Scent lineups compared across eleven countries: Looking for the future of a controversial forensic technique

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Barbara Ferry, John J. Ensminger, Adee Schoon, Zbignev Bobrovskij, David Cant, Maciej Gawkowski, IIlkka Hormila, Pavel Kos, Ferenc Less, Elena Rodionova, Klim T. Sulimov, Leif Woidtke, Tadeusz Jezierski Place of Publication:  Forensic Science International Publish Year: 


Documents:  Scent lineups compared across eleven countries.pdf

Scent Lineup Flowchart. This graphic depicts the central elements of standard European practice, where results, including the alert of the dog are determined by an experimenter who is generally unaware of the position of the target scent in the lineup (redrawn by John Ensminger from a similar graphic used in the article which appeared in Forensic Science International).

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