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PROJETO DE LEI Nº ____, DE 2007 (in portuguese)

Summary: Institui o Código Federal de Bem-Estar Animal, estabelecendo diretrizes e normas para a garantia de atendimento aos princípios de bem-estar animal nas atividades de controle animal, experimentação animal e produção animal, através da otimização dos processos de desenvolvimento econômico e científico, com o aprimoramento das técnicas e investimentos que garantam maior eficiência, lucratividade e operacionalidade, controle e prevenção sanitário-ambientais, capacitação e preservação das condições de bem-estar do trabalhador, bem como o atendimento à legislação e recomendações nacionais e internacionais.

Institui o Código Federal de Bem-Estar Animal, estabelecendo diretrizes e normas para a garantia de atendimento aos princípios de bem-estar animal nas atividades de controle animal, experimentação animal e produção animal, através da otimização dos processos de desenvolvimento econômico e científico, com o aprimoramento das técnicas e investimentos que garantam maior eficiência, lucratividade e operacionalidade, controle e prevenção sanitário-ambientais, capacitação e preservação das condições de bem-estar do trabalhador, bem como o atendimento à legislação e recomendações nacionais e internacionais.

First national report for the Convention on Biological Diversity - BRAZIL

Summary: This is Brazil's first national report for the Convention of Biological Diversity. The report explains the balance between the interests of countries, which are sources of, and conserve, biological diversity (Brazil and other tropical countries) and the nations that are principally users of such biodiversity (the industrialised countries, consumers of the products of biodiversity and of genetic resources for their biotechnological development).

This is Brazil's first national report for the Convention of Biological Diversity. The report explains the balance between the interests of countries, which are sources of, and conserve, biological diversity (Brazil and other tropical countries) and the nations that are principally users of such biodiversity (the industrialised countries, consumers of the products of biodiversity and of genetic resources for their biotechnological development).

Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal Volume 10

Brazilian Animal Rights Review
Ano 7 | Volume 10 | Jan - Jun 2012

Foreword | Editorial | 9

Doutrina Internacional | International Papers

O mercado negro de espécies silvestres: a luta contra o crime organizado transnacional no comércio
ilegal de animais selvagens
Mara E. Zimmerman | 15

A caminho de um status de não-propriedade para os animais
Thomas Kelch | 65
Grandes primatas como objeto da antropologia: desconstruindo o antropocentrismo
Barbara Noske | 121

Doutrina nacional | National Papers


Brief Summary of Brazil's Legal Structure for Animal Issues
Lane Azevedo Clayton (2011)


Derecho animal en Brazil

Brazil, the fifth largest nation in the world, contains a vast variety of ecosystems ranging from the Amazon rain forest to the Pantanal wetlands. The Country is a rich source of exotic species including brilliantly colored insects, fish, and birds such as the endangered blue macaw as well as jaguars, alligators and giant tortoises. 

Brazil - Dogs and Cats - Sao Paulo State Law n. 12.916 (no kill ordinance)

Summary: Sao Paulo state becomes the first Brazilian state to enact a law banning the killing of stray dogs and cat as a population control practice. The law n. 12.916 was enacted in April 16, 2008. The law asserts that animal control agencies shall work together with non-profits and other organizations to reach the law’s objective which is the sterilization of domestic animals as a form of population control, to establish adoption centers, and to put forward adoption programs for stray animals. In addition, the animal control agencies shall promote educational programs about responsible pet ownership.

Sao Paulo state becomes the first Brazilian state to enact a law banning the killing of stray dogs and cat as a population control practice. The law n. 12.916 was enacted in April 16, 2008. The law asserts that animal control agencies shall work together with non-profits and other organizations to reach the law’s objective which is the sterilization of domestic animals as a form of population control, to establish adoption centers, and to put forward adoption programs for stray animals. In addition, the animal control agencies shall promote educational programs about responsible pet ownership.

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