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FL - Importation - Chapter 5C-3. Importation of Animals Fla. Admin. Code r. 5C-3.001 - 3.012 This set of regulations constitutes the Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services rules governing the importation of animals.
FL - Importation - Chapter 5C-30. Enforcement and Penalties Rule 5C-30.001 - 004, F.A.C.

This set of statutes establishes the procedures for the inspection and quarantine of imported animals and sets penalties for violations of the state's animal import laws.

FL - Rehabilitation, wildlife - 68A-9.006. Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit. 68 FL ADC 68A-9.006 This Florida regulation sets forth the requirements to obtain a permit for wildlife rehabilitation.
FL - Wildlife - Chapter 68A-1. General: Ownership, Short Title, Severability and Definitions Fla. Admin. Code r. 68A-1.001 - 1.004 This chapter of the Administrative Code provides the definitions for the remaining chapters of the Code, and includes a declaration of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's authority to regulate all wild animal life within the state.
FL - Wildlife - Chapter 68A-15. Type I Wildlife Management Areas 68 FL ADC 68A-15.004 These Florida rules provide that no person shall knowingly or negligently allow any dog to pursue or molest any wildlife during any period in which the taking of such wildlife by the use of dogs is prohibited. No person shall knowingly allow a dog under their care to enter or remain upon a critical wildlife area during any period in which public access is prohibited by the order establishing such area.
GA - Animal Protection- Chapter 40-13-13. Animal Protection GA ADC 40-13-13-.01 to .09 There regulations set out the requirements for licensing animal shelters, pet dealers, kennels, and stable operators. They also provide provisions for controlling disease and shipping animals into the state.
GA - Disaster Planning - Georgia Emergency Operations Plan The Georgia Emergency Operations Plan contains several references to pets during state disasters. Specifically, Emergency Support Function (ESF) #11 considers the need to plan for the "safety and well-being of household pets" and the coordination of "animal evacuation assistance."
GA - Exotic Animals - 40-13-2-.16. Exotic and Pet Birds. GA ADC 40-13-2-.16, 17 This Georgia regulation provides that all exotic animals and all non-traditional livestock entering Georgia must be accompanied by an official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection identifying each animal with unique permanent individual identification.
GA - Rabies - 40-13-2-.19. Pets. GA ADC 40-13-2-.19 This Georgia regulation states that all dogs and cats twelve (12) weeks of age or older entering Georgia must have proof of a current and approved rabies vaccination in accordance with the most recent Compendium of Animal Rabies Control published by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. It also provides other requirements for importation of pets.
GA - Rehabilitation, wildlife - 391-4-9-.03. Wildlife Rehabilitation Permits GA ADC 391-4-9-.03 This Georgia regulation describes the requirements to become a wildlife rehabilitator. Rehabilitation means the action or process of restoring wildlife to a condition of health and shall include maintaining a state of health in young wildlife to an age of independence. A permit is issued only when an applicant meets requirements such as training and demonstration of competency on a written exam, among other things.
GA - Restaurant, animals - 511-6-1-.07. Physical Facilities. GA ADC 511-6-1-.07 This Georgia regulation has an exception for dogs in outdoor dining areas in the subsection of the regulation that prohibits animals in food service establishments. Subsection (5)(o)(vi) states that pet dogs may be allowed in outside dining areas of a food establishment provided patrons access the area from the outdoors and several other conditions are met. Pet dogs must not come into contact with any serving dishes, utensils, or tableware nor are they allowed on chairs, tables, or other furnishings. Employees and consumers must not provide food to pet dogs. The pet dogs must be kept on a leash and under control of the consumer at all times. At no time is the pet dog allowed to travel through the interior portion of the food service establishment. The establishment must also establish processes for training employees not to handle or pet the dogs and a procedure and equipment for the clean up of pet waste.
HI - Exotic Wildlife - Subchapter 2. Non-Domestic Animal Introductions Haw. Admin. Rules (HAR) § 4-71-5 to § 4-71-10 This chapter addresses the introduction of feral and other non-domestic animals into Hawaii. The regulations specify certain animals prohibited for introduction into the state and the process for permitted introductions. Certain animals require a bond with the department.
