Nevada Administrative Code. Chapter 503. Hunting, Fishing and Trapping; Miscellaneous Protective Measures. Possession, Transportation, Importation, Exportation and Release of Wildlife

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Country of Origin:  United States Citation:  NAC 503.108 - 140 Agency Origin:  Board of Wildlife Commissioners Last Checked: 

Summary: These Nevada regulations concern the restrictions on importation, transportation and possession of certain species. Under 503.110, the importation, transportation or possession of the species of live wildlife or hybrids thereof including, but not limited to, freshwater sharks, piranhas, alligators and caimans, mongooses and meerkats, coyotes, and wild dogs is prohibited. Exemptions include zoos, aquariums, limited duration entertainment or commercial photography, research or scientific use, and a tax-exempt nonprofit organization that exhibits wildlife solely for educational or scientific purposes. Some animals may be possessed, transported, imported and exported without a permit or license issued by the Department such as monkeys and other primates, elephants, all felines, except mountain lions and bobcats, and wolves, among others.

NAC 503.108 “Evidence of lawful possession” defined. (NRS 501.105, 501.181, 503.597, 504.295)

NAC 503.110 Restrictions on importation, transportation and possession of certain species. (NRS 501.105, 501.181, 503.597, 504.295)

NAC 503.115 Restriction on transportation of live game fish. (NRS 501.105, 501.181, 503.597)





NAC 503.108 “Evidence of lawful possession” defined. (NRS 501.105, 501.181, 503.597, 504.295)

As used in NAC 503.108 to 503.140, inclusive, “evidence of lawful possession” means:

1. Any license or permit issued by a wildlife agency or regulatory agency in the state or country where a species listed in NAC 503.110 originated that allows the possession of species specified therein, including viable embryos or gametes; or

2. Any other documentation establishing lawful possession, including, but not limited to, a document issued by a wildlife agency or regulatory agency of the state or country where a species listed in NAC 503.110 originated that indicates a license or permit is not required for the possession of the species specified therein.


(Added to NAC by Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs, eff. 2-28-94)


 NAC 503.110 Restrictions on importation, transportation and possession of certain species. (NRS 501.105, 501.181, 503.597, 503.650, 504.295) 

1. Except as otherwise provided in this section and NAC 504.486, the importation, transportation or possession of the following species of live wildlife or hybrids thereof, including viable embryos or gametes, is prohibited:

(a) Fish:


