Pennsylvania Administrative Code. Title 58. Recreation, Part III. Game Commission Chapter 147. Special Permits Subchapter, O. Menageries

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Country of Origin:  United States Citation:  58 Pa. Code § 147.281 - 287 Agency Origin:  Game Commission Last Checked:  Date Adopted:  Last Date Amended: 

Summary: These Pennsylvania regulations relate to safeguards for public safety, humane care and treatment, adequate housing and nutrition, sanitation, safety, acquisition and disposal of wildlife kept in menageries. Under the regulations, it is unlawful to keep wildlife in an unsanitary or unsafe condition or in a manner which results in maltreatment, mistreatment or neglect. The regulations outline requirements for cage construction, food and water provision, waste disposal, and drainage.


§ 147.281 . Scope.

§ 147.282 . Safety.

§ 147.283 . Sanitation.

§ 147.284 . Housing.

§ 147.285 . Specifications.

§ 147.286 . Acquisition and disposal.

§ 147.287 . Health and welfare.


§ 147.281. Scope.

(a) General and definitions. This subchapter relates to safeguards for public safety, humane care and treatment, adequate housing and nutrition, sanitation, safety, acquisition and disposal of wildlife and exotic wildlife held as part of a menagerie under the act or this part. Definitions contained in section 2961 of the act (relating to definitions) apply to this subchapter.

(b) Confinement. It is unlawful to maintain wildlife, in confinement, in an unsanitary or unsafe condition or in a manner which results in maltreatment, mistreatment or neglect. No wildlife may be confined in a pen, cage or enclosure which does not meet minimum pen specifications in this subchapter. An animal may not be chained or tethered, or otherwise impeded from moving freely within a cage or enclosure unless otherwise indicated on the permit.

(c) Housing. Wildlife maintained under section 2964 of the act (relating to menagerie permits) shall be housed in a safe and sanitary manner. Failure to provide sanitary surroundings for wildlife, or failure to adequately protect the public from wildlife possessed under this subchapter is a violation.

(d) Bill of sale. It is unlawful for a person to possess wildlife, for the purpose of exhibition, except as provided in this subchapter, without having a bill of sale or other documentary evidence showing the name and address of the supplier of the wildlife.

(e) Permit. The menagerie permit shall be produced upon demand of an officer of the Commission.

(f) Citizenship. Menagerie permits may be issued to a person who is a citizen of the United States.

(g) Experience required. A new applicant for a menagerie permit shall provide documentation of at least 2 years experience of hands-on work with the designated species, including care, feeding, handling, training and husbandry. This experience shall be from a recognized/approved facility and the owner, manager or licensee of this facility shall provide a letter of reference.

Adopted July 1, 1987; Amended Mar. 26, 1994; Amended Apr. 5, 2003.


§ 147.282. Safety.

(a) Cage construction shall be sufficiently strong to contain the wildlife and to protect the animal from injury from other specimens on exhibit. Caging determined unsafe by Commission personnel shall be reconstructed as directed. Reconstruction shall be completed and approved within 30 days after official notification from the Commission.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), wildlife may not be removed from cages or directly exposed to the public. Safety barriers shall be present to adequately prevent wildlife from touching, grasping or biting visitors. Barriers, such as walls, fences, moats, retaining rails and other necessary devices shall be present to prevent the public from approaching the cages, pens, enclosures or areas near enough to contact the wildlife.

(c) Public human contact with the following designated animals is permitted under the specified conditions:

(1) Ruminant animals.

(2) Organ grinder monkeys, trained performing chimpanzees and elephants if under the immediate control of the handler to preclude danger to the public.

(d) Wildlife other than members of the families Ursidae, Felidae and wild Canidae when exhibited on a stage or in an arena, may be removed from their cage by the exhibitor in a manner precluding danger to the public. Other human contact with the wildlife is prohibited.

Adopted July 1, 1987.


§ 147.283. Sanitation.

(a) Sanitation. Wildlife maintained under this subchapter shall be kept in a sanitary manner.

(b) Water. Clean, fresh water shall be provided daily. Water containers shall be cleaned and disinfected daily.

(c) Food. Food shall be kept in a manner to prevent spoilage or contamination.

(d) Waste. Fecal and food waste shall be removed from cages and dens daily and disposed of or stored in a manner to prevent noxious odors or attraction of insects or vermin. Hard floors shall be scrubbed and disinfected at least weekly. Large pens and paddocks with dirt floors shall be raked every 3 days and the waste removed.

