West's Kansas Statutes Annotated. Chapter 47. Livestock and Domestic Animals. Article 17. Pet Animal Act.

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Primary Citation:  K. S. A. 47-1701 to 1737 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  KS ST 47-1701 to 1737 Historical: 

Summary: The following statutes comprise Kansas' Pet Animal Act. The Act outlines the requirements for pet shop operator licensing and animal dealers.

Article 17.- PET ANIMAL ACT

47-1701 . Definitions.

7-1701a.  Repealed by Laws 2013, ch. 133, § 37, eff. July 1, 2013

47-1702 . Animal distributor license.

47-1703 . Pet shop operator license.

47-1704 . Pound or animal shelter license.

47-1705. Repealed by Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 15; Laws 1989, ch. 157, § 1

47-1706 . Refusal to issue or renew or suspension or revocation of license or permit; grounds; judicial review; seizure and disposition of animals, when.

47-1706a . Bond to prevent disposition of animals seized or impounded; approval; additional bond; notice.

47-1707 . Penalties for violations of act; judicial review; seizure and disposition of animals, when.

47-1707a. Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 34

47-1708 . Judicial review of commissioner’s actions.

47-1709 . Inspections and investigations; confidentiality of complaints; records of inspections; training of inspectors and owners of pet animal facilities; search warrant if access denied.

47-1709a. Repealed by Laws 2013, ch. 133, § 37, eff. July 1, 2013

47-1710 . Release or disposition of animals from pound or animal shelter; use of proceeds from sale of animals.

47-1711 . Dog warden; license as or employment by animal dealer or pet shop operator prohibited; record of taking custody and disposition.

47-1712 . Rules and regulations.

47-1713 . Prohibiting the sale or gift of certain animals.

47-1714. Repealed by Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 15

47-1715 . Violation of act or rules and regulations; penalty; seizure and disposition of animals, when.

47-1716. Repealed by Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 15

47-1717 . Invalidity of part.

47-1718 . Euthanasia, approved methods.

47-1719 . Hobby breeder license.

47-1720 . Research facility license.

47-1721 . License and permit fees; costs of inspection; disposition of moneys.

47-1722. Repealed by Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 29

47-1723 . Boarding or training kennel operator license.

47-1724 . Unlawful to purchase from person not licensed or permitted.

47-1725 . Kansas pet animal advisory board; duties and powers.

47-1725a. Repealed by Laws 2013, ch. 133, § 37, eff. July 1, 2013

47-1726 . Citation and purpose of act.

47-1727 . Injunctive relief to commissioner.

47-1728 to 47-1730. Reserved

47-1731 . Dogs and cats; spaying or neutering required, when.

47-1732 . Temporary closing permit; application; effective date; renewal.

47-1733 . Animal breeder license.

47-1734 . Out-of-state distributor permit.

47-1735 . Unlawful to interfere with a representative of the animal health department.

47-1736 . Retail breeder license.

47-1737 . Severability clause.




47-1701. Definitions.

As used in the Kansas pet animal act, unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) “Adequate feeding” means supplying at suitable intervals, not to exceed 24 hours, a quantity of wholesome foodstuff suitable for the animal species and age, and sufficient to maintain a reasonable level of nutrition in each animal.

(b) “Adequate watering” means a supply of clean, fresh, potable water, supplied in a sanitary manner and either continuously accessible to each animal or supplied at intervals suitable for the animal species, not to exceed intervals of 12 hours.

(c) “Ambient temperature” means the temperature surrounding the animal.

(d)(1) “Animal” means any live dog, cat, rabbit, rodent, nonhuman primate, bird or other warm-blooded vertebrate or any fish, snake or other cold-blooded vertebrate.

(2) “Animal” does not include horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, ratites, domesticated deer or domestic fowl.

(e) “Animal breeder” means any person who operates an animal breeder premises.

(f) “Animal breeder premises” means any premises where all or part of six or more litters of dogs or cats, or both, or 30 or more dogs or cats, or both, are sold, or offered or maintained for sale, primarily at wholesale for resale to another.

(g) “Animal shelter” or “pound” means a facility that is used or designed for use to house, contain, impound or harbor any seized stray, homeless, relinquished or abandoned animal or a person who acts as an animal rescuer, or who collects and cares for unwanted animals or offers them for adoption. Animal shelter or pound also includes a facility of an individual or organization, profit or nonprofit, maintaining 20 or more dogs or cats, or both, for the purpose of collecting, accumulating, amassing or maintaining the animals or offering the animals for adoption.

(h) “Cat” means an animal that is wholly or in part of the species Felis domesticus.

(i) “Commissioner” means the animal health commissioner of the Kansas department of agriculture.

(j) “Dog” means any animal that is wholly or in part of the species Canis familiaris.

(k) “Animal control officer” means any person employed by, contracted with or appointed by the state, or any political subdivision thereof, for the purpose of aiding in the enforcement of this law, or any other law or ordinance relating to the licensing or permitting of animals, control of animals or seizure and impoundment of animals, and includes any state, county or municipal law enforcement officer, dog warden, constable or other employee, whose duties in whole or in part include assignments that involve the seizure or taking into custody of any animal.

(l) “Euthanasia” means the humane destruction of an animal, which may be accomplished by any of those methods provided for in K.S.A. 47-1718, and amendments thereto.

(m) “Hobby breeder premises” means any premises where all or part of three, four or five litters of dogs or cats, or both, are produced for sale or sold, offered or maintained for sale per license year. This provision applies only if the total number of dogs or cats, or both, sold, offered or maintained for sale is less than 30 individual animals.

