Nevada Division of Emergency Management - Homeland Security. State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (SCEMP).

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Country of Origin:  United States Citation:  State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (SCEMP) Agency Origin:  Division of Emergency Management - Homeland Security Last Checked: 

Summary: According to the Division of Emergency Management - Homeland Security, "The objective of the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (SCEMP) is to reduce the possible consequences of an emergency by preventing loss of life and injuries; reducing damage to infrastructure, buildings, and homes; thus accelerating the resumption of normal daily life activities; and to the maximum extent possible, protect the environment." The plan contains several references to both service animals and household pets, which are excerpted below.

Link to State Disaster Law

The Division of Emergency Management - Homeland Security information is available at:



B. Planning Assumptions

1. General Planning Assumptions

Disability civil rights laws require physical accessibility of shelter facilities, effective communication using multiple methods, full access to emergency services, and modification of programs where needed. In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), evacuation shelters will offer individuals with functional needs the same benefits provided to those without functional needs. This includes safety, comfort, food, medical care, accommodation for service animals, and the support of family and care givers.

(page 13 of the plan)



2. Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management

Ensuring the SCEMP and plans of state and local governmental agencies, private organizations and other emergency management stakeholders address the needs of persons with pets, service animals, or service animals in training in accordance with NRS 414.095 and NRS 414.097.

(page 19)



N. Protective Measures

1. Evacuations

In accordance with Chapter 414, Nevada Revised Statutes, the Governor may “provide for and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area or areas within the State and to take such steps as are necessary for the receipt and care of those persons.”

To the extent practical, provisions shall be made that persons with a disability and their accompanying service animals are evacuated, transported and sheltered together during a disaster or emergency.
Further measures are to be taken to accommodate, to the extent practical, the evacuation of those persons with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities, language impairment, and/or otherwise not capable of providing their own transportation. Counties may initiate their own protective measures, such as ordering evacuations and activating public shelters, including special needs shelters and pet-friendly shelters.

State of Nevada agencies having responsibility for the reception, housing and care of patients or the incarcerated will develop plans for the evacuation and appropriate sheltering of the patients and incarcerated.

(page 49 of the plan)


4. Pets and Service Animals

In collaboration with the Nevada Department of Agriculture, NDEM will address strategies for the sheltering of persons with pets in accordance with Chapter 414 Nevada Revised Statute, as amended and the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006 (PL 109-308, October 6, 2006), an amendment to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Act of 2006 (42 U.S.C.A. § 5196), which requires governmental jurisdictions to accommodate pets and service animals in the event of an emergency. A person who uses a service animal must be allowed to bring his or her service animal into a general population or special needs shelter and has the right to be accompanied by a service animal in all areas of a public accommodation. In developing these strategies, the state will consider the following:

  • Locating pet-friendly shelters within buildings with restrooms, running water, and
    proper lighting.
  • Allowing pet owners to interact with their animals and care for them.
  • Ensuring animals are properly cared for during the emergency.

(page 50 of the plan)




Division of Animal Industries:

  • Pets are considered by many of their owners to be an intrinsic part of their household and insist they be treated accordingly.
  • Many human shelters will not accept animals unless they are service animals.
  • A disaster may cause substantial injuries, suffering or death to animals, wild and domestic.
  • An emergency or disaster will release significant numbers of otherwise confined pets and livestock requiring capture, identification, care, and feeding.
  • Disasters and emergencies increase the potential for domestic animals and wildlife to interface and contract and transmit diseases.
  • Some disaster scenarios could result in mass fatalities of animals. This situation would create a substantial public health and carcass disposal problem.
  • A terrorist incident involving the use of WMD agents(s) could contaminate large populations and species of domestic animals.

(page 180 of the plan)


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