Maine Revised Statutes Annotated. Title 12. Conservation. Part 13. Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Subpart 4. Fish and Wildlife. Chapter 925. Fish and Wildlife Management and Research. Subchapter 1. Wildlife Management and Research

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Primary Citation:  12 M. R. S. A. § 12701 to 12708 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  ME ST T. 12 § 12701 to 12708 Date Adopted:  Historical: 

Summary: The following statutes give the Maine Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife the authority to make regulations for hunting, fishing, trapping or other public use of any wildlife management area or wildlife sanctuary. These statutes also provide civil and criminal penalties for violating the rules regulating state-owned wildlife management areas, state game farms, and scientific permits, while also detailing prohibited activity in wildlife sanctuaries. Additionally, these statutes also reveal the wildlife management areas and wildlife sanctuaries that are under the commissioner's authority.

§ 12701 . Commissioner's authority over sanctuaries; management areas and access sites

§ 12702 . Rule violations; state-owned wildlife management areas

§ 12703 . Rule violations; state game farms

§ 12704 . Permit to hunt, trap, possess, band and transport wild animals and wild birds for scientific purposes - § 12704. Repealed. Laws 2017, c. 205, § 27, eff. Nov. 1, 2017

§ 12705 . Rule violations; scientific collection permits

§ 12706 . Wildlife sanctuaries

§ 12707 . Unlawful activity in wildlife sanctuary; general prohibitions and exceptions

§ 12708 . Wildlife management areas and public access sites


§ 12701. Commissioner's authority over sanctuaries; management areas and access sites

1. Public use. The commissioner may, pursuant to section 10104, adopt rules regulating hunting, fishing, trapping or other public use of any wildlife management area or wildlife sanctuary as designated in section 12706, subsection 1, except that a landowner may not be prohibited from operating any vehicle on land on which that person is domiciled. Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

2. Natural products. The commissioner may harvest and sell natural products of the land from land owned by the department and, if the land was purchased with federal aid funds, use the resulting revenue for land management, in accordance with federal aid guidelines.

3. Trapping. The commissioner may regulate the trapping of wild animals on wildlife sanctuaries or closed territories.

4. Fees. The commissioner may establish reasonable fees for admission to the Maine Wildlife Park and the Steve Powell Wildlife Management Area at Perkins Township, Sagadahoc County, known as Swan Island and Little Swan Island. Fees associated with the Steve Powell Wildlife Management Area must be deposited into a dedicated revenue account. In addition to those fees, the commissioner may accept and deposit into the dedicated revenue account money from any other source, public or private.

5. Access sites to inland and coastal waters. The commissioner may, pursuant to section 10104, subsection 1, adopt rules regulating public use of department-owned or department-maintained sites that provide public access to inland or coastal waters. The commissioner may establish reasonable fees for use of these sites by members of the public as necessary to help defray the cost of routine maintenance and security. Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

2003, c. 414, § A-2; 2003, c. 655, §§ B-289, B-290, eff. Aug. 31, 2004; 2007, c. 217, § 1; 2007, c. 539, § KKKK-1.


§ 12702. Rule violations; state-owned wildlife management areas

The following penalties apply to violations of rules regulating state-owned wildlife management areas.

1. Civil violation. Notwithstanding section 10650, a person who violates a rule regulating state-owned wildlife management areas commits a civil violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be adjudged.

2. Criminal violation. A person who violates a rule regulating state-owned wildlife management areas after having been adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a Class E crime.

2003, c. 414, § A-2; 2003, c. 655, § B-291, eff. Aug. 31, 2004.


§ 12703. Rule violations; state game farms

The following penalties apply to violations of rules regulating state game farms.

1. Civil violation. Notwithstanding section 10650, a person who violates a rule regulating state game farms commits a civil violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be adjudged.

2. Criminal violation. A person who violates a rule regulating state game farms after having been adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a Class E crime.

2003, c. 414, § A-2; 2003, c. 655, § B-291, eff. Aug. 31, 2004.


§ 12704. Permit to hunt, trap, possess, band and transport wild animals and wild birds for scientific purposes - § 12704. Repealed. Laws 2017, c. 205, § 27, eff. Nov. 1, 2017

Former Text: 

The commissioner may issue a permit to any person, permitting that person to hunt, trap, possess, band and transport wild animals and wild birds for educational or scientific purposes.

2003, c. 414, § A-2; 2015, c. 374, § 12, eff. Oct. 15, 2015.


§ 12705. Rule violations; scientific collection permits

The following penalties apply to violations of rules regulating educational or scientific collection permits.

1. Civil violation. Notwithstanding sections 10650 and 12152, a person who violates a rule regulating educational or scientific collection permits commits a civil violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be adjudged.

2. Criminal violation. A person who violates a rule regulating educational or scientific collection permits after having been adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a Class E crime.


2003, c. 414, § A-2; 2003, c. 655, § B-292, eff. Aug. 31, 2004; 2015, c. 374, § 13, eff. Oct. 15, 2015; 2017, c. 205, § 28, eff. Nov. 1, 2017.


§ 12706. Wildlife sanctuaries

1. Designation of wildlife sanctuaries. The following described territories are designated as wildlife sanctuaries and are subject to the commissioner's authority under section 12701:

A. Back Bay Sanctuary, Portland: Back Bay, so called, in Portland, in the County of Cumberland, above the Grand Trunk Railway bridge or within the area enclosed by a boundary line drawn as follows: Beginning at Fish Point at the easterly end of the Eastern Promenade in the City of Portland, thence extending about northeasterly to Pomeroy's Rock, thence about northeasterly to Mackworth or Half-way Rock southerly of Mackworth or Mackey Island, thence in a northerly direction to a point marked by a buoy 1,000 feet from the most easterly point of Mackworth Island, so called, thence in a northwesterly direction 700 yards more or less to the northernmost point of the large ridge on the north side of Mackworth Island, thence in a north northwesterly direction in a straight line about parallel to the Town of Falmouth shore to the point on the shoreline where the property known as the Berry Estate meets the property known as the Portland Country Club, thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the shore line of the Town of Falmouth including that of the salt water pond adjacent to the property known as the Portland Country Club to Mackworth or Mackey Point, thence about southwesterly along the easterly side of Martin Point bridge to the shore of East Deering (United States Marine Hospital) Portland, thence about southwesterly and southerly along said East Deering shore to the Grand Trunk bridge, thence along the easterly side of said Grand Trunk bridge to the shore of the Eastern Promenade, Portland, thence about southerly along said shore of the Eastern Promenade to the said Fish Point, the point of beginning;

