Code of Alabama. Title 11. Counties and Municipal Corporations. Subtitle 2. Provisions Applicable to Municipal Corporations Only. Chapter 65. Horse Racing and Greyhound Racing in Class 1 Municipalities.

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Primary Citation:  Ala.Code 1975 § 11-65-1 to § 11-65-47 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  AL ST § 11-65-1 to § 11-65-47 Date Adopted:  Historical: 

Summary: This set of statutes allows for municipalities in Alabama to vote on whether or not they wish to authorize horse and greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering. Each municipality that authorizes it must create a commission which must be incorporated in order for a municipality to conduct horse and greyhound racing. The commissions each regulate horse and greyhound racing only in their respective municipalities. A license must be obtained by the commission of the respective municipality in which one desires to operate or construct a racing facility.

§ 11-65-1. Legislative declarations and findings.

§ 11-65-2. Definitions.

§ 11-65-3. Class 1 municipality authorized to create racing commission; status of commission; powers and duties generally; disposition of fees; jurisdiction of State Ethics Commission.

§ 11-65-4. Elections required to approve incorporation of commission and conduct of racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon.

§ 11-65-5. Composition of commission; terms; qualifications; removal from office.

§ 11-65-6. Incorporation of commission.

§ 11-65-7. General provisions respecting members of commission.

§ 11-65-8. Officers of commission.

§ 11-65-9. Treasurer of commission; investment of funds of commission.

§ 11-65-10. Powers and duties of commission.

§ 11-65-11. Qualifications of commission employees.

§ 11-65-12. Review of commission action.

§ 11-65-13. Request for injunctions authorized.

§ 11-65-14. Commission licenses required for certain activities; conditions relating to award and use of licenses.

§ 11-65-15. Application for horse racing facility license.

§ 11-65-16. Review of application for horse racing facility license.

§ 11-65-17. Terms of horse racing facility license.

§ 11-65-18. Application for operator's license.

§ 11-65-19. Review of application for operator's license.

§ 11-65-20. Terms of operator's license.

§ 11-65-21. Suspension or revocation of license.

§ 11-65-22. Acquisition of interest in horse racing facility licensee or operator.

§ 11-65-23. Permits required for certain individuals and companies.

§ 11-65-24. Application for permit.

§ 11-65-25. Review of applications for permits.

§ 11-65-26. Suspension or revocation of permit.

§ 11-65-27. Licenses required for stewards and judges of races; appointment of stewards and judges.

§ 11-65-28. Pari-mutuel wagering.

§ 11-65-28.1. Modification of takeout for all racing events.

§ 11-65-29. State horse wagering fee.

§ 11-65-30. Commission wagering fees.

§ 11-65-30.1. Commission greyhound racing days.

§ 11-65-31. Purses for horse races and greyhound races.

§ 11-65-32. Televised simulcast programming of racing events.

§ 11-65-32.1. Televised racing and pari-mutuel wagering; pari-mutuel pools and takeout; construction.

§ 11-65-33. Racetrack admission fee.

§ 11-65-34. Horse breeding fund.

§ 11-65-35. Concerning certain taxes.

§ 11-65-36. Application of net commission revenues.

§ 11-65-37. Conducting race without license prohibited; wagering on certain races prohibited.

§ 11-65-38. Disqualification due to gambling activities.

§ 11-65-39. Tampering with racing animals prohibited.

§ 11-65-40. Transmission of racing information prohibited.

§ 11-65-41. Possession of certain drugs prohibited.

§ 11-65-42. Misuse of license.

§ 11-65-43. Racing under unregistered name prohibited.

§ 11-65-44. Presence of underage persons prohibited.

§ 11-65-45. Exemption from jurisdiction of state racing commission. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 39, effective June 28, 1991.

§ 11-65-45.1. Limitation of personal liability of commission members and officers.

§ 11-65-46. County-wide referendum to approve pari-mutuel wagering. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 40, effective June 28, 1991.

§ 11-65-47. Applicability of chapter; severability of provisions.



§ 11-65-1. Legislative declarations and findings.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares as follows:

(1) As the basis for enacting Act No. 84-131, the Legislature found and determined that the conduct within Class 1 municipalities in the state of horse racing events and pari-mutuel wagering thereon will generate additional revenues for governmental and charitable purposes, provide additional jobs for the residents of the state and benefit the businesses related to tourism and recreation within any such municipality and throughout the surrounding areas of the state; it is desirable to permit the qualified voters of any Class 1 municipality to determine through referendum whether horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon will be permitted in such municipality; and for each Class 1 municipality in which horse racing is approved by the voters thereof, it is necessary and desirable to provide for the establishment of a racing commission to regulate horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon within such municipality and to administer and enforce the provisions of said Act No. 84-131.

(2) In the course of enacting Act No. 84-131, the Legislature added a requirement that horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in any Class 1 municipality (the "sponsoring municipality") must be authorized by an election conducted in such municipality and in the county or counties in which such municipality, or any part thereof, is located and that in such election the authorization of horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon must be approved by both (i) a majority of all the voters casting votes in such election and (ii) a majority of the voters casting votes in such election who reside in the sponsoring municipality. Act No. 84-131 provided that the county in which any sponsoring municipality is located would be the "host county", and in the event that a sponsoring municipality is located in more than one county, the host county would be the county in which the largest number of residents of the sponsoring municipality reside. At the time of the enactment of Act No. 84-131, the City of Birmingham was the only Class 1 municipality in the state and, as of the date of these legislative findings, it continues to be the only Class 1 municipality in the state.

(3) As the result of a favorable election held in the City of Birmingham and Jefferson County in 1984, the Birmingham Racing Commission was incorporated in that year pursuant to Act No. 84-131 for the City of Birmingham. At the time of such election, the City of Birmingham was located solely within the boundaries of Jefferson County, and the authorizing election for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon was held only in Jefferson County. Subsequent to such election and the incorporation of the Birmingham Racing Commission, the City of Birmingham annexed territory located in a county other than Jefferson County, but no election has ever been held in such county authorizing the Birmingham Racing Commission to license and regulate horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in that part of the City of Birmingham located in such county, and no provision was made in Act No. 84-131 for holding such an election after the incorporation of the Birmingham Racing Commission. As a consequence of these circumstances, horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon is legal only for that part of the City of Birmingham located in Jefferson County, which is the host county of the city for purposes of Act No. 84-131 because, among the counties in which any part of the city is located, it is the county in which the largest number of the residents of the city reside, as determined by the most recent federal decennial census. Although this chapter and amendments thereto constitute general laws applicable to Class 1 municipalities, as of the date of these legislative findings, this chapter applies only to the City of Birmingham, as the sole Class 1 municipality, and notice of the intention to apply for the enactment of this chapter or amendments thereto must be published in accordance with Section 106 of the Constitution of Alabama, as amended, in the county or counties where the matter or thing to be affected may be situated. As of the date of these legislative findings, the matters or things to be affected by this chapter, as amended, are horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon and greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon under the jurisdiction of the Birmingham Racing Commission, which activities, and the elections to authorize the same, shall be confined to the single host county of the Class 1 municipality to which this chapter applies. As of the date of these legislative findings, said host county is the only county in which notice of the intention to apply for enactment of amendments to this chapter is required to be published in accordance with Section 106 of the Constitution of Alabama.

(4) Pursuant to Act No. 84-131, the Birmingham Racing Commission issued an owner's license for the ownership of a horse racing facility located in both the City of Birmingham and Jefferson County, and an operator's license to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon at such racing facility. The holders of such licenses, together with related business entities, made a capital investment of more than $60,000,000 in order to provide a facility for horse racing, and the City of Birmingham and other local governmental entities additionally expended more than $10,000,000 to provide roads, sewers, and other public improvements necessary for the use of such facility.

(5) Although Act No. 84-131, as initially enacted, provided that a commission could grant an owner's or operator's license for horse racing only to an entity which was entirely owned, either directly or indirectly, by natural persons who had been residents of the state for a period of five years next preceding the date of application for such licenses, the Legislature in 1987, the first year that horse racing was conducted under licenses from the Birmingham Racing Commission, enacted Act No. 87-615 to liberalize the Alabama residence requirements and thereby permit the horse racing licensees to obtain additional investment capital from out-of-state sources. The economic failure of horse racing in the City of Birmingham, together with the consequent need of the horse racing licensees for additional capital, became readily apparent soon after the commencement of horse racing. The enactment of Act No. 87-615 constituted a remedial response of the Legislature to that problem.

(6) The horse racing licensees of the Birmingham Racing Commission were unsuccessful in their efforts to obtain additional financing in the needed amount, and, after reporting operating losses of more than $16,000,000 in 1987, these licensees were unable to continue horse racing in 1988. On August 29, 1988, the horse racing licensees filed petitions for relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Alabama (the "bankruptcy court"), which court, as of the date of these legislative findings, retains jurisdiction over their affairs.

(7) Despite the effort of the Birmingham Racing Commission to revoke the operator's license for horse racing originally granted by that commission, the bankruptcy court has determined such license to be property of the bankruptcy estate of the horse racing licensees and has enjoined the revocation of such license. In 1989, the bankruptcy court approved a plan of reorganization which provided for the management of the Birmingham racing facility by a company having national experience in the management of pari-mutuel racing facilities and for the funding by such company of operating expenses necessary to conduct horse racing. As part of the plan of such reorganization and pursuant to order by the bankruptcy court, the Birmingham Racing Commission permitted such company to conduct horse racing through an arrangement making use of the original horse racing licenses granted by the commission. Horse racing was conducted in Birmingham during 1989 and 1990 pursuant to the aforesaid plan of reorganization, but the management company has reported that its efforts to continue horse racing under that plan have resulted in losses of more than $6,500,000. As a consequence of such losses and the demonstrated lack of financial viability for horse racing in Birmingham, said management company has declined to make additional payments under the plan of reorganization, thereby allowing the banks that hold the first mortgage on the racing facility to foreclose such mortgage and to terminate further operation under the plan of reorganization.

(8) As a consequence of the original plan of reorganization being no longer viable, the horse racing licensees of the Birmingham Racing Commission have filed with the bankruptcy court, and the bankruptcy court has confirmed, a modified plan of reorganization which is based on the premise that horse racing alone cannot be conducted with economic success at the Birmingham racing facility and that the relatively lower operating costs of greyhound racing, together with the greater interest of the public in pari-mutuel wagering on greyhound racing, will enable the Birmingham racing facility to be reopened and successfully operated as a greyhound racing facility. The implementation of the modified plan is subject to the condition, among others, that all actions will be successfully completed that are necessary for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon to become lawful under the jurisdiction of the Birmingham Racing Commission, including (i) the enactment into law of authorizing legislation and (ii) the approval of greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon by the voters in any referendum required by such legislation. In anticipation of legislative authorization to license and regulate greyhound racing and as a consequence of the outstanding horse racing licenses being subject to the jurisdiction of the bankruptcy court, the Birmingham Racing Commission has entered into an agreement with the participants in the modified plan of reorganization to issue licenses for both horse racing and greyhound racing to the company which, under the modified plan of reorganization, will have the right to conduct both horse racing and greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon at the Birmingham racing facility, subject, however, to the conditions that (i) the award to such company of a license to conduct greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall comply with all conditions prescribed by the authorizing legislation and (ii) the agreement to award such license shall be enforceable only if and to the extent that the Legislature, in the authorizing legislation, shall have retroactively authorized the Birmingham Racing Commission to enter into such agreement.

(9) Gambling in general and the promotion thereof are prohibited in the state by provisions of the Alabama Criminal Code, Article 2, Chapter 12, Title 13A, but the Legislature has reserved in Section 13A-12-31 the right to enact local statutes, or general statutes applying to one or more municipalities in a class less than the whole of the state, that exempt pari-mutuel wagering at race meetings from the general prohibition of the Alabama Criminal Code. Pursuant to such localized legislative authority, the Legislature has for the last 20 years pursued a policy of enacting legislation to authorize greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon only in (i) an area with substantial tourist appeal (Mobile County) where greyhound racing was available nearby as a competing attraction in another state and (ii) poor rural counties with high unemployment where greyhound racing would provide economic stimulus and needed tax revenues. Moreover, recognizing that pari-mutuel wagering at race meetings is a regulated business which can succeed financially and recover the substantial capital investment required therefor only if protected from geographically proximate competition, the Legislature has heretofore enacted legislation authorizing pari-mutuel wagering at facilities located only in widely separated areas of the state.

(10) The Legislature has heretofore authorized horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon only in a Class 1 municipality because the size and cost of horse racing facilities, the magnitude of public attendance required for the successful operation of such facilities, and the scope of public improvements and accommodations necessary to serve such facilities could best be provided by a Class 1 municipality and its surrounding area. The Legislature has heretofore been reluctant to authorize greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon for Class 1 municipalities because it was believed that such activities would produce relatively greater economic benefit if reserved for other areas of the state that needed the particular kind of economic stimulus provided thereby.

(11) On the basis of the experience of the Birmingham Racing Commission and its horse racing licensees with the continuing economic failure of horse racing, the Legislature now finds and determines that greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, as a separate activity or in conjunction with horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon at the same racing facilities, must be made available to Class 1 municipalities if the economic objectives and public purposes of Act No. 84-131, as stated in the original legislative declarations and findings therefor, are to be realized. There is ample evidence and experience to support the conclusion that the lower purse structure and other operating costs of greyhound racing, the opportunity to schedule more racing events during a daily performance, and the greater interest and participation of that portion of the general public inclined to engage in pari-mutuel wagering, together with other differences related to the nature and amount of wagering, will promise greater economic success for greyhound racing in Class 1 municipalities than the City of Birmingham has heretofore been able to achieve with horse racing alone.

(12) It is therefore necessary and desirable, and in the best interest of the state and the people resident in Class 1 municipalities and the host county of each thereof, that commissions organized under this chapter be given the additional power to license and regulate greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon for the purpose of enabling the Birmingham Racing Commission to participate fully in the implementation of the modified plan of reorganization that is pending before the bankruptcy court as of the date of these legislative findings and for the further purpose of enabling the City of Birmingham and any other Class 1 municipality to succeed in future efforts to stimulate economic development and generate additional public revenues through pari-mutuel wagering on greyhound racing or horse racing or both. In view of the contribution made by existing greyhound racing operations to the economic well-being of Greene County and Macon County and the importance of these operations as a source of employment for the people of these counties as well as tax revenues for the support of education and other vital public functions, the Legislature deems it desirable to protect the continued viability of greyhound racing in these counties by permitting greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in Class 1 municipalities only on the condition that an operator's license for greyhound racing issued pursuant to this chapter shall restrict advertising by such operator in certain counties from which patrons of the existing greyhound racing operations in Greene County and Macon County are drawn.

(13) It is further necessary and desirable to modify certain provisions of this chapter to assure that both horse racing and greyhound racing, together with pari-mutuel wagering on such activities, shall be licensed, conducted, and regulated in a manner that will not allow communication and other technological changes, together with market developments in the pari-mutuel wagering industry, to be implemented beyond the specific intentions of this chapter, as amended, without additional legislative authorization. In particular, it is important for this chapter, as amended, to provide in express terms, and to be strictly construed as so providing, that so-called "off track betting" or wagering of any kind on any racing event conducted at a racing facility licensed under this chapter, or televised to such racing facility from any other location, shall not be permitted at any location in the state other than a racing facility with a track for conducting live horse racing or greyhound racing that is licensed under the provisions of this chapter. It is further important that the exemption of racing commissions organized under this chapter from the jurisdiction of a state racing commission, as originally provided in this chapter, be repealed in order that the state may have the opportunity to consider and enact legislation that might bring the licensing and regulation of horse racing or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon under the jurisdiction of a state racing commission.

(14) It is further necessary and desirable (i) to permit the qualified voters of the host county of any Class 1 municipality and the qualified voters of such municipality who reside in the host county to determine by an election whether a commission shall be incorporated for such municipality and whether pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing or greyhound racing or both shall be authorized in such municipality, and (ii) in the case of any Class 1 municipality for which the incorporation of a commission and pari-mutuel wagering on either horse racing or greyhound racing, but not both, has been previously approved by an election of the qualified voters of such municipality and the host county, to permit such voters to determine whether the additional activity of pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing or greyhound racing, as the case may be, shall be authorized in that part of such municipality located in the host county.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 1; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 1.)


§ 11-65-2. Definitions.

(a) The following words and phrases used in this chapter, and others evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, shall, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, have the following respective meanings:

(1) ALABAMA-BRED. When this term is used with reference to a horse, it means a horse which is registered in the registry designated and administered by a commission in accordance with such rules concerning domicile and registration requirements as may be established by such commission and which is either (i) foaled from a mare domiciled in the state during the 10-year period beginning with January 1, 1991, or (ii) sired by an Alabama stallion and foaled from a mare domiciled in the state at any time after the expiration of such 10-year period.

(2) ALABAMA STALLION. A stallion which is standing in the state at the time he is bred to the dam of an Alabama-bred horse, which is registered with a commission, and which is owned or leased by a resident of the state. For purposes of this definition, the commission with which any Alabama stallion may be registered shall have the power to prescribe rules and regulations governing the qualifications of residence in the state for the owner or lessor of such stallion and the manner by which such qualifications shall be confirmed to the commission.

(3) BREAKAGE. The odd cents by which the amount payable on each dollar wagered exceeds a multiple of 10 cents.\

(4) BREEDER. The owner of a mare at the time such mare gives birth to an Alabama-bred foal.

(5) BREEDING FUND. A special fund established by a commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-65-34 and any applicable rules and regulations of such commission for the purpose of promoting the breeding, raising, and racing of horses in the state.

(6) BREEDING FUND FEE. A fee payable to a commission by a horse racing operator pursuant to Section 11-65-34 for deposit into the breeding fund established by such commission.

(7) COMMISSION. Any public corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

(8) COMMISSION GREYHOUND WAGERING FEE. The license fee payable to a commission by a greyhound racing operator for a particular calendar year, the amount and payment schedule of which are to be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-65-30.

(9) COMMISSION HORSE WAGERING FEE. The license fee payable to a commission by a horse racing operator for a particular calendar year, the amount and payment schedule of which are to be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-65-30.

(10) COMMISSION MUNICIPAL JURISDICTION. The territory of a sponsoring municipality that is located within the boundaries of the host county.

(11) DISQUALIFIED PERSON. Any of the following shall constitute disqualified persons:

a. Any person who has ever been found guilty in a court of competent jurisdiction of any corrupt or fraudulent act, practice, or conduct in connection with horse or dog racing or any activity involving legal gambling in any state of the United States of America or any other country, or any person who has ever had a license or permit to participate in horse or dog racing or in any activity involving legal gambling denied for just cause, suspended, or revoked in any state of the United States of America or in any other country; or

b. Any person who has ever been found guilty in a court of competent jurisdiction of a felony involving moral turpitude, or who has ever been the subject of injunctive or disciplinary action by any federal or state court or regulatory body charged with protecting the public against fraudulent or illegal conduct; or\

c. Any person who has ever been indicted by three separate grand juries for any felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, even though such indictments did not result in a conviction; or

d. Any person who has ever been made a principal subject, either singly or in conjunction with others, of investigations by either federal or state law enforcement agencies into activities that violate federal or state laws against criminal conspiracy, racketeering, illegal gambling, and other activities associated with organized crime, provided that no person shall be deemed to be a disqualified person because of any such investigations unless they have involved at least three geographically distinct or factually different instances of illegal conduct, or unless they provide convincing grounds, based upon the seriousness and number of alleged offenses, for believing that the person in question has been actively and systematically involved in organized crime and racketeering with one or more persons previously indicted for or convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude; or

e. Any person if a commission determines that, for any reason, it is not in the best interests of the people of the state, the host county, or the sponsoring municipality for such person to own an interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator, or any person if the circuit court of the host county determines, pursuant to a proceeding instituted by the district attorney of the host county under the provisions of Section 11-65-22, that, for any reason, it is not in the best interests of the people of the state, the host county or the sponsoring municipality for such person to own an interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator, provided that any such determination, whether made by the commission or the circuit court, is made pursuant to a hearing of the commission or circuit court, as the case may be, of which such person has notice and an opportunity to be heard; or

f. Any person who owns, directly or indirectly, or holds five percent or more of

1. The combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote or the total value of shares of all classes of stock of a corporation, or

2. The capital interest or the profits interest of a partnership, or

3. The beneficial interest of a trust, estate, or other unincorporated entity, 

if such corporation, partnership, trust, estate, or unincorporated entity, as the case may be, is a person described in any of the foregoing subparagraphs a through e, inclusive; or

g. The brother or sister, niece or nephew, spouse, ancestor, lineal descendent, or any spouse or former spouse of any person described in the foregoing subparagraphs a through f, inclusive; or

h. A corporation, partnership, trust, estate, or other unincorporated entity of which (or in which) five percent or more of

1. The combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote or the total value of shares of all classes of stock of such corporation, or

2. The capital interest or profits interest of such partnership, or

3. The beneficial interest of such trust, estate, or other unincorporated entity is owned, directly or indirectly, or held by one or more persons described in any of the foregoing subparagraphs a through g, inclusive; or

i. Any person who owns, directly or indirectly, or holds five percent or more of

1. The combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote or the total value of shares of all classes of stock of any corporation that is described in any of the foregoing subparagraphs a through h, inclusive, or

2. The capital interest or profits interest of any partnership that is described in any of the foregoing subparagraphs a through h, inclusive, or

3. The beneficial interest of any trust, estate, or other unincorporated entity that is described in any of the foregoing subparagraphs a through h, inclusive; or

j. An officer or director (or an individual having powers or responsibilities similar to those of officers or directors), a general or managing partner, an individual acting as executor, administrator or trustee, or a highly compensated employee, professional advisor, or consultant (in any case earning five percent or more of the aggregate yearly wages or other compensation paid by an employer for professional services), of any person described in any of the foregoing subparagraphs a through i, inclusive; or

k. Any person who owns, directly or indirectly, or holds an interest of five percent or more of the capital or profits in any partnership or joint venture of which any person described in any of the foregoing subparagraphs a through j, inclusive, also has an interest of five percent or more of the capital or profits in such partnership or joint venture.
For purposes of subparagraphs f1, h1 and i1, the ownership of stock, membership interests, and voting power or rights shall be determined in accordance with the rules for constructive ownership of stock under Section 267(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time and successor provisions thereof, except that, for purposes of this paragraph, Section 267(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be treated as providing that the members of the family of an individual are the members listed in subparagraph g.