HI - Wildlife - Chapter 124. Indigenous Wildlife, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, and Introduced Wild Birds Haw. Admin. Rules (HAR) § 13-124-1 to § 13-124-13 The purpose of this chapter is to conserve, manage, protect, and enhance indigenous wildlife; and manage introduced wild birds.
IA - Breeders - Chapter 67 Animal Welfare Iowa Admin. Code 21-67.1(162) - 13 The following Iowa regulations provide provisions that pet stores, kennels, pounds, and other animal housing facilities must follow in order to handle, transport, and care for animals. These regulations provide specific instructions for dog day cares and for breeding greyhound dogs.
IA - Dangerous Wild Animals - Chapter 77. Dangerous Wild Animals IA ADC 21-77.1 - 14 This set of rules defines a "dangerous wild animal" and prohibits the importation, possession, ownership, and breeding of those animals. Certain listed individuals and entities are exempt from the ban. Also, a person who owned or possessed a dangerous wild animal on July 1, 2007 may continue to own or possess that animal if the person complies with the legal requirements outlined in this Chapter.
IA - Disaster planning - Iowa Emergency Response Plan The Iowa Emergency Response Plan contains several specific references to pets and service animals. In fact, "[p]rovisions will be made for the care of pets in nearby locations. Service animals for persons with disabilities are allowed by law to stay in shelter with their owner and are not considered pets." There are requirements under the plan for agency coordination to shelter pets.
IA - Restaurant - Inspection standards for food establishments. This Iowa regulation was amended in 2020 by adding subsection 31.1(14) to allow "pet dogs" on exterior premises of a food establishment, including outdoor patio and outdoor dining areas, provided the food establishment meets all of the listed requirements. These requirements include: having a separate outdoor entrance; not allowing food preparation in the outdoor area or storage of reusable customer utensils; mandating that food or water dishes provided to dogs are single-use and disposable or come from the pet owners themselves; prohibiting contact between employees and the dogs; making sure the outdoor area is kept clean; ensuring that the area is immediately cleaned and sanitized if body fluids are excreted; making sure the outdoor area is not fully enclosed; requiring the removal of disruptive pet dogs; and posting of rules at the entrance. These rules include the leashing of dogs at all times, the prohibiting of dogs in the interior of the food establishment and on furniture, and the requirement to notify employees if the dog deposits any body fluid.
ID - Disaster planning - Idaho Emergency Operations Plan The Idaho Incident Annex (ID-IA) #5, Animal Health Emergency Management Annex defines the roles and responsibilities of the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) and its supporting agencies in response to an emergency event.
ID - Exotic Animals - Chapter 27. Rules Governing Deleterious Exotic Animals IDAPA These Idaho rules concern the possession, propagation, and exhibition of "deleterious exotic animals." No person may possess or propagate a deleterious exotic animal in the state, unless such person obtains a possession permit issued by the Administrator. Species of deleterious exotic animals include leopards, lions, non-pinioned mute swans, Russian wild boar, and all non-human primates, among others.
ID - Rabies - 500. DOGS AND CATS ID ADC All dogs and cats imported into the state of Idaho must be accompanied by a CVI. Dogs and cats twelve (12) weeks of age or older shall be vaccinated for rabies.
IN - Rehabilitation, wildlife - 312 IAC 9-10-9 Wild animal rehabilitation permit 312 IAC 9-10-9, This Indiana regulation sets for the requirements to obtain a permit to possess wild animals for rehabilitation.
IN - Breeders - Rule 1. Commercial Dog Breeder and Broker Registration Ind. Admin. Code tit. 345, r. 14-1-1 to 4 This set of Indiana rules provides the rules for licensing and registration of commercial dog brokers and breeders.
IN - Exotic Pets - Article 9. Fish and Wildlife. Rule 3. Mammals. 312 IAC 9-3-18.5 Exotic mammals. 312 IN ADC 9-3-18.5 This regulation lists certain exotic mammals that may not be taken (harmed, harassed, or killed) and establishes restrictions on the possession and sale of those exotic mammals.