(e) Drainage and pools. Cages, pens and paddocks shall be designed to provide adequate drainage of the enclosure. Standing water is not allowed except in the case of animals requiring water for wading, submersing or swimming. Pools provided for wildlife shall be cleaned as often as needed to ensure good water quality.

(f) General requirements. Procedures for sanitation, water disposal and proper disposition of feces and other waste material shall be in compliance with the requirements of local, State or Federal authorities.

Adopted July 1, 1987.


§ 147.284. Housing.

(a) Cages or enclosures except paddocks, corrals, islands or grotto-type exhibits shall be covered at the top to prevent escape.

(b) A cage or enclosure shall have bedding required for the comfort and protection from inclement weather. A suitable shield for protection against the hot sun rays shall be provided on outside enclosures. If the natural climate of the wildlife being held differs from the climate of the area where the menagerie is located, provisions shall be made to adjust holding conditions to the natural habitat.

(c) Signs shall be conspicuously posted on cages or enclosures prohibiting the public from feeding, except food obtained from the permittee, or annoying the wildlife. The owner or operator is responsible for enforcement.

(d) A cage or enclosure shall be labeled in English with the proper common name of the wildlife confined. The letters shall be at least 1 inch in height.

(e) A cage shall have a secure locking device and shall be key locked or padlocked.

Adopted July 1, 1987.


§ 147.285. Specifications.

It is unlawful for a permit holder to confine wildlife in a pen, cage or enclosure which does not meet minimum specifications or caging requirements. Except as otherwise provided in this section, minimum specifications and caging requirements for captive wildlife shall comply with the following:

(1) New World Monkeys.

(i) Marmosets.

(A) Number or size: One adult pair.

(B) Cage size: 3′L by 2′W by 4′H.

(C) Accessories: Two or more branch limbs for perching and a nest box.

(ii) Squirrel monkeys, titis, owls and other similar-sized monkeys.

(A) Number or size: One to three animals.

(B) Cage size: 4′L by 5′W by 5′H. For colonies of up to 15 monkeys, the cage shall be 12′L by 8′W by 6′H.

(C) Accessories: Two or more branch limbs for perching and a nest box.

(iii) Medium-sized South American monkeys. Capuchins, sakis, and the like.

(A) Number or size: One pair.

(B) Cage size: 5′L by 5′W by 6′H. For groups of four or more, the cage shall be 10′L by 5′W by 6′H.

(C) Accessories: Three parallel bars for swinging.

(iv) Large South American monkeys. Spiders, wooleys, howlers, and the like.

(A) Number or size: One pair.

(B) Cage size: 6′L by 6′W by 8′H. For two pairs, the cage shall be 10′L by 6′W by 8′H.

(C) Accessories: Three parallel bars in upper part of cage for swinging, plus two or more perching areas.

(2) Old World Monkeys.

(i) Macaques, guenons, mangabys, langurs, and the like.

(A) Number or size: One pair.

(B) Cage size: 6′L by 5′W by 6′H. For groups of four to six animals, the cage shall be 12′L by 8′W by 6′H.

(C) Accessories: Three or more perches.

(ii) Baboons, mandrills, dog-faces, and the like.

(A) Number or size: One pair.

(B) Cage size: 10′L by 6′W by 6′H. For groups of three to six animals, the cage shall be extended 3 feet in length for each additional animal.

(C) Accessories: Two shelves 10 inches to 12 inches wide are necessary for sleeping and resting.

(3) Apes.

(i) Gibbons.

(A) Number or size: One pair, plus one or two offspring.

(B) Cage size: 12′L by 6′W by 8′H.

(C) Accessories: Three parallel bars at least 4 feet apart shall be provided in the top 1/3 of cage along the length of enclosure for swinging.

(ii) Chimpanzees and orangutans.

(A) Number or size: Young, single animals--20 to 50 pounds.

(B) Cage size: 8′L by 6′W by 6′H. For adults, 50 pounds or over, the cages shall be 10′L by 6′W by 8′H. For two or three adults, double the floor area.

(iii) Gorillas.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 14′L by 12′W by 8′H. For two animals, double the floor area.

(4) Carnivores and certain omnivores with similar requirements.

(i) African lions and Asian tigers.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 15′L by 10′W by 8′H. For a pair, the cage shall be 20′L by 10′W by 8′H.

