West's Louisiana Statutes Annotated Currentness. Louisiana Revised Statutes. Title 37. Professions and Occupations. Chapter 18. Veterinarians. Chapters 18A, 18B, 18C

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Popular Title:  Louisiana Veterinary Practice Law Primary Citation:  LSA-R.S. 37:1511 - 70 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Historical: 

Summary: These are the state's veterinary practice laws. Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners.

§ 1511 . Legislative intent

§ 1512 . Short title

§ 1513 . Definitions

§ 1514 . License requirement and exceptions

§ 1515 . Board of Veterinary Medicine; terms; compensation; removal

§ 1516 . Election of officers; duties

§ 1517 . Revenues; deposit to Board of Veterinary Medicine Fund

§ 1518 . Powers of board

§ 1519 . Status of persons previously licensed

§ 1520 . Application for license; qualifications

§ 1521 . Examinations

§ 1522 . License without examination

§ 1523 . Temporary permit

§ 1524 . License renewal

§ 1525 . Renewal of expired licenses

§ 1526 . Discipline of licensees

§§ 1527 to 1529. Repealed by Acts 1978, No. 68, § 2

§ 1530 . Reinstatement

§ 1531 . Violations; penalty

§ 1532 . Injunctive relief

§ 1533 . Veterinary faculty license

§ 1534 . Licensure remedy

Chapter 18-A . Veterinary Technicians

Chapter 18-B . Certified Animal Euthanasia Technicians

Chapter 18-C . Equine Dentists


§ 1511. Legislative intent

This Chapter is an exercise of the police powers of the state to promote the public health, safety, and welfare by safeguarding the people of this state against incompetent, dishonest, or unprincipled practitioners of veterinary medicine. It is hereby declared that the right to practice veterinary medicine is a privilege conferred by legislative grant to persons possessed of the personal and professional qualifications specified in this Chapter.

Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967.


§ 1512. Short title

This Chapter shall be known as the Louisiana Veterinary Practice Law.

Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967.


§ 1513. Definitions

When used in this Chapter these words and phrases shall be defined as follows:

(1) "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, association, joint venture, cooperative and corporation, or any other group or combination acting in concert; and whether or not acting as a principal, trustee, fiduciary, receiver, or as any other kind of legal or personal representative, or as the successor in interest, assignee, agent, factor, servant, employee, director, officer, or any other representative of such person.

(2) "Animal" means any animal other than man and includes fowl, birds, fish, and reptiles, wild or domestic, living or dead.

(3) "Veterinary medicine" includes veterinary surgery, obstetrics, dentistry, and all other branches or specialties of veterinary medicine.

(4) "Practice of veterinary medicine" means:

(a) to diagnose, treat, correct, change, relieve, or prevent animal disease, deformity, defect, injury, or other physical or mental conditions; including the prescription or administration of any drug, medicine, biologic apparatus, application, anesthetic, or other therapeutic or diagnostic substance or technique, and the use of any manual or mechanical procedure for testing for pregnancy, or for correcting sterility, or infertility, or to render advice or recommendation with regard to any of the above.

(b) to represent, directly or indirectly, publicly or privately an ability and willingness to do any act described in Paragraph (a).

(c) to use any title, words, abbreviation, or letters in a manner or under circumstances which induce the belief that the person using them is qualified to do any act described in Paragraph (a), except where such person is a veterinarian.

(5) "Veterinarian" means a person who has received a doctor's degree in veterinary medicine from a school of veterinary medicine.

(6) "Licensed veterinarian" means a person who is validly and currently licensed to practice veterinary medicine in this state.

(7) "School of veterinary medicine" means any veterinary college or division of a university or college that offers the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or its equivalent and that conforms to the standards required for accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association and approved by the board.

(8) "Board" means the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine.

Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967.


§ 1514. License requirement and exceptions

No person shall practice veterinary medicine in the state who is not a licensed veterinarian or the holder of a valid temporary permit issued by the board. This Chapter shall not be construed to prohibit:

(1) An employee of the federal, state, or local government performing his official duties.

(2) A person who is a regular student in a veterinary school performing duties or actions assigned by his instructors, or working under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian during a school vacation period.

(3) A person advising with respect to or performing acts that the board by rule has prescribed as accepted livestock management practices. The following are hereby declared to be accepted livestock management practices and shall not require a license:

(a) The collection of semen for quality evaluation of male equine or bovine species conducted for the purpose of processing or freezing of semen for use in artificial insemination.

(b) The nonsurgical impregnation of farm animals with frozen embryos.

(c) The practice of artificial insemination of farm animals.

(d) The teaching in schools and short courses of artificial insemination techniques and pregnancy diagnosis by qualified employees of the National Association of Animal Breeder's Certified Semen Service Program.

(4) A veterinarian regularly licensed in another state consulting with a licensed veterinarian in this state.

(5) Any merchant or manufacturer selling, at his regular place of business, medicines, feed, appliances, or other products used in the prevention or treatment of animal diseases.

(6) The owner of an animal and the owner's full-time regular employee caring for and treating the animal belonging to such owner, except where the ownership of the animal was transferred for purposes of circumventing this Chapter.

(7) A member of the faculty of a veterinary school performing his regular functions, or a person lecturing, or giving instructions or demonstrations at a veterinary school or in connection with a continuing education course or seminar.

(8) Any person selling or applying any pesticide, insecticide, or herbicide.

(9) Any person engaging in bona fide scientific research which reasonably requires experimentation involving animals.

(10) Registered equine dentists, as provided by Chapter 18-C of this Title, from performing duties authorized by the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine.


Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1984, No. 548, § 1. Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.


§ 1515. Board of Veterinary Medicine; terms; compensation; removal

A. (1) There is hereby created within the Department of Agriculture and Forestry a board to be known as the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine which is subject to the provisions of R.S. 36:803.

(2) The board shall be composed of five members appointed by the governor, each appointed for a term of five years or until his successor is appointed, except that, as provided by rule, the terms of the initial and subsequent members shall be staggered terms of five years. Terms shall begin on August first and terminate on July thirtieth of the fifth year of the term. Should the signing of an appointment by the governor be delayed for any reason, the term itself shall not be changed but shall begin on August first and end on July thirtieth. The outgoing member shall remain on the board until such time as the incoming member's appointment has been effected.

