The Regulation and Protection of Animals Kept for Companionship: A Critical Analysis and Comparative Perspective (Table of Statutes)

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Lorraine Poole Place of Publication:  University of Malta Publish Year:  Primary Citation:  Faculty of Laws, University of Malta Country of Origin:  Malta

Summary: This Table of Statutes accompanies the thesis from Malta entitled, "The Regulation and Protection of Animals Kept for Companionship: A Critical Analysis and Comparative Perspective."



Primary Legislation

Chapter 9          Criminal Code

Chapter 10        Code of Police Laws

Chapter 16        Civil Code

Chapter 312      Dogs Act

Chapter 439      Animal Welfare Act


Subsidiary Legislation

Gov. Notice 194 of 1921          Report of Animals to the Police Regulations

Legal Notice 31 of 1960            Bathing of Animals Regulations  

Legal Notice 59 of 1998            Importation of Dogs and Cats Regulations

Legal Notice 242 of 2000          Control of Dogs Regulations

Legal Notice 169 of 2001          Pet Travel Scheme Regulations



Codice Civile Italiano

Codice Penale Italiano


United Kingdom

Animal Welfare Act 2006


Community Measures

Council Decision 1999/468/EC

Commission Decision 2003/803/EC

Commission Decision 2004/824/EC

Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council No 998/2003

Commission Regulation (EC) No 245/2007


[Table of Treaties]



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