issuing dog licenses;

(ii) keeping records of all sales of licenses;

(iii) designating persons authorized to sell licenses; and

(iv) seizing and disposing of dogs found running at large in the county.

(2) Before the county commissioners adopt a rule or regulation in accordance with this subsection, a summary of the proposed rule, regulation, resolution, or ordinance shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once each week for 2 successive weeks, to provide any person an opportunity to be heard.

(3) The rules and regulations shall include standards and shall operate uniformly.

(4) Subject to paragraph (5) of this subsection, the county commissioners may delegate, by written contract, the enforcement of the rules and regulations.

(5)(i) The county commissioners shall reserve the right to cancel a written contract executed in accordance with paragraph (4) of this subsection.

(ii) A cancellation under this paragraph:

1. may be without notice or recourse, if the cancellation is for cause; or

2. requires notice at least 30 days before cancellation, if the cancellation is without cause.

(6) A person who violates a rule or regulation adopted in accordance with this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine:

(i) for a first offense, not exceeding $25; and

(ii) for each subsequent offense, not exceeding $100.

Animal control officers

(d)(1) The County Commissioners of Worcester County may appoint animal control officers.

(2) An animal control officer appointed under this subsection:

(i) has all the powers of a peace officer;

(ii) may sell and issue dog licenses; and

(iii) may seize and dispose of stray, injured, unlicensed, diseased, or vicious dogs, in accordance with rules and regulations of the county commissioners.

(3) The county commissioners may provide for the compensation of an animal control officer appointed under this subsection.

Animal shelters

(e)(1) The County Commissioners of Worcester County may provide animal shelters where dogs seized by an animal control officer may be placed.

(2) The county commissioners may enter into an agreement with any adjacent county to establish an animal shelter to serve the counties.

(3) Notwithstanding § 13-105(d) of this subtitle, the county commissioners may use the proceeds from dog license fees to:

(i) establish and maintain an animal shelter; and

(ii) collect, care for, or euthanize dogs.


Added by Acts 2013, c. 119, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2013.

Transportation. Title 21. Vehicle Laws--Rules of the Road. Subtitle 10. Stopping, Standing, and Parking

§ 21-1004.1. Domestic animals left in vehicles

In general

(a) A person may not leave a cat or dog unattended in a standing or parked motor vehicle in a manner that endangers the health or safety of the cat or dog.

Use of reasonable force to remove animal from vehicle

(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, a person may use reasonable force to remove from a motor vehicle a cat or dog left in the vehicle in violation of the provisions of subsection (a) of this section if the person is:

(1) A law enforcement officer;

(2) A public safety employee of the State or of a local governing body;

(3) An animal control officer under the jurisdiction of the State or a local governing body;

(4) An officer of a society or association, incorporated under the laws of this State for the prevention of cruelty to animals, authorized to make arrests under the provisions of § 10-609 of the Criminal Law Article; or

(5) A volunteer or professional of a fire and rescue service.

Force in removing dog or cat from custody of officer prohibited

(c) A person may not use force of any kind to remove from a motor vehicle:

(1) A dog used by the State or a local governing body for police work while the dog is on duty; or

(2) A cat or dog in the custody of an animal control officer.

Liability for damages

(d) A person described in subsection (b) of this section may not be held liable for any damages directly resulting from actions taken under the provisions of subsection (b) of this section.

Added by Acts 1987, c. 611. Amended by Acts 1988, c. 296; Acts 2002, c. 213, § 6, eff. Oct. 1, 2002.


Natural Resources. Title 10. Wildlife. Subtitle 4. Hunting Restrictions--in General.

§ 10-413. Dogs and cats

(a) An owner of a dog may run or train the owner's dog on woodcock, pheasants, or any imported species, ruffed grouse, rabbit, hare, and quail at any time of year if an attendant accompanies the dog. An attendant of the dog may not carry firearms of any description, except a handgun, or permit the dog, while being trained, to kill any game birds or mammals except during the open season for the game. Each attendant shall possess a valid hunting license while training any dog.

