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Primary Citation:  Minneapolis, Minnesota Code of Ordinances §§76.10 - 76.90, 303.10-303.160 Date Adopted:  Jurisdiction Level:  Minnesota Last Checked (local ordinances are no longer checked and are kept only for archival and example purposes): 

Summary: In these Minneapolis, Minnesota ordinances, a stable or assembly/transfer facility is used exclusively for the purposes of keeping horses used in a licensed horse and carriage livery service. Any horse kept in a stable or an assembly/transfer facility must be registered with the Department of Licenses and Consumer Services and must meet the standards of a veterinary examination and certification. Requirements for the construction and operations of a stable or assembly/transfer facility are also provided, as are the provisions for the operations of a horse and carriage livery service.


76.10. Definitions.

76.20. Stable and assembly/transfer facility permitted.

76.30. Compliance with zoning code.

76.40. Stable and assembly/transfer facility to be used exclusively for licensed horse and carriage livery service.

76.50. Stable construction.

76.60. Stable operation.

76.70. Assembly/transfer facility construction.

76.80. Assembly/transfer facility operation.

76.90. Other provisions of law unaffected.


303.10. Definitions.

303.20. License required.

303.30. License fee; cleanup fee.

303.40. When licenses expire.

303.50. Insurance.

303.60. Vehicle operation.

303.70. Equipment.

303.80. Maintenance of animals.

303.85. Stabling of animals.

303.90. Sanitation.

303.100. Establishment of designated routes.

303.110. Temporary routes.

303.120. Hours of operation.

303.130. Loading zones.

303.140. Rates.

303.150. Revocation; suspension.

303.160. Other ordinances not affected; exceptions.


76.10. Definitions.

Assembly/transfer facility: A facility approved for holding, feeding, hitching and short-term care of registered horses when they are not on a carriage run or in a loading zone. The facility shall not be used for overnight stabling.

Registered horse: A horse which is registered with the department of licenses and consumer services in accordance with section 303.80 of this Code, and which meets the requirements of section 303.80.

Stable: An enclosed permanent structural facility approved to house registered horses throughout the twenty-four-hour day. (86-Or-060, § 1, 4-11-86)

76.20. Stable and assembly/transfer facility permitted.

A stable or assembly/transfer facility may be operated in the City of Minneapolis only in strict compliance with all of the conditions set forth in this chapter. (86-Or-060, § 1, 4-11-86)

76.30. Compliance with zoning code.

A stable or assembly/transfer facility shall comply with all applicable provisions of the zoning code and any conditional use permit granted by the city council pursuant to the zoning code. (86-Or-060, § 1, 4-11-86)

76.40. Stable and assembly/transfer facility to be used exclusively for licensed horse and carriage livery service.

(a) A stable or assembly/transfer facility shall be used exclusively for the purpose of keeping horses used in a horse and carriage livery service licensed under Chapter 303 of this Code.

(b) No horse shall be stabled or otherwise kept in a stable or assembly/transfer facility unless it is registered with the department of licenses and consumer services pursuant to section 303.80 of this Code.

(c) Each horse shall meet the requirements in Chapter 303 of this Code for veterinary examination and certification, and care and maintenance of animals. (86-Or-060, § 1, 4-11-86)

76.50. Stable construction.

(a) Interior stable walls shall be smooth, light colored and sealed, and shall be constructed of a material that is easily cleaned such as gloss finished block, gloss or semi-gloss painted concrete, or an equivalent material.

(b) Floors, gutters and all areas within the stable grounds where horses traverse or stand shall be constructed of good quality concrete or other firm, nonporous and nonslip material which is sloped to drain and is maintained in good repair. Interior floor-to-wall junctures shall be covered and watertight.

(c) If rubber mats are used as a floor covering, they shall be nonabsorbent and easily removable for cleaning.