For purposes of subparagraphs f2 and f3, h2 and h3, and i2 and i3, and k the ownership of profits or beneficial interest shall be determined in accordance with the rules for constructive ownership of stock provided in Section 267(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time and successor provisions thereof (other than Section 267(c)(3)), except that Section 267(c)(4) shall be treated as providing that the members of the family of an individual are the members listed in subparagraph g.
No person shall be deemed to be a disqualified person hereunder unless he is given notice of the determination that he is a disqualified person, together with the reasons therefor, and, upon request filed within ten days of such notice, is granted a hearing before the commission or the circuit court making such determination, is permitted to examine the evidence upon which such determination is based, is permitted to cross-examine any witnesses relied upon in such determination, and is permitted to testify in his own behalf and to present witnesses and other evidence on his behalf in public or closed session, as may be requested by such person. Any determination by a commission shall be subject to appeal as provided in Section 11-65-12 on the record of such hearing.

(12) GREYHOUND RACING HANDLE. When used with reference to any specified period of time, this term means the total amount of all wagers received by a greyhound racing operator for all pari-mutuel pools originated during such period of time with respect to wagering on greyhound racing at the location where such operator is licensed by the commission to conduct greyhound racing (including wagering on greyhound racing events televised to such licensed location from elsewhere).

(13) GREYHOUND RACING OPERATOR. Any corporation, partnership, or other business entity licensed by a commission to conduct greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

(14) HORSE RACING FACILITY LICENSE. A license issued by a commission to own or lease a horse racing facility, or to have and enjoy the use thereof, which is recognized by the commission as effective with respect to a horse racing facility licensee, whether as the result of the original issuance of such license to the licensee, the assignment to the licensee of such license or all or part of any interest therein, or any other legal arrangement providing for the use and enjoyment of such license by the licensee.

(15) HORSE RACING FACILITY LICENSEE. Any person which, through direct issuance by a commission or other legal arrangements accepted or sanctioned by the commission, possesses a horse racing facility license for its use and benefit.

(16) HORSE RACING HANDLE. When used with reference to any specified period of time, this term means the total amount of all wagers received by a horse racing operator for all pari-mutuel pools originated during such period of time with respect to wagering on horse racing at the location where such operator is licensed by the commission to conduct horse racing (including wagering on horse racing events televised to such licensed location from elsewhere).

(17) HORSE RACING OPERATOR. Any corporation, partnership, or other business entity licensed by a commission to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

(18) HOST COUNTY. Any county in which a sponsoring municipality is located. With respect to a sponsoring municipality located in more than one county, this term means the county in which a majority of the residents of the sponsoring municipality reside, as determined by the most recent federal decennial census.

(19) HOST COUNTY HOUSE DELEGATION. With respect to a host county, the members of the House of Representatives of the Legislature of Alabama from those representative districts in which all or a majority of the residents of such district reside in the host county, as determined by the most recent federal decennial census.

(20) HOST COUNTY SENATE DELEGATION. With respect to a host county, the members of the Senate of the Legislature of Alabama from those senatorial districts in which all or a majority of the residents of such district reside in the host county, as determined by the most recent federal decennial census.

(21) MEMBER. A member of a commission.

(22) NET COMMISSION REVENUES. All fees (other than breeding fund fees), commissions and other moneys received by a commission and remaining after the payment of all expenses incurred in the administration of this chapter. This term does not include any state horse wagering fees or state dog racing privilege taxes, which are required to be paid directly to the state by the operator liable therefor.

(23) OPERATOR. As may in the context be appropriate, this term means a horse racing operator or a greyhound racing operator.

(24) PERSON. Any natural person, corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, government or governmental body, political subdivision, or other legal entity as in the context may be possible or appropriate.

(25) RACING DAY. Whether used with reference to horse racing or greyhound racing, this term means a period which begins at 8:00 o'clock, A.M. on any calendar day (including Saturdays) except any Sunday, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day and which continues until 2:00 o'clock, A.M. on the next succeeding calendar day.

(26) RACING FACILITY or RACETRACK FACILITY. When used with respect to any facility located in the state, these terms, and any similar thereto, mean a racetrack at which live horse racing or greyhound racing can be conducted for direct viewing by spectators, together with the viewing stands, pari-mutuel wagering facilities, restaurants, and other physical facilities and improvements that together constitute such racing facility or racetrack facility. Under no circumstances shall the terms racing facility or racetrack facility, or any similar thereto, be construed to refer to any public or private place of assembly or accommodation of any kind (other than a racetrack facility where live horse racing or greyhound racing can be conducted) where so-called "off-track betting" could be conducted.

(27) SPONSORING MUNICIPALITY. Any municipality for which a commission shall be created in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

(28) STALLION OWNER. The owner of a stallion standing in the state at the time he was bred to the dam of an Alabama-bred horse.

(29) STATE. The State of Alabama.

(30) STATE DOG RACING PRIVILEGE TAX. The privilege tax levied by the state pursuant to Chapter 26A, Title 40, on every person engaged in the business of operating a dog racing track.

(31) STATE RACING COMMISSION. Any department, agency, or instrumentality of the state, whether or not constituting a corporate entity separate from the state, that may at any time, whether before or after April 5, 1984, be created, organized or established for the purpose, among other purposes, of licensing, regulating or supervising horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon.

(32) STATE HORSE WAGERING FEE. The license fee payable to the state by a horse racing operator, the amount and payment schedule of which are to be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-65-29 hereof.

(b) The words "herein," "hereby," "hereunder," "hereof," and other equivalent words refer to this chapter as an entirety and not solely to the particular section or portion thereof in which any such word is used. The definitions set forth herein shall be deemed applicable whether the words defined are used in the singular or plural. Whenever used herein any pronoun or pronouns shall be deemed to include both singular and plural and to cover all genders.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 2; Acts 1987, No. 87-615, p. 1069, § 1; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 2.)


§ 11-65-3. Class 1 municipality authorized to create racing commission; status of commission; powers and duties generally; disposition of fees; jurisdiction of State Ethics Commission.

A commission is authorized to be created in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for each Class 1 municipality, as Class 1 municipality is defined in Section 11-40-12 or any successor provision of law. Any commission created for any sponsoring municipality pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be named "The ____________________________ (the name of the sponsoring municipality shall be inserted in the blank) Racing Commission" and shall be a public corporation having a legal existence separate and apart from the state and any county, municipality, or political subdivision thereof. A commission shall be vested with the powers and duties specified in this chapter and all other powers necessary and proper to enable it to execute fully and effectively the purposes of this chapter. Anything contained in this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, no commission shall have any legal authority to license and regulate any racing and wagering activity at facilities located in any part of the sponsoring municipality outside the host county or in any part of the host county outside the sponsoring municipality. Any commission that was authorized by an election held in the sponsoring municipality and the host county prior to April 16, 1991, pursuant to then effective provisions of this chapter and that was validly incorporated pursuant to such authorization shall continue in existence with full powers under this chapter, and the members of such commission shall continue in office for the current terms for which they were respectively appointed or serve ex officio, without further action being required under the provisions of this chapter, as amended subsequently to the date of the incorporation of such commission or the respective beginning dates of such members' current terms of office.

Notwithstanding any provisions hereof which connect the state with the creation and control of a commission, any commission incorporated pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to be part of the state for any purpose, but shall be treated as a public corporation and body politic separate and apart from the state. Except for the state horse wagering fee and the state dog racing privilege tax, all taxes, fees, commissions, and other moneys which a commission shall be authorized by this chapter to charge, levy, or receive or which shall be levied upon or charged for the privilege of conducting horse racing, greyhound racing, or pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall be deemed to be moneys belonging exclusively to such commission, and no allocation or payment of such moneys authorized or mandated by this chapter shall be considered to be an appropriation of moneys belonging to or controlled by the state, the host county, or the sponsoring municipality.

Notwithstanding any provisions hereof which connect a commission with its sponsoring municipality, the host county or any other county or municipality [including, without limitation thereto, the provisions of Section 11-65-4 hereof regarding an election in the host county and the part of the sponsoring municipality located therein to approve the incorporation of a commission and the provisions of Section 11-65-5 hereof providing for (1) the mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality to serve ex officio as one member of a commission or, in lieu of such ex officio service, to appoint a member of such commission and (2) the president or other designated presiding officer of the county commission of the host county to serve ex officio as one member of a commission or, in lieu of such ex officio service, to appoint a member of such commission], any commission incorporated pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to be a local agency or instrumentality of the sponsoring municipality or the host county, but shall be treated as a public corporation and body politic having rights, powers, and duties which, to the extent herein specified, shall be effective without reference to the rights, powers, duties, and territories of the sponsoring municipality and the host county.

Any racing commission incorporated pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the State Ethics Commission and to the provisions of Chapter 25, Title 36, and the members of such racing commission shall be deemed public officials subject to the provisions of said Chapter 25. Any officer or employee of a racing commission shall be deemed a public employee for purposes of said Chapter 25 as and to the extent provided in said Chapter 25.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 3; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 3.)


§ 11-65-4. Elections required to approve incorporation of commission and conduct of racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon.

(a) No commission shall be incorporated for a Class 1 municipality and no horse racing or greyhound racing or pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall be permitted in such municipality pursuant to this chapter unless the incorporation of such commission, together with the conduct of horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or both such activities, shall have been authorized by an election held in the host county in which such incorporation and such racing and wagering activities shall have been approved by both (i) a majority of the votes cast in such election by voters who reside in the host county (including those voters who reside in the sponsoring municipality) and (ii) a majority of the votes cast in such election by voters who reside in the commission municipal jurisdiction. In order to authorize the holding of the required election in the host county, the governing body of any Class 1 municipality desiring to be the sponsoring municipality of a commission may adopt an ordinance or resolution requesting the county commission of the host county to call an election to be held in the host county on the question of incorporating a commission, and in such ordinance or resolution the governing body of the sponsoring municipality shall determine the date of such election, which shall not be less than 45 days nor more than 90 days after the date of the adoption of such ordinance or resolution, and shall further determine which of the following alternatives shall be authorized in the commission municipal jurisdiction by such election: (1) horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon; (2) greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon; or (3) both horse racing and greyhound racing with pari-mutuel wagering on both racing activities. Depending on the alternative selected by the governing body of the sponsoring municipality, the question to be presented to the voters shall be stated on the ballots or voting machine tags substantially as follows:

"Do you favor the creation of a racing commission for the City of ______________________________________ [insert the name of the sponsoring municipality] and the authorization of [insert here one of the following alternatives selected by the governing body of the sponsoring municipality in the ordinance or resolution calling the election]

"horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon"


"greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon"


"both horse racing and greyhound racing, with pari-mutuel wagering on both such racing activities,"

in that part of said city located in ______________________________________ [insert the name of the host county], as provided in Chapter 65, Title 11?"

Yes __________

No __________

The sponsoring municipality shall promptly furnish a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution calling such election to the county commission of the host county, whereupon such county commission shall be required to call an election in the host county to be held on the question and on the date specified in such ordinance or resolution. The election so called shall be held only among the qualified voters of the host county, and no voters of the sponsoring municipality who reside in counties other than the host county shall be permitted to vote in such election. If the majority of the votes cast in such election are "Yes", and if the majority of the votes cast in such election by voters who are residents of the commission municipal jurisdiction are "Yes", then this chapter shall become operative with respect to such municipality, a commission may be incorporated therefor, and the racing and wagering activities authorized by such election shall be legal in the commission municipal jurisdiction, as and to the extent conducted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, but such activities shall continue to be illegal in those parts of the sponsoring municipality outside such jurisdiction. If the majority of the votes cast in such election are "No", or if the majority of the votes cast in such election by voters who are residents of the commission municipal jurisdiction are "No", then this chapter shall have no further effect with respect to such municipality, unless the governing body thereof should later request the county commission of the host county to call another election subject to the provisions of subsection (d).

(b) In any case where an election has been previously held for a sponsoring municipality and the host county thereof in accordance with the then effective provisions of this chapter that authorized either horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, but not both such racing activities, and a commission has been incorporated for such municipality and is in operation, the racing and wagering activity not authorized by such previous election shall not be permitted in such municipality pursuant to this chapter unless the same shall have been authorized by another election held in the host county in which such activity shall have been approved by both (i) a majority of the votes cast in such election by voters who reside in the host county (including those voters who reside in the sponsoring municipality) and (ii) a majority of the votes cast in such election by voters who reside in the commission municipal jurisdiction. In order to authorize the holding of the required election in the host county, the governing body of the sponsoring municipality may adopt an ordinance or resolution requesting the county commission of the host county to call an election to be held on the question of authorizing any racing and wagering activity covered by this chapter that has not theretofore been authorized by an election, and in such ordinance or resolution the governing body of the sponsoring municipality shall determine the date of such election, which shall not be less than 45 days nor more than 90 days after the date of the adoption of such ordinance or resolution, and shall further specify the racing and wagering activity, whether horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, that is to be authorized by such election; provided, however, that, anything contained in this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, in the case of any Class 1 municipality for which horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon has been authorized by an election held prior to April 16, 1991, the governing body of such municipality is hereby mandated to request the county commission of the host county call an election before January 1, 1992, in accordance with the provisions of this section for purpose of determining whether greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall be permitted in the commission municipal jurisdiction. Depending on which racing and wagering activity is to be authorized by the election, the question to be voted on shall be stated on the ballots or voting machine tags substantially as follows:

"Do you favor the authorization of [insert here one of the following alternatives specified by the governing body of the sponsoring municipality in the ordinance or resolution calling the election]

"horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon"


"greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon"

in that part of the City of ______________________________________ [insert the name of the sponsoring municipality] located in [insert the name of the host county], as provided in Chapter 65, Title 11?"

Yes __________

No __________

The sponsoring municipality shall promptly furnish a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution calling such election to the county commission of the host county, whereupon such county commission shall be required to call an election in the host county to be held on the question and on the date specified in such ordinance or resolution. The election so called shall be held only among the qualified voters of the host county, and no voters of the sponsoring municipality who reside in counties other than the host county shall be permitted to vote in such election. If the majority of the votes cast in such election are "Yes", and if the majority of the votes cast in such election by voters who are residents of the commission municipal jurisdiction are "Yes", then the racing and wagering activity authorized by such election, in addition to the racing and wagering activity previously authorized to be conducted in the commission municipal jurisdiction, shall be legal in such jurisdiction, as and to the extent conducted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, but such activity shall continue to be illegal in those parts of the sponsoring municipality outside such jurisdiction. If the majority of the votes cast in such election are "No", or if the majority of the votes cast in such election by voters who are residents of the commission municipal jurisdiction are "No", then the racing and wagering activity that was the subject of such election shall not be legal in the commission municipal jurisdiction, unless the governing body of the sponsoring municipality should later call another election subject to the provisions of subsection (d); provided, however, that the disapproval by the voters in any election of any additional racing and wagering activity to be conducted in the commission municipal jurisdiction shall not revoke or impair any previous authorization for other racing and wagering activity, which authorization shall continue in full force and effect.

(c) The appropriate election officials of the sponsoring municipality and the host county are hereby directed to cooperate in calling and conducting any election held pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) or (b) and in canvassing and declaring the results of such election. Any election called by the sponsoring municipality shall not be held on the date the sponsoring municipality holds an election for its mayor or for two or more members of its governing body. Any such election shall be called, advertised, conducted, and the results thereof canvassed and declared in the manner provided by law for calling, advertising, conducting, and canvassing other county elections on propositions submitted to the voters of the host county and as the governing body of the host county shall provide in the resolution calling such election; provided, however, that, notwithstanding any statute which requires, or might be interpreted to require, notice of such election in the sponsoring municipality to be published more than 30 days before such election, it is hereby expressly provided that the publication of notice of an election at least 30 days prior thereto prescribed by Section 17-7-5 for county elections shall also apply to the publication of notice of such election in the sponsoring municipality. The election officials of the sponsoring municipality and the host county are hereby directed to cooperate in preparing voter lists and establishing polling places that will enable the results of such election in the commission municipal jurisdiction to be separately determined from the results of such election in the host county as a whole. The costs of conducting any election pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) or (b) shall be equitably apportioned between the sponsoring municipality and the host county according to agreement among the respective election officials of each such political subdivision or according to such other statutes as may at the time be applicable to the division of such election costs between the sponsoring municipality and the host county. In the event that the election officials of the sponsoring municipality and the host county cannot agree on a division of election costs and no other statute governs the division of such costs, such costs shall be divided equally among the sponsoring municipality and the host county. The results of any election conducted pursuant to this chapter shall be certified to the Secretary of State, within 30 days after the election returns are canvassed, by the officer then authorized by law to certify proceedings taken by the election commission, board of canvassers, or other body then required by law to canvass and declare the results of elections held in the host county.

(d) One or more subsequent elections may be requested by the governing body of a Class 1 municipality to be called by the county commission of the host county if the question submitted at the preceding election called pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) does not receive the required majority of the votes cast by voters of both the host county and the commission municipal jurisdiction; provided, however, that not more than one election in each calendar year may be requested to be called pursuant to said subsection (a) or (b) by the governing body of any Class 1 municipality. Any such subsequent election shall be called, advertised, conducted, and the results thereof canvassed and declared in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the preceding election called pursuant to said subsection (a) or (b), as the case may be.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 4; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 4.)


§ 11-65-5. Composition of commission; terms; qualifications; removal from office.

(a) Every commission shall have five members, which shall constitute its governing body. All powers of a commission shall be exercised by its members or pursuant to their authorization. The mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality and the president or other designated presiding officer of the county commission of the host county shall each serve as a member ex officio, unless such official exercises his or her right, as provided in subsection (b), to appoint a fixed-term member to serve in lieu of such official. The service of each such official as a member shall begin with the beginning of his or her tenure in such office and shall end with the ending of such tenure or the appointment by such official of a fixed-term member to serve in lieu of his or her ex officio service. The other three members shall be appointed in the manner hereinafter prescribed as soon as may be practicable after the certification to the Secretary of State of a favorable vote at an election called and held pursuant to Section 11-65-4. The Lieutenant Governor of the state, the host county house delegation, and the host county senate delegation shall each appoint one member; provided, however, that the provisions of this chapter conferring upon the Lieutenant Governor of the state the power to appoint one member of each commission are hereby expressly declared to be severable from the other provisions of this chapter, and if the provisions conferring such power upon the Lieutenant Governor shall be determined by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid because of any defect in the notice required to be published with respect to this chapter by Sections 106 and 110 of the Constitution of Alabama, as amended, or to be invalid for any other reason, such determination shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remaining provisions of this chapter, and in such case, the mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality shall have the right to appoint the member of each commission that, absent such determination, would have been appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, all subject to the same terms and conditions herein that would be applicable to an appointment made by the Lieutenant Governor. The appointments of members by the host county house delegation and the host county senate delegation shall be made at meetings of the members of the respective delegations held pursuant to the call of the mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality, who shall provide the members of each delegation with written notice of any such meeting at least ten days prior to the date set therefor. All meetings of the host county house delegation or the host county senate delegation called and held pursuant to this chapter shall be open to the public. Any appointment of a member by the host county house delegation or the host county senate delegation must be approved by a majority of the members of such delegation voting in person at a public meeting called and held pursuant to this chapter. Any meeting of the host county house delegation or the host county senate delegation at which fewer than a majority of the members of such delegation are present, or at which no appointment of a member is made because of a failure to obtain the approval of a majority of the members of such delegation, may be adjourned to a future time and place announced at such meeting; provided that, if either delegation fails to appoint a member within 30 days of the date of the first meeting called for the purpose of such appointment, the right of such delegation to appoint a member shall terminate and such appointment shall be made as soon thereafter as practicable by the mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality.

(b) The mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality and the president or other designated presiding officer of the county commission of the host county shall each have the right, exercisable in his or her discretion and at any time during his or her tenure as such official, to appoint a member of the commission to serve in lieu of such appointing official for a fixed term from the effective date of such appointment until the end of the current term of office of the appointing official. Any such appointed member shall, during his or her term, exercise the full rights and powers of a member of the commission that the appointing official would have possessed if he or she had chosen to serve as an ex officio member. Any such appointed member shall also comply with the qualifications set forth in subsection (f), except that the mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality may, in his or her discretion, appoint a member of the governing body of the sponsoring municipality to serve as a fixed-term member of the commission, and the president or other designated presiding officer of the county commission of the host county may, in his or her discretion, appoint a member of the county commission to serve as a fixed-term member of the commission.

(c) The mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality and the president or other designated presiding officer of the county commission of the host county shall have the right, exercisable in the discretion of each such official and at any time and from time to time during his or her tenure as such official, to appoint a deputy member of the commission to represent such ex officio member in connection with the business of the commission. In the event that, pursuant to subsection (b), a member of the governing body of the sponsoring municipality is appointed as a fixed-term member of the commission or a member of the county commission of the host county is appointed as a fixed-term member of the commission, then each such appointed member shall have the same right to appoint a deputy member as would belong to the appointing official if he or she chose service as an ex officio member. Any deputy member shall be appointed by a letter signed by the appointing member and filed with the executive secretary of the commission, which letter shall specify the period of time for which such deputy member shall be appointed or, if not for a period of time, the particular meeting or other business for which he or she shall be appointed. Any deputy member shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing member, and his or her appointment may be revoked at any time during the term of office of the appointing member by a letter signed by the appointing member and filed with the executive secretary of the commission. The appointment of any deputy member shall be automatically revoked when the appointing member ceases to be a member of the commission for any reason. Each member of the commission entitled to appoint a deputy member may, during his or her term of office, appoint and remove from office as many deputy members as he or she may choose, provided that at any given time such member may have no more than one validly appointed deputy member. Any deputy member shall comply with the qualifications set forth in subsection (f), except that the mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality or any fixed-term member appointed to serve in lieu of such official, may, in his or her discretion, appoint a member of the governing body of the sponsoring municipality or a full-time officer or employee of such municipality to serve as deputy member, and the president or other designated presiding officer of the county commission of the host county or any fixed-term member appointed to serve in lieu of such official may, in his or her discretion, appoint a member of the county commission of the host county or a full-time officer or employee of such county to serve as deputy member. Any deputy member validly appointed and serving in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be entitled to exercise all powers and perform all functions and duties of the member who appointed such deputy member, including, without limitation, the right to vote on all matters coming before the commission when such appointing member is not present.

(d) The member to be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor of the state shall be appointed for a term beginning immediately upon his appointment and ending at noon on July 1 in the third calendar year next following the calendar year in which the election authorizing the incorporation of the commission shall be conducted; the member to be appointed by the host county house delegation shall be appointed for a term beginning immediately upon his appointment and ending at noon on July 1 in the fourth calendar year next following the calendar year in which the election authorizing the incorporation of the commission shall be conducted; the member to be appointed by the host county senate delegation shall be appointed for a term beginning immediately upon his appointment and ending at noon on July 1 in the fifth calendar year next following the calendar year in which the election authorizing the incorporation of the commission shall be conducted. Thereafter, the term of office of each appointed member shall be five years, commencing at noon on the July 1 on which the term of the immediate predecessor member shall end.