IN - Rabies - Rule 5. Rabies Immunization These regulations contain Indiana's rabies provisions.
IN - Wild Animal - Rule 11. Wild Animal Possession Permits. Ind. Admin. Code tit. 312, r. 9-11-1 to 15 This chapter of regulations provides the rules and requirements for possession of wild animals in Indiana.
KS - Breeders - Article 18. Animal Facility Inspection Program-License and Registration Fees KS ADC 9-18-1 - 31 These Kansas regulations set out the fees schedule for licenses, such as animal breeder premises license. Under the regulations, premises that are licensed are subject to routine inspections to determine compliance with the regulations.
KS - Exotic Pets - 115-20-3 Exotic Wildlife; Possession, Sale and Requirements. KS ADC 115-20-3 This regulation covers the importation, possession, and sale of exotic wildlife.
KS - Rabies - 9-18-5 Importing dogs and cats. K.A.R. 9-18-5 This Kansas regulation states that dogs and cats shall not be imported into Kansas unless accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued by a licensed veterinarian and vaccinated against rabies with a product licensed by the U.S.D.A., with the duration of immunity and method of administration in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines. Dogs and cats under three months of age shall not be required to be vaccinated against rabies.
KS - Veterinarian Issues - Professional Conduct K.A.R. 70-8-1 The following represents acts by a Kansas licensed veterinarian that shall be considered unprofessional conduct and shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action against the licensee.
KY - Endangered - 301 KAR 3:061. Endangered species of fish and wildlife 301 Ky. Admin. Regs. 3:061 It is unlawful for any person to import, transport, possess, process, sell or offer for sale any endangered species of fish and wildlife, or parts thereof, except as provided in Sections 3 and 4 of this administrative regulation.
KY - Exotic Wildlife, Native Wildlife - Transportation and holding of native wildlife/301 KAR 2:082. Transportation and holding 301 Ky. Admin. Regs. 2:081, 2:082 These regulations provide Kentucky's administrative rules for the possession of wild animals or exotic pets. Except as specified in Section 2 of this administrative regulation and subsection (2) of this section, a person shall not import or possess species such as an alligator snapping turtle, black bear, cougar, copperbelly watersnake, wild turkey, wolf, or any federally threatened or endangered species. Specific transportation and importation requirements are outlined in great detail.
KY - Farm animal - 302 KAR 21:030. Beef Cattle, Bison, and Veal Specific Provisions 302 KY ADC 21:030 Beginning in 2010, Kentucky legislators used the legislative initiative process to pass House Bill 398, which requires the Kentucky Livestock Care Standards Commission to make recommendations to the Board of Agriculture to create standards for the keeping of livestock. In response, the Kentucky Board of Agriculture passed Administrative Regulation 302 21:030 in 2014 to provide additional standards and authorized practices for the keeping of livestock for beef and veal. These standards ensure that beef cows and veal calves have sufficient space, access to food and water, and that veal calves are kept in group pens to allow the calves to socialize.
KY - Restaurant, animals - 902 KAR 45:005. Kentucky food code 902 KY ADC 45:005 This Kentucky regulation provides an exception for dogs in outdoor dining areas to the Kentucky food code. A dog may be allowed in the outdoor dining area if that area is not fully enclosed and there is a separate entrance to the outdoor dining area. Employees must prevent the dog from coming into contact with any food, dishes, utensils, linens, and other food service items. If the employee comes into contact with the patron dog, that employee must wash hands before returning to work. A sanitizing kit for dog messes must be made available in the area. Signage must be posted at entrances to the outdoor dining area explaining that dogs may be allowed, but they must are not allowed on seats or tables or must not be served from human food or water receptacles. Also, dogs must be kept on a leash and under control of an adult at all times. The food establishment may refuse to serve the patron with a dog if he or she fails to exercise reasonable control over the dog or the dog is behaving in a manner that comprises the health and safety of others.