(b) A person may not willfully allow any dog belonging to the person to destroy the eggs or nest of any game bird or mammal. Any person harboring a dog shall be deemed its lawful owner.

(c) Any Natural Resources police officer or any law enforcement officer may kill any dog, which does not bear a license, found destroying game birds or mammals or the nest or eggs of any game bird or mammal.

(d) A natural resources police officer or any law enforcement officer shall and any other person may destroy any cat found hunting any game bird or mammal or protected bird or mammal. A cause of action for damages cannot be maintained for this act.

(e)(1) The owner or custodian of a retriever dog shall obtain a permit from the Department before the owner or custodian may shoot artificially reared game birds for the purpose of training the dog. The permit is not required in order to shoot game birds during an open season or on a licensed shooting preserve.

(2) Only the trainer of a retriever dog and not an assistant to the trainer is required to obtain a permit under this subsection.

(3) On payment of the $5 permit fee, the Department shall issue annually a permit to the owner or custodian of a retriever dog to train the dog at any time of the year.

(4) A permittee under this subsection may, while training a retriever dog, possess and shoot with a shotgun any artificially reared game bird that has been liberated by hand and tagged before its use with an identification band provided by the Department.


Acts 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., c. 4, § 1; Acts 1978, c. 524; Acts 1985, c. 501, § 1; Acts 1990, c. 6, § 2.


§ 10-416. Deer hunting method restrictions

Automatic firearms

(a)(1) A person may not hunt deer in the State with any automatic firearm. In this subsection, an automatic firearm means a firearm designed to fire, or which is mechanically altered to fire, 2 or more shots with 1 continuous pressure on the trigger.

(2) A person may not use full metal-jacketed, incendiary, or tracer bullets in hunting deer in the State. However, the use of metal-jacketed bullets designed to expand on impact is not prohibited.

(3) A person may not hunt deer with any firearm that uses an ammunition clip holding more than 8 cartridges or bullets. In this paragraph, “ammunition clip” includes a cartridge or bullet holder called a banana clip.

Use of dogs

(b)(1) Except as provided in regulations adopted by the Department under paragraph (2) of this subsection, a person may not:

(i) Take a dog into the woods or possess or control a dog in the woods; and

(ii) Use the dog to hunt or pursue deer.

(2) The Department shall adopt regulations governing the use of dogs to aid in the prompt recovery of killed, wounded, or injured deer.

(3)(i) In Baltimore, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's, Somerset, Washington, and Worcester counties, a person may not kill a dog found pursuing a deer.

(ii) In all other counties, any Natural Resources police officer, law enforcement officer, or any other person may kill any dog found pursuing any deer, except in accordance with regulations adopted under paragraph (2) of this subsection.

(iii) In Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot, Kent, Anne Arundel, Cecil, Charles, Garrett, St. Mary's, Queen Anne's, Frederick, Carroll, and Calvert counties, dogs that are engaged in fox hunting and who have broken away may not be killed under this paragraph.

Using of light while hunting

(c) A person or 2 or more persons together may not throw or cast the rays of a spotlight, headlight, artificial light, battery, or other device on any highway or in any field, woodland, or forest while possessing or having under control a firearm or other implement by which any deer could be killed, even though the deer is not shot at, injured, or killed. The provisions of this subsection do not apply where the headlight of a motor vehicle, operated by any person traveling on a highway in the usual way, casts a light upon deer on or adjacent to the highway and there was no attempt or intent to locate the deer.

Violations of subsection (c)

(d) Any person who violates any provision of subsection (c) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or imprisonment for not more than 6 months or both, with costs imposed in the discretion of the court. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this subsection shall have the person's hunting license revoked and shall be denied the privilege of hunting in the State for at least 2 and not exceeding 5 years. In addition to these penalties, every spotlight, artificial light, battery, or device to spot, locate, or hunt for deer, and every firearm, bow and arrow, or device capable of killing a deer, found in or on any vehicle or in possession of the person convicted, or used to violate the provisions of this subsection, shall be confiscated and disposed of by the Secretary as the Secretary deems advisable.


