Baldwin's Ohio Revised Code Annotated. Title XLVII. Occupations—Professions. Chapter 4741. Veterinarians.

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Primary Citation:  R.C. § 4741.01 - 4741.99 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  OH ST § 4741.01 - 4741.99 Date Adopted:  Historical: 

Summary: These are the state's veterinary practice laws. Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners.



4741.01 Definitions

Veterinary Medical Board

4741.02 Veterinary medical licensing board

4741.03 Meetings of board; officers; executive secretary; powers and duties

4741.04 Veterinary-client-patient relationship

4741.05 Development of resources to identify current or potential abusers of opioids who may use animals to improperly secure them

4741.06 Power to subpoena witnesses--Repealed

4741.07 Signatures on vouchers; disposition of moneys received; veterinary medical testing fund--Repealed

4741.08 Examination for license; notice--Repealed


4741.09 Application to take examination; qualifications--Repealed

4741.10 Criminal records check


4741.11 Certificate of license

4741.12 License without examination; reciprocity

4741.13 Issuing license without examination upon proof of national examination

4741.14 Temporary permit to practice

4741.15 Provisional veterinary graduate license

4741.16 Expiration; renewal; continuing education

4741.17 Fees

4741.18 Fraudulently obtained license

4741.19 Practice without a license prohibited; students; registered veterinary technicians; specialists

4741.20 Exemptions

4741.201 Chapter inapplicable to chemical capture by certified officer

4741.21 Limitations on advertising

4741.22 Revocation, suspension, or refusal of license; civil penalties

4741.221 Referrals in lieu of disciplinary actions

4741.23 Prohibitions

4741.24 Reinstatement of license; subsequent violations

General Provisions

4741.25 Disposition of fines collected

4741.26 Enforcement of provisions; injunctive relief

4741.27 Practice continued in name of prior licensee--Repealed

4741.28 Business facility regulation

4741.29 Advisory committee--Repealed

4741.30 Animals abandoned with veterinarian or kennel owner; notice to owner; disposition

4741.31 Treatment providers for veterinarians with substance abuse problems

4741.32 License holders in default on child support orders

Veterinarian Education Loan Repayment Program

4741.40 Definitions

4741.41 Eligible expenses and limitations

4741.42 Applications

4741.43 Approval of applicants

4741.44 Participation contracts

4741.45 Rules and rulemaking

4741.46 Gifts to fund

4741.47 Annual report

4741.48 Compliance with RC 4776.20

4741.49 Report of test for presence of Lyme disease

Veterinarian Student Debt Assistance Program

4741.50 Definitions for RC 4741.50 to 4741.56

4741.51 Rules

4741.52 Participation requirements; application

4741.53 Approval for participation in program; list of applicants; selection of eligible veterinarians to receive veterinarian student debt assistance; notification; discussions; letter of intent

4741.54 Contract; statements; disposition of money collected from damages

4741.55 Reports

4741.56 Veterinary student debt assistance fund

4741.57 Certification of amount


4741.99 Penalties




4741.01 Definitions

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Animal" means any animal other than a human being and includes fowl, birds, fish, and reptiles, wild or domestic, living or dead.

(B) The "practice of veterinary medicine" means the practice of any person who performs any of the following actions:

(1) Diagnoses, prevents, or treats any disease, illness, pain, deformity, defect, injury, or other physical, mental, or dental condition of any animal;

(2) Administers to or performs any medical or surgical technique on any animal that has any disease, illness, pain, deformity, defect, injury, or other physical, mental, or dental condition or performs a surgical procedure on any animal;

(3) Prescribes, applies, or dispenses any drug, medicine, biologic, anesthetic, or other therapeutic or diagnostic substance, or applies any apparatus for any disease, illness, pain, deformity, defect, injury, or other physical, mental, or dental condition of any animal;

(4) Uses complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies on animals;

(5) Renders professional advice or recommendation by any means, including telephonic or other electronic communication with regard to any activity described in divisions (B)(1) to (4) of this section;

(6) Represents the person's self, directly or indirectly, publicly or privately, as having the ability and willingness to perform an act described in divisions (B)(1) to (4) of this section;

(7) Uses any words, letters, abbreviations, or titles in such connection and under such circumstances as to induce the belief that the person using them is engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine.

(C) "Specialist" means a licensed veterinarian who is certified by a veterinary specialty board of a professional veterinary association recognized by rule of the state veterinary medical licensing board.

(D) "Veterinary supervision" means instruction and directions by a licensed veterinarian on the premises or by a licensed veterinarian who is readily available to communicate with a person requiring supervision.

(E) "Veterinary student" means a student enrolled in a college of veterinary medicine or a veterinary technology college approved by the board and who is working with a licensed veterinarian.

(F) "Registered veterinary technician" means a person who is a graduate of a veterinary technology college approved by the state veterinary medical licensing board, has successfully passed an examination approved by the board, and maintains registration eligibility status in accordance with rules adopted by the board.

(G) "Animal aide" means a person who is employed by a licensed veterinarian and supervised by a licensed veterinarian or a registered veterinary technician to perform duties such as record keeping, animal restraint, and such other duties that the board, by rule, establishes. In adopting the rules, the board shall include rules regarding the degree of supervision required for each duty. The rules shall be consistent with generally accepted standards of veterinary medical practice.

(H) "Advertising" means any manner, method, means, or activity by which a practicing veterinarian, a practicing veterinarian's partners, or associates, or any information in reference to veterinary science, is made known to the public through any use of motion pictures, newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television announcements, or any other manner, method, means, or activity which commercially publicizes the professional image of the veterinarian.

(I) "Embryo transfer" means the removal of an embryo ovum from the reproductive tract of an animal and its transfer to the reproductive tract of another animal for the purpose of gestation and birth.

(J) "Veterinary consultant" means a veterinarian who is not licensed in this state and who provides advice and counsel to a requesting veterinarian licensed in this state in regard to the treatment, diagnosis, or health care of an animal or animals in a specific case.

(K) "Direct veterinary supervision" means a licensed veterinarian is in the immediate area and within audible range, visual range, or both, of a patient and the person administering to the patient.

(L) "Allied medical support" means a licensed dentist, physician, chiropractor, or physical therapist who is in good standing as determined under Chapter 4715., 4731., 4734., or 4755. of the Revised Code, as applicable.

(M) "Veterinary-client-patient-relationship" means a relationship that meets the requirements of section 4741.04 of the Revised Code.

(N) "Licensed veterinarian" means a person licensed by the board to practice veterinary medicine.

(O) "Client" means the patient's owner, owner's agent, or other person responsible for the patient.

(P) "Veterinary technology" means the science and art of providing professional support to veterinarians.

(Q) "Patient" means an animal that is examined or treated by a licensed veterinarian.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1975 H 435; 129 v 582; 127 v 562; 1953 H 1; GC 1177-16f)


Veterinary Medical Board

4741.02 Veterinary medical licensing board

There shall be a state veterinary medical licensing board consisting of seven members, who have been legal residents of this state for not less than five years, appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate, as follows: five members who have been licensed to practice veterinary medicine in this state for not less than five consecutive years prior to their appointment; one member who is a registered veterinary technician registered pursuant to this chapter for not less than five consecutive years prior to appointment; and one member who is a representative of the public. Terms of office are for three years, commencing on the first day of January and ending on the thirty-first day of December. Each member shall hold office from the date of the member's appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of such term. Any member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until a successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first. No person who has been appointed a member of the board shall be appointed to serve more than three, three-year terms unless a period of three years has elapsed since the termination of the member's third term, provided that a person appointed to fill an unexpired term may be appointed for three full terms of three years each immediately following such term and that the total length of the member's service does not exceed ten years.

No member of the board shall be the owner of any interest in, or be employed by any wholesale or jobbing house dealing in supplies, equipment, or instruments used or useful in the practice of veterinary medicine. Neither the public member nor the registered veterinary technician member shall have any vested financial interest in the practice of veterinary medicine. For purposes of this section employment as a veterinary technician for a veterinarian does not constitute a vested financial interest in the practice of veterinary medicine.

The governor may remove any member of the board for malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance after a hearing as provided in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code or if the license of a veterinary member is not renewed or has been revoked or suspended on any ground set forth in section 3123.47 or 4741.22 of the Revised Code or if the registration of the registered veterinary technician member is revoked or suspended or is not renewed under section 3123.47 or 4741.19 of the Revised Code.

Each member of the board shall receive an amount fixed pursuant to division (J) of section 124.15 of the Revised Code for each day, or portion thereof, the member is actually engaged in the discharge of official duties, in addition to the member's necessary expenses.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 2000 S 180, eff. 3-22-01; 1995 H 167, eff. 11-15-96; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1977 H 1; 1973 S 131; 132 v H 93; 127 v 562; 125 v 442; 1953 H 1; GC 1177-16)


4741.03 Meetings of board; officers; executive secretary; powers and duties

(A) The state veterinary medical licensing board shall meet at least once in each calendar year and may hold additional meetings as often as it considers necessary to conduct the business of the board. The president of the board may call special meetings, and the executive director shall call special meetings upon the written request of three members of the board. The board shall organize by electing a president and vice-president from its veterinarian members and such other officers as the board prescribes by rule. Each officer shall serve for a term specified by board rule or until a successor is elected and qualified. A quorum of the board consists of four members of which at least three are members who are veterinarians. The concurrence of four members is necessary for the board to take any action.

