West's Revised Code of Washington Annotated. Title 4. Civil Procedure; Title 9. Crimes and Punishments; Title 16. Animals and Livestock; Title 36. Counties; Title 77. Fish and Wildlife.

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Primary Citation:  West's RCWA 4.24.410; 9.08.010 - 90; 9A.76.200; 9.91.170 - 175; 16.10.010 - 40; 16.54.010 - 40; 16.70.010 - 60; 36.49.020 - 070; 77.12.077; 77.15.240, 245, 440; 77.32.525; 77.32.540 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  WA ST 4.24.410; 9.08.010 - 90; WA ST 9A.76.200; WA ST 9.91.170 - 175; 16.10.010 - 40; 16.54.010 - 40; 16.70.010 - 60; 36.49.020 - 070; 77.12.077; 77.15.240, 245, 440; 77.32.525; 77.32.540 Historical: 

Summary: These Washington statutes comprise the state's dog laws. Among the provisions include vaccination requirements, dog control zones in municipalities, dangerous dog laws, and provisions concerning hunting with dogs.

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Assistance/Service Animal Laws

Dangerous Dog Provisions

Title 16. Animals and Livestock. Chapter 16.52. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

16.52.095. Cutting ears--Misdemeanor

16.52.300. Dogs or cats used as bait--Seizure--Limitation

16.52.310. Dog breeding--Limit on the number of dogs--Required conditions--Penalty--Limitation of section--Definitions

16.52.340. Leave or confine any animal in unattended motor vehicle or enclosed space--Class 2 civil infraction--Officers' authority to reasonably remove animal

16.52.350. Dog tethering--Penalties

16.52.360. Retail pet store--Sale of dog or cat


Title 4. Civil Procedure.   Chapter 4.24. Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities.

4.24.410 . Dog handler using dog in line of duty—Immunity

Title 9. Crimes and Punishments.   Chapter 9.08. Animals, Crimes Relating to.

9.08.030 . False certificate of registration of animals--False representation as to breed

9.08.065 . Definitions

9.08.070 . Pet animals--Taking, concealing, injuring, killing, etc.--Penalty

9.08.072 . Transferring stolen pet animal to a research institution--Penalty

9.08.074 . Transferring stolen pet animal to a person who has previously sold a stolen pet animal to a research institution--Penalty

9.08.076 . Transferring stolen pet animal to a research institution by a U.S.D.A. licensed dealer--Penalty

9.08.078 . Illegal sale, receipt, or transfer of pet animals--Separate offenses

9.08.080 . Acts against animal facilities--Intent

9.08.090 . Acts against animal facilities

Title 9a. Washington Criminal Code. Chapter 9A.76. Obstructing Governmental Operation.

9A.76.200. Harming a police dog, accelerant detection dog, or police horse--Penalty

Chapter 9.91. Miscellaneous Crimes

9.91.170 . Interfering with dog guide or service animal

9.91.175 . Interfering with search and rescue dog

Title 16. Animals and Livestock.   Chapter 16.10. Dogs--Licensing--Dog Control Zones.

16.10.010 . Purpose

16.10.020 . Dog control zones--Determination of need by county commissioners

16.10.030 . Dog control zones--Public hearing, publication of notice

16.10.040 . Dog control zones--Regulations--License fees, collection, disposition

Title 16. Animals and Livestock.   Chapter 16.54. Abandoned Animals.

16.54.010 . When deemed abandoned

16.54.020 . Disposition of abandoned animal by person having custody

16.54.030 . Duty of sheriff--Sale--Disposition of proceeds

Title 16. Animals and Livestock.   Chapter 16.70. Control of Pet Animals Infected with Diseases Communicable to Humans.

16.70.010 . Purpose

16.70.020 . Definitions

16.70.030 . Emergency action authorized--Scope--Animals as public nuisance

16.70.040 . Rules--Scope

16.70.050 . Violations--Penalty

16.70.060 . Concurrent powers--Cooperation between officials

Title 36. Counties.   Chapter 36.49. Dog License Tax.

36.49.020 . Treasurer to collect—Tags

36.49.030 . Application for license after assessor's list returned

36.49.040 . Delinquent tax, how collected

36.49.050 . "County dog license tax fund"--Created

36.49.060 . "County dog license tax fund"--Transfer of excess funds in

36.49.070 . Penalty

Title 77. Fish and Wildlife. Chapter 77.12. Powers and Duties.

77.12.077. Use of dogs to hunt/pursue black bear, cougar, bobcat--Rules--Training program--Nonlethal pursuit

Title 77. Fish and Wildlife.   Chapter 77.15. Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Code.

77.15.240 . Unlawful use of dogs--Public nuisance—Penalty

77.15.245 . Unlawful practices--Black bear baiting--Exceptions--Illegal hunting--Use of dogs--Exceptions--Penalties

77.15.440 . Weapons, traps, or dogs on game reserves--Unlawful use--Penalty

Title 77. Fish and Wildlife.   Chapter 77.32. Licenses.

