West's Annotated Indiana Code. Title 6. Taxation; Title 14. Natural and Cultural Resources; Title 15. Agriculture and Animals; Title 25. Professions and Occupations; Title 35. Criminal Law and Procedure

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Primary Citation:  I.C. 15-17-6-1 - 14; 25-38.1-4-8 ; 15-20-2-1 - 7; 15-17-21-1; 6-9-39-1 - 9; 35-46-3-15; 15-20-3-1 - 4; 14-22-11-1; 14-8-2-89 Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  Alternate Citation:  IN ST 15-17-6-1 - 14; 25-38.1-4-8 ; 15-20-2-1 - 7; 6-9-39-1 - 9; 35-46-3-15; 15-20-3-1 - 4 ; 14-22-11-1; 14-8-2-89; 15-17-21-1 Historical: 

Summary: These Indiana statutes comprise the state's dog laws. Included are provisions on rabies, liability of owners for dog bites or damage to livestock, and taxation and registration laws, among others.

Links on other pages:

Link to Commercial Dog Breeder Regulation

Link to Dog Bite Laws

Sections on this page:

Rabies Provisions

Abandoned Animals & Dogs Doing Damage

Dog Taxes

Dog Killing Livestock Provisions

Euthanasia Provisions

Sale of Dogs to Laboratories Provisions

Spay and Neuter

Wildlife & Dogs Provisions

Rabies Provisions

Title 15. Agriculture and Animals.  Article 17. Animal Health and Animal Products. Chapter 6. Rabies.

15-17-6-1 Vaccination records

15-17-6-2 Declaration of quarantine by state veterinarian; confinement of animals

15-17-6-3 Vaccination after quarantine declared

15-17-6-4 Notice of order to vaccinate; sheriff assisting in enforcement

15-17-6-5 Area for impounding animals provided by board

15-17-6-6 Board assistance to local officers

15-17-6-7 Impound of animals running at large; release to owner; disposition of animals not redeemed

15-17-6-8 Expense of impoundment

15-17-6-9 Animals brought to quarantine area subject to requirements; exemption for confined animals brought for exhibition purposes

15-17-6-10 Police duties to impound or destroy animals running at large; statement of animal breaking quarantine; written notice to owner; costs incurred by local government

15-17-6-11 Order for destruction or confinement of animals; written notice; period of confinement; investigation of loose animals

15-17-6-12 Emergency orders

15-17-6-13 Cooperation of state department of health and local health officers

15-17-6-14 Local ordinances

Title 15. Agriculture and Animals. Article 17. Animal Health and Animal Products. Chapter 21. Importation of Domestic Animals from Abroad

15-17-21-1 Official certificates necessary

15-17-21-2 Electronic format permitted

Dogs & Livestock Provisions

Title 15. Agriculture and Animals. Article 20. Animal Control. Chapter 2. Livestock Killing Dogs.

15-20-2-1 Liability of owner or harborer

15-20-2-2 Authority to kill dog in act of killing or injuring livestock

15-20-2-3 Repealed by P.L.60-2014, SEC.1, eff. July 1, 2014

15-20-2-4 Repealed by P.L.60-2014, SEC.2, eff. July 1, 2014

15-20-2-5 Repealed by P.L.60-2014, SEC.2, eff. July 1, 2014

15-20-2-6 Repealed by P.L.60-2014, SEC.2, eff. July 1, 2014

15-20-2-7 Repealed by P.L.60-2014, SEC.2, eff. July 1, 2014

Sale of Dogs to Laboratories Provisions

Title 15. Agriculture and Animals. Article 20. Animal Control. Chapter 3. Sale of Dogs to Laboratories.

15-20-3-1 Application of chapter

15-20-3-2 Bill of sale required for sale

15-20-3-3 Maintenance and inspection of bill of sale

15-20-3-4 Inability to produce bill of sale

Spay and Neuter Provisions

Article 20. Animal Control. Chapter 4. Spay-Neuter Requirement for Animal Care Facilities

Abandoned Animals & Dogs Doing Damage

Title 25. Professions and Occupations. Article 38.1. Veterinarians. Chapter 4. Practice; Discipline; Prohibitions.