(C) Accessories: At least two claw logs, one shelf 30″W, 10′L and 40″H off the floor level.

(ii) Jaguars, leopards, pumas, cougars.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 10′L by 8′W by 8′H. For a pair, the cage shall be 15′L by 8′W by 8′H.

(C) Accessories: At least two claw logs and one shelf 24″W, 8′L and 40″H off the floor level.

(iii) Lesser cats. Bobcats, lynx, ocelots, margay, and the like.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 8′L by 4′W by 6′H. For a pair, the cage shall be 10′L by 4′W by 6′H.

(C) Accessories: At least two claw logs and one shelf 14″W, 4′L and 36″H off the floor level. A den or retreat area is also required.

(iv) Geoffroy's cats, leopard cats and other wild cats. Average 5 pounds adult weight.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 4′L by 4′W by 6′H.

(C) Accessories: At least two claw logs and one shelf or perch 6″W, 3′L and 36″H off the floor level.

(v) Cheetahs.

(A) Number or size: Up to three animals.

(B) Cage size: 40′L by 20′W by 8′H.

(C) Accessories: A shelf 30″W by 6′L by 36″H off the floor level is required for a single animal. For one pair, lengthen the shelf to 10 feet.

(vi) Bears. Six feet or more from rump to snout.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 25′L by 12′W by 12′H. For a pair, the cage shall be 30′L by 15′W by 12′H.

(C) Accessories: A pool 6′W by 10′L by 4′ deep is mandatory for polar bears.

(vii) Bears. Up to 6 feet from rump to snout.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 20′L by 10′W by 10′H. For a pair, 30′L by 10′W by 10′H.

(viii) Sun bears.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 12′L by 8′W by 6′H. For a pair, the cage shall be 15′L by 8′W by 6′H.

(ix) Raccoons, coati-mundi, sloth, tayra and others of similar size and habitat, including North and South American porcupines and hyraxes.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 6′L by 5′W by 6′H. For two or three animals, cages shall be 8′L by 5′W by 6′H. Add 2 feet in length for each additional animal over three animals.

(C) Accessories: One shelf per animal plus at least two limbs for climbing are also required. Sloths require upright tree trunk with lateral branches of adequate size and strength to comfortably support the animal in normal posterial modes.

(x) Kinkajous, opossums, pottos, grissons, gallagos, tamanduas, slow loris, genets, and the like. Small climbing animals.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 4′L by 4′W by 6′H. For a pair, cages shall be 6′L by 4′W by 6′H. For additional animals, add 1 foot more of length per animal.

(C) Accessories: At least three limbs for climbing are required.

(xi) Squirrels, tree shrews, and the like.

(A) Number or size: One to two animals.

(B) Cage size: 3′L by 2′W by 4′H. Add 6 inches more in length for each additional animal.

(C) Accessories: At least three limbs and a nest box.

(xii) Agouti, pacas, wild rabbits, acushi, skunks and other rabbit-sized ground animals.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 6′L by 3′W by 3′H. For a pair or more, add 1 foot in length for each additional animal.

(C) Accessories: Two or more gnawing logs are required.

(xiii) Badger, woodchuck, large-crested porcupine and similar-sized ground animals.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 8′L by 6′W by 4′H. Add 3 feet in length for each additional animal.

(C) Accessories: Two or more gnawing logs are required for porcupines. Nest box or retreat is required for all animals.

(xiv) Beavers, muskrats and other semiaquatic small animals.

(A) Number or size: One to three animals.

(B) Cage size: 8′L by 4′W by 5′H. Add 2 feet in length for each additional animal.

(C) Accessories: A pool 4′W by 4′L by 24″ deep. Two or more gnawing logs, nest box or retreat.

(xv) Otter.

(A) Number or size: One pair.

(B) Cage size: 10′L by 6′W by 6′H.

(C) Accessories: A pool 4′W by 6′L by 3′ deep at one end. Increase cage and pool by 25% in horizontal dimensions for each additional animal. A slide and a dry place for a sleeping retreat are required. A safety guard rail with posted signs saying “No Molesting, Extremely Dangerous” is required.

(xvi) Pygmy hippopotamus, tapirs, capybaras, giant anteaters, and the like.

(A) Number or size: Single adult animal.

(B) Cage size: 24′L by 15′W.