Added by Acts 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., c. 4, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1976, c. 466; Acts 1977, c. 507; Acts 1988, c. 76; Acts 1990, c. 6, § 2; Acts 2000, c. 640, § 1, eff. July 1, 2000; Acts 2009, c. 165, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2009.


Natural Resources.   Title 10. Wildlife.   Subtitle 7. Field Trials and Use of Hunting Dogs.

§ 10-701. Permit requirement

(a) A club or association may not hold a field trial with dogs in the State during any closed hunting season without first obtaining a permit from the Secretary.

(b) The Secretary may grant a permit to field trial clubs and associations to hold field trials with raccoon, opossum, bird, or rabbit dogs in the State any time during the closed season. Field trials shall be held pursuant to regulations the Secretary adopts to safeguard the interests of wildlife in the State.


Acts 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., c. 4, § 1; Acts 1985, c. 501, §§ 1, 2; Acts 1990, c. 6, § 2.


§ 10-702. Shooting during closed hunting season

In general

(a) Any club or association holding a field trial during closed hunting season may not shoot or attempt to shoot any game bird or mammal or protected bird.


(b) Game birds bred, raised, or purchased in captivity may be shot in flight immediately upon release at retriever trials after being positively identified.


Added by Acts 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., c. 4, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1985, c. 501, §§ 1, 2.


§ 10-703. Nonresident dogs

Dogs brought into the State to participate in field trials and which are to be removed from the State within 15 days after field trials are held shall be exempted from the payment of State, city, or county license tax.


Added by Acts 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., c. 4, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1985, c. 501, §§ 1, 2.


Natural Resources.   Title 10. Wildlife.   Subtitle 8. State Wildlife Management Areas and Hunting Grounds.

§ 10-807. Entry into refuge

(a) A person may not enter in any manner on any State wildlife refuge without the consent of the Department or person in charge of the area of land or water.

(b)(1) A person may not allow any dog, domestic stock, or poultry to enter in any manner on any State-owned wildlife refuge.

(2) The Department may grant a special written permit, subject to revocation at any time, to any person regularly residing on lands included within any wildlife refuge to have any trap, dog, or gun on the refuge. However, the trap, dog, or gun may not be used in hunting wildlife unless done under special permit from the Department for propagating purposes.

(3) Where any portion of a State wildlife refuge is used for a State park, entry by any person within the refuge area for recreational pursuits may not be restricted on the portion used as a State park as long as the person does not carry any firearm or trap nor permit any dog to disturb or chase wildlife.

(c) The Department by written permission may grant to any responsible person the right to hunt for vermin and use any dog and gun in connection with hunting on State wildlife refuges. The Department also may grant permission to hunt wildlife to be used for propagation purposes.


Acts 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., c. 4, § 1; Acts 1990, c. 6, § 2.


Public Safety.   Title 2. Department of State Police.   Subtitle 3. Powers and Duties of Department.

§ 2-313. Licenses for dogs used for law enforcement


(a) Each publicly owned dog used for law enforcement work by the State or a local subdivision of the State shall have a license issued by the Department under this section.
Issuance; contents; scope

(b)(1) A license under this section shall be issued:

(i) on the form prepared and provided by the Department; and

(ii) to the law enforcement officer to whom the licensed dog is assigned.

(2) Each license shall:

(i) be dated and numbered;

(ii) state the law enforcement agency to which the dog belongs; and

(iii) describe the dog that is licensed.

(3) A license issued under this section is valid for all dog licensing purposes anywhere in the State.


(c) A license issued under this section is in effect until the earlier of:

(1) revocation of the license by the Department; and

(2) removal of the licensed dog from law enforcement work.

Tags and collar

(d)(1) The Department shall provide with each license a metal tag that:

(i) is stamped "Department of State Police"; and

(ii) bears the license number of the dog.

(2) The tag shall be affixed to a substantial collar to be provided by the law enforcement agency to which the dog belongs.

(3) The tag and collar shall be kept on the licensed dog at all times unless the dog is confined in a kennel or is under the personal charge of the law enforcement officer to whom the dog is assigned.