25-38.1-4-8 Abandoned animals

Dog Taxes

Title 6. Taxation. Article 9. Innkeeper's Taxes; Other Local Taxes. Chapter 39. County Option Dog Tax.

6-9-39-1 "Animal care facility" defined

6-9-39-2 "Taxable dog" defined

6-9-39-3 Adoption of ordinance to impose tax on person who harbors taxable dog; maximum amount of tax

6-9-39-4 Rescission of ordinance imposing tax

6-9-39-5 Methods of tax collection; collection fee; county option dog tax return

6-9-39-6 Establishment of county option dog tax fund; establishment of canine research and education account; interest and investment income

6-9-39-7 Deposit of tax revenue; county appropriation of money from fund; establishment of requirements for distribution

6-9-39-8 State canine research and education account; appropriations to Purdue University School of Veterinary Science and Medicine

6-9-39-9 Adoption of licensing system for dogs prohibited if tax not in effect

Euthanasia Provisions

Title 35. Criminal Law and Procedure. Article 46. Miscellaneous Offenses. Chapter 3. Offenses Relating to Animals.

35-46-3-1 Harboring a non-immunized dog

35-46-3-13 Removing vocal cords of trained attack dog

35-46-3-15 Destruction of animal by decompression chamber or electrocution

Wildlife & Dog Provisions

Title 14. Natural and Cultural Resources. Article 22. Fish and Wildlife. Chapter 11. Licenses and Permits; General Provisions.

14-22-11-1 License; requirement; conditions

Title 14. Natural and Cultural Resources. Article 8. General Provisions and Definitions. Chapter 2. Definitions

14-8-2-89 “Field trial”



Title 15. Agriculture and Animals.  Article 17. Animal Health and Animal Products. Chapter 6. Rabies.

15-17-6-1 Vaccination records

Sec. 1. (a) When an animal is vaccinated for rabies in Indiana, the veterinarian vaccinating the animal shall:

(1) make and keep a record of the vaccination; and

(2) give one (1) copy of the record to the owner of the animal.

(b) The vaccinated animal must be identified as vaccinated according to rules adopted by the board. The board may adopt additional rules for documenting rabies vaccinations and for the identification of animals that have been vaccinated for rabies.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-2 Declaration of quarantine by state veterinarian; confinement of animals

Sec. 2. (a) The state veterinarian may declare a quarantine against rabies in any county, township, city, or town, or a designated part of any county, township, city, or town whenever the state veterinarian finds that rabies exist in the area to the extent that the health or lives of individuals or domestic animals are endangered.

(b) If a quarantine has been declared, the owner or caretaker of an animal in the quarantine area shall confine the animal:

(1) on the premises of the owner; or

(2) in a suitable place, subject to the approval of the state veterinarian, for the impounding and care of animals as provided in this chapter.

(c) A quarantine order may specify the circumstances and conditions under which an owner may remove animals from the owner's premises or an impoundment facility.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-3 Vaccination after quarantine declared

Sec. 3. (a) If a quarantine has been declared, the state veterinarian may order any animal, species of animal, or group of animals in the quarantined area vaccinated within a period stipulated in the order. The owner of the animal shall pay the cost of the antirabies immunization. However, local health departments or political subdivisions of government may furnish antirabies immunization without charge to owners who are unable to pay for the immunization.

(b) If an order for a rabies vaccination is made, any animal within the quarantined area whose owner refuses to have the owner's animal vaccinated shall be seized and disposed of by the state veterinarian, the state veterinarian's representative, or any person having police power within the quarantined area.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.