(e) If at any time there shall be a vacancy among the appointed members of a commission (i.e., those members who do not serve ex officio), a successor member shall be appointed to serve for the unexpired term applicable to such vacancy; provided, however, that any official entitled ex officio (e.g., the mayor of the sponsoring municipality or the president of the county commission of the host county) to a vacant membership previously held by a member appointed in lieu of such official may, instead of appointing a successor, resume his or her ex officio membership by filing written notice to that effect with the Secretary of State and the executive secretary of the commission. The appointment of each member appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, the host county house delegation, or the host county senate delegation, as the case may be (other than those initially appointed), whether for a full five-year term or to complete an unexpired term, shall be made by the officer or legislative delegation responsible for the appointment of the member whose term shall have expired or is to expire or in whose position a vacancy otherwise exists and shall be made not earlier than 30 days prior to the date on which such member is to take office as such. If the term of any such member shall expire prior to the reappointment of such member or prior to the appointment of his successor, such member shall continue to serve until his successor is appointed, and if such member is reappointed for a new term after the expiration of the immediately preceding term which he has been serving, his new term of office shall be deemed to have commenced at noon on the July 1 on which the immediately preceding term shall have expired. Any member appointed pursuant to subsection (b) shall not serve beyond the term for which appointed, and upon the expiration of such term, the position previously held by such member shall immediately revert to the official entitled thereto by reason of his or her office, and such official shall continue as ex officio member of the commission until the expiration of his or her current term of office, the vacation of such office prior to the expiration thereof, or the appointment of someone pursuant to said subsection (b) to serve as a member in lieu of such official, as the case may be. Members appointed by any appointing authority shall be eligible for reappointment without limit as to the number of terms previously served. In the event that any appointments required to be made by the Lieutenant Governor, the host county house delegation, or the host county senate delegation are not made within 60 days after the certification to the Secretary of State of a favorable vote at an election called and held pursuant to this chapter (in the case of initial appointments), or within 30 days of the end of a term or other vacancy, then a vacancy shall be filled or a successor member appointed by a majority of the members of the commission holding appointments already made or serving as ex officio members. Appointments shall be evidenced by a written certificate executed by the appointing official, or, in the case of appointments made by a majority of the other members, by a certificate signed by the members making such appointment, or, in the case of appointments made by a legislative delegation, by the members of the delegation voting for such appointment or by a member of the delegation designated to serve as the secretary of the meeting at which such appointment is made and to report the results thereof to the Secretary of State. The certificates evidencing the appointment of members of a commission shall be addressed and delivered to the Secretary of State, who shall maintain the originals of such certificates as official records in his office, and copies of such certificates shall be furnished to the executive secretary of the commission.

(f) Each appointed member of any commission shall have been a resident of the host county for a period of at least five years prior to his or her appointment and shall, at the time of his or her appointment and at all times during his or her term of office, be a resident of the host county and a qualified elector of the state, and a failure by any appointed member to remain so qualified during such term of office shall cause a vacancy of the office of such member. Except as otherwise provided in subsections (b) and (c), no person serving as a member of the Legislature of the state, serving as a member of the governing body of any municipality, county, or other political subdivision of the state, or holding a full-time office or position of employment with the United States of America, the state, any county, or municipality in the state, or any instrumentality, agency, or subdivision of any of the foregoing, shall be eligible for appointment as a member or deputy member of a commission. Service by any person as a member, director, trustee, or other participant in the management or administration of any governmental agency, board, or commission, or public educational institution, or other public body of the United States of America, the state, or any county or municipality or other political subdivision shall not render such person ineligible for appointment as a member of a commission unless such service constitutes full-time employment. Each appointed member shall be of good moral character and shall never have been convicted of a felony or other offense involving moral turpitude. Each appointed member of a commission shall make and submit to the appointing officer or legislative delegation responsible for his or her appointment an affidavit confirming his or her qualifications, as set forth in the preceding provisions of this subsection, to serve as a member of a commission, which affidavit shall be filed with the Secretary of State along with the aforesaid certificate evidencing such appointment. Any appointed member of a commission who in such affidavit intentionally makes a false statement of material fact or intentionally fails to disclose any information necessary to make any statement of material fact made therein not misleading shall be guilty of perjury and shall be subject to prosecution and punishment therefor in the same manner as if he had committed perjury as a witness in open court.

(g) Any person who is an appointed member of a commission shall be deemed to vacate his or her office as such member by (1) the acceptance of any office or employment which, had such person held such office or been so employed at the time of his or her appointment as a member, would have rendered such person ineligible for appointment as a member or (2) the occurrence of any event or circumstance involving the character of such person which, had such event or circumstance occurred prior to the time of his or her appointment as a member, would have precluded such appointment. Any appointed member may be impeached and removed from office as a member of a commission in the same manner and on the same grounds provided in Section 175 of the Constitution of Alabama, or successor provision thereof, and the general laws of the state for impeachment and removal of the public officers subject to said Section 175 or successor provision thereof. The mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality and the president or other designated presiding officer of the county commission of the host county may not be impeached and removed from office as a member of a commission apart from their impeachment and removal from their respective offices by virtue of which, ex officio, they serve as members.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 5; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 5.)


§ 11-65-6. Incorporation of commission.

The five persons initially designated as members of a commission shall become a corporation with the power and authority provided in this chapter by proceeding according to the provisions of this chapter. To become a corporation, the persons so designated shall present to the Secretary of State an application signed by them which shall contain the following:

(1) A statement that the applicants propose to incorporate a commission pursuant to this chapter;

(2) The name and principal residence of each of the applicants;

(3) The date on which each applicant who is not an ex officio member was appointed as a member and the expiration date of the term for which he was appointed;

(4) The term of office for each applicant who is an ex officio member;

(5) The name of the proposed corporation, which shall be "The ________________ [name of the sponsoring municipality] Racing Commission";

(6) The location of the principal office of the proposed corporation, which shall be in the sponsoring municipality; and

(7) Any other matter relating to such commission which the applicants may choose to insert and which is not inconsistent with this chapter or the laws of the state.

The application shall be subscribed and sworn to by each of the applicants before an officer authorized by the laws of the state to take acknowledgments to deeds. The Secretary of State shall examine the application and determine if the certificate of the appropriate election officials has been filed with his office, as required by Section 11-65-4, confirming the results of the election which authorizes the incorporation of the commission and empowers it to license and regulate racing activities and pari-mutuel wagering thereon. If the Secretary of State finds that the application for incorporation of a commission substantially complies with the requirements of this section and that the certified results of the election show the required approval for such incorporation, he shall receive, file, and record such application in an appropriate book of records in his office.

When the application has been made, filed, and recorded as herein provided, the applicants shall constitute a corporation under the name stated in the application, without the necessity of any further action under any other laws of the state applicable to the creation of corporations, and the Secretary of State shall make and issue to the applicants a certificate of incorporation pursuant to this chapter, under the great seal of the state, and shall record the certificate with the application and the certificate of election results. There shall be no fees paid to the Secretary of State for any work done in connection with the incorporation or dissolution of any commission. Once authorized by the election required by Section 11-65-4 and incorporated, a commission may not be dissolved except pursuant to general act of the Legislature applicable to such commission.

To the extent that additional powers to license and regulate racing are authorized for a commission by any election held pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 11-65-4, the certificate of the appropriate election officials confirming the results of such election that is required to be submitted to the Secretary of State shall be filed with and shall constitute part of the permanent records pertaining to the corporate existence and powers of the commission, and such additional powers authorized by such election may be exercised by the commission without any requirement that the commission apply to the Secretary of State for an amendment to its certificate of incorporation reflecting such additional powers or that a certificate of amendment be issued by the Secretary of State.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 6; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 6.)


§ 11-65-7. General provisions respecting members of commission.

No member shall vote on or participate in the discussion or consideration of any matter coming before a commission in which he, his immediate family, or any business enterprise with which he is associated has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest; provided, however, that when any such matter is brought before a commission, any member having an interest therein which may be in conflict with his obligations as a member shall immediately make a complete disclosure to such commission of any direct or indirect pecuniary interest he may have in such matter prior to removing himself and withdrawing from the commission's deliberations and vote on the matter presented. In furtherance, and not in limitation of the foregoing provision, no member or employee of a commission, and no spouse, child, parent, brother, or sister of any such member or employee, (1) shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in any racing facility, business, or operation which is subject to the provisions of this chapter, or in any entity which has submitted an application for a license under this chapter, or in the operation of any wagering authorized under this chapter, (2) shall be an employee of any licensee or permit holder of the commission, or (3) shall participate as the owner of any horse or greyhound participating in any race or otherwise be interested in the outcome of any race subject to the jurisdiction of a commission or have any pecuniary interest in the purse or prize contested for in any such race. No appointed member or officer of a commission (e.g., any member or officer of a commission who does not serve as such by reason of his holding another office), no employee of a commission, and no spouse, child, parent, brother, or sister of any such appointed member or officer or of any such employee, shall make, or cause to be made on his or her behalf, any contribution to any holder of any office of the state or any office of the sponsoring municipality or the host county of such commission or any contribution to any candidate for any such office.

The mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality and the president or other designated presiding officer of the county commission of the host county shall perform the duties of a member of a commission, ex officio, without any compensation other than that to which they are respectively entitled as such municipal or county officers, and any member of a commission who is appointed by either of such officials pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-65-5 and who is a member of the governing body of the sponsoring municipality or the host county shall likewise perform his or her duties as such member without any compensation other than that to which he or she is entitled as a member of such municipal or county governing body. Except as otherwise provided in the preceding sentence and to the extent not in conflict with Section 280 of the Constitution of Alabama, appointed members of a commission, including deputy members appointed pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 11-65-5, shall be entitled to such compensation for their services as the commission shall from time to time provide by duly adopted resolution, provided that no appointed member or deputy member of a commission shall receive more than $100.00 for each day or part thereof spent in the performance of his duties. Each member, whether appointed or serving ex officio, shall be reimbursed for his or her reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties as a member of a commission. The compensation and expenses of members and deputy members shall be paid out of the funds of a commission in accordance with such rules as shall be from time to time adopted by such commission.

A majority of the members (including any member represented by a deputy member) of a commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by such commission, and, in the absence of a rule incorporated in the bylaws of a commission that, in certain circumstances, may require the favorable vote of a designated percentage of all the members of a commission, decisions shall be made on the basis of a majority of the quorum then present and voting, with each member to have a single vote. No vacancy in the membership of a commission or the voluntary disqualification or abstention of any member thereof shall impair the right of a quorum to exercise all of the powers and duties of the commission.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 7; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 7.)


§ 11-65-8. Officers of commission.

The officers of a commission shall consist of a chairman, vice-chairman, executive secretary, treasurer, and such other officers as the commission shall deem necessary or appropriate. The chairman and vice-chairman of a commission shall be elected by the commission from the membership thereof. The executive secretary shall be appointed as provided in Section 11-65-10. A commission may appoint the principal financial officer of the sponsoring municipality as the treasurer of such commission or it may appoint its executive secretary as treasurer and combine the duties of the two offices, or it may appoint and employ a treasurer as provided in Section 11-65-10.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 8; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 8.)


§ 11-65-9. Treasurer of commission; investment of funds of commission.

The treasurer of a commission shall collect all the fees, commissions, and other moneys provided for in this chapter, and shall supervise, check, and audit the operation of the pari-mutuel wagering pools and the conduct and distribution thereof. A commission may appoint the principal financial officer of the sponsoring municipality as the treasurer, in which case such officer shall perform the duties of treasurer, without any compensation other than that to which he or she is entitled as the principal financial officer of such sponsoring municipality, but he or she shall be reimbursed for expenses actually incurred in the performance of his or her duties as treasurer of a commission. The treasurer of a commission shall, with the approval of the commission, determine the managerial, accounting, and clerical personnel that are necessary to keep the books and records of such commission and to perform the audit and other financial functions for such commission authorized or contemplated by this chapter. If the commission appoints the principal financial officer of the sponsoring municipality as the treasurer of the commission, such managerial, accounting and clerical personnel may, as and to the extent approved by the commission, be employees of such sponsoring municipality and shall perform their duties with respect to the commission under the supervision of such principal financial officer in his capacity as treasurer of the commission. The number, qualifications, and compensation of personnel employed by the sponsoring municipality to perform all financial functions for a commission shall be subject to the approval of such commission, as well as to such other laws and regulations as may be applicable to such personnel as employees of such sponsoring municipality. A commission shall reimburse the sponsoring municipality for the costs and expenses incurred in the performance of any financial functions for such commission, including a reasonable allowance for the time of the principal financial officer of such sponsoring municipality devoted to the business of such commission as its treasurer.

The funds of a commission which it determines are not then needed to discharge its obligations or to make the disbursements provided for in Sections 11-65-34 and 11-65-36 may be invested in such of the following investments as its treasurer, acting at the direction of or with the approval of the commission, may determine to be most advantageous or convenient:

(1) Any time deposit with, or any certificate of deposit issued by, or any acceptance by, any bank which is organized under the laws of the United States of America or any state thereof and deposits in which are insured, in whole or in part, by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States of America that may succeed to the functions of such corporation;

(2) Any direct, general obligation of the United States of America;

(3) Any obligation payment of the principal of and interest on which is unconditionally guaranteed by the United States of America;

(4) Any direct, general obligation of, or any obligation payment of the principal of and interest on which is unconditionally guaranteed by, any agency or instrumentality of the United States of America (including, without limitation, the Federal National Mortgage Association); and

(5) Any repurchase agreement or reverse repurchase agreement with any bank which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (or any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States of America that may succeed to the functions of such corporation) or with any government bond dealer reporting to and trading with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, provided that such agreement is secured by obligations or securities described in clauses (1), (2), (3), and (4) of this sentence.

Funds of a commission not invested in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be deposited in a bank the principal office of which shall be located in the sponsoring municipality and the deposits of which shall be insured, in whole or in part, by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States of America that may succeed to the functions of such corporation.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 9; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 9.)


§ 11-65-10. Powers and duties of commission.

When authorized by one or more elections as provided in Section 11-65-4, a commission shall have the powers and duties necessary to license, regulate, and supervise horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon and greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon within the commission municipal jurisdiction, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the powers and duties hereinafter set forth in this section or in other sections of this chapter.

(1) A commission shall have succession in perpetuity, subject only to the provisions of this chapter as it may be amended from time to time.

(2) A commission shall have the power to sue and be sued in its own name in civil suits and actions and to defend suits against it.

(3) A commission shall have the power to adopt and make use of an official seal and to alter the same at pleasure.

(4) A commission shall have the power to adopt, alter, and repeal bylaws, regulations and rules, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business.

(5) A commission shall have the power to make, execute, and perform such contracts, agreements, and other instruments and to take such other actions as may be necessary or convenient to accomplish its purposes and perform its duties under the provisions of this chapter, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the power to enter into a contract, on such terms as it shall deem desirable, to grant a license to own, or to have the use of, a horse racing facility, a license to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, a license to conduct greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, or any other license or permit to a person meeting the qualifications prescribed by this chapter for such license or permit. Any contract of a commission shall be valid and enforceable with respect to any action which may at any time be authorized by law, even if the authority to perform such action was authorized by a law enacted after the making of such contract.

(6) A commission shall have the power

a. to borrow money from any source, including the sponsoring municipality (which is hereby authorized to lend such money to its related commission), for the purpose of paying expenses that may be reasonably incurred in carrying out its duties in advance of the receipt of fees, commissions and other moneys payable to it under the provisions of this chapter and

b. to pledge as security for the payment of the principal of and interest on the money so borrowed all or any of such fees, commissions, and other moneys, which pledge shall be prior to any and all claims to such fees, commissions, and other moneys from any intended recipients of breeding fund fees pursuant to Section 11-65-34 hereof or from any intended recipients of the net commission revenues pursuant to Section 11-65-36 hereof; provided, however, that no commission shall be entitled, pursuant to this subdivision, to borrow, or to allow to remain outstanding at any time, a principal amount in excess of (i) $500,000.00 or (ii) the amount which the commission estimates will be its total operating expenses for the next three years, whichever of such amounts is the lesser.

(7) A commission shall establish and maintain a general business office within the commission municipal jurisdiction for the transaction of its business at a place to be determined by such commission. A commission shall meet at such times and places within its sponsoring municipality as it shall determine.

(8) A commission shall be vested with supervision and authority over all horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon and all greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon that it shall license under the provisions of this chapter and over all persons conducting, participating in, or attending such licensed activities. A commission shall employ such persons to be present at all occasions when licensed activities are conducted and to exercise such duties of surveillance and control as shall be necessary to ensure that they are conducted with order and the highest degree of integrity. A commission may eject or exclude from any racing facility where licensed activities are being conducted, or from any part thereof, any person, whether or not possessing a permit from the commission, whose conduct or reputation is such that his or her presence may, in the reasonable opinion of the commission or its agents, pose a threat to, interfere with, or reflect adversely upon, the order and integrity of such licensed activities. By the act of giving any operator a license to conduct activities regulated under this chapter, a commission shall be deemed to have authorized and directed the operator to maintain and enforce, subject to compliance with the rules and regulations of the commission, the same degree of order and integrity which it is the right and duty of the commission to maintain and enforce, including the same right as that of the commission to eject or exclude from the racing facility covered by such license, or from any part thereof, any person, whether or not possessing a permit from the commission, whose conduct or reputation is such that his or her presence may, in the reasonable opinion of the operator or its agents, pose a threat to, interfere with or reflect adversely upon, the order and integrity of the licensed activities conducted by the operator; provided, however, that the commission shall have no liability for any actions taken by an operator or its agents with respect to maintaining and enforcing the order and integrity of the licensed activities conducted by such operator.

(9) From the fees, commissions, fines, and other moneys available for the payment of a commission's expenses, the commission shall pay all salaries and other employment expenses of its employees and agents, in whatever capacity or for whatever purpose employed, and whether employed in connection with the regulation and conduct of horse racing, greyhound racing, or pari-mutuel wagering, and the commission shall not have the right, whether attempted to be implemented by regulation, order, or contract, to require a licensed operator under its jurisdiction to pay, or to reimburse the commission for the payment of, any of the salaries or other employment expenses of the commission's employees and agents; provided, however, that the requirements and limitations of this subdivision shall not be interpreted to diminish the authority of the commission to require any licensed operator to employ, at the expense of the operator, such qualified personnel (the selection and determination of the qualifications of such personnel to be mutually acceptable to the operator and the commission) as shall be reasonably necessary to ensure that all licensed activities conducted by the operator are conducted with order, security, and the highest degree of integrity in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations of the commission.

(10) A commission shall have the power to compel a horse racing facility licensee or an operator to file with the commission such periodic reports, in form and content prescribed by duly adopted rules and regulations of the commission, as shall be reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter and the performance of the commission's duties. A commission and its representatives and employees shall visit, investigate, and have free access to the office, track, facilities or other place of business of an operator, and may compel the production of any of an operator's books, documents, or records to the extent that such materials are relevant to a determination that such operator is faithfully complying with the provisions of this chapter and the commission's rules and regulations. By duly adopted rules and regulations or by specific order entered after appropriate hearings and findings, a commission may require that it be provided the following information or materials:

a. An operator shall provide financial reports, verified by the sworn statement of the operator's chief executive officer or chief financial officer, for such periods as the commission may require showing

1. the horse racing handle and the commission horse wagering fee for such period,

2. the payments, by appropriate categories of wagers, to winning participants in pari-mutuel pools for horse racing during such period, including accounting for unclaimed, uncashed, or abandoned pari-mutuel tickets,

3. the purses paid for horse racing during such period,

4. the breeding fund fee payable for such period,

5. the greyhound racing handle and the commission greyhound wagering fee for such period,

6. the payments, by appropriate categories of wagers, to winning participants in pari-mutuel pools for greyhound racing during such period, including accounting for unclaimed, uncashed, or abandoned pari-mutuel tickets,

7. the proceeds of the admission tax levied pursuant to Section 11-65-33 and remitted to the sponsoring municipality, and

8. such other information concerning the revenues and disbursements of the operator as shall be necessary to verify compliance with the provisions of this chapter concerning horse racing, greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon;

provided that the operator shall file with the commission, not less than 90 days after the end of each calendar year, a financial report covering the foregoing information for such year which shall be audited and certified by an independent accounting firm selected by the operator and approved by the commission. Neither a horse racing facility licensee nor an operator shall be required to furnish the commission complete financial statements that disclose the net worth of such licensee or operator, its net income for any period or other confidential information, unless for good cause it can be shown that such information is necessary to enforce compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Any financial information disclosing the net worth or net income of a horse racing facility licensee or an operator, or making it possible to compute the same, which comes into the possession of a commission shall not be public information and shall be protected against public disclosure to the same extent that the tax returns of any taxpayer are protected against public disclosure by the provisions of Section 40-2A-10.

b. In order to enable the commission to monitor and enforce the provisions of this chapter prohibiting the ownership by any disqualified person of an interest in any horse racing facility licensee or an operator, the commission may require such licensee or operator (i) to provide a list of all persons owning any interest therein and identifying those who own more than five percent of the total ownership interest and those, if any, who own more than fifty percent of such ownership interest and (ii) to update such list with changes in ownership at reasonable intervals to be determined by the commission, taking into account whether such ownership interests are publicly owned and traded or whether they are closely held; provided, however, that neither a horse racing facility licensee nor an operator shall be required to disclose the exact percentage of ownership interest in such licensee or operator held by any person to any extent other than that such interest is five percent or less, more than five percent but less than or equal to fifty percent, or greater than fifty percent.

c. The names and addresses of all persons from which an operator shall obtain goods and services of any kind having an aggregate value of more than $10,000 in any single calendar year, together with copies of all written contracts that involve more than a single transaction or the delivery of goods or the performance of services over a period of time.

In any case where a horse racing facility licensee or an operator, pursuant to demand or order of the commission, shall file with the commission, whether voluntarily or under protest, information that such licensee or operator asserts is confidential in a written statement submitted to the commission with such information, then, in such case, if such information is not expressly required to be furnished as public information to the commission by any provision of this chapter, the commission shall protect such information against public disclosure to the same extent that the tax returns of any taxpayer are protected against public disclosure by the provisions of Section 40-2A-10. In no event shall the commission make or allow public disclosure of any information asserted to be confidential by a horse racing facility licensee or an operator, unless such public disclosure shall be ordered by the circuit court of the host county after a hearing in which such licensee or operator shall have had the opportunity to present reasons why it is entitled to a protective order prohibiting or limiting such public disclosure. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to deny access to any information which would otherwise be available to the Attorney General, the district attorney or any other law enforcement official in connection with a criminal investigation or prosecution.

