Greenville County, South Carolina Code of Ordinances. CHAPTER 4: ANIMALS AND FOWL. ARTICLE II: DOGS, CATS, WILDLIFE AND EXOTIC ANIMALS (§§ 4-11, 4-19, 4-21, 4-22, 4-23)

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Primary Citation:  Greenville County, South Carolina Code of Ordinances, ARTICLE II: DOGS, CATS, WILDLIFE AND EXOTIC ANIMALS, §§ 4-11, 4-19, 4-21, 4-22, 4-23 Jurisdiction Level:  South Carolina Last Checked (local ordinances are no longer checked and are kept only for archival and example purposes): 

Summary: In Greenville County, South Carolina, a person who hoards and collects animals commits an act of animal cruelty and is guilty of a misdemeanor.



§ 4-21   DEAD ANIMALS.


§ 4-23 PENALTY.



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Animal hoarding:

        (a) Collecting animals and failing to provide them with humane/adequate care;

        (b) Collecting dead animals that are not properly disposed; or

(c) Collecting, housing or harboring animals in filthy, insanitary conditions that constitute a health hazard to the animals being kept, and/or to the animals or residents of adjacent property.

Care (adequate humane): Attention to the needs of an animal, including but not limited to, providing adequate water, food, shelter, bedding, sanitary condition, ventilation, space, exercise and veterinary medical attention necessary to maintain the health of the animal with regard to its specific age, size, species and breed.

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Food (adequate): Adequate quantity of non-contaminated and nutritionally adequate food, fed according to age, size, species and breed requirements, which is sufficient to prevent starvation, malnutrition or risk to the animal's health. Garbage or spoiled /rancid food is not considered adequate food.

Garbage: All refuse matter/effluent. Garbage includes, but is not limited to, animal or vegetable refuse, by-product of a restaurant, kitchen or meat- /poultry-processing establishment, spoiled/rancid food and refuse accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable matter, liquid or otherwise, that is normally discarded.

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Insanitary condition: Animal living space, including shelter and exercise area, contaminated by health hazards, irritants, items or conditions that endanger or pose a risk to an animal’s health, including but not limited to:

(a) Excessive animal waste;

(b) Garbage, trash or effluent;

(c) Standing water or mud;

(d) Rancid/contaminated food or water;

(e) Fumes, foul or noxious odor, air, hazardous chemicals or poisons;

(f) Decaying material;

(g) Uncontrolled parasite or rodent infestation;

(h) Areas that contain nails, screws, broken glass, broken boards, pits, poisons, sharp implements or other items that could cause injury, illness or death to an animal

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Shelter (adequate): Protective cover for a domestic animal appropriate for its species, and providing adequate space to maintain the animal in good health, which also prevents pain, suffering or significant risk to its health.

(a) Adequate shelter includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Sufficient coverage to protect an animal from extreme hot and cold temperatures;

2. Sufficient protection from the elements to keep the animal dry;

3. Sufficient shade and ventilation to prevent an animal from overheating and/or dehydrating; and

4. Structurally sound housing that provides an animal with:

a. Adequate space;

b. Four solid walls or similar type configuration, with an opening allowing the animal to enter into the structure;

c. A roof; and

d. A dry floor.

(b) Materials not suitable for shelters include, but are not limited to, the following;

1. Crates with exposed sharp edges;

2. Metal or plastic drums;

3. Abandoned or parked vehicles;

4. Porches or decks allowing the entry of precipitation or inclement weather; or

5. Any other structure that fails to provide sufficient protection from the elements, and is not safe or suitable for housing the species.

Space (adequate): Includes, but is not limited to, the following:

(a) Space for an animal to adequately exercise suitable to its age, size and breed;

(b) Space during periods of confinement, suitable to the animal’s age, size, species and breed, permitting it to turn about freely, stand, sit, lie and move, in comfortable and normal position; and

(c) For sick or injured animals, confinement as directed by veterinarian.

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Ventilation (adequate):  Fresh air sufficient to provide for the health of an animal.

Veterinary care (adequate): Medical care of an animal from or under the direction of a licensed veterinarian, and necessary to maintain the animal’s health based on its age, species and breed, or to prevent its suffering from;

(a) Ongoing infections;

(b) Infestation of parasites;

(c) Disease;

(d) Any other medical condition/injury, where withholding or neglecting to provide such care would endanger the health or welfare of the animal, or promote the spread of communicable disease.

Water (adequate): Clean, fresh, potable water sufficient to prevent dehydration, properly sustain health, and prevent significant risk to the animal's health. Snow, ice, rancid/contaminated water are not considered adequate water.

