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OK - Dog, therapy - § 2611.12. Support person or therapeutic dog

Summary: This Oklahoma statue was enacted by the state legislature to provide emotional support for a child witness, a child thirteen years of age or younger, in a criminal proceeding. The statute allows for a child witness to be accompanied by a support person while giving testimony. Additionally, the child witness is able to have a certified therapeutic dog accompanied by the handler in lieu of a support person. Under the statute, a certified therapeutic dog is a dog which has received requisite training and certification from the organizations listed in the statute.

This Oklahoma statue was enacted by the state legislature to provide emotional support for a child witness, a child thirteen years of age or younger, in a criminal proceeding. The statute allows for a child witness to be accompanied by a support person while giving testimony. Additionally, the child witness is able to have a certified therapeutic dog accompanied by the handler in lieu of a support person. Under the statute, a certified therapeutic dog is a dog which has received requisite training and certification from the organizations listed in the statute.

OK - Police and Dogs - § 36.1. Police dog handlers--Civil liability

Summary: This Oklahoma statute deals with the civil liability of police dog handlers. Under the statute, a police dog handler who uses a dog in the line of duty in accordance with the policies and standards established by the law enforcement agency that employs the officer, will not be civilly liable for any damages arising from the use of the dog. The police dog handler may only be liable for exceptions listed in the Governmental Tort Claims Act.

This Oklahoma statute deals with the civil liability of police dog handlers. Under the statute, a police dog handler who uses a dog in the line of duty in accordance with the policies and standards established by the law enforcement agency that employs the officer, will not be civilly liable for any damages arising from the use of the dog. The police dog handler may only be liable for exceptions listed in the Governmental Tort Claims Act.

Detailed Discussion of Oklahoma Great Ape Laws

Summary: The following article discusses Great Ape law in Oklahoma.Oklahoma does not have a law specifically addressing great apes; instead, it is unlawful for an individual to possess a great ape in the state of Oklahoma under the state’s endangered species law.Great apes are generally protected from intentional abuse and neglect under the state’s anti-cruelty law. Unlike many other states, the law does not exempt scientific research facilities from its provisions.

The following article discusses Great Ape law in Oklahoma.Oklahoma does not have a law specifically addressing great apes; instead, it is unlawful for an individual to possess a great ape in the state of Oklahoma under the state’s endangered species law.Great apes are generally protected from intentional abuse and neglect under the state’s anti-cruelty law. Unlike many other states, the law does not exempt scientific research facilities from its provisions.

OK - Initiative - State Question 687/Initiative Petition 365 (Ban Cockfighting)

Summary: This petition makes it a felony to instigate or encourage cockfighting, possess or train birds for cockfighting, or maintain a facility for cockfighting in the state of Oklahoma. The ballot proposal also makes it a misdemeanor to knowingly be a spectator at a cockfight. It passed in 2002 with 56% of the vote.

This petition makes it a felony to instigate or encourage cockfighting, possess or train birds for cockfighting, or maintain a facility for cockfighting in the state of Oklahoma. The ballot proposal also makes it a misdemeanor to knowingly be a spectator at a cockfight. It passed in 2002 with 56% of the vote.

OK - Initiative - State Question No. 742 (2008) (Constitutional Right to Hunt)

Summary: Oklahoma Question 742 would add a new section to the State Constitution. It gives all people of this state the right to hunt, trap, fish and take game and fish. Such activities would be subject to reasonable regulation. It allows the Wildlife Conservation Commission to approve methods and procedures for hunting, trapping, fishing and taking of game and fish. It allows for taking game and fish by traditional means, and makes hunting, fishing, and trapping the preferred means to manage certain game and fish. The measure was approved by a margin of 80% to 20%.

Oklahoma Question 742 would add a new section to the State Constitution. It gives all people of this state the right to hunt, trap, fish and take game and fish. Such activities would be subject to reasonable regulation. It allows the Wildlife Conservation Commission to approve methods and procedures for hunting, trapping, fishing and taking of game and fish. It allows for taking game and fish by traditional means, and makes hunting, fishing, and trapping the preferred means to manage certain game and fish. The measure was approved by a margin of 80% to 20%.

OK - Commercial Breeder Act Regulations - Chapter 55. Commercial Pet Breeders

Summary: Pursuant to the authority granted in the Oklahoma Commercial Breeders Act, these Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry regulations out line the licensing procedures, the standards of care, the transportation, and the record keeping provisions Oklahoma commercial breeders must follow.

Pursuant to the authority granted in the Oklahoma Commercial Breeders Act, these Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry regulations out line the licensing procedures, the standards of care, the transportation, and the record keeping provisions Oklahoma commercial breeders must follow.

OK - Dog - Consolidated Dog Laws

Summary: These statutes comprise Oklahoma's dog laws. Among the provisions include dog control laws, sterilization provisions for adopted animals, and the use of unclaimed animals in scientific research or experimentation.

These statutes comprise Oklahoma's dog laws. Among the provisions include dog control laws, sterilization provisions for adopted animals, and the use of unclaimed animals in scientific research or experimentation.

OK - Exotic pet - § 4-107. Commercial wildlife breeder's license; § 4-107.1. Circuses--Application of act

Summary: This Oklahoma statute states that no person may breed, possess or raise native wildlife, except fish, amphibians, aquatic reptiles, aquatic invertebrates or exotic livestock, for commercial purposes without first obtaining a commercial wildlife breeder's license from the Director. Further, no person licensed with a commercial wildlife breeder's license may sell native cats or bears to any person who does not possess a commercial wildlife breeder's license. The initial and annual fee for such a license is $48 for a resident. Violation of any provision of this section results in a fine of not less than $500.00 and, if applicable, revocation of the wildlife license. Circuses are exempted from this provision.

This Oklahoma statute states that no person may breed, possess or raise native wildlife, except fish, amphibians, aquatic reptiles, aquatic invertebrates or exotic livestock, for commercial purposes without first obtaining a commercial wildlife breeder's license from the Director. Further, no person licensed with a commercial wildlife breeder's license may sell native cats or bears to any person who does not possess a commercial wildlife breeder's license. The initial and annual fee for such a license is $48 for a resident. Violation of any provision of this section results in a fine of not less than $500.00 and, if applicable, revocation of the wildlife license. Circuses are exempted from this provision.
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