Swiss Animal Protection Ordinance

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Popular Title:  Swiss Animal Protection Ordinance Primary Citation:  Swiss Animal Protection Ordinance 1981 Country of Origin:  Switzerland Last Checked:  Date Adopted: 

Summary: Regulations on Animal Welfare based on the Swiss Federal Act on Animal Protection. This piece of legislation is comprehensive, including laws on animal husbandry, animal research, companion animals, breeding, transport and slaughter.

 Link to minimum requirements under the Animal Protection Ordinance



The Federal Council, based on Article 33 of the Act on Animal Protection of March 9, 1978 (Law), resolves:


Chapter 1: General Provisions Concerning the Keeping of Animals

            Article 1: Proper Keeping Arrangements

1. Animals shall be kept in such a manner as not to interfere with their bodily functions or their behavior, nor to overtax their capacity to adapt.

2. Feeding, care and housing shall be deemed suitable where, according to existing experience and the state of knowledge concerning physiology, animal behavior and hygiene, they comply with the animals' requirements.

3. Animals shall not be kept permanently tethered.

4. Exemptions from the provisions governing the keeping of animals shall be permitted for as long as they may be necessary to prevent or heal diseases.

Article 2: Feeding

1. Animals shall receive sufficient quantities of suitable food regularly and, as far as required, water. Anyone keeping animals in groups shall ensure that every animal receives sufficient food and water.

2. The nature and composition of the food provided shall be such that the animal may satisfy its species specific need for occupation combined with feeding.

3. Live animals shall be fed to wild animals only. Wild animals shall be allowed to capture and kill their prey as they would in the wild.


  Article 3: Care

1. Animals shall be tended to in view of averting disease and injury caused by their being kept as well as with regard to making up for species specific comfort behavior which

is hampered by their confinement, but would be essential to their health.

2. Anyone keeping animals shall review their welfare and inspect the installations with sufficient regularity. He shall immediately rectify defects in installations which are detrimental to the welfare of the animals or take other suitable steps to ensure that the animals are protected.

3. Sick or injured animals shall immediately be housed, looked after, and treated in a manner appropriate to their condition, failing which, they shall be put down.

Article 4: Housing

1. Animals unable to adapt to the prevailing climate shall be provided with housing.

2. Such housing shall be easy to enter and spacious enough for the animals to be able to stand up or lie down normally, it shall be constructed so as to minimize the risk of injury.


Article 5: Enclosures

1."Enclosures" are enclosed outdoor or indoor areas (including cages, terraria, aquaria, breeding tanks or fish ponds) in which the animals are kept. Transport containers shall not be regarded as enclosures.

2. Enclosures shall be built, installed and equipped so as to minimize the risk of injury and prevent the animals from escaping.

3. The size and layout of the enclosures which animals occupy permanently or most of the time shall allow them such freedom of movement as their species requires. The type of enclosure and, in particular, the ground or floor, shall not endanger the health of the animals.

4. Where enclosures are occupied by several animals, due allowance shall be made for normal patterns of group behavior. Where several animal species are kept in the same enclosure, it shall be possible for them to avoid, or withdraw from contact with one another. Individual accommodation shall be available for animals that usually live on their own or are temporarily doing so as well as for unsociable animals.

5. Furthermore, for the animals listed in Appendixes 1 to 3, enclosures shall correspond to the minimum requirements prescribed.


   Article 6: Standing Stalls, Boxes and Tethering Systems

Standing stalls, boxes and tethering systems shall be designed so that animals can lie down, rest and rise to their feet in the normal way for their species. Tethering systems shall be constructed so as not to cause the animals injury. Ropes, chains, halters, and similar tethering devices shall be tested at sufficiently regular intervals and adapted to the size of the animals concerned.


Article 7: Housing Climate

1. Premises in which animals are kept shall be built, used and ventilated so as to maintain a suitable climate for the animals.

2. In closed premises with an artificial ventilation system, an auxiliary fresh air intake system shall be available for use in the event of a breakdown.

Chapter 2: Animal Attendants

Article 8: Training

1. Training of animal attendants leading to the award of a proficiency certificate shall impart basic knowledge of the keeping and proper care of animals as well as more detailed knowledge of a specific field.

2. Training shall take place in a recognized training establishment.

3. Training establishments shall organize courses and encourage private study.


    Article 9: Examination

1. Persons at least 18 years of age, able to prove that they have had twelve months of practical training in a training establishment and that they have attended a preparatory course organized by the cantons are admitted to the examination.

2. Together with the training establishments and under the supervision of the Federal Veterinary Office (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Office), the cantons shall organize proficiency certificate examinations.

3. The cantonal authorities organizing the examinations shall issue the proficiency certificate on a special Federal Office form. The certificate shall be valid throughout Switzerland.

4. The cantons may levy an examination fee.


Article 10: Examination Regulations

The Federal Department of Public Economy (hereinafter referred to as the Department) shall set out rules for the acquisition of the proficiency certificate.


Article 11: Employment of Animal Attendants

1. In principle, establishments keeping wild animals professionally or undertaking professional animal trading, establishments keeping, breeding or trading in animals for experiments, animal shelters, clinics and establishments breeding and keeping pet animals, shall arrange for the animals to be looked after by, or under the supervision of, qualified attendants with a proficiency certificate. The number of attendants required shall depend on the species and number of animals concerned.

2. Attendants holding the proficiency certificate shall not be required where scientific knowledge and past experience suggest that the animals concerned are easy to keep and can be looked after by persons without specialist professional knowledge.

3. The cantonal authorities may permit, as an exception, a person with comparable professional knowledge and abilities to be employed instead of an attendant holding the proficiency certificate.

4. "Animal clinics" are establishments run by a veterinary surgeon, where sick animals are treated on the premises.

Chapter 3: Domestic Animal

  Section 1: General Provisions

    Article 12: Definition

"Domestic animals" are domesticated animals of the following species: horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats - not including exotic breeds thereof – as well as domestic rabbits, dogs, cats, and poultry (hens, turkeys, guinea fowl, geese, ducks, and domestic pigeons).


Article 13: Stable Flooring

1. Floors shall be easy to keep dry and non-slip. Flooring with lying accommodation shall satisfy the need of the animals for warmth.

2. Slatted, perforated or gridded floors shall be suitable for the size and weight of animals housed. Slatted floors shall be level, individual beams shall not be movable.


Article 14: Lighting

1. Domestic animals shall not be kept in permanent darkness.

2. Housing in which animals remain all or most of the time shall be lit by natural daylight where possible. During the day, the minimum level of illumination in the area occupied by the animals shall be 15 lux, or 5 lux in the case of domestic poultry.

3. Housing shall not be artificially lit for more than 16 hours a day.


Article 15: Behavior Control in Stables

The use of sharp-edged or pointed devices or appliances delivering electric shocks for the purpose of controlling the behavior of the animals inside their housing is prohibited. Only electric cattle yokes which can be individually regulated or - as a temporary measure in loose housing - electric fencing, are permitted.



Section 2: Cattle

       Article 16: Calf Feeding

1. Calves shall receive sufficient iron in their feed.

2. Calves more than three weeks old shall be allowed to consume straw, hay, or similar fodder ad libitum.

3. Calves shall not be muzzled.


Article 16a Calf Housing

1. It is prohibited to tether calves less than four months old, with the exception of short tethering of calves reared for breeding and during the feeding of calves.

