Ley de Protección a los Animales de la Ciudad de México

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Popular Title:  Statute of Animal Protection Primary Citation:  Ley de Protección Animal Country of Origin:  Mexico Last Checked:  Date Adopted:  Historical: 

Summary: This law seeks to protect animals, ensure their welfare, and provide attention, good treatment, maintenance, lodging, natural development, and health. Furthermore, it aims to avoid mistreatment, cruelty, suffering, bestiality, and deformation of their physical characteristics, as well as to ensure animal health, public health, and the five freedoms of the animal.

Some of the most important provisions of this law are the following:

  • Under article 4.II, the word animal is defined as “a non-human living being, multicellular, sentient, conscious, made up of different tissues, with a specialized nervous system that allows it to move and react in coordination with stimuli.”
  • Animal welfare is defined as “the state in which the animal's health, behavioral, and physiological needs are satisfied in the face of changes in its environment, which are generally imposed by humans.”
  • Cruelty is defined as a “brutal, sadistic, or zoophilic act against any animal, whether by direct action or due to negligence.” Mistreatment is defined as “any fact, act, or omission of the human being that can cause pain or suffering, affect animal welfare, endanger the life of the animal, or seriously affect its health, as well as their overexploitation.”
  • A pet is defined as a “specimen of a domestic or wild species used as company and recreation for the human being.” Suffering is the “lack of animal welfare caused by various reasons that put the health, integrity, or life of the animal at risk.”

This law also establishes the responsibilities of citizens towards animals as well as the responsibilities to companion animals in articles 4 and 4 BIS 1. The duties and competencies of different authorities, such as monitoring and enforcing the law on the part of the major, health secretary, the secretary of citizen safety, the duties of the Ombudsperson, civic judges, care centers for dogs and cats, and veterinary clinics. Chapter VI, articles 20-22 talk about the promotion of a culture of animal protection, which is based on respect towards animals which is grounded on the provisions outlined in this law regarding dignified and respectful treatment.

Chapter VII contains the provisions regarding the dignified and respectful treatment of animals. It establishes the duty to provide all animals with dignified and respectful treatment and lists examples of actions considered cruel or mistreatment. Article 24 Bis establishes that a person who executes cruel conduct, mistreatment, injury, or torture against an animal will be obligated to repair the damage under the terms established in the city’s civil code and criminal code. Such reparation will also consist of veterinary attention, medicine, and surgical intervention.

Article 25 contains the prohibitions regarding the treatment of animals. Some of them include:

  1. The execution of shows where there is a fight between animals, making an animal ingest alcoholic beverages or supply drugs without therapeutic or therapeutic purposes
  2. The use and transit of animal-drawn vehicles on paved roads and for purposes other than agricultural use
  3. The use of animals in the celebration of rituals and traditional uses that may affect the well-being of the animal and Permanently tying or chaining animals.

In addition, article 33 requires prior government authorization for the possession of a wild animal as a pet. Articles 34 -34 QUINTUS contain the provisions regarding assistance dogs. Some of the obligations of the owners of service dogs include:

  1. Taking the animal to veterinary check-up appointments at least three times a year or as many times as required
  2. Providing Internal and external deworming every six months or earlier, if necessary, administering the corresponding vaccination and dental cleaning
  3. Providing the dog with the hygienic and aesthetic attention it requires, and keeping it brushed.

In addition, this article states that “all Assistance Dogs, regardless of their sex, must be sterilized.” Articles 44 -25 BIS contain provisions for animal transportation, and articles 46-49 concern the use of animals in laboratories.

Reports of animal mistreatment or violation of this law may be filed by any person before the secretary of health and citizen safety, the agency of animal Attention, the Ombudsperson’s office, or mayors as it corresponds. Chapter CX talks about injunctions when there is an imminent risk or danger for an animal.

Finally, the sanctions imposed under Chapter X of this law range from admonitions and monetary fines, to arrest of up-to- 36 hours in the case of repeat offenders. This law stipulates the standards and regulations for the functioning of the Animal Surveillance Brigade, which is responsible for preventing animal cruelty, responding to reports of animal cruelty, and providing care to animals in need.

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