(d) Stall partitions shall be wooden plank, metal bars, pipe paneling or other similar material of sufficient thickness and strength to properly contain the animals therein. Solid partitions such as concrete, or a minimum of 10-gauge sheet metal paneling, may be used if adequate ventilation is maintained.

(e) Tie stalls shall be wide enough to allow a horse to comfortably lie down. Box stalls shall be at least ten (10) feet square.

(f) Watering devices shall protect against possible backflow of water into the water supply system. The system shall be grounded to prevent stray voltage.

(g) A ventilation system is required which will provide sufficient air circulation and exhaust to minimize odors and condensation on walls and ceilings. Mechanical ventilation must be provided to meet these criteria.

(h) Windows and other exterior openings shall be screened to minimize the entrance of insects and rodents. Screen doors shall be utilized if doorways are to be used for ventilation.

(i) At least ten (10) footcandles of light shall be available throughout the stable to allow for effective cleaning.

(j) Toilet and handwashing facilities shall be provided for the convenience of stable workers. Handwashing facilities shall consist of a sink with hot and cold water, soap and single use towels.

(k) A utility sink or a curb cleaning facility with a floor drain shall be provided for janitorial purposes. It is to be supplied with hot and cold running water. The faucet shall be protected against possible water backflow.

(l) A telephone shall be readily accessible on the premises for making emergency calls. (86-Or-060, § 1, 4-11-86)

76.60. Stable operation.

(a) Only one horse may be in a stall and the stable shall not contain any more horses than it has stall space to accommodate.

(b) Only city registered horses may be present in the stable unless prior approval has been granted by the department of licenses and consumer services.

(c) Water shall be available for horses at all times when they are in their stalls.

(d) If horses are to be tethered, they shall be tethered by a halter.

(e) Odors and condensation shall be kept to a minimum.

(f) The stable, including equipment and furnishings, shall be kept in good condition.

(g) To prevent harborage or breeding of insects and rodents, the stable interior and surrounding property shall be kept neat and free of litter and clutter.

(h) Effective pest control measures emphasizing preventative action shall be provided to prevent insect and rodent pests from being present in the stable or on stable property.

(i) Feed shall be stored in rodentproof facilities or containers.

(j) Straw, shavings or other bedding material shall be kept clean and dry and shall be changed as often as is necessary to keep it in that condition.

(k) Manure, soiled bedding, barn sweepings and waste feed shall be removed from the premises twice a week. When stored prior to removal, these materials shall be kept in insect- and rodentproof facilities or containers.

(l) A person who is capable of handling horses routinely and in emergencies shall be at the stable at all times when horses are on the premises.

(m) Smoking shall not be allowed in stabling or storage areas. (86-Or-060, § 1, 4-11-86)

76.70. Assembly/transfer facility construction.

(a) The facility may consist of either an impervious concrete slab floor, or other firm, nonporous and nonslip footing, which is sloped to a drainage system and is curbed at the sides. The facility shall be sufficient to contain all wastes and spillage.

(b) Overhead protection from sun and sleet shall be provided for horses when necessary.

(c) There shall be an adequate means to tether or contain all horses.

(d) Toilet and handwashing facilities for workers shall be present or available close by.

(e) At least ten (10) footcandles of light shall be provided throughout the facility whenever it is being used.

(f) Any additional structures, equipment or furnishings that are provided shall meet the applicable standards for stables. (86-Or-060, § 1, 4-11-86)

76.80. Assembly/transfer facility operation.

(a) The facility shall only be occupied by horses within a daily eighteen-hour time period. That time period shall be stated in writing by the licensee at the time the application is submitted for licensure.

(b) Only city registered horses may be present unless prior approval has been granted by the department of licenses and consumer services.

(c) Drinking water shall be provided to the horses according to their need while they are at the facility.

(d) If horses are to be tethered, they shall be tethered by a halter.

(e) The facility including equipment and fixtures shall be maintained clean and in good condition at all times. Odors shall be kept to a minimum.