2. Calves two weeks to four months old must be kept in group housing systems, with the exception of calves housed in premises allowing for constant access to the outdoors.

3. Calves housed individually must be able to have eye contact with animals of the same species.


Article 17: Lying Area

1. Calves up to four months old, dairy cattle, heifers in an advanced state of pregnancy and mating bulls must be provided with lying areas with sufficient and appropriate litter.

2. In case of renovations to or construction of housing premises, all other cattle must be provided with a lying area equipped with sufficient and appropriate litter or a soft, formable material.

Article 18: Stanchion Systems

Cattle kept tethered must be allowed to move around freely outdoors on a regular basis, however, at least 90 days per year.


Article 19: Loose Housing

1. In loose housing for cattle, the corridors in the lying area shall be designed so as to make it possible for the animals to avoid each other.

2. In loose housing with lying boxes, the number of animals housed shall not exceed the number of lying boxes available.

3. A special stable shall be available for calving or for sick animals.

Section 3: Pigs

Article 20: Rooting

Pigs shall be allowed ample rooting time with straw, roughage, or other suitable material.


Article 21: Flooring and Lying Areas

1. Floors of crates for sows and of pens for breeding boars shall be no more than fifty percent, floors of breeding pens for piglets no more than two thirds slatted or perforated.

2. In case of renovations to or construction of pigsties, pigs must be provided with a lying area on non-perforated flooring.


Article 22: Individual Housing

1. Breeding boars and fattening pigs shall not be kept in crates. This requirement shall not apply to underweight fattening pigs whose weight is being brought up to standard.

2. Sows may only be housed in crates during the mating period, and this, for a maximum of ten days.

3. Pigs may not be kept tethered.


   Article 22a: Group Housing

1. Group-housed sows may only be enclosed in feeding stalls or feeding lying stalls during feeding.

2. In housing systems with feeding lying stalls the corridors must be wide enough for the animals to turn and pass by one another easily.


    Article 23: Farrowing Pens

1. Farrowing pens shall be designed to provide sufficient space for the mother sow to turn around freely. While giving birth, the sow may be enclosed in a crate in exceptional cases.

2. For a few days before farrowing, sufficient long-cut hay, or other material suited to perform nest-building behavior, shall be placed in the pen. During suckling, sufficient litter shall be placed in the pen.


Article 24: Piglet Cages

Piglets shall not be kept in cages with two or more tires. The tops of the cages shall be open.

Section 3a: Domestic Rabbits

Article 24a: Occupancy and Housing in Groups

1. Rabbits shall be provided with coarse roughage such as hay or straw daily. Elements which they can gnaw shall always be available.

2. Generally, young rabbits shall not be housed individually for the first eight weeks of life.


Article 24b: Enclosures, Cages and Accommodations

1. Cages must:

a. have a floor area which complies with the dimensions according to Appendix tables 141 and

142, item 11, or, if the area is smaller, be equipped with an area raised to a minimum of 20 cm above the floor where animals can stretch to their full length;

b. at least in part, be of a height enabling animals to sit up straight;

c. have a darkened area where the animals can withdraw to.

2. Cages without bedding may only be used in air-conditioned rooms.

3. Enclosures and cages for heavily pregnant does shall be provided with compartments where they can build a nest. They shall have the possibility of cushioning them with straw or another appropriate material. Does shall have the possibility of moving away from their pups to another compartment or to a raised area.

Section 4: Domestic poultry


   Article 25: Installations

1. Adequate installations shall be provided for feeding and watering and, in addition to this, for:

a. breeding birds and layers of all species of domestic poultry: protected, darkened, soft-floored or litter-lined nesting boxes;

b. breeding birds, laying breeds of hen, turkey and guinea fowl, and pigeons: suitable perches or slatted floor;

c. ducks: bathing facilities.

2. The animals must have direct access to these installations.


     Article 26: Beak Clipping and Killing of Chicks

1. Beaks shall not be clipped to such extent as to prevent birds from feeding normally.

2. Chicks selected for killing shall not be piled on top of each other while still alive.

Section 5: Authorization of Housing Systems and Installations


Article 27: Authorization Regulations

1. Authorization within the scope of Article 5 of the Act is required for mass produced housing systems and in-house installations for cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, domestic rabbits, and domestic poultry.

2. Housing installations with which animals frequently come into contact shall be subject to approval. Such installations include:

a. feeding and watering systems;

b. floor coverings and dung grids;

c. barriers, fences and installations to control animal behavior;

d. tethering arrangements;

e. nest boxes.

3. Housing systems (cages, boxes, stables, sheds, etc.) shall require approval as an entire unit, even where their component parts have already been approved.


        Article 28: Authorization Procedure

1. The local manufacturer or the importer shall apply to the Federal Veterinary Office, submitting the documents necessary for the assessment of the item or items.

2. Where a test of the actual item or items proves necessary, this shall be carried out at the Swiss Federal Research Station for Farm Management and Agricultural Engineering (FAT) or at another competent establishment. The Federal Office shall send the applicant a corresponding cost estimate.

3. The applicant shall, at his own expense, submit for examination the housing systems or installations concerned. He maybe required to pay an advance for the processing of the application.

4. The Federal Office shall issue the approval. It may limit the period of validity or impose conditions and requirements concerning the use of the item or items.


Article 29: Animal Housing Board

1. The Department shall appoint an Advisory Board consisting of no more than 15 members, including representatives of the Confederation and the cantons, leading scientists and specialists in animal protection, the keeping of animals and animal housing construction.

2. The Department shall appoint a Chairperson. In all other respects, the Board shall be self-constituting. It shall draw up its own rules of procedure. The Federal Office shall provide it with secretarial services.

3. The Federal Office may consult the Board on all matters relating to animal housing systems and in-house installations. The Board shall express an opinion on the applications and results of the practical examinations referred to by the Federal Office.


       Article 30: Marking and Publication

1. The manufacturer or importer shall mark animal housing systems and installations with their approval number and supply keepers of animals with instructions specifying the conditions and requirements attached to the approval.

2. The Federal Office shall publish approvals and the conditions and requirements attached thereto in the "Bulletin of the Federal Veterinary Office".

Section 6: Dogs

Article 31: Keeping of Dogs

1. Dogs kept in closed premises shall be given as much daily exercise as they require. Whenever possible, exercise should be possible in the open.

2. Dogs kept tethered shall have an area of at least 20 m2 for unimpeded movement. They shall not be tethered by means of choke collars.

3. Dogs kept in the open shall be provided with shelter.


Article 32: Draught Dogs

1. Only dogs suitable for draught purposes may be used to this effect. In particular sick animals, those in an advanced state of pregnancy and those suckling shall be regarded as unsuitable.

2. Draught dogs shall wear suitable harnesses.


    Article 33: Training of Hunting Dogs

1. Dogs to be used for hunting in burrows shall be trained and tested only in artificial burrows approved by the cantonal authorities.

2. Such burrows shall be approved where:

a. all sections of horizontal passages or of the bottom of the burrow can be opened;

b. the movements of both fox and dog can be monitored on special equipment;

c. the gate system is designed and may be operated so as to prevent direct contact between dog and fox.

