State Endangered Species Chart

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Ryan Pellerito (updated by Rebecca Wisch) Place of Publication:  Michigan State University College of Law Publish Year:  Primary Citation:  Animal Legal & Historical Center Country of Origin:  United States

Summary: This chart provides a link to each state agency responsible for enforcement of state endangered species laws. It also lists a summary of the criteria under the state statutes, the statutory citation, and a link to the US Fish & Wildlife Service's Threatened & Endangered Species System (TESS) database of listed species.


Purpose of the ESA Chart

The purpose of the chart below is to provide readers with a quick research guide for state endangered species acts. The chart is broken down columns that provide information regarding state agencies, listing criteria, prohibited acts, penalties, habitat protection, unique provisions, and the current number of endangered animal species. Each state abbreviation is a link to the state's endangered species laws (note that four states (AL, ND, WV, and WY do not have any related laws)). Another purpose of the chart is to allow a user to compare one state’s endangered species act to another. The chart is not an end all resource; it is designed to aim someone in the right direction. It is to be used with other aspects of the Animal Legal and Historical Center website including the Map of State Endangered Species Laws and the Topic Page for the Federal Endangered Species Act



(Link to Law)

Agency and Link

List Criteria

Illegal Acts


Habitat Protection

Unique Provisions

Number of Animals Listed and link to USFWS TESS database



Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 







99 listings



AL species list







Department of Fish and Game


Destruction, drastic modification, severe curtailment of habitat; over-utilization for commercial or sporting purposes; disease or predation; other natural or man-made factors

Harvest, capture, or propagated injures, imports, exports


16.20.185 - Land currently under jurisdiction


13 listings


AK species list






Arizona Game & Fish

A native Arizona species wildlife whose population has been reduced due to any cause whatsoever to such levels that it is in imminent danger of elimination

Penalties for illegally taking, wounding, killing, or possessing

For each endangered species or trophy animal  unlawfully taken results in $8000 fine



 37 listings


AZ species list






Game and Fish Commission





15-45-304 - Purchase of land for habitat


24 listings


AR species list






Resources Agency Department of Fish and Game


Petition includes population trend, range, distribution, abundance, life history of a species, ability of a species to survive and reproduce

Import, export, sell, purchase, take, possess


Cooperative programs under CA Fish & G 2086

Accidental take provision for farms and ranches (CA Fish & G 2087)

130 listings


CA species list






Division of Wildlife


Population, distribution, habitat needs, limiting factors, and other biological and ecological data

Taking, possession, transportation, exportation, processing, sale or offering for sale, or shipment


The division shall establish such programs including acquisition of land or aquatic habitat

Reintroduction of species

18 listings


CO species list






Department of Environmental Protection


Destruction or modification, of habitat; over-utilization; disease, predation or competition; the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; other man-made or natural factors

Take, sell, offer for sale, transport, export

Violation of act fined not more than $1000 or imprisoned not more than 6 months or both

The commissioner may acquire for and on behalf of the state, essential habitat, or interests therein

An employer who encourages employees to take endangered species can be fined not more than $10000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year or both

18 listings


CT species list






Division of Fish and Wildlife



Import, transport, possess, sell, offer for sale

Class A Environmental Misdemeanor


7 Del. C.s 602 sale of skins, bodies of certain animals (i.e., polar bear, leopard, red wolf, etc.) prohibited

17 listings


DE species list






Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission


Modification, or loss of habitat; over-utilization for commercial, educational or sporting purposes; disease; predation; inadequate regulatory mechanisms; or other natural or man-made factors

Intentionally kill or wound or intentionally destroy eggs or nest of listed fish or wildlife

Felony of the 3rd degree;
not more than $5000 fine and not more than 5 years imprisonment


Endangered and threatened
Species Reward Program (FL ST 372.03)

59 listings


FL species list






Department of Natural Resources


Based on department inventory of species found to be rare, unusual or in danger of extinction





49 listings


GA species list






Department of Land & Natural Resources - Division of Forestry and Wildlife


Destruction, modification,or curtailment of habitat;
over-utilization for commercial, sporting or educational purposes;
disease or predation; inadequate regulatory mechanisms;
other natural or artificial factors

Sell, take, offer for sale, deliver, carry, ship, transport or export


1st offense:  fine of $250/up to 1 year imprisonment


2nd offense or subsequent offense w/in 5 years $500/up to 1 year imprisonment


Also, fines of $5000 - 10,000 where acts are intentional or reckless

HI ST 195D-21 - Habitat Conservation Plans

Landowner incentive program ( HI ST 195D-23)