(B) The board may appoint a person, not one of its members, to serve as its executive director. The executive director is in the unclassified service and serves at the pleasure of the board. The executive director shall serve as the board's secretary-treasurer ex officio. The board may employ additional employees for professional, technical, clerical, and special work as it considers necessary. The executive director shall give a surety bond to the state in the sum the board requires, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the executive director's duties. The board shall pay the cost of the bond. The executive director shall keep a complete accounting of all funds received and of all vouchers presented by the board to the director of budget and management for the disbursement of funds. The president or executive director shall approve all vouchers of the board. All money received by the board shall be credited to the occupational licensing and regulatory fund.

(C) In addition to any other duty required under this chapter, the board shall do all of the following:

(1) Prescribe a seal;

(2) Review the results of board-appproved,1 nationally recognized examinations taken by applicants in accordance with rules adopted by the board.

(3) Keep a record of all of its meetings and proceedings;

(4) Maintain a register that records all applicants for a certificate of license or a temporary permit, all persons who have been denied a license or permit, all persons who have been granted or reissued a license or permit, and all persons whose license or permit has been revoked or suspended. The register shall also include a record of persons licensed prior to October 17, 1975.

(5) Maintain a register, in such form as the board determines by rule, of all colleges and universities that teach veterinary medicine and veterinary technology that are approved by the board;

(6) Enforce this chapter, and for that purpose, make investigations relative as provided in section 4741.26 of the Revised Code;

(7) Issue licenses and permits to persons who meet the qualifications set forth in this chapter;

(8) Approve colleges and universities which meet the board's requirements for veterinary medicine and associated fields of study and withdraw or deny, after an adjudication conducted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, approval from colleges and universities which fail to meet those requirements;

(9) Adopt rules, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, which are necessary for its government and for the administration and enforcement of this chapter.

(D) The board may do all of the following:

(1) Subpoena witnesses and require their attendance and testimony, and require the production by witnesses of books, papers, public records, animal patient records, and other documentary evidence and examine them, in relation to any matter that the board has authority to investigate, inquire into, or hear. Except for any officer or employee of the state or any political subdivision of the state, the treasurer of state shall pay all witnesses in any proceeding before the board, upon certification from the board, witness fees and mileage in the amount provided for under section 119.094 of the Revised Code.

(2) Examine and inspect books, papers, public records, animal patient records, and other documentary evidence at the location where the books, papers, records, and other evidence are normally stored or maintained.

(E) All registers, books, and records kept by the board are the property of the board and are open for public examination and inspection at all reasonable times in accordance with section 149.43 of the Revised Code. The registers, books, and records are prima-facie evidence of the matters contained in them.

(2015 H 64, eff. 9-29-15; 2008 H 525, eff. 7-1-09; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 2005 S 124, eff. 6-27-05; 2004 H 516, eff. 12-30-04; 1997 H 215, eff. 9-29-97; 1993 H 152, eff. 7-1-93; 1991 H 184; 1985 H 201; 1975 H 435; 129 v 1486, 582; 127 v 562; 1953 H 1; GC 1177-16a)


Veterinary-Client-Patient Relationship

4741.04 Veterinary-client-patient relationship

A veterinary-client-patient relationship serves as the basis for interaction between veterinarians, their clients, and their patients. A veterinary-client-patient relationship exists when all of the following conditions have been met:

(A) A veterinarian assumes responsibility for making clinical judgments regarding the health of a patient and the need for medical treatment, medical services, or both for the patient, and the client has agreed to follow the veterinarian's instructions regarding the patient.

(B) The veterinarian has sufficient knowledge of the patient to initiate at least a general or preliminary diagnosis of the medical condition of the patient. In order to demonstrate that the veterinarian has sufficient knowledge, the veterinarian shall have seen the patient recently and also shall be acquainted personally with the keeping and care of the patient either by examining the patient or by making medically appropriate and timely visits to the premises where the patient is kept.

(C) The veterinarian is readily available for a follow-up evaluation, or has arranged for emergency coverage, in the event the patient suffers adverse reactions to the treatment regimen or the treatment regimen fails.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.05 Development of resources to identify current or potential abusers of opioids who may use animals to improperly secure them

The attorney general, state veterinary medical licensing board, state board of pharmacy, and Ohio veterinary medical association shall collaborate in the development of resources and educational materials to enhance the ability of veterinarians to identify current or potential clients who may abuse opioids and may use animals in their care to improperly secure them.

(2016 H 60, eff. 9-13-16)


4741.06 Power to subpoena witnesses--Repealed


4741.07 Signatures on vouchers; disposition of moneys received; veterinary medical testing fund--Repealed


4741.08 Examination for license; notice--Repealed



4741.09 Application to take examination; qualification - repealed


4741.10 Criminal records check

(A) As used in this section, “license” and “applicant for an initial license” have the same meanings as in section 4776.01 of the Revised Code, except that “license” as used in both of those terms refers to the types of authorizations otherwise issued or conferred under this chapter.

(B) In addition to any other eligibility requirement set forth in this chapter, each applicant for an initial license shall comply with sections 4776.01 to 4776.04 of the Revised Code. The state veterinary medical licensing board shall not grant a license to an applicant for an initial license unless the applicant complies with sections 4776.01 to 4776.04 of the Revised Code.

(2020 H 263, eff. 10-9-21; 2007 H 104, eff. 3-24-08)



4741.11 Certificate of license

Whenever an applicant for a license to practice veterinary medicine has graduated from a veterinary college approved by the state veterinary medical licensing board or accredited by the American veterinary medical association or has been issued a certificate on or after May 1, 1987, by the education commission for foreign veterinary graduates of the American veterinary medical association or by the program for the assessment of veterinary education equivalence of the American association of veterinary state boards, has passed the nationally recognized examination approved by the state veterinary medical licensing board in accordance with rules adopted by the board, and is not in violation of this chapter, the board shall issue a certificate of license to that effect, signed by the members and bearing the seal of the board. The certificate shall show that the successful applicant has qualified under the laws of this state and the requirements of the board and that the applicant is duly licensed and qualified to practice veterinary medicine.

(2016 H 390, eff. 9-28-16; 2015 H 64, eff. 9-29-15; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 129 v 582; 127 v 562)


4741.12 License without examination; reciprocity

The state veterinary medical licensing board may issue a license to practice veterinary medicine without the examination required pursuant to section 4741.11 of the Revised Code to an applicant from another state, territory, country, or the District of Columbia who furnishes satisfactory proof to the board that the applicant meets all of the following criteria:

(A) The applicant is a graduate of a veterinary college accredited by the American veterinary medical association or holds a certificate issued, on or after May 1, 1987, by the education commission for foreign veterinary graduates of the American veterinary medical association or issued by any other nationally recognized certification program the board approves by rule1.

(B) The applicant holds a license, which is not under suspension, revocation, or other disciplinary action, issued by an agency similar to this board of another state, territory, country, or the District of Columbia, having requirements equivalent to those of this state, provided the laws of such state, territory, country, or district accord equal rights to the holder of a license to practice in this state who removes to such state, territory, country, or district.

(C) The applicant is not under investigation for an act which would constitute a violation of this chapter that would require the revocation of or refusal to renew a license.

(D) The applicant has a thorough knowledge of the laws and rules governing the practice of veterinary medicine in this state, as determined by the board.

(2020 H 263, eff. 10-9-21; 2015 H 64, eff. 9-29-15; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1975 H 435; 129 v 582; 127 v 562)

1 Prior and current versions differ; although no amendment to this language was indicated in 2020 H 263, “issued by any other nationally recognized certification program the board approves by rule” appeared as “by the program for the assessment of veterinary education equivalence of the American association of veterinary state boards” in 2015 H 64.


4741.13 Issuing license without examination upon proof of national examination

The state veterinary medical licensing board may issue a limited license to practice veterinary medicine to an individual whose sole professional capacity is with a veterinary academic institution or veterinary technology institution recognized by the board in accordance with rules the board adopts or with a government diagnostic laboratory. A person holding a limited license is authorized to engage in the practice of veterinary medicine only to the extent necessary to fulfill the person's employment or educational obligations as an instructor, researcher, diagnostician, intern, resident in a veterinary specialty, or graduate student.

The board may issue a limited license to an applicant who submits a completed application on a form prescribed by the board, pays the applicable fee prescribed in section 4741.17 of the Revised Code, and meets the criteria established by the board.


(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.14 Temporary permit to practice

The state veterinary medical licensing board may issue, without the examination required pursuant to section 4741.11 of the Revised Code, a temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine to a veterinarian holding a license which is not revoked, suspended, expired, or under any restrictions and is otherwise in good standing from another state, territory, or the District of Columbia, provided that a veterinarian who holds a current license in this state applies for the temporary permit for the veterinarian.