3. The cantonal authorities shall be notified of any event at which dogs are to be burrow-trained or burrow-tested. They shall arrange for the entire event to be supervised. The authorities may limit the number of burrows or the number of events.


        Article 34: Training of Dogs

1. During dog training and at dog trials, displays of undue severity or the firing of shots to punish dogs as well as the usage of needle collars are prohibited.

2. Training instruments may not be applied in a manner to cause injury or major pain to the animal, provoke it, or cause it great fear.

3. Training instruments delivering electric shocks, making acoustic signals, or using chemicals are prohibited, with the exception of whistling during training or the professional application of bordering systems.

4. Upon application, the cantonal authorities may grant persons with the necessary specialist knowledge the permission to use the instruments mentioned in paragraph 3 for exceptional therapeutical purposes.

Chapter 3a: Animal Shelters and Pet Animals

Article 34a: Definition

1. Animal shelters are establishments in which animals are kept in pension or in which ownerless animals are kept.

2. Pet animals are animals kept in a household out of interest in the animal or as companions to human beings or animals which will be kept for these purposes.


Article 34b:   Notification of Animal Shelters and Commercial Breeding Establishments and Keeping of Pet Animals

1. Cantonal authorities must be notified if an animal shelter is being operated or is planned to be operated.

2. Cantonal authorities must be notified if commercial breeding or the keeping of pet animals is undertaken or planned to be undertaken.

3. The following indications must be made:

a. person responsible;

b. breed and maximum number of animals;

c. size, number and design of keeping unities;

d. number and training of animal attendants.

Chapter 4: Wild Animals

Section 1: General Provisions

  Article 35: Definition

All animals other than domesticated animals (Art. 12) as well as rodents bred for laboratory experiments shall be deemed as wild.


Article 36: Feeding Prohibition

Establishments which keep wild animals and are open to the public shall prohibit visitors from giving the animals food of any description. Such prohibition shall not apply to installations for waterfowl.


       Article 37: Capture and Housing of Wild Animals

1. Only under a veterinary surgeon's instructions may drugs be used to capture wild animals. The animals concerned shall remain under observation until the effects of the drug wear off.

2. Where animals liable to panic are put in a new enclosure, the enclosure boundaries shall be made clearly visible to them. Animals shall not be added to an existing group, unless they have already become accustomed to their new environment and unless their behavior is monitored when they join the group.



Section 2: Authorization to Keep Wild Animals

             Article 38: The Professional Keeping of Wild Animals

1. The following shall be regarded as establishments for keeping wild animals professionally:

a. zoos, circuses, drive-in parks, wild animal parks, menageries, dolphinaria, aviaries, aquaria, vivaria, or other similar institutions which:

1. may be visited upon payment of an entry charge, or

2. may be visited free of charge, but are operated in connection with profit-making enterprises (e.g. restaurants, petrol stations, shops, or transport undertakings) or as a general tourist attraction;

b. establishments which keep wild animals professionally for experiments, for their eggs, meat or fur, or for similar purposes;

c. establishments which breed wild animals for hunting;

d. temporary animal exhibitions open to the public.

2. The following are excluded: fish farms, ponds for keeping table fish, and separately run aquaria.


Article 39: Keeping of Wild Animals by Private Individuals

To keep the following wild animals, even non-professionally, permission is required:

a. mammals other than insectivores and small rodents;

b. ostriches, kiwis, penguins, pelicans, cormorants, darters, gallatores, flamingos, diurnal birds of prey, cranes, waders, nocturnal birds of prey, nightjars, humming birds, trogons, large hornbills, nectariniidae, birds of   paradise;

c. giant and African spurred tortoises, marine turtles, crocodiles, tuataras, monitors, gilas, poisonous snakes, boidae, where adult specimens grow to over three meters in length, not including boa constrictors;

d. giant salamanders;

e. fish which grow to more than one meter in length outside captivity, excluding indigenous species mentioned   in the legislation on fishing.


  Article 40: Restrictions

1. The cantonal authorities shall not authorize the keeping of animals which are extremely difficult to look after unless a recognized specialist certifies that all the requirements for their proper keeping have been met.

2. Paragraph 1 above shall apply to the following species in particular:

a. duck-billed platypus, koala bears, flying lemurs, giant armadillos;

b. divers, grebes, procellariiformes, tropic birds, gannets, frigate birds, secretary birds, great bustards, terns, auks and guillemots, swifts (excluding nestlings of native species);

c. marine iguanas, chameleons;

d. goliath frogs;

e. pelagic sharks.


Article 41: Authorization Procedure

1. The keeper shall apply to the authorities of the canton in which he intends to keep the animals.

2. In the case of circuses and traveling menageries, the authorizing canton shall be the

canton in which the animals’ winter or permanent quarters are located. Where both winter and permanent quarters are located abroad, the authorizing canton shall be the canton in which the circus or traveling menagerie intends to hold its first performance. The relevant permit shall be issued in conjunction with the Federal Office's import license.

3. The application shall specify:

a. the purpose for which the animals are to be kept;

b. the species and the number of animals concerned;

c. the size and type of enclosures. in the case of establishments which keep animals professionally, the number and qualifications of staff in charge of the animals.

4. Zoos, circuses, and similar institutions (Art. 38, para. 1, let. a) shall make out their applications on the special Federal Office form.


Article 42: Conditions Attached to the Authorization

1. Premises, enclosures and installations shall meet the needs of the species. They shall be suitable for the number of animals occupying them and the purpose for which such animals are being kept. They shall be constructed so that the animals cannot escape.

Enclosures for circus animals working frequently in the ring, and enclosures in which animals are kept for a short time only, need not comply fully with the minimum standards laid down in Appendix 2.

2. Special precautions shall be taken to protect animals from inclement weather, disturbance by visitors, noise, and exhaust fumes.

3. The animals shall be inspected regularly by a veterinary surgeon. This regulation does not apply to temporary animal exhibitions and small private establishments which keep animals.

4. Where an establishment keeping wild animals is not required to employ attendants who hold the proficiency certificate, the applicant shall show that the person in charge of the animals is competent to look after them.

5. In case of temporary exhibitions, the applicant must be able to prove that the animals will be properly housed elsewhere once the exhibition is over.


       Article 43: Scope of the Authorization

1. Permits shall be issued to zoos, circuses, and similar institutions (Article 38, para. 1, let. a) on the special Federal Office form. The authorization granted may be general in scope or relate only to certain animal species. It shall specify the minimum requirements with regard to the number of attendants holding the proficiency certificate. As a general rule, it shall be valid for an indefinite period of time.

2. The permit relating to establishments for keeping wild animals within the scope of Article 38, paragraph 1, letters b and cis restricted to certain species. It shall lay down enclosure size, the number of animals allowed per enclosure, minimum requirements with regard to attendants holding the proficiency certificate, and compulsory anaesthetizing and killing procedures. As a general rule, it shall be valid for an indefinite period.

3. The other permits (Art. 38, para. 1, let. d, Art. 39 and Art. 40) shall specify the species and number of animals to which they apply. They shall be valid for a maximum period of two years. Where private individuals keep large numbers of animals, the cantonal authorities may require them to employ the services of attendants who hold the proficiency certificate and prescribe the minimum number of such attendants.

