Oklahoma Administrative Code. Title 800. Department of Wildlife Conservation. Chapter 25. Wildlife Rules. Subchapter 38. Wildlife Rehabilitation License and Rules.

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Country of Origin:  United States Citation:  Okla. Admin. Code 800:25-38-1 to 12 Agency Origin:  Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Last Checked:  Date Adopted: 

Summary: The following Oklahoma regulations detail that a license is needed for any person who wishes to rehabilitate wildlife. A person must renew this license annually for a fee of ten (10) dollars unless that person has violated any of these provisions or was found not to be taking proper care of the animal during the animal's rehabilitation. In such a case, a person must wait a minimum of one year before that person can renew his or her license. These regulations also relieve the Department of Wildlife from liability and costs incurred by the licensee. Additionally, these regulations require a licensee to report any listed endangered or threatened species; require a record of veterinary visits; require a record of the type of species lodged at the facility; require proper facilities; and require proper release of rehabilitated animals and proper disposal of animals that cannot be rehabilitated.


800:25-38-1 . Purpose

800:25-38-2 . Licensing and Possession of Wildlife

800:25-38-3 . License Fees and Renewals

800:25-38-4 . Endangered or Threatened Wildlife and Migratory Birds

800:25-38-5 . Cats and Bears

800:25-38-6 . Veterinarian of Record

800:25-38-7 . Facility Requirements

800:25-38-8 . Confining Wildlife

800:25-38-9 . Disposition of Wildlife

800:25-38-10 . Records
800:25-38-11 . Costs and Liability
800:25-38-12 . Revocation of License


800:25-38-1. Purpose

This subchapter is designed to set forth requirements for the possession, care, and disposition of wildlife held for rehabilitation. This subchapter also sets forth the requirements for obtaining a license to rehabilitate wildlife.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07


800:25-38-2. Licensing and Possession of Wildlife

No person shall possess any injured, sick, young or other wildlife for the purpose of rehabilitation without a Wildlife Rehabilitation License issued by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. However, individuals may transport injured, sick or young wildlife, immediately upon discovery of such animal, to a person licensed to rehabilitate wildlife without this license.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07


800:25-38-3. License Fees and Renewals

The Fee for a Wildlife Rehabilitation License shall be Ten dollars ($10) annually and the license shall be valid from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. All applications, whether new or renewals, must be accompanied by a Wildlife Inspection Form completed and signed by the county Game Warden.
[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07



800:25-38-4. Endangered or Threatened Wildlife and Migratory Birds

Any person licensed for the rehabilitation of wildlife shall immediately contact the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife - Law Division or their local Game Warden when they receive any species of wildlife that is currently on the Endangered or Threatened Species List. Also no person licensed to rehabilitate wildlife may possess any migratory bird without the appropriate federal permits.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07]



800:25-38-5. Cats and Bears

No person licensed to rehabilitate wildlife may possess any cat or bear that can grow to fifty (50) pounds or more unless such person has facilities to confine such animals as described in 800:25-27-2 (f) prior to receiving any such animals.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07]



800:25-38-6. Veterinarian of Record

Any person licensed to rehabilitate wildlife, in addition to other requirements, must have a veterinarian of record and a signed agreement with that veterinarian to assist, if needed, in the care of any wildlife. This must be done prior to the license being approved.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07]



800:25-38-7. Facility Requirements

Persons applying for a Wildlife Rehabilitation License must have facilities capable of housing and caring for wildlife prior to receiving the license. This shall include cages, source of food and medical supplies (if needed) and adequate protection from the weather. Determination of adequate facilities shall be made by the county Game Warden at the time of inspection.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07]



800:25-38-8. Confining Wildlife

All animals possessed by persons licensed to rehabilitate wildlife must be at all times confined to the property described in the license application. The only exceptions are for transporting such wildlife to a veterinarian for care or transportation of wildlife to a release site.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07]



800:25-38-9. Disposition of Wildlife

All animals possessed by persons licensed to rehabilitate wildlife must be released back into the wild immediately upon the animals recovery from injuries or when the animal has reached the appropriate age for release. Wildlife may not be released on private property without the consent of the property owner. All wildlife that is unable to be rehabilitated as determined by the veterinarian of record shall be disposed of in a manner to ensure safe and effective euthanasia. Euthanasia of wildlife will be performed under the guidelines of the American Veterinary Medicine Association and shall be done within ten (10) days of the determination that the animal is unsuitable for release. No wildlife received under this section may be kept as a pet. Rare exceptions may be made only for Threatened, Endangered or Species of Concern with written approval from the Director for an approved captive breeding program.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07]



800:25-38-10. Records

All persons licensed to rehabilitate wildlife must keep records of all wildlife they possess and shall keep those records for a minimum of five (5) years. Records should indicate the species of animal, date received, reason for having animal (injured, sick or young), and the disposition of each animal (released or euthanasia) and the date such action was taken.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07]



800:25-38-11. Costs and Liability

Any person licensed to rehabilitate wildlife does so on a strictly voluntary basis. The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation will not pay for nor reimburse license holders for any cost they incur while caring for wildlife and will not be responsible for any damages, injury or expenses incurred for the care of wildlife being held under the authority of a Wildlife Rehabilitation License. The ‘Release of Responsibility’ form must be signed by the applicant before a license will be approved.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07]



800:25-38-12. Revocation of License

Any person licensed to rehabilitate wildlife that is convicted of violating any of the provisions of this section or is found to not be taking proper care of the wildlife may have their license revoked and will not be eligible to receive a renewal of their license for a minimum of one (1) year.

[Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 2471, eff 7-1-07]



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