Vernon's Annotated Missouri Statutes. Title VII. Cities, Towns and Villages. Chapter 77. Third Class Cities

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Primary Citation:  V. A. M. S. 77.590, 79.110, 80.090, 82.300 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  MO ST 77.590, 79.110, 80.090, 82.300 Historical: 

Summary: This set of statutes authorizes municipal governments to regulate animals and animal-related nuisances.

Chapter 77. Third Class Cities.

77.590. Council may make ordinances and rules and regulations and establish penalties for violation

For any purpose or purposes mentioned in this chapter, the council may enact and make all necessary ordinances, rules and regulations; and they may enact and make all such ordinances and rules, not inconsistent with the laws of the state, as may be expedient for maintaining the peace and good government and welfare of the city and its trade and commerce; and all ordinances may be enforced by prescribing and inflicting upon its inhabitants, or other persons violating the same, such fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, and such imprisonment not exceeding three months, or both such fine and imprisonment, as may be just for any offense, recoverable with costs of suit, together with judgment of imprisonment, until the fine and costs are paid or satisfied; and any person committed for the nonpayment of fine and costs, or either, may be compelled to work out the same as herein provided; but, in any case wherein the penalty for an offense is fixed by any statute, the council shall affix the same penalty by ordinance for the punishment of such offense, except that imprisonments, when made under city ordinances, may be in the city prison or workhouse instead of the county jail.


(R.S.1939, § 7014. Amended by L.1972, S.B. No. 504, p. 597, § 1.)


Chapter 79. Fourth Class Cities. Board of Aldermen and Mayor--Powers and Duties.

79.110. Mayor and board--duties

The mayor and board of aldermen of each city governed by this chapter shall have the care, management and control of the city and its finances, and shall have power to enact and ordain any and all ordinances not repugnant to the constitution and laws of this state, and such as they shall deem expedient for the good government of the city, the preservation of peace and good order, the benefit of trade and commerce and the health of the inhabitants thereof, and such other ordinances, rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary to carry such powers into effect, and to alter, modify or repeal the same.


(R.S.1939, § 7168.)


Chapter 80. Towns and Villages. Organization--Board of Trustees.

80.090. Trustees--power to pass certain ordinances

Such board of trustees shall have power:

(1) To pass bylaws and ordinances to prevent and remove nuisances;

(2) To prevent, restrain and suppress bawdy-houses, gambling houses and other disorderly houses within the limits of such town, or any addition to said town, or any commons thereto attached;

(3) To restrain and prohibit gambling;

(4) To license, tax and regulate merchants, peddlers and auctioneers, and to regulate and prohibit the sale or giving away of intoxicating liquors under merchants' licenses in such towns; provided, that druggists and pharmacists may sell upon prescriptions, as is provided by law;

(5) To provide for licensing and regulating and prohibiting dramshops and tippling houses, public shows, circuses, theatrical and other amusements, to the distance of one-half mile from the corporate limits of such town;

(6) To prohibit the firing of firearms;

(7) To prevent furious and unnecessary riding or driving of any horse or other animal within such town, or such part thereof as they may think proper;

(8) To establish night watches and patrols;

(9) To erect and maintain calabooses, poorhouses and hospitals;

(10) To prevent the introduction and spreading of contagious diseases;

(11) To organize and maintain fire companies;

(12) To prevent and extinguish fires;

(13) To establish fire limits and to define the limits within which wooden buildings, stables, manufactories and other structures which may increase the danger of calamities from fires shall not be erected;

(14) To establish and provide for wells, cisterns and pumps;

(15) To regulate the construction of chimneys and flues thereof, and to appoint an inspector of chimneys and flues, and to define the duties and fix the compensation thereof;

(16) To establish and regulate markets;

(17) To erect and repair bridges and culverts;

(18) To erect, repair and regulate wharves and the rate of wharfage;

(19) To regulate the landing and stationing of steamboats, rafts and other watercraft;

(20) To provide for the inspection of lumber, building material and for provisions to be used or offered for sale in such town, or to be exported therefrom;

(21) To regulate the storage of gunpowder and other combustible materials;

(22) To regulate the slaughtering of animals;

(23) To license, tax, regulate and prohibit ball and tenpin alleys, billiards and pool tables, or other tables upon which games are played for pay or amusement;

(24) To license, tax, regulate and prohibit all other games for pay or amusement; provided, that no permission shall be given to bet money, property or other thing upon any game, or to license any such game;