A temporary permit issued pursuant to this section only authorizes the permit holder to act as a veterinary consultant or to provide veterinary medical services in this state for a specific animal or animals. When using the services of a veterinary consultant, the responsibility for the care and treatment of the patient remains with the veterinarian who holds a current license in this state and who is providing treatment, or consultation as to treatment, to the patient. The board shall determine by rule the specific purposes for which it may issue a temporary permit and the duration of the permit, not to exceed six months, under rules it adopts pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. No more than two temporary permits may be issued pursuant to this section to any one applicant. Any subsequent applications shall be made pursuant to section 4741.12 of the Revised Code.


(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 129 v 582; 127 v 562)


4741.15 Provisional veterinary graduate license

(A) A person who has done both of the following may submit an application to the state veterinary medical licensing board for a provisional veterinary graduate license:

(1) Graduated from a veterinary college approved by the board;

(2) Applied for and is waiting to take a nationally recognized examination approved by the board for a license to practice veterinary medicine.

The application shall be on a form that the board prescribes and shall contain any information that the board requires together with a letter or letters of recommendation from a licensed veterinarian or veterinarians who will be directly supervising and responsible for the applicant as provided in division (C) of this section. The applicant shall include with the application the fee established in section 4741.17 of the Revised Code.

(B) The board may issue a provisional veterinary graduate license to an applicant who has satisfied the requirements established in division (A) of this section. A provisional veterinary graduate license is valid for six months following the date of its issuance and is not renewable.

(C) A person who holds a provisional veterinary graduate license may perform or assist in medical treatments, diagnosis, and surgery on a patient only under the direct veterinary supervision of the veterinarian or veterinarians who provided the letter or letters of recommendation accompanying the person's application under division (A) of this section and may engage in other duties related to the practice of veterinary medicine only under veterinary supervision.

(D) No person who holds a provisional veterinary graduate license shall be represented, explicitly or implicitly, as being a licensed veterinarian.

(E) The board may revoke a provisional veterinary graduate license if the person who holds the license violates division (C) or (D) of this section.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.16 Expiration; renewal; continuing education

(A) A license to practice veterinary medicine issued by the state veterinary medical licensing board pursuant to sections 4741.11 to 4741.13 of the Revised Code expires biennially on the first day of March in even-numbered years. A limited license to practice veterinary medicine issued by the board pursuant to those sections expires biennially on the first day of July. A license or limited license may be renewed in accordance with the standard renewal procedures contained in Chapter 4745. of the Revised Code upon payment of the required renewal fee and fulfillment of the continuing education requirements contained in division (B) of this section unless otherwise provided by law. The board shall issue a duplicate certificate to any holder upon request and upon due proof of loss of the original.

(B) As a condition precedent to each renewal of a license or limited license, a licensed veterinarian shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the board, that the licensed veterinarian has completed thirty hours of continuing education during the two years immediately preceding renewal of the licensed veterinarian's license or limited license that meets the requirements established by rule of the board as to form and content.

(C) The board may waive the requirement of division (B) of this section if the licensee submits an affidavit evidencing that the licensee was prevented from attending an approved educational program during a year because of the occurrence of an unusual and prolonged emergency, provided the licensee otherwise complies with such requirements as the board determines.

(D) Educational program requirements not completed during the biennial license period, due to a waiver granted by the board under division (C) of this section, are cumulative on the requirements for the succeeding biennial license period.

(E) Any license or limited license which is not renewed at the end of the biennium becomes an inactive license or limited license. A licensee may reactivate an inactive license or limited license upon application to the board. The board shall prescribe continuing education and other requirements as it considers necessary to reactivate a license or limited license. Any license or limited license which has been inactive for more than four years expires if the licensee has not applied for reactivation of the license or limited license. Upon expiration, a license or limited license becomes void.

(F) Division (E) of this section does not apply to any veterinarian who serves solely in a professional capacity with any federal, state, or local government agency or with any branch of the armed forces of the United States.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1983 H 291; 1975 H 435; 129 v 1486, 582; 127 v 562)


4741.17 Fees

(A) Applicants or registrants shall pay to the state veterinary medical licensing board:

(1) For an initial veterinary license, on or after the first day of March in an even-numbered year, four hundred twenty-five dollars, and on or after the first day of March in an odd-numbered year, three hundred dollars;

(2) For an initial limited license to practice veterinary medicine for an intern, resident in a veterinary specialty, or graduate student, thirty-five dollars;

(3) For an initial limited license to practice veterinary medicine for an instructor, researcher, or diagnostician, one hundred fifty-five dollars;

(4) For a veterinary temporary permit, one hundred dollars;

(5) For a duplicate license, thirty-five dollars;

(6) For the veterinary license biennial renewal fee, where the application is postmarked no later than the first day of March, one hundred fifty-five dollars; where the application is postmarked after the first day of March, but no later than the first day of April, two hundred twenty-five dollars; and where the application is postmarked after the first day of April, four hundred fifty dollars. Notwithstanding section 4741.25 of the Revised Code, the board shall deposit ten dollars of each veterinary license biennial renewal fee that it collects into the state treasury to the credit of the veterinarian loan repayment fund created in section 4741.46 of the Revised Code.

(7) For the limited license to practice veterinary medicine biennial renewal fee, where the application is postmarked not later than the first day of July, one hundred fifty-five dollars; where the application is postmarked after the first day of July, but not later than the first day of August, two hundred twenty-five dollars; and where the application is postmarked after the first day of August, four hundred fifty dollars. Notwithstanding section 4741.25 of the Revised Code, the board shall deposit ten dollars of each limited license biennial renewal fee that it collects from instructors, researchers, and diagnosticians into the state treasury to the credit of the veterinarian loan repayment fund.

(8) For an initial registered veterinary technician registration fee on or after the first day of March in an odd-numbered year, thirty-five dollars, and on or after the first day of March in an even-numbered year, twenty-five dollars;

(9) For the biennial renewal registration fee of a registered veterinary technician, where the application is postmarked no later than the first day of March, thirty-five dollars; where the application is postmarked after the first day of March, but no later than the first day of April, forty-five dollars; and where the application is postmarked after the first day of April, sixty dollars;

(10) For a specialist certificate, fifty dollars. The certificate is not subject to renewal.

(11) For the reinstatement of a suspended license, or for reinstatement of a license that has lapsed more than one year, an additional fee of seventy-five dollars;

(12) For a provisional veterinary graduate license, one hundred dollars.

(B) For the purposes of divisions (A)(6), (7), and (9) of this section, a date stamp of the office of the board may serve in lieu of a postmark.

(2015 H 64, eff. 9-29-15; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1999 H 283, eff. 6-30-99; 1997 H 215, eff. 6-30-97; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1989 H 111; 1983 H 291; 1975 H 435; 130 v H 948; 129 v 1486, 582; 127 v 562)


4741.171 Retirement; change of address

Any licensed veterinarian who desires to temporarily or permanently retire from practice and who has given the state veterinary medical licensing board notice in writing to that effect may be certified by the board as being retired, provided the licensed veterinarian's license is in good standing. The board may by rule waive the payment of the registration fee of a licensed veterinarian or registered veterinary technician during the period when the licensed veterinarian or registered veterinary technician is on active duty in connection with any branch of the armed forces of the United States.

Each veterinarian licensed by the board, whether a resident or not, shall notify, in writing, the executive director of the board of any change in the licensed veterinarian's office address or employment within ninety days after the change has taken place.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1975 H 435; 129 v 1486)


4741.18 Fraudulently obtained license

No person shall sell or fraudulently obtain or furnish a license or a temporary permit or abet therein. No person shall practice veterinary medicine in this state under cover of any license or temporary permit fraudulently obtained or signed or issued unlawfully or under fraudulent representation or issued through an error of the state veterinary medical licensing board.

(1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 127 v 562)


4741.19 Practice without a license prohibited; students; registered veterinary technicians; specialists

(A) Unless exempted under this chapter, no person shall practice veterinary medicine, or any of its branches, without a license or limited license issued by the state veterinary medical licensing board pursuant to sections 4741.11 to 4741.13 of the Revised Code, a temporary permit issued pursuant to section 4741.14 of the Revised Code, or a registration certificate issued pursuant to division (C) of this section, or with an inactive, expired, suspended, terminated, or revoked license, temporary permit, or registration.

(B) No veterinary student shall:

(1) Perform or assist surgery unless under direct veterinary supervision and unless the student has had the minimum education and experience prescribed by rule of the board;

(2) Engage in any other work related to the practice of veterinary medicine unless under veterinary supervision;

(3) Participate in the operation of a branch office, clinic, or allied establishment unless a licensed veterinarian is present on the establishment premises.

