West's Colorado Revised Statutes Annotated. Title 26. Human Services Code. Article 23. Training Veterans to Train Their Own Service Dogs Pilot Program.

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Primary Citation:  C. R. S. A. § 26-23-101 - 105 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  CO ST § 26-23-101 - 105 Date Adopted:  Historical: 

Summary: This set of Colorado laws (effective June of 2016) creates a pilot program for veterans to train their own service dogs. The program identifies a group of up to 10 veterans to pair with dogs. Qualified canine trainers will work with the veterans to use train the dogs for use as service dogs. The program will further offer those veterans who graduate from the program with a trained dog the opportunity and necessary follow-along services to expand the program, if willing, by identifying, fostering, and training a subsequent dog for another eligible veteran who is unable to complete one or more parts of the process due to physical limitations. Other sections of the article explain the criteria for selecting the non-profit agencies for implementation and the creation of a fund in the state treasury.

§ 26-23-101. Definitions

§ 26-23-102. Training veterans to train their own service dogs pilot program--created--purpose--selection process--services to veterans

§ 26-23-103. Request for proposals for program implementation and operation--criteria for nonprofit--reporting

§ 26-23-104. Training veterans to train their own service dogs pilot program fund--creation

§ 26-23-105. Repeal


§ 26-23-101. Definitions

As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) “Department” means the department of human services.

(2) “Eligible veteran” means a person in need of mental health services who:

(a) Served in the active military, naval, air service, Coast Guard, or National Guard or the reserve forces of the United States and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable, in accordance with U.S.C. title 38, as amended; and

(b) Received a referral from a qualified mental health professional for purposes of participating in the program.

(3) “Executive director” means the executive director of the department.

(4) “Follow-along support services” means training and support services provided to an eligible veteran who is participating in the program after canine fostering and training is complete.

(5) “Fund” means the training veterans to train their own service dogs pilot program fund created in section 26-23-104.

(6) “Program” means the training veterans to train their own service dogs pilot program.

Added by Laws 2016, Ch. 328, § 1, eff. June 10, 2016.


§ 26-23-102. Training veterans to train their own service dogs pilot program--created--purpose--selection process--services to veterans

(1) There is created in the department the training veterans to train their own service dogs pilot program. The purpose of the program is to identify and train a group of up to ten eligible veterans to pair with dogs, as identified by qualified canine trainers in conjunction with the veterans, to foster, train, and ultimately utilize the dogs as their own service or companion animals. The program will further offer those veterans who graduate from the program with a trained dog the opportunity and necessary follow-along services to expand the program, if willing, by identifying, fostering, and training a subsequent dog for another eligible veteran who is unable to complete one or more parts of the process due to physical limitations.

(2) The department must establish and post the eligibility criteria for selection to the program for veterans and canines, as well as requirements for a nonprofit selected to implement the program pursuant to section 26-23-103.

Added by Laws 2016, Ch. 328, § 1, eff. June 10, 2016.


§ 26-23-103. Request for proposals for program implementation and operation--criteria for nonprofit--reporting

(1)(a) The executive director shall establish and use a competitive request for proposals process to select two in-state nonprofit agencies that represent different counties with which to contract for the implementation and operation of the program. The executive director shall finalize the request for proposals process no later than August 1, 2016. Proposals must be received no later than October 1, 2016, and the executive director shall make a final decision on or before November 1, 2016.

(b) To be eligible to implement and operate the program, each nonprofit agency must:

(I) Be based in Colorado;

(II) Serve the needs of the veteran population within the nonprofit agency's geographical location;

(III) Identify an organization in Colorado that is qualified to train canines with which the nonprofit agency will partner if selected for the program;

(IV) Generate its own revenue and reinvest the proceeds of that revenue in the growth and development of its programs, including veteran support services; and

(V) Offer a variety of veteran support programs in connection with licensed or certified mental health professionals, as well as other services that help veterans transition to their community after military service.

(2) In awarding for the contract, the executive director shall require each selected nonprofit agency to:

(a) Report measurable outcomes of the program to the department, along with an evaluation of those outcomes;

(b) Select up to ten eligible veterans to participate in the program, based on the established and posted criteria;

(c) Select appropriate canine companions for the program based on the established criteria;

(d) Assist in placing a selected and trained canine with an eligible veteran based on that veteran's specific, individual needs;

(e) Assist veterans with learning and applying the proper techniques required for successful training;

(f) Provide mentoring and guidance to an eligible veteran who is fostering a canine that is being trained; and

(g) Provide any other follow-along support services deemed appropriate and necessary by the department to make individual veteran-canine partnerships and the program successful.

(3) The department shall report the outcomes and evaluations related to the program to the state, veterans, and military affairs committees of the senate and house of representatives, and the health and human services committee of the senate and the public health care and human services committee of the house of representatives, or any successor committees, after one full year of data has been collected and every year thereafter.

Added by Laws 2016, Ch. 328, § 1, eff. June 10, 2016.


§ 26-23-104. Training veterans to train their own service dogs pilot program fund--creation

(1) The training veterans to train their own service dogs pilot program fund is created in the state treasury. The principal of the fund consists of moneys appropriated or transferred to the fund by the general assembly and any money received pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. The purpose of the fund is to provide funding for the program implemented and operated by a nonprofit agency selected by the department.

(2) The department is authorized to seek, accept, and expend gifts, grants, or donations, including in-kind donations, from private or public sources for the purposes of the program; except that the department may not accept a gift, grant, or donation that is subject to conditions that are inconsistent with this article or any other law of the state. The department shall transmit all private and public moneys received through gifts, grants, or donations to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the fund.

(3)(a) The moneys in the fund are continuously appropriated to the department for the purpose of funding implementation and operation of the program by the nonprofit agency selected by the department pursuant to section 26-23-103 and for any administrative costs incurred by the department pursuant to this article. The department's administrative expenses for the program in a fiscal year must not exceed three percent of the moneys transferred or appropriated in that fiscal year.

(b) All interest and income derived from the deposit and investment of the fund and all unexpended and unencumbered moneys remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year remain in the fund and shall not be transferred or revert to the general fund.

Added by Laws 2016, Ch. 328, § 1, eff. June 10, 2016.


§ 26-23-105. Repeal

This article is repealed, effective September 1, 2026.

Added by Laws 2016, Ch. 328, § 1, eff. June 10, 2016.

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