15-17-6-4 Notice of order to vaccinate; sheriff assisting in enforcement

Sec. 4. (a) If the state veterinarian issues an order under section 3 of this chapter:

(1) the state veterinarian shall give notice of the order to the county health officer of the county within which the quarantined area is located; and

(2) the county health officer shall:

(A) publish notice of the order as provided in IC 5-3-1; and

(B) deliver a copy of the order to the sheriff of the county.

(b) The sheriff shall assist in the enforcement of this chapter.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-5 Area for impounding animals provided by board

Sec. 5. The board of county commissioners of each county containing an area quarantined under section 2 of this chapter shall furnish a suitable area or quarters:

(1) for the impounding and care of animals that may be impounded under this chapter; and

(2) that comply with the rules adopted by the board.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-6 Board assistance to local officers

Sec. 6. If a quarantine has been declared under this chapter, the state veterinarian shall send an agent or employee into the area to assist the local health officers in the development of a program to control rabies in that area and assist the local law enforcement officers in the enforcement of the quarantine requirements.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-7 Impound of animals running at large; release to owner; disposition of animals not redeemed

Sec. 7. (a) An animal found running at large in violation of a quarantine declared under section 2 of this chapter may be impounded as provided in the quarantine order, in the area or quarters provided by the board of county commissioners. During the quarantine period the owner may obtain possession of the animal by doing all of the following:

(1) Paying the expenses of the animal's board and all tax or license fees that are due and unpaid on the animal.

(2) Having the animal vaccinated and paying for the vaccination or furnishing evidence that the animal was vaccinated during the previous twelve (12) months.

(3) Paying the impounding fee fixed by the board of county commissioners.

(b) An animal not redeemed under subsection (a) shall be disposed of in a manner prescribed by the local health officer having jurisdiction.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-8 Expense of impoundment

Sec. 8. Whenever a quarantine is declared by the state veterinarian under section 2 of this chapter, the expense of operating a pound, including food for animals impounded and expense of personnel, shall be paid from the general fund of the county without appropriation unless there are funds regularly appropriated to operate the pound.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-9 Animals brought to quarantine area subject to requirements; exemption for confined animals brought for exhibition purposes

Sec. 9. Whenever a quarantine is declared under section 2 of this chapter, all animals brought into a quarantined area, except for exhibition purposes where animals are confined and not permitted to run at large, are subject to the same requirements as animals already located within the quarantined area.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-10 Police duties to impound or destroy animals running at large; statement of animal breaking quarantine; written notice to owner; costs incurred by local government

Sec. 10. (a) A law enforcement officer shall impound or destroy an animal found running at large:

(1) during a quarantine ordered under section 2 of this chapter; or

(2) that is the subject of an order of confinement under section 11 of this chapter.

(b) A law enforcement officer or other authorized individual shall impound an animal that is subject to quarantine or confinement under this chapter if a statement is provided to the officer or authorized individual that states that the animal has broken quarantine or confinement. The statement must:

(1) be in writing;

(2) be given under oath;

(3) be signed by at least two (2) individuals; and

(4) include the name and address of the owner or suspected owner of the animal, if known.

(c) When possible, the authorized individual or agency contacted under this section shall give written notice to the owner or suspected owner of the animal upon impounding and before destroying the animal.

(d) All costs incurred by a local government relating to the impoundment of an animal under subsection (b) shall be paid by the owner of the animal.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-11 Order for destruction or confinement of animals; written notice; period of confinement; investigation of loose animals

Sec. 11. (a) If an order has not been issued under section 2 of this chapter, the state veterinarian, the local health officer having jurisdiction, or an individual designated by the state veterinarian or the local health officer having jurisdiction may do the following:

(1) Order the confinement and destruction of an animal showing clinical symptoms of rabies for laboratory diagnosis.

(2) Order the confinement of an animal suspected of having rabies.

(3) Order the confinement of an animal that has potentially exposed an individual to rabies.

(4) Order the confinement and destruction of an animal that has potentially exposed an individual to rabies.

(b) Whenever possible, the state veterinarian or local health officer exercising authority under this section shall give written notice to the owner or suspected owner of an animal:

(1) upon impounding; and

(2) before destroying;

the animal.