(n) “Hobby breeder” means any person who operates a hobby breeder premises.

(o) “Housing facility” means any room, building or area used to contain a primary enclosure or enclosures.

(p) “Boarding or training kennel operator” means any person who operates an establishment where four or more dogs or cats, or both, are maintained in any one week during the license year for boarding, training or similar purposes for a fee or compensation.

(q) “Boarding or training kennel operator premises” means the facility of a boarding or training kennel operator.

(r) “License year” or “permit year” means the 12-month period ending on September 30.

(s) “Person” means any individual, association, partnership, corporation or other entity.

(t)(1) “Pet shop” means any premises where there are sold, or offered or maintained for sale, at retail and not for resale to another:

(A) Any dogs or cats, or both; or (B) any other animals except those that are produced and raised on such premises and are sold, or offered or maintained for sale, by a person who resides on such premises.

(2) “Pet shop” does not include: (A) Any pound or animal shelter; (B) any premises where only fish are sold, or offered or maintained for sale; or (C) any animal distributor premises, hobby breeder premises, retail breeder premises or animal breeder premises.

(3) Nothing in this section prohibits inspection of those premises that sell only fish to verify that only fish are being sold.

(u) “Pet shop operator” means any person who operates a pet shop.

(v) “Primary enclosure” means any structure used or designed for use to restrict any animal to a limited amount of space, such as a room, pen, cage, compartment or hutch.

(w) “Research facility” means any place, laboratory or institution, except an elementary school, secondary school, college or university, at which any scientific test, experiment or investigation involving the use of any living animal is carried out, conducted or attempted.

(x) “Sale,” “sell” and “sold” include transfers by sale or exchange. Maintaining animals for sale is presumed whenever 20 or more dogs or cats, or both, are maintained by any person.

(y) “Sanitize” means to make physically clean and to remove and destroy, to a practical minimum, agents injurious to health, at such intervals as necessary.

(z) “Animal distributor” means any person who operates an animal distributor premises.

(aa) “Animal distributor premises” means the premises of any person engaged in the business of buying for resale dogs or cats, or both, as a principal or agent, or who holds such distributor's self out to be so engaged.

(bb) “Out-of-state distributor” means any person residing in a state other than Kansas, who is engaged in the business of buying for resale dogs or cats, or both, within the state of Kansas, as a principal or agent.

(cc) “Food animals” means rodents, rabbits, reptiles, fish or amphibians that are sold or offered or maintained for sale for the sole purpose of being consumed as food by other animals.

(dd)(1) “Adequate veterinary medical care” means:

(A) A documented program of disease control and prevention, euthanasia and routine veterinary care shall be established and maintained under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian, on a form provided by the commissioner, and shall include a documented on-site visit to the premises by the veterinarian at least once a year;

(B) that diseased, ill, injured, lame or blind animals shall be provided with veterinary care as is needed for the health and well-being of the animal, and such veterinary care shall be documented and maintained on the premises; and

(C) all documentation required by subsections (dd)(1)(A) and (dd)(1)(B) shall be made available to the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized representative for inspection or copying upon request and shall be maintained for three years after the effective date of the program or the administration of such veterinary care.

(2) “Adequate veterinary medical care” shall not apply to United States department of agriculture licensed animal breeders or animal distributors.

(ee) “Ratites” means all creatures of the ratite family that are not indigenous to this state, including, but not limited to, ostriches, emus and rheas.

(ff) “Retail breeder” means any person who operates a retail breeder premises.

(gg) “Retail breeder premises” means any premises where all or part of six or more litters or 30 or more dogs or cats, or both, are sold, or offered or maintained for sale, primarily at retail and not for resale to another.

(hh) “Retail” means any transaction where the animal is sold to the final consumer.

(ii) “Wholesale” means any transaction where the animal is sold for the purpose of resale to another.

Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 1; Laws 1974, ch. 226, § 1; Laws 1980, ch. 157, § 2; Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 1; Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 22; Laws 1995, ch. 244, § 5; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 6; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 25, eff. July 1, 2012; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 1, eff. April 26, 2018.


7-1701a. Repealed by Laws 2013, ch. 133, § 37, eff. July 1, 2013



47-1702. Animal distributor license.

It shall be unlawful for any person to act as or be an animal distributor unless such person has obtained from the commissioner an animal distributor license for each animal distributor premises operated by such person. Application for such license shall be made in writing on a form provided by the commissioner. The license period shall be for the license year ending on September 30 following the issuance date.

Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 2; Laws 1980, ch. 156, § 7; Laws 1986, ch. 197, § 6; Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 2; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 7; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 2, eff. April 26, 2018.



47-1703. Pet shop operator license.

It shall be unlawful for any person to act as or be a pet shop operator unless such person has obtained from the commissioner a pet shop operator license for each pet shop operated by such person. Application for each such license shall be made in writing on a form provided by the commissioner. The license period shall be for the license year ending on September 30 following the issuance date.

Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 3; Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 3; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 8; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 3, eff. April 26, 2018.



47-1704. Pound or animal shelter license.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a pound or animal shelter, except a licensed veterinarian who operates such pound or animal shelter from such licensed veterinarian's clinic, unless a license for such pound or shelter has been obtained from the commissioner. Application for such license shall be made on a form provided by the commissioner. The license period shall be for the license year ending on September 30 following the issuance date.