(e) The licensing responsibility of this section does not create liability for the Department or its officers or employees for any action of a licensed dog or the law enforcement officer to whom it is assigned.


Added by Acts 2003, c. 5, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2003.


Health—General.   Title 18. Disease Prevention.   Subtitle 3. Specific Diseases

Part III. Rabies.

§ 18-312. Definition of public health veterinarian

In Part III of this subtitle, "public health veterinarian" means the veterinarian whom the Secretary designates as responsible for the veterinary public health program of the Department.


Acts 1982, c. 21, § 2; Acts 1984, c. 626.


§ 18-313. Statewide system to control rabies

The Secretary of Health shall provide a statewide system:

(1) To control rabies;

(2) To grant authority to the public health veterinarian and the local health officer in matters pertaining to the disposition of animals that bite or otherwise expose rabies to an individual;

(3) To assist local political subdivisions regarding the laboratory testing of rabid animals;

(4) To treat each individual who is exposed or suspected of having been exposed to rabies; and

(5) To distribute, in accordance with the conditions set by the Secretary of Agriculture, the biological products that are needed to prevent and treat rabies.

Added by Acts 1982, c. 21, § 2, eff. July 1, 1982. Amended by Acts 1984, c. 626; Acts 1986, c. 746, § 1, eff. July 1, 1986; Acts 2017, c. 62, § 6.


§ 18-314. Immunization

The Department shall provide preexposure immunization, without charge, to any individual who provides rabies control services at the request of the Department.


Acts 1983, c. 197.


§ 18-315. Clinics

(a) With the county health department for each county, the Department shall provide for an antirabies clinic in the county.

(b) Each clinic shall be staffed by a graduate veterinarian.

(c) The clinic for a county shall be offered on or before June 30 of each year, on the date and at the location that the Department and the health department for the county determine.

(d) Each county health department may charge fees that are set so as to produce funds to cover the cost of material and services that the clinic provides.

(e) The public health veterinarian shall set the vaccination procedures to be used at the clinics.


Acts 1982, c. 21, § 2.


§ 18-316. Reports required

(a)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, an individual immediately shall report to the local police or sheriff if the individual:

(i) Knows that a dog, cat, or other warm blooded animal has bitten, scratched, or otherwise exposed an individual to a possible rabies infection; or

(ii) Suspects that an animal has rabies.

(2) In Frederick County, the individual shall report to the animal control center of Frederick County.

(b) On receipt of a report under this section, the police, sheriff, or animal control center staff shall:

(1) Notify the health officer for the county where the report is made; and

(2) Enforce all orders of the health officer and the public health veterinarian.

(c) If the public health veterinarian or the local health officer issues an order to surrender an animal that is suspected of having rabies, a person may not hide or secret the animal:

(1) In the custody of the person; or

(2) In the custody or with the cooperation of any other person.

(d) A person who fails or refuses to comply with any provision of this section or any order issued under this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $500.


Acts 1982, c. 21, § 2; Acts 1984, c. 626.


§ 18-317. Treatment cost

The Department shall pay the cost of any antirabies treatment that an individual requires, if the individual is unable to pay for the treatment.


Acts 1982, c. 21, § 2.


§ 18-318. Vaccination required

(a) Each person who owns or keeps a dog, cat, or ferret that is 4 months old or older shall have the dog, cat, or ferret vaccinated adequately against rabies.

(b)(1) A county may not register or license a dog, cat, or ferret unless the person who owns or keeps the dog, cat, or ferret submits, with the application for registration or license, proof that the dog, cat, or ferret has been vaccinated adequately against rabies.

(2) The public health veterinarian shall determine the proof of vaccination that is acceptable.


Acts 1982, c. 21, § 2; Acts 1985, c. 311; Acts 1996, c. 684, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1996.