77.32.525 . Hunting and fishing contests--Field trials for dogs--Rules—Limitation

77.32.540 . Hunting and fishing contests--Field trials for dogs--Permit-- Rules



Title 4. Civil Procedure.   Chapter 4.24. Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities.

4.24.410. Dog handler using dog in line of duty--Immunity

(1) As used in this section:

(a) "Police dog" means a dog used by a law enforcement agency specially trained for law enforcement work and under the control of a dog handler.

(b) "Accelerant detection dog" means a dog used exclusively for accelerant detection by the state fire marshal or a fire department and under the control of the state fire marshal or his or her designee or a fire department handler.

(c) "Dog handler" means a law enforcement officer who has successfully completed training as prescribed by the Washington state criminal justice training commission in police dog handling, or in the case of an accelerant detection dog, the state fire marshal's designee or an employee of the fire department authorized by the fire chief to be the dog's handler.

(2) Any dog handler who uses a police dog in the line of duty in good faith is immune from civil action for damages arising out of such use of the police dog or accelerant detection dog.


[1993 c 180 § 1; 1989 c 26 § 1; 1982 c 22 § 1.]


Title 9. Crimes and Punishments.   Chapter 9.08. Animals, Crimes Relating to.

9.08.010. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 94, § 5


9.08.020. Repealed by Laws 1998, ch. 8, § 22


9.08.030. False certificate of registration of animals--False representation as to breed

Every person who, by color or aid of any false pretense, representation, token or writing shall obtain from any club, association, society or company for the improvement of the breed of cattle, horses, sheep, swine, fowls or other domestic animals or birds, a certificate of registration of any animal or bird in a herdbook, or other register of any such association, society or company, or a transfer of any such registration, and every person who shall knowingly represent an animal or bird for breeding purposes to be of a greater degree of any particular strain of blood than such animal actually possesses, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

[1909 c 249 § 341; RRS § 2593.]


9.08.040. Repealed by Laws 1975, 1st Ex.Sess., ch. 260, § 9A.92.010, eff. July 1, 1976


9.08.050. Repealed by Laws 1975, 1st Ex.Sess., ch. 61, § 3


9.08.060. Repealed by Laws 1982, ch. 114, § 14


9.08.065. Definitions

As used in RCW 9.08.070 through 9.08.078:

(1) "Pet animal" means a tamed or domesticated animal legally retained by a person and kept as a companion. "Pet animal" does not include livestock raised for commercial purposes.

(2) "Research institution" means a facility licensed by the United States department of agriculture to use animals in biomedical or product research.

(3) "U.S.D.A. licensed dealer" means a person who is licensed or required to be licensed by the United States department of agriculture to commercially buy, receive, sell, negotiate for sale, or transport animals.


[2003 c 53 § 8, eff. July 1, 2004; 1989 c 359 § 1.]


9.08.070. Pet animals--Taking, concealing, injuring, killing, etc.--Penalty

(1) Any person who, with intent to deprive or defraud the owner thereof, does any of the following shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW and, for adult offenders, a mandatory fine of not less than five hundred dollars per pet animal shall be imposed, except as provided by subsection (2) of this section:

(a) Takes, leads away, confines, secretes or converts any pet animal, except in cases in which the value of the pet animal exceeds seven hundred fifty dollars;

(b) Conceals the identity of any pet animal or its owner by obscuring, altering, or removing from the pet animal any collar, tag, license, tattoo, or other identifying device or mark;

(c) Willfully or recklessly kills or injures any pet animal, unless excused by law.

(2) Nothing in this section shall prohibit a person from also being convicted of separate offenses under RCW 9A.56.030, 9A.56.040, or 9A.56.050 for theft, under RCW 9A.56.150, 9A.56.160, or 9A.56.170 for possession of stolen property, or under chapter 16.52 RCW for animal cruelty.

[2015 c 265 § 10, eff. July 24, 2015; 2015 c 235 § 5, eff. July 24, 2015; 2003 c 53 § 9, eff. July 1, 2004; 1989 c 359 § 2; 1982 c 114 § 1.]


9.08.072. Transferring stolen pet animal to a research institution--Penalty

(1) It is unlawful for any person to receive with intent to sell to a research institution in the state of Washington, or sell or otherwise directly transfer to a research institution in the state of Washington, a pet animal that the person knows or has reason to know has been stolen or fraudulently obtained. This section does not apply to U.S.D.A. licensed dealers.

(2) The first conviction under this section is a gross misdemeanor punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW and, for adult offenders, a mandatory fine of not less than five hundred dollars per pet animal shall be imposed.

(3) A second or subsequent conviction under this section is a class C felony punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW and, for adult offenders, a mandatory fine of not less than one thousand dollars per pet animal shall be imposed.