(3) Whenever a vacancy occurs under this Section, the State Veterinary Medical Association shall nominate three or more qualified persons for each vacancy and forward the nominations to the governor at least thirty days before the date set for the appointment. The governor shall appoint one of the persons so nominated to fill the vacancy. Vacancies due to death, resignation, or removal shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner as regular appointments.

(4) No person shall serve two consecutive five-year terms, except that a person appointed for or serving a term of less than five years may succeed himself.

B. A person shall be qualified to serve as a member of the board if he is a graduate of a veterinary school, a resident of this state, and has been licensed to practice veterinary medicine in this state for the five years immediately preceding the time of his appointment. No person may serve on the board who is or was during the two years immediately preceding his appointment, a member of the faculty, trustee or advisory board of a veterinary school.

C. Each member of the board shall be paid seventy-five dollars per day for each day or substantial portion thereof while he is engaged in the work of the board, and may be reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses approved by the board in connection therewith, the provisions of R.S. 39:231 notwithstanding.

D. Any member of the board may be removed by the governor after a hearing by the board to determine the cause for removal.

E. The board shall meet at least once each year at the time and place fixed by rule of the board. Other necessary meetings may be called by the president of the board by giving notice as may be required by rule. Except as may otherwise be provided, a majority of the board constitutes a quorum. Meetings shall be open to the public, except that the board may meet in closed session to prepare, approve, administer or grade examinations, or to deliberate the qualification of an applicant for license or the disposition of a proceeding to discipline a licensed veterinarian.

Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1977, No. 684, § 22; Acts 1986, No. 467, § 1; Acts 1991, No. 376, § 1; Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1; Acts 2018, No. 515, § 2; Acts 2022, No. 271, § 2.


§ 1516. Election of officers; duties

A. At its annual meeting the board shall organize by electing a president, a secretary-treasurer, and such other officers as it may deem necessary, such officers of the board to serve for terms of one year each or until a successor is elected, without limitation on the number of terms an officer may serve. The president shall serve as chairman of the board and shall preside over all meetings.

B. The duties of the secretary-treasurer shall include carrying on the correspondence of the board, keeping permanent accounts and records of all receipts and disbursements by the board and of all board proceedings, including the disposition of all applications for license, and keeping a register of all persons currently licensed by the board. All board records shall be open to public inspection during regular office hours.

C. At the end of each fiscal year the president and secretary-treasurer shall submit to the governor a report on the transactions of the board, including an account of monies received and disbursed.


Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1.


§ 1517. Revenues; deposit to Board of Veterinary Medicine Fund

In accordance with Article VII, Section 9 of the Constitution of Louisiana, all revenues received by the board shall be accepted by the executive director and deposited into an account maintained by the board at a financial institution of its choosing for the purposes of administering this Chapter. All expenses of the board shall be paid from this account by legal instrument signed by the president, secretary-treasurer, or executive director of the board, and no part of the state's general fund shall be expended for this purpose. This account shall be a continuing account and shall not be subject to reversion to the state general fund, except to the extent that the balance in the account at the close of any fiscal year exceeds the current budget of the board by two hundred percent, in which case the excess shall be transferred to and become a part of the state general fund.


Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1.


§ 1518. Powers of board

A. The board shall have the power to:

(1) Examine and determine the qualifications and fitness of applicants for a license to practice veterinary medicine in the state.

(2) Issue, renew, deny, suspend, or revoke licenses and temporary permits to practice veterinary medicine in the state or otherwise discipline licensed veterinarians consistent with the provisions of this Chapter and the rules and regulations adopted hereunder.

(3) Establish and publish annually a schedule of fees which shall be charged for examinations, for registration licenses, and for renewal of registration licenses for veterinarians, which fees shall be based on the anticipated financial requirements of the board for annual operating expenses and which shall not exceed the following amounts:

(a)  Examination fee                           $300.00

(b)  Original registration license fee         $250.00

(c)  Annual renewal of license fee             $250.00

(d)  Late fee for delinquent license renewals  $150.00

(e)  Faculty license fee                       $250.00

(f)  Application fee                           $100.00

(4) Conduct investigations for the purpose of discovering violations of this Chapter or grounds for disciplining licensed veterinarians and issue subpoenas to require attendance, testimony, and production of documents in the process of enforcing the laws relative to the practice of veterinary medicine, and to secure evidence of violation thereof during the investigative stage.

(5) Hold hearings on all matters properly brought before the board. Any such hearing shall be called and conducted in compliance with the provision of the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:950 et seq. The board may designate any three of its members to serve as hearing officers.

(6) Employ full-time or part-time professional, clerical, or special personnel necessary to effectuate the provisions of this Chapter, and purchase or rent necessary office space, equipment, and supplies.

(a) The board shall appoint an executive director who shall receive a salary fixed by the board along with reimbursement for such actual and reasonable expenses approved by the board in connection with the performance of official duties.

(b) The executive director shall be in charge of the daily operations of the board, shall be responsible for the supervision and direction of all other full-time, part-time, professional, clerical, or special personnel hired by the board, and shall make, keep, and be in charge of all records, correspondence, and other functions of the board as directed by the president of the board.

(7) Appoint from its own membership one or more members to act as representatives of the board at any meeting within or without the state where such representation is deemed desirable.

(8) Institute proceedings in the courts for the enforcement of this Chapter or any regulations made pursuant thereto.

(9) Adopt, amend, or repeal all rules necessary for its government and all regulations necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Chapter, including the establishment and publication of standards of professional conduct for the practice of veterinary medicine. Any such rules and regulations shall be adopted, amended, or repealed only in compliance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:950 et seq.

(10) Adopt rules requiring an applicant for licensure to complete an intern program designed to exhibit the applicant's skills and knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine. The board may appoint the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association as the board's agent to certify compliance with the veterinary intern program. If the board appoints that association for that purpose, the association may charge a reasonable fee to nonmembers for the administration of the program. The fee shall not exceed the amount of the annual fee for membership in the association.