Common Name
Scientific Classification
All species in the family Petromyzontidae
Freshwater stingray
All species in the family Potamotrygonidae
Freshwater shark
All species in the genus Carcharhinus
Amia calva
All species in the family Lepisosteidae
Herring and shad, except threadfin shad and gizzard shad
All species in the family Clupeidae, except Dorosoma petenense and Dorosoma cepedianum
European Whitefish
All species in the genus Leuciscus
Mexican banded tetra
Astyanax mexicanus
All species in the genera Serrasalmus, Serrasalmo, Pygocentrus, Teddyella, Rooseveltiella and Pygopristis
South American Parasitic Catfish
All species in the families Cetopsidae and Trichomycteridae
White perch
Morone americana
Freshwater drum
Aplodinotus grunniens
Grass carp, except certified triploids as authorized by a special permit
Ctenopharyngodon idella
Pike top minnow
Belonesox belizanus
All species in the genera Ophicephalus and Channa
Walking catfish
All species in the genera Clarias, Heteropneustes and Dinotopterus
Tiger fish
Hoplias malabaricus
All species in the genera Apeltes, Eucalia, Gasterosteus and Pungitius
All species in the genera Tilapia and Sarotherodon
Nile perch
All species in the genera Lates and Luciolates
All species in the genus Hiodon
Hypophthalmichthys nobilis
Black (snail)
Mylopharyngodon piceus
Carassius carassius
Catla catla, Cirrhina mrigala and Labeo rohita
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
Scardinius erythrophthalmus
Northern Pike
Esox lucius
Asian swamp eel
Monopterus albus
(b) Reptiles:
Common Name
Scientific Classification
Alligators and caimans
All species in the family Alligatoridae
All species in the family Crocodylidae
Gharial (gavial)
All species in the family Gavialidae
Bird snake
All species in the genus Thelotornis
Dispholidus typus
All species in the genus Rhabdophis
Burrowing Asps
All species in the family Atractaspidae
Coral snakes, cobras, kraits, mambas and Australian elapids
All species in the family Elapidae, except species in the subfamily Hydrophiinae
Pit vipers and true vipers, except species indigenous to this State
All species in the family Viperidae, except species indigenous to this State
Snapping Turtles
All species in the family Chelydridae
(c) Amphibians:
Common Name
Scientific Classification
Clawed frogs
All species in the genus Xenopus
Giant or marine toads
Bufo horribilis, Bufo marinus and Bufo paracnemis
(d) Mammals:
Common Name
Scientific Classification
Wild Dogs or Dhole
Cuon alpinus
Raccoon Dog
Nyctereutes procyonoides
Mongooses and Meerkats
All species in the genera Atilax, Cynictis, Helogale, Mungos, Suricate, Ichneumia and Herpestes
Wild European Rabbit
Oryctolagus cuniculus
Multimammate Rat or Mouse
All species in the genus Mastomys (=Praomys)
All species in the order Chiroptera
Myocastor coypus
Canis latrans
All species in the genera Vulpes, Fennecus, Urocyon, Alopex, Lycalopex and Pseudalopex
Procyon lotor
All species in the genera Spilogale, Mephitis and Conepatus
Wild pigs and hogs
All species in the family Suidae, except domestic breeds of Sus scrofa
Axis deer
Cervus (=Axis) axis, C. porcinus, C. kuhli and C. calamianensis
Red deer, elk and wapiti
All subspecies of Cervus elaphus
Rusa deer
Cervus timorensis
Sambar deer
Cervus unicolor
Sika deer
Cervus nippon
Roe deer
Capreolus capreolus and C. pygargus
White-tailed deer
Odocoileus virginianus
Alces alces
All species in the genus Redunca
Oryx and Gemsbok
All species in the genus Oryx
Addax nasomaculatus
Blesbok, Topi and Bontebok
All species in the genus Damaliscus
All species in the genera Alcelaphus and Sigmoceros
Wildebeest and Gnus
All species in the genus Connochaetes
Rupicapra rupicapra and R. pyrenaica
All species in the genus Hemitragus
Ibex, Wild Goats, Tur and Markhor
All species in the genus Capra, except domestic goats, Capra hircus
Barbary (Aoudad) Sheep
Ammotragus lervia
Mouflon sheep, Urial, Bighorn and Argali
All species in the genus Ovis, except domestic sheep, Ovis aries
(e) Birds:
Common Name
Scientific Classification
Pink Starling or Rosy Pastor
Sturnus roseus
Red-billed Dioch
Quelea quelea
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Pycnonotus jocosus
(f) Crustaceans:
Common Name
Scientific Classification
Asiatic mitten crab
Eriocheir sinensis
All species in the families Parastacidae, Cambaridae and Astacidae, except Procambarus clarkii, Orconectes causeyi and indigenous species of the genus Pacifastacus
(g) Mollusks:
Common Name
Scientific Classification
African giant snail
Achatina fulica
Zebra and quagga mussels
All species in the genus Dreissena
New Zealand mud snail
Potamopyrgus antipodarum, P. jenkinsi

2. The headquarters of the Department and each regional office of the Department will maintain a physical description and picture of each species listed in this section when reasonably available.

3. The Department may issue a scientific permit for the collection or possession of wildlife or a commercial license for the possession of live wildlife, whichever is applicable, for the importation, transportation or possession of a species listed in this section only to:

(a) A zoo or aquarium which is an accredited institutional member of the Zoological Association of America, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums or their successors.