(11) Any contract proposed to be entered into by an operator that involves consideration having an aggregate value of $10,000 or more and that involves more than a single transaction or the delivery of goods or the performance of services over a period of time shall be submitted to the commission before the execution thereof by the operator or within five business days after such execution and shall be subject to the approval of the commission licensing such operator before such contract shall have permanent effect. In approving any contract the commission shall not inquire into or make any judgment regarding the commercial terms of such contract, and its power to disapprove a contract shall be limited to those cases in which it determines that a party to the contract is a disqualified person. Any contract not approved within 30 days of its submission to the commission shall be deemed approved, unless prior to the expiration of such 30-day period the commission shall adopt a resolution stating that it disapproves the contract because it has reasonable cause for believing that a party to the contract is a disqualified person. A certified copy of such resolution shall be promptly furnished to the operator and to the contracting party whom the commission believes to be a disqualified person, whereupon either the operator or such contracting party, or both, shall have the option of terminating the contract or appealing the action of the commission to the circuit court pursuant to Section 11-65-12. In the event that the disapproval of any contract by the commission is not ultimately set aside by the circuit court pursuant to an appeal, the contract shall be valid and lawful for that portion thereof which is performed during the cumulative period, not exceeding 60 days, allowed for the commission's review and disapproval and the operator's appeal of the commission's action.

(12) A commission shall adopt and publish reasonable rules, regulations, and conditions under which all types of racing subject to its jurisdiction and pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall be conducted in the sponsoring municipality, and such other reasonable regulations as it deems necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that no commission shall promulgate rules and regulations which require the disclosure of confidential information concerning the financial affairs and ownership of a horse racing facility licensee or an operator that is not required to be disclosed by the express provisions of this chapter. Such rules and regulations may include reasonable penalties for violations which shall be in the nature of civil and not criminal penalties.

(13) A commission may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses before it, administer oaths, and compel production of records or other documents and testimony of such witnesses whenever such commission finds it necessary and appropriate so to do in order to carry out its duties under this chapter or to enforce the provisions of this chapter or rules or regulations adopted pursuant hereto.

(14) A commission shall be the primary, but not exclusive, law enforcement agency to enforce the provisions of this chapter, shall investigate all violations of the provisions of this chapter coming to its attention, shall report its investigative findings of all criminal violations of the provisions of this chapter to the district attorney of the host county or to the Attorney General of the state when appropriate, and shall have the power to enter into arrangements with any governmental or nongovernmental agency or association for the purposes of exchanging information, establishing security forces or performing or facilitating any other action to ensure the proper conduct of licensed activities under this chapter. The commission shall have the power and duty to maintain the confidentiality of information obtained in its own investigations or received from other law enforcement agencies, all to the extent required by law or agreement with such agencies or as may be deemed necessary or desirable by the commission.

(15) A commission shall have the power to demand and obtain for its files the fingerprints of the following persons, which fingerprints may be taken by a representative of a law-enforcement agency of the county, state, or federal government, by inspectors of such commission or by such qualified private security agency as such commission may designate:

a. All members, officers, and employees of such commission;

b. Every person who is an officer, director, partner, or other principal of a corporation, partnership, or other entity which holds a license from the commission, and every employee of such a licensee whose duties relate to the businesses of horse racing or greyhound racing in the sponsoring municipality;

c. All owners of horses, owners of greyhounds, trainers, jockeys, apprentices, stable or kennel employees, managers, agents, blacksmiths, veterinarians, and other persons who actively participate in the racing activities of any operator; and

d. All other persons whose relationship to horse racing or greyhound racing or wagering activities under the jurisdiction of the commission is of such nature that the commission, in the exercise of reasonable judgment, believes that it would be prudent to obtain the fingerprints of such persons.

(16) A commission shall report annually to the governing body of its sponsoring municipality and to such state and federal authorities as shall be required by law.

(17) Except as otherwise provided in subdivisions (10) and (12), all books, records, maps, documents, and papers of a commission, including those filed with such commission as well as those prepared by or for it, shall at all times be open for the personal inspection of any officer of the state, the sponsoring municipality or the host county or any official investigative body or committee of any thereof, and no person having charge or custody thereof shall refuse this right to any officer or investigative body or committee, and it shall be the express duty of such person to assist such officer or committee in locating records or information. If any member of a commission violates the provisions of this subdivision, he or she shall be subject to removal from office.

(18) Subject to the provisions of Section 11-65-11, a commission shall appoint an executive secretary, a treasurer (subject, in the case of the treasurer, to the provisions of Section 11-65-9), and such other employees as it deems essential to perform its duties under this chapter. Such employees shall possess such authority and perform such duties as the commission shall prescribe or delegate to them. Such employees may include stewards for horse racing, judges for greyhound racing, chemists, veterinarians, inspectors, accountants, guards, and such other employees deemed by the commission to be necessary for the supervision and the proper conducting of horse racing and greyhound racing in accordance with the highest standards. Such employees shall be compensated as provided by the commission.

(19) The executive secretary of a commission, in addition to any other duties prescribed by such commission, shall keep a true and full record of all proceedings of such commission and shall preserve at the commission's general office all books, documents, and papers of the commission.

(20) A commission shall have the authority to employ legal counsel of its choice to advise the commission and represent it in all proceedings. The compensation of such counsel shall be paid out of the funds of the commission.

(21) A commission shall have the authority (i) to expend funds to promote tourism and attendance at horse racing and greyhound racing events under its jurisdiction and (ii) to appropriate, pledge, and pay funds to the sponsoring municipality or the host county, in a single year or for a term of years, for the reimbursement of costs at any time incurred by the sponsoring municipality or the host county (including an allowance for interest on such costs at the rate of eight percent per annum from the date such costs were incurred to the date of reimbursement) in providing roads, bridges, lighting, drainage, water mains, sewers, and other public improvements that, in whole or in part, serve racing facilities under the commission's jurisdiction or, alternatively, the reimbursement of installments of principal of and interest on debt at any time incurred by the sponsoring municipality or the host county to pay the costs of such improvements. As a condition to any agreement or undertaking by a commission to make any appropriation, pledge, or payment pursuant to clause (ii) of the preceding sentence, the governing body of the sponsoring municipality or the host county, as the case may be, shall adopt a resolution addressed to such commission requesting the reimbursement of the costs of specified improvements or the reimbursement of debt service on debt incurred to pay the costs of specified improvements, and such resolution shall be submitted to such commission together with a verified statement of the mayor of the sponsoring municipality or the president of the county commission of the host county, as the case may be, showing the costs of the improvements, the dates on which such costs were respectively incurred, and, if reimbursement for debt service is requested, the principal amount of debt in question and the date it was incurred, the principal maturities of such debt, the rate or rates of interest borne by such debt, and any agreements providing for the payment of any portion of such costs or debt service by any other entities, whether public or private. A commission shall determine, in the exercise of its discretion, whether to comply with any such request for reimbursement, in whole or in part, and subject to compliance with the conditions of this subdivision, such commission shall have all necessary authority to enter into such agreements as shall be necessary to assure the performance of such reimbursement obligations as it agrees to undertake. If a private entity has a valid and enforceable obligation to pay any portion of such costs or debt service, a commission shall not reimburse the sponsoring municipality or the host county, as the case may be, for the portion of such costs or debt service for which such private entity shall be obligated, and if a public entity has a valid and enforceable obligation to pay any portion of such costs or debt service, a commission shall make such arrangements as shall assure that any reimbursement to, or for the account of, the sponsoring municipality or the host county for any portion of such costs or debt service paid by such public entity shall be remitted to such public entity in order to avoid duplicate reimbursement of the same amount to the sponsoring municipality or the host county. All expenditures, appropriations, and payments made by a commission pursuant to this subdivision shall be deemed to be expenses incurred by such commission in the administration and performance of its duties under this chapter and shall be deducted as a prior charge before determining the net commission revenues of such commission; provided, however, that the total amount of all expenditures, appropriations, and payments made by a commission pursuant to this subdivision during any calendar year shall not exceed 25 percent of the aggregate amount of commission horse wagering fees and commission greyhound wagering fees received by such commission during that calendar year.

(22) A commission shall have an independent accounting firm, which is approved by a majority of the members of the commission, and the Chief Examiner of Public Accounts of the state, prepare annual certified financial reports, as of the close of each fiscal year, detailing all income, expenses, and disbursements of whatsoever nature without limitation and including all expenditures and disbursements made pursuant to Sections 11-65-7, 11-65-9, 11-65-34 and 11-65-36. Each such report shall be a public record and shall be available during normal business hours for examination and copying by the public. Copies of any such report shall be made available upon request at a cost not exceeding the cost of reproducing such report.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 10; Acts 1987, No. 87-615, p. 1069, § 2; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 10.)

§ 11-65-11. Qualifications of commission employees.

Each appointed officer and each employee of a commission shall be of good moral character and shall never have been convicted of a felony or other offense involving moral turpitude. As a condition of employment by a commission, each employee shall make and submit to such commission an affidavit confirming his or her qualifications, as set forth in the preceding sentence, to be an employee of such commission, which affidavit shall constitute a part of the permanent personnel records of such commission. Any employee of a commission who in such affidavit intentionally makes a false statement of material fact or intentionally fails to disclose any information necessary to make any statement of material fact made therein not misleading shall be guilty of perjury and shall be subject to prosecution and punishment therefor in the same manner as if he had committed perjury as a witness in open court.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 11.)

§ 11-65-12. Review of commission action.

Any person aggrieved by the refusal of a commission to issue any license or permit, or the suspension or revocation of a license or permit, the imposition of a fine, the disapproval of a contract, or any other action or failure of action by the commission, may, within 60 days of such action or failure of action, appeal to the circuit court of the host county. If such court finds that the action of such commission, or its failure to take action, was arbitrary, unreasonable, or contrary to the provisions of this chapter, it shall order the issuance or reinstatement of such license or permit, the abatement of such fine, the approval of such contract, or such other remedial action as it deems appropriate in the circumstances. The decision of such court shall be subject to appeal as in other cases at law.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 12; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 11.)


§ 11-65-13. Request for injunctions authorized.

Whenever it appears to a commission that any person has been violating or may violate any provision of this chapter or any reasonable rule or regulation or final decision of such commission, it may apply to the circuit court of the host county for an injunction against such person. The order granting or refusing such injunction shall be subject to appeal as in other cases in equity.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 13.)


§ 11-65-14. Commission licenses required for certain activities; conditions relating to award and use of licenses.

(a) No person shall construct or establish a horse racetrack or racing facility where horse races are to be held and pari-mutuel wagering permitted, or own, lease, or otherwise have the use and enjoyment of, any such racetrack or racing facility in the commission municipal jurisdiction unless such person has obtained a horse racing facility license issued by a commission in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, which license, when granted or transferred to the holder thereof, shall authorize such holder to construct, establish, own, lease, or otherwise have the use and enjoyment of, a horse racetrack or racing facility in the commission municipal jurisdiction where horse races can be lawfully held and pari-mutuel wagering thereon permitted, all subject to and in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.

(b) No person shall conduct any pari-mutuel wagering on horse races, or conduct any horse races at which wagering of any kind is permitted with such person's knowledge or acquiescence, in the commission municipal jurisdiction unless such person has obtained an operator's license to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon under the provisions of this chapter, which license, when granted or transferred to the holder thereof, shall authorize such holder to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in the commission municipal jurisdiction at the racing facility covered by such license, all subject to and in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. No horse racing operator licensed by a commission shall be required to obtain a horse racing facility license or any other license from the commission with respect to the ownership or use of any racing facility in order to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon at the facility covered by such operator's license.

(c) No person shall conduct any pari-mutuel wagering on greyhound races or any other kind of dog races, or conduct any dog races at which wagering of any kind is permitted with such person's knowledge or acquiescence, in the commission municipal jurisdiction unless such person has obtained an operator's license to conduct greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon under the provisions of this chapter, which license, when granted or transferred to the holder thereof, shall authorize such holder to conduct greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in the commission municipal jurisdiction at the racing facility covered by such license, all subject to and in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. No greyhound racing operator licensed by a commission shall be required to obtain a horse racing facility license or any other license from the commission with respect to the ownership or use of any racing facility in order to conduct greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon at the facility covered by such operator's license.

(d) As licensed and regulated by a commission under the provisions of this chapter, horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon and greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall be separate activities which, subject to the rules, regulations, and orders of the commission, may be conducted at the same racing facility. A commission shall permit an operator holding both a license for horse racing and a license for greyhound racing to schedule both kinds of racing at different times on the same racing day or to schedule only one kind of racing on any given racing day, as in the judgment of such operator may be most economically advantageous. A commission may not require a greyhound racing operator to conduct horse racing to any extent as a condition of maintaining its license for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in good standing or, alternatively, require a horse racing operator to conduct greyhound racing to any extent as a condition of maintaining its license for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in good standing.

(e) No license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be transferable without the approval of the commission which issued such license. The commission's review of any proposed transfer of a license and its approval or disapproval thereof shall be subject to rules and regulations adopted by the commission, but approval for the transfer of any license shall not be unreasonably withheld. No transfer of any license shall be approved by the commission unless the proposed transferee of such license satisfies all qualifications and requirements that would be applicable to the original recipient of such license under this chapter.

(f) When presented with the opportunity of issuing or transferring any license under the provisions of this chapter, whether a horse racing facility license, an operator's license for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or an operator's license for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, a commission, in the exercise of its judgment and discretion, may determine the conditions under which applicants shall be allowed or induced to apply for such license, which conditions may involve, without limitation, (i) a public and open competition in which all interested persons shall be encouraged and permitted to submit applications or (ii) a controlled selection process in which only one applicant having particular qualifications will be evaluated by the commission and given an exclusive right to apply for and be awarded such license, subject to such applicant's fulfillment of all qualifications and conditions required by the provisions of this chapter for the award of such license. The Legislature expressly authorizes a commission, both retroactively and prospectively, to grant, and to contract to grant and transfer, licenses on an exclusive basis to a single prospective licensee, without allowing competition from other persons who might be interested in such licenses, in circumstances where the racing activities under the jurisdiction of the commission have been disrupted by severe and protracted financial and managerial difficulties of the commission's prior licensees and there is a need to grant or transfer licenses to one or more persons having particular qualifications in order to implement a plan to put such racing activities on a new financial basis with new management, including, without limitation, a plan for reorganization under the bankruptcy laws of the United States. The Legislature hereby expressly authorizes, ratifies, and confirms the right and authority of a commission to enter into a valid and enforceable contract to grant to a prospective licensee a license to operate greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, and to protect such license from the future issuance of competing licenses for both horse racing and greyhound racing, without considering other applicants for such license, in furtherance of a plan of reorganization which depends upon the projected financial benefits of greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon under the management of such prospective licensee, even though the commission entered into such contract prior to (i) the enactment of amendments to this chapter which, subject to compliance with the election requirements of Section 11-65-4, authorize the commission to license and regulate greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon and (ii) the approval of the commission's authority to license and regulate greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon by the voters of the host county and the commission municipal jurisdiction in an election held pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 11-65-4. Such contract shall be valid from the date of its execution and delivery, but the obligation thereunder of the commission to grant a license for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall not be enforceable until the voters of the host county and the commission municipal jurisdiction shall have authorized the commission to license and regulate greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in an election held pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 11-65-4. Nothing contained in this subsection (f) with respect to the retroactive validation of a commission's contract to issue a license for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall be construed to limit the right and duty of the commission to deny the award of the license pursuant to such contract if the commission reasonably and in good faith determines that the prospective licensee does not meet the qualifications established by this chapter for the award of the license.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 14; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 12.)

§ 11-65-15. Application for horse racing facility license.

Any person desiring to obtain a horse racing facility license through issuance thereof by a commission, or through transfer of an outstanding license, shall file with the appropriate commission an application for such license. Such application shall be filed at the time and place prescribed by such commission and shall be in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed by such commission, including the following:

(1) The name and address of such person; if a corporation, the state of its incorporation and the full name and address of each officer and director thereof; if a foreign corporation, whether it is qualified to do business in the state; and if a partnership or joint venture, the name and address of each general partner thereof;

(2) The name, and every address for the period of five years immediately preceding the date of such application, of each stockholder or member of such corporation, or each general partner of such partnership or joint venture, and of each person who has contracted for a financial interest in the applicant or the horse racing facility to be licensed, whether such interest will be an ownership or a security interest, and the nature and value of such interest, and the name and address of each person who has agreed to lend money to the applicant; provided that if the applicant proposes to arrange further financing, subsequent to the award of a horse racing facility license, through a sale of stock, partnership interests, or other equity interests, the issuance of debt securities, the entering into of financing leases, or otherwise borrowing money, then, in such case, such commission may grant a horse racing facility license which sets forth conditions to be met in arranging such further financing or which reserves to such commission the right to approve any or all aspects of such further financing;

(3) Such information as the commission deems appropriate regarding the character and responsibility of the applicant and the members, partners, stockholders, officers, and directors of the applicant;

(4) With respect to any racing facility that is not at the time subject to a horse racing facility license, the location and description of the horse racing facility for which the applicant proposes to obtain a license; provided that the commission may require such information about such facility and the location thereof, including preliminary architectural plans, as it deems necessary and appropriate to determine whether such facility is suitable and complies with the standards established by the commission pursuant to this chapter, and whether the conduct of horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon at such location would be in the best interests of the people of the state;

(5) Such information relating to the financial responsibility of the applicant as the commission deems appropriate;

(6) If the horse racing facility to be licensed, or any part thereof, is to be leased or the use thereof to be made available to any person other than the applicant under a contract or other legal arrangement, the terms of such lease, contract, or other legal arrangement; and

(7) Any other information which the commission in its discretion deems appropriate.

Anything contained in this section to the contrary notwithstanding, an applicant shall not be required to disclose, in connection with an application for a horse racing facility license, any confidential financial information, or any information concerning the exact percentage of ownership interest in such applicant held by various persons, that it would be entitled, as a licensee of the commission, to keep confidential under the provisions of subdivision (10) of Section 11-65-10, and to the extent that any such information is furnished to the commission by such applicant, or otherwise comes into the possession of the commission, it shall be kept confidential and shall be protected from public disclosure to the same extent as confidential information concerning a licensee is required to be protected from public disclosure pursuant to said subdivision (10).

Any application for the issuance or transfer of a horse racing facility license shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of an officer of the applicant and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $15,000.00; provided, however, that the nonrefundable fee for submitting an application for the issuance or transfer of a horse racing facility license shall be reduced to $5,000.00 in those cases where the applicant is the holder of an operator's license to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon at the racing facility or, simultaneously with the submission of such application, the applicant submits an application for the issuance or transfer of such an operator's license.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 15; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 13.)


§ 11-65-16. Review of application for horse racing facility license.

(a) A commission shall promptly consider any application for the issuance or transfer of a horse racing facility license submitted to it and shall grant or deny the issuance or transfer of such license based on all information before it, including the results of investigations it deems appropriate. A commission shall deny the issuance of an original horse racing facility license to any applicant unless it finds that the applicant's facility will meet the following minimum standards:

(1) That the facilities will provide a track racing surface of at least one mile;

(2) That the facility will be appropriate for the conduct of horse racing year-round and at night; and

(3) That the facility will be located within the boundaries of the commission municipal jurisdiction or will be located on land in the host county and annexed to the sponsoring municipality prior to the commencement of racing.

(b) A commission shall deny the issuance or transfer of a horse racing facility license to any applicant unless it finds that more than 50 percent of both the ownership interest and the voting interest in the applicant (and the applicant's general partner in the event the applicant is a limited partnership) is owned, directly or indirectly, by persons who have a substantial presence in the state. For purposes of this subsection (b), a person shall be deemed to have a substantial presence in the state under any of the following circumstances:

(1) If a natural person, then such person has been domiciled in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of the application for a license;

(2) If a corporation, then such corporation is incorporated under Title 10, or is incorporated under comparable laws of another state and is licensed or qualified to do business in the state and, in addition, satisfies one of the following alternative sets of conditions:

a. Such corporation has maintained its principal place of business, and has actively done business, in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application for a license, as evidenced either by the employment of at least 100 employees in the state or by the employment of $500,000.00 in assets held in the state during such period; or

b. More than 50 percent of both the ownership interest and the voting interest in such corporation is owned, directly or indirectly, by natural persons described in subdivision (b)(1), or by one or more corporations described in subdivision (b)(2)a, or by any combination of such natural persons and corporations;

(3) If a limited partnership, then such limited partnership is formed or registered under Title 10, and has maintained its principal place of business and at least 50 percent of its assets in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application for the license, and its general partner has maintained its principal place of business or residence in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of such application;

(4) If a general partnership, then such partnership has maintained its principal place of business and at least 50 percent of its assets in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application for the license;

(5) If a financial institution, then such financial institution is a corporation or other legal entity doing business in the state as a bank, national banking association, state banking corporation, trust company, industrial or other loan company, building and loan association, or insurance company and has maintained its principal place of business in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application for the license;

(6) If a trust or custodianship, then at least 50 percent of the corpus of such trust or custodianship is situated in the state and the trustee or custodian of such property has a substantial presence in the state under any of the standards set forth in this subsection (b); or

(7) If an estate, then such estate is the estate of a person described in subdivision (b)(1), or at least 50 percent of the property of such estate consists of real estate located in the state or tangible personal property which has been located within the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application for the license.

(c) The provisions of this section which permit a horse racing facility license to be granted only if more than 50 percent of both the ownership interest and the voting interest in the licensee is owned, directly or indirectly, by persons who have a substantial presence in the state shall not be construed (1) to impair the foreclosure rights of any mortgagee holding a mortgage on the racing facility of such licensee securing debt incurred to finance the costs of constructing or purchasing such racing facility or (2) to impair the rights of any mortgagee holding such a mortgage, or the rights of any other person to which such racing facility may be sold in foreclosure, to take and hold title to such racing facility, to lease or sell the same, and to apply for and receive a horse racing facility license therefor from the commission upon compliance with all other applicable provisions of this chapter, irrespective of whether the aforesaid condition of substantial presence in the state shall be satisfied by persons owning, directly or indirectly, more than 50 percent of both the ownership interest and the voting interest in such mortgagee or in any person to which such racing facility shall be sold, as the case may be.

(d) A commission shall deny the issuance or transfer of a horse racing facility license to an applicant if it finds that for any reason the issuance or transfer of such license to such applicant would not be in the interests of the people of the sponsoring municipality or that the applicant, or any officer, general partner or director of the applicant, (i) is a disqualified person, (ii) has knowingly made a false statement of a material fact in the application or has deliberately failed to disclose any information called for in the application, or (iii) is not qualified to do business in the state or is not subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the state.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 16; Acts 1987, No. 87-615, p. 1069, § 3; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 14.)


§ 11-65-17. Terms of horse racing facility license.

