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Derecho Animal Volume 11 Núm 4

Dossier. Coronavirus y Animales (2020)


Tabla de contenidos




Abejas y Covid-19: una regulación jurídica necesaria

Marita Giménez-Candela

9 - 19


20 - 30

PDF (English)

Editor invitado


Coronavirus y Animales

Sergio García Torres

31 - 32


Derecho Animal Volume 11 Núm 3

Tabla de contenidos




Presentación del volumen 11/3 (2020)

Marita Giménez-Candela

7 - 9


10 - 12

PDF (English)



La instrumentalización de los animales para el logro de objetivos políticos: el debate parlamentario sobre los toros en España

María José Bernuz

13 - 38


Derecho Animal Volume 11 Núm 2

Tabla de contenidos




El colapso del pasado: COVID-19

Marita Giménez-Candela

7 - 16

PDF (English)



Clínicas veterinarias y paseos con animales de compañía ante el COVID-19: una actividad esencial para el bienestar del animal como ser sintiente

Guillermo Cerdeira Bravo de Mansilla

17 - 29


Derecho Animal Volume 11 Núm 1

Tabla de contenidos




La crisis sanitaria sacude los cimientos de la gestión de la vida natural

Marita Giménez-Candela



10 - 13

(PDF English)



Maltrato animal: las victimas ocultas de la violencia doméstica

Andrea Herbert Garrido



Derecho Animal Volume 12

Tabla de contenidos

número de página



Malos tratos a los animales: perfil del agresor, tipología de violencia y formas de control

Gisele Kronhardt Scheffer, Leandro Ayres França, André Felipe da Silva Guedes

PDF (English)

Genealogía diacrónica del conflicto humano-jaguar

Angel Daen Morales Garcia, Jonatan Job Morales Garcia

Review of Marita Giménez-Candela, Transición animal en España

From a historical perspective, modern animal advocacy, and in particular modern legislation on animal protection and welfare, originated in the United Kingdom and spread first to anglophone and “northern” countries, establishing a sort of orthodoxy and a paradigm. Other countries progressively followed suit and today some forms of more or less advanced animal protection are present in most legislations around the world.

French and Spanish Animal Laws

French and Spanish Animal Laws


1. Law of  July 2,1850 relating to maltreatments on domestic animals Loi du 2 juillet 1850 relative aux mauvais traitements exercés envers les animaux domestiques .

Also known as the “Grammont Law”, this text was the first to incriminate public maltreatments on domestic animals in France.

Detailed Discussion of Anti-maltreatment Laws in France and Spain


In terms of animal protection, France has paved the way for Spain to adopt a solid legislation. French and Spain legislations are based on the Roman law tradition and encounter difficulties to detach themselves from the concept of animal-machine. The penal protection was at first initiated in both countries on the ground of the protection of public morality. Later on, the criminal provisions relating to intentional cruelty towards animals have been shaped around the notion of maltreatment.

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