§ 18-319. Responsibilities of veterinarian

(a) A licensed veterinarian who vaccinates a dog, cat, or ferret against rabies:

(1) May select the vaccine to be used;

(2) Shall administer the vaccine in a manner that is consistent with the recommendations of the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians;

(3) Shall issue to the owner of the dog, cat, or ferret a vaccination certificate, on the form that the Department approves; and

(4) Shall keep a record of the vaccination for a period of 5 years.

(b) The information in the rabies vaccination record that a licensed veterinarian keeps may not be used:

(1) To license the dog, cat, or ferret; or

(2) To tax the owner of the dog, cat, or ferret.


Acts 1982, c. 21, § 2; Acts 1985, c. 311; Acts 1996, c. 684, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1996.


§ 18-320. Quarantine

(a) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, an apparently healthy dog, cat, or ferret that has been adequately vaccinated against rabies in accordance with § 18-318 of this subtitle or any other animal that bites a human or otherwise exposes a human to rabies shall be quarantined as provided in subsection (b) of this section.

(b) An animal under quarantine shall be quarantined in a place, which may include the residence of the owner, in the manner designated by the local health officer or the public health veterinarian for a suitable period as determined by the health officer or the public health veterinarian.

(c)(1) At any time during the quarantine period, the public health veterinarian or local health officer may order the owner of a biting animal to have the animal monitored for rabies by a licensed veterinarian.

(2) The owner of the animal shall pay for the cost of any examination or other associated cost.

(d) An animal under quarantine may not be moved from the place of quarantine without the written permission of the local health officer or public health veterinarian.

(e) The public health veterinarian or local health officer or the designee of the public health veterinarian or local health officer may order the immediate and humane destruction of a biting animal for rabies testing if:

(1) It is necessary to preserve human health;

(2) A licensed veterinarian determines that a quarantined animal is inhumanely suffering; or

(3) The animal is considered wild and is not claimed by an owner within 24 hours.


Acts 1984, c. 314; Acts 1996, c. 684, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1996.


§ 18-321. Reserved


State Government.   Title 13. Emblems; Commemorative Days; Manual.   Subtitle 3. Additional Emblems; Designations.

§ 13-303. Designation of state dog

The Chesapeake Bay retriever is the State dog.


Acts 1984, c. 284, § 1.


Courts and Judicial Proceedings. Title 3. Courts of General Jurisdiction--Jurisdiction/Special Causes of Action. Subtitle 19. Personal Injury or Death Caused by Dog.

§ 3-1901. Actions against dog owners for personal injury or death caused by dog

In general

(a)(1) In an action against an owner of a dog for damages for personal injury or death caused by the dog, evidence that the dog caused the personal injury or death creates a rebuttable presumption that the owner knew or should have known that the dog had vicious or dangerous propensities.

(2) Notwithstanding any other law or rule, in a jury trial, the judge may not rule as a matter of law that the presumption has been rebutted before the jury returns a verdict.

Common law of liability that existed on April 1, 2012

(b) In an action against a person other than an owner of a dog for damages for personal injury or death caused by the dog, the common law of liability relating to attacks by dogs against humans that existed on April 1, 2012, is retained as to the person without regard to the breed or heritage of the dog.


(c) The owner of a dog is liable for any injury, death, or loss to person or property that is caused by the dog, while the dog is running at large, unless the injury, death, or loss was caused to the body or property of a person who was:

(1) Committing or attempting to commit a trespass or other criminal offense on the property of the owner;

(2) Committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense against any person; or

(3) Teasing, tormenting, abusing, or provoking the dog.

Construction with common law

(d) This section does not affect:

(1) Any other common law or statutory cause of action; or

(2) Any other common law or statutory defense or immunity.


Added by Acts 2014, c. 48, § 1, eff. April 8, 2014; Acts 2014, c. 49, § 1, eff. April 8, 2014.


Insurance. Title 19. Property and Casualty Insurance. Subtitle 2. Homeowner’s Insurance Policies.

§ 19-206.1. Notice relating to specific breeds or specific mixed breeds of dogs not covered by insurance

(a) This section applies to an insurer that offers a homeowner's insurance or renter's insurance policy in the State that does not provide coverage for losses caused by specific breeds or specific mixed breeds of dogs.