(a) A horse racing facility license issued under this chapter shall be for a period of 20 years, but shall be reviewed annually. A commission issuing such license shall state therein the person to whom such license is issued, the duration of such license, the location of the racing facility thereby licensed to be used for horse racing, and such other conditions of the license and related information as the commission shall deem proper. A commission shall have no power to modify the terms of a horse racing facility license, once issued, without the prior written consent of the holder of such license. A horse racing facility license shall be revocable by the commission only if the holder thereof shall not be in compliance with the provisions of this chapter or the valid rules, regulations, and orders of the commission and such noncompliance shall have continued for 60 days after written notice shall be given to such holder by the commission stating the circumstances of noncompliance and demanding corrective action.

(b) While any horse racing facility license or licenses theretofore issued by a commission shall remain in effect, such commission shall not issue (1) any other horse racing facility license with respect to the racing facility covered by the holder's license or licenses already in effect, (2) any other horse racing facility license covering any other racing facility to be located in the commission municipal jurisdiction or (3) any license permitting the holder thereof to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in the commission municipal jurisdiction or to own or operate any facility for horse racing or greyhound racing in such jurisdiction, without, in any such case, the duly authorized consent of the holder or holders of all horse racing facility licenses already in effect, which consent shall be obtained in writing prior to the issuance of any such other license.

(c) Any provisions of this chapter or any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, a commission may, at the time of the issuance of a horse racing facility license or at any time thereafter, enter into a contract with the holder of such license establishing restrictive conditions under which such commission may license any racing facility, whether for horse racing or greyhound racing, that would compete with the racing facility covered by the license of such holder, which conditions may, in the discretion of the commission, preclude the licensing of any competing racing facility while such holder's license shall remain in effect. The provisions of any such contract between a commission and a horse racing facility licensee shall be deemed to be a part of the terms and conditions of the license granted to such licensee. Without in any way limiting the nature of the consideration that might be given by a licensee to make such contract binding, the obligations (including any future obligations) of any operator using the racing facility covered by such license to pay the state horse wagering fee and the commission horse wagering fee, together with the economic benefits to be derived by the state and such commission and its sponsoring municipality from the establishment and continued operation of a racing facility, shall be deemed sufficient consideration to make such contract binding upon the commission and any state racing commission. Any such contract between a commission and a horse racing facility licensee shall be binding upon such commission and any state racing commission at any time exercising jurisdiction over such commission or such licensee and shall not be impaired by any subsequent action of such commission or such state racing commission or by any act of the Legislature of Alabama which, through the authorization of another licensing entity or by any other means, would permit or encourage the establishment and operation of a competing racing facility in contravention of such contract.

(d) A commission may require a bond with surety acceptable to it in an amount sufficient to secure payment of any indebtedness anticipated to be incurred by a horse racing facility licensee to such commission in any year, but such bond shall not for any reason be set by the commission at an amount greater than the amount of indebtedness to be secured thereby.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 17; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 15.)

§ 11-65-18. Application for operator's license.

Depending upon the licensing authority granted a commission by elections held pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) of Section 11-65-4, a commission shall be empowered to grant operator's licenses for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon. Any corporation, partnership, or other business entity desiring to obtain (i) an operator's license to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon at a racing facility located in the commission municipal jurisdiction or (ii) an operator's license to conduct greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon at a racing facility located in the commission municipal jurisdiction, either through issuance of such license by a commission or transfer of an outstanding license, shall file with the appropriate commission an application for such license. Such application may, but need not, be made in conjunction with an application for a horse racing facility license. Operator's licenses shall separately authorize only the designated activity for which they were issued, but operator's licenses for both horse racing and greyhound racing may be granted to the same licensee. Applications for both kinds of licenses may be submitted by an applicant at the same time, and in such case the commission shall review and decide both applications together. An application for an operator's license shall be filed at the time and place prescribed by the commission and shall be in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed by the commission, including the following:

(1) A statement identifying the kind of license for which application is being made, whether for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, which statement may simply result from the use of the application form prescribed by the commission for the license in question;

(2) The name and address of the applicant; if a corporation, the state of its incorporation and the full name and address of each officer and director thereof; if a foreign corporation, whether it is qualified to do business in the state; and if a partnership or joint venture, the name and address of each general partner thereof;

(3) The name, and every address for the period of five years immediately preceding the date of such application, of each stockholder or member of such corporation, or each general partner of such partnership or joint venture, and of each person who has contracted for a financial interest in the applicant or the racing facility where the racing and wagering activities of the applicant will be conducted, whether such interest will be an ownership or a security interest, and the nature and value of such interest, and the name and address of each person who has agreed to lend money to the applicant; provided that if the applicant proposes to arrange further financing, subsequent to the award of an operator's license, through a sale of stock, partnership interests, or other equity interest, the issuance of debt securities, the entering into of financing leases, or otherwise borrowing money, then, in such case, the commission may grant an operator's license which sets forth conditions to be met in arranging such further financing or which reserves to such commission the right to approve any or all aspects of such further financing;

(4) Such information as the commission deems appropriate regarding the character and responsibility of the applicant and the members, partners, stockholders, officers, and directors of the applicant;

(5) The location and description of the racing facility where the applicant proposes to conduct the activity covered by the operator's license for which application is being made; provided that the commission may require such information about such facility and the location thereof, including preliminary architectural plans, as it deems necessary and appropriate to determine whether such facility is suitable and complies with the standards established by the commission pursuant to this chapter, and whether the conduct of horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, as the case may be, at such location would be in the best interests of the people of the state;

(6) Such information relating to the business experience and financial responsibility of the applicant as the commission deems appropriate; and

(7) Any other information which the commission in its discretion deems appropriate.

Anything contained in this section to the contrary notwithstanding, an applicant shall not be required to disclose, in connection with an application for an operator's license, any confidential financial information, or any information concerning the exact percentage of ownership interests in such applicant held by various persons, that it would be entitled, as a licensee of the commission, to keep confidential under the provisions of subdivision (10) of Section 11-65-10, and to the extent that any such information is furnished to the commission by such applicant, or otherwise comes into the possession of the commission, it shall be kept confidential and shall be protected from public disclosure to the same extent as confidential information concerning a licensee is required to be protected from public disclosure pursuant to said subdivision (10).

Any application for the issuance or transfer of an operator's license, whether for horse racing or greyhound racing, shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of an officer of the applicant and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $10,000.00.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 18; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 16.)

§ 11-65-19. Review of application for operator's license.

a) A commission shall promptly consider any application for the issuance or transfer of an operator's license submitted to it and shall grant or deny the issuance or transfer of such license based on all information before it, including the results of investigations it deems appropriate. A commission shall deny a license to any applicant unless it finds as follows:

(1) That such applicant is a business entity, whether a corporation, partnership, or other kind of organization, possessing the organizational substance, financial soundness, managerial capability, and business experience with racing and pari-mutuel wagering operations, or with businesses requiring similar managerial experience and skill, that, in the reasonable judgment of the commission, are necessary to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, as the case may be, at the location for which an operator's license is being sought;

(2) That the racing facility which is to be the location of the applicant's prospective operations will be suitable for its intended purposes, whether horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or both, and can be reasonably expected to provide the physical plant and location necessary for a successful operation, taking into account projected capital and operating costs, capacity, access, public appeal, and other relevant factors;

(3) That the applicant shall have made, or shall have committed to make, arrangements satisfactory to the commission for the detection and prosecution of any corrupt or fraudulent act, practice, or conduct in connection with all licensed activities, including utilization of the services of a protective agency acceptable to the commission; and

(4) That the applicant has a business plan for conducting horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or both, as the case may be, in accordance with high standards of security, service, and accommodation to the public, as well as in accordance with such standards of the industry, whether horse racing or greyhound racing, that the commission reasonably considers to be appropriate for operations of the nature planned by the applicant, taking into account the size, location, and other relevant characteristics of the sponsoring municipality and its surrounding area.

(b) A commission shall deny the issuance or transfer of an operator's license to any applicant unless it finds that more than 50 percent of both the ownership interest and the voting interest in the applicant (and the applicant's general partner in the event the applicant is a limited partnership) is owned, directly or indirectly by persons who have a substantial presence in the state. For purposes of this subsection, a person shall be deemed to have a substantial presence in the state under any of the following circumstances:

(1) If a natural person, then such person has been domiciled in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of the application for a license;

(2) If a corporation, then such corporation is incorporated under Title 10, or is incorporated under comparable laws of another state and is licensed or qualified to do business in the state and, in addition, satisfies one of the following alternative sets of conditions:

a. Such corporation has maintained its principal place of business, and has actively done business, in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application for a license, as evidenced either by the employment of at least 100 employees in the state or by the employment of $500,000.00 in assets held in the state during such period; or

b. More than 50 percent of both the ownership interest and the voting interest in such corporation is owned, directly or indirectly, by natural persons described in subdivision (b)(1), or by one or more corporations described in subdivision (b)(2)a, or by any combination of such natural persons and corporations;

(3) If a limited partnership, then such limited partnership is formed or registered under Title 10, and has maintained its principal place of business and at least 50 percent of its assets in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application for the license, and its general partner has maintained its principal place of business or residence in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of such application;

(4) If a general partnership, then such partnership has maintained its principal place of business and at least 50 percent of its assets in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application for the license;

(5) If a financial institution, then such financial institution is a corporation or other legal entity doing business in the state as a bank, national banking association, state banking corporation, trust company, industrial or other loan company, building and loan association, or insurance company and has maintained its principal place of business in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application for the license;

(6) If a trust or custodianship, then at least 50 percent of the corpus of such trust or custodianship is situated in the state and the trustee or custodian of such property has a substantial presence in the state under any of the standards set forth in this subsection (b); or

(7) If an estate, then such estate is the estate of a person described in subdivision (b)(1), or at least 50 percent of the property of such estate consists of real estate located in the state or tangible personal property which has been located within the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application for the license.

(c) The provisions of this section which permit an operator's license to be granted only if more than 50 percent of both the ownership interest and the voting interest in the licensee is owned, directly or indirectly, by persons who have a substantial presence in the state shall not be construed (i) to impair the foreclosure rights of any mortgagee holding a mortgage on any racing facility owned, leased, or otherwise used by such licensee that secures debt incurred to finance the costs of constructing or purchasing such racing facility or (ii) to impair the rights of any mortgagee holding such a mortgage, or the rights of any other person, to which such racing facility may be sold in foreclosure, to take and hold title to such racing facility, to lease or sell the same, and to apply for and receive an operator's license from the commission to conduct racing and pari-mutuel wagering activities at such racing facility upon compliance with all other applicable provisions of this chapter, irrespective of whether the aforesaid condition of substantial presence in the state shall be satisfied by persons owning, directly or indirectly, more than 50 percent of both the ownership interest and the voting interest in such mortgagee or in any person to which such racing facility shall be sold, as the case may be.

(d) A commission shall deny the issuance or transfer of an operator's license to an applicant if it finds that for any reason the issuance or transfer of such license to such applicant would not be in the interests of the people of the sponsoring municipality or that the applicant, or any officer, general partner, or director of the applicant, (i) is a disqualified person, (ii) has knowingly made a false statement of a material fact in the application or has deliberately failed to disclose any information called for in the application, or (iii) is not qualified to do business in the state or is not subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the state.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 19; Acts 1987, No. 87-615, p. 1069, § 4; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 17.)

§ 11-65-20. Terms of operator's license.

(a) An operator's license issued under this chapter, whether for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, shall be for an initial period of 20 years, but shall be subject to renewal as provided in this section. A commission shall have no power to modify the terms of an operator's license, once issued, without the prior written consent of the holder of such license. An operator's license shall be reviewed annually, but such license shall be revocable by the commission only if the holder thereof shall not be in compliance with the provisions of this chapter or the valid rules, regulations, and orders of the commission and such noncompliance shall have continued for 60 days after written notice shall be given to such holder by the commission stating the circumstances of noncompliance and demanding corrective action.

(b) A commission issuing an operator's license shall state therein the person to whom such license is issued, the activity licensed thereby (namely, whether the license is to conduct horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon), the location of the racing facility where the licensed activity is to be conducted, the period during which such license shall be in effect, and such other conditions of the license and related information as such commission shall deem proper, subject to compliance with the provisions of this chapter.

(c) An operator's license, whether for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, shall be renewable at the expiration of the original term for successive renewal terms of three years each without limit as to the number of such renewal terms that may be granted to the original licensee. Not more than 180 days nor less than 90 days prior to the expiration of the original term of an operator's license, or the expiration of the renewal term for which such license shall have last been renewed, as the case may be, the holder of such license shall give written notice to the commission as to whether or not such holder will seek a renewal of such license. If the holder of an expiring operator's license, whether for an original or a renewal term, states in such notice that it has no interest in seeking a renewal term, then the commission shall make such arrangements, consistent with the provisions of this chapter, to obtain a replacement licensee for the expiring license through open competition or such other selection process as the commission may deem desirable. If the holder of an expiring license states in such notice that it desires to renew the license for a renewal term, the commission shall require such holder to submit a new application for the operator's license for such renewal term at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the current license, which application shall be in such form and shall contain such information as may be prescribed by the commission. The commission may require a licensee applying for a renewal term to provide the same information and to meet the same qualifications as would, at the time of such renewal application, be required of a successful applicant for an original operator's license. The commission shall either grant or deny the requested renewal of the license within 30 days after receiving the application therefor, but the commission shall not deny the renewal of an operator's license except for good cause. Without limiting the generality of the factors that may constitute good cause for denying the renewal of an operator's license, it is hereby expressly provided that good cause shall include (i) chronic and repeated prior failures of such operator to comply with the provisions of this chapter as implemented by the rules, regulations and orders of the commission and (ii) the prior failure of such operator to exploit fully the economic potential of such license as evidenced by a limited schedule of racing programs, poor quality of racing programs, and poor attendance and participation in pari-mutuel wagering by the public. An operator's license shall be renewed by a commission on the same terms as originally issued, except for such conditions as may be necessary to correct matters that would constitute good cause for denying the renewal of such license.

(d) The commission shall issue rules and regulations pursuant to which a horse racing operator or a greyhound racing operator, as the case may be, shall schedule racing programs to be conducted pursuant to the license held by such operator. An operator's license, whether for horse racing or greyhound racing, shall entitle such operator to schedule racing programs on as many racing days during a calendar year as such operator, in the exercise of its business judgment, shall deem advantageous; provided that programs of horse racing or greyhound racing may not be scheduled for more than 310 racing days in any calendar year. The commission may require an operator to provide and update periodically the schedule of racing programs, whether horse racing or greyhound racing, that the operator proposes to conduct during each calendar year, but such schedule may, upon reasonable notice to the commission, be altered as often and to such extent as the operator deems necessary. A program of horse racing or greyhound racing, as the case may be, shall consist of such number of individual races of such kind as the operator may determine, and more than one program may be held on any racing day and scheduled at such time or times as the operator shall deem advantageous. If an operator holds both a license for horse racing and greyhound racing, different programs of live or simulcast horse racing and live or simulcast greyhound racing may be scheduled for separate times on the same racing day if the racing facility can accommodate, or be modified to accommodate, such different programs.

(e) Any program of horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or any program of greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon that began before midnight of any racing day may be continued past midnight of the next calendar day to the end of the racing day in which such program began; provided, however, that the operator shall comply with all applicable general and local laws and county and municipal ordinances governing the times during which businesses serving the general public may sell food and alcoholic beverages and provide entertainment. No programs of horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon nor programs of greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall be permitted to commence on any Sunday or Christmas Day or Thanksgiving Day, but such prohibition shall not be interpreted to prohibit licensed activities during the final two hours of any preceding racing day.

(f) While any operator's license or licenses for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon theretofore issued by a commission shall remain in effect, such commission shall not issue any other operator's license for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in the commission municipal jurisdiction without the duly authorized consent of the operator or operators holding all such operator's licenses for horse racing already in effect, which consent shall be obtained in writing prior to the issuance of any such other operator's license for horse racing. Likewise, while any operator's license or licenses for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon theretofore issued by a commission shall remain in effect, such commission shall not issue any other operator's license for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in the commission municipal jurisdiction without the duly authorized consent of the operator or operators holding all such operator's licenses for greyhound racing already in effect, which consent shall be obtained in writing prior to the issuance of any such other operator's license for greyhound racing.

(g) Any provisions of this chapter or any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, a commission may, at the time of the issuance of an operator's license to a horse racing operator or a greyhound racing operator, as the case may be, or at any time thereafter, enter into a contract with such operator establishing restrictive conditions under which such commission may license the conduct of horse racing or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon that would compete with the racing or wagering activities covered by the license of such operator, which conditions may, in the discretion of such commission, preclude the licensing of any competing racing events or activities while such operator's license shall remain in effect. For purposes of any such contract, it is hereby expressly recognized that an operation conducting greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, in addition to competing with other greyhound racing operations, will, in economic effect, compete with any geographically proximate operation conducting horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon. The provisions of any such contract between a commission and an operator shall be deemed to be a part of the terms and conditions of the operator's license granted to such operator. Without in any way limiting the nature of the consideration that may be given by an operator to make any such contract binding, the obligations (including any future obligations) of any horse racing operator to pay the state horse wagering fee and the commission horse wagering fee, or the obligations of any greyhound racing operator to pay the state dog racing privilege tax and the commission greyhound wagering fee, together with the other economic benefits to be derived by the state and by the commission and its sponsoring municipality from the conduct of racing and pari-mutuel wagering activities, shall be deemed sufficient consideration to make such contract binding upon such commission and any state racing commission. Any such contract between a commission and an operator shall be binding upon such commission and any state racing commission at any time exercising jurisdiction over such commission or such operator and shall not be impaired by any subsequent action of such commission or such state racing commission or by any act of the Legislature of Alabama which, through the authorization of another licensing entity or by any other means, would permit or encourage the conduct of racing and wagering activities by persons other than such operator in contravention of such contract.

(h) In order to protect the continued viability of existing greyhound racing in Greene County and Macon County, a commission shall include in each operator's license for greyhound racing issued pursuant to this chapter conditions, as and to the extent hereinafter provided, which prohibit or restrict advertising by such operator in the "protected territory" hereinafter respectively defined for Greene County and Macon County. The protected territory for Greene County shall comprise the entire state of Mississippi and the entire area of the following counties in Alabama: Marion, Lamar, Fayette, Pickens, Tuscaloosa, Bibb, Sumter, Greene, Hale, Perry, Dallas, Lowndes, Wilcox, Marengo, Choctaw, Washington, Clarke, and Monroe. The protected territory for Macon County shall comprise the entire area of the following counties of Alabama: Randolph, Chambers, Lee, Russell, Macon, Bullock, Montgomery, Lowndes, Butler, Crenshaw, Pike, Barbour, Henry, Dale, Coffee, Covington, Conecuh, Escambia, Geneva, and Houston. The license issued to an operator for greyhound racing shall prohibit such operator, or any person acting on its behalf, from advertising, in the protected territory of each of Greene County and Macon County, the existence of the greyhound racing operation covered by such license, the nature of the attraction or entertainment provided thereby or any other aspect, feature or circumstance of greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon as conducted by such operator that has the purpose, intent or effect of inducing people to patronize such greyhound racing operation or any activity associated therewith.

(i) The advertising prohibited in the protected territory of each of Greene County and Macon County shall include, without limitation thereto, the following: (i) any advertising or solicitation by direct mail sent to addresses in the protected territory; (ii) any advertising or solicitation by telephone or other means of telecommunication directed to receiving devices located in the protected territory; (iii) any commercial messages broadcast from radio or television stations having either studio or transmission facilities located in the protected territory; (iv) any commercial messages transmitted by cable television to receiving units in the protected territory; (v) any advertising carried by newspaper, magazines, or other publications published at any location in the protected territory; and (vi) any billboards or other signs visible from public roads in the protected territory. Any provision of this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, a greyhound racing operator shall not be deemed to violate the prohibition of its license against advertising in the protected territory as a result of any of the following occurrences: (1) the reception in the protected territory of radio or television transmissions which are broadcast by radio or television stations having neither studio nor transmission facilities in the protected territory and which contain information of any kind concerning the greyhound racing operation covered by such license, irrespective of whether such information consists of paid advertising, news stories, or other matter; (2) with respect to newspapers, magazines, and other publications, whether published at a location in or outside the protected territory, the delivery and sale in the protected territory of a publication containing a news article or other information concerning the greyhound racing operation covered by such license that does not constitute paid advertising; and (3) with respect to newspapers, magazines, and other publications that are not published at a location in the protected territory, the delivery and sale in the protected territory of magazines, newspapers, and other publications, whether pursuant to subscription, newsstand sales, or otherwise, which contain paid advertising concerning the greyhound racing operation covered by such license.

(j) The prohibition in the license of a greyhound racing operator against advertising in the protected territory of each of Greene County and Macon County shall continue for the initial term of the operator's license and each renewal thereof; provided that if greyhound racing in either Greene County or Macon County shall be discontinued for a period of two consecutive years or more, then such greyhound racing operator shall be fully released from the prohibition against advertising in the protected territory of the county in which greyhound racing shall be so discontinued, and the resumption of greyhound racing in such county after a period of discontinuance of two years or more shall not cause such prohibition to be reinstated against such greyhound racing operator. A commission issuing a license for greyhound racing shall have the duty to enforce the prohibition against advertising in the protected territory of Greene County and Macon County as and to the same extent that it is bound to enforce other terms and conditions of an operator's license issued pursuant to this chapter; provided that Greene County or Macon County, or the racing commission of either county, or any licensee of either such commission, or any citizen, taxpayer, or other interested party in either such county may, without waiting for enforcement action by the commission issuing such operator's license, bring a civil action for the enforcement of such prohibition, by way of injunctive relief or claim for damages or both, in the circuit court of the host county or of any other county in the state where a violation of the prohibition shall have occurred.

(k) A commission issuing an operator's license may require a bond with surety acceptable to it in an amount sufficient to secure payment of any indebtedness anticipated to be incurred by the holder of such license to such commission in any year, but such bond shall not for any reason be set by the commission at an amount greater than the amount of indebtedness reasonably anticipated to be secured thereby.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 20; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 18.)

§ 11-65-21. Suspension or revocation of license.

A commission may suspend or revoke any license or fine the holder thereof not to exceed $5,000.00 after hearing with 15 days' notice in any case where it has reason to believe that any regulation of the commission has not been complied with or has been violated. Annually, each commission shall review the performance of each licensee for compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations of such commission. Deliberations of a commission under this section may be conducted in executive session, unless otherwise requested by the licensee. If any such license is suspended or revoked, the commission shall state its reason for doing so, which shall be entered of record. Such action shall be final unless appealed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 21.)

§ 11-65-22. Acquisition of interest in horse racing facility licensee or operator.