(C) No person shall act as a registered veterinary technician unless the person is registered with the board on a biennial basis and pays the biennial registration fee. A registered veterinary technician registration expires biennially on the first day of March in the odd-numbered years and may be renewed in accordance with the standard renewal procedures contained in Chapter 4745. of the Revised Code upon payment of the biennial registration fee and fulfillment of ten continuing education hours during the two years immediately preceding renewal for registration. Each registered veterinary technician shall notify in writing the executive director of the board of any change in the registered veterinary technician's office address or employment within ninety days after the change has taken place.

(1) A registered veterinary technician operating under veterinary supervision may perform the following duties:

(a) Prepare or supervise the preparation of patients, instruments, equipment, and medications for surgery;

(b) Collect or supervise the collection of specimens and perform laboratory procedures as required by the supervising veterinarian;

(c) Apply wound dressings, casts, or splints as required by the supervising veterinarian;

(d) Assist a veterinarian in immunologic, diagnostic, medical, and surgical procedures;

(e) Suture skin incisions;

(f) Administer or supervise the administration of topical, oral, or parenteral medication under the direction of the supervising veterinarian;

(g) Other ancillary veterinary technician functions that are performed pursuant to the order and control and under the full responsibility of a licensed veterinarian.

(h) Any additional duties as established by the board in rule.

(2) A registered veterinary technician operating under direct veterinary supervision may perform all of the following:

(a) Induce and monitor general anesthesia according to medically recognized and appropriate methods;

(b) Dental prophylaxis, periodontal care, and extraction not involving sectioning of teeth or resection of bone or both of these;

(c) Equine dental procedures, including the floating of molars, premolars, and canine teeth; removal of deciduous teeth; and the extraction of first premolars or wolf teeth.
The degree of supervision by a licensed veterinarian over the functions performed by the registered veterinary technician shall be consistent with the standards of generally accepted veterinary medical practices.

(D) A veterinarian licensed to practice in this state shall not present the person's self as or state a claim that the person is a specialist unless the veterinarian has previously met the requirements for certification by a specialty organization recognized by the American board of veterinary specialties for a specialty or such other requirements set by rule of the board and has paid the fee required by division (A)(10) of section 4741.17 of the Revised Code.

(E) Notwithstanding division (A) of this section, any animal owner or the owner's designee may engage in the practice of embryo transfer on the owner's animal if a licensed veterinarian directly supervises the owner or the owner's designee and the means used to perform the embryo transfer are nonsurgical.

(F) Allied medical support may assist a licensed veterinarian to the extent to which the law that governs the individual providing the support permits, if all of the following apply:

(1) A valid veterinary-client-patient-relationship exists.

(2) The individual acts under direct veterinary supervision.

(3) The allied medical support individual receives informed, written, client consent.

(4) The veterinarian maintains responsibility for the patient and keeps the patient's medical records.

The board may inspect the facilities of an allied medical support individual in connection with an investigation based on a complaint received in accordance with section 4741.26 of the Revised Code involving that individual.

(2015 H 64, eff. 9-29-15; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1999 H 283, eff. 6-30-99; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1989 H 111; 1985 H 232; 1983 H 291; 1975 H 435; 129 v 582; 127 v 562)


4741.20 Exemptions

This chapter does not apply to:

(A) A person who administers to animals, the title to which is vested in the person's self, except when the title is so vested for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this chapter. No person shall vest title of an animal in the person's self for the purposes of circumventing this chapter.

(B) A person who is a regular student in a legally chartered college of veterinary medicine or a veterinary technology college while in the performance of those duties and actions assigned by the person's instructors;

(C) A person who is a member of the armed forces of the United States or an employee of the United States department of agriculture, the United States public health service, or other federal agency, or the Ohio department of agriculture except a licensed veterinarian, and who, while so commissioned or employed, performs official duties;

(D) A person who advises with respect to or performs acts which the state veterinary medical licensing board by rule has prescribed as accepted management practices in connection with livestock production;

(E) A person who conducts routine vaccinations, pullorum testing, and typhoid testing of poultry and other poultry disease control activity under supervision of a national poultry improvement plan as administered by an official state agency or the United States department of agriculture;

(F) A physician licensed to practice medicine in this state, or the assistant of such a licensed physician, while engaged in medical research;

(G) A person who is supervised by a licensed veterinarian and who is engaged in bona fide medical biomedical research which requires the application of the principles of a veterinary practice;

(H) A veterinary consultant when consulting with a licensed veterinarian, on the condition that the service performed by the veterinary consultant is limited to the consultation and under all circumstances, the responsibility for the care and treatment of the patient remains with the veterinarian who holds a current license in this state and who is providing treatment, or consultation as to treatment, to the patient;

(I) A person who offers gratuitous services in the case of an emergency;

(J) Any of the following, as defined in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code, who provides emergency medical services to a dog or cat in accordance with section 4765.52 of the Revised Code: a first responder, emergency medical technician-basic, emergency medical technician-intermediate, or emergency medical technician-paramedic.


(2016 H 187, eff. 8-31-16; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1975 H 435; 129 v 1486, 582; 127 v 562)


4741.201 Chapter inapplicable to chemical capture by certified officer

(A) As used in this section, “chemical capture” and “certified officer” have the same meanings as in section 955.151 of the Revised Code.

(B) This chapter does not apply to an act of chemical capture by a certified officer in accordance with section 955.151 of the Revised Code.

(2020 H 24, eff. 3-31-21)


4741.21 Limitations on advertising

No licensed veterinarian or any person under a licensed veterinarian's control or employ shall do any advertising which:

(A) Is false or misleads any person to act to the person's detriment in the care or treatment of any animal;

(B) Is done with a purpose to deceive or defraud, or tends to deceive or defraud, any person;

(C) Directly promotes the business of a veterinarian through second-or third-party solicitation;

(D) Violates the rules set forth by the state veterinary medical licensing board.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1975 H 435; 127 v 562)


4741.22 Revocation, suspension, or refusal of license; civil penalties

(A) 1 The state veterinary medical licensing board may, except as provided in division (B) of this section, refuse to issue or renew a license, limited license, registration, or temporary permit to or of any applicant who, and may issue a reprimand to, suspend or revoke the license, limited license, registration, or the temporary permit of, or impose a civil penalty pursuant to this section upon any person holding a license, limited license, or temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine or any person registered as a registered veterinary technician who:

(1) In the conduct of the person's practice does not conform to the rules of the board or the standards of the profession governing proper, humane, sanitary, and hygienic methods to be used in the care and treatment of animals;

(2) Uses fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in any application or examination for licensure, or any other documentation created in the course of practicing veterinary medicine;

(3) Is found to be physically or psychologically addicted to alcohol or an illegal or controlled substance, as defined in section 3719.01 of the Revised Code, to such a degree as to render the person unfit to practice veterinary medicine;

(4) Directly or indirectly employs or lends the person's services to a solicitor for the purpose of obtaining patients;

(5) Obtains a fee on the assurance that an incurable disease can be cured;

(6) Advertises in a manner that violates section 4741.21 of the Revised Code;

(7) Divides fees or charges or has any arrangement to share fees or charges with any other person, except on the basis of services performed;

(8) Sells any biologic containing living, dead, or sensitized organisms or products of those organisms, except in a manner that the board by rule has prescribed;

(9) Is convicted of or pleads guilty to any felony or crime involving illegal or prescription drugs, or fails to report to the board within sixty days of the individual's conviction of, plea of guilty to, or treatment in lieu of conviction involving a felony, misdemeanor of the first degree, or offense involving illegal or prescription drugs;

(10) Is convicted of any violation of section 959.13 of the Revised Code;

(11) Swears falsely in any affidavit required to be made by the person in the course of the practice of veterinary medicine;

(12) Fails to report promptly to the proper official any known reportable disease;

(13) Fails to report promptly vaccinations or the results of tests when required to do so by law or rule;

(14) Has been adjudicated incompetent for the purpose of holding the license or permit by a court, as provided in Chapter 2111. of the Revised Code, and has not been restored to legal capacity for that purpose;

(15) Permits a person who is not a licensed veterinarian, a veterinary student, or a registered veterinary technician to engage in work or perform duties in violation of this chapter;

(16) Is guilty of gross incompetence or gross negligence;

(17) Has had a license to practice veterinary medicine or a license, registration, or certificate to engage in activities as a registered veterinary technician revoked, suspended, or acted against by disciplinary action by an agency similar to this board of another state, territory, or country or the District of Columbia;

(18) Is or has practiced with a revoked, suspended, inactive, expired, or terminated license or registration;

(19) Represents self as a specialist unless certified as a specialist by the board;

(20) In the person's capacity as a veterinarian or registered veterinary technician makes or files a report, health certificate, vaccination certificate, or other document that the person knows is false or negligently or intentionally fails to file a report or record required by any applicable state or federal law;

(21) Fails to use reasonable care in the administration of drugs or acceptable scientific methods in the selection of those drugs or other modalities for treatment of a disease or in conduct of surgery;

(22) Makes available a dangerous drug, as defined in section 4729.01 of the Revised Code, to any person other than for the specific treatment of an animal patient;

(23) Refuses to permit a board investigator or the board's designee to inspect the person's business premises during regular business hours, except as provided in division (A) of section 4741.26 of the Revised Code;

(24) Violates any order of the board or fails to comply with a subpoena of the board;

(25) Fails to maintain medical records as required by rule of the board;

(26) Engages in cruelty to animals;

(27) Uses, prescribes, or sells any veterinary prescription drug or biologic, or prescribes any extra-label use of any over-the-counter drug or dangerous drug in the absence of a valid veterinary-client-patient relationship.

