Swedish Animal Welfare Act

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Popular Title:  Swedish Animal Welfare Act Primary Citation:  SFS 1998:56 Country of Origin:  Sweden Last Checked:  Date Adopted: 

Summary: The Swedish Animal Welfare Act applies to the care and treatment of domestic animals, and other animals if they are kept in captivity or are used for any of the purposes referred to in section 19 (generally, scientific uses).  It provides that animals shall be treated well and shall be protected from unnecessary suffering and disease, among other things.

(1988:534, as last amended by SFS 1998:56 of February 19, 1998; extract)

Scope of the Act

Section 1

This Act applies to the care and treatment of domestic animals. It also applies to other animals if they are kept in captivity or are used for any of the purposes referred to in section 19.

Basic provisions concerning animal management and treatment Section 2

(1) Animals shall be treated well and shall be protected from unnecessary suffering and disease.

(2) Animals used for the purposes referred to in section 19 shall not be deemed to have been exposed to unnecessary suffering and disease where such use has been approved by an ethical committee on animal experiments.

Section 4

(1) Animals that are bred or kept for the production of food, wool, skins or furs, or for any of the purposes referred to in section 19 or for use in sporting events, shall be accommodated and handled in an environment that is appropriate for animals and in such a way as to promote their health and permit natural behaviour.

Use of animals for scientific purposes, etc.

Section 19

Animals may only be used for scientific research or education, the diagnosis of disease, the production of drugs or chemical products or for other similar purposes where:

1. the purpose of the activity cannot be attained by any other satisfactory method that does not entail the use of animals;

2. the activity is organized in such a way as not to subject the animals to greater suffering than is absolutely necessary; and

3. no animals other than animals bred for the purpose are used for the activity.

Section 19 a

(1) Permission must be granted from the Government or, where the Government so decides, the National Board of Agriculture, before animals can be used for the purposes referred to in section 19 or bred, kept or supplied for such use. Such permission may subsequently be withdrawn.

(2) When applications for permission are considered, special attention shall be paid to the question of whether the applicant has the qualifications required to carry on the activity in question and whether the premises in which the activity is to take placeis suitable with regard to animal welfare.

(3) When application for permission to breed laboratory animals are considered, the need of such animals shall also be taken into account.

Section 20

(1) When permission is granted pursuant to section 19 a, the following persons shall be appointed:

1. a supervisor approved by the National Board of Agriculture, who shall be responsible for the activity;

2. a veterinarian who shall give advice and instructions about the conduct of the activity and assist in the treatment of the animas; and

3. staff that is sufficient in number, and has the necessary training and skills for the activity.

(2) The supervisor and the veterinarian shall ensure that the activity is conducted in accordance with this Act and any rules adopted in pursuance thereof.

(3) The Government, or the authority appointed by the Government, may adopt further rules, or take decisions in individual cases cencerning the duties of supervisors and veterinarians and the training and skills of the staff.

Section 21

(1) The use of animals for the purposes referred to in section 19 shall approved by an ethical committee on animal experiments before the activity commences.

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