In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (f) of sub-section (2) of section 38 of the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 (59 of 1960), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules,
the same having been previously published as required by sub-section (1) of that section, namely: -
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Licensing of Farriers) Rules, 1965.
1. Short Title and commencement
a) These rules may be called Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Licensing of Farriers) Rules, 1965.
b) They shall come into force in any State on such date as the State Government may, by notification
in the official Gazette, appoint, and different dates may be appointed for different areas of the
2. Definitions:
In These rules, unless the context otherwise requires:-
a) Cattle. means buffaloes, bullocks, horses, mules, or donkeys and includes other animals used for draught, pack or carriage purpose, which require shoeing;
b) Farrier. means a person who carrier on the business of shoeing cattle;
c) License. means a license granted under these rules;
d) Licensing authority. means such officer of the veterinary department of the State or a local authority or any organization for the welfare of animals as the State Government may, by general or special order, specify in this behalf.
3. Farriers to be licensed:
No person shall, after the commencement of these rules, begin to carry on the business of a farrier,and no person carrying on the business of a farrier at the commencement of these rules, shall, after the expiration of three months from such commencement, continue to carry on such business, except under a licence.
4. Persons entitled to apply for license:
Every person who-
(i) has completed the age of eighteen years, and
(ii) has undergone any such training in the business of shoeing cattle as may be approved by the
licensing authority; or
(iii) has been carrying on the business of a farrier for not less than two years before the commencement
of these rules;
shall be entitled to a license.
5. Application for license:
Every person who at the commencement of these rules is carrying on the business of a farrier and
who intends to carry on such business after such commencement and every person who intends to
begin such business after such commencement shall apply in writing to the licensing authority for a
license giving his name, place of residence, place of business. His qualifications for the license and such
other particulars as the licensing authority may require.
6. Grant of License:
The licensing authority shall after satisfying himself as to whether the applicant is a fit and proper
person to be granted a license and whether he has equipped himself or has made arrangements for
equipping himself with proper tools and other implements for the purpose of his business, grant to
every applicant who is duly qualified in this behalf a license in the form prescribed in the annexure to
these rules.
Explanation: The tools and other implements which a person carrying on or intending to carry on the
business of a farrier shall ordinarily have in his possession are the following, namely: -
1. Driving hammer with claws.
2. Hand hammer.
3. Drawing knife.
4. Scorcher knife.
5. Pincers.
6. Buffer.
7. Rasp.
8. Chisel for cutting bar iron.
9. Punch for making nail holes.
10. Nails for shoeing.
11. Twitch.
12. Wooden plank for finishing work.
13. Iron anvil.
14. Good quality wrought iron for shoes.
7. Term of license and renewal thereof:
(1)A license shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of its grant, but it may be renewed from time to time on application made by the licensee stating the period from which the license is to be renewed:
Provided that no license shall be renewed for a period exceeding two years at a time.
(2) The renewal of a license shall be made by inscribing, in the columns provided for the purpose in the license, the date of renewal, the date of expiry of the renewed license and the signature of the licensing authority.
8. Issue of duplicate license:
If a license is defected, lost or destroyed the licensing authority may after making such inquiry into the matter as he thinks fit, issue a duplicate.
9. Farrier to exercise reasonable care and skill
Every licensee under these rules shall exercise an reasonable degree of care and skill in the shoeing of cattle.
10. Cancellation of license
1) It shall be lawful for the licensing authority to enter the place of business of any licensee during
normal working hours for the purpose of inspection; and if, in the opinion of the licensing authority
the licensee is unable to exercise a reasonable degree of care and skill in the shoeing of cattle or
is not properly equipped for the purpose of his business, he may, after giving the licensee a
reasonable opportunity of being heard, cancel the licence.
2) A licence may also be cancelled if the licensing authority is satisfied, after giving the licensee a
reasonable opportunity of being heard that there has been a breach of any of the conditions of
the licence.
An appeal shall lie from any order refusing or canceling a licence under these rules to such
authority as the State Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, specify for the purpose..
11. Issue of fresh licence after cancellation
A person whose licence has been cancelled under rule 10 may be granted a fresh license on
application made in this behalf if the licensing authority is satisfied that having regard to the circumstances
obtaining at the time of such application, there is no reason why the applicant should not be granted
a fresh licence.
12. Fees
(1) The fees payable on every application for a license shall be one rupee and that on every application
for renewal of the license or for a duplicate thereof shall be fifty paise.
(2) Such fees may be paid either in cash or by affixing non-judicial stamps of equivalent value to the
13. Maintenance of register
The licensing authority shall maintain a register containing full particulars relating to every licence.