(B) The board shall not refuse to issue a license, limited license, registration, or temporary permit to an applicant because of a conviction of or plea of guilty to an offense unless the refusal is in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code.

(C) Except as provided in division (D)2 of this section, before the board may revoke, deny, refuse to renew, or suspend a license, registration, or temporary permit or otherwise discipline the holder of a license, registration, or temporary permit, the executive director shall file written charges with the board. The board shall conduct a hearing on the charges as provided in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(D)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (D)(2)2 of this section, if the board, after a hearing conducted pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, revokes, refuses to renew, or suspends a license, registration, or temporary permit for a violation of this section, section 4741.23, division (C) or (D) of section 4741.19, or division (B), (C), or (D) of section 4741.21 of the Revised Code, the board may impose a civil penalty upon the holder of the license, permit, or registration of not less than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand dollars.

(2) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, the board shall impose a civil penalty for a violation of division (B)(1) of section 959.07 or division (C) of section 959.09 of the Revised Code by a licensed veterinarian as follows:

(a) One hundred dollars for a second violation of division (B)(1) of section 959.07 of the Revised Code or a first violation of division (C) of section 959.09 of the Revised Code;

(b) Five hundred dollars for any subsequent violation of division (B)(1) of section 959.07 or division (C) of section 959.09 of the Revised Code.

(3) In addition to the civil penalty and any other penalties imposed pursuant to this chapter, the board may assess any holder of a license, permit, or registration the costs of the hearing conducted under this section if the board determines that the holder has violated any provision for which the board may impose a civil penalty under this section.

(E) For a first violation of division (B)(1) of section 959.07 of the Revised Code by a licensed veterinarian, the board shall issue a confidential written warning to the licensed veterinarian and shall not take any other disciplinary action under this section. The board shall include in the warning an explanation of the violation and the reporting requirement specified under section 959.07 of the Revised Code.
(F)2 The executive director may recommend that the board suspend an individual's certificate of license without a prior hearing if the executive director determines both of the following:

(1) There is clear and convincing evidence that division (A)(3), (9), (14), (22), or (26) of this section applies to the individual.

(2) The individual's continued practice presents a danger of immediate and serious harm to the public.

The executive director shall prepare written allegations for consideration by the board. The board, upon review of those allegations and by an affirmative vote of not fewer than four of its members, may suspend the certificate without a prior hearing. A telephone conference call may be utilized for reviewing the allegations and taking the vote on the suspension.

The board shall issue a written order of suspension by certified mail or in person in accordance with section 119.07 of the Revised Code. If the individual subject to the suspension requests an adjudicatory hearing by the board, the date set for the hearing shall be not later than fifteen days, but not earlier than seven days after the individual requests the hearing unless otherwise agreed to by both the board and the individual.

A suspension imposed under this division shall remain in effect, unless reversed on appeal, until a final adjudicative order issued by the board under this section and Chapter 119. of the Revised Code becomes effective. The board shall issue its final adjudicative order not later than ninety days after completion of its hearing. Failure to issue the order within ninety days results in dissolution of the suspension order, but does not invalidate any subsequent, final adjudicative order.

(F)2 A license or registration issued to an individual under this chapter is automatically suspended upon that individual's conviction of or plea of guilty to or upon a judicial finding with regard to any of the following: aggravated murder, murder, voluntary manslaughter, felonious assault, kidnapping, rape, sexual battery, gross sexual imposition, aggravated arson, aggravated robbery, or aggravated burglary. The suspension shall remain in effect from the date of the conviction, plea, or finding until an adjudication is held under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. If the board has knowledge that an automatic suspension has occurred, it shall notify the individual subject to the suspension. If the individual is notified and either fails to request an adjudication within the time periods established by Chapter 119. of the Revised Code or fails to participate in the adjudication, the board shall enter a final order permanently revoking the individual's license or registration.

(2020 H 263, eff. 10-9-21; 2020 H 33, eff. 4-12-21; 2015 H 64, eff. 9-29-15; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1998 S 66, eff. 7-22-98; 1996 H 125, eff. 7-1-96; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1977 H 725; 1975 H 300, H 435; 129 v 1486, 582; 127 v 562)

1 Division designations throughout are a result of harmonization of 2020 H 263 and 2020 H 33.
2 So as result of harmonization of 2020 H 263 and 2020 H 33.


4741.221 Referrals in lieu of disciplinary actions

 (A) The state veterinary medical licensing board may, prior to or after a hearing conducted under section 4741.22 of the Revised Code, and in lieu of taking or in addition to any action it may take under that section, refer any veterinarian or registered veterinarian technician:

(1) Who suffers from alcohol or substance abuse, to the Ohio veterinary medical association special assistance committee, the Ohio physicians health program, or an advocacy group approved by the board, for support and assistance in the coordination of the treatment of that veterinarian or technician;

(2) Who has violated any provision of this chapter for any offense for which the board normally would not seek the revocation or suspension of the person's license or registration, to the Ohio veterinary medical association special committee on peer review.

(B) To implement this section, the board shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92)


4741.23 Prohibitions

No person licensed to practice veterinary medicine or holding a temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine shall:

(A) Fraudulently issue or use any health certificate, inspection certificate, vaccination certificate, test chart, or other blank form used in the practice of veterinary medicine relating to the dissemination of animal disease, transportation of diseased animals, or the sale of inedible products of animal origin for human consumption;

(B) Willfully make any misrepresentation in the inspection of food stuffs;

(C) Fraudulently apply or report any intradermal, cutaneous, subcutaneous, seriological, or chemical test.

(127 v 562, eff. 1-1-58)


4741.24 Reinstatement of license; subsequent violations

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, any person whose license, registration, or temporary permit is suspended or revoked may, at the discretion of the state veterinary medical licensing board, be relicensed or reregistered to practice at any time without an examination, on application made to the board. The application for reinstatement shall be in writing, in a form prescribed by the board, signed by the applicant, and shall be delivered to the executive director of the board.

(B) Any person whose license, registration, or temporary permit has been revoked for a violation of section 4741.18, 4741.22, or 4741.23 or division (A), (C), or (D) of section 4741.19, division (A) of section 4741.20, or division (B) or (D) of section 4741.21 of the Revised Code, shall be permanently barred from practicing veterinary medicine or holding a license to practice veterinary medicine or holding a registration as a registered veterinary technician in this state for a subsequent violation of any of such provisions. The board shall, by certified mail, notify all other state veterinary licensing boards of permanent revocation actions.

(C) Any person whose license or temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine is suspended or revoked is an unlicensed person.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 129 v 582; 127 v 562)


General Provisions

4741.25 Disposition of fines collected

All receipts of the state veterinary medical licensing board shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the occupational licensing and regulatory fund.

(1997 H 215, eff. 6-30-97; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 129 v 582; 127 v 562)


4741.26 Enforcement of provisions; injunctive relief

(A) The state veterinary medical licensing board shall enforce this chapter and for that purpose shall make investigations relative thereto. Except as provided in this division, in making any inspection pursuant to this chapter, the board may enter and inspect, upon written notice of not less than five days and during normal business hours, any licensee's, permit holder's, or registrant's place of business. If the board has knowledge or notice, pursuant to a written complaint or any other written knowledge or notice by any person as verified by the signature of that person, of a violation of section 4741.18, 4741.19, or 4741.23 of the Revised Code, it shall investigate and, upon probable cause appearing, shall direct the executive director to file a complaint and institute the prosecution of the offender. In conducting any investigation for a suspected violation of this chapter, the board or its authorized agent does not have to provide any prior written notice to the licensee, permit holder, or registrant as long as the board provides a written authorization for the investigation and the board or its authorized agent provides the licensee, permit holder, or registrant with a copy of the authorization at the time of the investigation. When requested by the executive director, the prosecuting attorney of a county or the village solicitor or city director of law of a municipal corporation, wherein the violation occurs shall take charge of and conduct the prosecution. The attorney general or the attorney general's designated assistant shall act as legal adviser to the board and shall render such legal assistance as may be necessary.

(B) In addition to any other remedy the board may have pursuant to law, if the board determines that any person is practicing veterinary medicine without a license issued pursuant to this chapter or is otherwise in violation of this chapter, the board may, through its executive director, apply to a court having jurisdiction in the county in which the offense occurred, for an injunction or restraining order to enjoin or restrain the person from further violations of this chapter. The attorney general shall serve as the board's legal agent in the action.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1977 H 219; 129 v 582; 127 v 562)


4741.27 Practice continued in name of prior licensee - Repealed

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 127 v 562, eff. 1-1-58)


4741.28 Business facility regulation

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Veterinary business facility" means a structure or business location that is maintained for the purpose of regularly providing veterinary services and that is owned, operated, or controlled by either of the following:

(a) A for-profit business entity of which a majority controlling interest is vested in individuals who are not licensed veterinarians;

(b) A nonprofit entity of which a majority of the members of the board of directors are not licensed veterinarians.