B. Baxter State Park: The following described tracts of territory situated in the Counties of Penobscot and Piscataquis W. E. L. S. the same being in unorganized townships, to wit: That portion of Township 6, Range 8, Penobscot County in the southwest corner of said township bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said township thence north along the west line of said township to First Grand or Matagamon Lake; thence easterly, southeasterly and southerly along the western shore of said lake to the point where the said western shore intersects the north line of the Dam Lot, so called, which was conveyed to the East Branch Dam Company by deed dated October 28, 1902 and recorded in Penobscot County Registry of Deeds in book 727, page 335 and reputed to be now owned by the East Branch Improvement Company; thence running west along the north line of said Dam Lot to the northwest corner thereof; thence running south along the west line of said Dam Lot to the southwest corner thereof; thence running east along the south line of said Dam Lot to the East Branch of the Penobscot River; thence running south by said East Branch to a point in the south line of said township where the said East Branch intersects the same; thence running west along the said south line of said township to the southwest corner thereof and the point of beginning; all of Township 3, Range 9, Piscataquis County now the property of the State of Maine: All of Township 4, Range 9, Piscataquis County: All of Township 5, Range 9, Piscataquis County: That portion of Township 6, Range 9, Piscataquis County lying south of Trout Brook and south of Wadleigh Brook and extending from the east line of said township across said township to the west line thereof: All of Township 3, Range 10, Piscataquis County: All of Township 4, Range 10, Piscataquis County: All of Township 5, Range 10, Piscataquis County, excepting therefrom an area of 20 acres in the southwesterly quarter thereof, formerly owned by and belonging to Charles A. Daisey, now owned by Arnold R. Daisey, which was excepted and reserved from a deed from Percival Proctor Baxter to the State of Maine, as set forth in chapter 91 of the private and special laws of 1943. The said within described 8 tracts or parcels of land contain 149,506 acres, more or less;

C. Beauchamp Sanctuary: The following described territory situated in Rockport and Camden, in the County of Knox: Beginning at the mouth of Goose River in Rockport; where Pascal Avenue crosses Goose River; thence in an easterly direction along Pascal Avenue; thence southerly along Main Street; thence in an easterly direction along Central Street; thence in a northerly direction along Union Street; thence in a northwesterly direction along School Street in Camden; thence in a northeasterly direction along U.S. Route 1 to where it crosses the Megunticook River; thence in a southerly direction along the south shore of the river and along the coast around Beauchamp Point and thence in a northwesterly direction along the coast back to the mouth of the Goose River;

D. Carver's Pond Waterfowl Sanctuary: The waters of Carver's Pond, so called, in the Town of Vinalhaven, County of Knox or 100 feet from the mean high water mark of said pond. Carver's Pond for the purpose of this sanctuary must be considered all the waters of said pond above the bridge on Main Street of the Town of Vinalhaven;

E. Drake's Island Game Sanctuary: All that part of Drake's Island, so called, in the Town of Wells, which is bounded as follows: Northerly by the game sanctuary established by chapter 31 of the public laws of 1927; easterly by the Atlantic Ocean; southerly by the Wells River; and westerly by said river and creek flowing under Dyke's Bridge, so called;

F. Dry Pond Sanctuary: On Dry Pond, also known as Crystal Lake, or from the shores of said pond, which pond is situated in the Town of Gray, in the County of Cumberland;

G. Fairfield Sanctuary: The following land owned by Good Will-Hinckley within the Town of Fairfield, in Somerset County: Beginning at the west shore of the Kennebec River, thence to Route 201, thence northerly to Kendall Annex Road, thence westerly to Craigin Brook, thence southerly along Craigin Brook to Martin Stream, thence westerly along the south bank of Martin Stream to the Central Maine Power transmission line, thence southerly along the east side of the Central Maine Power line, to discontinued Town Farm Road, to Green Road, across Green Road to Route 23, thence to Route 201, thence northerly ½ mile along Route 201 to the southerly line east of Route 201 of Good Will-Hinckley, thence easterly again to the Kennebec River, thence to the starting point.

Land not owned by Good Will-Hinckley within the described areas is not included within the Fairfield Sanctuary. Notwithstanding section 12701, a person may trap wild animals in the sanctuary in accordance with the provisions under chapter 917, and the 40-acre field south of Kendall Annex Road owned by Good Will-Hinckley is available for waterfowl hunting;

H. Glencove Sanctuary; Rockport: Glencove, so called, in Penobscot Bay, which cove is situated in the Town of Rockport, in the County of Knox, and which cove is bounded as follows, to wit: On the north, west and south by the main land, on the east by a line extending from Smith's Point to Ram Island and from Ram Island to the easterly point of Pine Hill in said Rockport;

I. Gray Game Sanctuary: The following described territory situated in the Town of Gray in the County of Cumberland: Beginning at Gray Corner following the Poland Spring Road to Dry Mills, thence following the North Raymond Road to the guidepost at intersection of East Raymond Road, thence following the East Raymond Road to Douglass Mill Road; thence following the Douglass Mill and Furbush Road to “Sand Brook,” so called, on shore of Little Sebago Lake, thence following shore of Little Sebago Lake to Foster Shore, so called, at intersection of Foster and Ramsdell Road, so called, near camp of Dr. Cushing following last named road in easterly direction to intersection of Ramsdell Road near homestead of Edgar Foster, thence in a southerly direction following said Ramsdell road to intersection of road leading from Gray to West Gray, thence following last named road to Gray Corner to point of beginning;

J. Hog Island Game Sanctuary: Hog Island in the Town of Bremen, Lincoln County;

K. Jefferson and Whitefield Sanctuary: The following described territory situated in the Towns of Jefferson and Whitefield, in the County of Lincoln, which land is bounded as follows: On the north by the highway leading from Weary Pond to South Jefferson; on the east by Sterns Brook and by Little Dyer's Pond and the inlet stream and marsh of said pond and by the highway leading from South Jefferson to Alna; on the south by the Alna town line; on the west by the road leading from Alna to said Weary Pond, in the Town of Whitefield;

L. Kineo Point Sanctuary: Kineo Point, in Kineo, in the County of Piscataquis;

M. Limington, Hollis and Waterboro Sanctuary: The following described territory situated in the Towns of Limington, Hollis and Waterboro, in York County; beginning at a point where the Little Ossipee River joins the Saco River in the Town of Limington, thence westerly and southerly along said Little Ossipee River to the highway at Edgecomb's bridge, so called, in Waterboro, thence southerly and easterly along said highway to North Hollis, in the Town of Hollis, thence easterly and northerly along the road next west of Killick Brook to the road leading from Nason Mills to Bonney Eagle, thence northeasterly along said Bonney Eagle Road to the town line between Limington and Hollis, thence northerly along said town line to the Saco River, thence northerly along said Saco River to the point of beginning. All roads which serve to bound said Limington, Hollis and Waterboro game sanctuary must be a part of said sanctuary. For provisions relating specifically to Limington, Hollis and Waterboro Sanctuary, see section 12707, subsection 4;

