Minnesota Statutes Annotated. Natural Resources (Ch. 83A-84). Chapter 84. Department of Natural Resources; Game and Fish (Ch. 97-102). Chapter 97A. Game and Fish. Enforcement; Possession and Transportation of Wild Animals.

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Primary Citation:  M. S. A. §§ 84.0895, 84.944, 97A.245, 97A.501 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  MN ST § 84.0895, 84.944, 97A.245, 97A.501 Historical: 

Summary: This statute protects endangered and threatened species in Minnesota, as defined in the statute. Under the law, a person may not take, import, transport, or sell any portion of an endangered species of wild animal or plant, or sell or possess with intent to sell an article made with any part of the skin, hide, or parts of an endangered species of wild animal or plant. Violation of the statute is a misdemeanor.

Natural Resources (Ch. 83A-84). Chapter 84. Department of Natural Resources

84.0895 . Protection of threatened and endangered species

84.944 . Acquisition of critical natural habitat

Game and Fish (Ch. 97-102). Chapter 97A. Game and Fish.

97A.245 . Rewards

97A.501 . Wild animals; general restrictions


84.0895. Protection of threatened and endangered species

Subdivision 1. Prohibition. Notwithstanding any other law, a person may not take, import, transport, or sell any portion of an endangered species of wild animal or plant, or sell or possess with intent to sell an article made with any part of the skin, hide, or parts of an endangered species of wild animal or plant, except as provided in subdivisions 2 and 7.

Subd. 2. Application. (a) Subdivision 1 does not apply to:

(1) plants on land classified for property tax purposes as class 2a or 2c agricultural land under section 273.13, on a ditch, or on an existing public road right-of-way as defined in section 84.92, subdivision 6a, except for ground not previously disturbed by construction or maintenance; and

(2) noxious weeds designated pursuant to sections 18.76 to 18.88 or to weeds otherwise designated as troublesome by the Department of Agriculture.

(b) If control of noxious weeds is necessary, it takes priority over the protection of endangered plant species, as long as a reasonable effort is taken to preserve the endangered plant species first.

(c) The taking or killing of an endangered plant species on land adjacent to class 3 or 3b agricultural land as a result of the application of pesticides or other agricultural chemical on the class 3 or 3b land is not a violation of subdivision 1, if reasonable care is taken in the application of the pesticide or other chemical to avoid impact on adjacent lands. For the purpose of this paragraph, class 3 or 3b agricultural land does not include timber land, waste land, or other land for which the owner receives a state paid wetlands or native prairie tax credit.

(d) The accidental taking of an endangered plant, where the existence of the plant is not known at the time of the taking, is not a violation of subdivision 1.

Subd. 3. Designation. (a) The commissioner shall adopt rules under chapter 14, to designate species of wild animal or plant as:

(1) endangered, if the species is threatened with extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range;

(2) threatened, if the species is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range; or

(3) species of special concern, if although the species is not endangered or threatened, it is extremely uncommon in this state, or has unique or highly specific habitat requirements and deserves careful monitoring of its status. Species on the periphery of their range that are not listed as threatened may be included in this category along with those species that were once threatened or endangered but now have increasing or protected, stable populations.

(b) The range of the species in this state is a factor in determining its status as endangered, threatened, or of special concern. A designation by the secretary of the interior that a species is threatened or endangered is a prima facie showing under this section.

(c) The commissioner shall reevaluate the designated species list every three years after it is first adopted and make appropriate changes. The review must consider the need for further protection of species on the species of special concern list. Species may be withdrawn from designation in the same manner that species are designated.

Subd. 4. Studies. The commissioner may conduct investigations to determine the status and requirements for survival of a resident species of wild animal or plant.

Subd. 5. Management. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, the commissioner may undertake management programs, issue orders, and adopt rules necessary to bring a resident species of wild animal or plant that has been designated as threatened or endangered to a point at which it is no longer threatened or endangered.

(b) Subject to the provisions of subdivision 6, management programs for endangered or threatened species include research, census, law enforcement, habitat acquisition, habitat maintenance, propagation, live trapping, transplantation, and regulated taking.

Subd. 6. Enforcement. A peace officer or conservation officer, pursuant to chapter 626, may execute a warrant to search for and seize goods, merchandise, plant or animal taken, sold or offered for sale in violation of this section, or items used in connection with a violation of this section. Seized property must be held pending judicial proceedings. Upon conviction, seized property is forfeited to the state and must be offered to a scientific or educational institution or destroyed.

Subd. 7. General exceptions. (a) The commissioner may issue permits and prescribe conditions for an act otherwise prohibited by subdivision 1 if:

(1) the act is for the purpose of zoological, educational, or scientific study;

(2) the act enhances the propagation or survival of the affected species;

(3) the act prevents injury to persons or property; or

(4) the social and economic benefits of the act outweigh the harm caused by it.