(b) A person who displays, exhibits or uses the species for entertainment or commercial photography, including, without limitation, motion pictures, still photography or television, if the species:

(1) Is accompanied by evidence of lawful possession;

(2) Is not in this State for more than 90 days; and

(3) Is maintained under complete control and prohibited from coming into contact with members of the general public.

If the person is displaying, exhibiting or using mammals for commercial purposes other than for food or fiber, he or she must possess the appropriate license issued by the United States Department of Agriculture.

(c) A college, university or governmental agency, for scientific or public health research.

(d) Any other scientific institution, as determined by the Department, for research or medical necessity.

(e) Any person engaged in commercial aquaculture, upon application and proof to the Department that the activity will not be detrimental to aquatic life, other wildlife or recreational uses. As a condition of the issuance to such a person of a commercial license for the possession of a species listed in this section, a bond may be required to provide for the removal of any species to which the license applies that may escape or be released from captivity for any reason. The amount of the bond will be determined by the Department after considering the degree of potential hazard to wildlife.

(f) A tax-exempt nonprofit organization that exhibits wildlife solely for educational or scientific purposes.

4. An interstate shipment of a species listed in this section may be transported through this State, without a permit or license issued by the Department, if:

(a) The shipper or transporter has evidence of lawful possession of the species issued by the state or country where the species originated;

(b) Mammals, birds or fish are accompanied by a health certificate issued by the state or country where the species originated that indicates the destination, origin and proof of ownership of the species being transported;

(c) The species is in this State for less than 48 hours; and

(d) The species is not unloaded or otherwise released while being transported through this State.

5. This section does not apply to the Department when it is conducting authorized introductions or transplantations of a native species of big game mammal listed in this section.


[Bd. of Fish & Game Comm'rs, No. 20 § 27.6, eff. 10-1-76]--(NAC A by Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs, 9-20-83; 4-27-84, eff. 5-25-84; 1-2-86; 11-14-88; 2-28-94; R168-99, 1-19-2000; R093-05, 10-31-2005; R052-07, 10-31-2007; R176-09, 4-20-2010; R054-11, 12-30-2011)


NAC 503.115 Restriction on transportation of live game fish. (NRS 501.105, 501.181, 503.597) 

Game fish taken under the authority of a fishing license or fishing permit may not be transported alive from the body of water where the game fish was taken.


(Added to NAC by Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs by R093-05, eff. 10-31-2005) 


NAC 503.130 Inspection of imported wildlife: Notification by Department. (NRS 501.105, 501.181, 503.597)


The Department will notify a person permitted to import wildlife of the time and place of inspection of imported wildlife subject to inspection.


[Bd. of Fish & Game Comm'rs, No. 20 § 27.7, eff. 9-20-75]


NAC 503.135 Permit to release wildlife. (NRS 501.105, 501.181, 503.597)

1. An application for a permit to release wildlife must be made on a form provided by and available from the Department at its office in Reno, Fallon, Elko or Las Vegas.

2. An applicant for a permit to release wildlife must include on the application:

(a) The name of the applicant;

(b) The physical and mailing address of his or her residence;

(c) The telephone number of his or her residence;

(d) The applicant's driver's license number, if he or she has been issued a driver's license;

(e) The name of the owner of the property where the wildlife is to be released;

(f) The address and legal description of the property where the wildlife is to be released;

(g) The species of each type of wildlife and the number of each such type of species to be released.

(h) The purpose for the release;

(i) The date on which the wildlife is to be released;

(j) The location or source from which the applicant has acquired, or will acquire, the wildlife to be released; and

(k) The applicant's signature and the date on which he or she signed the application.

3. If the Department determines, based on its evaluation of the application, that the condition of the wildlife to be released could pose potential harm to the existing wildlife of this State if released, the Department will require the applicant to submit to the Department a certificate of health issued by a licensed veterinarian or a fish pathologist approved by the Department, as appropriate, attesting to the health of the wildlife to be released.