(b) The Kansas department of agriculture shall not require any individual to be licensed who has written and signed an agreement to provide temporary care for one or more dogs or cats owned by an animal shelter. Any such animal shelter shall keep a current list of such individuals who have written and signed an agreement to provide such temporary care.

Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 4; Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 4; Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 28; Laws 1995, ch. 244, § 6; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 9; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 4, eff. April 26, 2018.


47-1705. Repealed by Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 15; Laws 1989, ch. 157, § 1



47-1706. Refusal to issue or renew or suspension or revocation of license or permit; grounds; judicial review; seizure and disposition of animals, when 

(a) The commissioner may refuse to issue or renew or may suspend or revoke any license or permit required under K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto, for any one or more of the following reasons:

(1) Material misstatement in the application for the original license or permit, or in the application for any renewal of a license or permit;

(2) willful disregard of any provision of the Kansas pet animal act or any rule and regulation adopted hereunder, or any willful aiding or abetting of another in the violation of any provision of the Kansas pet animal act or any rule and regulation adopted hereunder;

(3) permitting any license or permit issued hereunder to be used by an unlicensed or unpermitted person or transferred to unlicensed or unpermitted premises;

(4) the conviction of any crime relating to the theft of animals;

(5) substantial misrepresentation;

(6) misrepresentation or false promise, made through advertising, salespersons, agents or otherwise, in connection with the operation of business of the licensee or permittee;

(7) fraudulent bill of sale;

(8) the housing facility or the primary enclosure is inadequate;

(9) the feeding, watering, sanitizing and housing practices at the licensee's or permittee's premises are not consistent with the Kansas pet animal act or the rules and regulations adopted hereunder;

(10) failure to provide adequate veterinary medical care to the animals in such licensee or permittee's custody or care; or

(11) failure to maintain or provide documentation of the provision of adequate veterinary medical care, as required in K.S.A. 47-1701(dd), and amendments thereto, to animals in such licensee or permittee's custody or care when access to such is requested by the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized representatives.

(b) The commissioner shall refuse to issue or renew and shall suspend or revoke any license or permit required under K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto, for a conviction of cruelty to animals, K.S.A. 21-4310, prior to its repeal, or subsections (a)(1) through (a)(5) of K.S.A. 21-6412, and amendments thereto.

(c) Any refusal to issue or renew a license or permit, and any suspension or revocation of a license or permit, under this section shall be issued only after notice and opportunity for a hearing are provided in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act and shall be subject to review in accordance with the Kansas judicial review act.

(d) Notwithstanding subsection (c), nothing shall preclude the commissioner from issuing a quarantine order in accordance with K.S.A. 77-536, and amendments thereto, on any premises regulated under this act wherein the animals are found to be infected with a contagious or zoonotic disease which may infect animals or humans that may come into contact with or be exposed to such animals.

(e) Whenever the commissioner denies, suspends or revokes a license or permit under this section, the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized, trained representatives shall seize and impound any animals in the possession, custody or care of the person whose license or permit is denied, suspended or revoked if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the animals' health, safety or welfare is endangered. Except as provided by K.S.A. 21-6412, and amendments thereto, such animals may be returned to the person owning them if there is satisfactory evidence that the animals will receive adequate care by that person or such animals may be sold, placed or euthanized, at the discretion of the commissioner. Costs of care and services for such animals while seized and impounded shall be paid by the person from whom the animals were seized and impounded, if that person's license or permit is denied, suspended or revoked. Such funds shall be paid to the commissioner for reimbursement of care and services provided during seizure and impoundment. If such person's license or permit is not denied, suspended or revoked, the commissioner shall pay the costs of care and services provided during seizure and impoundment.


Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 6; Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 7; Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 29; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 10; Laws 2006, ch. 126, § 5; Laws 2010, ch. 17, § 88, eff. July 1, 2010; Laws 2011, ch. 30, § 196, eff. July 1, 2011; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 26, eff. July 1, 2012.



47-1706a. Bond to prevent disposition of animals seized or impounded; approval; additional bond; notice.

(a) When an animal is seized or impounded pursuant to K.S.A. 47-1706, 47-1707 or 47-1715, and amendments thereto, the owner or person who was in possession of the animal at the time such animal was seized or impounded may post a cash or security bond as provided in this section which shall prevent the sale, placement or euthanasia of the animal. Such cash or security bond shall be in an amount sufficient to pay for the animal's care and keeping for a period of at least 30 days, commencing on the date which the animal was seized or impounded. Any such security bond or any security bond as provided in subsection (b) shall be approved by the Kansas department of agriculture division of animal health.

(b) Such bond shall be filed with the Kansas department of agriculture division of animal health and shall be posted on or before the date of the disposition hearing or within 10 days after the animal is seized or impounded, whichever is earlier. At the end of the time for which expenses are covered by the bond if the owner or person who was in possession of the animal at the time it was seized or impounded desires to prevent disposition of the animal, such owner or person shall post a new cash or security bond prior to the previous bond's expiration. At the end of the time for which expenses are covered by the bond, the animal may be sold, placed or euthanized.

(c) The authority seizing or impounding an animal shall give notice by delivering a copy of this section to a person residing on the property where the animal was seized or by posting a copy at the place where the animal was seized.

(d) Nothing in this section shall prevent the euthanasia at any time of an animal seized or impounded which is determined by a licensed veterinarian to be diseased or disabled beyond recovery for any useful purpose.

(e) This act is supplemental to and shall become a part of the Kansas pet animal act.