LA - Captive Wildlife - §115. Possession of Potentially Dangerous Wild Quadrupeds and Non-Human Primates 76 LA ADC Pt V, § 115 This Louisiana regulation states that the possession of certain potentially dangerous quadrupeds, big exotic cats, and non-human primates poses significant hazards to public safety and health, is detrimental to the welfare of the animals, and may have negative impacts on conservation and recovery of some threatened and endangered species. As a result, except as provided, it is unlawful to import into, possess, purchase or sell within the state of Louisiana, by any means whatsoever including but not limited to transactions conducted via the internet, any of the following species: cougar or mountain lion (Felis concolor); black bear (Ursus americanus); grizzly bear (Ursus arctos); polar bear (Ursus maritimus); red wolf (Canis rufus); gray wolf (Canis lupus); wolf dog hybrid (Canis lupus or Canis rufus x Canis familiarus); all non-human primates. While the prohibition against wolf-dog hybrids expired January 1, 1997, the regulation cautions persons that local ordinances or other state regulations may prohibit possession of these animals.
LA - Disaster Planning - State of Louisiana Emergency Operations Plan Louisiana's Emergency Operations Plan addresses pets and service animals in several places. The parish office of homeland security and emergency preparedness must make an EOP that includes "temporary sheltering of service animals and household pets in times of emergency or disaster." Additionally, under Emergency Support Function (ESF) #6, the "Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry (LDAF) will provide for the safety and well-being of household pets and service animals during evacuations and sheltering." Finally, under ESF #11, the plan "outlines how LDAF will initiate a state response to an emergency or disaster affecting agriculture, food, household pets . . ." and indicates that "the LDAF Emergency Programs Director will work with animal planning authorities in each parish to arrange for the humane evacuation, transport, and temporary sheltering of service animals and household pets that need assistance."
LA - Rabies - § 103. Mandatory Vaccinations of Dogs, Cats, and Ferrets [formerly paragraph 3:002] LAC 51:III.103 This Louisiana regulation states that no person shall own, keep or have in his custody a dog, cat, or ferret over 3 months of age that has not been vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian
LA - Rabies Immunization- Chapter 1. Anti-Rabies Vaccination Requirements for Dogs and Cats 51 LA ADC Pt III, § 101 to 111 These regulations are Louisiana's rabies provisions. Under the chapter, a person is prohibited from keeping a dog, cat, or ferret over the age of three months that has not been vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian.
MA - Captive Wildlife - 2.12: Artificial Propagation of Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, and Amphibians 321 MA ADC 2.12 Massachusetts law prohibits possession of wild animals without a license. Licenses are only given out for limited reasons, none of which include the keeping of animals as pets. The classes for which licenses may be granted are propagator's licenses, public stocking licenses, dealer's licenses, possessor's licenses, and dog training licenses.
MA - Disaster Planning - Massachusetts Emergency Animal Annex The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) is an all hazards plan developed to address the natural and man-caused hazards that threaten Massachusetts. The CEMP and ESF Annexes describes the system that will be used in Massachusetts to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from an emergency or disaster. It also identifies and assigns specific areas of responsibility for coordinating resources to support the response to an emergency or disaster. The Massachusetts Emergency Support Function 11 (MAESF-11) Agriculture, Animals and Natural Resources provides a framework for coordination and cooperation across state agencies and other organizations regarding the control and support of animal sheltering, search, rescue, recovery, and reunification needs and activities before, during, and after a disaster, or emergency.
MA - Exotic pets - 9.01: Exemption List 321 MA ADC 9.01 This section exempts some animals from Massachusetts' exotic pet ban. The animals that have been added to this license-exemption list include boas and pythons, skinks, parrots, hedgehogs, chinchillas, and flying squirrels, among others.
MA - Pet Shop - Chapter 12.00: Licensing and Operation of Pet Shops. Mass. Regs. Code tit. 330, § 12.01 - 12.09 These Massachusetts regulations provide provisions regarding the licensing and operation of pet stores; the licensee's responsibility towards the animals within the pet store; the licensee's restrictions on animal sales; and the government's inspection of the pet store's premises, amongst other topics.