N. Megunticook Lake and Vicinity Sanctuary: The waters of Megunticook Lake, formerly called Canaan Lake, and its tributary lakes, ponds and streams, and upon the land bordering on the same included within the following roads: Beginning at Hopkins' Corner, so called, in the Town of Camden; thence via the Turnpike Road, so called, to Lincolnville Center; thence to Wiley's Corner in Lincolnville, thence to the Mansfield schoolhouse in the Town of Camden; thence via the Fish Hatchery to place of beginning; all of said lake, its tributaries and shores being located in the Towns of Camden, Lincolnville and Hope, in the Counties of Knox and Waldo. For provisions relating specifically to Megunticook Lake and Vicinity Sanctuary, see section 12707, subsection 2, paragraph H;

O. Merrymeeting Bay Game Sanctuary: Merrymeeting Bay in the Towns of Bowdoinham and Woolwich bounded as follows: Commencing at the high tension tower on Kelley's Point, so called, in Bowdoinham; thence westerly by a line approximately 100 feet above the high water mark designated by a series of posted signs over the field lands and by posted signs and a single strand of wire through the wooded area thus southerly 100 feet more or less to a red stake at the high water mark of Merrymeeting Bay; thence southerly approximately 400 yards to a red stake or marker on range between the first mentioned red stake and Butler's Head, so called, this stake or marker must also be on range between the iron pin on the southeasterly corner of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife camp lot on the west shore of the Abagadasset River and the eastern support tower on the southern high tension power line in Woolwich; thence southeasterly across the flats and waters of Merrymeeting Bay approximately 1,900 yards to a red stake or marker located near high water mark on Elliott's Point, so called, on the Woolwich shore; thence northeasterly following high water mark approximately 1,250 yards to a red stake or marker under the overhead high tension power cables; thence westerly by a straight line to the point of beginning.

For provisions relating specifically to Merrymeeting Bay Game Sanctuary, see section 12707, subsection 3;

P. Monroe Island Game Sanctuary: Monroe Island, in the Town of Owl's Head, in the County of Knox;

Q. Moosehead Lake Game Sanctuary: The following described tracts or territory situated in the County of Piscataquis: Moose Island and Farm Island, in Moosehead Lake, and the territory bounded as follows: Beginning on the shore of Moosehead Lake at a point nearest to the easterly end of the state road leading westerly from Greenville Junction, so called, to the state fish hatchery on Moose Brook, thence westerly by said state road to said hatchery, thence northeasterly down said brook to the shore of Moosehead Lake, thence by the shore of said lake to the point of beginning;

R. Moosehorn Game Sanctuary: The right-of-way of the Maine Central Railroad from St. Croix Junction in Calais, southerly to the Charlotte town line;

S. Narragansett Game Sanctuary: The following described territory situated in the Town of Gorham, in the County of Cumberland: Bounded on the north by the right-of-way of the W. N. & P. division of the Boston & Maine railroad; on the east by the Black Brook Road or Scarboro Road, so called, in said Town of Gorham; on the south by the Stroudwater River; and on the west by South Street or South Gorham Road, so called, in said Town of Gorham, containing 3,600 acres, more or less. For provisions relating specifically to Narragansett Game Sanctuary, see section 12707, subsection 2, paragraph D;

T. Ocean Park Game and Bird Sanctuary: The following described territory situated in the Town of Old Orchard Beach, in the County of York: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Fresh Water Cove Brook, so called, where the same intersects the Boston and Maine Railroad right-of-way; thence southerly along said brook to its mouth where it joins the Goose Fare Brook; thence southeasterly along said Goose Fare Brook to its mouth; thence easterly and parallel with the Atlantic Ocean and 50 feet in front of all bulkheads and houses fronting on the beach to the easterly side of Tunis Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to the Boston and Maine Railroad right-of-way; thence by said Boston and Maine right-of-way to point of beginning;

U. Orrington Game Sanctuary: The following described territory beginning at a point on the state aid road No. 4, in Orrington, at the East Bucksport turn, extending in a southerly and southeasterly direction to the county line; on the road leading to Thurston Pond, to the Hancock County line; thence southwesterly along said county line to the land of Harry Byard; north along said line to the land of E. F. Bowden; west on said line to the land of Frank Betts; northerly on line of E. F. Bowden to land of Fred Bowden; west on Fred Bowden's line to land of J. Betts; northerly on line of Fred Bowden and J. Betts to line of H. Byard; westerly on Byard's line and line of Mary Gray to land of P. W. Gray; northerly on Gray's line to land of J. Bowden heirs; northerly across said land to the line of E. F. Bowden and J. W. Bowden heirs; easterly on J. W. Bowden heirs' line to the first mentioned bound. The commissioner may add adjacent property to said game sanctuary upon application of said adjacent property owners;

V. Pittston Farm Sanctuary: Pittston Farm, so called, in Pittston Township, in the County of Somerset, being all the fields, pastures and cultivated lands of said farm;

W. Prout's Neck; Richmond's Island; Cape Elizabeth Sanctuary: The following described territory: On the 112 acres of land, more or less, comprising Prout's Neck, so called, in the Town of Scarboro, in the County of Cumberland; or on Richmond's Island, so called, in the Town of Cape Elizabeth, in said County of Cumberland; or on the tract of land comprising 1,600 acres, more or less, situated in said Town of Cape Elizabeth, and bounded as follows: Southeasterly and southerly by the low low watermark of the Atlantic Ocean, westerly by the low low watermark of the Spurwink River, northerly by the Spurwink Road, so called, leading from Spurwink Bridge to Bowery Beach, easterly by a certain private road or way which runs in a southerly direction from the aforesaid Spurwink Road to said Bowery Beach, being the road which runs in front of the dwelling house of one Charles L. Jordan and along the easterly boundary of land of said Charles L. Jordan, and along the westerly boundary of land of the Great Pond Club, but not including any portion of said Bowery Beach. For the purpose of this paragraph, Richmond's Island includes only that portion of land above the mean high watermark and the easterly portion, as defined by red painted markers, of the causeway between Richmond's Island and the mainland. For provisions relating specifically to Prout's Neck; Richmond's Island; Cape Elizabeth Sanctuary, see section 12707, subsection 2, paragraphs C and D;

X. Rangeley Game Sanctuary, in the County of Franklin: The following described tract or territory, situated in Rangeley, in the County of Franklin, to wit: So much of said Town of Rangeley as is bounded as follows: Southwesterly by Rangeley Lake; northwesterly and northeasterly by route No. 16; and southeasterly by the inlet to Rangeley Lake leading from Haley Pond, so called. The territory above described being so much of said Town of Rangeley, as lies between Rangeley Lake, the outlet of Rangeley Lake, route No. 16 and said inlet to Rangeley Lake from Haley Pond. This paragraph applies to that part of Hunter Cove, so called, lying northerly of Hunter Cove Bridge, so called;