Laws 2003, ch. 119, § 1; Laws 2012, ch. 140, § 96, eff. July 1, 2012.




47-1707. Penalties for violations of act; judicial review; seizure and disposition of animals, when  

(a) In addition to or in lieu of any other civil or criminal penalty provided by law, the commissioner, upon a finding that a person has violated or failed to comply with any provision of the Kansas pet animal act or any rule and regulation adopted hereunder, may impose on such person a civil penalty not exceeding $1,000 for each violation or require such person to attend an educational course regarding animals and their care and treatment. If the commissioner imposes the educational course, such person may choose either the penalty or the educational course. If such person chooses the penalty, the commissioner shall establish the amount pursuant to the penalty provisions of this section. The educational course shall be administered by the commissioner in consultation with Kansas state university college of veterinary medicine.

(b) Any imposition of a civil penalty pursuant to this section shall be only upon notice and opportunity for a hearing in accordance with the Kansas administrative procedure act and shall be subject to review in accordance with the Kansas judicial review act.

(c) Whenever the commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe that a person or premises required to be licensed or permitted under the Kansas pet animal act has failed to comply with or has violated any provision of the Kansas pet animal act or any rule and regulation adopted hereunder and that the health, safety or welfare of animals in such person's possession, custody or care is endangered thereby, the commissioner shall seize and impound such animals using emergency adjudicative proceedings in accordance with the Kansas administrative procedure act. Except as provided by K.S.A. 21-6412, and amendments thereto, such animals may be returned to the person owning them if there is satisfactory evidence that the animals will receive adequate care by that person or such animals may be sold, placed or euthanized, at the discretion of the commissioner. Costs of care and services for such animals while seized and impounded shall be paid by the person from whom the animals were seized and impounded, if that person is found to be in violation of the Kansas pet animal act or any rules and regulations adopted hereunder. Such funds shall be paid to the commissioner for reimbursement of care and services provided during seizure and impoundment. If such person is not found to be in violation of the Kansas pet animal act or any rules and regulations adopted hereunder, the commissioner shall pay the costs of care and services provided during seizure and impoundment.


Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 7; Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 8; Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 30; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 11; Laws 2005, ch. 190, § 2; Laws 2010, ch. 17, § 89, eff. July 1, 2010; Laws 2011, ch. 30, § 197, eff. July 1, 2011; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 27, eff. July 1, 2012.



47-1707a. Repealed.


47-1708. Judicial review of commissioner’s actions.

Any action of the commissioner pursuant to K.S.A. 47-1706 or 47-1707, and amendments thereto, is subject to review in accordance with the Kansas judicial review act.


Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 8; Laws 1986, ch. 318, § 71; Laws 2010, ch. 17, § 90, eff. July 1, 2010; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 28, eff. July 1, 2012.




47-1709. Inspections and investigations; confidentiality of complaints; records of inspections; training of inspectors and owners of pet animal facilities; search warrant if access denied.

(a) The commissioner or the commissioner's authorized, trained representatives shall make an inspection of the premises for which an application for an original license or permit is made under K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto, before issuance of such license or permit. No license or permit shall be issued by the commissioner to an applicant described in this subsection until the premises for which application is made has passed a licensing or permitting inspection. The application for a license shall conclusively be deemed to be the consent of the applicant to the right of entry and inspection of the premises sought to be licensed or permitted by the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized, trained representatives at reasonable times with the owner or owner's representative present. Refusal of such entry and inspection shall be grounds for denial of the license or permit. Notice need not be given to any person prior to inspection.

(b) The commissioner or the commissioner's authorized, trained representatives may inspect each premises for which a license or permit has been issued under K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto. The acceptance of a license or permit shall conclusively be deemed to be the consent of the licensee or permittee to the right of entry and inspection of the licensed or permitted premises by the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized, trained representatives at reasonable times with the owner or owner's representative present. Refusal of such entry and inspection shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of the license or permit. Notice shall not be given to any person prior to inspection.

(c) The commissioner or the commissioner's authorized, trained representatives shall make inspections of the premises of a person required to be licensed or permitted under K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto, upon a determination by the commissioner that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the person is violating the provisions of K.S.A 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto, or rules and regulations adopted thereunder or that there are grounds for suspension or revocation of such person's license or permit.

(d) Any complaint filed with the commissioner shall be confidential and shall not be released to any person other than employees of the commissioner as necessary to carry out the duties of their employment.

(e) Any person making inspections under this section shall be trained by the commissioner in reasonable standards of animal care.

(f) The commissioner may request a licensed veterinarian to assist in any inspection or investigation made by the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized representative under this section.

(g) Any person acting as the commissioner's authorized representative for purposes of making inspections and conducting investigations under this section who knowingly falsifies the results or findings of any inspection or investigation or intentionally fails or refuses to make an inspection or conduct an investigation pursuant to this section shall be guilty of a class A nonperson misdemeanor.

(h) No person shall act as the commissioner's authorized representative for the purposes of making inspections and conducting investigations under this section if such person has a beneficial interest in a person required to be licensed or permitted pursuant to K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto.

(i) Records of inspections pursuant to this section shall be maintained in the office of the Kansas department of agriculture division of animal health. Records of a deficiency or violation shall not be maintained for longer than three years after the deficiency or violation is remedied.

