Art. 1 - All existing animals in the country sno wards of the state.
Art. 2 ... (Bs article on penalties) *
§ 3 The serno animal assisted in court by representatives of
Prosecutors, their legal substitutes and members of societies
protective animals.
Art. 3 - are considered abuse:
I - acts of abuse or cruelty in any animal;
II - keeping animals in anti-higiLnicos places or to prevent them
respiraçno, motion or rest, or deprive of air or light;
III - forcing animals to excessive or their top jobs Bs
forces and any act that results in suffering for their efforts to obtain,
reasonably Nfrom if they may require senno with punishment;
IV - strike, injure, maim or voluntarily, or any órgno
tissue economy, except castraçno only to domestic animals, or operaçtes
others practiced in unique animal benefit and those required for defense
man, or in the interest of ciLncia;
V - abandon sick, injured, exhausted or mutilated animal, and
help teach you everything humanely if you can provide,
including veterinary assistLncia;
VI - Nfrom give quick death, free from prolonged suffering at all
animal whose death is necessary for the consumer or Nfrom;
VII - slaughtered for consumption or do work animals in times
Early gestaçno;
VIII - tow, the same vehicle, agricultural or industrial instrument
cattle with horses, mules or donkeys with, being only allowed
work together to animals of the same species;
IX - animals tow vehicles without the necessary accoutrements as
are rockers, hooks and spears or incomplete harness, uncomfortable or
poor condition, or addition of accessory that molest them or
disturb the functioning of the organism;
X - use blind pet service, wounded, sick, weak, exhausted
or unshod, and this latter case applies only locality B
with cobbled streets;
XI - whip, strike or punish in any way to an animal, fallen
under the vehicle or with him, with the driver desprendL shot to
get up;
XII - down hills with traçno animal vehicles without the utilizaçno
its locks, whose use is mandatory;
XIII - fail to coat with leather or material quality idLntica
PROTECNO of the chains tied to shooting animals;
XIV - lead traçno animal vehicle, driven by a seated driver,
without it, and has fixed cab harnesses with appropriate shears, pointed
guide and boom;
XV - hold animals behind Bs vehicles or knotted tails of others;
XVI - make traveling an animal walk more than 10 kilometers, without giving
rest, or work more than 6 continuous hours without giving him food and water;
XVII - store embedded animals for more than 12 hours without water and
food, should provide transport companies, on the necessary
modificaçtes in your material, within 12 months from the publication do
this law;
XVIII - driving animal, by any means locomoçno, placed
head down, MNOs or bound feet, or ... (impossible to visualize,
as well as paragraphs XIX, XX and XXI);
XXII - have closed along with other animals that terrorize
or harass;
XXIII - have animals for sale in B sites that bring together the Nfrom
condiçtes hygiene and for convenience;
XXIV - to explain the markets and other sales points for more than 12
hours, caged birds, without making these proper cleaning and water renovaçno
and food;
XXV - fat birds mechanically;
XXVI - pelt or plucking live animals or hand them alive B
alimentaçno other;
XXVII - minister teaching the animals with physical abuse;
XXVIII - practice shooting on ducks or any animal
wild, except for pigeons in societies, hunting clubs, enrolled in the Service
Hunting and Fishing;
XXIX - perform or promote fights between animals of the same species or
different species, bullfighting or mock bullfights still even in place
XXX - throw birds and other animals in entertainment venues and display them
to take sorts or perform stunts;
XXXI - transport, trade or hunt at any time of year, birds
insectivorous, songbirds, hummingbirds, and other small birds
size, exceçno made of autorizaçtes for scientific purposes set out in
previous law;
Art. 4 - It is only allowed animal traçno vehicles or instruments
agricultural and industrial by animals of the equine species, cattle, camel and donkey.
Art. 5 - In two- traçno animal wheels is mandatory
use of struts or support fixed by hinge, both at the front, and
at the rear, in order to avoid that when the vehicle is stopped,
load weight falls on the animal and also to the effects on sense
Unlike when the load weight is in the rear of the vehicle.
Art. 6 - In cities and towns the B suit pet traçno vehicles
eardrum or other warning signs, actionable by the driver, being forbidden the use
of bells or bells attached to the harness or vehicles to
produce constant noise.
Art. 7 - The load for the vehicle for a number of animals,
should be fixed by municipalities, according whenever the state of the roads
public, the same slope, weight and type of vehicle, making
included in the permit tare and payload.
Art. 8 - are considered violent punishments, subject to double the penalties
comminated in this law, punish the animal in the head, lower abdomen or
Art. 9 - Become takes effect the penalty in any case without
loss of up to stop the mistreatment B expense of found responsible.
Art. 10 - Sno jointly and severally liable to the fine and prisno
Animal owners and that have under their custody or use, provided that consent,
their representatives, allowed Nfrom acts of this law.
Art. 11 - In any case it will be legitimate to charge the guarantee of
fine or fines, apreensno animal or vehicle or both.
Art. 12 - The serno pecuniary penalties imposed by the police or
municipal authority and serno prisno feather falls to the authorities
Art. 13 - The penalties of this law apply it to everyone who inflict
maltreatment or eliminate an animal without proving that was affected by this or
that it is wild beast or wholesale dangerous disease.
Art. 14 - The authority aware of any infraçno
this law may order the confiscation of the animal or animals, in cases of
Art. 15 - In all cases of reincidLncia or when ill-treatment
will determine the death of the animal, or produce any of mutilaçno
órgnos or its members, both a fine as a simple serno prisno
applied twice.
Art. 16 - The federal, state and municipal authorities to prestarno
members of animal protection societies to cooperaçno needed to make
compliance with this law.
Art. 17 - Animal word of this Law comprises all be
irrational, quadruped or biped, domestic or wild, except the ill.
Art. 18 - This Act shall take effect immediately, regardless of
Art. 19 - Revokes the disposiçtes otherwise;
The penalties provided for in this outdated estno law.
It is recommended to make use of Law No. 9605/98, in their entirety, to obtain data
updated in relaçno Bs penalties applied in cases mentioned here.