(C) Accessories: A stepped or nonskid pool 6′W by 8′L by 4′ deep--not necessary for anteaters. Increase the horizontal dimension in cage and pool size by 30% for each additional animal.

(xvii) Foxes, jackals, and the like.

(A) Number or size: One pair.

(B) Cage size: 8′L by 4′W by 6′H.

(C) Accessories: One shelf 18″W by 3′H by 4′L. A den or nest box area is also required.

(xviii) Wolves, hyenas.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 15′L by 8′W by 6′H. For a pair, double the cage length. For each additional animal--after two--add 10 feet to the cage length.

(C) Accessories: A secluded den area 4′W by 4′L is required for a single animal; add 3 feet in length for each additional animal.

(xix) Coyotes, cape hunting dogs, dingos, wolverines, and the like.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 10′L by 8′W by 6′H. For a pair, double the cage length. For each additional animal after two, add 10 feet in length to the cage.

(C) Accessories: A secluded den area that is 4′W by 4′L for a single animal is required; add 3 feet in length for each additional animal.

(xx) Weasels, martens, polecats, ferrets.

(A) Number or size: One pair.

(B) Cage size: 6′L by 3′W by 3′H.

(C) Accessories: A den is required.

(5) Marsupials and others.

(i) Kangaroos. Large wallaby, walleroo, and the like.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 20′L by 12′W by 8′H. For each additional animal add 25% surface area to cage.

(C) Accessories: A refuge area and shade are required. The ideal situation is an open paddock. If surface is of an artificial material, it shall be a nonskid surface.

(ii) Small wallaby.

(A) Number or size: One to two animals.

(B) Cage size: 12′L by 4′W by 6′H. Each additional animal requires a 25% increase in surface area.

(C) Accessories: Refuge area and shade are required. If surface is of an artificial material, it shall be a nonskid surface.

(iii) Hedgehogs.

(A) Number or size: One to two animals.

(B) Cage size: 2′L by 2′W by 2′H.

(C) Accessories: Cage shall be constructed with a dirt floor over a wire bottom.

(iv) Armadillos.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: A 6-foot circular cage--if not circular, the cage shall have the same area with rounded corners having a minimum radius of 2 feet. Add 2 feet in diameter for each additional animal.

(C) Accessories: The cage shall be constructed with a dirt floor over a wire bottom.

(6) Odd- and even-toed animals, ostriches and other large running birds.

(i) Large-sized. Zebras, elk, giraffes, asses, wildebeests, camels, elands, buffaloes, bison, and the like.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 1,000 square foot paddock or corral. Each additional animal requires 25% more area.

(C) Accessories: Barn or shaded or protected area attached to or adjoining the paddock or corral.

(ii) Medium-sized. Ostriches, whitetailed deer, fallow deer, llamas, aoudads, wild goats and sheep-type animals, emus, cassowarys and rheas.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 500 square foot paddock or corral. Increase horizontal dimensions by 25% for each additional animal.

(C) Accessories: A shelter is required.

(iii) Small-sized. Dikdiks, small gazelles, peccary.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 300 square foot paddock or corral. Increase horizontal dimension by 25% for each additional animal.

(C) Accessories: A shelter is required.

(iv) Rhinocerous.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 1,500 square foot paddock or corral is required. Each additional animal requires 50% increase in horizontal dimension.

(C) Accessories: A heated barn or shelter and shade are required.

(v) Elephants.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 1,500 square foot paddock or corral. Whether chained or unchained, each animal shall be able to utilize the entire 1,500 square foot area. Each additional animal requires a 50% increase in horizontal dimension.

(C) Accessories: A heated barn or shelter and shade are required.

(vi) Hippopotamus. Nile.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 600 square foot plus 300 square foot pool.

(C) Accessories: 300 square foot nonskid ramped pool with a 5-foot depth. Each additional animal requires a 25% increase in pool and land area.

(7) Birds.

(i) General requirements. Enclosures for flying birds shall either be small enough to inhibit flying altogether or large enough to permit aerial maneuvering within the enclosure. An enclosure not sufficiently large may result in injuries from birds flying into the side of the enclosure. Raptors and members of the parrot family may be caged in conformity with this subparagraph or securely tethered to a suitable perch in a manner to preclude danger to the public.

(ii) Parrot-type. Macaws, large cockatoos.

(A) Number or size: Single specimen.

(B) Cage size: Adequate room for turning and sitting on a perch without touching its tail against sides or bottom of cage is required.