Y. Rangeley Lake Sanctuary: Rangeley Lake bounded as follows: Beginning at Gilman's Point on the northerly shore of Rangeley Lake; thence southerly across said lake to the southwesterly corner of land of the Rangeley Lake Hotel Corporation; thence northerly, westerly and southerly around the shore of said Rangeley Lake back to the original starting point. Boats may pass through without incurring any penalty;

Z. Repealed. Laws 2013, c. 138, § 1, eff. Oct. 9, 2013.

AA. Readfield and Winthrop Sanctuary: The waters of Carleton Pond, so called, in the Towns of Readfield and Winthrop in the County of Kennebec, and the lands of the Augusta Water District adjacent to said pond and located in said Towns of Readfield and Winthrop, now owned or which are acquired by said district in furtherance of its chartered purposes. For provisions relating specifically to Readfield and Winthrop Sanctuary, see section 12707, subsection 2, paragraphs F and G and subsection 6;

BB. Salmon Pond Sanctuary: That territory lying within a distance of ¼ of a mile of Salmon Pond, which pond is situated in the Town of Guilford, in the County of Piscataquis, said pond being the source of water supply for the Dover-Foxcroft Water District, also all the lands now owned by said Dover-Foxcroft Water District in Lots 3 and 4, Range 7, which lie outside of the above ¼ of a mile limit;

CC. Somerset Game Sanctuary: The following described tract or territory situated in Somerset County, the same being in unorganized territory, and taking in parts of Sapling Town, Misery Gore, Taunton and Raynham Township, and including the whole of Sandbar Tract, bounded and described as follows: The territory from the highway, being route 15, east to low watermark on Moosehead Lake between East Outlet and West Outlet, bounded as follows: Beginning at the junction of the low watermark of Moosehead Lake and the northerly side of the East Outlet of said lake; thence westerly by the northerly side of said East Outlet to the highway, being route 15; thence northerly by said highway to the southerly side of the West Outlet of said Moosehead Lake; thence easterly by the southerly side of said West Outlet to low watermark of Moosehead Lake; thence southerly by said low watermark of Moosehead Lake to the point of beginning;

DD. Standish Sanctuary: The following described territory in the Town of Standish in the County of Cumberland: Beginning at the point where the Maine Central railroad crosses the Pequaket Trail in Steep Falls; thence southerly and easterly by said Pequaket Trail, the Oak Hill Road, so-called, and the so-called back road from Steep Falls to Richville to its junction with the Rich Mill Road, so-called; thence by said Mill Road northeasterly to its junction with the road leading from Sebago Lake to East Sebago; thence by the last named road northerly to a point approximately 1 ¼ miles north of the Maine Central railroad crossing; thence by a certain wood road westerly to its junction with the Maine Central railroad; thence by said railroad northwesterly to the point of beginning. All roads and the Maine Central railroad right-of-way that serve to bound said Standish Game Sanctuary are a part of said sanctuary. For provisions relating specifically to Standish Sanctuary, see section 12707, subsection 5;

EE. Stanwood Wildlife Sanctuary: Beginning on Route 3 in Ellsworth at the northeast corner of the Stanwood Wildlife Sanctuary and the southeast corner of the Animal Medical Center; thence southerly 795 feet on the highway to an iron pipe, being the northeast corner of the Luchini lot; thence westerly 363 feet along Luchini's north line to an iron pipe; thence S 6° 40′ W 716 feet to an iron pipe, abutting Luchini, Grossman′s Lumber, and the Ellsworth Water Company water tower; thence N 81° 23′ W 1699 feet, abutting the Jordan brothers' lot to a stake; thence N 6° 40′ E 511 feet to a stake, abutting Khanbegian; thence N 79° 59′ W 1432 feet to a stake, abutting Khanbegian; thence westerly 330 feet to a stake, abutting John Dorgan; thence S 79° 59′ E 720 feet to an iron pipe, abutting John E. Partridge; then 10° 6′ E 659 feet to an iron pipe, abutting John E. Partridge and Beatrice Jones; thence S 79° 59′ E 1342 feet to an iron pipe, abutting Harry S. Jones, III; thence N 6° 08′ E 326 feet to an iron pipe, abutting Harry S. Jones, III; thence N 80° 45′ E 60 feet to an iron pipe, abutting the Maine Coast Mall; thence S 6° 08′ W 87 feet to an iron pipe, abutting Dow Pontiac; thence N 69° 50′ E 340 feet to an iron pipe, abutting Dow Pontiac; thence S 31° 04′ E 371.75 feet to an iron pipe, abutting Ellsworth Agway and Branch Pond Marine; thence N 80° 42′ E 84.5 feet to an iron pipe, abutting Ellsworth Car Wash; thence S 4° 45′ W 219.8 feet to an iron pipe, abutting Animal Medical Center; thence N 69° 50′ E 345 feet to an iron pipe, abutting Animal Medical Center and being the point of beginning, containing 100 acres more or less. The commissioner may add adjacent property to the game sanctuary upon application of the adjacent property owners;