(11) Adopt rules requiring veterinarians who are licensed in this state to participate in a continuing education program, established and regulated by the board, as a condition of retaining their licenses. The board may appoint the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association as the board's agent to certify participation in the continuing education program. Veterinarians may comply with the continuing education program criteria for retaining their licenses by certifying their participation in programs conducted outside the state of Louisiana. If the board appoints that association for that purpose, the association may charge a reasonable fee to nonmembers for the administration of the program. The fee shall not exceed the amount of the annual fee for membership in the association.

(12)(a) Adopt rules to establish a program for inquiries into and determinations concerning whether or not the professional ability of a veterinarian licensed to practice in this state has become impaired. When the board has reasonable cause to believe that the professional ability of a veterinarian licensed to practice in this state has become impaired by mental or physical illness, including but not limited to deterioration caused by age or by excessive use or abuse of drugs, including alcohol, the board shall appoint a committee of one veterinarian and two physicians to examine the physical and mental capacities of the veterinarian and to submit advisory reports and recommendations to the board. The board may appoint the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association, or a committee established by that association, as the board's agent to administer this program.

(b) The program for inquiries into and determinations concerning whether or not the professional ability of a veterinarian licensed to practice in this state has become impaired shall be subject to the provisions herein.

(c) All information and all documents which relate to an inquiry under the program are confidential and shall be exempt from the Public Records Law, R.S. 44:1 et seq., except in the following instances:

(i) Information and documents may be introduced into evidence at an adjudicatory hearing held by the board. If information or documents are introduced into evidence at an adjudicatory hearing, they shall become public records.

(ii) Information and documents may be made available to any person who is participating in the program on behalf of the board.

(iii) Information and documents may be released upon the execution of a written waiver of confidentiality by the person who is the subject of the inquiry.

(iv) Information and documents may be made available for bona fide research or educational purposes provided that any information which would identify the person who is the subject of the inquiry is not released.

(v) Information and documents may be made available to appropriate persons to the extent necessary to meet a health care emergency.

B. There shall be no liability on the part of and no action for damages against:

(1) Any member of the board, or its agents or employees, or any member of any committee of veterinarians or physicians appointed or designated by the board, for any action undertaken or performed by such person within the scope of the duties, powers, and functions of the board or such committee as provided for in this Chapter when such person is acting without malice and in the reasonable belief that the action taken by him is warranted.

(2) Any person providing information to the board, its agents or employees, or to any committee of veterinarians or physicians appointed or designated by the board, without malice and in the reasonable belief that such information is accurate.

C. The powers enumerated in this Section are granted for the purpose of enabling the board to effectively supervise the practice of veterinary medicine and are to be construed liberally to accomplish this objective.


Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1978, No. 68, § 1; Acts 1985, No. 175, § 1, eff. July 6, 1985; Acts 1987, No. 922, § 1; Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1; Acts 1999, No. 1369, § 1.


§ 1519. Status of persons previously licensed

Any person holding a valid license to practice veterinary medicine in this state on July 1, 1967 shall be recognized as a licensed veterinarian and shall be entitled to retain this status so long as he complies with the pertinent provisions of this Chapter, including annual renewal of the license.

Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967.


§ 1520. Application for license; qualifications

A. Any person desiring a license to practice veterinary medicine in this state shall make written application to the board. The applicant shall be at least twenty-one years of age, a graduate of a veterinary school, and a person of good moral character. The application shall contain this information and such other information and proof as the board may require by rule. The application shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount established and published by the board, as provided herein.

B. If the board determines that the applicant possesses the proper qualifications, it shall admit the applicant to the next examination, or if the applicant is eligible for a license without examination under R.S. 37:1522, the board may proceed to grant him a license. If an applicant is found not qualified to take the examination or for a license without examination, the executive director of the board shall notify the applicant immediately in writing of such finding and the reasons therefor. An applicant found unqualified may require a hearing on the question of his qualification under the provisions of R.S. 37:1518(5). Any applicant who is found not qualified shall have his application fee refunded by the board less a reasonable fee to cover the cost of processing the application. The board may continue to determine and investigate the applicant's qualifications even if the applicant has been admitted to the next examination. In the event an applicant is found unqualified after being admitted to the next examination, the procedure provided above for notification, hearing, and refunding of fee shall apply.

C. Repealed by Acts 1987, No. 922, § 2.


Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1978, No. 68, § 1; Acts 1985, No. 315, § 1; Acts 1986, No. 856, § 1; Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1.


§ 1521. Examinations

A. The board shall hold at least one examination during each year and may hold such additional examinations as it deems necessary. The executive director shall give public notice of the time and place and deadline for application for such examination at least one hundred and twenty days in advance of the date set for the examination. Any person desiring to take an examination shall make application by the deadline established and published by the board for each examination date.

B. The preparation, administration, and grading of examinations shall be governed by rules prescribed by the board. Examinations shall be designed to test the examinee's knowledge of and proficiency in the subjects and techniques commonly taught in veterinary schools as well as knowledge of this Chapter and any rules promulgated by the board or by other regulatory agencies as required by rules prescribed by the board. To pass the examination, the examinee must demonstrate scientific, practical, and regulatory knowledge sufficient to prove himself a competent person to practice veterinary medicine in the judgment of the board. All examinees shall be tested by a written examination supplemented by such oral interviews and practical demonstrations as the board may deem necessary. The board may design or administer its own examination or it may adopt and use any and all examinations designed for the purpose of determining the fitness of a person to hold a license to practice veterinary medicine.

C. Within thirty days after each examination the executive director shall notify each examinee of the result of his examination. After compliance with the provisions of R.S. 37:1520, the board shall issue licenses to the persons successfully completing the examination. The executive director shall record the new licensees. Any person failing an examination shall be eligible to take any subsequent examination on payment of the application fee.


Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1985, No. 316, § 1; Acts 1986, No. 856, § 1; Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1.


§ 1522. License without examination

A. The board may issue a license without a written examination to a qualified applicant who furnishes satisfactory proof that he is a graduate of a veterinary school and who:

(1) Has been for the five years immediately prior to filing his application a practicing veterinarian licensed in a state, territory, or district of the United States having license requirements, at the time the applicant was first licensed, which were substantially equivalent to the requirements of this Chapter; or

(2) Has successfully completed within the five years immediately prior to filing this application, all national examinations required of first-time applicants in rules prescribed by the board.

B. At its discretion, the board may orally or practically examine any person qualifying for licensing under this Section.


Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1.