(c) The period of confinement ordered under subsection (a) must be:

(1) of at least ten (10) days duration;

(2) under the supervision of:

(A) the state veterinarian; or

(B) a licensed accredited veterinarian or a person designated by the official exercising authority under this chapter; and

(3) at the expense of the owner.

(d) Any animal that has been bitten by a domestic or feral animal suspected or known to have rabies may be:

(1) confined for not more than twelve (12) months at the owner's expense; or

(2) destroyed.

(e) Whenever informed that an animal subject to an order of quarantine or an order of destruction or confinement under subsection (a) is running at large, the official who issued the order or the official's designee shall investigate the status of the animal. If the investigating official is given a statement that complies with section 10(b) of this chapter, the investigating official may order the animal impounded and, if necessary, provide the statement to a law enforcement officer for action under section 10 of this chapter.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-12 Emergency orders

Sec. 12. (a) For purposes of IC 4-21.5, an order issued under this chapter is an emergency order.

(b) Notwithstanding IC 4-21.5-4-5(a)(3), an emergency order issued under this chapter does not expire.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-13 Cooperation of state department of health and local health officers

Sec. 13. The state department of health and the local health officers shall cooperate with the state veterinarian in the rabies control program.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


15-17-6-14 Local ordinances

Sec. 14. This chapter may not be construed as repealing or prohibiting municipal ordinances on rabies control or divesting municipalities of existing rights or powers related to rabies control that are not in conflict with this chapter.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.8.


Title 15. Agriculture and Animals. Article 17. Animal Health and Animal Products. Chapter 21. Importation of Domestic Animals from Abroad

15-17-21-1 Official certificates necessary

Sec. 1. (a) Any person who transfers a domestic dog or cat from a foreign country into Indiana shall provide the recipient of the domestic dog or cat under subsection (b) with a copy of the domestic dog's or cat's:

(1) certificate of veterinary inspection; or

(2) official health certificate.

(b) A person who receives a domestic dog or cat that is imported from a foreign country into Indiana shall submit to the board a copy of the domestic dog's or cat's:

(1) certificate of veterinary inspection; or

(2) official health certificate;

received under subsection (a) not more than thirty (30) days after receiving the domestic dog or cat.

As added by P.L.39-2019, SEC.1, eff. July 1, 2019.

15-17-21-2 Electronic format permitted

Sec. 2. The domestic dog's or cat's:

(1) certificate of veterinary inspection; or

(2) official health certificate;

that a person is required to provide or submit under section 1 of this chapter may be provided or submitted in an electronic format.

As added by P.L.39-2019, SEC.1, eff. July 1, 2019.

Title 25. Professions and Occupations. Article 38.1. Veterinarians. Chapter 4. Practice; Discipline; Prohibitions.

25-38.1-4-8 Abandoned animals

Sec. 8. (a) An animal placed in the custody of a veterinarian is considered to be abandoned five (5) days after the veterinarian has given written notice to the individual who delivered the animal to the veterinarian that the animal should be reclaimed by the individual. Written notice must be delivered by certified mail to the place given by the individual as the individual's mailing address at the time the individual delivered the animal to the veterinarian.

(b) Abandonment of an animal under this section constitutes the relinquishment of all rights and claims by the owner of the animal. An abandoned animal may be sold or otherwise disposed of as the veterinarian may see fit. The purchaser or recipient of an abandoned animal shall receive full and clear title to the animal.

(c) The giving of notice as provided in this section relieves the veterinarian and all persons who receive an abandoned animal from the veterinarian of criminal or civil liability.

(d) The individual who delivered an animal abandoned under this section is liable for all reasonable and customary expenses incurred for diagnosis, treatment, hospitalization, surgery, board, euthanasia, and disposal of the abandoned animal.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.12. Amended by P.L.58-2008, SEC.43.


Title 15. Agriculture and Animals. Article 20. Animal Control. Chapter 2. Livestock Killing Dogs.