(j) The commissioner, in consultation with Kansas state university college of veterinary medicine, shall: (1) Continue procedures to provide for pet animal training or updated training for authorized trained representatives who inspect premises under the pet animal act and to allow the owners of such facilities licensed or permitted under the pet animal act to attend and participate at the training workshops for the authorized trained representatives; and (2) make available to such owners and other interested persons an inspection handbook describing the duties and responsibilities of such authorized trained representatives.

(k) If the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized representative is denied access to any location where such access is sought for the purposes authorized under the Kansas pet animal act, the commissioner may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for an administrative search warrant authorizing access to such location for such purposes. Upon such application and a showing of cause therefore, the court shall issue the search warrant for the purposes requested.

Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 9; Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 9; Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 31; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 12; Laws 2005, ch. 190, § 3; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 29, eff. July 1, 2012; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 5, eff. April 26, 2018.


  47-1709a. Inspections and investigations; confidentiality of complaints; records of inspections; training of inspectors and owners of pet animal facilities- Repealed by Laws 2013, ch. 133, § 37, eff. July 1, 2013



47-1710. Release or disposition of animals from pound or animal shelter; use of proceeds from sale of animals

(a) An animal shall not be disposed of by an owner or operator of a pound or of an animal shelter as a pound until after expiration of a minimum of three full business days of custody during which the public has clear access to inspect and recover the animal through time periods ordinarily accepted as usual business hours. During such time of custody, any owner or operator of such facility shall attempt to notify the owner or custodian of any animal maintained or impounded by such facility if such owner or custodian is known or reasonably ascertainable. Such an animal may at any time be released to the legal owner, moved to a veterinary hospital for treatment or observation, released in any manner, if such animal was a gift animal to an animal shelter, or euthanized by a duly incorporated humane society or by a licensed veterinarian if it appears to an officer of such humane society or to such veterinarian that the animal is diseased or disabled beyond recovery for any useful purpose.

(b) After the expiration of the holding period established in subsection (a), the governing body of a political subdivision regulating the operation of a pound shall have ownership of such animal and shall determine the method of disposition of any animal. Any pound releasing live animals to prospective owners shall comply with the provisions established in K.S.A. 47-1731, and amendments thereto. Any such proceeds derived from the sale or other disposition of such animals shall be paid directly to the treasurer of the political subdivision, and no part of such proceeds shall accrue to any individual.

(c) After the expiration of the holding period established in subsection (a), the board of directors of any humane society operating an animal shelter as a pound, shall have ownership of such animal and shall determine the method of disposition of any animal. Any animal shelter releasing live animals to prospective owners shall comply with the provisions established in K.S.A. 47-1731, and amendments thereto. Any such proceeds derived from such sale or disposition shall be paid directly to the treasurer of the humane society and no part of such proceeds shall accrue to any individual.


Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 10; Laws 1977, ch. 116, § 5; Laws 1995, ch. 244, § 7; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 13; Laws 2000, ch. 31, § 1; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 30, eff. July 1, 2012.



47-1711. Dog warden; license as or employment by animal dealer or pet shop operator prohibited; record of taking custody and disposition.

An animal control officer shall not be granted an animal distributor's, animal breeder's, retail breeder's, hobby breeder's or a pet shop operator's license. Each application for any such license shall include a statement that neither the applicant nor any of the applicant's employees is an animal control officer. An animal control officer, upon taking custody of any animal in the course of such officer's official duties, shall immediately make a record which shall include the color, breed, sex, approximate weight and other description of the animal, the reason for seizure, the location of seizure, the owner's name and address, if known, the animal license number, and any other identification number. Complete information relating to the disposition of the animal shall be shown on the record and shall be added immediately following the disposition of the animal. Such records shall be made available to the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized representative upon request.


Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 11; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 14; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 31, eff. July 1, 2012.



47-1712. Rules and regulations.

(a) The commissioner is hereby authorized to adopt rules and regulations for licensees and permittees. Such rules and regulations shall include, but not be limited to, provisions relating to: (1) Reasonable treatment of animals in the possession, custody or care of a licensee or permittee or being transported to or from licensed or permitted premises;

(2) a requirement that each licensee and permittee file with the commissioner evidence that animals entering or leaving the state are free from any visible symptoms of communicable disease; (3) identification of animals handled; (4) primary enclosures; (5) housing facilities; (6)sanitation; (7) euthanasia; (8) ambient temperatures; (9) feeding; (10) watering; (11) adequate veterinary medical care; (12) inspections of licensed or permitted premises, investigations of complaints and training of persons conducting such inspections and complaints; and (13) a requirement that each licensee or permittee keep and maintain, for inspection by the commission, such records as necessary to administer and enforce the provisions of the Kansas pet animal act.

(b) The commissioner shall only adopt as rules and regulations for United States department of agriculture licensed animal distributors and animal breeders, and animal breeder and animal distributor premises and the rules and regulations promulgated by the secretary of the United States department of agriculture, cited at 9 C.F.R. 3.1 through 3.12, pursuant to the provisions of the United States public law 91-579 (7 U.S.C. Sec. 2131 et seq.), commonly known as the animal welfare act.

(c) Notwithstanding any provision in section (b), the Commissioner may adopt a requirement that each licensee and permittee file with the commissioner evidence that animals entering or leaving the state are free from any visible symptoms of communicable disease.


Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 12; Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 10; Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 32; Laws 1995, ch. 244, § 8; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 15.



47-1713. Prohibiting the sale or gift of certain animals.

The commissioner may prohibit the sale or gift of animals which constitute a hazard to human health or safety or to animal health or safety.


Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 13; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 16.


47-1714. Repealed.