(f) All feed and wastes shall be stored in secure rodentproof containers. Waste feed and manure shall be removed daily.

(g) Effective insect control measures shall be utilized at the site.

(h) A person who is capable of handling horses routinely and in emergencies shall be at the facility at all times when horses are present. (86-Or-060, § 1, 4-11-86)

76.90. Other provisions of law unaffected.

Nothing herein shall be construed to exempt a stable from other applicable laws relating to health or safety, nor to limit the lawful enforcement powers of any public agency, official or employee. (86-Or-060, § 1, 4-11-86)


303.10. Definitions.

Horse and carriage livery service is defined as a horse-drawn, two- or four-wheel carriage for hire, which shall be driven by the owner or designated driver for the recreational transportation of the public.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84; Pet. No. 251179, § 179, 12-29-89)

303.20. License required.

No person shall operate a horse and carriage livery service in the City of Minneapolis unless licensed as herein provided and in compliance with all applicable provisions of this Code of Ordinances. The license shall be issued to the owner or operator of the horse and carriage livery business, and no separate license or permit shall be required for each horse. However, each horse used in the operation shall be registered and marked in accordance with section 303.80.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84)

303.30. License fee; cleanup fee.

The annual license fee and street cleanup fee for a horse and carriage livery service shall be as established in Appendix J, License Fee Schedule. The cleanup fee shall be collected by the department of licenses and consumer services with the annual license fee and shall be credited to the department of public works for street maintenance purposes. The cleanup fee shall not apply to licensees who operate for ten (10) or fewer days in a calendar year.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84; 86-Or-041, § 1, 3-14-86; 90-Or-014, § 1, 1-26-90; 91-Or-049, § 1, 3-29-91; 98-Or-046, § 1, 5-22-98; 2002-Or-023, § 1, 4-5-02; 2002-Or-127, § 1, 9-27-02; 2005-Or-041, § 1, 5-13-05)

303.40. When licenses expire.

Licenses issued under this chapter shall expire on December 31st of each year.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84; 2009-Or-0153, § 1, 11-13-09)

303.50. Insurance.

Every licensee shall maintain general liability insurance in the minimum amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00). No license shall be granted or renewed without proof of insurance in accordance with section 259.160 of this Code.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84)

303.60. Vehicle operation.

Every horse and carriage operated in the City of Minneapolis shall observe all federal, state and local laws applicable to it. Drivers shall hold a Minnesota driver's license. Every vehicle shall be kept in neat appearance and good mechanical and running condition. Each vehicle shall conspicuously display a two-digit identification number, issued by the department of licenses and consumer services, on the right and rear side of the carriage.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84)

303.70. Equipment.

Every horse and carriage shall be equipped with all equipment required by federal, state and local laws, and shall also have a mechanical hand or foot brake in good working condition.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84)

303.80. Maintenance of animals.

Prior to use in a horse and carriage operation, each horse shall be physically examined and certified as healthy and fit for the type of workload anticipated. The examination and certification shall be performed by a veterinarian licensed by the State of Minnesota, who shall be a member of the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association, a member of the Minnesota and American Associations of Equine Practitioners, and specializing in equine medicine. The records of such examinations and certifications shall be reviewed by the health department and no horse shall be used in a horse and carriage operation without health department approval. The health department shall adopt appropriate standards for health and fitness of horses used in horse and carriage operations. Reexamination and recertification of animals shall be performed as needed by a veterinarian with the qualifications described in this section, at not to exceed thirty-calendar-day intervals. All records of such examinations and certifications shall be maintained by the licensee and available for review by the appropriate authorities. Prior to being used in a horse and carriage operation, each horse shall be issued an identifying number by the department of licenses and consumer services. The licensee shall attach the number to the horse and keep it visibly displayed during operation. The number shall be used to identify the horse in all necessary records including records of veterinary examinations.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84; Pet. No. 251179, § 180, 12-29-89)