(C) Accessories: Suitable perch that is large enough so that the claws do not meet on the underside.

(iii) Medium-sized parrots. Small cockatoos, yellow-heads, grays, Amazons.

(A) Number or size: Up to two specimens.

(B) Cage size: 18″L by 18″W by 24″H.

(C) Accessories: One suitable perch per bird; diameter of perch shall be large enough so that claws do not meet on the underside.

(iv) Small parrots. Lovebirds, parakeets, and the like.

(A) Number or size: One or two birds.

(B) Cage size: 12″L by 24″W by 10″H. Community cages shall provide flight space.

(C) Accessories: One or more suitable perches--diameter shall be large enough so that claws do not meet on the underside.

(v) Waterfowl.

(A) Number or size: Not more than two pairs of adults or one pair with offspring of the year.

(B) Cage size: 100 square feet of area with 25% consisting of water area.

(vi) Eagles, hawks, owls, vultures, toucans and toucanets.

(A) Number or size: Single bird.

(B) Cage size: Cage shall be wide enough for the bird to spread its wings and fly-hop from floor to perch. Width shall be two times greater than wingspread. Perch to ground shall be twice as long as its body. Length of cage shall be five times the body length. Increase cage size 50% in length and 25% in width for each additional bird.

(C) Accessories: At least one suitable perch per bird--the diameter of the perch shall be large enough that talons do not meet on the underside. For large birds of prey, a stump high enough that when a bird is perched, the tail feathers are 6 inches off the floor. Roof of the cage shall be of sufficient height to permit the bird to rest erect on the perches.

(vii) Wild turkeys, peafowl and curassows.

(A) Number or size: One to three birds.

(B) Cage size: 144 square feet of horizontal space. Male peafowl shall have adequate turning room for its tail. Enclosures shall be at least 6 feet high.

(C) Accessories: The cage shall have at least one roost perch approximately 4 feet from the floor.

(viii) Lesser game birds, pheasants, and the like.

(A) Number or size: One to five birds.

(B) Cage size: One hundred square feet of horizontal space. Enclosures shall be at least 6 feet high. Each additional bird requires an additional 20 square feet.

(C) Accessories: At least one roost perch approximately 30 inches from the floor.

(ix) Community groups of finches and seedeaters.

(A) Number or size: Community group of 25 or less.

(B) Cage size: 4′W by 8′L by 8′H.

(x) Medium-sized flight birds. Jays, starlings, doves, pigeons, and the like.

(A) Number or size: One to two birds.

(B) Cage size: 3′L by 2′W by 5′H. For a community group the cage shall be large enough to allow flying and be at least 8 feet in diameter. The birds may be kept in a parrot-style cage.

(xi) Wading birds. Flamingos, ibises, spoonbills, herons, egrets, and the like.

(A) Number or size: One to five birds.

(B) Cage size: 144 square feet of horizontal space. Birds in open, fenced areas shall be pinioned.

(C) Accessories: Shallow pools for wading plus dry land areas.

(xii) Storks and cranes.

(A) Number or size: One pair.

(B) Cage size: 144 square feet of horizontal space.

(xiii) Pelicans, cormorants and swans.

(A) Number or size: Two birds.

(B) Cage size: 144 square feet of horizontal space. Fifty percent of the area shall be water at least 18 inches deep. Add 25% more area in land and pool for each additional bird.

(C) Accessories: Pool is required.

(xiv) Penguins.

(A) Number or size: One pair.

(B) Cage size: 100 square feet of horizontal space of which 50% is water at least 36 inches deep. Add 10% area in water and land for each additional bird.

(C) Accessories: Water shall be cooled to 55° Fahrenheit and be flowing. Chilled waters are not required for Humboldt's penguins.

(8) Traveling wildlife.

(i) Large cats. Lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, pumas and hybrids.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: The size of traveling cages for wildlife on the road shall be as follows: animals shall be able to turn around and stand up on all fours with head clearance.

(C) Accessories: The cage shall be constructed of steel or casehardened aluminum with one solid side or portable divider panel so that no animal can harm another. A steel floor with wood surface suitable for drainage of urine is necessary. A cage shall have a secure locking device and shall be key locked or padlocked. A cage shall be well ventilated. A cage exposed directly to the public shall be constructed of steel or alloy bars no more than 1-1/2 inch apart.

(ii) Bears and hyenas.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: The animal shall be able to turn around and stand up on all fours with head clearance.