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(1976 Code, § 4-11)  (Ord. No. 301, § 2; Am. Ord.  731, § 2; Am. Ord. 1954, §§ 2, 3, 3-21-89; Am. Ord.  2130, §§ 2, 3, 4(1), 6-5-90; Am. Ord. 4099, § 3, 4-3-07; Am. Ord. 4396, § 3, 11-16-2010)

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(a) Any person who abuses an animal, aids another person in abusing an animal, or causes or permits an animal to abuse another animal, by acting or failing to act, shall be in violation of this section. Cruelty to an animal includes, but is not limited to, the following:

(1) Failing to provide adequate humane care;

(2) Mistreating animals. No person shall beat, cruelly ill treat, overload, overwork or otherwise abuse an animal, or cause, instigate or permit any dogfight or other combat between animals, or between animals and humans;

(3) Abandoning animals;

(4) Failing to provide adequate shelter, sustenance, space, exercise, bedding, and sanitary conditions for the animal;

(5) Hoarding or collecting animals;

(6) Owning, managing, obtaining, confining or caring for any number of animals in an animal mill;

(7) Giving away animals for commercial purpose. No person shall give away any live animal as a prize for, or as inducement to enter, any contest, game or other competition, or as an inducement to enter a place of amusement;

(8) Intentionally striking an animal with a motor vehicle. Any person operating a motor vehicle who strikes a domesticated animal, shall report such injury or death to County Animal Control or appropriate law enforcement authority. However, due to the possibility of injury from aiding an injured animal, this provision shall in no way be construed to require or encourage the physical touching of an injured animal by a nonqualified person who strikes a domesticated animal;

(9) Poisoning animals. No person shall expose any known poisonous substance, whether mixed with food or not, so that the same shall be liable to be eaten by any animal; provided that it shall not be unlawful for a person to expose on his own property common rat or vermin poison for the express purpose of rat or vermin control.

(10) Confinement in motor vehicle.  No owner or person shall confine any animal in a motor vehicle in such a manner that places it in a life- or health-threatening situation by exposure to a prolonged period of extreme heat or cold, without proper ventilation or other protection from such heat or cold.  In order to protect the health and safety of an animal, an animal control officer, law enforcement officer or agent of the county who has probable cause to believe that this section is being violated shall have authority to enter such motor vehicle by any reasonable means under the circumstances, after making a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other person responsible.  If the vehicle is damaged during such removal, the animal control officer, law enforcement officer or agent of the county shall not be liable for any damage to the vehicle.

(b)     An animal control officer may move before a magistrate to take custody of any animal being cruelly treated, or the animal control officer, at his option, may elect to direct the owner of the animal to seek immediate veterinary care for the animal, and further may place time conditions upon such actions.

(c)     The owner or person having ownership, charge or custody of an animal cruelly abused, treated or used, etc., as enumerated in this section, who is convicted of any violation of this section of the article, forfeits ownership, charge, or custody of the animal, and at the discretion of the court, the person who is convicted of a violation of this section may be ordered to pay costs incurred to care for the animal and related expenses.

(1976 Code, § 4-18)  (Am. Ord. 2130, § 6, 6-5-90; Am. Ord. 4099, § 3, 4-3-07; Am. Ord. 4396, § 3, 11-16-2010; Am. Ord. 4404, § 3, 3-15-2011)

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It shall be unlawful for an owner, caregiver or person possessing an animal to do any of the following:

(a) To put any dead animal or part of the carcass of any dead animal into any lake, river, creek, pond, road, street, alley, lane, lot, field, meadow or common, unless the carcass or parts of the carcass is/are buried at least 4 feet underground.

(b) To allow the carcass of a dead animal to be left unattended and not properly disposed of for more than 48 hours after the animal's death.

(Ord. No. 4099, § 3, 4-3-07)


(a) Procedure for search  and seizure. In accordance with the provisions of this article, the animal control officer is authorized and empowered to enter upon the exterior area of private premises (excepting entry into the private areas of buildings, unless in possession of a search warrant) for the purpose of inspecting those premises to determine if the owners of dogs, cats or animals harbored, kept or possessed on the premises have complied with the provisions of this article. For cruelty to animals, ill treatment of animals, the keeping of un-permitted wild or exotic animals, and the seizure of dangerous animals (unless authorized pursuant to § 4-16), the animal control officer shall initiate the procedure for search warrant and seizure in accordance with state law. The animal control officer may  pursue any violations of this article which he  ascertains as a result of said search or seizure.

(b) Interference with officer prohibited. No person shall interfere with, hinder or molest the duly authorized animal control officer of the county in the performance of his duty, or any such agents, or seek to release animals in the custody of the duly authorized animal control officer of the county or any agent of the county, except as provided in this article.

(c) Enforcement actions against violations.

(1) At his discretion, an animal control officer may issue a warning citation, or a summons ordinance for a violation of this article, or impound any dog or cat running at large.

(2) In the case of an attack or cruelty to an animal, an animal control officer may take seizure action as specified in this article.

(1976 Code, § 4-20)  (Ord. No. 2130, § 8, 6-5-90; Ord. No. 4099, § 3, 4-3-07)

§ 4-23 PENALTY.

 Any person, firm, corporation or agent, who shall violate the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished within the jurisdictional limits of magistrate’s court. Each such person, firm, corporation or agent shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day, or portion thereof, during which any violation of any of the provisions of this article is committed or continued.

(1976 Code, § 4-21)  (Ord. No. 731, § 9; Ord. No. 2130, § 6, 6-5-90; Ord. No. 2626, § 3, 9-6-94; Ord. No. 4099, § 3, 4-3-07)




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