4. Based on its evaluation of the application for a permit to release wildlife, the Department may make such stipulations and conditions on the use and scope of a permit as the Department determines appropriate. A violation of a stipulation or condition is cause for the cancellation of the permit.


(Added to NAC by Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs, eff. 8-21-97)


NAC 503.140 Species for which certain permits and licenses are not required: Specification; release; sale; exceptions. (NRS 501.105, 501.181, 503.597, 504.295) 

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4 and NAC 503.500 to 503.535, inclusive, the following animals may be possessed, transported, imported and exported without a permit or license issued by the Department:

(a) Canaries;

(b) Toucans;

(c) Lovebirds;

(d) Nonindigenous house finches;

(e) Parakeets;

(f) Cockatiels;

(g) Mynah birds;

(h) Parrots;

(i) Hamsters;

(j) Domesticated races of rats and mice;

(k) Gerbils;

(l) Guinea pigs;

(m) Monkeys and other primates;

(n) Aquarium fish;

(o) Marsupials;

(p) Elephants;

(q) All felines, except mountain lions and bobcats;

(r) Wolves that are lawfully acquired and bred in captivity;

(s) Camels (Camelus spp.);

(t) European ferret (Mustela putorius);

(u) Llamas (Lama glama);

(v) American Bison;

(w) Marine mammals;

(x) Ostrich (Struthio spp.);

(y) Emus (Dromiceius spp.);

(z) Rheas (Rhea spp.);

(aa) Nonvenomous, nonindigenous reptile species and subspecies;

(bb) Albino forms of indigenous reptile species;

(cc) Alpaca (Lama pacos);

(dd) Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris);

(ee) Old World species of pheasants, partridges, quails, francolin, peafowl and jungle fowl (nonendemic species of the subfamily Phasianae), except:

(1) Chukar partridge;

(2) Hungarian (gray) partridge;

(3) Snow cock; and

(4) Ring-necked and white, winged pheasant;

(ff) Domesticated races of turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), distinguished morphologically from wild birds;

(gg) Domesticated races of ducks and geese (Anatidae), distinguished morphologically from wild birds;

(hh) Domesticated races of chinchillas;

(ii) Domesticated races of mink;

(jj) Waterfowl reared in captivity that are lawfully acquired pursuant to the regulations adopted by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service;

(kk) Those species of ducks, geese and swans not listed as protected pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 16 U.S.C. §§ 703 et seq.;

(ll) Yak (Bos grunniens);

(mm) Cassowary;

(nn) Coturnix quail (Coturnix coturnix);

(oo) Zebra (Equus spp.);

(pp) Salt water fish, crustaceans and mollusks;

(qq) Nonindigenous species of amphibians, except:

(1) Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana); and

(2) Species listed in NAC 503.110;

(rr) African pygmy hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris); and

(ss) California kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getulus californiae) that do not have between their head and vent a continuous pattern of bands or rings regardless of whether the bands or rings are opened or closed.

2. Species listed in this section must not be released into the wild, except as otherwise authorized by the Department in writing.

3. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, lawfully acquired species listed in this section may be sold in Nevada.

4. This section does not authorize the sale, possession, transportation, importation or exportation of animals in violation of any applicable federal or state law, county or city ordinance, or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto.

5. As used in this section:

(a) “Aquarium fish” includes any species of fish, except the species listed in NAC 503.110, which is:

(1) Not used as bait or for human consumption; and

(2) Maintained for personal or pet industry purposes in a closed system that does not allow the species of fish to exit an aquarium or pond and does not allow any other live aquatic species to enter the aquarium or pond.

(b) “Wolves” includes any wolf or hybrid of a wolf. As used in this paragraph, “hybrid” means any canid hybrid resulting from the mating of a wolf and a dog.


[Bd. of Fish & Game Comm'rs, No. 20 § 27.11, eff. 10-1-76]--(NAC A by Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs, 11-5-81; 2-28-94; 5-22-97; R056-11, 12-30-2011)

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