(2) "Disciplinary action" means any of the actions specified in division (F)(1) of this section.

(B)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(2) of this section or rules adopted under this section, no person shall operate a veterinary business facility in this state without a valid veterinary business facility license.

(2) A person who operates an existing veterinary business facility on the effective date of this section is not in violation of the licensure requirement during the time period that the initial application for licensure of the veterinary business facility is pending.

(C) A person who wishes to obtain a veterinary business facility license shall file an application with the state veterinary medical licensing board. The application shall include all of the following information:

(1) The name and address of the veterinary business facility;

(2) The name and address of each licensed veterinarian who is a resident of this state and who will be responsible for the management of the provision of veterinary services at the veterinary business facility;

(3) The name and address of the entity that owns, operates, or controls the veterinary business facility and, if the entity is a subsidiary of another entity, the name of its parent entity.

An application shall be accompanied by a fee of three hundred dollars.

(D) A veterinary business facility license expires biennially on June 1 in odd-numbered years and may be renewed. An application for renewal shall contain any information that the board requires, shall be accompanied by a renewal fee of three hundred dollars, and shall be submitted to the board not earlier than the first day of April and not later than the thirtieth day of April in odd-numbered years.

(E) Not later than ninety days following receipt of an application for an initial or renewed veterinary business facility license under this section, the board shall issue the license to the applicant unless grounds for denial of licensure exist as established in rules adopted under this section.

(F)(1) The board shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that establish grounds for the following:

(a) Refusal to issue or renew a veterinary business facility license;

(b) Suspension or revocation of a veterinary business facility license;

(c) Imposition of civil penalties of up to ten thousand dollars on a person who owns, operates, or controls a veterinary business facility;

(d) Seeking the issuance, by a court having jurisdiction in the county in which a veterinary business facility is located, of an injunction that would require the closure of the veterinary business facility.

(2) The board may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that establish both of the following:

(a) Circumstances in which a veterinary business facility is not considered to be in violation of the licensure requirement during the time period that an application for licensure of the veterinary business facility is pending;

(b) Any other provisions necessary for the administration of this section.

(G) The board may conduct an inspection of a veterinary business facility in accordance with section 4721.26 [FN1] of the Revised Code to determine if grounds exist for disciplinary action.

(H) On determining that grounds may exist for disciplinary action against a veterinary business facility, other than the refusal to issue a veterinary business facility license, the executive director of the board shall file written charges with the board. The board subsequently shall conduct a hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code concerning the charges. If, at the conclusion of the hearing, the board determines that grounds for disciplinary action exist, the board shall take the appropriate disciplinary action.

(I) The board shall seek the issuance, by a court having jurisdiction in the county in which is located a veterinary business facility that is in violation of the licensure requirement established in this section, of an injunction that would require the unlicensed veterinary business facility to be closed until an application for its licensure is filed. The injunction shall be in addition to any other penalties established by law.

(J) Any change in the information specified in division (C)(1), (2), or (3) of this section shall be reported in writing to the board not later than ninety days after the change occurs.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)

[FN1] So in original; no such section.


4741.29 Advisory committee--Repealed


4741.30 Animals abandoned with veterinarian or kennel owner; notice to owner; disposition

Upon the failure of any person to reclaim an animal left in the care of a licensed veterinarian or registered kennel owner, the veterinarian or kennel owner, at the end of a ten-day period starting with the day he gives notice as required under this section, shall be considered the legal owner of the animal and may send it to an animal shelter or pound. The veterinarian or kennel owner shall give written notice, either personally to the person who had left the animal, or sent by certified mail to his last known address. The notice shall specify the amount that shall be due for the care and treatment of the animal, the date on which the veterinarian or kennel owner will be considered to be the owner, and the location of the animal shelter or pound to which it will be sent for disposal. The person who had left the animal may redeem it prior to the expiration of the ten-day period by paying to the veterinarian or kennel owner the amount set forth in the notice for the care and treatment of the animal.

Upon receiving the animal, the animal shelter or pound shall keep, house, and feed it for a period of not less than three days. During this period, any person may purchase the animal by paying an amount equal to the sum of the expense incurred by the shelter or pound in maintaining the animal, the cost of any necessary registration tag, and the amount of money expended by the veterinarian or kennel owner in his care and treatment of the animal. Upon the redemption of the animal, the shelter or pound shall remit to the veterinarian or kennel owner the amount of money equal to that which he had expended in the care and treatment of the animal. If at the end of the three-day period no one has redeemed the animal, the shelter or pound may humanely destroy it.

(1974 S 240, eff. 7-26-74)


4741.31 Treatment providers for veterinarians with substance abuse problems

The state veterinary medical licensing board shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing standards for approving and designating physicians and facilities as treatment providers for veterinarians with substance abuse problems and shall approve and designate treatment providers in accordance with the rules. The rules shall include standards for both inpatient and outpatient treatment. The rules shall provide that to be approved, a treatment provider must be capable of making an initial examination to determine the type of treatment required for a veterinarian with substance abuse problems. Subject to the rules, the board shall review and approve treatment providers on a regular basis and may, at its discretion, withdraw or deny approval.

An approved treatment provider shall:

(A) Report to the board the name of any veterinarian suffering or showing evidence of suffering impairment by reason of alcohol or drug addiction as described in division (A)(3) of section 4741.22 of the Revised Code who fails to comply within one week with a referral for examination;

(B) Report to the board the name of any impaired veterinarian who fails to enter treatment within forty-eight hours following the provider's determination that the veterinarian needs treatment;

(C) Require every veterinarian who enters treatment to agree to a treatment contract establishing the terms of treatment and aftercare, including any required supervision or restrictions of practice during treatment or aftercare;

(D) Require a veterinarian to suspend practice on entering any required inpatient treatment;

(E) Report to the board any failure by an impaired veterinarian to comply with the terms of the treatment contract during inpatient or outpatient treatment or aftercare;

(F) Report to the board the resumption of practice of any impaired veterinarian before the treatment provider has made a clear determination that the veterinarian is capable of practicing according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care;

(G) Require a veterinarian who resumes practice after completion of treatment to comply with an aftercare contract that meets the requirements of rules adopted by the board for approval of treatment providers;

(H) Report to the board any veterinarian who suffers a relapse at any time during or following aftercare.

Any veterinarian who enters into treatment by an approved treatment provider shall be deemed to have waived any confidentiality requirements that would otherwise prevent the treatment provider from making reports required under this section.

In the absence of fraud or bad faith, no professional association of veterinarians licensed under this chapter that sponsors a committee or program to provide peer assistance to veterinarians with substance abuse problems, no representative or agent of such a committee or program, and no member of the state veterinary medical licensing board shall be liable to any person for damages in a civil action by reason of actions taken to refer a veterinarian to a treatment provider designated by the board or actions or omissions of the provider in treating a veterinarian.

In the absence of fraud or bad faith, no person who reports to the board a veterinarian with a suspected substance abuse problem shall be liable to any person for damages in a civil action as a result of the report.

(2015 H 64, eff. 9-29-15; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1990 H 615, eff. 3-27-91)


4741.32 License holders in default on child support orders

On receipt of a notice pursuant to section 3123.43 of the Revised Code, the veterinary medical licensing board shall comply with sections 3123.41 to 3123.50 of the Revised Code and any applicable rules adopted under section 3123.63 of the Revised Code with respect to a license issued pursuant to this chapter.

(2000 S 180, eff. 3-22-01; 1995 H 167, eff. 11-15-96)


Veterinarian Education Loan Repayment Program

4741.40 Definitions

As used in sections 4741.40 to 4741.47 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Large animal veterinary services," "veterinary services necessary to implement or enforce the law," and "veterinary services necessary to protect public health" have the meanings established in rules adopted by the state veterinary medical licensing board under section 4741.45 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Veterinary resource shortage area" means an area designated in those rules as having limited access to large animal veterinary services or to veterinary services necessary to implement or enforce the law or to protect public health, as applicable.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.41 Eligible expenses and limitations

There is hereby created the veterinarian loan repayment program. Under the program, the state veterinary medical licensing board, by means of a contract entered into under section 4741.44 of the Revised Code, may agree to repay all or part of the principal and interest of a government or other educational loan taken out by a veterinarian for the following expenses if the expenses were incurred while the veterinarian was enrolled, for a maximum of four years, in a veterinary college in the United States that, during the time of enrollment, was approved by the board or accredited by the American veterinary medical association:

(A) Tuition;

(B) Other educational expenses, such as fees, books, and laboratory expenses, for specific purposes and in amounts determined to be reasonable by the board;

(C) Room and board, in an amount determined to be reasonable by the board.

