Brattleboro, Vermont Code of Ordinances. Chapter 3: Animals and Fowl. Article 2: Dogs, Wolf-Hybrids. Division 2: Impoundment (§§ 3-27 to 3-34)

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Primary Citation:  Brattleboro, Vermont Code of Ordinances, Article 2: Dogs, Wolf-Hybrids, §§ 3-27 to 3-34 Jurisdiction Level:  Vermont Last Checked (local ordinances are no longer checked and are kept only for archival and example purposes): 

Summary: In Brattleboro, Vermont, owners or keepers of assistance dogs are exempt from the license surcharge fee, but are still required to pay a basic license fee plus a fee for the statewide rabies program. When obtaining a license, owners or keepers of assistance dogs must provide documentation of their assistance dog’s training. The following ordinances also indicate which dogs are eligible as assistance dogs.

3-27. License - Required.

3-28. Same - To be worn on collar.

3-29. Same - Unlawful to remove; exception.

3-30. Impoundment - Unlicensed dogs or wolf-hybrids.

3-31. Same - Dogs or wolf-hybrids at large; dogs or wolf-hybrids in heat; barking, howling dogs or wolf-hybrids.

3-32. Same - Redemption.

3-33. Same - Disposition of unclaimed dogs or wolf-hybrids.

3-34. Same - Fees.


Sec. 3-27. License - Required.

It shall be the duty of every person owning, keeping or harboring in the town any dog or wolf-hybrid over six (6) months of age to procure a license therefore in accordance with Title 20, Section 3581(c) of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended.

The fee for said license shall be as follows:

a) Neutered dog or wolf-hybrid - Basic fee of four dollars ($4.00), plus one dollar ($1.00) to be used for State rabies control programs, plus license fee surcharge of seven dollars ($7.00) for a total of twelve dollars ($12.00).

b) Unneutered dog or wolf-hybrid - Basic fee of eight dollars ($8.00), plus one dollar ($1.00) to be used for State rabies control programs, plus license fee surcharge of ten dollars ($10.00)  for a total of nineteen dollars ($19.00)

c) Police dogs - Dogs in service to the Brattleboro Police Department or State Police shall pay the basic fee of four dollars ($4.00) for neutered animals or eight dollars ($8.00) for unneutered animals, plus one dollar ($1.00) to be used for State rabies control program. 

d) Assistance dogs - Dogs specially trained or currently enrolled in training programs by organizations established to provide assistance to owners by bringing security, freedom, independence and relief from social isolation or physical or mental disabilities shall pay the basic fee of four dollars ($4.00) for neutered animals or eight dollars ($8.00) for unneutered animals, plus one dollar ($1.00) to be used for State rabies control programs. Owners or keepers of assistance dogs shall show official documentation of the training of their assistance dog to the Town Clerk when obtaining a license for the assistance dog. Dogs eligible as assistance dogs include:

(1) hearing dogs trained to help people who are deaf or hard of hearing;

(2) guide dogs trained to help people who are blind or visually impaired;

(3) service dogs who are trained to help people who use wheelchairs, canes, walkers or crutches and also who assist special educators and therapists who work with physically, mentally or emotionally disabled children; and

(4) specialty dogs who are trained to help people with two or more disabilities.

(e) Late payment - If the license fee is not paid by April 1, the basic fee may be increased by fifty (50) per cent. The surcharge shall not be considered to be a part of the license fee for purposes of calculating a penalty for late payment. In addition, a person who fails to obtain a
license for their dog or wolf-hybrid by May 1, shall be fined one hundred dollars ($100.00) and the waiver fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).

Sec. 3-28. Same - To be worn on collar.

It shall be the duty of every person owning, keeping or harboring in the town any dog or wolf-hybrid to keep on such dog or wolf-hybrid a collar or harness and to fasten securely to the collar or harness and keep attached to it a metal license tag, whenever such dog or wolf-hybrid
shall be off the premises of the licensed owner.

Sec. 3-29. Same - Unlawful to remove; exception.

It shall be unlawful for any person other than the owner or his agent or a member of the police department to remove a license tag from a dog or wolf-hybrid.

Sec. 3-30. Impoundment - Unlicensed dogs or wolf-hybrids .

All unlicensed dogs or wolf-hybrids within limits of the town found in violation of this  article shall be impounded.

Sec. 3-31. Same - Dogs or wolf-hybrids at large; dogs or wolf-hybrids in heat; barking, howling dogs or wolf-hybrids.

a) Any dog or wolf-hybrid found in violation of Sections 3-17 - 3-19 may be impounded in the town animal shelter, as designated by the board of selectmen, and there confined in a humane manner for a period of five (5) days unless sooner reclaimed by its owner, and may
thereafter be given away, sold or disposed of by a licensed veterinarian in a humane manner.

b) When a dog or wolf-hybrid is found in violation of Sections 3-17 - 3-19 either in lieu of impoundment or in addition thereto, the owner or keeper of such dog or wolf-hybrid may be fined for such violation.

Sec. 3-32. Same - Redemption.

The owner shall be entitled to reclaim any impounded unlicensed dog or wolf-hybrid upon compliance with the license provisions of Section 3-27 and the payment of all impoundment fees as hereinafter set forth. Any other dog or wolf-hybrid impounded under this division may be reclaimed upon payment of all outstanding impoundment fees.

Sec. 3-33. Same - Disposition of unclaimed dogs or wolf-hybrids.

Any impounded dog or wolf-hybrid which is not claimed by its owner within five (5) days may be sold or given away to a responsible person, provided, nevertheless, that the owner shall not be deprived of any remedies otherwise provided by law.

Sec. 3-34. Same - Fees. (Amended 12/16/03)

1) Any dog or wolf-hybrid impounded under the provisions of this Division or any stray cat brought to the town animal shelter may be reclaimed upon payment by the owner of the fees adopted by the Town of Brattleboro Selectboard that is charged by the Windham County Humane Society in Brattleboro, Vermont, which may change from time to time.

2) Fees for the medical treatment or euthanasia of animals related to provisions under this Chapter shall also be consistent with the fees adopted by the Town of Brattleboro Selectboard that is charged by the Windham County Humane Society, which may also change from time to time.

3) The fee schedule adopted by the Town of Brattleboro Selectboard shall be maintained in the Town Offices at all times and shall be available for inspection by the public.

Sec. 3-35 - 3-40. Reserved

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