15-20-2-1 Liability of owner or harborer

Sec. 1. If a dog kills or injures any livestock while the livestock is in the care, custody, and control of the livestock's owner or the owner's agent, the owner or harborer of the dog is liable to the owner of the livestock for all damages sustained, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.11.


15-20-2-2 Authority to kill dog in act of killing or injuring livestock

Sec. 2. A person who observes a dog in the act of killing or injuring livestock may kill the dog if the person has the consent of the person in possession of the real estate on which the dog is found.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.11.


15-20-2-3 Losses and expenses chargeable to county; exemptions15-20-2-3 Repealed by P.L.60-2014, SEC.1, eff. July 1, 2014


15-20-2-4 Establishment of procedures to submit claims; issuance of warrant of check for verified claim; judicial review of denied claim Repealed by P.L.60-2014, SEC.2, eff. July 1, 2014


15-20-2-5 Selection of personal physician for necessary treatment Repealed by P.L.60-2014, SEC.2, eff. July 1, 2014


15-20-2-6 Owner desiring to make claim; report of loss; subrogation Repealed by P.L.60-2014, SEC.2, eff. July 1, 2014


15-20-2-7 Officer verification of loss; documentation for rabies post exposure prophylaxis Repealed by P.L.60-2014, SEC.2, eff. July 1, 2014


Title 6. Taxation. Article 9. Innkeeper's Taxes; Other Local Taxes. Chapter 39. County Option Dog Tax.

6-9-39-1 "Animal care facility" defined

Sec. 9. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), after July 1, 2006, a county or a municipality (as defined in IC 36-1-2-11) of the county may not adopt an ordinance implementing a licensing system for dogs unless the county option dog tax under this chapter is in effect in the county.

(b) If:

(1) a county adopted an ordinance implementing a licensing system for dogs:

(A) after December 31, 2006; and

(B) before February 1, 2007; and

(2) the county did not first adopt the county option dog tax;

the ordinance is legalized.


As added by P.L.162-2006, SEC.36. Amended by P.L.172-2011, SEC.111, eff. May 10, 2011.


6-9-39-2 "Taxable dog" defined

Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "taxable dog" means a dog at least six (6) months of age.
As added by P.L.162-2006, SEC.36.


6-9-39-3 Adoption of ordinance to impose tax on person who harbors taxable dog; maximum amount of tax

Sec. 3. (a) The fiscal body of a county may adopt an ordinance to impose a tax on a person who harbors or keeps a taxable dog in or near the person's premises in the county, regardless of who owns the taxable dog. A person who harbors or keeps a taxable dog in the county is liable for the tax.

(b) A tax imposed under this section may not exceed five dollars ($5) per year for each taxable dog.

(c) The maximum amount of county option dog tax per year that may be imposed by an ordinance adopted under this section for taxable dogs kept in a kennel for breeding, boarding, training, or sale is an amount equal to the lesser of:

(1) the county option dog tax liability calculated without regard to this subsection for taxable dogs kept in the kennel for breeding, boarding, training, or sale; or

(2) for a kennel in which:

(A) more than six (6) taxable dogs are kept for breeding, boarding, training, or sale, fifty dollars ($50); or

(B) not more than six (6) taxable dogs are kept for breeding, boarding, training, or sale, thirty dollars ($30).


As added by P.L.162-2006, SEC.36.


6-9-39-4 Rescission of ordinance imposing tax

Sec. 4. If an ordinance adopted under section 3 of this chapter is in effect in a county, the fiscal body of the county may rescind the ordinance imposing the county option dog tax.


As added by P.L.162-2006, SEC.36.


6-9-39-5 Methods of tax collection; collection fee; county option dog tax return

 Sec. 5. (a) The fiscal body of a county may collect a county option dog tax imposed under section 3 of this chapter by any combination of the following methods:

(1) By designating one (1) or more persons in the county to collect the tax.