(4) Nothing in this section shall prohibit a person from also being convicted of separate offenses under RCW 9A.56.030, 9A.56.040, or 9A.56.050 for theft or under RCW 9A.56.150, 9A.56.160, or 9A.56.170 for possession of stolen property.

[2015 c 265 § 11, eff. July 24, 2015; 2003 c 53 § 10, eff. July 1, 2004.]


9.08.074. Transferring stolen pet animal to a person who has previously sold a stolen pet animal to a research institution--Penalty

(1) It is unlawful for any person, who knows or has reason to know that a pet animal has been stolen or fraudulently obtained, to sell or otherwise transfer the pet animal to another who the person knows or has reason to know has previously sold a stolen or fraudulently obtained pet animal to a research institution in the state of Washington.

(2) A conviction under this section is a class C felony punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW and by a mandatory fine of not less than one thousand dollars per pet animal.


[2003 c 53 § 11, eff. July 1, 2004.]


9.08.076. Transferring stolen pet animal to a research institution by a U.S.D.A. licensed dealer--Penalty

(1) It is unlawful for a U.S.D.A. licensed dealer to receive with intent to sell, or sell or transfer directly or through a third party, to a research institution in the state of Washington, a pet animal that the dealer knows or has reason to know has been stolen or fraudulently obtained.

(2) A conviction under this section is a class C felony punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW and by a mandatory fine of not less than one thousand dollars per pet animal.


[2003 c 53 § 12, eff. July 1, 2004.]


9.08.078. Illegal sale, receipt, or transfer of pet animals--Separate offenses

(1) The sale, receipt, or transfer of each individual pet animal in violation of RCW 9.08.070 through 9.08.078 constitutes a separate offense.

(2) The provisions of RCW 9.08.070 through 9.08.078 shall not apply to the lawful acts of any employee, agent, or director of any humane society, animal control agency, or animal shelter operated by or on behalf of any government agency, operating under law.


[2003 c 53 § 13, eff. July 1, 2004.]


9.08.080. Acts against animal facilities--Intent

There has been an increasing number of illegal acts committed against animal production and research facilities involving injury or loss of life to animals or humans, criminal trespass, and damage to property. These actions not only abridge the property rights of the owners, operators, and employees of the facility, they may also damage the public interest by jeopardizing crucial animal production or agricultural, scientific, or biomedical research. These actions may also threaten the public safety by exposing communities to public health concerns and creating traffic hazards. These actions substantially disrupt or damage research and result in the potential loss of physical and intellectual property. While the criminal code, particularly the malicious mischief crimes, adequately covers those who intentionally and without authority damage or destroy farm animals, the code does not adequately cover similar misconduct directed against research and educational facilities. Therefore, it is in the interest of the people of the state of Washington to protect the welfare of humans and animals, as well as the productive use of private or public funds, to promote and protect scientific and medical research, foster education, and preserve and enhance agricultural production.

It is the intent of the legislature that the courts in deciding applications for injunctive relief under RCW 4.24.580 give full consideration to the constitutional rights of persons to speak freely, to picket, and to conduct other lawful activities.


[1991 c 325 § 1.]


9.08.090. Acts against animal facilities

A person is guilty of a class C felony: If he or she, without authorization, knowingly takes, releases, destroys, contaminates, or damages any animal or animals kept in a research or educational facility where the animal or animals are used or to be used for medical research purposes or other research purposes or for educational purposes; or if he or she, without authorization, knowingly destroys or damages any records, equipment, research product, or other thing pertaining to such animal or animals.


[1991 c 325 § 2.]


Title 9a. Washington Criminal Code. Chapter 9A.76. Obstructing Governmental Operation.

9A.76.200. Harming a police dog, accelerant detection dog, or police horse--Penalty

(1) A person is guilty of harming a police dog, accelerant detection dog, or police horse, if he or she maliciously injures, disables, shoots, or kills by any means any dog or horse that the person knows or has reason to know to be a police dog or accelerant detection dog, as defined in RCW 4.24.410, or police horse, as defined in subsection (2) of this section, whether or not the dog or horse is actually engaged in police or accelerant detection work at the time of the injury.

(2) “Police horse” means any horse used or kept for use by a law enforcement officer in discharging any legal duty or power of his or her office.

(3) Harming a police dog, accelerant detection dog, or police horse is a class C felony.

(4)(a) In addition to the criminal penalty provided in this section for harming a police dog:

(i) The court may impose a civil penalty of up to five thousand dollars for harming a police dog.

(ii) The court shall impose a civil penalty of at least five thousand dollars and may increase the penalty up to a maximum of ten thousand dollars for killing a police dog.

(b) Moneys collected must be distributed to the jurisdiction that owns the police dog.