47-1715. Violation of act or rules and regulations; penalty; seizure and disposition of animals, when

(a) Any violation of or failure to comply with any provision of the Kansas pet animal act, or any rule and regulation adopted hereunder, shall constitute a class A nonperson misdemeanor. Continued operation, after a conviction, shall constitute a separate offense for each day of operation.

(b) Upon a conviction of a person for any violation of the Kansas pet animal act, or any rule and regulation adopted hereunder, the court shall order the commissioner to seize and impound any animals in the convicted person's possession, custody or care if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the animals' health, safety or welfare is endangered. Except as provided by K.S.A. 21-6412, and amendments thereto, such animals may be returned to the person owning them if there is satisfactory evidence that the animals will receive adequate care by that person or such animals may be sold, placed or euthanized, at the discretion of the commissioner. Costs of care and services for such animals while seized and impounded shall be paid by the convicted person. Such funds shall be paid to the commissioner for reimbursement of care and services provided during seizure and impoundment. If the person is not convicted, the commissioner shall pay the costs of care and services provided during seizure and impoundment.


Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 15; Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 11; Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 33; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 17; Laws 2011, ch. 30, § 198, eff. July 1, 2011.


47-1716. Repealed.


47-1717. Invalidity of part.

If any provision of this act, or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid, the remainder of the act, and the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby.


Laws 1972, ch. 201, § 17.


47-1718. Euthanasia, approved methods.

(a) No animal shall be euthanized by any animal control officer, licensee, permittee, officer of an animal shelter or officer of a pound by any means, method, agent or device, or in any way, except through the most current, approved euthanasia methods established by the American veterinary medical association panel on euthanasia. The commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations by December 31, 2015, regarding acceptable methods of euthanasia. Such acceptable methods may be more stringent than those established by the American veterinary medical association.

(b) This section shall be part of and supplemental to article 17 of chapter 47 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto.

Laws 1980, ch. 157, § 3; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 18; Laws 2015, ch. 61, § 9, eff. July 1, 2015.



47-1719. Hobby breeder license.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to act as or be a hobby breeder unless such person has obtained from the commissioner a hobby breeder license. Application for such license shall be made in writing on a form provided by the commissioner. The license period shall be for the license year ending on September 30 following the issuance date.

(b) This section shall be part of and supplemental to K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto.

Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 5; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 19; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 6, eff. April 26, 2018.


47-1720. Research facility license.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a research facility unless such person has obtained from the commissioner a research facility license. Application for such license shall be made in writing on a form provided by the commissioner. The license period shall be for the license year ending on September 30 following the issuance date.

(b) This section shall be part of and supplemental to K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto.

Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 6; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 20; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 7, eff. April 26, 2018.



47-1721. License and permit fees; costs of inspection; disposition of moneys.

(a) Each application for issuance or renewal of a license or permit required under K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto, shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed by the commissioner under this section. Such fees shall be as follows:

(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (5) through (8) and paragraph (10) for a license for premises of a person licensed under public law 91-579, 7 U.S.C. § 2131 et seq., an amount not to exceed $450;

(2) except as provided in paragraphs (5) through (8) and paragraph (10) for a license for any other premises, an amount not to exceed $600;

(3) for a temporary closing permit, an amount not to exceed $95;

(4) for an out-of-state distributor permit, an amount not to exceed $675;

(5) for a hobby breeder license or a kennel operator license an amount not to exceed $250;

(6) for an animal shelter in a first-class city, as defined in K.S.A. 13-101, and amendments thereto, not to exceed $400;

(7) for an animal shelter in a second-class city, as defined in K.S.A. 14-101, and amendments thereto, not to exceed $335;

(8) for an animal shelter in a third-class city, as defined in K.S.A. 15-101, and amendments thereto, not to exceed $285;

(9) a late fee of $70 shall be assessed to any person whose permit or license renewal is not renewed prior to October 1; and

(10) for any premises required to be licensed under the Kansas pet animal act under multiple license categories, payment for only the most expensive license and a $50 fee for each additional applicable license. Such premises shall comply with the applicable laws and rules and regulations pertaining to each license category.

(b) The commissioner shall determine annually the amount necessary to carry out and enforce K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto, for the next ensuing fiscal year and shall fix by rules and regulations the license and permit fees for such year at the amount necessary for that purpose, subject to the limitations of this section. In fixing such fees, the commissioner may establish categories of licenses and permits, based upon the type of license or permit, size of the licensed or permitted business or activity and the premises where such business or activity is conducted, and may establish different fees for each such category. The fees in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this act shall continue in effect until different fees are fixed by the commissioner as provided by this subsection.

(c) If a licensee, permittee or applicant for a license or permit requests an inspection of the premises of such licensee, permittee or applicant, the commissioner shall charge a fee of $200 to cover the costs of such inspection.

(d)(1) Failure by the owner of a premises, a licensee or a permittee, or their designated representative, to make a premises available for inspection within 30 minutes of the arrival of the inspector or the inspector's authorized representative shall be considered a no-contact inspection. Each no-contact inspection shall result in a $200 no-contact fee against the owner of the premises, the licensee or the permittee. The commissioner or the commissioner's authorized representative shall make a second or subsequent attempt to inspect the premises.

(2) If a premises fails an inspection, such owner, licensee or permittee shall be required to pay a $200 re-inspection fee for any subsequent inspection. Such payment must be made in advance of the re-inspection, and failure to do so shall result in the revocation of any such licensee's or permittee's license or permit. The owner of the premises shall be required to reapply for any licenses or permits that were revoked pursuant to this subsection and shall be required to:

(A) Pay the fee for the new permit or license application;

(B) pass an initial inspection; and

(C) pay any past due fees before the new license or permit can be issued.