(2) By requiring a person who harbors or keeps a taxable dog to submit a complete and accurate county option dog tax return.

(3) By a method other than a method described in subdivision (1) or (2) as determined by the fiscal body of the county.

(b) A designee under subsection (a)(1) may retain a fee from the tax collected for each taxable dog in an amount determined by the fiscal body not to exceed seventy-five cents ($0.75). A designee shall remit the balance of the money collected to the county treasurer by the tenth day of each month.

(c) If a fiscal body chooses to collect a county option dog tax imposed under section 3 of this chapter by requiring the submission of a county option dog tax return under subsection (a), the county treasurer may include a county option dog tax return form with every property tax statement that is mailed to a person under IC 6-1.1-22-8.1(a)(1).

(d) The department of local government finance shall prescribe a county option dog tax return form that a county may use for the reporting of county option dog tax liability.


As added by P.L.162-2006, SEC.36. Amended by P.L.3-2008, SEC.67, eff. March 13, 2008; P.L.87-2009, SEC.15.


6-9-39-6 Establishment of county option dog tax fund; establishment of canine research and education account; interest and investment income

Sec. 6. (a) If a county fiscal body adopts an ordinance under section 3 of this chapter, the county treasurer shall establish a county option dog tax fund.

(b) At the time a county option dog tax fund is established under subsection (a), the county treasurer shall establish a canine research and education account within the county option dog tax fund established under subsection (a).

(c) Interest and investment income derived from money in a county option dog tax fund becomes part of the county option dog tax fund.

(d) Money in a county's county option dog tax fund at the end of a calendar year does not revert to the county's general fund.


As added by P.L.162-2006, SEC.36.


6-9-39-7 Deposit of tax revenue; county appropriation of money from fund; establishment of requirements for distribution

Sec. 7. (a) A county treasurer that receives county option dog tax revenue under section 5 of this chapter shall deposit the money in the county option dog tax fund according to the following allocation:

(1) Twenty percent (20%) for the canine research and education account established under section 6(b) of this chapter.

(2) Eighty percent (80%) for the uses designated by the fiscal body of the county under subsection (c).

(b) If an ordinance adopted under section 3 of this chapter is in effect in a county, the county auditor and the county treasurer shall include the county option dog tax revenue received by the county treasurer in the settlement procedures described in IC 6-1.1-27. Amounts accumulated in the county canine research and education account shall be paid to the state treasurer in accordance with the procedure described under IC 6-1.1-27-3.

(c) The fiscal body of a county that imposes a tax under this chapter may appropriate money in the county option dog tax fund, other than money allocated to the canine research and education account established under section 6(b) of this chapter, for any of the following purposes:

(1) The use of animal care facilities.

(2) Animal control, including dead animal disposal.

(3) Reimbursement to farmers for livestock kills.

(4) Reimbursement to people who have undergone rabies post exposure prophylaxis.

(d) The fiscal body of a county that imposes a tax under this chapter may establish requirements according to which individuals or entities are eligible to receive distributions of money appropriated for a purpose described in subsection (c).


As added by P.L.162-2006, SEC.36.


6-9-39-8 State canine research and education account; appropriations to Purdue University School of Veterinary Science and Medicine

Sec. 8. (a) A special canine research and education account within the state general fund shall be established. Any payments issued to the state under section 7(b) of this chapter shall be deposited in the canine research and education account in the state general fund.

(b) Any income earned on money held in the canine research and education account established under subsection (a) becomes a part of that account.

(c) Any revenue remaining in the canine research and education account established under subsection (a) at the end of a fiscal year does not revert to the state general fund.

(d) There is annually appropriated to the Purdue University School of Veterinary Science and Medicine from the canine research and education account established under subsection (a) an amount equal to the sum of money deposited in the canine research and education account during the state fiscal year for its use in conducting canine disease research and education.

(e) On or about August 1 of each year, if there is a positive amount in the canine research and education account established under subsection (a), the auditor of state shall issue a warrant to the Purdue University School of Veterinary Science and Medicine for an amount equal to the amount of money accumulated in the canine research and education account.