4. Permits to which conditions and duties may be attached may lay down detailed requirements concerning the feeding, care and accommodation of the animals.


Article 44: Inspection and Notification Requirements

1. A permit holder shall keep accurate records of the number of animals kept, according to the instructions of the cantonal authorities.

2.   He shall give prior notice of substantial changes to the buildings or in the number of animals to the cantonal authorities who shall decide whether a new permit is necessary.

3. At least once a year, the cantonal authorities shall inspect establishments which keep wild animals professionally.

Chapter 5: Trading in Animals and Use of Animals for Advertising Purposes

            Article 45: Authorization

1. An animal trading permit (Art. 8, para. 1 of the Act) is also required for markets dealing in small animals and exhibition sat which animals are offered for sale. This provision shall not apply to local events.

2. The livestock dealer’s license is equivalent to a permit to trade in livestock within the scope of Article 34, paragraph 1 of the Epizootic Diseases Ordinance of June 27, 1995. No permit is required for trade in livestock within the scope of Articles34, paragraph 2 of the Epizootic Diseases Ordinance.


Article 46: Authorization Procedure

1. Application for permission to trade in animals or use animals for advertising purposes shall be made to the cantonal authorities. The organizer shall apply for permission to hold markets trading small animals, to organize exhibitions at which animals are sold, or to use animals for advertising purposes.

2. Applications for permission to trade in animals shall specify:

a. the type and scale of the commercial operation;

b. the size, type and installations of the premises;

c. the number and qualifications of staff in charge of the animals.

3. In the case of animal trading businesses with adjoining displays (commercial zoos), the form described in Article 41,paragraph 4 shall also be completed.

4. Applications for permission to use animals for advertising purposes shall specify:

a. the species and the number of animals concerned;

b. the conditions in which the animals will be used and the duration of such use.


Article 47: Conditions for Granting Authorization

1. Permission to trade in animals shall be granted if the applicant:

a. is permanently resident or has his registered office in Switzerland, and

b. has suitable premises, enclosures and installations.

2. Provided that wild animals are kept for only a short time and their keeper does not intend to exhibit them, the cantonal authorities may grant permission even where enclosures do not fully comply with the minimum requirements laid down in Appendix 2.

3. Permission to use animals for advertising purposes shall be given, if it is guaranteed that the animals will suffer no form of harm or injury.


Article 48: Scope of Authorization

1. The cantonal authorities shall decide whether attendants holding the proficiency certificate are required and if so, how many. Permission to trade in a limited number of animals may also be given to applicants who do not hold the proficiency certificate, provided they can show that they are sufficiently competent to keep the animals to which the application relates.

2. Permission to hold markets for trade in small animals, to organize exhibitions at which animals are offered for sale, or to use animals for advertising purposes, shall be subject to certain conditions and requirements designed to ensure that the animals will not suffer any form of harm or injury. Such permission shall be valid for a limited period of time.

3. In general, other types of animal trading permits shall be valid for an unlimited period of time.


        Article 49: Inspections

1. At least every two years, the cantonal authorities shall inspect businesses authorized to trade in animals.

2. Authorized dealers shall keep an accurate record of the number of animals in their possession, in compliance with instructions of the cantonal authorities.


Article 50: Primates and Cats

1. Monkeys, lemurs and cats (felidae, except for the domestic cat) shall be bought and sold exclusively by zoos and animal sparks licensed by the cantonal authorities.

2. Licensing shall be subject to the following conditions:

a. the establishment shall hold a permit in compliance with Article 43, paragraph 1;

b. it shall be managed on scientific principles

c. it shall have its own full-time or part-time veterinary surgeon.

3. No license is required for the sale of apes, lemurs or cats bred by the seller, or for arranging the sale of animals kept by third parties.


Article 51: Transfer of Ownership

Persons transferring ownership of animals the keeping of which is subject to special authorization shall ensure that the purchaser has such authorization.


Article 51a:   Age Limit for Purchasing Animals

Without the express consent of the person holding parental authorization, animals may not be sold to persons under 16years of age.

Chapter 6: Transport of Animals

    Article 52: Responsibility

1. The sender shall obtain the necessary documents before shipment so as to expedite transport and delivery. He shall provide the carrier with the necessary instructions concerning the care of the animals in transit and, if possible, affix such instructions to the transport containers in a conspicuous position.

2. The carrier shall make sure that the sender has given him all the necessary documents and shall complete the journey quickly and with due consideration to the animals. On taking possession of the animals, he shall become responsible frothier accommodation and care, and remain responsible until he delivers them to the consignee. He shall promptly transport the animals to their destination and immediately notify the consignee of the animals' arrival.

3. The consignee shall unload the animals immediately and, as far as necessary, house, water, feed and care for them, thereby bearing in mind that they have just completed a trying journey. Consideration shall be shown in accustoming wild animals to their new surroundings.


Article 53: Choice, Preparation and Care of Animals

1. Animals shall not be transported unless they can be expected to withstand the journey without harm. Sick, injured, or weak animals, those in an advanced state of pregnancy, and young animal’s dependent of their parents shall not be transported without special precautions.

2. Animals shall be properly prepared for transport and watered and fed as necessary, before and during transport.

3. Only competent or sufficiently trained personnel shall accompany and feed and water the animals during transport. Such personnel is not necessary if the seller or the buyer have ensured that the animals receive, if necessary, food and water and the necessary attention during the transport or during halts.

4. Lactating dairy cattle shall be milked twice a day.

5. If necessary, animals shall be transported in separate compartments, according to species, age, and sex. Unsociable animals shall be transported separately.

6. Solipeds and clove-hoofed animals not being transported in containers shall be loaded and unloaded by means of non-slip ramps. Such ramps shall not be too steeply angled or have gaps wide enough to cause injuries to the animals. The ramps must be equipped with a lateral protection corresponding to the size and weight of the animals, except if the animals can be led by hand and if the ramp is no higher than 50 cm.

7. Horses, except for young animals not accustomed to wearing them, shall wear halters during transport. Rope halters are prohibited. Where horses are transported untethered in groups, the shoes shall be removed from their rear hooves.

8. Bulls over 18 months of age shall wear a nose ring. Cattle shall not be tethered by the horns or by their nose ring, and not be tethered with strings.

9. Only competent persons shall be allowed to drive, herd, load and unload animals. They must treat the animals carefully when doing so.

10. Vehicles shall be driven with due consideration for the animals. Railway wagons shall be maneuvered as little as possible while trains are being assembled.