§ 1523. Temporary permit

A. The board may issue without examination a temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine in this state as follows:

(1) To a qualified applicant for licensure, pending examination, provided such temporary permit shall expire the day after the notice of results of the first examination given after the permit is issued or as otherwise extended by the board. No temporary permit may be issued to any applicant who has previously failed the examination in this state or in any other state, territory, or district of the United States, or a foreign country.

(2) To a nonresident veterinarian validly licensed in another state, territory, or district of the United States or a foreign country who has applied for licensure pursuant to the provisions of R.S. 37:1520, provided that such temporary permit shall expire the day after the notice of results of the first examination given after the permit is issued or as otherwise extended by the board.

B. A temporary permit may be summarily revoked by a majority vote of the board without a hearing.

Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1986, No. 468, § 1.


§ 1524. License renewal

All licenses shall expire annually on September thirtieth of each year and shall be renewed by making application for renewal of a license with the board and payment of the annual registration renewal fee established and published by the board. On or before July first of each year, the executive director shall mail a notice to each licensed veterinarian that his license will expire on September thirtieth and provide him with a form for re-registration. The executive director shall issue a new certificate of registration to all persons renewing their license under this Chapter.


Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1993, No. 720, § 1, eff. June 21, 1993; Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1.


§ 1525. Renewal of expired licenses

Any person who shall practice veterinary medicine after the expiration of his license and willfully or by neglect fail to renew such license shall be guilty of practicing in violation of this Chapter; however, any person may renew an expired license within five years of the date of its expiration by making written application for renewal and paying the current renewal fee plus all delinquent renewal fees. After five years have elapsed since the date of the expiration, a license may not be renewed, but the holder must make application for a new license and submit to the license examination.

The board may by rule waive the payment of the annual registration renewal fee of a licensed veterinarian during the period when he is on active duty with any branch of the armed services of the United States, not to exceed three years or the duration of a national emergency, whichever is longer.

Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967.


§ 1526. Discipline of licensees

A. Upon written complaint sworn to by any person, the board may, after a hearing held pursuant to R.S. 37:1518(5) and by a concurrence of three members, assess a fine not to exceed the sum of one thousand dollars, revoke or suspend for a specified time the license of or otherwise discipline, any licensed veterinarian for any of the following reasons:

(1) The employment of fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in obtaining a license.

(2) Declaration of insanity or incompetency by a court of law.

(3) Chronic inebriety or habitual use of drugs.

(4) The use of any advertising or solicitation which is false, misleading, or is otherwise deemed unprofessional under regulations adopted by the board.

(5) Conviction or cash compromise of a felony, or other public offense involving moral turpitude.

(6) Incompetence, gross negligence, or other malpractice in the practice of veterinary medicine.

(7) Having professional association with or employing any person practicing veterinary medicine unlawfully.

(8) Fraud or dishonesty in the application or reporting of any test for disease in animals.

(9) Failure to keep veterinary premises and equipment in a clean and sanitary condition.

(10) Failure to report, as required by law, or making false report of, any contagious or infectious disease.

(11) Dishonesty or gross negligence in the inspection of foodstuffs or the issuance of health or inspection certificates.

(12) Cruelty to animals.

(13) Revocation of a license to practice veterinary medicine by another state, territory, or district of the United States on grounds other than nonpayment of registration fee.

(14) Unprofessional conduct as defined in regulations adopted by the board.

(15) Fraud or dishonesty in connection with the practice of veterinary medicine.

B. In addition to the disciplinary action or fines assessed by the board, the board may assess all costs incurred in connection with the proceedings, including but not limited to investigator, stenographer, and attorney fees and court costs.


Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1978, No. 68, § 1; Acts 1986, No. 466, § 1; Acts 1990, No. 472, § 1; Acts 1993, No. 720, § 1, eff. June 21, 1993; Acts 1999, No. 1369, § 1.



§§ 1527 to 1529. Repealed by Acts 1978, No. 68, § 2


§ 1530. Reinstatement

Any person whose license is suspended or revoked may, at the discretion of the board, be relicensed or reinstated at any time without an examination by majority vote of the board on written application made to the board showing cause justifying relicensing or reinstatement.

Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967.


§ 1531. Violations; penalty

A. Any person who shall practice veterinary medicine without a currently valid license or temporary permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned for no more than ninety days, or both, and each act of such unlawful practice shall constitute a distinct and separate offense.

B. (1) In addition to any other civil remedy or criminal penalty provided for in this Chapter, the board may, by majority vote, issue a subpoena to any person or persons who the board has probable cause to believe has engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine without a currently valid license or temporary permit.

(2) Subpoenas issued by the board shall comply with the notice requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act. The subpoena shall be served upon the unlicensed individual personally or by any type of mailing requiring a return receipt and shall include a statement of the manner in which the unlicensed person shall be required to respond to the board.

(3) The board may, by majority vote, levy a civil penalty of no more than one thousand dollars per offense upon any unlicensed person who, after a hearing or informal resolution in accordance with all provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, is found to have practiced veterinary medicine without benefit of a currently valid license having been issued by this board pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. In addition, the board may assess costs and attorney's fees may be recovered.

(4) The fact that any person engages in or performs or offers to engage in or perform, any of the practices, acts, or operations, set forth in this Chapter is prima facie evidence that such person is engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine.

(5) No person practicing veterinary medicine without a currently valid license or temporary permit shall have the right to receive any compensation for services so rendered. In addition to the penalties imposed under Paragraph (3) of this Subsection, any person who practices veterinary medicine without a license shall return any fees collected for practicing veterinary medicine and shall be liable for any damages resulting from negligence.

(6) All rights and privileges afforded by the Administrative Procedure Act are specifically reserved to any party aggrieved by a decision of the board.


Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1.


§ 1532. Injunctive relief

The board or any citizen of this state may bring an action to enjoin any person from practicing veterinary medicine without a currently valid license or temporary permit. If the court finds that the person is violating, or is threatening to violate, this Chapter it shall enter an injunction restraining him from such unlawful acts. The successful maintenance of an action based on any one of the remedies set forth in this Section shall in no way prejudice the prosecution of an action based on any other of the remedies.

Acts 1966, No. 35, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967.