FF. Thorncrag Bird Sanctuary: The following described territory: A certain parcel of land situated in Lewiston, and bounded as follows, to wit, beginning on the northeasterly side of the road leading from Barker Mills to the Thorne Corner Schoolhouse so-called, at the corner of the late Benjamin Thorne's land; thence running northeasterly about one hundred and seventy (170) rods to the corner of the late Phineas Wright and Dutton lot, so-called, thence northwesterly on said Wright lot about forty-six (46) rods to land owned by David Nevens; thence southwesterly on the line of said Neven's land to the above mentioned road, thence on the line of said road to the first mentioned bounds, containing forty-five acres (45) more or less. A certain lot or parcel of land, situated in Lewiston, in said County of Androscoggin, and bounded and described as follows: Bounded southwesterly by a line commencing at a point in the southeasterly line of land of The Stanton Bird Sanctuary, six hundred eighty (680) feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of said Montello Street, thence southeasterly and parallel with said Montello Street to a point six hundred eighty (680) feet northeasterly from said Montello Street to land formerly of George E. Ridley; bounded southeasterly by land formerly of said George E. Ridley; bounded northeasterly by land formerly of George H. Field; and bounded northwesterly by land of The Stanton Bird Club. A certain lot of land situated in said Lewiston, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stake and stones at the northeast corner of lot numbered thirteen (13); thence southwesterly on line of land now or formerly of Catherine Lynch and land formerly owned by George Bubier to the northeast corner of land formerly owned by Phineas Wright; thence northwesterly along said Wright land sixty-two (62) rods and five (5) links to stake in the corner of land now or formerly owned by William B. Kilbourne; thence north fifty degrees (50° ) east on line of said Kilbourne land seventy (70) rods to stake standing on the southerly line of lot numbered twelve (12), formerly owned by James Lowell; thence southeasterly on said last mentioned line sixty-two (62) rods and five (5) links to point of commencement. Containing twenty-six (26) acres and one hundred fifty-seven (157) rods. A certain lot or parcel of land adjoining the lot above described and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing on the westerly side of the road leading from Thorne's Corner by the residence now or formerly owned by Henry C. Field to Greene at the northeasterly corner of land owned by said Field, now or formerly; thence northwesterly on line of said Field land to land now or formerly of Frye and Dill; thence northeasterly on line of said Frye and Dill land and lot above described to land now or formerly owned by Catherine Lynch; thence southeasterly on line of said Lynch land to the aforesaid road; thence southwesterly by said road to point of commencement. Also another piece or parcel of land situated in said Lewiston, being a part of the Homestead Farm of Phineas Wright and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the westerly corner of the Homestead Farm of Jarius Carville; thence southwesterly on said Carville land and land of Henry Field about fifty-seven (57) rods; thence at right angles northwesterly about sixty-nine and one-half (69 ½ ) rods to the stone wall between the field and pasture on said Homestead Farm; thence by said wall northeasterly to the land of the late Dr. William Kilbourne; thence southeasterly on said Kilbourne land and land of Jarius Carville seventy-five (75) rods to point of beginning, containing twenty-seven (27) acres. A certain lot or parcel of land, situated in Lewiston in said County of Androscoggin and bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point in the northeasterly line of Montello Street where the southeasterly line of land conveyed to the Stanton Bird Club by Alfred Williams Anthony by deed dated Jan. 18, 1922 and recorded in the Androscoggin Registry of Deeds, Book 315, page 447, intersects said street; thence northeasterly by southeasterly line of said land of said Stanton Bird Club, six hundred eighty (680) feet to land of said Stanton Bird Club; thence southeasterly and parallel with said Montello Street to a point six hundred eighty (680) feet northeasterly from said Montello Street and land formerly of George E. Ridley; thence southwesterly by said Ridley land six hundred eighty (680) feet to said Montello Street; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly side of said Montello Street to point of commencement. Also a certain other lot or parcel of land, situated in said Lewiston, bounded as follows: Westerly by the Highland Spring Road, northerly by the Thorne road, so-called, easterly by land of one A.D. Ames, and southerly by lands of Daniel Conley and A.W. Taylor, the same containing six and two-tenths (6.2) acres more or less. A certain lot or parcel of land situated northeasterly from the northeasterly end of East Avenue in said Lewiston, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the corner of the Field, Wood, and Thorncrag lots, so-called, near the Miller Fireplace, thence running northwesterly one hundred fifty (150) feet about 9.03 rods, along the stone wall between the Thorncrag and Wood lots, so-called, to a stake and stones; thence at right angles northeasterly about 42.7 rods to a stake and stones on the line dividing the old Frye and Dill lot, now owned by the Stanton Bird Club, and the old Phineas Wright Homestead now owned by this Grantor; thence at nearly right angles along said line two hundred twenty (220) feet (13 ⅓ rods) to the corner of the three lots commonly called the Frye and Dill, Henry Field and Phineas Wright, now owned by this Grantor, lots; thence 42.7 rods at right angles southwesterly along the Field line to the point of beginning; containing three (3) acres more or less. A certain lot or parcel of land situated in said Lewiston, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake set in the ground in a stone wall on the northeasterly line of land of said Stanton Bird Club, said stake being one hundred fifty (150) feet from the northwesterly corner of land of Raymond R. Field; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of land of said Stanton Bird Club one hundred twenty-five (125) feet to an iron stake set in the ground; thence at right angles northeasterly three hundred (300) feet to an iron stake set in the ground; thence at right angles northwesterly twenty-five (25) feet to an iron stake set in the ground; thence at right angles northeasterly three hundred seventeen (317) feet, more or less, to a stake set in the ground on the southeasterly line of land of the Stanton Bird Club one hundred fifty (150) feet to an iron stake set in the ground on the northwesterly line of land of said Stanton Bird Club; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of land of said Stanton Bird Club to the point of beginning; containing two (2) acres, more or less. A certain lot or parcel of land situated in Lewiston, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of the original Stanton Bird Club Sanctuary, three hundred sixty-four (364) feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of Montello Street; thence in a northeasterly direction by land now or formerly of the Stanton Bird Club, three hundred and sixty-eight (368) feet; thence in a southeasterly direction, parallel with the said northeasterly line of Montello Street, two hundred and forty (240) feet; thence in a southwesterly direction parallel with the first described line, three hundred sixty-eight (368) feet; thence in a northwesterly direction parallel with the said northeasterly line of Montello Street, two hundred forty (240) feet to the point of beginning, containing two (2) acres more or less. A certain lot or parcel of land situated in said Lewiston, it being the southwest end of Lot #13 bounded southeasterly on Lot #33 and southwesterly and northwesterly on a four (4) rod way as laid down on the plan of said township of said Lewiston. Containing fifty (50) acres, more or less, and being the homestead farm of the late Elizabeth S. Wood, deceased, and the premises being the same conveyed to her by the name of Elizabeth S. Haley by Dorcas G. Wright by deed dated April 12, 1866, and recorded in the Androscoggin County Registry of Deeds in Book 43, Page 114. A certain lot or parcel of land situated in said Lewiston, bounded and described as follows, viz: Commencing at a point on the westerly line of land now or formerly of H. Osmond Wood and Mabel V. Wood (formerly Dorcas Wright) where the northerly line of land of A. W. Anthony (formerly of Ephriam Wood) intersects said H. Osmond and Mabel V. Wood's west line; thence northerly nine hundred ninety-nine (999′) feet on said H. Osmond and Mabel V. Wood's westerly line to land now or formerly of Charles W. Benson (formerly of O. K. Douglass); thence at right angles westerly one thousand two hundred twenty (1220′) feet on said Benson's southerly line to a point in a rock wall; thence southeasterly on line of land now or formerly of George H. McGibbon and Mathilda G. McGibbon, one thousand two hundred thirty (1,230′) feet to a point in the rock wall on the northerly line of said Anthony's land, one thousand nine hundred forty-six (1,946′) feet from the point of commencement; thence easterly along the northerly line of land of said Anthony, one thousand nine hundred forty-six (1,946′) feet to the point of beginning. Deacon Davis Bird Refuge: The following described territory: A certain parcel of land situated in the city of Lewiston, in the county of Androscoggin, and bounded as follows: The most northerly corner of land of the estate of George K. Davis, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the northwest by land of the so-called Ham Farm; on the northeast by Pleasant Street; on the southwest by land of Joseph Breault; and on the southeast by a line extending northeasterly from the easterly corner of said Breault's land, and being a continuation of the southeast boundary of said Breault's land, containing 2 acres, more or less. Woodbury Sanctuary: The following described territory: A certain parcel of land situated in the towns of Litchfield and Monmouth in the county of Kennebec and bounded as follows: The westerly side of Whippoorwill Road, so called. Being all the land conveyed to the Stanton Bird Club by Louise S. Drew and Clara B. Dana by deed dated July 2, 1929 and recorded in Kennebec County Registry of Deeds in Book 669-Page 210;

