Article 3 requires that facilities and instrumentalities utilized in the handling of the animals during the transfer operations to the waiting corrals and slaughter facilities must be built to avoid generating agitation, injury, pain, anguish, or unnecessary suffering to the animals.
The person in charge of handling animals must show that he or she has acquired proper training through courses of management and animal welfare, or that the person has a professional or technical degree in an agricultural area necessary to carry out these tasks effectively, and avoiding unnecessary pain and suffering. These training courses must be recognized by the Agricultural Service and Livestock and be carried out by institutions or training organizations, officially recognized.
Hitting the animals, immobilizing them by applying pressure in sensitive points of the body, using sharp objects for stimulation, tying them for transportation in a way that compromises the animals’ welfare, throwing them, and dragging them from the head, horns, antlers, ears, wool, fleece, legs, wings, tail, hair or feathers is absolutely prohibited by this law, except in emergency situations. Slaughter has to be carried out immediately after animals are taken to the slaughter facilities, otherwise they have to remain in the waiting corrals.
Some of the requirements for the waiting corrals include: the provision of adequate shelter for the animals according to climate conditions; adequate lighting and ventilation, permanent provision of water and enough food; and protection against predators.
This law establishes the requirements for the desensitization of animals and slaughtering methods such as stunning and exsanguination. Desensitization is defined as any mechanical, electrical, chemical or other procedures that causes the immediate and effective loss of consciousness and sensitivity without pain. Desensitization has to be carried out with appropriate methods for the species and category of the animal to mitigate their suffering or avoid unnecessary suffering, and must be recognized by the international reference bodies.