§ 1533. Veterinary faculty license

A. The board may issue a veterinary faculty license to any qualified applicant who is employed by a college or university in the state and who is involved in the instructional program of either undergraduate or graduate veterinary medical students, provided the applicant:

(1) Is compensated for the practice aspects of his services from state, federal, or institutional funds, or a combination thereof, and not from the patient-owner beneficiary of his practice services.

(2) Furnishes the board with proof that he is a graduate of a veterinary college or division of a university or college that offers the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or its equivalent and that is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association, and is the holder of a valid license to practice veterinary medicine in a state, territory or district of the United States having license requirements, at the time the applicant was first licensed, which were substantially equivalent to the requirements of this Chapter, and who wishes to be accredited in order to fulfill the functions and duties of clinical instruction.

(3) Submits payment of an original registration fee as set forth in R.S. 37:1518(3)(b).

B. Any license issued under this Section shall be canceled for any of the reasons and under the same conditions set forth in R.S. 37:1526, or if the holder of the veterinary faculty license permanently moves out of this state or leaves the employment of the college or university.

C. Any license under this Section shall be subject to the same renewal fee as set forth in R.S. 37:1518(3)(c).

Added by Acts 1985, No. 217, § 1.


§ 1534. Licensure remedy

In the event the board denies a license to an applicant due to reasons other than age, citizenship, failure to pass the state licensing examination, or absence of a doctor of veterinary medicine degree from an accredited school of veterinary medicine, the board may prescribe a method by which the applicant is given an opportunity to successfully remedy the deficiency unless otherwise prohibited by law or in conflict with any other statutes or regulations.

Added by Acts 1985, No. 486, § 1.


Chapter 18-A. Veterinary Technicians

§ 1541. Legislative intent

It is the purpose of this Chapter to encourage more effective utilization of the skills of licensed veterinarians by enabling them to delegate certain veterinary health care tasks to registered veterinary technicians where such delegation is consistent with the animal patient's health and welfare.


Added by Acts 1986, No. 887, § 1.

§ 1542. Definitions

As used in this Chapter, the following words have the meaning ascribed to them in this Section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(1) “Board” means the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine.

(2) “Certificate of approval” means a certificate issued by the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine to a registered veterinary technician.

(3) “Direct supervision” means instruction and directions requiring the physical presence of a licensed veterinarian on the premises.

(4) “Registered veterinary technician” means a skilled person registered by the board as being qualified by academic and practical training to provide veterinary services under the direct supervision and direction of the licensed veterinarian who is responsible for the performance of that veterinary technician.


Added by Acts 1986, No. 887, § 1. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1.


§ 1543. Application

A. In order to obtain a certificate of approval as a registered veterinary technician, the applicant shall comply with the following provisions:

(1) The applicant shall submit an application to the board at least thirty days prior to the announced date of the examination.

(2) The applicant shall submit evidence of the applicant's good moral character.

(3) The applicant shall submit evidence that he:

(a) Has obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent.

(b)(i) Has successfully completed a program in veterinary technology which is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association, or

(ii) Has successfully completed a board-approved program in veterinary technology at an accredited institution of higher education and has two years actual experience working in a veterinary practice under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian.

(4) The application shall be sworn to and subscribed before a notary public.

(5) The applicant shall have passed any state or national examination for veterinary technology as named and required in rules prescribed by the board.

(6) The applicant shall pay the fee established by the board.

(7) Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 2.

B. The board may adopt, amend, or repeal all rules necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Chapter. Any such rules and regulations shall be adopted, amended, or repealed only in compliance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act.


Added by Acts 1986, No. 887, § 1. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1; Acts 2018, No. 206, § 3.


§ 1544. Certificate of approval; denial; revocation; suspension

A. The board may deny, suspend, or revoke the certificate of approval held by any registered veterinary technician when it finds that the provisions of this Chapter or any of the rules and regulations adopted by the board are not being complied with or upon the grounds that the registered veterinary technician is guilty of:

(1) Soliciting patients for any practitioner of the animal healing arts.

(2) Soliciting or receiving any form of compensation from any person other than his employer for performing as a registered veterinary technician.

(3) Willfully or negligently divulging professional knowledge or discussing a veterinarian's diagnosis or treatment without the express permission of the veterinarian.

(4) Any offense that is punishable by incarceration in a state penitentiary or federal prison.

(5) The habitual or excessive use of intoxicants or drugs.

(6) Fraud or misrepresentation in applying for or procuring a certificate of approval to perform as a registered veterinary technician in this state, or in applying for or procuring an annual registration.

(7) Impersonating another person registered as a veterinary technician or allowing any person to use his certificate of approval.

(8) Aiding or abetting the practice of veterinary medicine by a person not licensed by the board.

(9) Gross negligence in the performance of duties, tasks, or functions assigned to him by a licensed veterinarian.

(10) Manifest incapacity or incompetence to perform as a veterinary technician.

(11) Conduct resulting in the suspension or revocation by another state of a registration, license, or certification to perform as a veterinary technician, based upon acts by the veterinary technician similar to acts constituting grounds for suspension or revocation in this state. A certified copy of the record of the suspension or revocation of the state imposing the penalty is conclusive evidence thereof.

(12) Conduct unbecoming in a person registered as a veterinary technician or detrimental to the best interests of the public.

B. In cases of failure to pay the required fees, denial shall be automatic. Any denial, suspension, or revocation shall be subject to review pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.


Added by Acts 1986, No. 887, § 1.


§ 1545. Identification of registered veterinary technicians

A. During working hours or when actively performing his duties, a registered veterinary technician shall wear a unique mark of identification on his clothing approved by the board that identifies him as a registered veterinary technician.

B. A registered veterinary technician may use the title “Registered Veterinary Technician” or the abbreviation “R.V.T.”.

C. No individual, other than a registered veterinary technician may advertise or offer his services in a manner calculated to lead others to believe that he is a trained veterinary technician or a registered veterinary technician.


Added by Acts 1986, No. 887, § 1.

§ 1546. Certificates; validity, renewal, display

A. Each holder of a certificate of approval shall, by September thirtieth of each and every year, pay to the treasury of the board an annual renewal fee as established by the board. Holders of a certificate who fail to renew on or before that date may be assessed a late renewal fee as established by the board.