GG. Tomhegan Game Sanctuary: The following territory in Township 1, Range 2, N. B. K. P., commonly known as Tomhegan Town, in the County of Somerset, described as follows: Beginning at a cedar post and stones, the post being marked PRESERVE C/W 1931, standing on the line which is the division line between the land owned by the Great Northern Paper Company and that owned by the trust estate of F. W. Rollins, standing on the westerly shore of Socatean Bay in Moosehead Lake; thence westerly on said division line 1 mile and 160 rods to a cedar post and stones, the post being marked PRESERVE C 1931; thence southerly at right angle to said division line 250 rods to a cedar post and stones, the post being marked PRESERVE C/W 1931 and standing on the northerly shore of Tomhegan Bay in Moosehead Lake; thence easterly and northerly along the shore of Moosehead Lake around Socatean Point, so called, to the point of beginning and containing 700 acres, more or less;

HH. Wells Sanctuary: The following described tract or territory, situated in the Town of Wells, in the County of York: a certain tract of land, bounded and described as follows: On the east by the Atlantic Ocean; on the south by the Drake Island Road, so called; on the west by the U. S. Number 1 highway, so called; on the north by the town line of Kennebunk and Wells;

II. Wells and York Game Sanctuary: The following described territory situated in the Towns of Wells and York in York County; beginning at a point on highway No. 1 where the Josias River meets said highway No. 1 in the Town of Wells, thence southwesterly along said Josias River to the Maine Turnpike in the Town of York, thence northerly along said Maine Turnpike to the Agamenticus Road overpass; thence westerly across said overpass by Agamenticus Road to the North Village Road; thence northerly along said North Village Road to Ogunquit-North Berwick Road, thence easterly along said Ogunquit-North Berwick Road to highway No. 1 in the Town of Wells, thence southerly along highway No. 1 to the point of beginning in the Town of Wells;

JJ. Willow Water Game Sanctuary: The following named territory, on the following described properties, located in the Town of Perry:

(1) Beginning on the county road on the westerly line of the Reed Farm, so called, now or formerly owned by Mrs. J. Abiah McPhail, and thence running north 4° east, following said line, 32 rods to a marked tree; thence 75° west 20 rods to a stake; thence south 4° east 32 rods to the county road; thence easterly by the county road to the place of beginning. The same being the building lot formerly owned by the late John W. Trott and containing 4 acres, more or less;

(2) Any one other lot or parcel of land lying and being on the northerly side of the county road leading from the Eastport-Perry Bridge to Pembroke and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of land formerly of the John W. Trott estate and thence running northerly on the west line of said Trott land to the northwest corner thereof; thence easterly on the north line of said Trott land to land now or formerly of Mrs. J. Abiah McPhail, formerly of John Reddington; thence north 1° east along the west line of said McPhail land to land now or formerly of the Charles J. Trott estate; thence westerly on the south line of said Trott land 62 rods; thence northerly on the westerly line of said Trott land 48 rods to the Morrison lot, so called; thence westerly on the said Morrison lot to land now or formerly of W. W. Brown; thence south ½ ° west 200 rods to the county road; thence easterly on said county road 77 rods to the place of beginning, containing in all 107 acres, more or less, being part of lots numbered 29 and 30 according to the plan of the Town of Perry;

(3) Any one other lot or parcel of land known as the pasture lot formerly the Wm. H. Brown Farm, bounded generally as follows, to wit: On the north by land formerly of S. Frost; on the east by land of Trott, on the south by the county road leading to Pembroke and on the west by land of M. Conley and land of others, names unknown, the above described lots being known as the Elijah Loring Farm in said Perry;

(4) A certain lot of land bounded on the north by land of the late John McCarty; on the east by Frost's Cove; on the south by lands formerly of Lucinda Frost and of Lewis D. Frost; and on the west by lands of the late John Morrison, William Anderson and the late John McCarty, containing 75 acres, more or less;

(5) One other lot or parcel of land bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the east by lots numbered 19 and 20; southerly by land of the late John Loring and the Russell lot, so called; westerly by lots numbered 10 and 11; and northerly by the William Anderson lot, and land formerly owned by the late Aaron Frost;

(6) One other certain lot or parcel of land bounded and described as follows, to wit: Bounded on the north by road leading from county road, to the field on the west; on the east by the county road leading from Eastport to Calais, on the south and the west by land of Lucinda Frost, afterwards conveyed to Jennie Frost; said lot being 10 rods on the county road and 8 rods back from the road; and

(7) One other certain lot or parcel of land bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the east by the county road leading from Eastport to Robbinston; on the south by land formerly owned by John A. Frost, on the west by land formerly of Sidney S. Frost and on the north by land formerly of Sidney S. Frost.

The owner of the properties included within the Willow Water Game Sanctuary shall enclose the same with a suitable fence and shall cause the erection of suitable signs on or near said sanctuary indicating that no hunting is permitted thereon. Near the center of said game sanctuary such owner is authorized to construct a 15-acre pond for the propagation of waterfowl, principally wood duck, teal and blacks. For provisions relating specifically to Willow Water Game Sanctuary, see section 12707, subsection 2, paragraph A; and

KK. York Game Sanctuary, in the County of Franklin: The following named territory; on the property of the following named persons, to wit: On land of J. Lewis York and on land of Yorks; said game sanctuary being in the northwest corner of Dallas Plantation, and bounded as follows, to wit: West by the east line of the Town of Rangeley; north by the south line of Lang Plantation; east by the west line of the public lot in Dallas Plantation; and south by land of Furbish, Goodspeed Company and land of the heirs of Henry Bliss, containing 539 acres, more or less. This game sanctuary is called the York Game Sanctuary.

For provisions relating specifically to York Game Sanctuary, in the County of Franklin, see section 12707, subsection 2, paragraph B.

2. Temporary wildlife sanctuaries. The following provisions apply to temporary wildlife sanctuaries.

A. The commissioner may, upon the written consent of landowners, create from any lands within the State, not to exceed 1,000 acres, a sanctuary or sanctuaries for the purpose of liberating tame deer.

B. The commissioner may release all or any part of lands from the restrictions of a sanctuary or sanctuaries, whenever the commissioner considers it expedient.


2003, c. 414, § A-2; 2003, c. 655, § B-293, eff. Aug. 31, 2004; 2005, c. 17, § 1; 2009, c. 4, § 1; 2009, c. 269, § 1; 2013, c. 138, § 1, eff. Oct. 9, 2013; 2019, c. 355, § 8, eff. June 18, 2019.


§ 12707. Unlawful activity in wildlife sanctuary; general prohibitions and exceptions

Except to the extent permitted by the commissioner under section 12701, activities listed in this section are prohibited in a wildlife sanctuary.

1. Deleted. Laws 2003, c. 655, § B-294, eff. Aug. 31, 2004.

1-A. Unlawful activity in wildlife sanctuary. Except as provided in subsection 2, the following activities are prohibited.

