Ley 3.959, 1900

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Popular Title:  Ley de Policía Sanitaria Animal Primary Citation:  LEY 3.959 Country of Origin:  Argentina Last Checked:  Date Adopted: 

Summary: This is the law of the Police for Animal Health. The purpose of this law is to set the parameters to ensure the protection of livestock against contagious exotic diseases. This law regulates topics such as importation and exportation of livestock, prohibiting the importation or exportation of animals infected with contagious diseases or suspected of being infected.

Article. 10 establishes that executive power, through the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Livestock, will regulate everything related to the qualification, comprehensive sanitary inspection, and inspection of livestock markets, boards, fairs, slaughterhouses, salting, poultry slaughterhouses, stockpiling, marketing and industrialization of eggs. Industrialization, including hunting and fishing and, in general, all establishments where products of animal origin are made or deposited, when the places where sales or slaughter of animals are carried out or where establishments are located in which products are manufactured, deposited or extracted, correspond to the federal jurisdiction. This also includes those products located in a province, coming from overseas, from another province or from another territory or are destined for international trade, interprovincial or that of a province with territories of federal jurisdiction, or vice versa. In accordance to this law, all the aforementioned products have to travel with the corresponding health documentation. Products of non-edible animal origin, coming from establishments not authorized in the national order, may transit through the territory of the Argentine Republic to an authorized establishment after compliance with the requirements established by the regulations.

This law regulates topics such as importation and exportation of livestock, prohibiting the importation or exportation of animals infected with contagious diseases or suspected of being infected. Compensation for livestock owners and other property that the executive power has instructed to be destroyed under the parameters of this law is provided, so long as they file the complaint within three months after the destruction has been ordered and penalties. This law places on owners and caretakers the responsibility of immediately informing the proper authority when they suspect or are certain that an animal has been infected with a contagious disease.


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