Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 2 GENERAL ZONING PROVISIONS (§ 6-2-5).

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Primary Citation:  Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances § 6-2-5 Jurisdiction Level:  Illinois Last Checked (local ordinances are no longer checked and are kept only for archival and example purposes): 

Summary: This Naperville, Illinois ordinance provides the standards to determine whether a business is a veterinary office or a pet care establishment. For a veterinary office, pets are only allowed outside between the hours of 7 AM to 10PM if they are on a leash and handled by a single employee; excrement must be picked up daily and noise levels generated by the animals cannot exceed the city’s noise performance standards. For a pet care establishment, pets are allowed to be outside without a lease or direct employee supervision, but the outside area must be fenced and cleared of excrement daily; pet care establishments are also permitted to provide emergency medical treatment or nonprofessional care associated with an existing medical problem. The zoning provisions associated with either establishment are also included.


1. Purpose: It is the intent of this Section to distinguish the operational differences between a "veterinary office" and a "pet care establishment". The following standards are to be applied in categorizing a business in either the veterinary office or pet care establishment classification.

2. Applicability: These regulations shall apply to all veterinary offices and pet care establishments operating within the corporate limits of the City including those in operation prior to the effective date of this Section.

3. Standards For Veterinary Offices: The following standards shall govern the operation of a veterinary office:

(Ord. 08-114, 6-17-2008)

3.1. Noise generated by animals within the building shall not exceed the noise performance standards of the City at the property lines.

3.2. When outside, each animal shall be leashed and under the control of a person. A ratio of one person per one animal shall be maintained for all animals outdoors at all times.

3.3. Animals may be taken outside between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and ten o'clock (10:00) p.m.

3.4. Outside areas shall be cleared of excrement daily to eliminate offensive odors.

3.5. Animals causing a nuisance outside shall be controlled or taken inside if the animal cannot be controlled immediately.

3.6. Animals not receiving medical treatment may be boarded for extended stays.

(Ord. 01-140, 7-17-2001)

3.7. Veterinary offices shall be authorized to provide boarding services, but such services shall comply with State of Illinois inspection requirements and the operator shall obtain and/or display appropriate certificates or documentation of compliance. The operator of the veterinary office shall not be required to obtain a conditional use permit to provide on premises boarding services.
(Ord. 08-114, 6-17-2008)

4. Standards For Pet Care Establishments: The following standards shall govern the operation of a pet care establishment:

4.1. Where permitted, as defined by this Title, animals may be allowed outside without leashes.

4.2. Where permitted, outdoor areas for use by animals not on leashes shall be fenced.

4.3. Where outdoor areas are permitted, animals may remain outside without direct supervision by an employee.

4.4. Where permitted, outside areas shall be cleared of excrement daily.

4.5. Medical treatments or procedures shall not be regularly administered nor scheduled at a pet care establishment. Emergency medical treatment and nonprofessional care associated with existing medical conditions shall be permitted.
(Ord. 08-035, 2-19-2008)

4.6. Other conditions and restrictions as imposed by the City Council necessary to protect public health and safety and to protect the use and value of nearby property.
(Ord. 01-140, 7-17-2001)

Editor's Note:

The following condenses Naperville's zoning ordinances that apply to pet care establishments and veterinarian offices:


USE, CONDITIONAL: A use which, because of its unique characteristics, may be allowed in a specified zoning district permitting it as a conditional use, only after special consideration of its impact upon neighboring land and of public need for the use at the particular location.

USE, PERMITTED: A use which may be lawfully established in a particular zoning district or districts, provided it conforms with all requirements, regulations and standards of such zoning district.

(Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 1 ZONING TITLE, PURPOSE, DEFINITIONS [Section 6-1-6])

Veterinary Offices are:

Permitted Uses in Naperville's Office, Commerical and Institutional District.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE F. OCI OFFICE, COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT[Section 6-7F-2 (Ord. 06-264, 11-21-2006)]);

Condititional Uses in Naperville's Business Park District.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE H. BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT [Section 6-7H-3 (Ord. 06-300, 12-19-2006)]);

Conditional Uses in Naperville's Agricultural District.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 6 - RESIDENCE DISTRICTS. ARTICLE K. AG AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT [Section 6-6K-3 (Ord. 08-114, 6-17-2008)])

Permitted Uses in Naperville's B3 Commercial District.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE C. B3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT [Section 6-7C-2 (Ord. 08-114, 6-17-2008)])

Permitted Uses in Naperville's B2 Community Shopping District.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE B. B2 COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT [Section 6-7B-2 (Ord. 08-114, 6-17-2008)])

Pet Care Establishments are a :

Permitted Use in Naperville's B3 General Business District when the pet care establishment is an accessory to a  principal permitted use and

      • does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross floor area of the building, structure or premises; and
      • all activity is conducted completely within any building or structure; no outdoor areas are permitted.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE C. B3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT [Section 6-7C-2(Ord. 08-035, 2-19-2008)])

Permitted Use in Naperville's B3 General Business District  when when the pet care establishment is the principal use of the building, structure or premises and all activity is conducted completely within any building or structure; outdoor areas are prohibited.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE C. B3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT[Section 6-7C-2(Ord. 08-035, 2-19-2008)])

Conditional Use in Naperville's B3 General Business District when the pet care establishment is an accessory to the principal permitted use and

      • where the pet care establishment exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross floor area of the building, structure or premises and
      • where all activity is conducted completely within any building or structure; outdoor areas is prohibited.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE C. B3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT [Section 6-7C-3(Ord. 08-035, 2-19-2008)])

Conditional Use in Naperville's B3 General Business District when the pet care establishment is the principal use of the building, structure or premises. Outdoor areas may be permitted, but all outdoor activity shall be conducted as described in Section 6-2-25, "Veterinary Office And Pet Care Establishment"

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE C. B3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT [Section 6-7C-3(Ord. 08-035, 2-19-2008)])

Permitted Use in Naperville's B2 Community Shopping Center District when the pet care establishment is an accessory to the principal permitted use and

      • does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross floor area of the building, structure or premises; and
      • all activity is conducted completely within any building or structure; no outdoor areas are permitted.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE B. B2 COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT [Section 6-7B-2 (Ord. 08-035, 2-19-2008; Ord. No. 10-073, § 1, 6-15-2010)])

Conditional Use in Naperville's B2 Community Shopping Center District when the pet care establishment is an accessory to a principal permitted use and

      • where the pet care establishment exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross floor area of the building, structure or premises and
      • where all activity is conducted completely within any building or structure; outdoor areas are prohibited.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE B. B2 COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT [Section 6-7B-3(Ord. 08-035, 2-19-2008)])

Permitted Use in Naperville's Industrial District when the principal use of the building, structure or premises is for a pet care establishment. All activity is conducted completely within any building or structure; outdoor areas is prohibited.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 8 - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS. ARTICLE C. I INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT [Section 6-8C-3 (Ord. 08-035, 2-19-2008)])

Conditional Use in Naperville's Industrial District  when the principal use of the building, structure or premises is for a pet care establishment. Outdoor areas may be permitted, but all outdoor activity shall be conducted as described in Section 6-2-25, "Veterinary Office And Pet Care Establishment".

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 8 - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS. ARTICLE C. I INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT [Section 6-8C-2 (Ord. 80-5, 1-21-1980; Ord. 80-98, 10-6-1980; Ord. 95-67, 4-5-1995; Ord. 07-187, 8-6-2007; Ord. 08-018, 1-15-2008; Ord. 08-035, 2-19-2008; Ord. No. 10-073, § 1, 6-15-2010)])

Conditional Use in Naperville's Office, Commercial, and Industrial (OCI) District if the pet care establishment  received approval as a conditional use in the OCI zoning district prior to February 20, 2008; after that date, no new pet care establishments will be allowed as a conditional use in the OCI zoning district.

(see Naperville, Illinois, Code of Ordinances. TITLE 6 - ZONING REGULATIONS. CHAPTER 7 - BUSINESS DISTRICTS. ARTICLE F. OCI OFFICE, COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT [Section 6-7F-3 (Ord. 08-035, 2-19-2008)])


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