A. A person may not trap or hunt any wild animal or wild bird at any time within a wildlife sanctuary as designated in section 12706.

(1) A person who violates this paragraph commits a civil violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be adjudged.

(2) A person who violates this paragraph after having been adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a Class E crime.

B. A person may not possess any wild animal or wild bird taken in violation of paragraph A.

(1) A person who violates this paragraph commits a civil violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be adjudged.

(2) A person who violates this paragraph after having been adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a Class E crime.

2. Exceptions. The following exceptions apply to the prohibitions in subsection 1-A.

A. Subsection 1-A does not apply to crows and skunks in the Willow Water Game Sanctuary.

B. A person residing within the limits of the York Game Sanctuary in the County of Franklin may kill any wild bird, except grouse, or any wild animal, except beaver, when found destroying that person's property.

C. A person residing within the limits of Prout's Neck, Richmond's Island and Cape Elizabeth Sanctuary may kill any wild bird, except ruffed grouse or Hungarian partridge, or any wild animal, when found destroying that person's property.

D. A person may trap any wild animal except moose and deer within Fairfield Sanctuary, Narragansett Game Sanctuary and Prout's Neck, Richmond's Island and Cape Elizabeth Sanctuary in accordance with the general laws of the State.

E. Repealed. Laws 2013, c. 138, § 2, eff. Oct. 9, 2013.

F. The Augusta Water District may use Carleton Pond in the Readfield and Winthrop Sanctuary as it determines necessary.

G. Within the Readfield and Winthrop Sanctuary, subsection 1-A applies only to fenced lands.

H. Subsection 1-A applies to Megunticook Lake and Vicinity Sanctuary from the first day of April of each year to the 30th day of September following. From October 1st until March 31st of each year, hunting wild animals and wild birds is permitted.

3. Using motorboat within Merrymeeting Bay Game Sanctuary. A person may not use a motorboat within Merrymeeting Bay Game Sanctuary, except that motorboats may be used between the Woolwich shore on the east and a line on the west designated by a series of red markers adjacent to the edge of the grassy marsh area from Kelly's Point to the southern boundary of the Merrymeeting Bay Game Sanctuary.

A. A person who violates this subsection commits a civil violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be adjudged.

B. A person who violates this subsection after having been adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a Class E crime.

4. Carrying loaded firearm on bounds of Limington, Hollis and Waterboro Sanctuary. A person may not carry a loaded firearm on any of the roads bounding the Limington, Hollis and Waterboro Sanctuary.

A. A person who violates this subsection commits a civil violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be adjudged.

B. A person who violates this subsection after having been adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a Class E crime.

5. Carrying loaded firearm on bounds of Standish Sanctuary. A person may not carry a loaded firearm on any road or on the Maine Central Railroad right-of-way that bounds the Standish Game Sanctuary.

A. A person who violates this subsection commits a civil violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be adjudged.

B. A person who violates this subsection after having been adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a Class E crime.

6. Fishing in Carleton Pond. A person may not fish in Carleton Pond in the Readfield and Winthrop Sanctuary.

A. A person who violates this subsection commits a civil violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be adjudged.

B. A person who violates this subsection after having been adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a Class E crime.

2003, c. 414, § A-2; 2003, c. 655, § B-294, eff. Aug. 31, 2004; 2013, c. 138, § 2, eff. Oct. 9, 2013; 2019, c. 355, § 9, eff. June 18, 2019.


§ 12708. Wildlife management areas and public access sites 

1. Designation and classification of wildlife management areas. The following areas are classified as wildlife management areas.

A. The following described territories are classified as wildlife management areas to be managed by the commissioner in accordance with the principles of wildlife management, as defined in section 10001, subsection 73, and subject to the commissioner's authority under section 12701:

(1) Bartlett's Island in Hancock County;

(2) Colby College Area: The Mayflower Hill Campus of Colby College comprising approximately 640 acres of land. It is located west of the center of Waterville bounded in general as follows:
From a stone marker on the west bank of Messalonskee Stream, said marker located across the stream from a point approximately 400 feet north of Riverview Avenue. Runs north along bank of Messalonskee Stream to a point approximately 2,000 feet north of Cedar Bridge (North Street), thence in a northeasterly direction to a cement marker on the Second Rangeway at a point approximately 900 feet northeast of intersection with Rice Rips Road, thence in a southwesterly direction to Rice Rips Road, thence east approximately 300 feet, thence southwesterly again approximately parallel to and west of the Second Rangeway for approximately 1,800 feet to a cement marker, thence easterly to the Second Rangeway, thence in a southerly direction on east side of Second Rangeway for approximately 1,900 feet to a cement marker and college sign; thence southeast approximately 5,400 feet to Mt. Merici property line post and cement marker; thence in easterly direction to and across Mayflower Hill Drive in offset manner (east offset marked with stone or cement marker post) to and across Maine Central railroad to the point of beginning on west bank of Messalonskee Stream;

(3) Deer Isle and Stonington: The Towns of Deer Isle and Stonington, Hancock County;

(4) Repealed. Laws 2003, c. 587, § 1.

(5) Deleted. Laws 2005, c. 477, § 21, eff. March 8, 2006.

(6) Lowell E. Barnes Wildlife Management Area: Certain lots or parcels of land situated in Hiram, County of Oxford, State of Maine, bounded and described as follows:

(a) A parcel of land containing 700 acres more or less bounded northerly by land now or formerly of Lusanna Hubbard, Lemuel Cotton and M.L. Wardsworth; easterly by land now or formerly of James Edgecomb; southerly by land now or formerly owned or occupied by Llewellyn A. Wardsworth, Asbury Huntress and Orison Adams; and westerly by land now or formerly of James Ayer, Harrison Sanburn, James Ayer again, the George F. Brooks place, so called, being the lot next below described and land now or formerly of Fred Small, Seth Spring and Freeman Flye;

(b) A parcel of land containing 25 acres, more or less, situated westerly of the above described lot and known as the George F. Brooks place; and

(c) A parcel of land containing 70 acres, more or less, situated adjacent to the first parcel above described and bounded north, east and west by said first above described parcel and southerly by land now or formerly of James Ayer and Elmer Hodgdon. Said parcel is known as the Dennis Stanley place;

(7) Marsh Island: Marsh Island in Penobscot County; and

(8) Oak Grove: The campus and land of Oak Grove School, in the Town of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, situated on the east side of Route No. 100; and all the land of said school situated on the west side of Route No. 100. Sebago Lake Basin Wildlife Management Area: All that portion of Sebago Lake commonly known as Sebago Lake Basin lying below the high water mark in the Towns of Standish and Windham.