11. Insides of vehicles and transport containers shall be thoroughly cleaned before shipment.


Article 54: Mode of Transport

1. The mode of transport shall satisfy the following requirements:

a. all parts with which the animals come into contact shall be made of non-harmful materials and designed so as to minimize the risk of injury.

b. it must be possible to keep all doors, windows and skylights securely fixed during transport.

c. non-slip flooring, partitions, grids, and supports shall be provided to prevent the animals from skidding or the transport containers from shifting. Ramps must correspond to the stipulations of Article 53, paragraph 6.

d. tethering devices shall be strong enough to withstand normal strain during transport. They shall be long enough to enable animals to stand up normally, lie down or feed and drink.

e. animals shall have adequate space. For farm animals, minimal loading space as described in Appendix 4 must be available. Allowances shall be made for variations in needs, depending on the species concerned, climatic conditions and, in particular, whether the animals are shorn or unshorn. If the loading spaces are too large or if the animals have more than double the minimum loading space, according to Appendix 4, separation walls must be used.

f. care shall be taken that the animals have adequate supply of fresh air and are effectively protected against the ill-effects of inclement weather and exhaust fumes from the vehicle.

g. on the vehicles used to transport professionally farm animals according to Appendix 4, the loading space in square meters or per floor must be clearly marked on the outside of the vehicle. Moreover, a copy of Appendix 4 must be placed in the vehicle.

h. vehicles used to transport animals professionally must clearly be marked "live animals" on the front and on the back.

2. Goods which impede the animals shall not be transported along with them.

3. In case of longer interruptions in transport, the animals may only be kept in the transport vehicles, if the minimum spacerequirements for housing as described in the Appendixes are respected, if they have permanent access to

water or, if necessary, milk, and if the animals can be fed at species specific intervals. Furthermore, the conditions as to climate appropriate for the species must be satisfactory.

            Article 55: Transport Containers

1. Transport containers shall:

a. be made of material not harmful to the animals' health and designed so as to minimize the risk of injury;

b. be strong enough to withstand the normal strain to which they may be subjected during transport without major damage, and resistant enough to withstand damage caused by the animals;

c. be constructed so that the animals cannot escape from them;

d. be big enough for the animals to be transported in a normal posture;

e. have sufficient ventilation openings, which shall be arranged so as to ensure an adequate air supply even if the containers are tightly packed together. Cold-blooded animals in closed containers shall have a sufficient supply of air or oxygen and, if necessary, good heat insulation shall be ensured;

f. be designed so that the animals can be inspected and, if necessary, receive attention. Containers for long-distance transport shall be equipped with watering and feeding systems, which can be used without allowing the animals to escape.

2. Transport containers shall bear an animal symbol or the words "live animals", and, on two opposite sides, markings indicating the correct storage position: "this side up". No such markings are required:

a. for containers where the contents are visible from all sides;

b. for large numbers of containers conveyed in bulk consignments without further unloading or re-loading, in vehicles carrying special markings.

3. Containers designed for stacking shall be stacked stable and in such a manner that ventilation holes are not blocked and excreta cannot leak into the containers below.


    Article 56: Exceptions

If the circumstances so require, and provided the animals are caused neither suffering nor injury, postal and air transport may be exempted from the above provisions governing the transport of animals.



    Article 57 revoked

Chapter 7: Experiments with Animals

            Section 1: Keeping of Animals for Experiments

                        Article 58: Application and Definition

1. In addition to vertebrates, the regulations concerning experiments with animals also comprise decapoda and cephalopoda.

2.   Animals for experiments are all animals mentioned in paragraph 1 which are used for experiments or are destined for experiments.


         Article 58a:   Housing

1. The regulations governing the keeping of animals shall, in principle, also apply to animals for experiments.

2. Exemptions from the provisions of Chapters 1, 3, 4 and Article 59, shall be permitted when genuinely essential to the experiment and duly authorized; such experiments shall be kept as short in time as possible.


Article 59: Special Provisions

1. Premises housing animals for experiments must be illuminated by daylight or artificial light with a similar spectrum. The intensity of the light in the area occupied by the animals, the periods of illumination and darkness, as well as changes in light shall comply with the needs of the animals. Artificial light sources must not produce any noticeable flickering.

2. Premises and installations must be constructed in such a manner that the animals are not exposed to excessive or startling noise. Excessive and startling noise must also be avoided when dealing with animals.

3. Animals destined for experiments must become accustomed to having contact with people before the experiments begin.

4. Primates, cats and dogs, with the exception of unsociable animals, must be kept together with members of the same species.


   Article 59a:   Origin

1. Animals destined for experiments must, as a rule, be bred by the institute or laboratory conducting the experiments, or obtained from authorized breeders/traders of animals for experiments.

2. Animals caught in the wild may be used for experiments if they belong to a species which is difficult to breed in sufficient numbers.

3. Domestic animals may be used for experiments, even if they were not especially bred for this purpose. Cats, dogs and rabbits are excepted from this regulation.

Article 59b Authorized Breeding/Trading Establishments of Animals for Experiments.

1. Anyone who breeds, procures or passes on animals for experiments must inform the cantonal authorities accordingly, by submitting a request for authorization of the establishment. The information must comprise the name of the person responsible, the species and number of animals being kept, as well as the extent of the eventual trade.

2. An establishment shall be granted authorization if it fulfils the conditions and requirements of Articles 11, 58a and 59, as well as the conditions for the keeping of up-to-date records of animals in its possession according to Article 63.Article 59c Marking Primates, cats and dogs intended to be used as animals for experiments must, as a rule, be permanently marked before the end of the weaning period.



   Section 1a: Training of Specialists

Article 59d:   Persons in Charge of Experiments and Persons Carrying Out Experiments with Animals

1. Persons in charge of experiments with animals must:

a. have completed an education at university level, as a rule with a degree in biology, veterinary or human medicine, or have an equivalent education;

b. have completed expert training and acquired knowledge about animal protection, the characteristics, needs and diseases of animals for experiments, and their use for experimental purposes;

c. have at least three years practical experience in the field of experiments with animals;

d. be able to guarantee the proper care for animals used for experiments.

2. Persons who carry out experiments with animals under the supervision of experts, according to paragraph 1, must have completed training by which they have acquired the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical training to carry out experiments with animals.

3. The persons named in paragraphs 1 and 2 must attend expert training courses periodically in order keep abreast of the newest developments in animal experiments. They must submit proof of their expert training activities to the cantonal authorities.

4. Establishments which carry out experiments with animals shall organize, in co-operation with the professional associations, courses for expert training and advanced training events.


  Article 59e: Scope of Specialist Training

The Federal Office regulates the special training for experiment supervisors and persons who carry out experiments with animals, especially with regard to the content and scope of the subjects to be taught and the duration of courses, including practical and advanced training.


Article 59f: Supervision of Specialist Training

1. The cantonal authorities

a. shall, within the scope of the authorization procedure for experiments with animals, examine the qualifications necessary to conduct experiments with animals of both the experiment supervisor and the persons who will carry out the experiments;

b. can excuse a supervisor or a person who carries out experiments with animals from a part of the expert and the advanced training, if proof of an adequate special training can be supplied;

c. can, in certain justified cases, order a supervisor or a person who carries out experiments with animals to obtain training in a certain field;

d. can accept a shorter period of practical experience for a supervisor, if proof of adequate special training can be supplied.