[2012 c 94 § 2, eff. June 7, 2012; 2003 c 269 § 1, eff. July 27, 2003; 1993 c 180 § 2; 1989 c 26 § 2; 1982 c 22 § 2.]


Chapter 9.91. Miscellaneous Crimes

9.91.170. Interfering with dog guide or service animal

(1)(a) Any person who has received notice that his or her behavior is interfering with the use of a dog guide or service animal who continues with reckless disregard to interfere with the use of a dog guide or service animal by obstructing, intimidating, or otherwise jeopardizing the safety of the dog guide or service animal user or his or her dog guide or service animal is guilty of a misdemeanor, except as provided in (b) of this subsection.

(b) A second or subsequent violation of this subsection is a gross misdemeanor.

(2)(a) Any person who, with reckless disregard, allows his or her dog to interfere with the use of a dog guide or service animal by obstructing, intimidating, or otherwise jeopardizing the safety of the dog guide or service animal user or his or her dog guide or service animal is guilty of a misdemeanor, except as provided in (b) of this subsection.

(b) A second or subsequent violation of this subsection is a gross misdemeanor.

(3) Any person who, with reckless disregard, injures, disables, or causes the death of a dog guide or service animal is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

(4) Any person who, with reckless disregard, allows his or her dog to injure, disable, or cause the death of a dog guide or service animal is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

(5) Any person who intentionally injures, disables, or causes the death of a dog guide or service animal is guilty of a class C felony punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW.

(6) Any person who wrongfully obtains or exerts unauthorized control over a dog guide or service animal with the intent to deprive the dog guide or service animal user of his or her dog guide or service animal is guilty of theft in the first degree, RCW 9A.56.030.

(7)(a) In any case in which the defendant is convicted of a violation of this section, he or she shall also be ordered to make full restitution for all damages, including incidental and consequential expenses incurred by the dog guide or service animal user and the dog guide or service animal which arise out of or are related to the criminal offense.

(b) Restitution for a conviction under this section shall include, but is not limited to:

(i) The value of the replacement of an incapacitated or deceased dog guide or service animal, the training of a replacement dog guide or service animal, or retraining of the affected dog guide or service animal and all related veterinary and care expenses; and

(ii) Medical expenses of the dog guide or service animal user, training of the dog guide or service animal user, and compensation for wages or earned income lost by the dog guide or service animal user.

(8) Nothing in this section shall affect any civil remedies available for violation of this section.

(9) For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

(a) “Dog guide” means a dog that is trained or in training for the purpose of guiding blind persons or a dog trained or in training for the purpose of assisting hearing impaired persons.

(b) “Service animal” means an animal that is trained or in training for the purposes of assisting or accommodating a disabled person's sensory, mental, or physical disability.

(c) “Notice” means a verbal or otherwise communicated warning prescribing the behavior of another person and a request that the person stop their behavior.

(d) “Value” means the value to the dog guide or service animal user and does not refer to cost or fair market value.


[2017 c 170 § 1, eff. July 23, 2017; 2003 c 53 § 52, eff. July 1, 2004; 2001 c 112 § 2.]


9.91.175. Interfering with search and rescue dog

(1)(a)(i) Any person who has received notice that his or her behavior is interfering with the use of an on-duty search and rescue dog who continues with reckless disregard to interfere with the use of an on-duty search and rescue dog by obstructing, intimidating, or otherwise jeopardizing the safety of the search and rescue dog user or his or her search and rescue dog is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW, except when (a)(ii) of this subsection applies.

(ii) A second or subsequent violation of (a)(i) of this subsection is a gross misdemeanor punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW.

(b)(i) Any person who, with reckless disregard, allows his or her dog to interfere with the use of an on-duty search and rescue dog by obstructing, intimidating, or otherwise jeopardizing the safety of the search and rescue dog user or his or her search and rescue dog is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW, except when (b)(ii) of this subsection applies.

(ii) A second or subsequent violation of (b)(i) of this subsection is a gross misdemeanor punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW.

(2)(a) Any person who, with reckless disregard, injures, disables, or causes the death of an on-duty search and rescue dog is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW.

(b) Any person who, with reckless disregard, allows his or her dog to injure, disable, or cause the death of an on-duty search and rescue dog is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW.

(3) Any person who intentionally injures, disables, or causes the death of an on-duty search and rescue dog is guilty of a class C felony.

(4) Any person who wrongfully obtains or exerts unauthorized control over an on-duty search and rescue dog with the intent to deprive the dog user of his or her search and rescue dog is guilty of theft in the first degree under RCW 9A.56.030.

(5)(a) In any case in which the defendant is convicted of a violation of this section, he or she shall also be ordered to make full restitution for all damages, including incidental and consequential expenses incurred by the search and rescue dog user and the dog that arise out of, or are related to, the criminal offense.

