Issue 1 Prohibition of the hunting of mourning doves

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Primary Citation:  Issue 1, 1998 (failed) Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Date Adopted: 

Summary: This state issue, rejected by voters in 1998, would have amended Section 1531.02 of the Ohio Revised Code to prohibit the hunting or taking of mourning doves in Ohio. The proposed law specifically would have amended Section 1531.02 of the Ohio Revised Code by adding the words "NO PERSON SHALL HUNT OR TAKE A MOURNING DOVE." The measure failed with only 40.5% voting for the proposition.


Ballot Language, Explanation, and Arguments

November 3, 1998 General Election

On Monday, August 17, the Ohio Ballot Board met and approved the following ballot language for State Issue 1. As you can see, the Ballot Board approved two versions of the ballot language: Approved and Approved Contingent.

The Approved version reflects the decision of the Secretary of State released on July 31, 1998, concerning an election protest against the initiative petition filed by Ohioans for Wildlife Conservation. The Approved Contingent version was approved for the contingency that a court might mandate that the ballot language include citations to both Ohio Revised Code sections mentioned in that version.

This matter is currently pending before the 10th District Court of Appeals (Franklin County).



Proposed by Initiative Petition

1 To amend Section 1531.02 of the Ohio Revised Code to prohibit the hunting or taking of mourning doves in Ohio.

The proposed law would amend Section 1531.02 of the Ohio Revised Code by adding the words "NO PERSON SHALL HUNT OR TAKE A MOURNING DOVE."

If adopted, this law as amended would be effective on December 3, 1998.

A majority yes vote is necessary for passage.





Proposed by Initiative Petition

1 To amend Sections 1531.01 and 1531.02 of the Ohio Revised Code to prohibit the hunting or taking of mourning doves in Ohio.

The proposed law would:

Amend Section 1531.01(S) of the Ohio Revised Code by removing the words "mourning doves" from the definition of "Game birds".

Amend Section 1531.01 of the Ohio Revised Code by removing the final sentence of that section which states:

"The chief shall not establish a season for the hunting of mourning doves that opens prior to the fifteenth day of September of any year."

Amend Section 1531.02 of the Revised Code by adding the words "NO PERSON SHALL HUNT OR TAKE A MOURNING DOVE."

If adopted, this law as amended would be effective on December 3, 1998.

A majority yes vote is necessary for passage.



The above ballot language (APPROVED CONTINGENT) is adopted conditionally in the event that the Tenth District Court of Appeals orders that both proposed statutes petitioned for be submitted to the electorate.

Explanation and Arguments

The explanation and arguments were filed with the Secretary of State's office by the proponents and opponents of the issue on August 20, 1998.

For Issue 1


• Dove hunting is cruel: The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service estimates that up to 30% of doves are wounded and unretrieved. These crippled birds slowly suffer until they die, according to The Humane Society of the United States.

• Dove hunting is unnecessary: Ohio Division of Wildlife publications state, "Obviously, doves don't have to be hunted." Doves don't overpopulate. They cause no damage in Great Lakes states, such as Michigan, Minnesota, New York, and Wisconsin, where they have long been protected.

• Dove hunting is target practice: A dove contains only an ounce or two of meat. They're used as targets, not food. FIELD & STREAM hunting columnist George Reiger says "I've witnessed opening days in which shooters competed to see who would be the first to kill 100 birds. I've seen doubles and triples fall to gunners who still hadn't bothered to look for the doubles and triples they'd previously shot."

• Dove hunting is not an Ohio tradition: Doves are backyard birds valued by millions of Ohioans. Acting as a natural (as opposed to chemical) herbicide and doing no damage to agricultural crops, doves help farmers and gardeners by eating weed-producing seeds. Responsible sportsmen are satisfied with the 47 species traditionally hunted here.

• Dove hunting is bad for the environment: Dove hunters discharge tons of toxic lead shot, polluting water and poisoning wildlife.

• The Toledo Blade writes in an editorial: "This issue deserves the support of all Ohioans, hunters included, who reject senseless cruelty exercised for the mere purpose of sharpening a shooter's aim."

Committee For the Law

Don Atkinson, former district director, League of Ohio Sportsmen

Gene Branstool, former Assistant Secretary, U. S. Agriculture Department

John Butterworth, Marion County Sheriff

Dick Schafrath, Republican State Senator and Cleveland Browns All-Pro Lineman

Dr. Tami Shearer, veterinarian

Sandy Rowland, Ohio Director of The Humane Society of the United States

Against Issue 1

Vote No On Issue One

The organizations behind Issue One oppose using animals--for farming, medical research...even fishing, circuses and zoos! Like all social reform movements, their goal is to begin with an "easy sell," then move on to bigger issues.

The main backers of Issue One are national organizations--The Fund for Animals, New York, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), Virginia, and others. They have paid 75 percent of the costs of Issue One to date. They, not Ohioans, paid for the Arizona Firm, which used professional signature gatherers to get Issue One on the ballot.

Tell them NO. There is simply no reason to outlaw dove hunting.

Mourning doves are the most abundant game bird in America. Numbering some 500 million, more doves exist than all species of ducks and geese combined! State and federal wildlife officials tell us that hunting doesn't impact dove numbers; there is no difference in states in which they are hunted and the few in which they are not. Tens of thousands of Ohioans and millions of Americans hunt and eat doves. One dove equals 10 large shrimp, one chicken leg, two chicken wings, 2 1/2 wieners, three sausage patties or one bratwurst.

Why, then, Is Issue One on the ballot?

The answer is in their own words. Issue One backers have said:

"Even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it." (PeTA spokesperson. Vogue, 9/89)

"Eating meat mocks God by torturing animals, polluting the earth and destroying our own health." (PeTA. Washington Post, 1/31/98)

"Ultimately our goal is to outlaw all hunting...dove hunting is particularly vulnerable." (Fund for Animals. Columbus Dispatch 9/17/96)

Issue One is the tip of the iceberg. It threatens freedoms and endangers our health and pocketbooks.

Vote No on Issue One.

Committee Against the Law

State Senator Gary C. Suhadolnik

State Senator Robert Latta

State Senator Michael Shoemaker

State Senator Greg DiDonato

State Representative Joseph E. Haines

State Representative Jim Buchy

State Representative Jerry Krupinski

State Representative Sean Logan

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