Quick Index of Pleadings Topics

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Rebecca F. Wisch Place of Publication:  Michigan State University College of Law Publish Year:  Primary Citation:  Animal Legal & Historical Center

Summary: This alphabetical topical index provides links to the summaries of various pleadings. You may then click on the case name, which will bring you to a summary and listing of the available pleading documents for that specific case.


(For a more detailed outline of topics, please click here .)

APA/APHIS - ALDF v. Veneman , Fund for Animals v. BLM

Arbitration Awards - Hane v. James

Boarding Facilities - Shumate v. Mouraux

Cat - Rappaport v. McElroy ; Wysotski v. Air Canada , CVMA v. City of West Hollywood , Womack v. Von Rardon , Cat Champion v. Primrose

Chickens - Levine v. Johanns

Civil Rights (1983) Actions - Andrews v. City of West Branch

Circus/Use of Entertainment Animals  - ASPCA v. Ringling Bros. , ALDF v. Yost

Cockfighting Powers v. Tincher

Cruelty - Center for Animal Law and Advocacy v. Bryon F. Maggard ; Shumate v. Mouraux ; Hammer v. AKC ; ASPCA v. Ringling Bros. , CVMA v. City of West Hollywood , ALDF v. Yost , Richardson v. Primarily Primates , Womack v. Von Rardon , People v. Sitors

Custody of Pets/Agreements - DeSanctis v. Hurley Pritchard

Damages (Pet)  - Grizzel v. Hickey ; Lewis v. DiDonna ; Skaggs v. Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. and 21 st Century Pets ; Rappaport v. McElroy ; Stein v. Prince ; Wysotski v. Air Canada , Harrington v. Hovanec , Sandle v. Davis , Seagrave v. Atzet , Womack v. Von Rardon , Valpiani v. Reising , Long v. Lewis , Everette v. Highlands Bird & Pet Clinic        

Dangerous Dogs/Animals - Wilson v. City of St. Louis

Divorce Agreements - DeSanctis v. Hurley Pritchard

Dogs Putnam County Humane Society v. Marjorie Duso d/b/a Oakwood Kennels ; Center for Animal Law and Advocacy v. Maggard ; Grizzel v. Hickey .; Lewis v. Al DiDonna, Pharmacist ; Skaggs v. Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. and 21 st Century Pets ; Shumate v. Mouraux ; Wilson v. City of St. Louis ; Stein v. Prince ; Hammer v. AKC , Harrington v. Hovanec , Sandle v. Davis , Seagrave v. Atzet , Toledo v. Tellings , Mansour v. King County        

Due Process - Wilson v. City of St. Louis , Mansour v. King County

Elephants   - ASPCA v. Ringling Bros.

Endangered Species/ESA - ALDF v. Veneman , Viva! v. Adidas

Exotic Pets - Rappaport v. McElroy

Farming/Food Production  – Powers v. Tincher , Levine v. Johanns , Viva! v. Adidas

Horse - In re Estate of Howard Brand , Fund for Animals v. BLM , People v. Sitors

Humane Slaughter - Levine v. Johanns

Humane Societies - Putnam County Humane Society v. Marjorie Duso d/b/a Oakwood Kennels

Impoundment - Wilson v. City of St. Louis , Toledo v. Tellings , Mansour v. King County

Intervenor - In re Estate of Howard Brand

Kennels - Putnam County Humane Society v. Marjorie Duso d/b/a Oakwood Kennels ; Shumate v. Mouraux , N.E. Georgia Pet Rescue v. Elbert County

Neglect - Putnam County Humane Society v. Marjorie Duso d/b/a Oakwood Kennels , People v. Sitors , Cat Champion v. Primrose

Nuisance Powers v. Tincher

Negligence - Shumate v. Mouraux ; Wysotski v. Air Canada

Ordinance-Municipal - CVMA v. City of West Hollywood , Toledo v. Tellings , Mansour v. King County , N.E. Georgia Pet Rescue v. Elbert County

Primates - ALDF v. Venman , ALDF v. Yost , Richardson v. Primarily Primates

Product Liability - Skaggs v. Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. and 21 st Century Pets

Punitive Damages - Lewis v. Al DiDonna, Pharmacist ; Skaggs v. Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. and 21 st Century Pets

Research Animals - Grizzel v. Hickey

Shooting of Pets - Harrington v. Hovanec , Sandle v. Davis , Seagrave v. Atzet , Andrews v. City of West Branch

Theft - Grizzel v. Hickey

Veterinary Malpractice - Lewis v. Al DiDonna, Pharmacist ; Rappaport v. McElroy ; Stein v. Prince , Valpiani v. Reising

Waiver - Shumate v. Mouraux

Wills and Trusts - In re Estate of Howard Brand


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