No repayment shall exceed twenty thousand dollars in any year. If, however, a repayment results in an increase in the veterinarian's federal, state, or local income tax liability, the board, at the veterinarian's request, may reimburse the veterinarian for the increased tax liability regardless of the amount of the repayment made to the veterinarian in that year.


(2009 H 1, eff. 10-16-09; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.42 Applications

(A) A veterinarian who has not received student loan repayment assistance pursuant to federal law and who meets either of the following requirements may apply for participation in the veterinarian loan repayment program:

(1) The veterinarian is enrolled in the final year of a veterinary medical program at a veterinary college approved by the state veterinary medical licensing board or accredited by the American veterinary medical association.

(2) The veterinarian has been engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine in this state for not more than three years prior to submitting the application.

(B) An application for participation in the veterinarian loan repayment program shall be submitted to the board on a form that the board shall prescribe. The application shall include the following:

(1) The applicant's name, permanent address or address at which the applicant is currently residing if different from the permanent address, and telephone number;

(2) The veterinary college the applicant has attended, the dates of attendance, and verification of attendance;

(3) A summary and verification of the educational expenses for which the applicant seeks reimbursement under the program;

(4) In the case of an applicant who is eligible to apply because the applicant is a veterinarian who has been engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine in this state for not more than three years prior to submitting the application, verification of the applicant's authorization under this chapter to practice veterinary medicine;

(5) Verification of the applicant's United States citizenship or status as a legal alien.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.43 Approval of applicants

If the veterinarian loan repayment fund created in section 4741.46 of the Revised Code contains sufficient money, the state veterinary medical licensing board shall approve an applicant for participation in the program if the board finds that the applicant is eligible for participation in the program and the applicant's services are needed in a veterinary resource shortage area.

Upon approval, the board shall notify and enter into discussions with the applicant to facilitate the recruitment of the applicant to a veterinary resource shortage area in which the applicant's services are most needed. If the board and the applicant agree on the applicant's placement within a veterinary resource shortage area, the applicant shall prepare, sign, and deliver to the board a letter of intent agreeing to that placement.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.44 Participation contracts

(A) A veterinarian who has signed a letter of intent under section 4741.43 of the Revised Code and the state veterinary medical licensing board may enter into a contract for the veterinarian's participation in the veterinarian loan repayment program. A lending institution also may be a party to the contract.

(B) The contract shall include all of the following obligations:

(1) The veterinarian agrees to provide large animal veterinary services or to provide veterinary services necessary to implement or enforce the law or to protect public health, as applicable, in a veterinary resource shortage area identified in the letter of intent for at least two years or one year per ten thousand dollars of repayment agreed to under division (B)(3) of this section, whichever is greater.

(2) When providing veterinary services in the veterinary resource shortage area, the veterinarian agrees to do both of the following:

(a) Provide veterinary services for a minimum of forty hours per week;

(b) Devote not less than sixty per cent of total monthly veterinary services to large animal veterinary services or veterinary services necessary to implement or enforce the law or to protect public health, as applicable.

(3) The state veterinary medical licensing board agrees, as provided in section 4741.41 of the Revised Code, to repay, so long as the veterinarian performs the service obligation agreed to under division (B)(1) of this section, all or part of the principal and interest of a government or other educational loan taken by the veterinarian for expenses described in section 4741.41 of the Revised Code.

(4) The veterinarian agrees to pay the state veterinary medical licensing board the following as damages if the veterinarian fails to complete the service obligation agreed to under division (B)(1) of this section:

(a) If the failure occurs during the first two years of the service obligation, two times the total amount the board has agreed to pay under division (B)(3) of this section;

(b) If the failure occurs after the first two years of the service obligation, two times the total amount the board is still obligated to repay under division (B)(3) of this section.

(C) The contract may include any other terms agreed upon by the parties, including an assignment to the state veterinary medical licensing board of the veterinarian's duty to pay the principal and interest of a government or other educational loan taken by the veterinarian for expenses described in section 4741.41 of the Revised Code. If the state veterinary medical licensing board assumes the veterinarian's duty to pay a loan, the contract shall set forth the total amount of principal and interest to be paid, an amortization schedule, and the amount of each payment to be made under the schedule.

(D) Not later than the thirty-first day of January each year, the board shall mail to each veterinarian to whom or on whose behalf repayment is made under section 4741.41 of the Revised Code a statement showing the amount of principal and interest repaid by the board in the preceding year pursuant to the contract. The statement shall be sent by ordinary mail with address correction and forwarding requested in the manner prescribed by the United States postal service.


(2009 H 1, eff. 10-16-09; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.45 Rules and rulemaking

The state veterinary medical licensing board, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules that do all of the following:

(A) Define “large animal veterinary services,” “veterinary services necessary to implement or enforce the law,” and “veterinary services necessary to protect public health”;

(B) Designate veterinary resource shortage areas comprised of areas in this state that have limited access to each of the following:

(1) Large animal veterinary services;

(2) Veterinary services necessary to implement or enforce the law;

(3) Veterinary services necessary to protect public health.

The designations may apply to a geographic area, one or more facilities within a particular area, or a population group of animals within a particular area.

(C) Establish priorities among veterinary resource shortage areas for use in recruiting veterinarians under the veterinarian loan repayment program;

(D) Establish priorities for use in determining eligibility among applicants for participation in the veterinarian loan repayment program;

(E) Establish any other requirement or procedure that is necessary to implement and administer sections 4741.40 to 4741.47 of the Revised Code.

In adopting the rules, the board shall consult with the state veterinarian.


(2009 H 1, eff. 10-16-09; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.46 Gifts to fund

(A) The state veterinary medical licensing board may accept gifts of money from any source for the implementation and administration of sections 4741.40 to 4741.45 of the Revised Code. The board shall deposit all gifts so accepted into the state treasury to the credit of the veterinary resource shortage area fund, which is hereby created. The board shall use the fund for the implementation and administration of sections 4741.40 to 4741.45 of the Revised Code.

(B) The board may accept gifts of money from any source for the purposes of providing loans under the veterinarian loan repayment program created in section 4741.41 of the Revised Code. The board shall deposit all gifts so accepted together with all damages collected under division (B)(4) of section 4741.44 of the Revised Code into the state treasury to the credit of the veterinarian loan repayment fund, which is hereby created. The fund also shall consist of the portion of biennial renewal fees that is credited to the fund under section 4741.17 of the Revised Code. The board shall use the fund for the implementation and administration of the veterinarian loan repayment program.


(2009 H 1, eff. 10-16-09; 2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.47 Annual report

The state veterinary medical licensing board, annually on or before the first day of March, shall submit a report to the governor and the general assembly describing the operations of the veterinarian loan repayment program during the previous calendar year. The report shall include information on all of the following:

(A) The number of requests received by the board that a particular area be designated as a veterinary resource shortage area;

(B) The areas that have been designated as veterinary resource shortage areas and the priorities that have been assigned to them;

(C) The number of applicants for participation in the veterinarian loan repayment program;

(D) The number of veterinarians assigned to veterinary resource shortage areas and the payments made on behalf of those veterinarians under the veterinarian loan repayment program;

(E) The veterinary resource shortage areas that have not been matched with all of the veterinarians that they need;

(F) The number of veterinarians failing to complete their service obligations, the amount of damages owed, and the amount of damages collected.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06)


4741.48 Compliance with RC 4776.20

The veterinary medical licensing board shall comply with section 4776.20 of the Revised Code.

(2012 H 247, eff. 3-22-13)


4741.49 Report of test for presence of Lyme disease

(A) A person holding a license, limited license, or temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine who orders a test for the presence of Lyme disease in an animal under the person's care may report to the department of health any test result indicating the presence of the disease.

(B) The director of health may adopt rules regarding the submission of reports described in this section. If rules are adopted, the rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(2014 H 483, eff. 9-15-14)


Veterinarian Student Debt Assistance Program

4741.50 Definitions for RC 4741.50 to 4741.56

(A) As used in sections 4741.50 to 4741.56 of the Revised Code:

(1) “Educational expenses” means all of the following expenses that were incurred while a veterinarian was enrolled, for a maximum of four years, in a veterinary college that, during the time of enrollment, was approved by the state veterinary medical licensing board or accredited by the American veterinary medical association:

(a) Tuition;

(b) Other educational expenses, such as fees, books, and laboratory expenses, for specific purposes and in amounts determined to be reasonable by the board;

(c) Room and board, in an amount determined to be reasonable by the board.

(2) “Educational loan” includes the principal and interest of a government or other educational loan used to pay educational expenses.

(B) There is hereby created the veterinarian student debt assistance program. Under the program, the state veterinary medical licensing board, by means of a contract entered into under section 4741.54 of the Revised Code, may agree to repay all or part of any educational loans taken out by a veterinarian for educational expenses. The board shall operate the program in accordance with sections 4741.50 to 4741.57 of the Revised Code.

(2020 H 67, eff. 4-12-21)


4741.51 Rules

(A) The state veterinary medical licensing board, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules necessary to implement and administer the veterinarian student debt assistance program.