71 listings


HI species list






Department of Fish and Game






Delisting Advisory Team

18 listings


ID species list






Department of Natural Resources; Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board


Destruction, diminution or disturbance of habitat; over-exploitation; predation, pollution or disease; or other manmade or natural factors

Take, transport, possess, sell, offer for sale, give, or otherwise dispose of ; deliver, receive, carry, transport or ship

Class A misdemeanor

IL ST CH 520 10/11 - Acquisition of essential habitat as part of Conservation Program

Forfeiture of any goods from endangered species subject to seizure (IL ST CH 520  10/8)

27 listings


IL species list






Division of Fish and Wildlife


Destruction, drastic modification, severe curtailment of habitat; over-utilization for commercial or sporting purposes; disease, pollution, or predation; other man-made or natural factors

Take, possess, export/import, transport, use, sell or offer to sell, process, or ship

Class A misdemeanor


IC 14-22-34-16

removal, capture or destruction of endangered species upon good cause to alleviate damage to property or protect human life

27 listings


IN species list






Department of Natural Resources


Population, distribution, habitat needs, limiting factors, and other biological and ecological data

Take, possess, transport,  import, export, process, sell or offer to sell, buy or offer to buy, or transport

Simple misdemeanor

IA ST 481B.4 - Acquisition of habitat

Endangered species may be removed or destroyed if a danger to human life or to reduce damage to property (IA ST 481B.8)

14 listings


IA species list






Department of Wildlife and Parks


Present or threatened destruction, modification or disturbance of habitat; over-utilization; predation; disease; or other manmade or natural factors

Export, possess, sell, process, offer for sale, deliver, carry, transport or ship


The secretary shall establish such programs, including acquisition of land or aquatic habitat

Threatened or endangered species may be captured or destroyed without a permit by any person in an emergency situation involving an immediate and demonstrable threat to human life.

13 listings


KS species list






Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources



Import, transport, possess, sell, process, offer for sale

Fine of $100 - $500 and imprisonment of not more than 6 mo. or both



33 listings


KY species list






Department of Wildlife and Fisheries


Destruction, modification or curtailment of its habitat or range; overutilization; disease or predation; the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or other natural or man-made factors

Taking, possessing, transporting, exporting, processing, selling or offering for sale

Class six violation

The commission may establish such programs, including acquisition of land or aquatic habitat


26 listings


LA species list



Dept. of Inland Fishiers and Wildlife



Destruction, modification, curtailment of habitat; over-utilization for commercial, sporting or educational use; disease or predation; inadequacy of regulatory mechanisms; other man-made or natural factors affecting existence

Import, export, hunt, take, trap, possess, possess, sell, offer to sell, deliver, carry, transport, ship, feed, set bait, harass,

Class D or E crime depending on activity and whether done negligently or intentionally

The commissioner may establish  programs as are necessary 

including the acquisition of land or aquatic habitat

 In the event of a violation of this subchapter,  the Attorney General may institute injunctive proceedings to enjoin any further violation

 13 listings


ME species list






Department of Natural Resources


Destruction, modification, curtailment of habitat; over-utilization for commercial, sporting or educational use; disease or predation; inadequacy of regulatory mechanisms; other man-made or natural factors affecting existence

Take, transport, export, process, sell, offer for sale, or ship

Violation of act is a fine of not more than $1000 or imprisonment of not more than 1 year or both

The Secretary shall establish programs, including acquisition of land or aquatic habitat


21 listings


MD species list






Division of Fisheries and Wildlife


The current and foreseeable threats to the population or its habitat; the size of the population; the potential benefits of designation; and current and foreseeable uses of the land.

Take, possess, transport, export, process, sell or offer for sale, buy or offer to buy

Taking/possession:  fine not less than $500 dollars, or imprisonment for not more than 90 days or both; 2nd offense fined not less than $5000 and not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for 180 days or both

The director shall designate significant habitats of endangered or threatened species populations


22 listings

MA species list






Department of Natural Resources
Division of Wildlife


Population, distribution, habitat needs, limiting factors, other biological and ecological data

Take, possess, transport, import, export, process, sell, offer for sale, buy, offer to buy, receive

Misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment not more than 90 days, fine not more than $1000 or less than $100, or both

The department may establish programs, including acquisition of land or aquatic habitat

Carnivorous animals found on the state list may be removed, captured, or destroyed  in emergency situations involving an immediate threat to human life

15 listings

MI species list



Department of Natural Resources



Take, import, transport, or sell, or sell or possess with intent to sell an article made from the parts of a wild animal


MN ST 84.944 - Acquisition of critical habitat

MN ST 97A.245 - Reward for information leading to conviction for endangered species offense.