MD - Disaster planning - State of Maryland Response Operations Plan The Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) is the agency that oversees the Maryland Emergency Preparedness Program (MEPP). The plan references pets and disaster planning, recognizing the need for mass care services for household pets and service animals in one emergency support functions (ESF), and the need to provide a framework and protective actions for animals in ESF #16.
MD - Veterinarian Issues - Reporting Animal Cruelty MD ADC to MD ADC These regulations state that if a veterinarian suspects animal cruelty, the veterinarian should do the following: (1) Note the condition of the animal upon presentation in the animal's treatment record; (2) Note the basis for suspecting cruelty in the animal's treatment record; and (3) Promptly report the suspected instance of cruelty, including animal fighting, to the appropriate local law enforcement or county animal control agency. A veterinarian who reports, in good faith, a suspected incident of animal cruelty is immune from any civil liability that results from this report.
ME - Breeder - Chapter 701. Rules Governing Animal Welfare Code Me. R. 01-001 Ch. 701, § I - VII The following Maine regulations reveal the state's requirements for the proper care/housing of animals at pet stores, kennels, and animal shelters. These regulations also establish civil penalties for pet stores, kennels, or animal shelters who violate either the following regulations or Chapter 719 of Title 7 of the Maine Revised Statutes Annotated.
ME - Fish and Wildlife - Chapter 7. Regulations for Wildlife in Captivity 09-137 CMR Ch. 7, § 7.00 - 7.18 This set of Maine regulations concerns the keeping of captive wildlife. A permit is generally required for importation, possession, propagation, rehabilitation, and exhibition of wildlife in the state. Wildlife held in captivity must be confined, contained, controlled, and sheltered in such a way as to protect it, and to protect property of others and the health and safety of the public. Section 7.11 provides the conditions and restrictions under the permit. Section 7.12 states that no primate shall be permitted unless the applicant/permit holder demonstrates a physical aide legitimate need for physical aide from a primate, and the animal in question is specifically trained for such purposes ( or the applicant must be providing foster care or training for the primate under direction or supervision of a recognized authority for same).
ME - Wildlife possession - Chapter 6. Educational & Scientific Collection Permit Rule Code Me. R. 09-137 Ch. 6, § 6.01 - 13 This section establishes the rules in Maine for educational and scientific collection permits. A scientific collection permit is required by any person who wishes to take, transport or possess wild birds or animals and their parts or products for scientific research or educational purposes at any time of the year; and/or before any person may lawfully salvage, otherwise acquire, transport or possess wild birds and animals for any purpose not specifically covered under any other permit or license.
MI - Pet Shop - Regulation No. 151. Pet Shops, Dog Pounds, and Animal Shelters. Mich. Admin. Code R. 285.151.1 - 151.41 This set of regulations sets license and registration requirements for pet shops, dog pounds, and animal shelters, and establishes minimum standards for the care of animals in those facilities.
MN - Disaster Planning - Minnesota Emergency Operations Plan (MEOP)

The Minnesota Emergency Operations Plan contains references to both household pets and service animals. The plan defines "household pet" as "[a] domesticated animal, such as a dog, cat, bird, rodent (including a rabbit), or turtle that is traditionally kept in the home for pleasure rather than for commercial purposes and can travel in commercial carriers and be housed in temporary facilities. Household pets do not include reptiles (except turtles), amphibians, fish, insects/arachnids, farm animals (including horses), and animals kept for racing purposes"

MN - Health - 1721.0500. IMPORTATION OF DOGS, CATS, OR FERRETS. MN ADC 1721.0500 This Minnesota regulation states that, unless otherwise provided, a dog, cat, or ferret imported into the state must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection. A dog, cat, or ferret three months of age or older imported into the state must be currently vaccinated for rabies unless they meet all conditions of subpart 1, item D, or are exempted by the board based on the written recommendations of a licensed veterinarian who has examined the animal and who has determined that vaccination is contraindicated due to a medical condition.
MN - Veterinarian Issues - Professional Conduct MN ADC 9100.0700 The following acts by a licensed Minnesota veterinarian constitute unprofessional conduct and are grounds for disciplinary action against the licensee.
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