(b) Restitution for a conviction under this section shall include, but is not limited to:

(i) The value of the replacement of an incapacitated or deceased dog, the training of a replacement search and rescue dog, or retraining of the affected dog and all related veterinary and care expenses; and

(ii) Medical expenses of the search and rescue dog user, training of the dog user, and compensation for any wages or earned income lost by the search and rescue dog user as a result of a violation of subsection (1), (2), (3), or (4) of this section.

(6) Nothing in this section affects any civil remedies available for violation of this section.

(7) For purposes of this section, “search and rescue dog” means a dog that is trained for the purpose of search and rescue of persons lost or missing.


[2005 c 212 § 1, eff. July 24, 2005.]


Title 16. Animals and Livestock.   Chapter 16.10. Dogs--Licensing--Dog Control Zones.

16.10.010. Purpose

The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the licensing of dogs within specific areas of particular counties.


[1969 c 72 § 1.]


<(Formerly: Animals, estrays, brands, and fences)>


16.10.020. Dog control zones--Determination of need by county commissioners

County commissioners may, if the situation so requires, establish dog control zones within high density population districts, or other specified areas, of a county outside the corporate limits of any city, and outside the corporate limits of any organized township. For such zones, licensing regulations may be established which shall not necessarily be operative in sparsely settled rural districts, or in other portions of the county where they may not be needed. In determining the need for such zones, and in drawing their boundaries, county commissioners shall take into consideration the following factors:

(1) The density of population in the area proposed to be zoned;

(2) Zoning regulations, if any, in force in the area proposed to be zoned;

(3) The public health, safety and welfare within the area proposed to be zoned.

If the commissioners shall find that the area proposed to be zoned is heavily populated, or that the purposes for which the land is being used therein require that dogs be controlled, or that the health, safety, and welfare of the people in the area require such control, they may propose the establishment of a dog control zone.

[1969 c 72 § 2.]


<(Formerly: Animals, estrays, brands, and fences)>


16.10.030. Dog control zones--Public hearing, publication of notice

In determining whether a dog control zone should be established, the county commissioners shall call a public hearing, notice of which shall be published once a week for each of four consecutive weeks prior thereto in a newspaper of general circulation within the proposed zone. At such a hearing, proponents and opponents of the proposed dog control zone may appear and present their views. The final decision of the commissioners with respect to the establishment of such a zone shall not be made until the conclusion of the hearing.

[1969 c 72 § 3.]


<(Formerly: Animals, estrays, brands, and fences)>


16.10.040. Dog control zones--Regulations--License fees, collection, disposition

The county commissioners shall by ordinance promulgate the regulations to be enforced within a dog control zone. These shall include provisions for the control of unlicensed dogs and the establishment of license fees. The county sheriff and/or other agencies designated by the county commissioners shall be responsible for the enforcement of the act, including the collection of license fees. Fees collected shall be transferred to the current expense fund of each county.

[1969 c 72 § 4.]


<(Formerly: Animals, estrays, brands, and fences)>


Title 16. Animals and Livestock.   Chapter 16.54. Abandoned Animals.

16.54.010. When deemed abandoned

An animal is deemed to be abandoned under the provisions of this chapter when it is placed in the custody of a veterinarian, boarding kennel owner, or any person for treatment, board, or care and:

(1) Having been placed in such custody for an unspecified period of time the animal is not removed within fifteen days after notice to remove the animal has been given to the person who placed the animal in such custody or having been so notified the person depositing the animal refuses or fails to pay agreed upon or reasonable charges for the treatment, board, or care of such animal, or;

(2) Having been placed in such custody for a specified period of time the animal is not removed at the end of such specified period or the person depositing the animal refuses to pay agreed upon or reasonable charges for the treatment, board, or care of such animal.

[1977 ex.s. c 67 § 1; 1955 c 190 § 1.]


<(Formerly: Animals, estrays, brands, and fences)>


16.54.020. Disposition of abandoned animal by person having custody

Any person having in his or her care, custody, or control any abandoned animal as defined in RCW 16.54.010, may deliver such animal to any animal care and control agency as defined in RCW 16.52.011 or to an animal rescue group as defined in RCW 82.04.040 having the facilities and resources necessary for the care of such animals. If such an animal care and control agency or animal rescue group cannot reasonably be identified to receive the animal, the person with whom the animal was abandoned may notify the sheriff of the county wherein the abandonment occurred.

[2020 c 158 § 8, eff. June 11, 2020; 2011 c 336 § 425, eff. July 22, 2011; 1955 c 190 § 2.]