11 listings


MN species list






Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks (list only - pdf file)


Destruction or modification of habitat; over-utilization; disease, pollution, or predation; or other natural or man-made factors

Take, possess, transport, export, process, sell or offer for sale or ship, and for any common or contract carrier knowingly to transport or receive for shipment

Fined $1000 or imprisoned not more than one year or both

MS ST 49-5-111 Habitat acquisition

Equipment, merchandise, wildlife, or records seized shall be held pending disposition of court proceedings, and may be forfeited to the state

38 listings


MS species list






Department of Conservation



Importing, transporting, selling, or possession of animals or plants

Class B Misdemeanor



20 listings


MO species list






Fish, Wildlife & Parks


Destruction/ drastic modification, of habitat; overutilization; disease, pollution, or predation; other natural or artificial factors

Take, possess, transport, export, process, sell or offer for sale or ship.

Violation is a misdemeanor:
1st conviction $250;
2nd conviction: $500 or 30 days in jail or both;
3 or more: fined not less than $500 nor more than $1000 and jailed not for more than 6 months

The director shall establish such programs, including acquisition of land or aquatic habitat


11 listings


MT species list






Nongame and Endangered Species Program


Destruction,  modification, severe curtailment of habitat; over-utilization; disease or predation; other man-made or natural factors

Take, possess, process, sell or offer for sale, deliver, carry, transport, ship, or export

Class I misdemeanor

NE ST 37-807 - The commission shall establish such programs, including acquisition of land or aquatic habitat or interests therein

The Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act shall not be construed to apply retroactively to or prohibit importation into this state of wildlife or wild plants which may be lawfully imported into the United States or lawfully taken and removed from another state

12 listings


NE species list






Department of Natural Resources


Overexploitation, disease or other factors or its habitat is threatened with destruction, drastic modification or severe curtailment




NV ST 503.586 - Translocation or destruction of endangered species found to be destructive

28 listings


NV species list






Fish and Game Department


Destruction, modification or curtailment of its habitat or range; overutilization; disease or predation; other natural or man-made factors. However, no species shall be determined as endangered or threatened based solely on rarity of the species

Export, process, take, possess, deliver, carry, transport, ship, sell or offer to sell



Seizure and forfeiture of wildlife, equipment, records or merchandise seized in enforcement of this act

11 listings


NH species list






Department of Environmental Protection


Destruction, drastic modification, severe curtailment of habitat; over-utilization for commercial or sporting purposes; disease or predation; other man-made or natural factors

Take, possess, transport, export, process, sell or offer for sale, or ship, and no common or contract carrier shall knowingly transport or receive for shipment

23:2A-10 amended in 2008 - provides an extensive civil and criminal penalty scheme (max. $25,000 per day civil administrative penalty)


Department may institute a civil action for an injunction

19 listings


NJ species list






Department of Game and Fish


Destruction, drastic modification, severe curtailment of habitat; over-utilization for commercial or sporting purposes; disease or predation; other man-made or natural factors

Take, possess, transport, export, process, sell or offer for sale or ship

Misdemeanor, fined one $1000 or imprisoned for not less than 30 days nor more than one year or both

17-2-42 - The director shall establish such programs, including programs for research and the acquisition of land or aquatic habitat

17-2-46 -Conservation officers under the direction of the director may establish checking stations at points along established roads as needed.

32 listings


NM species list



Dept. of Environmental Conservation


Species seriously threatened with extinction; species on federal ESA list

Take, import, possess, transport, sell




 23 Listings


NY Species List






Wildlife Resources Commission


Whether any other state or federal agency or private entity is taking steps to protect the species; destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat; over-utilization;  disease, predation, or other mortality factors; whether alternative regulatory mechanisms exist; and the existence of other man-made factors

Take, possess, transport, sell, barter, trade, exchange, export, or offer for sale, barter, trade, exchange or export, or give away for any purpose

Class 1 misdemeanor

The Advisory Committee may recommend critical habitat areas for protection or acquisition


36 listings


NC species list


Fish and Game Department







 8 listings


ND Species List






Department of Natural Resources



Taking or possession of native wildlife, or any eggs or offspring

Misdemeanor of the 1st degree



24 listings


OH species list






Department of Wildlife Conservation



Possess, hunt, chase, harass, capture, shoot at, wound, kill, or attempt to take, trap

Violators shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1000 or jailed not more than 30 days or both