(e) No fee or assessment required pursuant to this section shall be refundable.

(f) The commissioner shall remit all moneys received by or for the commissioner under this section to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury to the credit of the animal dealers fee fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. Moneys in the animal dealers fee fund may be expended only to administer and enforce K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto. All expenditures from the animal dealers fee fund shall be made in accordance with appropriation acts upon warrants of the director of accounts and reports issued pursuant to vouchers approved by the Kansas animal health commissioner or the commissioner's designee.

(g) Except as provided further, when a premises required to be licensed or permitted under the Kansas pet animal act applies for an initial license or permit, the commissioner shall prorate to the nearest whole month the license or permit fee established in subsection (a). The commissioner shall have discretion to determine whether the application is an initial application or an application for a premises that has been doing business but is not licensed or permitted. If the commissioner determines the premises has been doing business without a license or permit, the commissioner is not required to prorate the fee.

(h) This section shall be part of and supplemental to K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto.

Laws 1988, ch. 189, § 12; Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 23; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 21; Laws 2001, ch. 5, § 172; Laws 2005, ch. 190, § 1; Laws 2012, ch. 140, § 98, eff. July 1, 2012; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 8, eff. April 26, 2018.


47-1722. Repealed.


47-1723. Boarding or training kennel operator license.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, except a licensed veterinarian, to act as or be a boarding or training kennel operator unless such person has obtained from the commissioner a boarding or training kennel operator license for each premises operated by such person. Application for such license shall be made in writing on a form provided by the commissioner. The license period shall be for the license year ending on September 30 following the issuance date.

(b) This section shall be part of and supplemental to K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto.

Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 21; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 22; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 32, eff. July 1, 2012; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 9, eff. April 26, 2018.



47-1724. Unlawful to purchase from person not licensed or permitted.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly purchase a dog or a cat for the purpose of resale to another from a person required to be licensed or permitted under public law 91-579, 7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq., or K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto, or both, if that person is not so licensed or permitted.

(b) It shall also be unlawful for licensees to knowingly sell to out-of-state distributors, animal distributors or pet shops operating within the state who are not licensed in accordance with the Kansas pet animal act.


Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 24; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 23.



47-1725. Kansas pet animal advisory board; duties and powers.

(a) There is hereby created the Kansas pet animal advisory board, consisting of 10 members. Members shall be appointed by the governor as follows:

(1) One member shall be a representative of a licensed animal shelter or pound;

(2) one member shall be an employee of a licensed research facility;

(3) one member shall be a licensed animal breeder;

(4) one member shall be a licensed retail breeder;

(5) one member shall be a licensed pet shop operator;

(6) one member shall be a licensed veterinarian and shall be selected from a list of three names presented to the governor by the Kansas veterinary medical association;

(7) one member shall be a private citizen with no link to the industry;

(8) one member shall be a licensed animal distributor;

(9) one member shall be a licensed hobby breeder; and

(10) one member shall be a licensed boarding or training kennel operator.

(b) Each member shall be appointed for a term of three years and until a successor is appointed and qualified.

(c) A vacancy on the board of a member shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the governor.

(d) The board shall meet at least once every calendar quarter regularly or at such other times as the chairperson or a majority of the board members determine. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for conducting board business.

(e) The members of the board shall annually elect a chairperson.

(f) The board shall have the following duties, authorities and powers:

(1) To advise the animal health commissioner on hiring a director to implement the Kansas pet animal act;

(2) to review the status of the Kansas pet animal act;

(3) to make recommendations on changes to the Kansas pet animal act; and

(4) to make recommendations concerning the rules and regulations for the Kansas pet animal act.

(g) Board members who are required to be licensed except retail breeders shall be affiliated with or a member of an organized pet animal association which is representative of the position such person will hold on the board.


Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 25; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 24; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 33, eff. July 1, 2012.


<The Kansas pet animal advisory board continued in existence within the animal health division of the department of agriculture upon abolition of the agriculture products development division, pursuant to Executive Reorganization Order No. 40, Laws 2011, ch. 135, § 11(b), eff. July 1, 2011, K.S.A. 74-5,122.>


47-1725a. Repealed by Laws 2013, ch. 133, § 37, eff. July 1, 2013.


47-1726. Citation and purpose of act.

K.S.A. 47-1701 through 47-1721, K.S.A. 47-1723 through 47-1727, 47-1731, and K.S.A. 47-1732 through 47-1736, and amendments thereto, shall be known and may be cited as the Kansas pet animal act. This act shall license, permit and regulate the conditions of certain premises and facilities within the state of Kansas where animals are maintained, sold or offered or maintained for sale. The provisions of this act shall not apply to any farm, kennel or other premises registered with and inspected by the national greyhound association which is used solely for the purposes of breeding, maintaining, training or selling greyhound dogs, as greyhound is defined in K.S.A. 74-8802, and amendments thereto. The commissioner shall have the authority to enter into agreements with the national greyhound association pertaining to the aforementioned greyhound premises. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, any agreements between the commissioner and the national greyhound association may contain terms allowing the commissioner to access records, complete inspections of such premises and other related matters.


Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 26; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 25; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 34, eff. July 1, 2012.



47-1727. Injunctive relief to commissioner.