B. The following areas are classified as state-owned wildlife management areas, or “WMAs”:

(1) Blanchard/AuClair WMA (Roach River Corridor)--T1 R14 WELS--Piscataquis County;

(2) Major Gregory Sanborn WMA--Brownfield, Denmark, Fryeburg--Oxford County;

(3) George Bucknam WMA (Belgrade Stream)--Mt. Vernon--Kennebec County;

(4) Caesar Pond WMA--Bowdoin--Sagadahoc County;

(5) Chesterville WMA--Chesterville--Franklin County;

(6) Alan E. Hutchinson WMA--all state-owned coastal islands that are owned or managed by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife;

(7) Dickwood Lake WMA--Eagle Lake--Aroostook County;

(8) Francis D. Dunn WMA (Sawtelle Deadwater)--T6 R7 WELS--Penobscot County;

(9) Fahi Pond WMA--Embden--Somerset County;

(10) Lyle Frost WMA (formerly Scammon)--Eastbrook, Franklin--Hancock County;

(11) Alonzo H. Garcelon WMA (Mud Mill Flowage)--Augusta, Windsor, Vassalboro, China--Kennebec County;

(12) Great Works WMA--Edmunds Township--Washington County;

(13) Jamies Pond WMA--Manchester, Farmingdale, Hallowell--Kennebec County;

(14) Jonesboro WMA--Jonesboro--Washington County;

(15) Earle R. Kelley WMA (Dresden Bog)--Alna, Dresden--Lincoln County;

(16) Kennebunk Plains WMA--Kennebunk--York County;

(17) Bud Leavitt WMA (Bull Hill)--Atkinson, Charleston, Dover-Foxcroft, Garland--Penobscot County and Piscataquis County;

(18) Gene Letourneau WMA (Frye Mountain)--Montville, Knox, Morrill--Waldo County;

(19) Long Lake WMA--St. Agatha--Aroostook County (all of Long Lake within the Town of St. Agatha);

(20) Madawaska WMA--Palmyra--Somerset County;

(20-A) Maine Youth Conservation WMA--T32MD--Hancock County;

(21) Mainstream WMA--Cambridge, Ripley--Somerset County;

(22) Lt. Gordon Manuel WMA--Hodgdon, Cary Township, Linneus--Aroostook County;

(23) Maynard F. Marsh WMA (Killick Pond)--Hollis, Limington--York County;

(24) Mercer Bog WMA--Mercer--Somerset County;

(25) Merrymeeting Bay WMA--Dresden, Bowdoinham, Woolwich, Bath, Topsham--Lincoln County and Sagadahoc County;

(26) Morgan Meadow WMA--Raymond--Cumberland County;

(27) Mt. Agamenticus WMA--York, South Berwick--York County;

(28) Muddy River WMA--Topsham--Sagadahoc County;

(29) Narraguagus Junction WMA--Cherryfield--Washington County;

(30) Old Pond Farm WMA--Maxfield, Howland--Penobscot County;

(31) Orange River WMA--Whiting--Washington County;

(32) Peaks Island WMA--Portland--Cumberland County;

(33) Pennamaquam WMA--Pembroke, Charlotte--Washington County;

(34) Steve Powell WMA--Perkins Township--Sagadahoc County (being the islands in the Kennebec River near Richmond known as Swan Island and Little Swan Island, formerly known as Alexander Islands);

(35) David Priest WMA (Dwinal Pond)--Lee, Winn--Penobscot County;

(36) James Dorso Ruffingham Meadow WMA--Montville, Searsmont--Waldo County;

(37) St. Albans WMA--St. Albans--Somerset County;

(38) Sandy Point WMA--Stockton Springs--Waldo County;

(39) Scarborough WMA--Scarborough, Old Orchard Beach, Saco--Cumberland County and York County;

(40) Steep Falls WMA--Standish, Baldwin--Cumberland County;

(41) Tyler Pond WMA--Manchester, Augusta--Kennebec County;

(42) Vernon S. Walker WMA--Newfield, Shapleigh--York County;

(43) R. Waldo Tyler Weskeag Marsh WMA--South Thomaston, Thomaston, Rockland, Owl's Head, Friendship--Knox County;

(43-A) Kennebec River Estuary WMA--Arrowsic, Bath, Georgetown, Phippsburg, West Bath, Woolwich--Sagadahoc County;

(43-B) Tolla Wolla WMA--Livermore--Androscoggin County;

(43-C) Green Point WMA--Dresden--Lincoln County;

(43-D) Hurds Pond WMA--Swanville--Waldo County;

(43-E) Sherman Lake WMA--Newcastle, Damariscotta--Lincoln County;

(43-F) Ducktrap River WMA--Belmont, Lincolnville--Waldo County;

(44) Deleted. Laws 2011, c. 253, § 34, eff. June 8, 2011.

(45) Stump Pond WMA--New Vineyard--Franklin County;

(46) Bog Brook WMA--Beddington, Deblois--Washington County;

(47) Cobscook Bay WMA--Lubec, Pembroke, Perry, Trescott Township--Washington County;

(48) Mattawamkeag River System WMA--Drew Plantation, Kingman Township, Prentiss Township, Webster Township--Penobscot County;

(49) Booming Ground WMA--Forest City--Washington County;

(50) Butler Island WMA--Ashland--Aroostook County;

(51) Pollard Flat WMA--Masardis--Aroostook County;

(52) Caribou Bog WMA--Old Town, Orono--Penobscot County;

(53) Delano WMA--Monson--Piscataquis County;

(54) Egypt Bay WMA--Hancock--Hancock County;

(55) Spring Brook WMA--Hancock--Hancock County;

(56) Strong WMA--Strong--Franklin County;

(57) Plymouth Bog WMA--Plymouth, Detroit, Burnham--Penobscot County, Somerset County and Waldo County;

(58) Such other areas as the commissioner designates, by rules adopted in accordance with section 12701, as state-owned wildlife management areas; and

(59) Pleasant Bay WMA--Addison--Washington County.

2. The Public Boat Launch Access Program. The Public Boat Launch Access Program, referred to in this subsection as the “program,” is established in the department. The purpose of the program is to provide anglers, boaters and other persons fair and equitable public access to public waters that offer recreational fishing opportunities by acquiring lands adjacent to those waters and providing appropriate opportunities to access those waters. The commissioner may establish program priorities based on fishery management or other resource management objectives and may use for these purposes any funds received through federal programs intended to aid in the restoration of sport fishing and other revenues available for providing access to public waters.

2003, c. 414, § A-2; 2003, c. 587, § 1; 2003, c. 655, § B-295, eff. Aug. 31, 2004; 2005, c. 477, § 21, eff. March 8, 2006; 2007, c. 463, § 7; 2011, c. 253, § 34, eff. June 8, 2011; 2013, c. 408, § 21, eff. Oct. 9, 2013; 2017, c. 325, § 1, eff. Aug. 1, 2018; 2017, c. 403, § A-1, eff. July 1, 2019; 2021, c. 184, §§ 10 to 12, eff. Oct. 18, 2021.


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