18 listings


OK species list






Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Division


The natural reproductive potential is in danger due to limited population numbers, disease, predation or other natural or human actions; most populations have imminent/active deterioration of their range or primary habitat; over-utilization; existing state or federal programs inadequate to protect the species or  habitat

Take, import, export, transport, purchase or sell, or attempt to take, import, export, transport, purchase or sell

Class A misdemeanor



42 listings


OR species list






Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources



Possess, transport, capture or kill, or attempt, aid, abet or conspire to capture or kill; buy, sell, barter or exchange, or to offer for sale or barter, or to have in possession for sale or barter, or to aid, abet or conspire in the possession, sale, barter or exchange, or to give away

Misdemeanor of the 3rd or 2nd degree and replacement costs



18 listings


PA species list






Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management



Buy, sell, offer for sale, store, transport, import, export, or otherwise traffic

Violator of this act shall be fined no less than $500 nor more than $1000 or imprisoned for no more than 1 year or both


20-37-4 - forfeiture provision

15 Listings


RI species list






Department of Natural Resources


Destruction, drastic modification, severe curtailment of habitat; over-utilization for commercial or sporting purposes; disease or predation; other man-made or natural factors

Take, possess, transport, export, process, sell or offer for sale or ship

Misdemeanor:  fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 6 months or both and is ordered to pay restitution (2008 amend.)

The department shall promulgate regulations addressing criteria for designating land as certified management area for endangered species


23 listings


SC species list






Department of Game, Fish and Parks


Population, distribution, habitat needs, limiting factors, and other biological and ecological data

Take, possess, transport, import, export, process, sell or offer for sale, buy or offer to buy, nor may a common or contract carrier transport or receive for shipment

Class 2 misdemeanor


34A-8-13 Legislative Approval for reintroduction of species

10 listings


SD species list






Wildlife Resources Agency


Destruction, drastic modification, severe curtailment of habitat; over-utilization for commercial or sporting purposes; disease or predation; other man-made or natural factors

Take, attempt to take, possess, transport, export, process, sell or offer for sale or ship

Class B misdemeanor

The executive director shall establish such programs, including acquisition of land or aquatic habitat


69 listings


TN species list






Parks and Wildlife Department


Destruction, drastic modification, or severe curtailment of its habitat; its overutilization for commercial or sporting purposes; disease or predation; or other natural or man-made factors.

Capture, trap, take, or kill, or attempt to capture, trap, take, or kill


possess, sell, distribute, or offer or advertise for sale

1st offense class C Misdemeanor;
2nd offense class B Misdemeanor;
3rd offense class A Misdemeanor


Three or more persons may petition the department to add or delete species of fish or wildlife from the statewide extinction list.

65 listings


TX species list






State of Utah Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources



Take or permit his dog to take:
- protected wildlife or their parts (nest, eggs, etc.);
- transport, ship, or cause to be shipped
- sell or purchase

- possess unaccompanied by a valid license, etc.

Class B misdemeanor



18 listings


UT species list






Department of Fish and Wildlife


Destruction, drastic modification, or severe curtailment of its habitat; its overutilization for commercial or sporting purposes; disease or predation; or other natural or man-made factors.

Take, possess,or transport

Fined not more than $1000 for the 1st offense and for subsequent offenses not less than $500 nor not more than $1000


Seizure of species and transfer to a zoological, botanical, educational or scientific institutions

 8 listings


VT species list






Department of Game and Inland Fisheries



Taking, transportation, possession, sale, or offer for sale

Class 1 misdemeanor



51 listings


VA species list






Department of Natural Resources



Hunts, fishes, possesses, maliciously harasses or kills, maliciously destroys the nests or eggs  

1st violation is 2nd degree gross misdemeanor; 2nd violation is a class C felony if occurs within five years of the date of the prior conviction.


If convicted of class C felony, the department shall revoke any licenses or tags used in connection with the crime and order the person's privileges to hunt, fish, trap, or obtain licenses under this title to be suspended for two years.

 35 listings


WA species list



Division of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources







17 listings


WV species list






Department of Natural Resources


Wild Animals facing extirpation based upon the best scientific and commercial data available

Take, transport, possess, process or sell

Violation for wild animals fined not less than $500 nor more than $2000; 


Intentional violation , fined not less $2000 nor more than $5000 or imprisoned for not more than 9 months or both. 


The court shall order the revocation of all hunting approvals issued to the person under this chapter and shall prohibit the issuance of any new hunting approvals under this chapter for one year (if intentional violation, 3 year revocation)

11 listings


WI species list



Game and Fish Department







15 listings


WY species list






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