Notice requirements

(b) At the time of application for or issuance of a policy of homeowner's insurance or renter's insurance, and at each renewal of a policy of homeowner's insurance or renter's insurance, an insurer subject to this section shall provide to an applicant or an insured a written notice that:

(1) states that the policy does not provide coverage for losses caused by specific breeds or specific mixed breeds of dogs; and

(2) identifies the specific breeds or specific mixed breeds of dogs for which the policy does not provide coverage.
Notice provided in annual statement

(c) An insurer subject to this section may provide the notice required under subsection (b) of this section in the annual statement required under § 19-205 of this subtitle.
Delivery of notice by electronic means

(d) The notice required by this section may be delivered by electronic means if the insurer complies with the requirements of § 27-601.2 of this article.

Added by Acts 2013, c. 406, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2013. Amended by Acts 2017, c. 123, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2017; Acts 2017, c. 124, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2017.


General Provisions. Title 7. Emblems; Designations; Commemorative Days and Months; Subtitle 3. Additional Emblems; Designations Part I. Animals, Plants, and Wildlife

§ 7-304. Dog

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is the State dog.


Added by Acts 2014, c. 94, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 2014.


Health--General.  Title 21. Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics. Subtitle 3. Food Establishments. Part I. Definitions; General Provisions.

§ 21-304. Rules and regulations

(a)(1) The Department shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this subtitle.

(2) For excluded organizations, the Department:

(i) Shall adopt separate regulations that establish minimum standards that:

1. Ensure food integrity and safety;

2. Preserve public health; and

3. Control foodborne illnesses;

(ii) May adopt separate regulations that establish a licensing system, with appropriate standards, that excluded organizations may voluntarily choose to submit to as a rescindable alternative to regulation under item (i) of this paragraph; and

(iii) May adopt regulations governing excluded organizations serving potentially hazardous food prepared in a private kitchen.

Less stringent standards

(b) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, a political subdivision may not adopt a law, ordinance, rule, or regulation that establishes a standard that is less stringent than rules and regulations adopted under this subtitle.

Home rule, charter county, or Baltimore City

(c) Except as otherwise provided in this section, this subtitle does not limit the power of a home rule or charter county or Baltimore City to adopt and enforce laws, ordinances, and regulations that are consistent with the purposes of this subtitle, including the power to adopt local licensing and enforcement procedures.

Sale of raw agricultural products at farmer’s market

(d)(1)(i) In this subsection the following words have the meanings indicated.

(ii) “Farmer's market” means a public market in the State where producers of raw agricultural products sell the products directly to the public.

(iii) “Raw agricultural product” includes:

1. Whole, unprocessed grains, flowers, herbs, nuts, fruits, and vegetables supplied directly from the farm on which they were produced; and

2. Any agricultural products the Department identifies in regulation.

(2) A local jurisdiction may not require a license for the sale of raw agricultural products at a farmer's market or at a public festival or event.

Dogs accompanying patrons in outdoor dining areas

(e)(1) The governing body of Frederick County may adopt an ordinance to allow a restaurant with an outdoor dining area to allow a patron's dog to accompany the patron in the outdoor dining area.

(2) An ordinance adopted under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall:

(i) Prohibit a dog from being allowed to travel through an indoor space of a restaurant to enter or exit an outdoor dining area; and

(ii) Contain a provision to ensure that the ordinance does not affect the right of an individual to use a service animal, as defined in § 7-701 of the Human Services Article.

Mobile food service facility reciprocity license

(f)(1)(i) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.

(ii) “Base of operations” means a location used by the owner or operator of a mobile food service facility that provides:

1. A source of potable water, potable water hoses, and clean connections;

2. A method for the disposal of sewage;

3. Clean, adequate, and covered trash receptacles;

4. If necessary, refrigerated and dry food storage areas;

5. A storage area for single-serve food items; and

6. If necessary, a utensil washing facility.

(iii) “County of origin” means the county in which the base of operations of a mobile food service facility is located.