As added by P.L.162-2006, SEC.36.


6-9-39-9 Adoption of licensing system for dogs prohibited if tax not in effect

Sec. 9. After July 1, 2006, a county or a municipality (as defined in IC 36- 1-2-11) of the county may not adopt an ordinance implementing a licensing system for dogs unless the county option dog tax under this chapter is in effect in the county.


As added by P.L.162-2006, SEC.36.


Title 35. Criminal Law and Procedure. Article 46. Miscellaneous Offenses. Chapter 3. Offenses Relating to Animals

35-46-3-1 Harboring a non-immunized dog

Sec. 1. A person who knowingly or intentionally harbors a dog that is over the age of six (6) months and not immunized against rabies commits harboring a non-immunized dog, a Class C infraction. However, the offense is a Class B misdemeanor if the dog causes bodily injury by biting a person.


As added by Acts 1976, P.L.148, SEC.6. Amended by Acts 1977, P.L.340, SEC.94.


35-46-3-13 Removing vocal cords of trained attack dog

Sec. 13. (a) A person who knowingly or intentionally removes the vocal cords of a trained attack dog commits cruelty to an animal, a Class A misdemeanor.

(b) It is a defense to a prosecution under this section that the accused person reasonably believes that the conduct was necessary to prevent a seriously injured dog from prolonged injury.

As added by P.L.76-2002, SEC.7.


35-46-3-15 Destruction of animal by decompression chamber

Sec. 15. (a) This section does not apply to the following:

(1) A state or federally inspected livestock slaughtering facility (for conduct authorized by IC 15-17-5 and rules adopted under that chapter).

(2) An animal disease diagnostic laboratory established under IC 21-46-3-1.

(3) A postsecondary educational institution.

(4) A research facility licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture.

(b) As used in this section, “animal” has the meaning set forth in IC 35-46-3-3.

(c) A person who knowingly or intentionally destroys or authorizes the destruction of an animal by placing the animal in a decompression chamber and lowering the pressure of or the oxygen content in the air surrounding the animal commits a Class B misdemeanor.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.13. Amended by P.L.141-2019, SEC.11, eff. July 1, 2019.


Title 15. Agriculture and Animals. Article 20. Animal Control. Chapter 3. Sale of Dogs to Laboratories.

15-20-3-1 Application of chapter

Sec. 1. This chapter applies to the sale of dogs to the following:

(1) Research laboratories.

(2) A laboratory that uses animals for the production of medicines or other products.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.11.


15-20-3-2 Bill of sale required for sale

Sec. 2. A person who sells a dog to a laboratory must show a valid bill of sale for the dog from:

(1) a breeder or kennel;

(2) an animal control facility; or

(3) a private individual;

to the individual who purchases animals for the laboratory.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.11.


15-20-3-3 Maintenance and inspection of bill of sale

Sec. 3. A person who sells a dog to a laboratory must:

(1) maintain the bill of sale for the dog; and

(2) allow a law enforcement officer to inspect the bill of sale;

for not less than one (1) year after the sale of the dog to a laboratory.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.11.


15-20-3-4 Inability to produce bill of sale

Sec. 4. If a person is unable to show a valid bill of sale for a dog:

(1) a laboratory may not purchase the dog; and

(2) there is a rebuttable presumption that the dog is stolen.


As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.11.


Title 14. Natural and Cultural Resources. Article 22. Fish and Wildlife. Chapter 11. Licenses and Permits; General Provisions.

14-22-11-1 License; requirement; conditions

Sec. 1. (a) As used in this section, “farmland” means agricultural land that is:

(1) devoted or best adaptable for the production of crops, fruits, timber, and the raising of livestock; or

(2) assessed as agricultural land for property tax purposes.

(b) An individual may not take or chase, with or without dogs, a wild animal without having a license, except as follows:

(1) An individual who is a resident or nonresident of Indiana while participating in a field trial that has been sanctioned by the director is not required to possess a license while participating in the trial.