2. The cantonal authorities recognize equal training, expert and special training courses from abroad.



   Section 2: Authorization to Conduct Experiments with Animals

                        Article 60: Rules Governing Authorization

1. Experiments with animals according to Article 13, paragraph 1 of the Act require authorisation.2Authorisation is required especially for experiments with animals in the course of which:

a. surgery is performed on the animals;

b. the animals are submitted to substantial physical effects;

c. substances or a mixture of substances to be tested are administered or applied to the animals and a harmful effect for the animals cannot be excluded;

d. pathological effects are caused in the animals;

e. animals are infected with micro-organisms or parasites, immunized, or have cell cultures administered to them, even if this is done for diagnostical purposes only;

f. animals are anaesthetized, even if the animals are killed under anaesthesia;

g. it must be assumed that on the basis of the animals special phenotype, or due to hereditary factors, pain, suffering, injury or distress may occur, or the general state of well-being of the animal might be considerably impaired;

h. germ cells, embryos or larvae are used, and the experiments continue past the date of birth or hatching or the larva period;

i. animals are repeatedly or for long periods of time restricted in their movement or held in isolation;

k. animals are not kept according to the regulations of Articles 58a and 59.


Article 61: Conditions for Authorization

1. An experiment with an animal according to Article 13, paragraph 1 of the Act may be authorized, especially if:

a. the experiment is conducted to achieve a purpose described in Article 14 of the Act;

b. the methods comply with Article 16 of the Act;

c. taking into consideration the newest developments in the field of experiments with animals, the method is suited to achieve the purpose of the experiment;

d. the species of animal destined for the experiment cannot be replaced by an animal of a lower type of animals;

e. the lowest possible number of animals necessary is used, taking into consideration the most effective method for the evaluation of the test results;

f. the requirements regarding the keeping of the animals are complied with;

g. the requirements regarding the origin of the animals are complied with;

h. the supervisor and the persons carrying out the experiments fulfill the requirements as to training and expert training, according to paragraph 1a.

2. Experiments with animals for the following purposes may only be authorized if the following additional conditions have been fulfilled:

a. for teaching purposes at universities and training of experts, if there is no other possibility to explain phenomena of life in a comprehensible way, or to teach the abilities necessary for the pursuance of a profession or for conducting experiments with animals;

b. for the registration of substances or products in another nation, provided that the registration requirements comply with international regulations or, compared to Swiss regulations, do not demand considerably more experiments with animals, require more animals to conduct an experiment, or involve experiments which cause considerably more stress to the animals.

3. An experiment with animals may not be authorized, if:

a. the purpose of the experiment, according to the latest know-how, can be achieved by other suitable methods, instead of experiments with animals;

b. the experiment has no bearing on the preservation or protection of the life and health of human beings and animals, is not expected to provide any new insights into basic phenomena of life, and does not serve to protect the environment or reduce suffering;

c. the experiment serves to test products only and the desired results can also be achieved by processing data of the ingredients of the products, or if the risk potential is sufficiently well known;

d. compared with the expected additional knowledge or result, the animals are caused excessive pain, suffering and injury.


          Article 61a:   Authorization

1. The authorization shall be issued to the name of the scientific head of the institute or laboratory. He shall be responsible for the observation of the regulations of the Animal Protection Act and the conditions attached to the authorization.

2. The authorization shall apply to experiments or a series of experiments designed to provide answers to a number of specific questions or to accomplish a precise aim. The authorization shall be limited to a period of a maximum of three years.

3. Possible exceptions from the regulations relating to the care and origin of animals shall be specified in the authorization. The authorization may comprise conditions and requirements regarding:

a. the species and number of animals;

b. the housing, feeding, care and supervision of the animals before, during and after the experiment;

c. the methods to limit pain, suffering, injury or distress for each single animal;

d. the origin of the animals and their continued use after the experiment.


Article 62: Authorization Procedure

1. Anyone who intends to conduct experiments with animals shall inform the cantonal authorities of such. Notification and application must be submitted on Federal Office forms.

2. The cantonal authorities shall decide whether an authorization is required for the experiment with animals under review. If necessary, they shall request additional information.

3. The cantonal authority shall forward the applications to the committee in charge of animal experiments for examination and shall base its decision on the recommendation of this committee. If an application is denied, the reasons for the denial must be submitted to the committee.

4. An authorization may be used only when it is certain that no appeal has been lodged.



    Section 3: Inspections and Notifications

                        Article 63: Inspections

1. Institutes and laboratories which conduct experiments with animals as well as breeders or traders of animals for experiments must keep records of the number of animals in their possession. These records must also include the following information, according to the species of animals kept:

a. increase in the number of animals (date, birth or origin, number);

b. decrease in the number of animals (date, purchaser or death, cause of death if known, number);

c. possible marking (register).

2. Records according to paragraph 1 must be kept for the duration of three years.

3. Institutes and laboratories which conduct experiments with animals and breeders or traders of animals for experiments shall be supervised by the cantonal authorities and inspected once each year.


Article 63a:   Notifications

1. Anyone who conducts experiments with animals must notify the cantonal authorities of the following, using Federal Office forms:

a. the termination of an experiment or series of experiments, within three months after termination date;

b. the activities in the past calendar year, related to experiments which may last for several years, at the end of March.

2. The cantons shall send the Federal Office:

a. continuously, their decisions, according to Article 62, paragraphs 2 and 3 and the relevant notifications and applications;

b. at the end of April:1. notifications, according to paragraph 1,2. a register of the recognized breeders and traders of animals for experiments.



    Section 4: Federal Committee for Animal Experiments

                        Article 64:

1. The Federal Committee for Animal Experiments shall comprise no more than nine members, including at least one representative of the cantons as well as specialists in animal experiments, in the keeping of animals for experiments, and in animal protection.

2. The Federal Council shall appoint the members and the Chairman of the Committee. In all other respects, the Committee shall be self-constituting and draw up its own rules of procedure. The Federal Office shall provide it with secretarial services.

3. The Federal Office may consult the Committee in all matters related to experiments with animals and in connection with the examination of cantonal decisions, according to Article 26a of the Act.

4. Should the cantons enlist the Committee's services, expenses shall be charged to them at Confederation rates.



          Section 5: Documentation Centre and Statistics

                        Article 64a: Documentation Centre

1. Federal and cantonal authorities shall have access to the information available at the documentation centre for experiments with animals and alternative methods. As far as not prevented due to compelling reasons of personal confidentiality or business secrets, this information shall also be made available to scientists and interested private persons.

2. The documentation centre shall inform the cantonal authorities of the latest information and the current level of knowledge on a regular basis.


Article 64b: Statistics

The Federal Office shall take international regulations and recommendations concerning the form and publication of statistics into account.

Chapter 7a: The Slaughtering of Animals

                        Article 64c: l Delivery

1. Upon delivery, the meat controllers shall control the care and the health of the animals to be slaughtered by making periodical spot checks. They shall also control the proper utilization of the loading capacity of transport vehicles and their equipment.

2. In establishments where, as a rule, no meat controller is present during the delivery of animals, examination and control procedures, according to paragraph 1, shall be carried out by a person designated by the authority concerned.

3. The control of poultry, according to paragraph 1, may be made at the place of origin.

4. The persons charged with examination and control procedures, according to paragraphs 1 and 2, must notify the cantonal authorities of any violation of the animal protection legislation.

5. If animals cannot be unloaded without delay after their arrival at the slaughterhouse, the transport vehicles must be adequately ventilated during warm or muggy weather.