(C) Accessories: The cage shall be constructed of steel or casehardened aluminum with one solid side or portable divider panel so that no animal can harm another. A steel floor suitable for drainage of urine is necessary. A cage shall be well ventilated. A cage exposed directly to the public shall be constructed of steel or alloy bars no more than 1-1/2 inch apart.

(iii) Primates.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: Primates shall be able to stand up and turn around.

(C) Accessories: The cage shall be constructed of steel bars no more than 1 inch apart and sufficiently well constructed to be escape proof. Padlocks shall be used at the top and bottom of door.

(iv) Elephants.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: While on the road, elephants shall be chained by front and back legs.

(v) Other wildlife. Other traveling wildlife shall be transported in cages large enough to permit the wildlife to stand up and turn around.

(vi) General. Traveling wild animals shall travel in air conditioned or well-ventilated vehicles that may be adjusted to weather conditions. Animals shall be provided with fresh water while in transit twice in 24 hours and be fed at least once every 24 hours.

(9) Temporary housing. Wildlife may be housed for a period of not more than 10 consecutive days at the same location in cages meeting the minimum size specifications in subparagraphs (i)--(viii). If wildlife is displayed for more than 10 consecutive days at the same location, the wildlife shall be placed in cages meeting minimum size specifications in paragraphs (1)--(8). The minimum size specifications for temporary housing are as follows:

(i) Large carnivores. Lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, pumas, wolves, bears and hybrid cats.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: Cage length shall be at least double the body length--excluding tail--of the animal. Cage width shall equal or exceed body length. Cage height shall extend at least 2 feet above the standing animal's head to ensure proper ventilation. For two or more animals kept together, add 1/3 more cage length for each additional animal.

(ii) Large primates. Gorillas.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 8′W by 8′L. Height shall extend at least 2 feet over the standing height of the animal.

(C) Accessories. Overhead pull bar and seat.

(iii) Adult orangutan.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 7′W by 7′L. Height shall extend at least 2 feet over standing height of the animal.

(C) Accessories: The cage shall be equipped with overhead pull bar and seat.

(iv) Adult chimpanzee.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 6-1/2′W by 6-1/2′L. Height shall extend at least 2 feet over standing height of the animal.

(C) Accessories: The cage shall be equipped with overhead pull bar and seat.

(v) Young chimpanzee. Up to 50 pounds.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 5′W by 5′L. Height shall extend at least 2 feet over standing height of the animal.

(C) Accessories: The cage shall be equipped with overhead pull bar and seat.

(vi) Macaques.

(A) Number or size: Single animal.

(B) Cage size: 5′W by 5′L. Height shall extend at least 2 feet over standing height of animal.

(C) Accessories: The cage shall be equipped with overhead pull bar and seat.

(vii) Primates--general. Cages shall be well ventilated and have secure locking devices. Cages exposed directly to the public shall be constructed of steel or alloy bars not more than 1 inch apart.

(viii) Other wildlife. Cage length shall be at least double the body length--excluding tail--of the animal. Cage width shall equal or exceed body length. Cage height shall extend at least 1 foot above the standing animal's head. For two or more animals kept together, add 1/3 more cage length for each additional animal.

Adopted July 1, 1987; Amended Mar. 26, 1994.


§ 147.286. Acquisition and disposal.

(a) Wildlife at a menagerie shall have been lawfully taken, exported, imported, transported, retained and possessed.

(b) The acquisition or disposal of wildlife shall be for the sole purpose of maintaining stock for the menagerie. Disposal or transfer for any reason is limited to persons who may lawfully import the wildlife being transferred.

(c) The Commission officer approving the menagerie permit shall be notified, in writing, within 10 days after receipt of additional wildlife.

(d) The Commission officer approving the menagerie permit shall be notified, in writing, 10 days prior to disposal of wildlife when feasible.

(e) Records shall be maintained of acquisitions and disposals of wildlife as well as wildlife born or hatched at the menagerie. Records shall be in ink and written in plain English. Records shall be available for inspection by Commission personnel at any reasonable hour.

Adopted July 1, 1987; Amended Jan. 15, 2005.


  § 147.287. Health and welfare.

Wildlife shall be kept free from parasites, sickness or disease. If sick or unsightly, wildlife shall be removed from public display and immediately given professional medical attention, or be destroyed in a humane manner.

Adopted July 1, 1987.


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