(a) A disqualified person may not acquire or hold an interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator. A commission may require that a disqualified person dispose of its interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator within a reasonable period of time provided that (i) the commission shall determine at a hearing that the owner of such interest is a disqualified person and (ii) the person who is alleged to be a disqualified person shall receive notice of and an opportunity to be heard at such hearing. Any person aggrieved by an action of a commission pursuant to this section may appeal to the circuit court of the host county pursuant to Section 11-65-12.

(b) Any person desiring to acquire stock in, a partnership or other ownership interest in, or to become an owner or member of, any entity which holds a horse racing facility license or an operator's license hereunder who, after giving effect to such acquisition, becomes the beneficial owner of more than five percent of the total outstanding stock of, or interest in, such entity, shall apply to the commission which issued any such license on a form prescribed by it for approval of such acquisition or membership. The commission shall consider such application forthwith, and may, if it finds it necessary, demand additional information concerning the proposed acquirer or transferee of stock or other interest or the proposed member, as the case may be. If in the judgment of the commission the person making such application is a disqualified person, or the acquisition or transfer of stock or other interest or membership in an entity holding a horse racing facility license or an operator's license would be detrimental to the public interest, to the honesty and integrity of horse racing or greyhound racing, or to the reputation of either thereof, then, in any such case, the application shall be denied. If the application is not denied within 60 days, it shall be deemed approved.

(c) If the district attorney of the host county shall have reason to believe, either because of information gained by his own investigation or because of information brought to his attention by others, that a disqualified person has acquired and continues to hold stock or any other interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator, the district attorney shall give written notice of such belief to the commission having jurisdiction over such licensee or operator and shall state in such notice the identity of the alleged disqualified person and such other information as shall justify an investigation by the commission into whether the person identified in such notice is a disqualified person and whether such person has acquired and continues to hold stock or any other interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator. If, within a period of 30 days after receipt of such notice from the district attorney, the commission does not conduct any such investigation, or if, after having commenced any such investigation within said period of 30 days, the commission ultimately determines that the person who is the subject of such investigation is not a disqualified person or has not acquired and does not hold any stock or other interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator, then, in either of such cases, the district attorney shall have the right to institute proceedings in the circuit court of the host county (1) to determine whether such person is a disqualified person and whether such person has acquired and continues to hold stock or any other interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator and (2) to enforce the provisions of this chapter which prohibit any disqualified person from acquiring or holding an interest in such licensee or operator. Upon any showing of clear and convincing evidence that any person is a disqualified person and has acquired and continues to hold stock or any other interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator, the circuit court shall order such disqualified person to dispose of such stock or other interest within a reasonable period of time.

(d) In determining a reasonable period of time for the disposition by a disqualified person of any stock or other interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator, the commission or the circuit court, as the case may be, shall take into account the facts and circumstances which justify the determination that the owner of such stock or other interest is a disqualified person, and if the status of any disqualified person results from any event or condition referred to in any of subparagraphs a, b, c, or d of Section 11-65-2(a)(11), the commission or the circuit court, as the case may be, shall order the disposition of such stock or other interest as quickly as shall be consistent with justice, and if either the commission or the circuit court determines that such disqualified person intentionally violated the provisions of this chapter prohibiting the acquisition of such stock or other interest, the disposition of the same may be ordered without delay regardless of the fact that such immediate disposition may cause substantial economic loss to such disqualified person.

(e) The district attorney shall cooperate fully with the commission in any investigation or proceeding undertaken by the commission pursuant to notice given to the commission by the district attorney. The commission shall cooperate fully with the district attorney in any investigation undertaken or proceeding instituted by the district attorney in consequence of the failure of the commission to take action pursuant to a notice given by the district attorney or to determine that the person who is the subject of such notice is not a disqualified person or has not acquired and does not hold any stock or other interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator.

(f) Whether in connection with the operation of a racing facility or any other business of a horse racing facility licensee or an operator or any affiliate thereof, such licensee or operator shall not employ, or cause to be employed, the spouse or child of any member of the Legislature, any state constitutional officer, or any elected official of the host county or the sponsoring municipality. Members of the Legislature and elected officials of the host county or the sponsoring municipality shall not acquire any ownership interest in a horse racing facility licensee or any operator nor shall any business or professional entities owned, in whole or in part, by such legislators or officials sell any goods or provide any services for such licensee or operator; provided that the preceding provisions of this sentence shall not be construed to require any such legislator or official to sell or otherwise dispose of any investment securities representing an ownership interest in a horse racing facility licensee or an operator if such securities were acquired in a public offering or for value in a market transaction which, in either case, was consummated prior to the effective date of this subsection.

(g) Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding, the provisions of this section and Section 11-65-2(a)(11) are hereby expressly declared to be severable from the other provisions of this chapter, and if such provisions of this chapter are determined by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid for any reason, such determination shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining provisions of this chapter.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 22; Acts 1987, No. 87-615, p. 1069, § 5; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 19.)

§ 11-65-23. Permits required for certain individuals and companies.

No person, firm, corporation, or partnership shall participate in any horse racing or greyhound racing subject to the jurisdiction of a commission or in the conduct of any racing event or pari-mutuel wagering thereon, whether as a horse owner, greyhound owner, trainer, jockey, exercise boy, groom, stable foreman, kennel foreman, valet, veterinarian, agent, pari-mutuel employee, concessionaire, or employee thereof, or as an employee of the operator, or enter the racetrack enclosure for either horse racing or greyhound racing in any capacity other than as a spectator, unless such person or the firm, corporation or partnership employing such person possesses a permit therefor from the commission and complies with the provisions of this chapter and all reasonable rules and regulations of such commission. No permit issued under this section shall be transferable.

The provisions of this section which require a concessionaire (other than the operator) to obtain a permit from the commission in order to operate a business selling food, beverages, souvenirs or other merchandise to persons attending racing events shall not be construed to permit the commission to charge a concessionaire any license or permit fees measured by its gross revenues or to derive any economic benefit from the operations of such concessionaires other than the permit fees authorized by Section 11-65-24, it being expressly provided that the horse racing facility licensee and the operators for each racing facility shall have the exclusive rights (as they may by contract allocate such rights among themselves) to determine the business conditions under which concessionaires shall operate at racing facilities under the jurisdiction of the commission and to retain all moneys (except for the commission's permit fee as aforesaid) which any concessionaire is willing to pay for the privilege of conducting business at such racing facilities.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 23; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 20.)

§ 11-65-24. Application for permit.

Any person, firm, corporation, or partnership desiring to obtain a permit as required by this chapter shall make application therefor on a form prescribed by the appropriate commission. Each individual applicant and each principal of any firm, chief executive officer of any corporation, and managing partner of any partnership applying for a permit for such firm, corporation, or partnership, as the case may be, shall be photographed and fingerprinted and shall supply such information as such commission may require. All information contained in, or submitted in support of, any application for a permit shall be confirmed by an affidavit of the person or persons making such application, whether such application shall be made on behalf of such person or persons or on behalf of a firm, corporation, or partnership. Any application for a permit made by an individual who seeks to work at a racing facility under the jurisdiction of a commission and any application for a permit made by a firm, corporation, or partnership that seeks to provide services or sell merchandise at such racing facility, as the case may be, shall include a statement as to whether such individual, or any owner, principal, officer, director, or partner of such firm, corporation, or partnership, or any employee of such firm, corporation, or partnership who will actually work at such racing facility, has ever been convicted of a felony or other offense involving moral turpitude. Any firm, corporation, or partnership which has previously received an effective permit from a commission to provide services or sell merchandise at a racing facility shall, as a condition of maintaining such permit, file with such commission supplemental information (including the statement described in the preceding sentence) concerning any new or additional owners, principals, officers, directors, or partners of such firm, corporation, or partnership, as the case may be, or any new or additional employees thereof who will actually work at such racing facility.

A commission shall be entitled to charge fees for permits according to such schedule as it shall adopt from time to time, and in addition to the fee that it may charge a firm, corporation, or partnership having employees at a racing facility under its jurisdiction, it may charge a separate fee for each individual employee of such firm, corporation, or partnership working at such racing facility; provided, however, that (1) the permit fee for any one firm, corporation, or partnership shall not exceed $1,000.00 in any period of one year and (2) the permit fee for any individual shall not exceed $50.00 in any period of one year, regardless of whether such individual is self-employed or is employed by a firm, corporation, or partnership also paying a permit fee.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 24.)

§ 11-65-25. Review of applications for permits.

A commission shall promptly consider any application for a permit submitted to it and shall issue or deny such permit based on the information in the application and all other information before it, including the results of any investigation it deems appropriate. If an application for a permit is approved, the commission approving such application shall issue a permit which shall be valid for one year and shall contain such information as the commission deems appropriate.

A commission shall deny any such application and refuse to issue a permit, which denial shall be final unless an appeal is taken under the provisions of this chapter, if it finds that the issuance of such permit to the applicant therefor would not be in the interest of the applicant, the people of the sponsoring municipality, or the integrity or reputation of the horse racing industry or the greyhound racing industry in the sponsoring municipality, or that the applicant:

(1) Has knowingly made a false statement of a material fact in the application or has deliberately failed to disclose any information called for by the application;

(2) Is or has been guilty of any corrupt or fraudulent practice or conduct in connection with any horse racing or greyhound racing activity in the state or any other state;

(3) Has failed to comply with the provisions of this chapter or the reasonable rules and regulations of the commission;

(4) Has had a permit to engage in an activity related to horse racing or greyhound racing denied for just cause, suspended, or revoked in any other state, and such denial, suspension, or revocation is still in effect; or

(5) Is unqualified to perform the duties required for the permit sought. No commission shall have the right to delay or deny the issuance of a permit for any reason other than findings made pursuant to this section concerning the integrity, suitability, or other relevant qualifications of the person applying for such permit. No commission shall use its power to withhold any permit as a means of obtaining concessions from an operator with respect to any matter under the jurisdiction of a commission that may be the subject of disagreement or controversy between the commission and such operator, including, without limitation, scheduling of racing programs, dissatisfaction with any contract of such operator submitted for the commission's approval, or access to confidential information concerning such operator that is not required to be disclosed. If any permit is neither granted by the commission, nor expressly denied by the commission on the basis of findings made in accordance with this section, nor the application therefor withdrawn by the person seeking such permit, in any such case within 30 days after the submission of the application for such permit, such application shall be deemed approved and the commission shall forthwith issue such permit to the person applying therefor; provided, however, that any permit issued pursuant to such deemed approval shall be subject to suspension or revocation by the commission pursuant to Section 11-65-26 on the basis of facts or information subsequently coming to the attention of the commission that were not available to it at the time of such deemed approval.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 25; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 21.)

§ 11-65-26. Suspension or revocation of permit.

A commission may suspend or revoke a permit issued under this chapter or fine the holder of such permit not to exceed $1,000.00, after hearing with 15 days' notice to such holder, in any case where it has reason to believe that any provision of this chapter, or any reasonable rule or regulation of the commission, has not been complied with or has been violated. The commission may revoke such permit, after such hearing, if it finds that facts not known by it at the time it considered the application for such permit indicate that such permit should not have been issued. Deliberations of a commission concerning the suspension or revocation of a permit may be conducted in executive session unless otherwise requested by the holder of such permit. If any permit is suspended or revoked, the commission shall state its reasons for so doing and shall enter the same in the permanent records of its proceedings. The suspension or revocation of a permit shall be final unless an appeal is taken in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 26.)

§ 11-65-27. Licenses required for stewards and judges of races; appointment of stewards and judges.

Any person desiring to act as a steward for any horse race conducted by a horse racing operator licensed by a commission pursuant to this chapter must obtain a steward's license from such commission. Likewise, any person desiring to act as a judge for any greyhound race conducted by a greyhound racing operator licensed by a commission pursuant to this chapter must obtain a judge's license from such commission. Each commission shall require each applicant for a steward's license or a judge's license, as the case may be, to pass one or more examinations on matters relating to the duties of stewards or judges. Such examinations shall be prepared and administered in accordance with rules and regulations to be adopted by the commission. The commission may establish other requirements, in addition to successful completion of such examinations, which must be met by any applicant in order to obtain a steward's license or a judge's license, as the case may be, including, without limitation, payment of reasonable license fees. Any steward's license or judge's license issued by a commission pursuant to this chapter shall have a term not exceeding two years, provided that the term of any such license may be extended or renewed at the option of the commission.

Three licensed stewards shall be appointed to supervise each program of horse racing conducted by a horse racing operator licensed pursuant to this chapter. Two of such stewards shall be appointed by the commission licensing such operator and one shall be appointed by such operator. Such stewards shall exercise such powers and perform such duties for each program of horse racing as may be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the licensing commission. The horse racing operator shall pay the wages and other employment costs of the steward whom it shall appoint, and the commission shall pay the wages and other employment costs of the two stewards whom it shall appoint.

Three licensed judges shall be appointed to supervise each program of greyhound racing conducted by a greyhound racing operator licensed pursuant to this chapter. Two of such judges shall be appointed by the commission licensing such operator and one shall be appointed by such operator. Such judges shall exercise such powers and perform such duties for each program of greyhound racing as may be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the licensing commission. The greyhound racing operator shall pay the wages and other employment costs of the judge whom it shall appoint, and the commission shall pay the wages and other employment costs of the two judges whom it shall appoint.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 27; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 22.)


§ 11-65-28. Pari-mutuel wagering.

(a) Pari-mutuel wagering conducted by an operator shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this section. An operator shall provide a place or places at the racing facility operated by it at which such operator shall conduct a pari-mutuel system of wagering by its patrons on the results of horse races or greyhound races, as the case may be, held at such racing facility. Such place or places shall be provided with the electronic or mechanical equipment necessary to issue pari-mutuel tickets, as well as the electronic or mechanical equipment necessary to record the wagering, compute the odds, and determine the awards to winning bettors, all in an accurate and speedy manner. All such equipment shall be approved by the commission licensing such operator before being used, but such commission shall not require the installation of any particular make of such equipment.

(b) Subject to the provisions of subsection (c), a horse racing operator shall distribute to the winners of each pari-mutuel pool originated for horse races the total amount wagered with respect to that pool, less the following deductions, as in the case may be applicable, to be retained by such operator as the "takeout" for its own use and purposes, including the payment of the wagering fees imposed by this chapter:

(1) In the case of any pari-mutuel pool where the bettor is required to select one horse, there shall be deducted an amount equal to 17 percent of the total amount wagered with respect to that pool plus the breakage applicable to the winning bets for that pool;

(2) In the case of any pari-mutuel pool where the bettor is required to select two horses, there shall be deducted an amount equal to 21 percent of the total amount wagered with respect to that pool plus the breakage applicable to the winning bets for that pool; and

(3) In the case of any pari-mutuel pool where the bettor is required to select three or more horses, there shall be deducted an amount equal to 23 percent of the total amount wagered with respect to that pool plus the breakage applicable to the winning bets for that pool.

In addition to the amounts permitted by the preceding provisions of this subsection to be deducted from all pari-mutuel pools originated for horse races and retained by the horse racing operator conducting such races, such operator shall be permitted to retain all moneys represented by unclaimed, uncashed, or abandoned pari-mutuel tickets; provided, however, that no pari-mutuel ticket shall be deemed to be unclaimed, uncashed, or abandoned unless it shall not be presented for payment within six months from the date of the running of the race to which such pari-mutuel ticket pertains.

(c) During any period in which a horse racing operator shall be required to pay the state horse wagering fee, such operator shall have the right to increase the "take out" deduction permitted by subsection (b) by any amount up to one percent of the total amount wagered with respect to any pari-mutuel pool originated for horse races, any provisions of this chapter, or any other law to the contrary notwithstanding. It is hereby expressly declared that this right is conferred upon each horse racing operator licensed by a commission for the purpose of enabling such operator to generate all or part of the money necessary to pay the state horse wagering fee, and any increase in the amount deducted by an operator from any pari-mutuel pools pursuant to the exercise of such right shall not be made the basis of any increase in the state horse wagering fee, the commission horse wagering fee, or any other taxes, fees, or commissions payable by such operator. No increase in the amount deducted from any pari-mutuel pool shall be permitted pursuant to this subsection until such time as a horse racing operator shall become liable for the state horse wagering fee, but thereafter, and for so long as such operator shall remain liable for the state horse wagering fee, the right conferred by this subsection to increase the amount deducted may be exercised at any time and from time to time (including the right to institute an increase and thereafter discontinue and resume it any number of times), may be exercised with respect to all pari-mutuel pools originated for horse races or with respect to some and not to others, and may be exercised with respect to any qualifying pari-mutuel pool in any degree of increase, not exceeding in any case more than one percent of the total amount wagered with respect to that pool, all as such operator shall determine in the exercise of its sole discretion without direction or influence from the commission licensing such operator, any state racing commission or any other governmental body.

(d) A greyhound racing operator shall distribute to the winners of each pari-mutuel pool originated for greyhound races the total amount wagered with respect to that pool, less the following deductions, as in the case may be applicable, to be retained by such operator as the "takeout" for its own use and purposes, including the payment of the state dog racing privilege tax and the commission greyhound wagering fee:

(1) In the case of any pari-mutuel pool where the bettor is required to select one greyhound, there shall be deducted an amount equal to 17 percent of the total amount wagered with respect to that pool plus the breakage applicable to the winning bets for that pool;

(2) In the case of any pari-mutuel pool where the bettor is required to select two greyhounds, there shall be deducted an amount equal to 21 percent of the total amount wagered with respect to that pool plus the breakage applicable to the winning bets for that pool; and

(3) In the case of any pari-mutuel pool where the bettor is required to select three or more greyhounds, there shall be deducted an amount equal to 23 percent of the total amount wagered with respect to that pool plus the breakage applicable to the winning bets for that pool.

In addition to the amounts permitted by the preceding provisions of this subsection to be deducted from all pari-mutuel pools originated for greyhound races and retained by the greyhound racing operator conducting such races, such operator shall be permitted to retain all moneys represented by unclaimed, uncashed, or abandoned pari-mutuel tickets; provided, however, that no pari-mutuel ticket shall be deemed to be unclaimed, uncashed, or abandoned unless it shall not be presented for payment within six months from the date of the running of the race to which such pari-mutuel ticket pertains. The provisions of Section 40-26A-2(c) relating to the state dog racing privilege tax to the contrary notwithstanding, a greyhound racing operator shall not be entitled to increase to 19 percent the "takeout" deduction specified in subdivision (d)(1) for pari-mutuel pools where the bettor is required to select one greyhound. Nothing contained in Section 40-26A-2(c) shall be construed to require the "takeout" deduction specified in subdivision (d)(2) to be reduced to 19 percent or the "takeout" deduction specified in subdivision (d)(3) to be reduced to 21 percent.

(e) A commission shall adopt and maintain rules and regulations for each kind of pari-mutuel pool that may be originated by a horse racing operator or a greyhound racing operator, as the case may be, and such rules and regulations shall be published by such commission in book or pamphlet form for general distribution to all interested persons. Under the pari-mutuel system of wagering hereby authorized, an operator shall be permitted to provide separate pools for bets to win, place, and show, as well as separate pools for more complex wagers involving such combinations of races and such combinations of the outcomes of races as shall be approved by the commission licensing such operator. Each pool (less the amount that the operator is permitted to retain as the "takeout" pursuant to the provisions of this section) shall be distributed separately to the winners thereof in accordance with the rules and regulations of the governing commission for that kind of pari-mutuel pool. If there is no ticket bet on the winning horse or greyhound or combination of horses or greyhounds, as the case may be, for any pari-mutuel pool, the portion of the pool which would have been distributed to any winners thereof shall be distributed to the holders of the tickets for such pool in accordance with the rules and regulations of the governing commission for that kind of pari-mutuel pool.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 28; Acts 1984, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 85-45, § 1; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 23.)

§ 11-65-28.1. Modification of takeout for all racing events.

In order to provide a uniform takeout for pari-mutuel wagering on racing events that reflects the competitive pressure on pari-mutuel wagering from other forms of gambling in surrounding states, and to enable any racetrack in a Class 1 municipality (a "Class 1 racetrack") to maximize its participation in combined pools with other racetracks both inside and outside the State of Alabama, the Legislature hereby finds and determines that it is necessary and desirable to authorize the uniform takeout hereinafter provided for pari-mutuel pools wagered by bettors present at a Class 1 racetrack, notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 11-65-28 and 40-26A-2, which sections are hereby superseded to the extent that their provisions purport to govern the takeout at a Class 1 racetrack in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this section. Subject to the continued effectiveness of the provisions of Section 11-65-32.1, including particularly those provisions related to adjustment of the takeout for combined pools, the total takeout allowed to the racing operator of a Class 1 racetrack for all pari-mutuel pools wagered at such racetrack on live horse or greyhound racing events conducted at such racetrack and for all pari-mutuel pools wagered at such racetrack on horse or greyhound racing events conducted elsewhere and received by television at such racetrack, before deducting any state or local wagering taxes or fees, shall be twenty-five percent (25%) of the total amount wagered in such pools by bettors present at the Class 1 racetrack, irrespective of the number or combination of racing contestants selected by the bettors.


(Act 98-128, p. 188, § 1.)

§ 11-65-29. State horse wagering fee.

No license tax, fee, or equivalent charge shall be levied by the state against horse racing or pari-mutuel wagering thereon licensed and regulated by a commission during a period beginning with April 5, 1984, and continuing until the fifth anniversary of the date on which racing events shall first be conducted under the jurisdiction of such commission. Beginning with such fifth anniversary of the date on which racing events shall first be conducted under the jurisdiction of a commission, and continuing thereafter for so long as such commission shall continue in existence, each horse racing operator licensed by such commission shall pay to the Department of Revenue of the state (or such other department or agency of the state as may be provided by law) a state horse wagering fee in an amount equal to one percent of the horse racing handle of such operator. The state horse wagering fee shall be paid in installments referable to the calendar months during which racing events shall be conducted by a horse racing operator, and the installment referable to any calendar month shall be an amount equal to one percent of the horse racing handle of such operator for such calendar month and shall be paid to the Department of Revenue of the state (or such other department or agency of the state as may be provided by law) prior to the end of the next succeeding calendar month. The Department of Revenue of the state (or other collecting department or agency of the state) is hereby authorized to promulgate and enforce such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, as shall be reasonably necessary for the determination and collection of the state horse wagering fee. The Department of Revenue of the state (or other collecting department or agency of the state) may require a bond with surety acceptable to it in an amount determined by it to be sufficient to cover the maximum liability for the state horse wagering fee that may at any time be incurred by an operator. All installments of the state horse wagering fee collected by the Department of Revenue shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the State General Fund.

The Legislature hereby finds and determines that the state horse wagering fee authorized by this chapter is the maximum license fee or equivalent tax or charge which can be levied by the state against horse racing or pari-mutuel wagering thereon without impairing the economic viability of horse racing and lessening its contribution to increased employment and tourism in the state. No state racing commission shall have the power to increase the state horse wagering fee above the limits provided in this chapter, to impose the state horse wagering fee for any period not herein authorized, or to levy or impose any additional license fee or equivalent tax or charge against horse racing or pari-mutuel wagering thereon conducted under the provisions of this chapter.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 29; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 24.)