303.85. Stabling of animals.

Every licensee shall maintain outside the City of Minneapolis a permanent horse stable where it shall keep the horses used in its licensed horse and carriage operation. The stable shall contain adequate buildings and open ground to provide proper training, care, feeding, exercise, and rest for the animals. Upon passage of this section, upon application for a new license or renewal, and upon reasonable request by the department of licenses and consumer services, every licensee shall furnish the address and location of its stable to the department. The stable shall be open to the license and health officials of the City of Minneapolis at all reasonable times. Every horse used in a licensed horse and carriage livery operation shall be transported out of the city to the licensee's permanent stable at the end of every business day. No licensee shall keep horses in the city overnight at any temporary stable, transfer facility, loading zone, or any other location, whether on public or private property.

(85-Or-160, § 8-30-85)

303.90. Sanitation.

Each horse employed under this chapter while "on the street" shall be diapered with an appropriate sanitary device designed specifically for this purpose. In the event of a mishap it shall be the responsibility of the driver/owner to immediately remove or otherwise clean the street, sidewalk or property in the general area of the mishap.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84)

Cross reference— Health and sanitation generally, Ch. 213.

303.100. Establishment of designated routes.

Horse and carriage vehicles shall be restricted to routes established by the city council. Horse and carriage routes shall be recommended by the department of public works and established by the city council by ordinance. The city traffic engineer shall keep a list of all established routes on file and open to the public.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84)

303.110. Temporary routes.

The director of public works may establish a temporary horse and carriage route for a period not to exceed ten (10) calendar days. The use of temporary routes shall be restricted to either licensees in good standing or any person obtaining a Class A or B hoofed animal permit pursuant to section 74.60 who operates a horse and carriage livery service at events not open to the general public such as, but not limited to, weddings. The director of public works may, if necessary, assign a maximum number of horse and carriage vehicles to any temporary route, and may allocate the use of a temporary route equitably among licensees if necessary. Any licensee wishing to use a temporary route shall obtain a permit for such use from the director of public works and pay a permit as established in Appendix J, License Fee Schedule.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84; 90-Or-221, § 1, 8-31-90; 98-Or-046, § 1, 5-22-98; 2002-Or-127, § 2, 9-27-02; 2005-Or-041, § 2, 5-13-05)

303.120. Hours of operation.

Except on Saturday, Sunday and holidays, no horse and carriage livery service shall be conducted between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., and 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. In addition, the public works department may establish a list of parades, festivals, and Metrodome events during which the operation of such a service shall be prohibited from one hour before until one hour after the event. The horse, carriage and its driver must be "off the street" and absent from all loading zones during these times.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84)

303.130. Loading zones.

A horse and carriage vehicle may park, stand, load or unload only in commercial vehicle loading zones specially designated by the city council for use as horse and carriage loading zones. The department of public works shall recommend, and the city council shall establish by ordinance, loading zones available for use by horse and carriage vehicles. Such loading zones shall be identified by appropriate signs erected and maintained by the department of public works.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84)

Cross reference— Loading zones, § 478.730 et seq.

303.140. Rates.

The nonprepaid rate structure shall be posted on the carriage, visible to entering and seated passengers. Drivers shall clearly explain rates to passengers before commencing a ride.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84)

303.150. Revocation; suspension.

The city council may revoke, suspend or take other action against a licensee for failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this chapter or any other laws or ordinances applicable to the operation of a horse and carriage.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84)

303.160. Other ordinances not affected; exceptions.

All of the provisions of Title 4 of this Code, relating to animals and fowl, shall remain in effect, so far as they are applicable to the keeping of horses within the City of Minneapolis, except that section 74.40 shall not apply to the actual operation of a horse and carriage in compliance with all of the provisions of this chapter. An operator properly licensed under this chapter shall not be required to obtain special permits under section 74.60.

(84-Or-056, § 2, 4-13-84; 86-Or-063, § 1, 4-11-86)



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