(2) Subject to subsection (d), an owner of farmland located in Indiana who is a resident or nonresident of Indiana and the spouse and children living with the owner may hunt, fish, and trap without a license on the land that the owner owns.

(3) A lessee of farmland who farms that land and is a resident of Indiana and the spouse and children living with the lessee may hunt, fish, and trap without a license on the leased land. This subdivision does not apply to land that is:

(A) owned, leased, or controlled by; and

(B) leased from;

 the department.

(4) An individual who:

(A) is less than thirteen (13) years of age;

(B) does not possess a bow or firearm; and

(C) is accompanying an individual who:

(i) is at least eighteen (18) years of age; and

(ii) holds a valid license;

 may chase a wild animal without having a license.

(5) The manager of a public use airport (as defined by 49 U.S.C. 47102(22)), or the manager's designee, may chase or take at any time, without a license, a:

(A) white-tailed deer, except by trapping;

(B) coyote;

(C) wild turkey, except by trapping; or

(D) migratory bird;

 that poses a threat to aircraft within the airport operations area.

(c) The exceptions provided in this section do not apply to a commercial license issued under this article.

(d) The right of a nonresident who owns farmland in Indiana (and of the spouse and children who reside with the nonresident) to hunt, fish, and trap on the farmland without a license under subsection (b)(2) is subject to the following conditions:

(1) The nonresident may hunt, fish, and trap on the farmland without a license only if the state in which the nonresident resides allows residents of Indiana who own land in that state to hunt, fish, and trap on their land without a license.

(2) While hunting, fishing, or trapping on the farmland, the nonresident must keep proof that the nonresident owns the farmland (for example, a tax receipt identifying the nonresident as owner) in a place where the proof is readily accessible by the nonresident.

(e) The manager of a public use airport (as defined by 49 U.S.C. 47102(22)), or the manager's designee, shall report annually to the department the following:

(1) The number of animals killed under subsection (b)(5) by species.

(2) The date the animal was taken.

(3) The name and address of the person who took the animal, other than a migratory bird.

(4) The disposition of the animal.

(5) The name and address of the person to whom the animal was given as a gift or donated (if applicable).

A copy of the report must be kept at the public use airport (as defined by 49 U.S.C. 47102(22)) and be available upon request to an employee of the department. White-tailed deer and wild turkeys must be tagged or accompanied by a piece of paper that includes the name and address of the person who took the deer or wild turkey, the date the deer or wild turkey was taken, and the location where the deer or wild turkey was taken before processing of the deer or wild turkey begins. However, it is not a violation of this subsection if the manager of a public use airport (as defined by 49 U.S.C. 47102(22)), or the manager's designee, fails to submit an annual report under this subsection, as long as the manager of a public use airport (as defined by 49 U.S.C. 47102(22)), or the manager's designee, provides the relevant information requested by the department not later than fourteen (14) calendar days after receiving a request from the department. If the manager of a public use airport (as defined by 49 U.S.C. 47102(22)) or the manager's designee does not provide the information requested by the department within the required fourteen (14) day period, the manager of the public use airport (as defined by 49 U.S.C. 47102(22)) and any designee of the manager are required to obtain a permit from the department to chase or take a wild animal during the following calendar year.


As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.15. Amended by P.L.139-1997, SEC.1; P.L.25-1998, SEC.1; P.L.186-2003, SEC.60; P.L.194-2014, SEC.1, eff. July 1, 2014; P.L.111-2016, SEC.19, eff. July 1, 2016.


Title 14. Natural and Cultural Resources. Article 8. General Provisions and Definitions. Chapter 2. Definitions

14-8-2-89 “Field trial”

  Sec. 89. “Field trial”, for purposes of IC 14-22, means a trial of sporting dogs under field conditions where dogs chase or pursue wild animals under specified rules of national or regional recognized hunting dog associations approved by the director.


As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.





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