6. Animals unable to walk must be stunned and bled on the spot.


    Article 64d:   Housing

1. During warm or muggy weather, care must be taken to cool down the animals at the slaughter house.

2. Animals which are not immediately slaughtered upon arrival must be held in an area of adequate size, protected from extreme weather conditions and watered.

3. Animals which are slaughtered several hours after arrival must be held according to the minimum requirements laid down in Appendix 1 and protected from extreme weather conditions. They must be watered and fed if necessary.

4. Animals which, because of their species, sex, age, or origin, do not tolerate each other, must be kept separately.

5. Lactating dairy animals must, in principle, be slaughtered on the day of their arrival; otherwise they must be milked.

6. If the animals to be slaughtered are kept in the slaughterhouse overnight, their condition and health must be checked in the evening and in the morning by a person authorized to do so by the slaughter house.


Article 64e: Handling

1. The animals must be handled gently in races. Handling devices may only be used if the animals also have a mean of evasion.

2. The use of electric prods must be reduced to the absolutely minimum necessary.

3. Races must be designed in a way to allow gentle handling of the animals. Their floors must be non-slip and there must be adequate lighting. Wedge-shaped narrow areas and any construction which might cause injury to the animals must be avoided.

4. Races for the handling of individual animals must be designed in such a manner that the animals cannot jump on top of the other animals and that they may be freed from the side.

5. Races for the handling of individual animals must be as short and as straight as possible and have no slopes in the walking direction of the animal.


       Article 64f:   Stunning Methods

1. The following stunning methods are permitted for:

a. Horses:–Bolt or bullet shot to the brain;

b. Cattle:–Bolt or bullet shot to the brain,–Pneumatic guns;

c. Pigs:–Bolt or bullet shot to the brain,–Electricity,–Carbon dioxide gas,–High pressure water jet;

d. Sheep and goats:–Bolt or bullet shot to the brain,–Electricity;

e. Rabbits:–Bolt or bullet shot to the brain,–Blunt, strong blow to the head,–Electricity;

f. Poultry:–Electricity,–Blunt, strong blow to the head,–Bolt shot.

2. The Federal Office may, after consultation of the cantonal authorities, authorize additional or modified stunning methods. The authorization shall be valid for a limited time and may comprise conditions and requirements.


Article 64g: Stunning

1. Animals to be slaughtered must be stunned when standing or in an upright position, with the exception poultry and rabbits.

2. The use of conveyor installations may not lead to otherwise avoidable pain or injury.

3. Poultry must be stunned before bleeding, except when being decapitated or during ritual slaughtering.


      Article 64h: Bleeding

1. Bleeding must be done by cutting or piercing the main blood vessel in the throat area. Bleeding must be done as soon as possible after stunning and for as long as the animal is unconscious. If the brain centre is destroyed by suitable means immediately after stunning, bleeding may be done at a later point.

2. If the bleeding of stunned animals is delayed, stunning of additional animals must be stopped immediately.


Article 64i: Cantonal Regulations

1. The cantons shall regulate the duties and authority of the meat controllers to enable them to enforce the animal protection legislation in slaughterhouses.

2. Official supervision of the enforcement of the animal protection legislation during the slaughtering of animals is free of charge.

Chapter 8: Exemption from the Obligation to Anaesthetize Animals

                        Article 65:

1. An anesthesia is not required for minor procedures such as the marking of animals, or where, in the opinion of

a veterinary surgeon, it is medically inadvisable or seems to be impractical.

2. Persons with suitable experience are authorized to carry out the following operations without anesthesia:

a. tail-docking of piglets under five days old;

b. tail-docking of lambs between three to fourteen days old; at least 5 cm of tail shall be left; elastic rings shall be applied between two vertebrae;

c. castration of male calves, sheep, goats, pigs, and rabbits under two months old; elastic rings may be applied only up to the fourteenth day of life;

d. debudding of calves under two months old;

e. tooth-nipping of piglets under five days old;

f. clipping of the beaks, crests, wings, toes and spurs of birds;

g. removal of the dew-claws of puppies under five days old;

h. fitting bulls with nose rings, or pigs with nose rings or rooting-stops.

Chapter 9: Prohibited Practices        

                        Article 66

1. In addition to the practices specified in Article 22 of the Act, it is forbidden to:

a. strike animals in the eyes or genitals, or to break or crush their tails;

b. administer drugs in order to influence their performance in sporting competitions;

c. withhold water from poultry to cause them to molt;

d. dock the tail-root in horses or dock the tails of cattle, except in special cases where such operations are essential for the prevention or cure of disease;     

e. alter the natural position of the hoof, fit horses with harmful shoes or attach weights to or near their hoofs;

f. encourage horses with instruments delivering electric shocks.

g. enter, for sporting competitions, horses whose leg nerves have been severed or desensitized;

h. dock dogs' tails or crop dogs' ears as well as to operatively produce semi-pricked ears in dogs;

i. promote, sell or exhibit dogs with cropped ears and docked tails if such were achieved under violation of the Swiss Regulations on animal welfare or if the dogs were imported under violation of the Swiss Regulations on animal welfare;

k. operate on pet animals in order to simplify their keeping, e.g. removing their claws or teeth, with the exception of the removal of the dew-claws of dogs and operations in order to prevent reproduction;

l. using instruments to restrict the movement of decapoda, which will thereby injure their soft parts.

2. The cantonal authorities may require organizers of sporting events to carry out doping tests on animals.

Chapter 10: Research Grants

             Article 67:

1. Applications for grants to assist research in the fields of animal protection and welfare shall be submitted to the Federal Office along with any documents needed for their assessment.

2. The Federal Office shall allocate grants and prescribe the conditions and requirements to which they are subject.

3. In assessing applications, the Federal Office may seek the assistance of experts.

Chapter 11: Administration

    Article 68: Deposit

The cantons may make the authorization to keep wild animals professionally or to trade in animals subject to the payment of a deposit. The amount of the deposit shall depend upon the species and number of animals concerned. The deposit maybe used to cover the expenses arising from action taken by the cantons under Article 25 of the Act.


   Article 69: Withholding or Withdrawal of Authorizations

1. Authorizations may be withheld or withdrawn where the applicant or holder has repeatedly contravened the regulations governing animal protection, species conservation, and the control of epizootic diseases.

2. The authorizing authority shall withdraw an authorization where the basic conditions to which it was subject are no longer satisfied or where, despite a reminder, the conditions and requirements are not complied with.

3. The foregoing measures shall not prejudice the authorities right to take action under Articles 24 and 25 of the Act.

4. Approval of housing systems and stable installations shall be withdrawn where major defects emerge in subsequent use.

Chapter 12: Final Provisions

       Section 1: Enforcement

            Article 70: Supervision

1. The Federal Office shall ensure that the cantons implement the Act and the present Ordinance in a uniform manner, throughout the country.

2. The Federal Office may arrange courses for the cantonal enforcement agencies. The Confederation shall not reimburse participants.


       Article 71: Technical Enforcement Regulations and Forms

1. The Federal Office may issue technical enforcement regulations.

2. The Federal Office shall publish the forms and originals described in the Ordinance.

3. Notification and application forms, according to Article 62, paragraph 1 must prescribe procedure as to:

a. the goal of the experiment;

b. the methods applied;

c. the species, number, origin, and keeping of the animals to be used in the experiment;

d. the duration of the experiment and probable effects on the well-being of the animals;

e. the reason for the experiment and the methods chosen;

f. the responsible persons.