B. The holder of a certificate of approval to act as a registered veterinary technician must display his certificate in such a manner as to be visible and readable by persons in the office of the licensed veterinarian.


Added by Acts 1986, No. 887, § 1. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1.


§ 1547. Prohibition

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a registered veterinary technician may perform veterinary medical assistance under the direct supervision of a veterinarian licensed to practice in this state approved by the board, except that no registered veterinary technician shall perform animal diagnosis, the prescribing of treatment or medications, or any surgical procedures. A satellite office staffed solely by a registered veterinary technician is prohibited.


Added by Acts 1986, No. 887, § 1.


§ 1548. Misrepresentation and penalty

A. In addition to or in lieu of any remedy provided in this Chapter, the board may seek the imposition of a civil penalty through any district court of any violation for which the board may issue a notice to cease and desist under this Chapter. The civil penalty shall be no less than five hundred dollars and no more than five thousand dollars for each offense.

B. When the board finds any registered veterinary technician guilty of any of the grounds set forth in this Chapter, it may enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties:

(1) Denial of an application.

(2) Revocation or suspension of a certificate of approval.

(3) Imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed one thousand dollars for each count or separate offense.

(4) Issuance of a reprimand.

(5) Placement of the registered veterinary technician on probation for a period of time and subject to such conditions as the board may specify.

(6) Restricting the authorized scope of practice.

C. The board by rule shall provide for appeals of denials of applications. The board shall impose other administrative penalties only on the basis of a ruling by the board pursuant to an adjudicatory hearing.

D. The board may, as a probationary condition or as a condition of the reinstatement of any licensee suspended or revoked hereunder, require the holder to pay all costs of the board proceedings, including investigators, stenographers, secretaries, and attorney's fees.


Added by Acts 1986, No. 887, § 1.


§ 1549. Powers of the board

A. The board shall have the power to:

(1) Adopt, amend, repeal, and establish all rules necessary for its government and all regulations necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Chapter.

(2) Establish and publish annually a schedule of fees which shall be charged for examinations, certificate of approval applications, original certificates of approval, and renewal of certificates of approval. The fees shall be based on the anticipated financial requirements of the board for annual operating expenses and shall not exceed the following amounts:

(a) Application fee not to exceed one hundred dollars.

(b) Examination fee, per examination, state or national exclusive of vendor's cost, not to exceed one hundred dollars.

(c) Original certificate of approval fee not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars.

(d) Annual renewal of certificate of approval fee not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars.

(e) Late fee for delinquent certificate of approval renewals not to exceed one hundred dollars.

B. The board may issue a certificate of approval to any person who is certified as a veterinary technician in this state on the date this Chapter becomes effective in 1986. [FN1]

C. Nothing contained in this Chapter is or shall be construed as a restriction or a limitation upon any powers which the board might otherwise have under any laws of this state. This Chapter shall be regarded as supplemental and additional to powers conferred by other laws.


Added by Acts 1986, No. 887, § 1. Amended by Acts 1999, No. 1369, § 1.

[FN1] Chapter 18-A became effective on August 30, 1986.


Chapter 18-B. Certified Animal Euthanasia Technicians

§ 1551. Legislative intent

It is the purpose of this Chapter to provide the most humane restraint, capture, and death possible for unwanted and discarded animals, including those animals which are diseased or otherwise dangerous, by providing for the training and certification of euthanasia technicians.


Added by Acts 1987, No. 225, § 1. Amended by Acts 1999, No. 1369, § 1.


§ 1552. Definitions

As used in this Chapter, the following words have the meaning ascribed to them in this Section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(1) “Board” means the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine.

(2) “Certificate of approval” means a certificate issued by the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine to a certified animal euthanasia technician.

(3) “Certified animal euthanasia technician” or “CAET” means a person who is instructed in a board-approved program in the proper methods of humanely euthanizing animals by injecting legal drugs in accordance with rules adopted by the board, in proper security precautions, in proper recordkeeping, and related skills, and who has been issued a certificate of approval by the board.

(4) “Lead CAET” means a CAET who is:

(a) Designated in documents submitted to the board as the CAET at a designated site responsible for maintaining the security of those controlled substances in accordance with rules adopted by the board for the sole purpose of restraining, capturing, and euthanizing animals, including records relating to controlled substances and drugs, in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.

(b) Licensed and in good standing with the state controlled dangerous substances program and registered and in good standing with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration.

(c) Trained in a board-approved chemical capture training course.

(5) “Sodium pentobarbital” means a compound prepared or purchased solely as an euthanasia solution at a minimum strength of six grains per milliliter.


Added by Acts 1987, No. 225, § 1. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1; Acts 1999, No. 1369, § 1.


§ 1553. Application

In order to obtain a certificate of approval as a certified euthanasia technician the applicant shall comply with the following provisions:

(1) The applicant shall submit an application to the board.

(2) The applicant shall submit evidence of the applicant's good moral character.

(3) The applicant shall submit evidence that he has no felony record involving controlled dangerous substances.

(4) The applicant shall submit evidence that he:

(a) Has obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent.

(b) Has successfully completed a board-approved program in animal euthanasia, which shall include instruction in the proper methods of humanely euthanizing animals by injecting legal drugs in accordance with rules adopted by the board, in proper security precautions, in proper recordkeeping, and in related skills.

(5) The applicant shall pay the fee established by the board.

(6) The applicant shall submit any other information and proof that the board may require by rule.


Added by Acts 1987, No. 225, § 1. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1; Acts 1999, No. 1369, § 1.


§ 1554. Discipline of CAETS

A. After a hearing held in compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act, the board may deny, suspend, or revoke the certificate of approval held by any technician or impose any other penalty authorized by this Chapter, when it finds that the provisions of this Chapter or any of the rules and regulations adopted by the board are not being complied with or upon the grounds that the certified animal euthanasia technician has:

(1) Failed to carry out his duties.

(2) Abused the use of sodium pentobarbital or any controlled dangerous substance under state or federal law.

(3) Sold or given sodium pentobarbital or any controlled dangerous substance under state or federal law for recreational use.

(4) Stolen sodium pentobarbital or any controlled dangerous substance under state or federal law.

(5) Become a user of sodium pentobarbital or any controlled dangerous substance under state or federal law.

(6) Employed fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in obtaining a certificate of approval.

