Judy Taylor v. Lisa Burgess, Jeff Burgess, Eugene Jackson, Kenny Randolph

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Case Citation:  44 S.W.3d 806, 91 A.L.R.5th 749 (Ky. 2001) Year Case Filed:  Jurisdiction Level:  Kentucky Drafting Attorney:  Katie Marie Brophy


Documents:  pbuskypldtaylor.pdf pbuskyamctaylor.pdf pbusky2amctaylor.pdf pbuskyreptaylor.pdf pbuskybrftaylor.pdf pbuskyaprtaylor.pdf pbuskyaprtaylor2.pdf pbuskyaprtaylor3.pdf pbuskyaprtaylor4.pdf pbuskypettaylor.pdf pbuskymrvtaylor.pdf

Taylor v. Burgess is an excellent case to get an idea of the full chronology of a civil case.  Additionally, it is a landmark case in Kentucky.  Currently, Kentucky is one of the few states that allows non-economic damages for the loss of an animal. 

Judy Taylor, a disabled woman, owned two horses.  As her muscular dystrophy progressed, she became unable to care for her beloved horses.  Judy placed her horses with a couple who promised to care for them in exchange for the opportunity to ride them (common in the horse trade).  The couple immediately sold the horses to the slaughter industry.  Judy Taylor successfully sued for non-economic damages.

Burgess v. Taylor , 44 S.W.3d 806 (2001) (Complete published case).



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