§ 11-65-30. Commission wagering fees.

(a) Each horse racing operator shall pay to the treasurer of the commission licensing such operator a commission horse wagering fee for each calendar year during which it conducts any horse racing events. The amount of the commission horse wagering fee for an operator for a given calendar year shall be equal to the sum of (i) two percent of the horse racing handle of such operator for such calendar year to the extent that such handle does not exceed $150,000,000.00 and (ii) four percent of the portion of the horse racing handle of such operator for such calendar year that exceeds $150,000,000.00. Each operator shall make payment of its commission horse wagering fee for each calendar year to the treasurer of the licensing commission in monthly installments. For each calendar year, the monthly installment referable to any month (other than the month during which the final racing event for such calendar year shall be conducted) shall be equal to two percent of the horse racing handle for such month. The monthly installment referable to the month during which the final racing event for any such calendar year shall be conducted shall be equal to the sum of (i) two percent of the horse racing handle for such month and (ii) two percent of the portion of the aggregate horse racing handle for such calendar year in excess of $150,000,000.00. The installment of the commission horse wagering fee referable to any calendar month shall be paid to the treasurer of the commission prior to the end of the next succeeding calendar month.

(b) If at any time during a calendar year the aggregate horse racing handle of an operator for such calendar year exceeds $150,000,000.00, then such operator shall, in order to assure the availability of the moneys required to pay the final installment of its commission horse wagering fee for such calendar year, set aside and invest moneys in an amount equal to two percent of the portion of such aggregate horse racing handle in excess of $150,000,000.00 in investments of the kind in which the funds of a commission are permitted by Section 11-65-9 to be invested by its treasurer. Any such investments acquired by an operator shall be held by it in trust for the benefit of the commission licensing such operator in order to secure the payment of the commission horse wagering fee, but the operator shall be entitled to any interest earned from such investments until the due date of the final installment of the commission horse wagering fee for such calendar year.

(c) Each greyhound operator shall pay to the treasurer of the commission licensing such operator a commission greyhound wagering fee for each calendar year during which it conducts any greyhound racing events. The amount of the commission greyhound wagering fee for a greyhound racing operator for a given calendar year shall be determined as follows:

(1) For the period beginning with the commencement of greyhound racing by such operator pursuant to a license granted by the commission and ending ten years after the end of the calendar year in which such greyhound racing first commences, the amount of the commission greyhound wagering fee in each calendar year shall be equal to the sum of (i) two percent of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for such calendar year to the extent that such handle does not exceed $150,000,000.00 and (ii) four percent of the portion of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for such calendar year that exceeds $150,000,000.00; and

(2) For the period beginning ten years after the end of the calendar year in which such operator first commences greyhound racing pursuant to a license granted by the commission and continuing with each calendar year thereafter, the amount of the commission greyhound wagering fee in each calendar year shall be equal to the sum of (i) two percent of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for such calendar year to the extent that such handle does not exceed $150,000,000.00, (ii) six percent of the portion of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for such calendar year that exceeds $150,000,000 but does not exceed $300,000,000.00 and (iii) four percent of the portion of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for such calendar year that exceeds $300,000,000.00.

Each operator shall make payment of its commission greyhound wagering fee for each calendar year to the treasurer of the licensing commission in monthly installments. For each calendar year, the monthly installment referable to any month (the "subject month") shall be determined in accordance with the following procedure: first, determine whether, as a result of the passage of time from the commencement of greyhound racing by such operator, the provisions of subdivision (c)(1) or (c)(2) apply to such calendar year; second, determine the cumulative amount of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for the months of such calendar year preceding the subject month; third, determine the amount of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for the subject month; fourth, using the cumulative amount of the handle for the preceding months as a benchmark, allocate the handle for the subject month among the annual brackets specified in subdivision (c)(1) or (c)(2), whichever is applicable; and fifth, calculate the commission greyhound wagering fee for the subject month by applying the percentage applicable to each bracket to the portion of the handle for the subject month allocated to such bracket. The installment of the commission greyhound wagering fee referable to each calendar month shall be paid to the treasurer of the commission prior to the end of the next succeeding calendar month.

No commission shall have the power to increase the commission horse wagering fee or the commission greyhound wagering fee above the limits provided in this chapter or to levy or impose any additional license fee or equivalent tax or charge against horse racing or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon conducted under the provisions of this chapter.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 30; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 25.)

§ 11-65-30.1. Commission greyhound racing days.

(a) During each calendar year, a greyhound racing operator shall be required to designate three racing days ("commission racing days") on which such operator will conduct a performance or program of greyhound racing and will pay to the commission the "gross profit" (as hereafter defined in this section) derived by the operator on such days from greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon, including the sale of food, drink, programs, and other items to the public in attendance and charges made for parking. In the event that a greyhound racing operator conducts greyhound racing for only part of a calendar year, one racing day shall be required for each period of four months or portion thereof in which such operator conducts greyhound racing during such calendar year. A greyhound racing operator shall be required to designate and conduct four commission racing days in any calendar year, beginning with the calendar year next succeeding the first full calendar year of greyhound racing conducted by an operator under license from the commission, with respect to which the greyhound racing handle in the next preceding year was less than $150,000,000.00. The commission racing days designated by the greyhound racing operator shall be subject to approval by the commission, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The commission racing days shall be spaced at intervals during the calendar year so that all will not occur in the same calendar season. The greyhound racing operator will give written notice to the commission of the commission racing days proposed for a calendar year not later than 30 days after the beginning of such calendar year. The commission may approve the proposed commission racing days or make a counter proposal to the greyhound racing operator for different days and, in connection therewith, shall state its reasons for desiring different days. If the commission's counter proposal is not acceptable to the greyhound racing operator, the commission and the operator shall negotiate in good faith to determine mutually acceptable commission racing days for the current calendar year, but if agreement cannot be reached as the year continues, the operator shall be released from the obligation to hold one commission racing day for every four months that elapse from the beginning of such year (or one commission racing day for every three months in calendar years entitled to four commission racing days). The commission shall be prohibited from taking any regulatory action with respect to the greyhound racing operator for the purpose of coercing agreement on commission racing days demanded by the commission.

(b) As used with reference to a commission racing day, the term "gross profit" shall mean the amount computed by taking all revenues derived by the greyhound racing operator from greyhound racing conducted on such day (including the authorized "takeout" deductions from pari-mutuel pools, the proceeds from the sale of food, drink, programs, and other goods to the public in attendance, and parking charges) and deducting therefrom the sum of the following:

(1) The actual operating costs of the greyhound racing operator on such commission racing day, which costs shall be those incurred for greyhound purses, direct labor, the costs of food, drink, and other merchandise sold on such day and other costs incurred solely by reason of opening and operating the racing facility and shall not be deemed to include costs that are constant from day to day and would have been incurred by the operator had greyhound racing not been conducted on such day, including, but not limited to, such costs as capital expenditures, interest on debt, property taxes, insurance, and other items of fixed expense determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

(2) The state dog racing privilege tax and the commission greyhound wagering fee applicable to pari-mutuel wagering conducted on such commission racing day;

(3) The general sales taxes payable to the state, the sponsoring municipality, and the host county for food, drink, and other merchandize sold by the greyhound racing operator on such commission racing day, admission fees for such day payable to the sponsoring municipality pursuant to Section 11-65-33, and other taxes and fees, if any, payable to other governmental entities with respect to activities conducted on such commission racing day; and

(4) The rent, calculated as a percentage of the greyhound racing handle, which the greyhound racing operator may be obligated to pay any owner or lessee of the racing facility with respect to such commission racing day, it being expressly provided that the operator shall not absorb such rent in determining the gross profit and that it will be deducted from the operating revenues in calculating gross profit unless the operator's obligation for such rent on such commission day is waived or released by the party having the power to do so.
Any greyhound racing operator conducting a commission racing day shall remit the gross profits of such day to the treasurer of the commission prior to the end of the month next succeeding that month in which the commission racing day occurs. Such payment shall be accompanied by supporting financial information showing the calculation of the gross profits, including revenues and allowable costs by appropriate category.

(c) All revenues derived by a commission from a commission racing day, including both the gross profits and the commission greyhound wagering fee referable to such day, shall, in the discretion of the commission, be included in the net commission revenues and disbursed in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-65-36 or, alternatively, sequestered in a separate fund, against which no charge shall be allowed for any part of the commission's operating expenses, and disbursed to one or more public or governmental entities or nonsectarian charitable organizations (i.e., organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) that were identified as beneficiaries of such revenues prior to the date of such commission racing day. The commission shall adopt appropriate rules and regulations for evaluating and selecting public entities or charitable organizations to be beneficiaries of commission racing days.


(Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 26.)


§ 11-65-31. Purses for horse races and greyhound races.

From the moneys deposited in pari-mutuel pools for horse races which constitute the "takeout" deducted by a horse racing operator pursuant to Section 11-65-28(b), each horse racing operator shall apply an amount equal to seven percent of its total horse racing handle to provide purse moneys for horse races conducted by such operator. Prior to the commencement of any race meeting, the horse racing operator conducting such meeting shall estimate the amount of its horse racing handle to be derived from such meeting. Based upon such estimate, the horse racing operator shall adopt a schedule providing for a reasonable allocation of purse moneys over the period of the anticipated race meeting. Any such schedule may be amended from time to time during the course of a race meeting if it becomes apparent that the operator's actual horse racing handle for such race meeting will not match its original estimate.

Each horse racing operator shall provide the commission licensing such operator with periodic reports respecting the amounts applied by such operator to provide purse moneys for horse races. If at the close of any race meeting it is determined that the operator conducting such meeting failed to apply an amount equal to seven percent of its horse racing handle for such meeting to provide purse moneys, then any excess shall be deducted from, and any deficiency shall be added to, the amount which such operator shall be required to provide as purse moneys for horse races conducted as part of its next succeeding race meeting.

The amount of purses to be paid with respect to greyhound races conducted by any greyhound racing operator shall be determined by such operator through negotiation with the kennel owners providing the greyhounds for such races. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to require, or to permit the commission by regulation or order to require, any minimum level of purses for greyhound racing, whether based on a percentage of the greyhound racing handle or any other benchmark, or to limit, or to permit the commission by regulation or order to limit, the amount that a greyhound racing operator may agree to pay for such purposes.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 31; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 27.)

§ 11-65-32. Televised simulcast programming of racing events.

(a) A commission shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations specifying the conditions under which an operator, as part of its licensed activity, may cause televised simulcast programming of racing events, including both horse racing and greyhound racing, held at racetracks located outside the state to be transmitted for public viewing to a racetrack facility within the sponsoring municipality which is under the jurisdiction of such commission and there made the subject of pari-mutuel wagering. Any provision of this chapter or any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, no racing events, including both horse racing and greyhound racing, held at any location in the state (including a location in the sponsoring municipality) shall be televised to a racing facility subject to this chapter and made the subject of pari-mutuel wagering at such racing facility; provided, however, that an operator may use closed circuit television at a racing facility to provide enhanced viewing opportunities for live races being simultaneously run at such facility or to provide reruns of such live races. Subject to such exceptions as a commission may approve by rule or regulation in order to satisfy applicable requirements of federal law, all pari-mutuel wagering with respect to such racing events that are the subject of televised simulcast programming shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations of such commission governing pari-mutuel wagering on live racing events conducted at racing facilities under the jurisdiction of such commission, including the provisions of Sections 11-65-28, 11-65-29 and 11-65-30 hereof. A commission shall be entitled to no revenues from the televised simulcast programming of racing events other than (i) the commission horse wagering fee due with respect to that part of the horse racing handle wagered on televised horse racing events by bettors placing their bets at a racing facility in the commission municipal jurisdiction and (ii) the commission greyhound wagering fee due with respect to that part of the greyhound wagering handle wagered on televised greyhound racing events by bettors placing their bets at a racing facility in the commission municipal jurisdiction.

(b) If permitted by federal law and made possible by contractual arrangements with the operator of the racetrack that originates the simulcast programming, a horse racing operator may conduct pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing events televised to a racetrack facility in the commission municipal jurisdiction from locations outside the state. In such case the pari-mutuel pools for such wagering may be limited to bets made by bettors placing their bets at the racing facility located in the commission municipal jurisdiction or, alternatively, such pari-mutuel pools may include bets made by bettors placing their bets at the racetrack which conducts the televised horse racing events, as well as bets made by bettors placing their bets at one or more locations outside the state; provided that to the extent bettors placing their bets at a racing facility located in the commission municipal jurisdiction shall participate in such pari-mutuel pools, the total amount wagered by such bettors shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-65-28 and the applicable rules and regulations of the commission and, provided further, that the state horse wagering fee and the commission horse wagering fee, as well as any other license taxes on pari-mutuel wagering that may at the time be applicable in the state or the commission municipal jurisdiction, shall be paid with respect to the total amount wagered by such bettors, as provided by this chapter or other applicable law.

(c) If permitted by federal law and made possible by contractual arrangements with the operator of the racetrack that originates the simulcast programming, a greyhound racing operator may conduct pari-mutuel wagering on greyhound racing events televised to a racetrack facility in the commission municipal jurisdiction from other locations outside the state. In such case the pari-mutuel pools for such wagering may be limited to bets made by bettors placing their bets at the racing facility located in the commission municipal jurisdiction or, alternatively, such pari-mutuel pools may include bets made by bettors placing their bets at the racetrack which conducts the televised greyhound racing events, as well as bets made by bettors placing their bets at one or more locations outside the state; provided that to the extent bettors placing their bets at a racing facility located in the commission municipal jurisdiction shall participate in such pari-mutuel pools, the total amount wagered by such bettors shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-65-28 and the applicable rules and regulations of the commission and, provided further, that the state dog racing privilege tax and the commission greyhound wagering fee, as well as any other license taxes on pari-mutuel wagering that may at the time be applicable in the state or the commission municipal jurisdiction, shall be paid with respect to the total amount wagered by such bettors, as provided by this chapter or other applicable law.

(d) A commission shall also have the power to adopt rules and regulations specifying the conditions under which an operator, as part of its licensed activity, may cause televised simulcast programming of racing events, including both horse racing and greyhound racing, held at a racetrack facility under the jurisdiction of such commission to be either (i) transmitted on a live or delayed basis by a commercial television or radio station or network for the entertainment of the public or (ii) transmitted to specific locations outside the state for the purpose of pari-mutuel wagering at such locations: provided that, any provision of this chapter or any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, no racing events, including both horse racing and greyhound racing, shall be televised from a racing facility subject to this chapter to any other location in the state (including a location in the sponsoring municipality) and made the subject of pari-mutuel wagering at such other location.

(e) A horse racing operator may televise horse racing events under the jurisdiction of a commission to locations outside the state and, in connection therewith, may create and administer pari-mutuel pools for wagering on such horse racing events which, in addition to bets made by bettors placing their bets at the racing facility of such operator in the commission municipal jurisdiction, shall include bets made by bettors placing their bets at one or more of such locations to which such horse racing events are televised; subject, however, to the following conditions: (i) the simulcast programming and televising of horse racing events from any racing facility under the jurisdiction of a commission shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the commission; (ii) to the extent that bettors placing their bets at the racing facility under the jurisdiction of the commission participate in such pari-mutuel pools, the total amount wagered by such bettors shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-65-28 and the applicable rules and regulations of the commission; (iii) the state horse wagering fee and the commission horse wagering fee shall be paid as provided in this chapter with respect to the total amount wagered by bettors placing their bets at a racing facility in the commission municipal jurisdiction; and (iv) the commission horse wagering fee and the state horse wagering fee shall not be applicable to amounts contributed to such pari-mutuel pools by bettors placing their bets at locations outside the state.

(f) A greyhound racing operator may televise greyhound racing events under the jurisdiction of a commission to locations outside the state and, in connection therewith, may create and administer pari-mutuel pools for wagering on such greyhound racing events which, in addition to bets made by bettors placing their bets at the racing facility of such operator in the commission municipal jurisdiction, shall include bets made by bettors placing their bets at one or more of such locations to which such greyhound racing events are televised; subject, however, to the following conditions: (i) the simulcast programming and televising of greyhound racing events from any racing facility under the jurisdiction of a commission shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the commission; (ii) to the extent that bettors placing their bets at the racing facility under the jurisdiction of the commission participate in such pari-mutuel pools, the total amount wagered by such bettors shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-65-28 and the applicable rules and regulations of the commission; (iii) the state dog racing privilege tax and the commission greyhound wagering fee shall be paid as provided in this chapter with respect to the total amount wagered by bettors placing their bets at a racing facility in the commission municipal jurisdiction; and (iv) the state dog racing privilege tax and the commission greyhound wagering fee shall not be applicable to amounts contributed to such pari-mutuel pools by bettors placing their bets at locations outside the state.

(g) Nothing contained in this section or any other provision of this chapter shall be construed to authorize or make lawful "off-track betting" or wagering or gambling of any kind at any location in the state other than the pari-mutuel facilities located at racetrack facilities where live racing is licensed by a commission. All laws of the state, whether local or general, and all ordinances of political subdivisions thereof, that prohibit, restrict or regulate wagering or gambling of any kind outside the commission municipal jurisdiction shall not be affected by this chapter, as amended, and shall remain in full force and effect, it being expressly provided and understood that this chapter shall permit, subject to the conditions herein provided, pari-mutuel wagering on racing events only at a racing facility located in a sponsoring municipality where live horse racing or greyhound racing is licensed by a commission.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 32; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 28.)

§ 11-65-32.1. Televised racing and pari-mutuel wagering; pari-mutuel pools and takeout; construction.

(a) Televised Racing Events in Alabama and Pari-Mutuel Wagering Thereon. The provisions of Section 11-65-32 to the contrary notwithstanding, any person now or hereafter licensed by a racing commission in a Class 1 municipality (the "commission") to conduct live horse racing or live greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering on either thereof (the "racing operator") shall have the right, subject to the reasonable regulatory authority of the commission, (1) to cause live horse racing events and live greyhound racing events conducted at the racetrack in such Class 1 municipality (the "Class 1 racetrack") to be transmitted by television to racetracks located elsewhere in the State of Alabama (as well as to the locations in other states and foreign countries permitted by said Section 11-65-32) and there made available for public viewing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon and (2) to cause televised horse racing events and greyhound racing events held at racetracks located elsewhere in the State of Alabama (as well as at locations in other states and foreign countries permitted by said Section 11-65-32) to be received at the Class 1 racetrack and there made available for public viewing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon.

(b) Combined Pari-Mutuel Pools and Takeout for Televised Racing Events. With respect to horse or greyhound racing events that are conducted at the Class 1 racetrack and are transmitted by television to other locations, the racing operator may create and administer pari-mutuel pools that, in addition to bets made by bettors at the Class 1 racetrack, include bets made by bettors at one or more of the locations receiving the televised racing events. With respect to horse or greyhound racing events that are conducted at racetracks other than the Class 1 racetrack and are received by television at the Class 1 racetrack, the racing operator may participate in pari-mutuel pools, created and administered by the racetrack conducting the televised events, that include bets made by bettors at the Class 1 racetrack as well as bets made by bettors at the racetrack conducting the televised events and at other locations receiving the televised events. Pari-mutuel pools that include bets made by bettors at both the Class 1 racetrack and other locations are herein referred to as "combined pools." The amount allowed to the racing operator as the "takeout" with respect to pari-mutuel pools bet at the Class 1 racetrack on horse or greyhound racing events that are received by television from elsewhere shall be the same as the takeout that would be allowed by applicable law on the same kind of pari-mutuel pools bet on live racing at the Class 1 racetrack; provided, however, that with respect to any horse or greyhound racing events received by television at the Class 1 racetrack, the racing operator, in order to enable bettors at the Class 1 racetrack to participate fully in combined pools, may adjust the takeout for bets placed at the Class 1 racetrack to match the takeout required for the combined pools administered by the operator of the racetrack conducting the live racing events that are transmitted by television to the Class 1 racetrack.

(c) Construction of Section. Nothing in this section shall be construed (1) to permit or make lawful "off-track betting" or gambling of any kind at any location in Alabama other than a racetrack where pari-mutuel wagering on live racing events may be lawfully conducted or (2) to permit racing events to be transmitted or received by television, or pari-mutuel wagering to be conducted with respect to televised racing events, at any racetrack in Alabama other than the Class 1 racetrack, unless such activities at such other racetrack are also authorized by the particular racing act or other separate law applicable to such other racetrack.


(Acts 1997, No. 97-190, p. 300, §§ 1-3.)


§ 11-65-33. Racetrack admission fee.

The governing body of a sponsoring municipality may by ordinance impose a fee on an operator licensed under this chapter to conduct either horse racing or greyhound racing in an amount equal to $.25 on each person paying for admission to any daily performance of horse racing or greyhound racing. The operator may collect the amount of such fee from the ticket purchaser in addition to the amount charged for the ticket of admission. Persons holding valid permits issued by a commission who are actually employed at a racing facility under the jurisdiction of such commission and spectators holding complimentary passes issued by an operator shall be exempt from the admission fee authorized by this section.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 33; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 29.)

§ 11-65-34. Horse breeding fund.

Each commission shall establish a special fund to promote the breeding, raising, and racing of horses in the state, which shall be known as "The ____________________________ [name of the sponsoring municipality] Racing Commission Breeding and Development Fund." Each horse racing operator shall pay to its licensing commission a breeding fund fee for each month during which it conducts any horse racing events. For each horse racing operator, the breeding fund fee for any month shall be an amount equal to one-half of one percent [or, in the case of any such fee referable to any month during the period of three years immediately following such operator's receipt of an operator's license, one-quarter of one percent] of the horse racing handle for such operator for such month. The breeding fund fee payable by a horse racing operator for a given month shall be paid to the treasurer of the commission licensing such operator before the end of the succeeding month. All breeding fund fees received by a commission shall be deposited into its breeding fund.

Twenty percent of the aggregate amount of breeding fund fees received by each commission in each calendar year shall be set aside for distribution to the schools of veterinary medicine of Auburn University and Tuskegee Institute. Each commission shall distribute the moneys so set aside on such schedule as shall be administratively reasonable and convenient, but in any event all such moneys referable to the breeding fund fees received in any calendar year shall be distributed not later than 60 days after the end of such calendar year. Each commission shall divide the 20 percent of the breeding fund fees required to be set aside for the schools of veterinary medicine at Auburn University and Tuskegee Institute between such schools in an equitable manner, taking into account the number of students served by each school, the financial needs of each school to maintain accepted academic standards, the nature and quality of equine research conducted at each such school and such other factors as such commission shall deem relevant in the circumstances; provided, however, that neither of such schools of veterinary medicine shall receive less than 25 percent of the total amount required to be set aside by the provisions of this paragraph in any calendar year. All moneys distributed to the schools of veterinary medicine at Auburn University or Tuskegee Institute pursuant to this paragraph shall be used exclusively for supportive research on the health and diseases of the horse.