Notwithstanding the existence or pursuit of any other remedy, when it appears to the commissioner that any person is violating any provisions of the Kansas pet animal act, the commissioner may bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction or other process against such person to enjoin, restrain or prevent such person from continuing operation in violation of the Kansas pet animal act without regard to whether administrative proceedings have been or may be instituted or whether criminal proceedings may be or have been instituted.


Laws 1991, ch. 152, § 27; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 26; Laws 2012, ch. 125, § 35, eff. July 1, 2012.


47-1728 to 47-1730. Reserved.


47-1731: Dogs and cats; spaying or neutering required, when.

(a) No dog or cat may be transferred to the permanent custody of a prospective owner by a pound or animal shelter, as defined by K.S.A. 47-1701, and amendments thereto, or by a humane society, unless:

(1) Such dog or cat has been surgically spayed or neutered before the physical transfer of the animal occurs; or

(2) the prospective owner signs an agreement to have the dog or cat spayed or neutered and deposits with the pound or animal shelter funds not less than the lowest nor more than the highest cost of spaying or neutering in the community. Any funds deposited pursuant to such an agreement shall be refunded to such person upon presentation of a written statement signed by a licensed veterinarian that the dog or cat has been spayed or neutered. If such person does not reclaim the deposit within six months after receiving custody of the animal, the pound or animal shelter shall keep the deposit and may reclaim the unspayed or unneutered animal.

(b) No person shall spay or neuter any dog or cat for or on behalf of a pound or animal shelter unless such person is a licensed veterinarian or a student currently enrolled in the college of veterinary medicine, Kansas state university, who has completed at least two years of study in the veterinary medical curriculum and is participating in a spay or neuter program and as part of the curriculum under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Students shall only spay or neuter any dog or cat that belongs to the pound or animal shelter, and shall not spay or neuter any dog or cat that belongs to a member or1 of the public. No pound or animal shelter shall designate the veterinarian which a person must use, or a list from which a person must select a veterinarian, to spay or neuter a dog or cat transferred by such person from such pound or animal shelter. Any premises located in the state of Kansas where the spaying, neutering or any other practice of veterinary medicine occurs shall register such premises with the board of veterinary examiners.

(c) With the written approval of the animal health commissioner, any pound or shelter may use an innovative spay or neuter program not precisely meeting the requirements of subsection (a)(2), if the pound or shelter can prove to the commissioner that it is actively enforcing the spaying and neutering requirements set forth in this statute.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require sterilization of a dog or cat which is being held by a pound or animal shelter and which may be claimed by its rightful owner within the holding period established in K.S.A. 47-1710, and amendments thereto.

(e) The animal health commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.


Laws 1988, ch. 185, § 1; Laws 1993, ch. 59, § 1; Laws 1995, ch. 244, § 9; Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 27; Laws 2000, ch. 31, § 2; Laws 2011, ch. 68, § 2, eff. May 19, 2011; Laws 2012, ch. 140, § 100, eff. July 1, 2012.



47-1732. Temporary closing permit; application; effective date; renewal.

(a) Any licensee, or permit holder required to be licensed or obtain a permit under the Kansas pet animal act, who is in the process of ceasing to do business on July 1, may be issued a temporary closing permit at the discretion of the commissioner.

(b) Application for such permit shall be made in writing on a form provided by the commissioner.

(c) The permit will be effective for 30 days. During the 30-day period, the licensee or permit holder shall be required to comply with the Kansas pet animal act and all rules and regulations adopted thereunder. By accepting such permit, the licensee or permit holder agrees to allow an inspection of the facility at the end of the 30-day period to certify that the operation has ceased business. The licensee or permit holder shall provide records as to the disposition of the animals to the commissioner upon request.

(d) The permit may be renewed, at the discretion of the commissioner, for an additional 30-day period.


Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 1.


47-1733. Animal breeder license

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to act as or be an animal breeder unless such person has obtained from the commissioner an animal breeder license for each animal breeder premises operated by such person. Application for each such license shall be made in writing on a form provided by the commissioner. The license period shall be for the license year ending on September 30 following the issuance date.

(b) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the Kansas pet animal act.

Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 2; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 10, eff. April 26, 2018.


47-1734. Out-of-state distributor permit.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to act as or be an out-of-state distributor of dogs or cats, or both, within the state of Kansas unless such person has obtained from the commissioner an out-of-state distributor permit. Application for each such permit shall be made in writing on a form provided by the commissioner. The permit period shall be for the permit year ending on September 30 following the issuance date.

(b) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the Kansas pet animal act.

Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 3; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 11, eff. April 26, 2018.


47-1735. Unlawful to interfere with a representative of the animal health department.

(a) A licensee, permittee or applicant for a license or permit shall not interfere with, hinder, threaten or abuse, including verbal abuse, any representative or employee of the animal health department who is carrying out such representative's or employee's duties under the provisions of the Kansas pet animal act.

(b) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the Kansas pet animal act.


Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 4; Laws 2012, ch. 140, § 101, eff. July 1, 2012.


47-1736. Retail breeder license.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to act as or be a retail breeder unless such person has obtained from the commissioner a retail breeder license for each retail breeder premises operated by such person. Application for each such license shall be made in writing on a form provided by the commissioner. The license period shall be for the license year ending on September 30 following the issuance date.

(b) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the Kansas pet animal act.

Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 5; Laws 2018, ch. 55, § 12, eff. April 26, 2018.



47-1737. Severability clause.

If any provision of this act or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are severable.


Laws 1996, ch. 151, § 28.

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