(7) Been declared insane or incompetent by a court of law.

(8) Been shown to suffer from chronic inebriation or habitual use of drugs.

(9) Been convicted of or entered a plea of nolo contendere to a felony or other offense involving moral turpitude or controlled dangerous substances under state or federal law.

(10) Performed duties of humanely restraining, capturing, or euthanizing animals in an incompetent or grossly negligent manner.

(11) Performed acts of cruelty upon animals.

(12) Violated rules of professional conduct as defined in regulations adopted by the board.

(13) Employed fraud or dishonesty in connection with his practice as a certified animal euthanasia technician.

(14) Abetted anyone in the foregoing activities.

B. In cases of failure to pay the required fees, denial shall be automatic. Any denial, suspension, or revocation shall be subject to review pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.


Added by Acts 1987, No. 225, § 1. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1; Acts 1999, No. 1369, § 1.

§ 1555. Certificates; validity, renewal

Each holder of a certificate of approval shall, on or before September thirtieth of each and every year, pay to the treasury of the board an annual renewal fee as established by the board. Holders of a certificate who fail to renew on or before that date may be assessed a late fee as established by the board.


Added by Acts 1987, No. 225, § 1. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1.

§ 1556. Duties

A. The duties of a CAET shall include but are not limited to:

(1) Preparing animals for euthanasia.

(2) Carefully and accurately recording dosages and drug waste.

(3) Maintaining the security of all controlled substances and drugs, including records relating to controlled dangerous substances and drugs in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.

(4) Reporting to either the board or the Department of Health and Hospitals any infraction of this Chapter or rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto or any misuse of drugs.

(5) Humanely restraining, capturing, and euthanizing animals.

(6) Disposing of the bodies in a manner in accordance with law.

(7) Maintaining one's certificate in an active status.

(8) Reporting to the board any change of address.

(9) Providing to any board member or board representative a reply to a request within seven working days.

B. The duties of a lead CAET shall include but are not limited to:

(1) All duties prescribed for a CAET.

(2) Ordering supplies and drugs.

(3) Responsibility at the designated site for the proper maintenance and security of all those controlled substances prescribed in accordance with rules adopted by the board for the sole purpose of restraining, capturing, and euthanizing animals including records relating to controlled substances and drugs in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.

(4) Providing chemical capture drugs, as provided in rules adopted by the board, only to persons who have completed a board- approved training course in the use of chemical capture drugs.


Added by Acts 1987, No. 225, § 1. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1; Acts 1999, No. 1369, § 1.


§ 1557. Penalties

A. When the board finds any certified animal euthanasia technician in violation of any of the grounds set forth in this Chapter, it may enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties:

(1) Denial of an application.

(2) Revocation or suspension of certification.

(3) Imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed one thousand dollars for each count or separate offense.

(4) Issuance of a reprimand.

(5) Placement of the certified euthanasia technician on probation for a period of time and subject to such conditions as the board may specify.

(6) Restricting the authorized scope of practice.

B. The board by rule shall provide for appeals of denials of applications. The board shall impose other administrative penalties only on the basis of a ruling by the board pursuant to an adjudicatory hearing.

C. In addition to any other disciplinary action or fines assessed by the board, the board may require the certified animal euthanasia technician to pay all costs of the board proceedings, including investigator, stenographer, secretary, and attorney fees and court costs.


Added by Acts 1987, No. 225, § 1. Amended by Acts 1995, No. 73, § 1; Acts 1999, No. 1369, § 1.


§ 1558. Powers of the board

The board shall have the power to:

(1) Adopt, amend, repeal, and establish all rules necessary for its government and all regulations necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Chapter.

(2) Establish and publish annually a schedule of fees which shall be charged for the board-approved course, examinations, certificate of approval applications, original certificates of approval, renewal of certificates of approval, and delinquent certificate of approval renewals, which fees shall be based on the anticipated financial requirements of the board for annual operating expenses and which shall not exceed the following amounts:

(a) Course fee not to exceed two hundred dollars.

(b) Application fee not to exceed one hundred dollars.

(c) Examination fee not to exceed one hundred dollars.

(d) Original certificate of approval fee not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars.

(e) Annual renewal of certificate of approval not to exceed one hundred dollars.

(f) Late fee for delinquent certificate of approval renewals not to exceed one hundred dollars.

(g) Temporary certificate of approval fee not to exceed one hundred dollars.

(3) Adopt rules requiring a certified animal euthanasia technician to participate in a continuing education program, established and regulated by the board, as a condition of retaining his certificate.


Added by Acts 1987, No. 225, § 1. Amended by Acts 1999, No. 1369, § 1.


Chapter 18-C. Equine Dentists

§ 1561. Definitions

As used in this Chapter, the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(1) “Board” means the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine.

(2) “Certificate of approval” means a certificate issued by the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine to a registered equine dentist.

(3) “The practice of equine dentistry” means the rasping or floating of molar, premolar, and canine teeth of equines, and the removal of deciduous incisor and premolar teeth or caps of equines.

(4) “Registered equine dentist” means a person registered by the board as being qualified to practice equine dentistry in Louisiana.

(5) “Racetrack” means any facility which conducts races as defined in R.S. 4:165 (A)(4)(d).


Added by Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.

§ 1562. Application

In order to obtain a certificate of approval as a registered equine dentist, the applicant shall comply with the following provisions:

(1) Submit an application which shall be sworn to and subscribed before a notary public.

(2) Submit evidence that he is a current resident of this state on or before July 1, 1999, and is substantially involved in the care and maintenance of horses in the horse racing industry in Louisiana as defined in the board's rules and regulations.

(3) Submit evidence of licensure in good standing issued by the Louisiana Racing Commission on or before July 1, 1995.

(4) Pay the fees established by the board, which shall not exceed the following amounts:

(a) Original registration fee not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars.

(b) Annual renewal of registration fee not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars.

(c) Late fee for delinquent registration renewals not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars.

(d) Application fee not to exceed one hundred dollars.


Added by Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.


§ 1563. Practice

A. Except as provided in this Chapter, no person shall practice equine dentistry in Louisiana unless issued a certificate of approval by the board.