16.54.030. Duty of sheriff--Sale--Disposition of proceeds

It shall be the duty of the sheriff of such county upon being so notified, to dispose of such animal as provided by law in reference to estrays if such law is applicable to the animal abandoned, or if not so applicable then deliver such an animal to any animal care and control agency as defined in RCW 16.52.011 or to an animal rescue group as defined in RCW 82.04.040 having the facilities and resources necessary for the care of such an animal. If such an animal care and control agency or animal rescue group cannot reasonably be identified to receive the animal, then such an animal shall be sold by the sheriff at public auction. Notice of any such sale shall be given by posting a notice in three public places in the county at least ten days prior to such public sale. Proceeds of such sale shall be paid to the county treasurer for deposit in the county general fund.

[2020 c 158 § 9, eff. June 11, 2020; 1955 c 190 § 3.]


Title 16. Animals and Livestock.   Chapter 16.70. Control of Pet Animals Infected with Diseases Communicable to Humans.

16.70.010. Purpose

The incidence of disease communicated to human beings by contact with pet animals has shown an increase in the past few years. The danger to human beings from such pets infected with disease communicable to humans has demonstrated the necessity for legislation to authorize the secretary of the department of health and the state board of health to take such action as is necessary to control the sale, importation, movement, transfer, or possession of such animals where it becomes necessary in order to protect the public health and welfare.

[1991 c 3 § 2; 1971 c 72 § 1.]


<(Formerly: Animals, estrays, brands, and fences)>


16.70.020. Definitions

The following words or phrases as used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise:

(1) "Pet animals" means dogs (Canidae), cats (Felidae), monkeys and other similar primates, turtles, psittacine birds, skunks, or any other species of wild or domestic animals sold or retained for the purpose of being kept as a household pet.

(2) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of health or his or her designee.

(3) "Department" means the department of health.

(4) "Board" means the Washington state board of health.

(5) "Person" means an individual, group of individuals, partnership, corporation, firm, or association.

(6) "Quarantine" means the placing and restraining of any pet animal or animals by direction of the secretary, either within a certain described and designated enclosure or area within this state, or the restraining of any such pet animal or animals from entering this state.


[1991 c 3 § 3; 1971 c 72 § 2.]


<(Formerly: Animals, estrays, brands, and fences)>


16.70.030. Emergency action authorized--Scope--Animals as public nuisance

In the event of an emergency arising out of an outbreak of communicable disease caused by exposure to or contact with pet animals, the secretary is hereby authorized to take any reasonable action deemed necessary by him or her to protect the public health, including but not limited to the use of quarantine or the institution of any legal action authorized pursuant to Title 7 RCW and RCW 43.70.170, 43.70.180, and 43.70.190.

The secretary shall have authority to destroy any pet animal or animals which may reasonably be suspected of having a communicable disease dangerous to humans and such animal or animals are hereby declared to be a public nuisance.


[2011 c 336 § 445, eff. July 22, 2011; 1971 c 72 § 3.]


16.70.040. Rules--Scope

(1) The secretary, with the advice and concurrence of the director of the department of agriculture, shall be authorized to develop rules for proposed adoption by the board relating to the importation, movement, sale, transfer, or possession of pet animals as defined in RCW 16.70.020 which are reasonably necessary for the protection and welfare of the people of this state.

(2) The director of the department of agriculture shall also be authorized to adopt rules to allow administration of permits for those pet animals under subsection (1) of this section by the state veterinarian.


[1996 c 188 § 5; 1971 c 72 § 4.]


<(Formerly: Animals, estrays, brands, and fences)>


16.70.050. Violations--Penalty

Any person violating or refusing or neglecting to obey the order or directive issued by the secretary pursuant to the authority granted under this action [act] or the rules and regulations promulgated by the board hereunder shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

[1971 c 72 § 5.]

<(Formerly: Animals, estrays, brands, and fences)>


16.70.060. Concurrent powers--Cooperation between officials

The powers conferred on the secretary by this chapter shall be concurrent with the powers conferred on the director of the department of agriculture by chapter 16.36 RCW, and chapter 43.23 RCW, and the secretary and director shall cooperate in exercising their responsibilities in these areas.

[1971 c 72 § 6.]

<(Formerly: Animals, estrays, brands, and fences)>


Title 36. Counties.   Chapter 36.49. Dog License Tax.

36.49.010. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 91, § 11


36.49.020. Treasurer to collect--Tags

The county assessor shall turn over the list of dog owners to the county treasurer for collection of the taxes. Upon the payment of the license tax upon any dog or kennel the county treasurer shall deliver to the owner or keeper of such dog or kennel a license, and a metallic tag for each dog taxed and licensed or kept in such kennel. The license shall be dated and numbered and shall bear the name of the county issuing it, the name and address of the owner of the dog or kennel licensed; and if a dog license, a description of the dog including its breed, age, color, and markings; and if a kennel license, a description of the breed, number, and ages of the dogs kept in such kennel. The metallic tag shall bear the name of the county issuing it, a serial number corresponding with the number on the license, and the calendar year in which it is issued. Every owner or keeper of a dog shall keep a substantial collar on the dog and attached firmly thereto the license tag for the current year.

