Wyoming Rules and Regulations. Wyoming Game and Fish Commission. Possession of Wildlife. Chapter 10. Regulation for Importation, Possession, Confinement, Transportation, Sale and Disposition of Live Wildlife. Section 5. Importation/Possession Permit Required For Live Wildlife.

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Country of Origin:  United States Citation:  WY ADC GAME POSS Ch. 10 s 3 Agency Origin:  Wyoming Game and Fish Commission Last Checked:  Last Date Amended: 

Summary: Except as exempted in this regulation (mainly common domestic animals), a permit from the Department is required prior to importation, possession, confinement, and/or transportation of any living wildlife. Any living wildlife may be transported through the state of Wyoming if the person transporting said wildlife is in possession of a valid permit for interstate transportation of live wildlife. However, wolves (Canis lupus) and/or wolf hybrids may not be possessed, imported or sold.

Section 3. Importation/Possession Permit Required For Live Wildlife

Except as exempted in this regulation, a permit from the Department is required prior to importation, possession, confinement, or transportation of any living wildlife. Any living wildlife may be transported through the state of Wyoming if the person transporting said wildlife is in possession of a valid permit for interstate transportation of live wildlife. An interstate transportation permit shall be valid as long as live wildlife are confined within the conveyance. It is a violation of this regulation to intentionally or unintentionally release within Wyoming any wildlife held under an interstate transportation permit.

(a) Importation/Possession Without Permit. The animals listed in this subsection are exempt from this regulation and may be imported, possessed, transported, or confined without securing a permit from the Department. (However, the Wyoming Livestock Board and the Wyoming Department of Agriculture should be contacted regarding their regulations.)

(i) Birds

.cage and aviary birds,

.domestic chicken (Gallus gallus),

.domesticated emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae),

.domestic greylag goose (Anser anser),

.domesticated guinea fowl (Numida meleagris),

.domestic mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) distinguished morphologically from wild mallards,

.domestic muscovy duck (Cairina moschata),

.domesticated ostrich (Struthio camelus),

.domesticated peafowl (Pavo cristatus),

.pigeons (Columba livia),

.domesticated rhea (Rhea americana and Rhea pennata),

.domestic swan goose (Anser cygnoides),

.domestic turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) distinguished morphologically from wild turkeys,

.predacious birds as defined in Wyoming Statute §23-1-101(a)(vii)

(ii) Mammals

.domesticated alpaca (Lama pacos),

.ass, burro, and donkey (Equus asinus),

.bison (Bison bison); except those classified as wild bison by the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission and the Wyoming Livestock Board,

.domesticated camel (Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius),

.cat (Felis catus),

.domestic cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus),

.domesticated chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger),

.dog (Canis familiaris),

.domestic ferret (Mustela furo),

.domesticated Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus),

.domestic goat (Capra hircus),

.domesticated guinea pig (Cavia porcellus),

.domesticated hamster (Mesocricetus auratus),

.horse and pony (Equus caballus),

.domesticated llama (Lama glama),

.domesticated mouse (Mus musculus),

.mule and hinny (Equus asinus x Equus caballus),

.domesticated European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus),

.domesticated rat (Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus),

.domestic sheep (Ovis aries), distinguished morphologically from wild sheep,

.domestic swine (Sus domesticus),

.domesticated vicuna (Vicugna vicugna),

.domesticated yak (Bos grunniens).

.predatory animals, excluding wolves and wolf hybrids, as defined in Wyoming Statute §23-1-101(a)(viii): coyote (Canis latrans), jackrabbit (Lepus townsendi and Lepus californicus), porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum), raccoon (Procyon lotor), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), skunk (Mephitis mephitis and Spilogale putorius). Wolves (Canis lupus) or wolf hybrids may not be possessed, imported or sold.

(b) Live wildlife listed in this subsection (excluding any that are endangered or threatened), may be imported, possessed, confined or transported without securing a permit from the Department under this regulation as long as wildlife are held in compliance with appropriate Commission regulations and Wyoming Statutes. A certificate of veterinary inspection shall be issued prior to live wildlife listed in this subsection being imported into the State of Wyoming, unless otherwise specified in this regulation. The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission may consider an application for importation or possession of any animals listed in this subsection that are endangered or threatened by governmental entities, or institutions of higher education for education or research, or to meet Department wildlife management goals, when a need is demonstrated by the applicant.

(i) It is a violation of this regulation to release, abandon or allow to escape any live wildlife listed in this subsection without prior written authorization from the Department, except as may be provided by Wyoming Statutes or other Commission regulations. All live wildlife released or abandoned without written authorization from the Department may be taken by Department personnel.

(A) Amphibians. All amphibians, except that the importation or possession of the Wyoming Toad (Anaxyrus baxteri) is prohibited; certificate of veterinary inspection is not required. Amphibians shall not be imported into the State for use as live fishing bait.

