Minnesota Statutes Annotated. Agriculture (Ch. 17-42). Chapter 31. Food. Meats, Generally

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Primary Citation:  M. S. A. § 31.60 - 31.65 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  MN ST § 31.60 - 31.65 Historical: 

Summary: This Minnesota chapter deals with sale and processing of meat in the state. Among the provisions include a prohibition on the sale of veal when calves are killed when less than four weeks old; the sale of horse meat for human consumption unless conspicuous notices are provided; and the sale of unwholesome game or poultry. The chapter also creates a Meat Industry Division in the Department of Agriculture who enforces and administers these laws.

31.60 . Meat Industry Division
31.601 . Protection of meat

31.602 . Sale of unwholesome poultry or game

31.61 . Renumbered 31.431 in St.1961

31.611 . Veal

31.62 . Renumbered 31.441 in St.1961

31.621 . Sale of horse meat for human consumption

31.63 . Renumbered 31.451 in St.1961

31.631 . Horse meat intended for other than human consumption

31.632 . Minnesota approved meats and poultry; use of label

31.633 . Meat or poultry substitutes; indication on menu; penalties

31.64 . Renumbered 31.461 and 31.471 in St.1961

31.65 . Renumbered 31.461 and 31.471 in St.1961


31.60. Meat Industry Division

Subdivision 1. Division duties; director; personnel. A Meat Industry Division is created in the Department of Agriculture which shall enforce and administer laws enforced and administered by the commissioner of agriculture relating to meat, fish, and dressed poultry, except laws enforced and administered by the Division of Poultry Industries. The Meat Industry Division is under the supervision of a director in the classified service. The commissioner shall appoint the director, who shall be experienced and knowledgeable in the meat industry.

Subds. 2 and 3. Repealed by Laws 1983, c. 260, § 68, eff. July 1, 1983.


Laws 1967, Ex.Sess., c. 36, § 1, eff. July 1, 1967. Amended by Laws 1973, c. 507, § 45; Laws 1975, c. 271, § 6; Laws 1975, c. 315, §§ 5, 6; Laws 1980, c. 617, § 47; Laws 2008, c. 204, § 42, par. (a), eff. Aug. 1, 2008; Laws 2009, c. 101, art. 2, § 60, eff. July 1, 2009.


31.601. Protection of meat

Every dealer in meats, fish, fowl, or game for human food, at the place of offering or exposing for sale, and in the transportation of such food from place to place to customers, shall protect the same from dust, flies, and other vermin or substance which may injuriously affect it, by securely covering it while being so offered or exposed for sale or transported. Every violation of the foregoing provision shall be a misdemeanor.



St.1957, § 31.16.
St.1927, § 3825.
Gen.St.1923, § 3825.
Laws 1921, c. 495, § 36.


31.602. Sale of unwholesome poultry or game

Every person who shall offer or expose for sale at retail, for human food, at any public market, store, shop, or house, or in or about any street or other public place, any domestic or wild fowls, or any slaughtered rabbits, squirrels, or other small animals, wild or tame, unless the entrails, crops, or other offensive parts are properly drawn and removed shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.



St.1961, § 616.06.
St.1927, § 10251.
Gen.St.1923, § 10251.
Gen.St.1913, § 8766.
Rev.Laws 1905, § 4994.
Laws 1895, c. 201.


31.61. Renumbered 31.431 in St.1961


M.S.A. § 31.431 was repealed by Laws 1971, c. 339, § 27.


31.611. Veal

No person shall sell, offer or expose for sale, or have in possession with intent to sell, the veal of calves killed when less than four weeks old. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $50, or by imprisonment for not less than 60 days.



St.1957, § 31.17.
St.1927, § 3826.
Gen.St.1923, § 3826.
Laws 1921, c. 495, § 37.


31.62. Renumbered 31.441 in St.1961


M.S.A. § 31.441 was repealed by Laws 1971, c. 339, § 27.


31.621. Sale of horse meat for human consumption

Subdivision 1. Requirements. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer or expose for sale, or have in possession with intent to sell, horse meat for human consumption:

(a) Unless a sign is posted in a conspicuous place both inside and outside the store, eating establishment, or building in which said meat is sold or offered or exposed for sale, reading “horse meat sold here”;

(b) Unless the counter or container in which the same is offered or exposed for sale is plainly and conspicuously marked with the words “horse meat” and no other meat of any kind shall be placed in the same container with horse meat; if horse meat is placed in the same counter with other cuts of meat each cut shall be plainly labeled “horse meat”;

(c) Unless all packages, boxes or containers in which horse meat is delivered to the purchaser shall be plainly and conspicuously marked with the words “horse meat.”