[1963 c 4 § 36.49.020. Prior: 1929 c 198 § 2; RRS § 8304-2; prior: 1919 c 6 § 2, part.]


36.49.030. Application for license after assessor's list returned

Any person becoming the owner of a dog or kennel after the assessment has been returned by the assessor and any owner of a dog or kennel which for any reason the assessor has failed to assess, may at any time apply to the county treasurer, and upon the payment of the required fee procure a license and a metallic tag or tags.

[1963 c 4 § 36.49.030. Prior: 1929 c 198 § 3, part; RRS § 8304-3, part.]


36.49.040. Delinquent tax, how collected

If any person whose name appears upon the list prepared by the county assessor fails to pay the license tax to the county treasurer on or before the first day of August of the year in which the list is made, the county treasurer shall proceed to collect the delinquent license taxes in the manner provided by law for collection of delinquent personal property taxes.

[1963 c 4 § 36.49.040. Prior: 1929 c 198 § 3, part; RRS § 8304-3, part.]


36.49.050. "County dog license tax fund"--Created

All license taxes collected in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be placed in a separate fund in the office of the county treasurer to be known as the "county dog license tax fund."

[1963 c 4 § 36.49.050. Prior: 1929 c 198 § 4; RRS § 8304-4; prior: 1919 c 6 § 2, part.]


36.49.060. "County dog license tax fund"--Transfer of excess funds in

On the first day of March of each year all moneys in the county dog license tax fund in excess of five hundred dollars shall be transferred and credited by the county treasurer to the current expense fund of the county.

[1963 c 4 § 36.49.060. Prior: 1929 c 198 § 8; RRS § 8304-5.]


36.49.070. Penalty

Any person or officer who refuses to comply with or enforce any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

[1963 c 4 § 36.49.070. Prior: 1929 c 198 § 9; RRS § 8304-6.]


36.49.080. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 202, § 251


Title 77. Fish and Wildlife. Chapter 77.12. Powers and Duties.

77.12.077. Use of dogs to hunt/pursue black bear, cougar, bobcat--Rules--Training program--Nonlethal pursuit

(1) The commission shall adopt by rule a process and criteria to select persons who may act as agents of the state for the purpose of using one or more dogs to hunt or pursue black bear, cougar, or bobcat to protect livestock, domestic animals, private property, or the public safety. The commission rule must outline the requirements an applicant must comply with when applying for the program including, but not limited to, a criminal background check.

(2) The department shall administer a training program to enable persons who have been selected pursuant to subsection (1) of this section to train dogs for use consistent with this section. The purpose of this program is to provide dog training opportunities using nonlethal pursuit.

[2019 c 226 § 1, eff. July 28, 2019.]


Title 77. Fish and Wildlife.   Chapter 77.15. Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Code.

77.15.240. Unlawful use of dogs--Public nuisance--Penalty--Authority to take or destroy a dog--Certain hazing activities permitted

(1)(a) A person is guilty of unlawful use of dogs if the person:

(i) Negligently fails to prevent a dog under the person's control from pursuing, harassing, attacking, or killing deer, elk, moose, caribou, mountain sheep, or animals classified as endangered under this title;


(ii) Uses the dog to hunt deer or elk.

(b) For the purposes of this subsection, a dog is “under a person's control” if the dog is owned or possessed by, or in the custody of, a person.

(2) Unlawful use of dogs is a misdemeanor.

(3)(a) Based on a reasonable belief that a dog is pursuing, harassing, attacking, or killing a deer, elk, moose, caribou, mountain sheep, or animals classified as protected or endangered under this title, fish and wildlife officers and ex officio fish and wildlife officers may:

(i) Lawfully take a dog into custody; or

(ii) If necessary to avoid repeated harassment, injury, or death of wildlife under this section, destroy the dog.

(b) Fish and wildlife officers and ex officio fish and wildlife officers who destroy a dog pursuant to this section are immune from civil or criminal liability arising from their actions.

(4)(a) This section does not apply to a person using a dog to conduct a department-approved and controlled hazing activity, as long as the person prevents or minimizes physical contact between the dog and the wildlife, and the hazing is being done only for the purposes of wildlife control and the prevention of damage to commercial crops.

(b) For the purposes of this subsection, “hazing” means the act of chasing or herding wildlife in an effort to move them from one location to another.

[2014 c 48 § 11, eff. June 12, 2014; 2012 c 176 § 18, eff. June 7, 2012; 1998 c 190 § 30.]


Title 77. Fish and Wildlife.   Chapter 77.15. Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Code.

77.15.245. Unlawful practices--Black bear baiting--Exceptions--Illegal hunting--Use of dogs--Exceptions--Penalties

(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 77.12.240, 77.36.030, or any other provisions of law, it is unlawful to take, hunt, or attract black bear with the aid of bait.

