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  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).
  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).
  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).
  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).
  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).
  • Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "HTML-ENTITIES" to "UTF-8" is not allowed in Twig\Extension\CoreExtension::convertEncoding() (line 1206 of /opt/drupal/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php).

Case of Petunia, the pet pig (2022) - Peru


The case concerns a legal dispute between the plaintiff and the District Municipality of San Ramón over the plaintiff's right to keep her pet pig, Petunia, at her dwelling. The plaintiff filed an Amparo petition to invalidate four administrative resolutions and dismiss an administrative sanctioning procedure that ordered Petunia's removal. She argued that the resolutions violated her rights to due process, personal development, and privacy, emphasizing the emotional bond with Petunia and Petunia's welfare rights. The lower court denied the Amparo, suggesting administrative procedures as the proper recourse. However, on March 16, 2022, the Juzgado Civil de La Merced granted the petition, invalidated the resolutions, and allowed the plaintiff to keep Petunia under good sanitary conditions.

Resolución N° 13, Juzgado Civil, Sede la Merced, Petunia, the pig (2022) - Peru (Spanish)


Este caso gira en torno a una disputa legal entre la demandante y el Municipio del Distrito de San Ramón, en Perú, respecto al derecho de la demandante de tener a su cerda "Petunia" como mascota. La demandante presentó un derecho de Amparo buscando la nulidad de cuatro resoluciones administrativas acerca de la tenencia de mascotas. Además, la demandante solicitó el archivo del procedimiento sancionador administrativo iniciado en su contra basado en la infracción de dichas resoluciones y que ordenaba la reubicación de Petunia fuera de la ciudad. Por último, la demandante solicitó autorización para tener a Petunia en su hogar en buenas condiciones de higiene. La demandante alegó una violación de sus derechos al debido proceso, al libre desarrollo de la personalidad y a la privacidad personal y familiar, ya que las resoluciones y el procedimiento sancionador iniciado posteriormente no le permitían a ella y a su familia tener a Petunia con ellos, quien era considerada parte de la familia y con quien la demandante y sus hijos tenían un vínculo emocional fuerte. Además, la demandante argumentó que el derecho al bienestar de Petunia también estaba siendo violado. El tribunal de primera instancia negó el Amparo bajo el argumento de que dicha petición no estaba disponible por cuanto el procedimiento administrativo era el mecanismo adecuado en este caso. La demandante agotó todas las instancias procesales y el 16 de marzo de 2022, mediante la Resolución 13, el Juzgado Civil de La Merced concedió la petición, anulando las resoluciones administrativas y ordenando el archivo del procedimiento administrativo sancionado iniciado en contra de la demandante. Además, el juez le permitió a la demandante continuar con la tenencia de Petunia bajo buenas condiciones de higiene.


Angie Vega (2018)

Derecho animal en Peru

Peru is a country located on the western side of South America. With the Amazon Basin, Andes Mountains, the Pacific coast, and arid plains, it is considered one of the most diverse countries in the world.

Ley 30407, 2015


Ley 30407, is the statute of animal protection and welfare. It sets the guidelines for the protection of vertebrate domestic and wild animals kept in captivity and against abuse and cruelty caused directly or indirectly by humans. This law also promotes respect for the life and well-being of animals through education as well as the participation in the promotion of animal protection of entities of the public and private sector. Some of the topics that this law regulates include: responsibilities of society and the government towards animals; protection, possession and handling of animals; animal research and experimentation; and euthanasia of companion animals and wildlife kept in captivity. Ley 30407 has 36 articles in 8 chapters. As a result of its promulgation, the previous animal welfare act, together with Article 450-A of the criminal code, were repealed. Bullfighting, cockfighting and other activities declared of cultural character by authorized authority are considered exceptions to this law.

Caso 02437-2013, Jane Margarita Cósar Camacho Y otros Contra Resolucion De Fojas 258 - Service dogs- Peru (2014)


Plaintiff, a visually impaired woman, brought a constitutional grievance against the decision issued by the Fifth Civil Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima on January 15, 2013. This decision denied the action of protection after Defendants denied entry of Plaintiff's guide dog at their supermarkets. The Constitutional Tribunal ordered that the blind were allowed to enter to the supermarkets with their guide dogs.
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