Subd. 2. Sales in restaurants and boarding houses. It shall be unlawful for any restaurant, boarding house or other place where food is served to the public to prepare or serve horse meat to any customer or patron unless a sign is posted in a conspicuous place, both inside and outside the building or restaurant in which such meat is prepared and sold reading “horse meat served here,” and unless the same words are printed or typed on all menus used therein.

Subd. 3. Mixed meat. In the event that horse meat is mixed with any other kind of meat, the mixture shall be considered as horse meat and its sale, preparation or serving shall be subject to all of the provisions of this section.

Subd. 4. Enforcement. The commissioner shall enforce the provisions of this section.

Subd. 5. Repealed by Laws 2012, c. 244, art. 2, § 36, par. (a), eff. July 1, 2012.


Amended by Laws 1961, c. 144, art. 2, § 18; Laws 1965, c. 45, § 3.



Laws 1959, c. 606, § 10.
St.1957, § 31.435.
St.Supp.1944, §§ 3825-1 to 3825-4.
Laws 1943, c. 446, §§ 1 to 4.


31.63. Renumbered 31.451 in St.1961


M.S.A. § 31.451 was repealed by Laws 1971, c. 339, § 27.


31.631. Horse meat intended for other than human consumption

Subdivision 1. Preparation. It shall be unlawful for any person to offer or expose for sale, or possess or traffic in, any horse meat with intent to use or sell the same for other than human consumption unless it is denatured or decharacterized so as to make it readily distinguishable from horse meat intended for human consumption, or unless it complies with federal laws and regulations applicable thereto.

Subd. 2. Labels. All packing boxes and containers containing denatured horse meat shall bear thereon in a conspicuous manner in boldface type not less than one-half inch in height the statement “FOR ANIMAL FOOD ONLY.” Such statement shall be printed or form a part of the main label affixed to or stamped on such packing boxes or containers, or shall be stamped on the same end or side of such packing boxes or containers that such main label is affixed or stamped thereon.

Subd. 3. Inspection. For obtaining information regarding compliance with law the commissioner of agriculture, and any of the commissioner's agents, representatives or employees, shall have access to all places, buildings or premises, and to all wagons, automobiles, vehicles or cars used in the preparation, production, distribution, transportation, exposing for sale or sale of any horse meat not intended for sale or use for human consumption and shall have such other authority as is provided in section 31.04.

Subd. 4. Repealed by Laws 2012, c. 244, art. 2, § 36, par. (a), eff. July 1, 2012.


Amended by Laws 1961, c. 113, § 1; Laws 1986, c. 444.



St.1957, § 31.436.
Laws 1953, c. 583, §§ 1 to 4.
Laws 1961, c. 113, made changes throughout Minnesota Statutes conforming to the renaming of the department of agriculture, dairy, and food to the department of agriculture.

Laws 1986, c. 444, authorized the removal of nonsubstantive gender specific references.


31.632. Minnesota approved meats and poultry; use of label

The commissioner may authorize, pursuant to rules promulgated in the manner provided by law, the use of the label “Minnesota Approved” on meats, meat products, poultry, and poultry products processed by persons licensed under sections 31.51 to 31.56, or by establishments under the inspection program of the United States Department of Agriculture, if the ingredients of the poultry, poultry products, meats, and meat products are meat, meat by-products, poultry, poultry products, or meat food products which have been inspected and passed by the United States Department of Agriculture, or the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and further if the poultry, poultry products, meats, and meat products, after such processing, are sound, healthful, wholesome, and fit for human food. A person or establishment desiring to label poultry, poultry products, meats, and meat products as provided in this section shall apply to the commissioner for authority to do so. The commissioner shall grant this authority to the applicant if the applicant complies with the provisions of this section and rules promulgated pursuant to this section. A person using the label “Minnesota Approved” on poultry, poultry products, meat, or meat products contrary to law is guilty of a misdemeanor.


Laws 1963, c. 187, § 1. Amended by Laws 1969, c. 663, § 1, eff. May 24, 1969; Laws 1985, c. 248, § 70; Laws 2000, c. 477, § 31; Laws 2013, c. 125, art. 1, § 23, eff. July 1, 2013.


31.633. Meat or poultry substitutes; indication on menu; penalties

Subdivision 1. Menu requirement. Any restaurant, eating place, or other establishment serving meat or poultry in any form to the public that has any filler or meat or poultry substitute added to it or incorporated in it, shall clearly and prominently indicate on its menu or bill of fare the meat entrees that contain filler or meat or poultry substitutes.

Subd. 2. Repealed by Laws 2012, c. 244, art. 2, § 36, par. (a), eff. July 1, 2012.


Laws 1975, c. 133, § 1. Amended by Laws 2000, c. 477, § 32.


31.64, 31.65. Renumbered 31.461 and 31.471 in St.1961


M.S.A. §§ 31.461 and 31.471 were repealed by Laws 1971, c. 339, § 27.


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