(25) To license, tax and regulate wagons and teams, livery, sale and feed stables, and any vehicle or team kept or let for pay;

(26) To license, tax and regulate hay, grain and stock scales;

(27) To levy and collect taxes upon property and the licenses herein provided for;

(28) To borrow money for the improvement of such town, or to supply the same with water or gas;

(29) To open and form public squares, avenues, drains and sewers, and to keep the same cleaned and in order;

(30) To locate and lay out new streets and alleys;

(31) To establish the grade of streets and alleys;

(32) To determine and fix the width of sidewalks, and the material of which the same may be built; and

(33) To widen streets heretofore laid out in such town, and to appoint three commissioners to assess the damages done to property upon which such street or alley may be located, deducting from such damages the amount of benefit, if any, such street or alley, or the widening thereof, may be to the same; but all assessments so made by the commissioners shall be reported, as soon as may be, to the board of trustees, who may approve or reject the same; and all persons aggrieved by such assessment may, within fifteen days after receiving notice of such assessment, appeal therefrom to the next circuit court of the county, by giving notice of such appeal to said board of trustees at least fifteen days before the first day of the term to which said appeal is taken; and the circuit court, on such appeal, shall be possessed of the case and proceed therewith to final judgment, according to law. In all cases of assessment or appeal, the land to be used for or occupied by the street or alley may be taken possession of for the purpose of establishing and improving such street or alley, as soon as the amount of damages so assessed shall be tendered to the owner;

(34) Also to open, clear, regulate, grade, pave or improve the streets and alleys of such town;

(35) To provide for lighting the streets and erecting lamps thereon;

(36) To regulate and prohibit the running at large of dogs, hogs, cattle and horses in the streets and alleys of such town, and to impose and collect tax on dogs not exceeding one dollar each;

(37) To impose and appropriate fines for forfeitures and penalties for breaking or violating their ordinances;

(38) To levy and collect taxes;

(39) To regulate the enclosure of any common field belonging to or within the limits of such town; and

(40) To pass such other bylaws and ordinances for the regulation and police of such town and commons thereto appertaining as they shall deem necessary, not repugnant to and contrary to the laws of the state.


(R.S.1939, § 7248.)


Chapter 82. Constitutional Charter Cities. Cities Having 300,000 Inhabitants or Over.

82.300. Certain cities may enact ordinances, purposes, punishments (including Kansas City)

1. Any city with a population of four hundred thousand or more inhabitants which is located in more than one county may enact all needful ordinances for preserving order, securing persons or property from violence, danger and destruction, protecting public and private property and for promoting the general interests and ensuring the good government of the city, and for the protection, regulation and orderly government of parks, public grounds and other public property of the city, both within and beyond the corporate limits of such city; and to prescribe and impose, enforce and collect fines, forfeitures and penalties for the breach of any provisions of such ordinances and to punish the violation of such ordinances by fine or imprisonment, or by both fine and imprisonment; but no fine shall exceed one thousand dollars nor imprisonment exceed twelve months for any such offense, except as provided in subsection 2 of this section.

2. Any city with a population of four hundred thousand or more inhabitants which is located in more than one county which operates a publicly owned treatment works in accordance with an approved pretreatment program pursuant to the federal Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251, et seq. and chapter 644, RSMo, may enact all necessary ordinances which require compliance by an industrial user with any pretreatment standard or requirement. Such ordinances may authorize injunctive relief or the imposition of a fine of at least one thousand dollars but not more than five thousand dollars per violation for noncompliance with such pretreatment standards or requirements. For any continuing violation, each day of the violation shall be considered a separate offense.

3. Any city with a population of more than four hundred thousand inhabitants may enact all needful ordinances to protect public and private property from illegal and unauthorized dumping and littering, and to punish the violation of such ordinances by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed twelve months for each offense, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

4. Any city with a population of more than four hundred thousand inhabitants may enact all needful ordinances to protect public and private property from nuisance and property maintenance code violations, and to punish the violation of such ordinances by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed twelve months for each offense, or by both such fine and imprisonment.


(R.S.1939, § 7644. Amended by L.1943, p. 727; L.1993, S.B. No. 376, § A; L.2000, H.B. No. 1238, § A; L.2001, S.B. No. 345, § A; L.2009, H.B. No. 481, § A.)


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