(a) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the killing of black bear with the aid of bait by employees or agents of county, state, or federal agencies while acting in their official capacities for the purpose of protecting livestock, domestic animals, private property, or the public safety.

(b) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent the establishment and operation of feeding stations for black bear in order to prevent damage to commercial timberland.

(c) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the director from issuing a permit or memorandum of understanding to a public agency, university, or scientific or educational institution for the use of bait to attract black bear for scientific purposes.

(d) As used in this subsection, “bait” means a substance placed, exposed, deposited, distributed, scattered, or otherwise used for the purpose of attracting black bears to an area where one or more persons hunt or intend to hunt them.

(2) Notwithstanding RCW 77.12.240, 77.36.030, or any other provisions of law, it is unlawful to hunt or pursue black bear, cougar, or bobcat with the aid of a dog or dogs.

(a) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the hunting of black bear, cougar, or bobcat with the aid of a dog or dogs by employees or agents of county, state, or federal agencies while acting in their official capacities for the purpose of protecting livestock, domestic animals, private property, or the public safety. A dog or dogs may be used by the owner or tenant of real property consistent with a permit issued and conditioned by the director.

(b) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the director from issuing a permit or memorandum of understanding to a public agency, university, or scientific or educational institution for the use of a dog or dogs for the pursuit, capture and relocation, of black bear, cougar, or bobcat for scientific purposes.

(c) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the director from issuing a permit or memorandum of understanding to a public agency, university, or scientific or educational institution for the use of a dog or dogs for the killing of black bear, cougar, or bobcat, for the protection of a state and/or federally listed threatened or endangered species.

(d) Nothing in this subsection may be construed to prohibit nonlethal pursuit training of dogs by persons selected through the process established in RCW 77.12.077 for future use for the purpose of protecting livestock, domestic animals, private property, or the public safety.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, the commission may authorize the use of dogs only in selected areas within a game management unit to address a public safety need presented by one or more cougar. This authority may only be exercised after the commission has determined that no other practical alternative to the use of dogs exists, and after the commission has adopted rules describing the conditions in which dogs may be used. Conditions that may warrant the use of dogs within a game management unit include, but are not limited to, confirmed cougar/human safety incidents, confirmed cougar/livestock and cougar/pet depredations, and the number of cougar capture attempts and relocations.

(4) A person who violates subsection (1) or (2) of this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. In addition to appropriate criminal penalties, the department shall revoke the hunting license of a person who violates subsection (1) or (2) of this section and order the suspension of wildlife hunting privileges for a period of five years following the revocation. Following a subsequent violation of subsection (1) or (2) of this section by the same person, a hunting license shall not be issued to the person at any time.


[2019 c 226 § 2, eff. July 28, 2019; 2005 c 107 § 1, eff. July 24, 2005; 2001 c 253 § 31. Prior: 2000 c 248 § 1; 2000 c 107 § 260; 1997 c 1 § 1 (Initiative Measure No. 655, approved November 5, 1996). Formerly RCW 77.16.360.]


Title 77. Fish and Wildlife.   Chapter 77.15. Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Code.

77.15.440. Weapons, traps, or dogs on game reserves--Unlawful use--Penalty

(1) A person is guilty of unlawful use of weapons, traps, or dogs on game reserves if:

(a) The person uses firearms, other hunting weapons, or traps on a game reserve; or

(b) The person negligently allows a dog upon a game reserve.

(2) This section does not apply to persons on a public highway or if the conduct is authorized by rule of the department.

(3) This section does not apply to a person in possession of a handgun if the person in control of the handgun possesses a valid concealed pistol license and the handgun is concealed on the person.

(4) Unlawful use of weapons, traps, or dogs on game reserves is a misdemeanor.

[1998 c 190 § 12.]


Title 77. Fish and Wildlife.   Chapter 77.32. Licenses.

77.32.525. Hunting and fishing contests--Field trials for dogs--Rules-- Limitation

The director shall administer rules adopted by the commission governing the time, place, and manner of holding hunting and fishing contests and competitive field trials involving live wildlife for hunting dogs. The department shall prohibit contests and field trials that are not in the best interests of wildlife.

[1987 c 506 § 48; 1980 c 78 § 67. Formerly RCW 77.12.530.]


Title 77. Fish and Wildlife.   Chapter 77.32. Licenses.

77.32.540. Hunting and fishing contests--Field trials for dogs--Permit-- Rules

A person shall not promote, conduct, hold, or sponsor a contest for the hunting or fishing of wildlife or a competitive field trial involving live wildlife for hunting dogs without first obtaining a hunting or fishing contest permit. Contests and field trials shall be held in accordance with established rules.

[1998 c 190 § 118; 1987 c 506 § 58; 1980 c 78 § 69; 1955 c 36 § 77.16.010. Prior: 1947 c 275 § 39; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 5992-49. Formerly RCW 77.16.010.]


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