(iv) “Mobile food service facility” means a food service facility that:

1. Is a vehicle mechanically, electrically, manually, or otherwise propelled;

2. Operates on land or water; and

3. Changes its location as part of its routine sales operation.

(v) “Mobile reciprocity license” means a license issued under paragraph (3) of this subsection.

(2) This subsection does not apply to a mobile food service facility that operates solely under a temporary food service license in conjunction with fairs, carnivals, or similar events.

(3) A county health department shall issue a mobile reciprocity license to a mobile food service facility that:

(i) Is operating in the county;

(ii) Is operating within 90 miles of its base of operations; and

(iii) Holds a valid license from the county of origin.

(4) A county health department may charge a fee for a mobile reciprocity license in an amount not exceeding $300.

(5) A mobile reciprocity license is valid for a period of 1 year.

(6) If a mobile food service facility has been inspected by the county of origin, a county may not require that the mobile food service facility be inspected before a county health department issues a mobile reciprocity license.

(7) A county health department that issued a mobile reciprocity license may inspect the mobile food service facility while the mobile food service facility is operating in the county.

(8) A mobile food service facility that is issued a mobile reciprocity license shall comply with all applicable State and local laws and regulations.

(9)(i) A county health department may take enforcement action, including the levy of fines, against a mobile food service facility that violates this subtitle or any regulation adopted under this subtitle or any applicable local laws or regulations.

(ii) If a county health department takes enforcement action under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, the county health department shall notify the county of origin of the action taken.


Added as Health-Environmental § 4-304 by Acts 1987, c. 297, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1988. Transferred to Health-General § 21-304 by Acts 1987, c. 306, § 2, eff. July 1, 1987. Amended by Acts 1997, c. 418, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1997; Acts 2005, c. 154, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2005; Acts 2010, c. 72, § 1, eff. April 13, 2010; Acts 2010, c. 246, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2010; Acts 2010, c. 552, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2010; Acts 2011, c. 437, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2011; Acts 2014, c. 645, § 1, eff. Dec. 1, 2014; Acts 2015, c. 22, § 1, eff. April 14, 2015; Acts 2017, c. 215, § 1, eff. April 18, 2017; Acts 2017, c. 216, § 1, eff. April 18, 2017; Acts 2019, c. 230, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2019.


§ 21-304.2. Restaurant patrons with dogs

Restaurants eligible for dog admission

(a) A restaurant with an outdoor dining area may allow a patron's dog to accompany the patron in the outdoor dining area during the hours designated by the owner of the restaurant.
Notice to local health department

(b) The owner of a restaurant:

(1) Shall provide written notice to the local health department that the owner intends to allow a patron's dog to accompany the patron in the outdoor dining area of the restaurant not less than 30 days prior to the day on which dogs will be allowed in the outdoor dining area;

(2) May determine the location and the amount of space in the outdoor dining area designated for a patron accompanied by a dog;

(3) May establish limits on the size and type of dogs and any other limitations relating to dogs that may accompany a patron into the outdoor dining area of a restaurant;

(4) May deny entry to the restaurant or eject from the restaurant any patron accompanied by a dog at the discretion of the owner; and

(5) Shall place on permanent display a written notice that is in a typeface that is large enough to be easily legible to the average person from a distance of 8 feet and that is in a location that is plainly visible to the patrons of the restaurant notifying the patrons of the policy of the restaurant allowing dogs in the outdoor dining area.


(c) A patron accompanied by a dog:

(1) May not allow the dog to travel through an indoor space of a restaurant to enter or exit an outdoor dining area;

(2) Shall keep the dog on a leash at all times with the patron at the table at which the patron is seated;

(3) May not leave the dog unattended at any time in the restaurant;

(4) Shall be an adult who is responsible for the behavior of the dog; and

(5) Is liable for any damages caused by the dog to the restaurant or any other patron of the restaurant.

Service animals

(d) This section does not affect the right of an individual to use a service animal, as defined in § 7-701 of the Human Services Article.

Added by Acts 2011, c. 607, § 1, eff. July 1, 2011.



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