Each commission shall adopt rules and regulations governing the maintenance and administration of its breeding fund and the disbursement of the moneys deposited therein, provided that such moneys may be used only for the purposes specified in the next preceding paragraph of this section and for the following additional purposes:

(1) To provide awards to breeders and owners of Alabama-bred horses finishing first, second, third, or fourth in pari-mutuel races run in the state;

(2) To provide awards to stallion owners whose Alabama stallions have sired Alabama-bred horses finishing first, second, third, or fourth in pari-mutuel races run in the state;

(3) To provide purse moneys for races conducted exclusively for Alabama-bred horses under conditions which have been approved by such commission;

(4) To advance and promote the breeding and raising of horses in the state by the publication and dissemination of information relating thereto;

(5) To promote equine research through grants to universities within the state; and

(6) To provide for the administration and management of such breeding fund.

Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to obligate any greyhound racing operator to pay any amount referable to the greyhound racing handle as a breeding fund fee.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 34; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 30.)

§ 11-65-35. Concerning certain taxes.

The state horse wagering fee, the commission horse wagering fee, and any other fees or taxes imposed by this chapter shall constitute all license, privilege, and excise taxes that may be imposed on horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon conducted pursuant to this chapter, and no other license or excise tax may be imposed on such activities by the state or any county, municipality, or other political subdivision thereof. The state dog racing privilege tax, the commission greyhound wagering fee, and any other fees or taxes imposed by this chapter shall constitute all license, privilege, and excise taxes that may be imposed on greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon conducted pursuant to this chapter, and no other license, privilege, or excise tax may be imposed on such activities by the state or any county, municipality, or other political subdivision thereof. Nothing in this chapter, however, shall be construed to confer any exemption with respect to any uniform taxes levied generally on property, income, or business activity, including, without limitation, (1) income taxes levied by the state, (2) occupational taxes levied on wages by a sponsoring municipality or host county, (3) ad valorem taxes levied on any racing facility at the same rates as are applicable to other commercial property having comparable market value, and (4) state and local sales taxes on merchandise sold by operators or their concessionaires at racing events.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 35; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 31.)

§ 11-65-36. Application of net commission revenues.

All commission horse wagering fees, commission greyhound wagering fees, and other fees, commissions, and moneys, including fines and forfeitures, to which a commission shall be entitled under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid to the treasurer of such commission and shall be deposited by said treasurer to the account of such commission. Except for the gross profits of any commission racing day and the commission greyhound wagering fee referable to greyhound racing on such day that may be set aside for specific public entities or charitable organizations pursuant to Section 11-65-30.1(c), all such moneys to which a commission shall be entitled that remain after (i) the payment of all expenses incurred in the administration of this chapter, including (without limitation thereto) the payment of the salaries and expenses of the members and employees of such commission, and (ii) the deposit into the breeding fund of all amounts required by Section 11-65-34 hereof to be deposited therein shall be allocated and paid not less frequently than once each calendar year as follows:

(1) Nineteen percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated to the sponsoring municipality; provided however, if any commission shall be created pursuant to this chapter for which the sponsoring municipality shall be the City of Birmingham, then, and in such case, of the amount allocated to such municipality a sum equal to one percent of the net commission revenues shall be set aside for the retired employees of such municipality and shall be paid to the trustees of such municipality's retirement system for distribution to such retired employees once a year, during the Christmas season if practicable, with an equal amount to be paid to each retired employee irrespective of the amount of his or her regular retirement benefits, the length of his or her employment by such municipality before retirement, or any other factor;

(2) Ten percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to the county or counties in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located, subject to the conditions that

a. If the sponsoring municipality is located in more than one county, the portion of the said 10 percent of net commission revenues allocated to each such county shall be determined in proportion to the population of the sponsoring municipality residing in such county as determined by the most recent federal decennial census,

b. One-half of the amount of net commission revenues allocated to any county shall be used for countywide purposes (including both incorporated and unincorporated areas) in such manner as shall be determined by the governing body of such county, and

c. One-half of the amount of net commission revenues allocated to any county shall be used to defray the cost of governmental operations conducted in the unincorporated parts of such county or shall otherwise be used for the exclusive benefit of the unincorporated parts of such county in such manner as shall be determined by the governing body thereof;

(3) If the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama operates a college, graduate school, extension center, or other educational facility located in any county in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located, nine percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated to the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, subject to the conditions that

a. Such amount shall be used exclusively in the county or counties in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located;

b. One-twelfth of the amount of net commission revenues allocated to the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama shall be used for the support of any programs operated for the correction or treatment of learning disorders of any kind or research into the causes of such disorders, and if no such programs are operated by the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama in the county or counties in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located, such portion of the net commission revenues shall be used in such county or counties for such other purposes or programs as may be determined by said board of trustees, and

c. One-twelfth of the amount of net commission revenues allocated to the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama shall be used for the support of any programs or laboratories operated for research in virology, and if no such programs or laboratories are operated by the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama in the county or counties in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located, such portion of the net commission revenues shall be used in such county or counties for such other purposes or programs as may be determined by said board of trustees;

(4) Three percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to Jefferson State Community College;

(5) Three percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to Lawson State Community College;

(6) Two percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to public technical colleges located in the county or counties in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located; provided, however, if any commission shall be created pursuant to this chapter for which the sponsoring municipality shall be the City of Birmingham, then, and in such case, the two percent of the net commission revenues referred to in this paragraph shall be allocated in its entirety to Bessemer State Technical College;

(7) One percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated to any public corporation or authority which provides public transportation in an area including the sponsoring municipality;

(8) Seventeen percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to all county, municipal, district, or other public school systems operating primary and/or secondary schools in any county or counties in which the sponsoring municipality shall be located; and if there shall be more than one of such school systems, the said seventeen percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated to such school systems in proportion to their average daily attendance during the most recently completed school year;

(9) If any incorporated municipalities other than the sponsoring municipality are located in the county or counties in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located, four and one-half percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to such other municipalities; and if there shall be more than one of such municipalities, the said four and one-half percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated to such municipalities in proportion to their population as determined by the most recent federal decennial census;

(10) Four percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to any public fire districts or volunteer fire departments organized and operating in the county or counties in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located; and if there shall be more than one of such fire districts or volunteer fire departments, the said four percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated among such fire districts and volunteer fire departments in proportion to the approximate number of single family residences and other buildings provided fire protection thereby, which number in the case of a public fire district shall be the paid membership thereof and in the case of a volunteer fire department shall be a census of the number of protected residences and other buildings confirmed by affidavit of the chief executive of such volunteer fire department;

(11) Two percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to any hospitals which are owned by any county, municipality, or public corporation or authority, which are located in the county or counties in which the sponsoring municipality shall be located and which serve predominantly poor and indigent patients; and if there shall be more than one of such hospitals, the said two percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated to such hospitals in proportion to their average patient census during the most recently completed annual period selected by the commission for the purpose of making such allocation;

(12) One and one-half percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated to the Tannehill Furnace and Foundry Commission established pursuant to Sections 41-9-320 through 41-9-330;

(13) One-half of one percent of the net revenues shall be allocated to the Alabama State Fair Authority established pursuant to Act No. 215 enacted at the 1947 Regular Session of the Legislature of Alabama;

(14) One-half of one percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to public bodies that operate art museums in the sponsoring municipality; provided, however, if any commission shall be created pursuant to this chapter for which the sponsoring municipality shall be the City of Birmingham, then, and in such case, the one-half of one percent of the net commission revenues referred to in this paragraph shall be allocated in its entirety to the Birmingham Museum of Art; and

(15) If and to the extent that the allocations of net commission revenues described in this subdivision can be lawfully made to recipients satisfying the applicable conditions as herein set forth, the commission shall allocate and disburse the following percentages of the net commission revenues for the following purposes:

a. Three percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to private, not-for-profit colleges which are located in the host county and the student enrollment of which is predominantly drawn from economically disadvantaged minorities;

b. Three percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to private, not-for-profit law schools which are located in the host county and the student enrollment of which is predominantly drawn from economically disadvantaged minorities; provided, however, if any commission shall be created pursuant to this chapter for which the sponsoring municipality shall be the City of Birmingham, then, and in such case, the three percent of the net commission revenues referred to in paragraph a. of this subdivision shall be allocated in its entirety to Miles College and the three percent of the net commission revenues referred to in this paragraph b. shall be allocated in its entirety to the Law School of Miles College;

c. One percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to not-for-profit organizations, whether public or private, that are located in the sponsoring municipality and that promote economic development in the sponsoring municipality and the surrounding metropolitan area; provided, however, if any commission shall be created pursuant to this chapter for which the sponsoring municipality shall be the City of Birmingham, then, and in such case, the one percent of the net commission revenues referred to in this paragraph shall be allocated in its entirety to the metropolitan development board;

d. Six percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to private, not-for-profit hospitals located in the sponsoring municipality that primarily provide care for children;

e. Two percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to not-for-profit organizations, whether public or private, which are located in any county in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located and which sponsor, promote, or conduct research and education related to the cure or control of sickle cell anemia or provide treatment or other aid for victims of that disease;

f. One and one-half percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to not-for-profit organizations (including any particular branch thereof) which are located in the sponsoring municipality and which provide educational and recreational activities for young persons predominantly belonging to economically disadvantaged minorities; provided, however, if any commission shall be created pursuant to this chapter for which the sponsoring municipality shall be the City of Birmingham, then, and in such case, one percent of the net commission revenues referred to in this paragraph shall be allocated to Partners in Neighborhood Growth and the remaining one-half percent of the net commission revenues referred to in this paragraph shall be allocated to the Fourth Avenue Center of the Young Men's Christian Association;

g. One percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated to the local chapter or affiliate of The National Urban League that is based in the sponsoring municipality;

h. One percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated to the local chapter or affiliate of the United Cerebral Palsy Association, Inc., that is based in the sponsoring municipality;

i. One percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to not-for-profit organizations (including any local chapter or affiliate) which sponsor and support research for the prevention or correction of birth defects and which are located in any county in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located; provided, however, if any commission shall be created pursuant to this chapter for which the sponsoring municipality shall be the City of Birmingham, then, and in such case, the one percent of the net commission revenues referred to in this paragraph shall be allocated in its entirety to the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation-North Alabama Chapter;

j. One and one-half percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to not-for-profit organizations which provide shelter, care and counselling for abused and neglected women and children and which are located in any county in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located; provided, however, if any commission shall be created pursuant to this chapter for which the sponsoring municipality shall be the City of Birmingham, then, and in such case, one percent of the net commission revenues referred to in this paragraph shall be allocated to Prescott House, Inc., and the remaining one-half percent of the net commission revenues referred to in this paragraph shall be allocated to the Child Advocacy Center in Bessemer;

k. One percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to not-for-profit organizations which operate orphanages for abandoned or mentally disturbed children and which are located in the sponsoring municipality; provided, however, if any commission shall be created pursuant to this chapter for which the sponsoring municipality shall be the City of Birmingham, then, and in such case, the one percent of the net commission revenues referred to in this paragraph shall be allocated in its entirety to the Gateway Orphanage operated by Family and Child Services;

l. One-half of one percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated to the Alabama Symphony Orchestra; and

m. One-half of one percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated in total to not-for-profit organizations which provide shelter and care for abandoned or abused animals and which are located in the county or counties in which the sponsoring municipality or any part thereof shall be located; and if there shall be more than one county in which such an organization or organizations exists, the said one-half of one percent of the net commission revenues shall be allocated among such counties in proportion to their population as determined by the most recent federal decennial census; and the amount so allocated to each county shall be apportioned among qualifying organizations in each such county in accordance with the commission's determination of need and merit, taking into account the number of animals handled by each such organization during the most recent calendar year.

Except as may herein be specifically provided otherwise, if there shall at any time exist more than one institution or organization which qualifies for a portion of any generic allocation of net commission revenues made pursuant to any of paragraphs a. through m. inclusive, of subdivision (15), then, and in such case, a commission shall apportion such allocation among all institutions or organizations which evidence to such commission (in such manner as it shall reasonably require) their respective qualifications to receive a portion of such allocation. Any such allocation shall be apportioned among the qualifying institutions and organizations of each generic category in an equitable manner to be determined by the commission, taking into account the relative scale of activities of each qualifying institution or organization, the number of persons served thereby or other relevant factors. A commission shall have reasonable discretion in determining whether, in the light of the legislative intent, a particular institution or organization shall be entitled to an allocation of any portion of the net commission revenues pursuant to the provisions of this section.

A commission and the individual members thereof shall be fully protected against any charge of malfeasance in relying upon an opinion of the Attorney General of the State of Alabama that a portion of the net commission revenues may be lawfully allocated and paid to any institution or organization pursuant to any of the provisions of subdivision (15), unless a court of competent jurisdiction shall declare invalid the allocation of net commission revenues to any such institution or organization.

If any allocation of any portion of the net commission revenues pursuant to any provision of this section cannot be made for any reason (including, without limitation thereto, the legal invalidity of the provisions of this chapter authorizing such allocation, lack of lawful authority by a commission to make such allocation, the nonexistence of any public body or any public or private institution or organization entitled to receive such allocation, or any other failure to satisfy the conditions of such allocation), then, and in such case, the failure of such allocation shall not impair the validity or effectiveness of any part of this chapter other than the provisions hereof specifically providing for such allocation, nor shall the failure of such allocation adversely affect any other allocation of net commission revenues under this chapter. Any portion of the net commission revenues that, for any reason, cannot be allocated in accordance with the specific provisions of any of subdivisions (1) through (15) shall be apportioned among those governmental bodies, institutions and organizations actually receiving lawful allocations hereunder in proportion to the respective amounts of net commission revenues which would have been allocated to such governmental bodies, institutions and organizations if there had been no need to reallocate any net commission revenues that could not be allocated in accordance with the specific provisions of said subdivisions (1) through (15).

It is hereby expressly declared that the primary purpose of this chapter is to provide a means for permitting and regulating horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon and greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon in Class 1 municipalities and, further, that it is not a primary purpose of this chapter to provide funds for the various governmental bodies and public or private institutions and organizations to which allocations of portions of the net commission revenues of each commission are made pursuant to this section. The Legislature recognizes that one or more of such governmental bodies, institutions, or organizations may not exist in the sponsoring municipality or in the surrounding county or counties, as the case may be, and that, even if the intended recipients do exist and satisfy the applicable conditions, any one or more of such allocations of the net commission revenues may fail because of legal invalidity or other reasons. The allocations of net commission revenues made pursuant to this section represent the legislative effort to confer an incidental benefit upon a wide spectrum of governmental and charitable activities, all of which may not be present in the same degree in every Class 1 municipality subject to this chapter. Therefore, the legal invalidity or other failure of one or more allocations of net commission revenues made pursuant to this section should not impair the general validity of this chapter or prevent the provisions hereof, other than those relating to the invalid or ineffective allocations, from being implemented as a coherent whole. If and to the extent that any allocation of net commission revenues made to any governmental body or any institution or organization is of such character as to cause this chapter to be a local act, it is the legislative intent that the provisions for such allocation be severed from this chapter and thereby prevented from causing this chapter to be a local act.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 36; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 32.)

§ 11-65-37. Conducting race without license prohibited; wagering on certain races prohibited.

Any person who, directly or indirectly, holds any horse race or greyhound race without having procured an operator's license as prescribed in this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person wagering upon the results of such a race, except in the case of pari-mutuel wagering conducted by an operator in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction of any of the above misdemeanors in a court of competent jurisdiction, the penalty shall be a fine of not less than $1,000.00, nor more than $10,000.00, or imprisonment of not less than ten days nor more than six months, or both, such fine and imprisonment to be in the discretion of the court.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 37; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 33.)

§ 11-65-38. Disqualification due to gambling activities.

No person who engages in the practice of professional gambling on horse races or greyhound races, or in the practice of making gambling or wagering books on such races, or who knowingly takes any part in such practice, shall be eligible as an applicant for any horse racing facility license or any operator's license to conduct horse racing or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon under the provisions of this chapter, or to be connected with such licensed activities in any capacity, and any corporation, partnership, or other entity which has an officer, director, stockholder, partner, or executive or who employs any person who engages in such practices shall likewise be ineligible as a licensee, and each commission is hereby empowered to inquire into such matters in entertaining any such application and otherwise in administering this chapter.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 38; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 34.)

§ 11-65-39. Tampering with racing animals prohibited.

No person shall influence or have any understanding or connivance with (i) any owner, trainer, jockey, driver, groom, or other person associated with or interested in any stable, horse, or race in which any horse participates, or (ii) any owner, trainer, handler, groom, or other person associated with or interested in any kennel, greyhound, or race in which any greyhound participates, to prearrange or predetermine the results of any horse race or greyhound race, nor shall any person stimulate or depress a horse or greyhound, for the purpose of affecting the results of a race, by use of any electrical device or any electrical equipment or by any mechanical or other device not generally accepted as regulation racing equipment, nor shall any person stimulate or depress a horse or greyhound through the administration of any drug or chemical, or knowingly enter any horse or greyhound in any race within a period of 24 hours after any drug or chemical has been administered to such horse or greyhound, for the purpose of increasing or retarding the speed of such horse or greyhound.
No person shall, except for medical purposes, administer any poison, drug, medicine, or other substance to any horse or greyhound entered or about to be entered in any race, or expose such substance to a horse or greyhound with the intent that it be taken, or cause any foreign substance to be taken by or placed upon or in the body of such horse or greyhound, with intent to impede or increase its speed, endurance, health or physical, or mental condition.

Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned for not less than one year nor more than 10 years, or fined not less than $5,000.00 nor more than $50,000.00 or both, in the discretion of the court.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 39; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 35.)

§ 11-65-40. Transmission of racing information prohibited.

With the exception of televised simulcast programming of horse races and greyhound races authorized in accordance with Section 11-65-32, it shall be unlawful for any person to transmit or communicate to another by any means whatsoever the results, changing odds, track conditions, or other information relating to any horse race or greyhound race from any racetrack in a commission municipal jurisdiction between the period of time beginning one hour prior to the first race of the day and ending 30 minutes after the posting of the official results of each race, as to that particular race, except this period may be reduced to permit the transmitting of the result of the last race each day not sooner than 15 minutes after the official posting of such results; provided, however, that a commission may by rule permit the immediate transmission by radio, television (other than televised simulcast programming pursuant to Section 11-65-32 hereof), or press wire of any pertinent information concerning feature races.

It shall be unlawful for any person to transmit by any means whatsoever racing information to any other person or relay the same to any other person by word of mouth, by signal, or by use of telephone, telegraph, radio, or any other means when the information is knowingly used or intended to be used for illegal gambling purposes or in furtherance of such gambling purposes. It is the legislative intent that the improper use of instruments of communication referred to in the preceding sentence is prohibited and not the possession or lawful use of such instruments on the premises of any racing facility under the jurisdiction of a commission, and nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit, or to authorize a commission to prohibit, the location of public telephones in or about a racing facility or the possession of portable telephones by members of the general public when attending racing events.

Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be imprisoned for not less than one year nor more than 10 years, or fined not less than $5,000.00 nor more than $50,000.00, or both, in the discretion of the court.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 40; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 36.)

§ 11-65-41. Possession of certain drugs prohibited.

The possession or transportation of any drug or chemical within the racing enclosure of a racing facility under the jurisdiction of a commission is prohibited except for those permitted by regulations of the commission or those justified by a bona fide veterinarian's prescription with a complete statement of uses and purposes on the container. Depending upon whether such prescription is for a horse or a greyhound, a copy thereof shall be filed with the stewards for horse racing or the judges for greyhound racing, as the case may be.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 41; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 37.)

§ 11-65-42. Misuse of license.

Any credential, license, or permit issued by a commission, if used by the holder thereof for a purpose other than identification and in the performance of legitimate duties on a racetrack, shall be automatically revoked whether so used on or off a racetrack.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 42.)

§ 11-65-43. Racing under unregistered name prohibited.

No person shall knowingly enter or race any horse in any running or harness race under any name or designation other than the name or designation assigned to such horse by and registered with the Jockey Club, the United States Harness Association or other applicable association or knowingly instigate, engage in, or in any way further any act by which any horse is entered or raced in any running or harness race under any name or designation other than the name or designation duly assigned by and registered with the Jockey Club, the United States Harness Association or other applicable association.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 43.)

§ 11-65-44. Presence of underage persons prohibited.

No person under 19 years of age shall be employed for any purpose in or about a racing facility where either horse racing or greyhound racing is conducted pursuant to any license issued by a commission under the provisions of this chapter, except in a job which does not allow or require contact with members of the public engaged in wagering activities, such as the job of groom, animal exerciser, stable attendant, parking attendant, or office worker. No person under 19 years of age shall be admitted to performances of horse racing or greyhound racing which are the subject of pari-mutuel wagering at any such racing facility, nor shall any person under 19 years of age be permitted to wager on any horse race or greyhound race conducted at such racing facility, nor shall any person employed by an operator accept a wager on any horse race or greyhound race from any person under 19 years of age.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 44; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 38.)

§ 11-65-45. Exemption from jurisdiction of state racing commission. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 39, effective June 28, 1991.

§ 11-65-45.1. Limitation of personal liability of commission members and officers.

An individual member of a commission or any officer, employee, or agent thereof shall not in any way be personally liable for any liability, loss, damage, or expense suffered by any person as the result of any action taken by such commission, unless such liability, loss, damage, or expense arises out of or results from the willful misconduct or wrongdoing of such member, officer, employee or agent.


(Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 40.)

§ 11-65-46. County-wide referendum to approve pari-mutuel wagering. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 40, effective June 28, 1991.

§ 11-65-47. Applicability of chapter; severability of provisions.

Insofar as the provisions of this chapter may be inconsistent with the provisions of any other law concerning activities and actions authorized by this chapter, the provisions of this chapter shall control, it being specifically declared that any other provisions of existing law that prohibit or regulate horse racing or greyhound racing and gambling or pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall not be applicable to any activities or actions authorized by and regulated pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

The provisions of this chapter are expressly declared to be severable. If any provision of this chapter shall be adjudged to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction (including, without limitation thereto, any particular allocation of net commission revenues or other provision which, if not severed from this chapter, would cause it to be a local act in violation of any constitutional limitation or condition applicable to local acts), such provision shall be severed from this chapter in order to effectuate the legislative intent that such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this chapter, and the operation of such judgment shall be limited to the provision thereof directly involved in the action in which such judgment shall have been rendered.


(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, § 48; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, § 41.)


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