     Section 2: Amendments to Existing Law

                        Article 72

1. The order of November 14, 1979 governing the notification of criminal decisions of the cantons was amended as follows: Article 1, no 19 revoked Article 4, no 32...

2. The Road Traffic order of November 13, 1962 was amended as follows: Article 74...Appendix II(Instructions on the loading of live animals into motor vehicles) revoked

3. The Construction and Equipment of Road Vehicles order of August 27, 1969 was amended as follows: Part 2, section 29....Article 47a...Article 64, para. 4...4. The Epizootic Diseases Ordinance of December 15, 1967 was amended as follows: Article 13, no 13.11...5. The fees order of June 13, 1977 for services of the Federal Veterinary Office is amended as follows: Title...Article 1, para. 1...Section 6a...Article 14a...Section 3: Transitional provisions


   Article 73: Transitional Periods(1- 2 revoked)

Upon application by the animal-keeper, the cantonal authority may authorize, for a transitional period, that stables for dairy animals which already existed as per July 1, 1981 in which the minimum measurements of the standing stalls are a maximum of 5 percent smaller than those given in brackets, in Appendix 1, Table 11, points 17 and 18, not need or only need to be adapted partially to the dimensions currently prescribed by the law, if:

a. the necessary renovation or construction work cannot be carried out on a short term because of a lack of the necessary financial means and

b. construction plans have been submitted or at least if work on such has been taken up or

c. the stables belong to establishments which will give up keeping dairy cattle by the end of 1999 at latest.

Animal-keepers applying for an exceptional authorization according to paragraph 2 have to submit a substantiated application containing detailed information about the quality of the deviation from the regulations and about the state of the planning of the intended renovation or construction work to the cantonal authority until June 30, 1992. This authority shall issue an authorization whose temporal limitation, conditions and requirements must guarantee that:

a. the exception according to paragraph 2bislasts only as long as reasons are given;

b. improvements of standing stalls that are possible with reasonable investment in terms of costs and labor are made immediately;

c. all other requirements of the animal welfare legislation are met.

3. revoked


          Article 74: Authorizations

1. revoked

2. Animal housing systems and installations may continue to be advertised and sold pending the Federal Office decision on the application for approval.

3. Existing establishments for keeping wild animals and activities exercised hitherto shall remain authorized pending the decision of the cantonal authorities on the application for authorization.

4. Where approval or authorization is withheld, the authorities shall set a suitable date by which:

a. animal housing systems and installations shall be withdrawn from the market;

b. establishments for keeping wild animals shall have been modified or closed down, or the animals properly housed elsewhere;

c. trade in animals, the use of animals for advertising purposes, and experiments with animals shall be ceased.



Article 75: revoked

  Article 76: Exceptions

1. It shall not be compulsory to adapt:

a. such housing systems and installations for keeping cattle and pigs as do not fall below the minimum values given between brackets in Appendix 1;

b. existing enclosures for domestic rabbits, cats and dogs, wild animals and laboratory rodents, provided their measurements exceed 90% of those prescribed in the Appendixes;

c. stables for dairy cattle which existed before July 1, 1981 and in which the minimum measurements of the standing stalls, according to letter a, are a maximum of 5 percent smaller than those given in brackets in Appendix 1, Table 11, points 17 and 18, if:

1. the animals are not kept in them for longer than ten weeks during winter feeding and are kept in stables fulfilling the legal requirements during the rest of the year or

2. as a general rule, the animals are kept in them for a maximum duration of eight hours daily during summer; and

3. all other requirements of the animal protection legislation are fulfilled.1bisIf improvements of the standing stalls are possible with a reasonable measure of work and for a reasonable amount of money, then these must be undertaken immediately.

  In appropriate cases, upon application, the cantonal authorities may make exceptions to the obligation concerning the free movement of cattle. These exceptions shall be limited in their duration of validity.

2. In cases of severe deviations from the stipulations of the animal protection legislation, the cantonal authorities may decree that the legal situation be reinsured within an appropriately shortened period of transition.

3. Additional training requirements for experiment supervisors and persons running experiments with animals, according to Article 59 d, paragraph 1, letter b. and paragraph 2 are only valid for persons not already exercising this function on July 1,1999.



  Section 4: Entry into force

          Article 77:

The present ordinance shall come into force on July 1, 1981.Final stipulations of the amendment of October 23, 19911. The stipulations determined to date are valid for:

a. authorized experiments with animals;

b. applications for authorization of experiments with animals filed before December 1, 1991.

2. Rabbit cages fulfilling the requirements described below as per December 31, 1991 shall be adapted within a transitional period of ten years. Species Accommodation unit Live weight kg Basic area Height Rabbit Cage up to 31500 cm240 cm3–52000 cm240–60 cm according to breed5–72500 cm240–60 cm according to breed. Breeding cage(doe with young)up to 33–55–75000 cm27000 cm29000 cm240 cm40–60 cm according to breed

3. revoked

4. Rabbit cages constructed before December 1, 1991 do not need to be adapted if over 85 percent of the floor space corresponds to the indications made in Table 141, point 11.Final stipulations concerning the amendment of May 14, 19971If they already existed as per July 1, 1997, the cantonal authorities must be notified of the following by the end of June1998:

a. animal shelters (Art. 34b, para. 1);

b. professional pet breeding and pet keeping establishments (Art. 34b, para. 2).

5. By the end of June 1998, the loading space of vehicles used to transport animals professionally as per July 1, 1997, must be indicated in square meters (Art. 54, para. 1, let. g) and these vehicles must be marked "live animals" (Art. 54, para. 1,let. h).

6. For the animal keeping establishments which have existed as per July 1, 1997, a transitional phase is valid until the end of June 1999. This concerns:

a. Article 53, paragraph 6 (lateral protection);

b. Appendix 1, Table 11, point 21 (keeping calves up to two weeks old in individual boxes 70 cm wide).

  7. For animal keeping establishments which have existed as per July 1, 1997, a transitional period is valid until the end of June 2002. This concerns:

a. Article 16a, paragraph 1 (tethering of calves);

b. Article 16a, paragraph 2 in connection with Appendix 1, Table 11, points 11, 12 and 22 (keeping calves in groups);

c. Article 17, paragraph 1 in connection with Appendix 1, Table 11, point 32 (lying area equipped with litter for calves and mating bulls);

d. Article 22, paragraph 3 (prohibition to tether sows); during gestation, tethered animals must be allowed free movement outside of their standings once a day, with the exception of the first ten days after weaning.

8. For animal keeping establishments which have existed as per July 1, 1997, a transitional period is valid until the end of June 2007. This concerns:

a. Article 22, paragraph 2 (crates for sows); sows kept in crates during gestation must be able to move freely outside of the crates, with the exception of the first ten days after weaning. Sufficient space must be available for the daily movement of the sows.

b. Article 22a, paragraph 2 (width of corridor);

c. Article 23, paragraph 1 (crates in farrowing pens which cannot be opened); farrowing pens with crates must be constructed in a manner allowing for the piglets to be able to stretch full length and suckle on both sides of the sow.


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