Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated. Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. Article III. Natural Resources Management. Chapter 2. Management of Renewable Resources. Subchapter 1. Wildlife. Possession, Sale, and Regulation of Wildlife. Part 431. Foxes in Captivity

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Popular Title:  Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (Act 451) Primary Citation:  M.C.L.A. 324.43101 - 43104 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  MI ST 324.43101 - 43104 Historical: 

Summary: These sections lay out the regulations and prohibited acts with regard to foxes in captivity.

324.43101 . Foxes in captivity “domestic animal” and protected; exceptions

324.43102 . Brand, owner may register; prima facie evidence of ownership

324.43103 . Prohibited acts; trespass on premises where kept; trapping, injuring or disturbing fox

324.43104 . Penalty for violation of part


324.43101 Foxes in captivity as domestic animals; protection; construction of part.

Sec. 43101.

Silver, silver-black, black, and cross foxes, which of their nature, in the absence of efforts for their domestication, were known as wild, which are brought into or born in captivity upon a farm or ranch for the purpose of cultivating or pelting their furs, together with their offspring and increase, are domestic animals for the purpose of any statute or law relating generally to domestic animals, other than dogs and cats or other pets, or relating to farming or to animal husbandry or to the encouragement of agriculture, unless any such statute or law is impossible to apply to such fur-bearing animals. Such fur-bearing animals, together with their offspring and increase, are the subjects of ownership, lien, and all other property rights, in the same manner as purely domestic animals, in whatever situation, location, or condition the fur-bearing animals may be, and regardless of whether they remain in or escape from captivity. Such fur-bearing animals shall receive the same protection of law as, and in the same way and to the same extent are the subject of trespass or larceny as, other personal property. This part shall not be construed to include silver, silver-black, black, and cross foxes within the definition of livestock, or give any person any right to recovery for damage or destruction of the animal under the dog law of 1919, Act No. 339 of the Public Acts of 1919, being sections 287.261 to 287.290 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.

History: Add. 1995, Act 57, Imd. Eff. May 24, 1995.


324.43102 Brands or tattoo marks; recording; prima facie evidence of ownership.

Sec. 43102.

An owner or prospective owner of a fur-bearing animal described in this part which is living in captivity is entitled, by written subscribed statement, to adopt distinctive brands or tattoo marks, not including Arabic numerals and not including brands or tattoo marks already in known use by others, for such fur-bearing animals, and to have the distinctive identifying brands or tattoo marks recorded in his or her name in the office of the commission of agriculture, upon paying a recording fee of $1.00 for each brand or each tattoo mark. All fees received by the department of agriculture under this part shall be retained by the department of agriculture and used to defray the expenses of administering this part. Such statements shall be recorded in a suitable book to be kept in the office of the commission of agriculture. The presence of a recorded brand or recorded tattoo mark upon such a fur-bearing animal is prima facie evidence of the ownership of the animal by the person in whose name the brand or tattoo mark is recorded, subject always to that person's right to make due transfer of title, right or interest in, or lien upon the animal.

History: Add. 1995, Act 57, Imd. Eff. May 24, 1995.


324.43103 Prohibited acts; trespass on premises; killing, trapping, injuring or disturbing fur-bearing animal; consent.

Sec. 43103.

Without the permission of the owner of a privately owned fur-bearing animal described in this part, a person shall not enter the enclosure within which the privately owned fur-bearing animal is kept, or trespass on private ground adjoining such an enclosure and knowingly annoy or disturb the animals. A person shall not knowingly and willfully kill, trap, or injure any fur-bearing animal owned by another person without the consent of the owner. However, a duly authorized peace or conservation officer may enter upon such premises in the performance of his or her regular duties.

History: Add. 1995, Act 57, Imd. Eff. May 24, 1995.


324.43104 Violation of part as misdemeanor; penalty.

Sec. 43104.

A person who violates this part is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days or a fine of not more than $100.00, or both.

History: Add. 1995, Act 57, Imd. Eff. May 24, 1995 .

Popular Name: Act 451


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