Ley 30407, 2015

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Popular Title:  Ley de protección Animal Primary Citation:  Ley 30407, 2015 Country of Origin:  Peru Last Checked:  Date Adopted: 


Documents:  30407.pdf

This law enables any person to report any case of abandonment or animal mistreatment and the government has the responsibility to hear this reports and take action. Animal experimentation and research are allowed in higher education institutions and specialized institutions so long as they have animal welfare committees and after it has been determined the results of such investigations and experimentation cannot be obtained through different means. These institutions must guarantee the greatest protection against physical pain and subjected to other exceptions established in Article 25 of this law.

The new Statute of Animal Protection gives all vertebrate domestic and wild animals kept in captivity the status of "sentient beings." This law repeals Article 450-A of the criminal code and introduces Article 206-A, which punishes animal cruelty with prison of up to three years with 100 to 180 days of fine, plus definitive or temporary inability for the possession of animals determined on a case by case basis. Death of the animal that has been subjected to abandonment or animal cruelty will be considered an aggravating factor, with punishment of deprivation of liberty of no less than three years and no more of five, 150 to 360 days of fine, and the definitive or temporary inability for the possession of animals determined on a case by case basis.

Some of the prohibitions established by this law include: abandonment; the use of animals for entertainment when animals are forced to do things contrary to their natural behavior (subjected to exceptions); and domestic and wild animal fights in private or public space. Possession, training, exhibition and trade of wildlife are illegal unless authorized by the designated authority.


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