Connecticut General Statutes 1902: Sections 2807-2816

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Primary Citation:  Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 2807 - 2816 (1902) Country of Origin:  United States Date Adopted:  Historical: 

Summary: The 1902 General Statutes of Connecticut sections 2807-2816 cover the following topics: definition of an animal, powers of an agent from humane society, and funding of the humane society.






2807.   Agent of humane society may prevent cruelty to animals .

2808.    Disposition of animal or vehicle of person arrested .

2809.   Agent may care for abused animal.  Expenses .

2810.   Cost of care of neglected animal, how defrayed by sale .

2811.   When agent may kill animal in his charge .

2812.    Proceedings of agent in case of glanders .

2813.    Definition.  Expenses.  Disinfection .

2814.   Officers and agents to have certificates or badges .

2815.    "Animal" defined .

2816.   Annual payment to society from state treasury .


Section 2807.  Agent of humane society may prevent cruelty to animals .  Any officer or agent of the Connecticut humane society may lawfully interfere to prevent the perpetration of any act of cruelty upon any animal in his presence, and every person who shall interfere with or obstruct or resist any such officer or agent in the discharge of his duty shall be fined not more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned not more than fifty days.

1882, ch. 86.  Rev. 1888, Section 8666.


Section 2808.  Disposition of animal or vehicle of person arrested .  When any person arrested under any provision of the laws relating to cruelty to animals is, at the time of such arrest, in charge of any vehicle drawn by or containing any animal cruelly treated, any agent of said humane society may take charge of such animal and of such vehicle and its contents, and shall give notice thereof to the owner, if known, and shall care and provide for them until their owner shall take charge of the same; provided , the owner shall take charge of them within sixty days from the date of said notice; and such agent shall have a lien on said animals and vehicle for the expenses of such care and provision.

1882, ch. 86.  Rev. 1888, Section 3667.


Section 2809.  Agent may care for abused animal.  Expenses .  Any officer or agent of said society may lawfully take charge of any animal found abandoned, neglected, or cruelly treated, and shall thereupon give notice thereof to the owner, if known, and may provide for such animal until the owner shall take charge of the same and the expenses of such care and provision shall be collectible by said society from the owner.

1887.    Rev. 1888, Section 3668.


Section 2810.  Cost of care of neglected animal, how defrayed by sale .  When said society shall provide neglected or abandoned animals with proper food, shelter, and care, it may detain such animals until the expense of such food, shelter, and care is paid, and shall have a lien upon such animals therefor; and if such expense be not paid within twenty days after such food, shelter, and care begins to be so furnished, such animals may be sold at public auction upon giving written notice to the owner of the time and place of such sale at least six days previous thereto, if the owner be known; and if he be not known, by giving notice of the time and place of such sale at least six days previous thereto in some newspaper published in the county where such animals were found.

1884.    Rev. 1888, Section 3669.


Section 2811.  When agent may kill animal in his charge .  Any agent or officer of said society may lawfully destroy, or cause to be destroyed, any animal in his charge when, in the judgement of such agent or officer and of two reputable citizens called to view the same in his presence, one of whom may be selected by the owner of said animal, if he shall so request, and who shall give their written certificate thereto, such animal appears to be injured, disabled, or diseased, past recovery, or unfit for any useful purpose.

1887.    Rev. 1888, 3670.


Section 2812.  Proceedings of agent in case of glanders .  Any duly appointed agent of the Connecticut humane society may enter upon any premises where there are any animals supposed to be infected with the disease known as glanders or farcy, and examine such animals; and such agent, at the expense of the Connecticut humane society, may call a veterinary surgeon to assist in making such examination, and if, in the opinion of said agent and surgeon, said animals or any of them are, in fact, infected with glanders or farcy, said agent shall thereupon notify, in writing, the owner or keeper of such animals, if known, that they have been examined and are believed to be so infected, and such notice shall be sufficient to charge said owner or keeper with legal knowledge of the fact; and if, within the period of forty-eight hours from the reception of said notice, said owner or keeper does not call some other veterinary surgeon to examine said animals, then the said owner or keeper shall separate said animals from contact with all other animals, excepting cattle, for a space of ten consecutive days.  If, after the expiration of said period of tend days, the owner or keeper of said animal or animals shall still refuse to call a veterinary surgeon to examine said animals, the Connecticut humane society, by its agent and veterinary surgeon, shall make a second examination, and if they still believe said animal or animals to be, in fact, then infected with glanders or farcy, they shall so report, in writing, to the Connecticut humane society, and thereupon said society shall have power to order the destruction of said animal or animals.  If the owner or keeper of said animals shall, at any time between the first notification, in writing, and the report, in writing, to said society, call a veterinary surgeon to examine said animal or animals, then if the veterinarian called by the said society and the veterinarian called by the owner or keeper cannot agree, they shall call a third veterinary surgeon, and a majority of the three so called shall determine the question as to whether said animal or animals are so infected, or not.  If it is determined that said animal or animals are so infected, they shall be destroyed by said society, and the expense of burial of said animal or animals shall be paid by the owner.

1887. Rev. 1888, Section 3671.  1897, ch. 211, Section 1.


Section 2813.  Definition.  Expenses.  Disinfection .  The term "veterinary surgeon" as used in Section 2812 shall mean a veterinary practitioner who is the regular graduate of, and holds a diploma from, some duly authorized and incorporated veterinary college, and who shall have practiced in the state of Connecticut at least two years continuously next before said examination.  The expenses of the veterinary surgeon called in by the owner of such animals, as provided in said section, shall be paid by the owner, but the state shall pay a reasonable sum for the services and expenses of said third veterinary surgeon.  The owner or keeper of any animal found to be suffering with glanders or farcy shall immediately disinfect the stalls or buildings in which said animal has been kept and the harness used upon said animal.

1897, ch. 211, Sections 2, 3, 4.


Section 2814.  Officers and agents to have certificates or badges .  Officers and agents of said society shall be provided by said society with certificates that they are such officers, or agents, in such form as the directors of said society may choose, or with badges bearing the name or seal of said society, and shall, if requested, show such certificates, or badges, when acting officially.

1882, 1883.  Rev.  1888, Section 3673.


Section 2815.  "Animal" defined .  The terms "animals" and "animal" as used in this chapter, and in Sections 1331, 1334, and 1335, shall include all brute creatures and birds.

1874.    Rev. 1888, Section 3674.


Section 2816.  Annual payment to society from state treasury .  A sum not exceeding two thousand dollars shall be annually paid from the state treasury to the Connecticut humane society.

1887.    Rev. 1888, Section 3675.  1897, ch. 173.



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