B. A registered equine dentist may practice equine dentistry at a racetrack in this state.

C. (1) A registered equine dentist who practices equine dentistry at a location in this state other than at a racetrack shall notify the horse owner's veterinarian prior to the commencement of the practice of equine dentistry. In the event that the horse owner does not have a veterinarian, the equine dentist shall obtain a referral from a veterinarian licensed by the board.

(2) Prior to the initiation of an extraction of first premolar teeth or wolf teeth, the registered equine dentist shall also notify and obtain the approval of the equine owner's veterinarian or referral veterinarian.

D. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after complying with the provisions of R.S. 37:1562 and any rule or regulation promulgated by the board regarding the application process, fees, and defining the duties of an equine dentist, any person who was licensed as an equine dentist before July 1, 1995, and who desires to practice equine dentistry shall be issued a certificate of approval by the board and shall be registered as an equine dentist.


Added by Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.

§ 1564. Exemptions

A. Licensed veterinarians or persons who hold temporary permits to practice veterinary medicine shall be exempt from the provisions of this Chapter.

B. With proper training and under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian, laypeople and registered veterinary technicians employed by a licensed veterinarian may perform the rasping or floating of molar, premolar, and canine teeth and the removal of deciduous incisor and premolar teeth or caps.


Added by Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.


§ 1565. Certificate of approval; denial; sanctions

A. After a hearing held in compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act, the board may deny, suspend, or revoke the certificate of approval held by any registered equine dentist, or impose any other penalty authorized in this Chapter, upon a finding by a majority of the quorum of the board that an equine dentist has failed to comply with any provision of this Chapter or any of the rules and regulations adopted by the board based upon any one of the following grounds:

(1) Has willfully or negligently divulged or discussed with anyone a veterinarian's diagnosis or treatment without the express permission of the veterinarian.

(2) Has been convicted or entered a plea of nolo contendere to any offense involving moral turpitude.

(3) Has been proven to suffer from the habitual or excessive use of alcohol or any controlled dangerous substance.

(4) Has committed fraud or misrepresentation in applying for or procuring a certificate of approval to perform as a registered equine dentist in this state, or in applying for or procuring an annual registration.

(5) Has impersonated another person registered as an equine dentist or allowed any person to use his certificate of approval.

(6) Has aided or abetted the practice of veterinary medicine by a person not licensed by the board.

(7) Has aided or abetted the practice of equine dentistry by a person not registered by the board.

(8) Has performed duties of an equine dentist in an incompetent or grossly negligent manner.

(9) Has performed an act of cruelty upon an animal.

(10) Has been found guilty of unprofessional conduct. Unprofessional conduct shall include departure from, or failure to conform to, the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing practice of equine dentistry. A showing of actual injury to a horse shall not be necessary.

(11) Has been declared insane or incompetent by a court of law.

(12) Has engaged in conduct resulting in the suspension, revocation, or any other sanction by another state of a registration, license, or certification to perform as an equine dentist. A certified copy of the record of the suspension, revocation, or any other sanction of the state imposing the penalty shall be conclusive evidence of such suspension, revocation, or sanction.

(13) Has employed fraud or dishonesty in connection with his practice as a registered equine dentist.

(14) Has been shown to have exhibited conduct unbecoming to a person registered as an equine dentist or detrimental to the best interests of the public.

B. Failure to pay the fees required in R.S. 37:1562 shall result in an automatic denial of a certificate of approval held by an equine dentist. Any denial, suspension, revocation, or other sanction shall be subject to review pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act and the board's rules.


Added by Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.


§ 1566. Identification of registered equine dentists

A registered equine dentist shall use the title “Registered Equine Dentist”.


Added by Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.


§ 1567. Certificates; validity, renewal, possession

A. Each certificate of approval issued under this Chapter shall expire on the thirtieth day of September of each year and shall be renewed by making application for renewal of a certificate with the board and payment of the annual registration renewal fee established by the board. On or before the first day of July of each year, the executive director of the board shall mail a notice to each registered equine dentist that his certificate of approval will expire on the thirtieth day of September of each year and provide him with a form for re-registration. The executive director shall issue a new certificate of approval to all persons renewing their certificate under this Chapter.

B. The board shall adopt rules providing for a continuing education program for registered equine dentists. A registered equine dentist shall participate in the continuing education program as a condition of retaining his certificate of approval.

C. Any person who practices equine dentistry after the expiration of his certificate of approval and who willfully or by neglect fails to renew such license shall be guilty of practicing equine dentistry in violation of this Chapter. Any person may renew an expired certificate of approval within one year of its expiration by making written application for renewal, paying the current renewal fee plus all delinquent renewal fees, and meeting the continuing education program requirements.

D. Each holder of a certificate of approval to act as a registered equine dentist shall have such certificate in his possession when practicing equine dentistry.


Added by Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.


§ 1568. Misrepresentation and penalty

A. In addition to or in lieu of any remedy provided in this Chapter, the board may seek imposition of a civil penalty by any district court for any violation for which the board may issue a notice to cease and desist under this Chapter. The civil penalty shall be no less than five hundred dollars and no more than five thousand dollars for each offense.

B. When the board finds any registered equine dentist guilty of any violation of this Chapter, it may enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties:

(1) Denial of an application.

(2) Revocation or suspension of a certificate of approval.

(3) Imposition of a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars for each count or separate offense.

(4) Issuance of a reprimand.

(5) Placement of the registered equine dentist on probation for a period of time and subject to such conditions as the board may specify.

(6) Restricting the authorized scope of practice.

C. The board by rule shall provide for appeals of denials of applications. The board shall impose other administrative penalties only on the basis of a ruling by the board pursuant to an adjudicatory hearing.

D. In addition to the disciplinary action or fines assessed by the board, the board may assess all costs of the board proceedings, including investigator, stenographer, administrative, and attorney fees and court costs.


Added by Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.


§ 1569. Powers of the board

The board, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, shall adopt, amend, repeal, and establish all rules and regulations and collect all fees necessary for its government and all regulations necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Chapter, including but not limited to defining the duties of a registered equine dentist, determining eligibility requirements for registration, and establishing disciplinary grounds and penalties.


Added by Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.


§ 1570. Waiver of liability

No veterinarian shall be liable for any act or omission of a registered equine dentist.


Added by Acts 1999, No. 980, § 1, eff. July 9, 1999.


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