(b) The commissioner may issue a general permit to a governmental subdivision or to the general public to conduct one or more acts described in paragraph (a).

(c) A member of an endangered species may not be destroyed under paragraph (a), clause (3) or (4), until all alternatives, including live trapping and transplantation, have been evaluated and rejected. The commissioner may prescribe conditions to propagate a species or subspecies.

(d) A person may capture or destroy a member of an endangered species, without permit, to avoid an immediate and demonstrable threat to human life or property.

(e) The commissioner must give approval under this subdivision for forest management, including permit, sale, or lease of land for timber harvesting.

Subd. 8. Application. This section does not apply retroactively or prohibit importation into this state and subsequent possession, transport, and sale of wild animals, wild plants, or parts of wild animals or plants that are legally imported into the United States or legally acquired and exported from another territory, state, possession, or political subdivision of the United States.

Subd. 9. Violations. A violation of this section is a misdemeanor.


Laws 1986, c. 386, art. 4, § 9. Amended by Laws 1995, c. 186, § 22; Laws 2012, c. 272, § 2, eff. July 1, 2012; Laws 2019, 1st Sp., c. 4, art. 3, § 13, eff. July 1, 2019.


84.944. Acquisition of critical natural habitat

Subdivision 1. Acquisition, restoration, and enhancement considerations. (a) In determining what critical natural habitat shall be acquired , restored, or enhanced, the commissioner shall consider:

(1) the significance of the land or water as existing or potential habitat for fish and wildlife and providing fish and wildlife oriented recreation;

(2) the significance of the land, water, or habitat improvement to maintain or enhance native plant, fish, or wildlife species designated as endangered or threatened under section 84.0895;

(3) the presence of native ecological communities that are now uncommon or diminishing; and

(4) the significance of the land, water or habitat improvement to protect or enhance natural features within or contiguous to natural areas including fish spawning areas, wildlife management areas, scientific and natural areas, riparian habitat and fish and wildlife management projects.

(b) Based on the above clauses, the commissioner by rule must establish a process to prioritize what critical habitat shall be acquired or improved.

Subd. 2. Designating acquired sites. The critical natural habitat acquired in fee title by the commissioner under this section shall be designated by the commissioner as: (1) an outdoor recreation unit pursuant to section 86A.07, subdivision 3, or (2) as provided in sections 89.018, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), 97A.101, 97A.125, and 97C.001. The commissioner may so designate any critical natural habitat acquired in less than fee title.

Subd. 3. County approval. The commissioner must follow the procedures under section 97A.145, subdivision 2, for critical natural habitat acquired under this section.

Laws 1986, c. 383, § 10, eff. March 21, 1986. Amended by Laws 1987, c. 149, art. 2, §§ 3 to 5; Laws 1987, c. 357, § 16; Laws 1991, c. 254, art. 2, § 7; Laws 1991, c. 259, § 7, eff. July 1, 1992; Laws 2000, c. 375, § 1; Laws 2014, c. 290, § 9, eff. July 1, 2014; Laws 2021, 1st Sp., c. 6, art. 2, § 28, eff. July 1, 2021.


97A.245. Rewards

The commissioner may pay rewards for information leading to the conviction of a person that has violated a provision of laws relating to wild animals or threatened or endangered species of wildlife. A reward may not exceed $500, except a reward for information relating to big game or threatened or endangered species of wildlife, may be up to $1,000 and a reward for information relating to wolves may be up to $2,500. The rewards may only be paid from funds donated to the commissioner for these purposes and may not be paid to salaried conservation officers or peace officers.

Laws 1986, c. 386, art. 1, § 42. Amended by Laws 1998, c. 401, § 34, eff. April 22, 1998; Laws 2000, c. 463, § 22; Laws 2012, c. 277, art. 1, § 90, par. (a), eff July 1, 2012.


97A.501. Wild animals; general restrictions

Subdivision 1. General restrictions. A person may not take, buy, sell, transport, or possess a protected wild animal unless allowed by the game and fish laws. The ownership of all wild animals is in the state, unless the wild animal has been lawfully acquired under the game and fish laws. The ownership of a wild animal that is lawfully acquired reverts to the state if a law relating to sale, transportation, or possession of the wild animal is violated.

Subd. 2. Endangered species . A person may not take, import, transport, or sell an endangered species of wild animal, or sell, or possess with intent to sell an article made from the parts of a wild animal, except as provided in section 84.0895.

Subd. 3. Contraceptive chemicals. (a) A person may not administer contraceptive chemicals to noncaptive wild animals without a permit issued by the commissioner.

(b) The commissioner shall adopt rules establishing standards and guidelines for the administration of contraceptive chemicals to noncaptive wild animals. The rules may specify chemical delivery methods and devices and monitoring requirements.


Laws 1986, c. 386, art. 1, § 71. Amended by Laws 1987, c. 384, art. 1, § 10; Laws 1994, c. 623, art. 1, § 26, eff. May 11, 1994.


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