(B) Birds

(I) Hawks or falcons, legally imported, possessed, confined or transported under terms of Wyoming Statute §23-2-105 and Commission Regulation, Chapter 25, Falconry and Raptor Propagation Regulation; certificate of veterinary inspection is not required; and,

(II) Game birds legally imported, possessed, confined or transported under terms of Wyoming Statute §23-5-102 and Wyoming Game and Fish Commission Regulation, Chapter 40, Regulation Governing Commercial Game Bird Farms.

(C) Crustaceans and Mollusks. All crustaceans and mollusks, except that the importation or possession of crustaceans and mollusks defined as aquatic invasive species in Commission Regulation Chapter 62, Regulation for Aquatic Invasive Species is prohibited; all crustaceans and mollusks must be confined in aquariums; certificate of veterinary inspection is not required. Crustaceans and mollusks shall not be imported into the State for release into the waters of the state or for use as live bait.

(D) Fish

(I) Fish imported, possessed, or transported under terms of Wyoming Statutes relating to private fish hatcheries, private fishing preserves, live bait fish dealers, and landowner fishing lakes and ponds provided the fish are certified disease free as specified in Appendix I of this regulation and are of a species compatible with existing wildlife as determined by the Department. The fish must be accompanied by the appropriate authorization, receipt or license as required by Commission regulation.

(II) Importation or possession of diploid grass carp (Ctenopharygodon idella), and all fish defined as aquatic invasive species in Commission Regulation Chapter 62, Regulation for Aquatic Invasive Species are prohibited;

(III) Importation or possession of certified triploid grass carp (Ctenopharygodon idella) requires permit approval through Commission Regulation Chapter 49, Regulation Governing Private Fish Stocking;

(IV) Goldfish (Carassius auratus); all goldfish must be confined in aquariums; certificate of veterinary inspection is not required;

(V) Marine fish; all marine fish must be confined in aquariums; certificate of veterinary inspection is not required; and,

(VI) Tropical fish; all tropical fish must be confined in aquariums; certificate of veterinary inspection is not required.

(VII) Aquaponics; all marine and tropical fish reared in aquaponics or other artificial environments not connected to waters of the state; certificate of veterinary inspection is not required.

(E) Mammals: sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps); hedgehogs (Erinaceus spp.); and pot-bellied pigs (Sus scrofa vittatus); certificate of veterinary inspection is not required.

(F) Reptiles: all reptiles; certificate of veterinary inspection is not required. Reptiles shall not be imported into the State for use as live bait for fishing.

(G) The Department may allow the importation, possession, confinement or transportation without securing a permit under this regulation of any captive reared live wildlife that are adapted to live and breed in a cage or aquarium and that are normally sold through commercial pet stores providing the Department is satisfied that such wildlife does not threaten Wyoming's wildlife resources as listed in Section 4(b)(viii) of this regulation. The Department may require a certificate of veterinary inspection for such wildlife.

(c) Importation/Possession Permit Required. The following live wildlife may be possessed without a permit if captured in the State of Wyoming, but shall not be imported prior to securing a permit under this regulation. A permit shall be required to take wildlife listed in this section for commercial use.

(i) All wildlife approved for take without a permit or license in Commission Regulation Chapter 52, Nongame Wildlife Regulation. However, mollusks, crustaceans, reptiles and amphibians (excluding Wyoming Toad (Anaxyrus baxteri)) may be imported without a permit, except for those species defined as aquatic invasive species in Commission Regulation Chapter 62, Regulation for Aquatic Invasive Species.

(d) Wildlife Prohibited from Importation/Possession.

(i) There shall be no private ownership of big or trophy game animals or any wolf or wolf hybrid.

(ii) In addition, a permit shall not be issued for importation or possession of the following live wildlife in Wyoming:

(A) All members of the family Suidae, except those exempt in Section 3(a)(ii) and Section 3(b)(i)(E);

(B) All members of the order Rodentia from Africa, including but not limited to Tree squirrels (Heliosciurus sp.); Rope squirrels (Funisciurus sp.); Dormices (Graphiurus sp.); Gambian Giant Pouched Rats (Cricetomys sp.); Brush-tailed porcupines (Atherurus sp.); Striped mice (Hybomys sp.);

(C) All members of the family Tayassuidae;

(D) All members of the subfamily Alcelaphinae;

(E) All members of the subfamily Caprinae, except those exempt in Section 3(a)(ii);

(F) All members of the family Cervidae, except as provided for under Section 10 of this regulation;

(G) Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea);

(H) Wyoming Toad (Anaxyrus baxteri);

(I) Monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus),

(J) New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum),

(K) Quagga Mussel (Dreissena rostriformis)

(L) Red Wolf (Canis rufus),

(M) Rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus),

(N) Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo),

(O) Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) may not be imported.

(iii) The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission may consider an application for importation or possession of these animals listed in this subsection by governmental entities, or institutions of higher education for education or research or to meet Department wildlife management goals, when a need is demonstrated by the applicant.


Effective 03/26/2014


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