(B) Rules adopted under division (A) of this section shall do all of the following:

(1) Establish procedures for the selection of veterinarian student debt assistance recipients, including the development of a lottery system for selecting who, from the list of eligible veterinarians, will receive assistance. The rules shall require that the selection of recipients occur in each odd-numbered calendar year.

(2) Provide for a method to determine the amount that each recipient of veterinarian student debt assistance receives if selected through the lottery system. The rules shall require that all recipients receive the same amount of assistance in each year in which assistance is awarded. The rules also shall require that the amount awarded to each recipient is not less than five thousand dollars and not more than ten thousand dollars.

(3) Establish the types of charitable veterinarian services that qualify for application to and participation in the program, including, but not limited to, spay and neutering services. The rules shall require an applicant to complete charitable veterinarian services in service to a nonprofit organization, a humane society established under Chapter 1717. of the Revised Code, a law enforcement agency, or a state, local, or federal government entity. The rules also shall require each recipient of veterinarian student debt assistance to submit information to the board that details the charitable veterinarian services completed by the veterinarian.

(4) Establish the minimum amount of time that a veterinarian must have performed charitable veterinarian services to be eligible to apply to the program. The number of hours shall be not less than twelve.

(5) Establish the minimum period of time, not to exceed two years, that a veterinarian must agree to reside in this state under a contract entered into under section 4741.54 of the Revised Code;

(6) Provide for the inclusion of information regarding the program on application forms for both an initial veterinary license and a renewal of a veterinary license;

(7) Establish any other procedures and requirements that the board determines is necessary to administer and implement the program.

(2020 H 67, eff. 4-12-21)


4741.52 Participation requirements; application

(A) A veterinarian who meets all of the following requirements is eligible to apply for participation in the veterinarian student debt assistance program:

(1) The veterinarian is a citizen of the United States, a national of the United States, or a permanent resident of the United States.

(2) The veterinarian is licensed under this chapter and has been engaged in the practice or instruction of veterinary medicine in this state for more than six months prior to submitting an application for veterinarian student debt assistance.

(3) The veterinarian has taken out an educational loan.

(4) The educational loan was used for educational expenses that were incurred while the veterinarian was enrolled in a veterinary college.

(5) The veterinarian has performed charitable veterinarian services in accordance with rules adopted under section 4741.51 of the Revised Code.

(6) The veterinarian is not a member of the state veterinary medical licensing board at the time the application is submitted under division (B) of this section.

(7) The veterinarian is not under contract with the board under section 4741.54 of the Revised Code and has not been under contract with the board under that section within one year prior to submitting an application.

(B) A veterinarian shall submit an application for participation in the veterinarian student debt assistance program to the state veterinary medical licensing board on a form that the board prescribes.

The veterinarian shall submit the following information with an application:

(1) The veterinarian's name, permanent address or address at which the veterinarian is currently residing if different from the permanent address, and telephone number;

(2) The veterinary college the veterinarian attended and the dates of attendance;

(3) A summary and verification of the educational expenses for which the veterinarian seeks reimbursement under the program;

(4) Verification of the veterinarian's authorization under this chapter to practice veterinary medicine;

(5) Verification that the veterinarian is a citizen of the United States, a national of the United States, or a permanent resident of the United States;

(6) A statement attesting that the veterinarian performed charitable veterinarian services in accordance with rules adopted under section 4741.51 of the Revised Code;

(7) Any other information the board determines is necessary and appropriate.

(2020 H 67, eff. 4-12-21)


4741.53 Approval for participation in program; list of applicants; selection of eligible veterinarians to receive veterinarian student debt assistance; notification; discussions; letter of intent

(A) If the veterinarian student debt assistance fund created in section 4741.56 of the Revised Code contains sufficient money and the general assembly has appropriated funds for the veterinarian student debt assistance program, the state veterinary medical licensing board may approve a veterinarian for participation in the program if the board finds that the veterinarian is eligible for participation in the program. By the first day of June of each odd-numbered calendar year, the board shall compile a list of all veterinarians who applied in accordance with section 4741.52 of the Revised Code.

(B) The state veterinary medical licensing board shall select eligible veterinarians to receive veterinarian student debt assistance in accordance with the lottery system established in rules adopted under section 4741.51 of the Revised Code.

(C) Upon selection of a veterinarian, the board shall notify and enter into discussions with the veterinarian. The object of the discussions is to determine if the veterinarian agrees to do both of the following:

(1) Perform charitable veterinarian services in this state in an amount and for a duration of time established in rules adopted under section 4741.51 of the Revised Code;

(2) Reside in this state for a minimum duration of time established in rules adopted under section 4741.51 of the Revised Code after the receipt of veterinarian student debt assistance.

If, after discussions, the veterinarian so agrees, the veterinarian shall prepare, sign, and deliver to the board a letter of intent stipulating the agreed to terms.

(D) If the veterinarian does not prepare, sign, and deliver the letter of intent to the board within thirty days of receiving notice under division (C) of this section, the veterinarian forfeits their acceptance into the program and the board shall select another veterinarian for participation in the program.

(2020 H 67, eff. 4-12-21)


4741.54 Contract; statements; disposition of money collected from damages

(A) After signing a letter of intent under section 4741.53 of the Revised Code, a veterinarian and the state veterinary medical licensing board may enter into a contract, for not more than two years, for the veterinarian's participation in the veterinary student debt assistance program. A lending institution also may be a party to the contract.

(B) The contract shall include all of the following obligations:

(1) The veterinarian agrees to perform charitable veterinarian services in this state in a manner and for a time and duration specified in the contract.

(2) The veterinarian agrees to continue to reside in this state for a duration of time specified in the contract.

(3) The board agrees to repay, so long as the veterinarian performs the obligations agreed to under divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section, all or part of an educational loan taken by the veterinarian in an amount and under terms specified in the contract.

(4) The veterinarian agrees to pay the board damages in an amount specified in the contract, up to the amount the board awarded the veterinarian, if the veterinarian fails to complete the obligations agreed to under divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section.

(5) An assignment to the board of the veterinarian's duty to pay the principal and interest of a government or other educational loan taken by the veterinarian for expenses described in section 4741.50 of the Revised Code;

(6) The terms of the assignment under division (B)(5) of this section, which shall set forth the total amount of principal and interest to be paid, an amortization schedule, and the amount of each payment to be made under the schedule.

(C) The contract may include any other terms agreed to by the parties.

(D) Not later than the thirty-first day of January each year, the board shall cause to be mailed to each veterinarian to whom or on whose behalf veterinary student debt assistance is provided a statement showing the amount of principal and interest repaid by the board in the preceding year pursuant to the contract. The board shall send the statement by ordinary mail with address correction and forwarding requested in the manner prescribed by the United States postal service.

(E) The board shall deposit money collected from damages under division (B)(4) of this section into the veterinary student debt assistance fund created in section 4741.56 of the Revised Code.

(2020 H 67, eff. 4-12-21)


4741.55 Reports

The state veterinary medical licensing board shall submit a report to the governor and the general assembly describing the operations of the veterinarian student debt assistance program during the previous biennium. The board shall submit the report by the first day of September of each odd-numbered calendar year and shall include all of the following information in the report:

(A) The total number of veterinarians who applied to participate in the program within the prior twenty-four months;

(B) The total amount of money awarded to program participants within the prior twenty-four months;

(C) The names of the participants who entered into a contract with the board in accordance with section 4741.54 of the Revised Code within the prior twenty-four months;

(D) Any other information the board determines to be pertinent.

(2020 H 67, eff. 4-12-21)


4741.56 Veterinary student debt assistance fund

(A) There is hereby created the veterinary student debt assistance fund in the state treasury to be used by the state veterinary medical licensing board for the implementation and administration of sections 4741.50 to 4741.57 of the Revised Code.

(B) The fund shall consist of all of the following:

(1) Money transferred into the fund from the occupational licensing and regulatory fund in accordance with section 4743.05 of the Revised Code;

(2) Money received from gifts, donations, and bequests;

(3) Damages collected from program participants who fail to fulfill their service obligations;

(4) Any other money contributed to the fund.

(2020 H 67, eff. 4-12-21)


4741.57 Certification of amount

On August 1, 2021, and every two years thereafter, the state veterinary medical licensing board shall certify to the director of budget and management the amount resulting from the following formula:

0.9 X {(the board's total revenue credited to the occupational licensing and regulatory fund during the previous biennium) - [(the board's amount of actual expenditures during the first fiscal year of the previous biennium) + (the amount appropriated to the board during the second fiscal year of the previous biennium)]}.

(2020 H 67, eff. 4-12-21)



4741.99 Penalties

(A) Whoever violates section 4741.18, 4741.19, 4741.22, or 4741.23 or division (A) of section 4741.20 or division (B) or (D) of section 4741.21 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree; for each subsequent offense such person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(B) Whoever violates division (B) of section 4741.28 of the Revised Code shall be fined not more than two thousand dollars.

(2006 H 458, eff. 10-12-06; 1991 H 184, eff. 3-2-92; 1975 H 435; 129 v 582; 127 v 562; 1953 H 1)


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